How to install a CHARGEPIPE on an F30 340i B58

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @jkd_exe
    @jkd_exe 2 роки тому +43

    Rest In Peace, Chris. Thank you for all that you and Brian do for this channel and for BMWs guys like me.
    I just used this guide for my charge pipe and intake pipe. Thank you!

  • @andrewhorochovic8781
    @andrewhorochovic8781 4 роки тому +18

    Just bought a 340i from a guy in sicklerville. You guys actually installed the KWs that are on it! Keep the 340 vids coming

  • @torquesteer2657
    @torquesteer2657 3 місяці тому +1

    Best video yet on replacing the charge pipe on a b58 motor! 👍🏼

  • @vollcare4076
    @vollcare4076 4 роки тому +30

    Never heard the OEM chargepipe is a weak point on the B58 and needs to be replaced ! Yes on the N55 it was an issue

    • @parveyjohal2987
      @parveyjohal2987 3 роки тому

      If you upgrade turbos it will be a issue

    • @stevelewis0106
      @stevelewis0106 2 роки тому +1

      On any motor if the Turbos are upgraded or boosted more power they are plasric n collapse

  • @simonromero4294
    @simonromero4294 4 роки тому +5

    Good job Chris you are the man, it’s super nice Brian gets a little break and you working in your ride, colored FTP charge pipe Looks awesome I’m gonna order mine right now, Please keep doing upgrades in the 340, definitely u have a big B58 crowd waiting for good videos like this one. Kudos to Kies Motorsports 👍🏆☑️

  • @sgtofmarines9455
    @sgtofmarines9455 4 роки тому +8

    Nice! I just did mine on same motor, I did the FTP intake pipe as well.

  • @kennkart
    @kennkart 4 роки тому +4

    That intro was BOMB!!!

  • @steef-t
    @steef-t 4 роки тому

    Hi chris, thanks for explaining this so clearly, today I fitted my FTP chargepipe without a problem, after waching your video.

  • @ScottParisi
    @ScottParisi 4 роки тому +3

    Every time I see a DIY video, I feel like it's time to give Cliff a call.

  • @steveb540i
    @steveb540i 4 роки тому +1

    Great vid guys... the red looks waay cool matching your strut brace. Now you got me wanting one for my 2020 540i.

  • @chisingchen3290
    @chisingchen3290 4 роки тому +6

    I’m pushing 400whp on the stock charge pipe. If anyone is going to go stage 2 tune, the stock one is still good but If you’re planing on a bigger turbo then change the charge pipe.

    • @DjNikGnashers
      @DjNikGnashers 4 роки тому +7

      My M140i is well over 400bhp on the stock charge pipe, and I know of other B58 engines with 600+ bhp on the stock pipe, not one of them has had any failure.
      This is just engine bay bling for tarts.

    • @a20axf
      @a20axf Рік тому

      @@DjNikGnashers same here, got a manual 3 door 👌🏻 The B58 really doesn’t have this issue, but if upgrading turbos it’s probably a good idea to do it.

  • @gyabalousfabalous9
    @gyabalousfabalous9 3 роки тому +2

    I’m definitely getting a red one for my B48

  • @paull2868
    @paull2868 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks Chris. This may be my next mod.

  • @bmw_knight_f3052
    @bmw_knight_f3052 4 роки тому +1

    Brother!!!! Looks awesome with the color charge pipe!! Nice

  • @crymore609
    @crymore609 4 роки тому +1

    Just bought myself a vrsf chargepipe from your website kies! Just got here today just made my appointment at mod bargains for the installmwnt cant wait to run jb4 stage 2😃

    • @boosted440i9
      @boosted440i9 4 роки тому

      How’s it been running so far any problems?

    • @DjNikGnashers
      @DjNikGnashers 4 роки тому

      Throw that junk tuning box away and get a proper custom tune done by a performance specialist on a dyno.

    • @Nytro423
      @Nytro423 2 місяці тому

      @@DjNikGnashersor a bm3 stage 2 🤦. Custom tune on stock turbo isn’t worth it on b58

  • @xcashinx7370
    @xcashinx7370 4 роки тому +1

    Red intake , red charge pipe , red breaks 👌🔥

  • @teamsceptic3994
    @teamsceptic3994 4 роки тому +6

    hey dudes you motivated me to buy a f30 and upgrade it...

    • @elip8311
      @elip8311 7 місяців тому

      Did you ever follow through?

  • @gtsimmo1
    @gtsimmo1 3 роки тому

    So much better than the n55 charge pipe install. I had a hella time getting the factory one out and the top and bottom connected with the coupler on my F30 335i. However, charge pipe connection to the TB seems a lot studier on the B58. Hopefully I'll never need to change it on my G01 X3 though.

  • @davec5237
    @davec5237 4 роки тому +1

    Awesome, thanks for posting.

  • @scott02464
    @scott02464 4 роки тому +1

    ‘A Bugger to do’ how very British 🇬🇧😂👍👍

  • @Pa-hy1te
    @Pa-hy1te 2 роки тому +1

    This one is easy easy lol, good job! The N55 was pain in the ass. Is it really needed for the B58? Mine blew up on the N55 (completely stock with about 130k KM). But I do not see a reason why this should happen on the B58.

  • @JustAwesome2020
    @JustAwesome2020 4 роки тому +1

    Great install video I got to get this👍

  • @lennartverleye8700
    @lennartverleye8700 4 роки тому +13

    I thought bmw fixed the chargepipe issue on the B58 as it's stationary relative to the motor... (compared to the N55 which is connected to the stationary intercooler)

    • @TheFanatic340
      @TheFanatic340 4 роки тому +4

      It's far less likely to fail. I'm running 22psi through my stock one with stage 2 bootmod3 at 114,000 miles and it hasn't failed yet

    • @dylan-nguyen
      @dylan-nguyen 4 роки тому +1

      Lennart Verleye yes it’s better but still plastic parts. Hot side is prob constantly over 140F so could easily still crack

    • @junmaecarlo
      @junmaecarlo 4 роки тому

      So would an upgraded chargepipe be recommended anyway? I’m planning to do a stage 1 tune on my 340i but debating whether to switch out the plastic oem chargepipe or not

    • @Justanothercarguynyc
      @Justanothercarguynyc 4 роки тому +2

      It’s not needed my boy was running a pure 800 it was over boosting 35psi the motor blew before the charge pipe

    • @F80__Los
      @F80__Los Рік тому +2

      @@Justanothercarguynychow did he spend thousands on a turbo and not a couple hundred on a chargepipe 😭

  • @bimmerbelgium2254
    @bimmerbelgium2254 4 роки тому +3

    Does this add power? Or is it only preparing the engine for more power?

  • @teamsceptic3994
    @teamsceptic3994 4 роки тому +3

    And whill there be more f30 335i videos?

    • @GodKing804
      @GodKing804 4 роки тому

      He's done nearly 90% of mods for that car lol. Just meth and port injection would be the only thing missing.

    • @dylan-nguyen
      @dylan-nguyen 4 роки тому

      GodKing804 and hpfp/lpfp for e85

  • @gabrielcohen6825
    @gabrielcohen6825 4 роки тому +1

    Hi Guys, what is the difference between B58 and B48 charge pipes because it looks so similar.

  • @BMWFAMuk
    @BMWFAMuk 4 роки тому

    Looks fantastic love all your vids ..massive hello from over the pond in the uk own a f30 330d m sport take it you guys don’t do diesel due to gas being so cheap ?😃

  • @twinb5840
    @twinb5840 4 роки тому +3

    Where was this video 2 month ago when I was doing mine 😂 it took me 2 hours

  • @xxtagerxx8165
    @xxtagerxx8165 3 роки тому

    Is black and red the only color options
    Also does this fit on the 2016 rwd 340i?

  • @PatrickWDwyer
    @PatrickWDwyer 4 роки тому +2

    Car noob here, does this do anything perform wise or is it more preventative

    • @TheFanatic340
      @TheFanatic340 4 роки тому


    • @dylan-nguyen
      @dylan-nguyen 4 роки тому

      patrick dwyer prevention. But if you do this might as well get a bigger intercooler 1/2 way there already

    • @Le_Nutt
      @Le_Nutt 4 роки тому


    • @turb0flat437
      @turb0flat437 4 роки тому

      More preventive. You do get more turbo spool noise so that's cool if you like that.
      I am speaking from my experience with the N55 M135i I had before. The stock charge pipe blew on a piggyback and hard B road driving. I used the ER chargepipe (not the one here) after that, no further issues.
      I have a B58 M140i now and the piggyback is not causing issues with the stock charge pipe, so I'm not changing anything for now. The B58 is designed to be less stressful on the intake charge pipe, so you shouldn't need this mod unless you're planning big power, in my opinion. I'm unlikely to go beyond Stage 1 with a piggyback while my car is under warranty anyway.

    • @JoshNormandy
      @JoshNormandy 4 роки тому

      No gains, just prevention.

  • @alfrede.neuman8611
    @alfrede.neuman8611 3 роки тому +1

    Its a nice looking pipe, but not really a necessity on the B58. It's not prone to breaking like the N55 was.

  • @Jay-zu6vy
    @Jay-zu6vy 3 роки тому

    I blew mines on my X4 M40i it’s not located where yours is , it’s more towards the bottom side of the engine … any help on what tools I’ll need to replace it ?

  • @sebastienmarquet8686
    @sebastienmarquet8686 3 роки тому

    I think you forgot to show to remove a seal from the old CP on turbo side and transfer on the new one. I did the job on the N55 and each CP extremities had seals so i suppose it s the same there.

    • @DD-hj3sj
      @DD-hj3sj 3 роки тому

      Not on this platform.

  • @recklezz_9738
    @recklezz_9738 4 роки тому

    Can i upgrade my charge pipe and down pipe even if i don’t tune my car. I have a 16 340i. I do plan on going stage 1 but don’t plan on going past that. Any thoughts?

  • @carlsagan3065
    @carlsagan3065 3 роки тому

    Is there really a mechanical reason for this? The b58 pipes seem to be much more robust.

  • @richardzarate5250
    @richardzarate5250 4 роки тому +1

    Is there any type of performance gains with a charge pipe upgrade?

  • @vahanatanyan3901
    @vahanatanyan3901 4 роки тому

    where can i get the strut tower brace?

  • @dzovis
    @dzovis 4 роки тому

    Am I the only getting anxious about those 2 sensors, which one's which, when re-installing them? :D

  • @_luckii
    @_luckii 4 роки тому

    will this fit with a ‘17 model?

  • @gavinsloma
    @gavinsloma 3 роки тому +1

    wow I never want to do this .... what a mess

  • @JoshNormandy
    @JoshNormandy 4 роки тому +3


  • @opmike343
    @opmike343 4 роки тому

    The charge pipes on the M235i's pop like crazy. Mine blew at only 36K miles.

    • @DjNikGnashers
      @DjNikGnashers 4 роки тому +1

      Yours is a different engine, and the charge pipe was a weakness.
      On the B58 engine as in this video, the charge pipe is not a weakness, and the stock one is fine.

  • @OscarCastillo1
    @OscarCastillo1 4 роки тому +1

    Why not change the inlet while you had it off? Are you fellas open for business? I'd like a red charge pipe and inlet, if they even have them.

  • @Lse380
    @Lse380 4 роки тому


  • @Justanothercarguynyc
    @Justanothercarguynyc 4 роки тому

    It’s not needed my boy was running a pure 800 it was over boosting 35psi the motor blew before the charge pipe

  • @alexwu4162
    @alexwu4162 3 роки тому

    I snapped the vacuum line..

  • @uhZeny
    @uhZeny 4 роки тому

    B58 doesn’t fail but still a safe bet

  • @jfvalles68
    @jfvalles68 3 роки тому

    Anyone get a p120d code after doing this?

  • @GodKing804
    @GodKing804 4 роки тому +1

    Pls don't be made in china, ive blown a aluminum charge pipe on my n55 from a reputable brand. This brand is new and I hope they are doing things differently! Awsome color

  • @scottjohnson8316
    @scottjohnson8316 3 роки тому

    So to open the hood we need to remove the entire front bumper and drop the subframe....I love my 340 but man way to complicated for the most minute things!! Hans you not impressing anyone

  • @mattmartin598
    @mattmartin598 3 роки тому

    Funny how people dog on plastic, everyone wants metal. Metal is so much more susceptible to heat soak... only benefit to this is it looks better.

  • @cristiancoppola5523
    @cristiancoppola5523 2 роки тому

    How many meth nozzle have?