My God, three years ago I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer, stage 4 metastasized to my lungs, they operated on me, I went through chemotherapy, radiation, radiotherapy and three years later I'm here, I'm so thankful to God. Miraculous, incomparable God, I believe in Him, in His boundless Love and Mercy
Meu Deus guarda e protege toda minha família de todo o mal em nome de Jesus Caroline Valentina Bryan Helena Heloisa José Helia Elisangela Taís Beatriz Bruno Sofia Anderson Marta Nivaldo Lilian wladimir amém
My God, three years ago I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer, stage 4 metastasized to my lungs, they operated on me, I went through chemotherapy, radiation, radiotherapy and three years later I'm here, I'm so thankful to God. Miraculous, incomparable God, I believe in Him, in His boundless Love and Mercy
Meu Deus guarda e protege toda minha família de todo o mal em nome de Jesus Caroline Valentina Bryan Helena Heloisa José Helia Elisangela Taís Beatriz Bruno Sofia Anderson Marta Nivaldo Lilian wladimir amém