Chris Caldwell is able to take a view on Europe as an outsider and then share his expert observations. As a Dutchman who lived in Sweden for a few years, I've found his writings incredibly insightful.
Indeed, his talk was most interesting. My socialist-inclined millenial son is always bringing up Sweden as an example of how socialism is a viable alternative for the U.S. and I'm always telling him it's apples and oranges, that Sweden and America are too different such that what works in one place is not likely to work anywhere else. Mr. Caldwell makes the case that things aren't working in Sweden any longer, and clearly explains why.
I am a Swed. Free health care is easy. There is free military organizations! I mean, if someone have afford to military, they have afford free hospit. = No one can fail in life so much to no return. Free hospital gives people a eternal comeback so to speak! If we just stopped before Olof Palme. I really believe that Sweden will be the the lost family member in Scandinavia. I mourn daily. Really thinking about how wrong everything has become. There is a situation right now in Sweden 2020 that is serious. With asylum costs is a big burden. Social Democrat wants to hide the costs. Instead of raising taxes more than 33% directly on salary to cover costs. Now provinces are forced to receive asylum people. With each asylum, money from the State comes two years ahead. After that, provinces have to take care of the costs themselves. Provinces governed by Social Democrats and laws requiring the province to assume its responsibilities. As a result, provinces do not want to raise the province's tax. Prestige and pride. The facade must be beautiful. Otherwise, the Social Democrats show that Swedish Socialism has failed like everyone else. It result in "cheese slicer politics" In alot number of employees lose their jobs in Socialist activities to reduce costs. Women nursing become ill by the heavy task in on their jobs. Liquidation of schools. Centralization of schools. Liquidation of the small fire station. My wife is a nurse. Recent savings in the province is not to dismiss people from work. The budget is based on an appeal and compassion to use cheap consumable materials and cursed to the old people in Care. It was the drip that made the beaker run over. She ended up working in care with a fixed position. She no longer wants personal contact with her work. Her profession is a call. And she can't work on personal contact (close to the patient) when she can't give her heart. The government continues to pump 90,000-120,000 asylum every year. Asylum. family reunion Bilateral conventions etcetera etcetera. Samizdat media is growing like wildfire on Swedish internet. Swedish military has diagnosed society problems in Sweden Type class 5 There is a social atmosphere class Type case 1: Contingency increase, mobilization and transport to the exit areas Typical case 2: Attacks with long-range weapons and more, aimed mainly at civilian targets Case 3: Attacks with long-range weapons, primarily against military targets Typical case 4: Attacks involving land rise and air landing against important areas in Sweden Typical case 5: Extensive and escalating gray zone problems (NO increaed readiness) The is alot of Disappointment. Frustreration. I Hope the language barrier doesn't make things sound worse than it is. Cultural sweds are calm. We are waiting for the next election. But my index finger shows a direction ...
The Swedes could not fathom that immigrants would not share their work ethic and profound feeling of obligation to the honor system. The Swedes got a wakeup call. Now their culture will soon be subsumed.
Pamela Rice Name one culture in history which has not either been 'subsumed' or substantially modified by influence from elsewhere. Let's be realists, not romantics. (Acts 17:26) '...and He made from one man [one blood] every nation of mankind to live on all th face of the earth, having determined appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation................' Note Who is in control of this process, and also the fact of our common ancestry.
The question I would have asked would have been: Did the leaders of Sweden consult the general public on the issue of migration from African and middle eastern countries or were the decisions to allow mass migration from these culturally different areas forced on them ? He States that Sweden was upholding it's high moral standards. Was there a referendum, a vote by the swedish citizens ? The fact that there is poverty and hunger in some countries never seems to affect the leaders thinking about instituting some form of population control. Strangely enough it was the communist government in China that has been the only country in modern times to make an attempt to limit population growth.
No they did not. The polls have show a majority has always been against mass immigration, at least since the 1980s. In 10 years our population grew with more than 10% Note that Swedish birth rate is like 1.7 for natives. So it's probably more like 12-13% This is the reason why we are fucked. But I will never ever leave. The roots are too deep.
No referendum. Polls since 1980 says only 10-15% wanted higher immigration. About 60-70% less. But our politicians increased immigration every 5 years regardless of political party in power. Since 2010 we have a party, Swedish Democrats who want to reduce immigration. Today we are the largest party in the polls at 25% and we are growing.
macc240038 Are you suggesting that cultural and racial difference are sufficient grounds for rejecting a prospective immigrant? If so, be sure that the tables could be turned on you; and in that case, you might be tempted to appeal to the principle of universal human equality. See what it feels like when the shoe is on the other foot. I have heard that the Indian gov't also made efforts to limit population growth by promoting family planning. In most 'advanced' countries, birthrates have fallen dramatically without ANY State intervention. People who choose to build their careers before considering marriage or raising a family typically produce few children. Unfortunately, sexual immorality thrives in such a culture. It's probably safe to assume that most 'yuppies' are NOT celibate. Is it any wonder that our society has become corrupt and degenerate? As for the METHOD by which the Chinese 'controlled' their population, it might better be described as CULLING. For I have heard that under the former one-child policy, more than 300 MILLION ABORTIONS were performed, MANY OF THESE FORCED. 'Do not murder' is one of the basic and best-known Biblical commandments. But many people nowadays feel that it does not apply in the case of those unable to resist or protest their own execution.
I always seem to find myself correcting American academics about one fundamental fact concerning the so-called 'Swedish Model', so here goes: The Swedish Model was essentially an agreement between employers and unions in the early 30s, that ensured the workers would get fair pay, good working conditions, health benefits etc, while the employers would get a workforce that didn't strike all the time. Right through Sweden's socialist era a high proportion of Sweden's companies were privately owned (Wallenbergs = heavy industry, Bonniers = publishing etc) and almost none of Sweden's industry was nationalised (the only notable exception was the coal miners, who were so militant that the government took the entire industry in hand) On the whole, the government's only participation in this was to rake in taxes, not only from industrialists and their highly productive companies, but also from a fully employed and well-paid workforce. There was never any desire to mess with the captains of industry too much, because the economy relied on their businesses Olof Palme got greedy. His brand of socialism disapproved of capitalists on principle, and he taxed them to the hilt. Entrepreneurship didn't disappear, but a lot of the capital migrated abroad. Meanwhile, the rising immigrant population put an increasing strain on the social welfare system (still getting worse to this day) while the number of governnment
...sorry ..government employees rose and the tax base shrank. This is the fundamental problem with Swedish socialism that Bernie Sanders won't address. What happens to a cradle-to-grave social safety net when the number of people who are paying for it is outnumbered by the number of people relying on it, and that number is widening exponentially?
@@lostinsweden5039 Thanks for the inside look. Notice you omit the problem of the culture of the latest wave of immigrants being diametrically opposed to western values, refuses to assimilate, has an ideology of world domination by divine command, nothing less, treats women as lesser humans, can have up to 4 wives + outside sex partners, a propensity towards violence and a birth rate that may be the most prolific on earth (which is also part of their conquest strategy, emigration, forgot the Arabic word for it.) Lastly, they also have a doctrine called Jizyah, a tax on the people of conquered lands. They tend to view aid given them as deserved since it is a Jizyah from a country under occupation, as they also view every Mosque site as conquered territory. Look across Europe, 2" thick bullet proof glass walls on two sides of the Eiffel Tower - Fences on the other sides and armed guards on patrol. Concrete barriers in Denmark and London maybe more. Violent crime spike in many EU countries since 2015 (not Hungary and Poland by the way). Jews exiting France. You may say to me 'Not all', I would say to you 'Far too many', and as always, the violent oppress the moderates and often rule the day. Hope very much you can turn this around and save beautiful Sweden. Regards
@@dongaetano3687 Absolutely not omitting the problem. I'm acutely aware of it, and saddened/frightened about it. The irresponsibility of Western European governments concerning the Religion of Total and Unending War has been, in my view, one of the great betrayals of modern history. And Sweden is one of the countries that will probably never recover from it (I'd put Belgium, Holland and Ireland in there as well) The bigger countries like Germany, France, Italy and Britain may (I stress may) have the size to absorb the problem, if the immigration halts now. Sweden has gone too far already. But I was mostly just talking about pre-contemporary politics in my first post. This debate about Islamic immigration has only really kicked off in the past decade. Thanks for your post.
Just a minor point: We don’t have coal in Sweden, but we have iron. It was the iron miners in the far north who went on wild strikes, which was quashed by Palme.
I’m sick to death of this double standard where Nazis are treated as the ultimate villain, while Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro are just a bunch of guys. This imbalance is all there to cast disadvantage to the right. I think we need to play their game... Vilify these Communist leaders and draw associations with current Leftists. I’ve done it and I find that it actually works. It puts the Left on the defensive and weakens their moral authority.
We in Sweden took not part of WW1, but in many other countries it was the same. The true difference was WW2. All countries took part in that except Sweden. We still feel ashame in Sweden because we helped Hitler 1939-1943 and then changed side when they started to loose the war. In all nordic countries it was the same. No real nationalist party in till 1995. And in no country did we have a true right wing party. Those who say they are right wing in Scandinavia... they are not right and loves a big state, high taxes, high regulation, welfare, free stuff.
A bit tiresome to hear another american misunderstanding Sweden. Sweden has never been socialist, on the contaray. Today it’s more deregulated than most countries, has more start-ups, more export industries and well educated people than most countries. The ’socialistic’ part is rethoric and involve free education, health care and a tax based unemployment security net. With a declining deficit at about 30 % of gdp the state finances are in excellent shape. No doubt immigration is problematic with crimilanilty and unemployment but to put it in perspective, the murder rate is unchanged since decades with minor fluctuations and at about a fith compared to the US. And if the US did not destroy societies in Irak, Syria and Libya, there would not have been exceptional refugee influxes to Europe and Sweden.
Probably better if Swedes keep a low profile in terms of history. A future generation elsewhere might justly claim reparations for Nazi war machine collaborations. Sleep soundly in your bed under US inspired/paid NATO nuclear umbrella. Wake up and know that the new day has cost American lives.
Mr bobinge Your comment does not have a lot to do with the question if Sweden is socialist or not. If you can’t connect the dots between war in the Middle East and the flow of immigrants to Europe recently, well, there’s not a lot to discuss.
Sweden isn’t socialist in that sense. Caldwell doesn’t disagree with you. He also dislikes the Swedish system anyway, particularly the immigration policies that have come to define the nation.
I must comment again. I have never in my more than 60-year life heard i single people in my country referred Sweden as a socialitic state. Never! The Social Democrat Party has always kept it's gards up and cling to be in power. And, yes, I think the people in Sweden in a way have been brainwashed, but you must concider the great success of the economy after WWII, one of the richest in the world with only seven million people. Do you think a socialist country can manage that, in that case - give me an example. But today it's totally something else, Sweden, I agree is, in heavy decline.
I wiish Mr. Caldwell had the opportunity to discuss the immigration and refugee crisis of 2015 and how it brought about drastic changes in the law, and how present migration laws require economic self sufficiency on petitioner to reunite families and how families are keep separated outside of Sweden if economic sufficiency is not established. This fact never quoted by leftists in the US that denounce ICE as barbaric.
Always funny to hear amercans talking abouth sweden. Funny also to read norwegian and finnish comments.. Mr Caldwell is has done his lesson on the period 40-70, the in tends to go to wide generalizations. By the way how many colored perople live in Finland? Norways oil wont last forever!
I always find it funny to hear Swedes talk about America, especially since Sweden is legitimately just an extension of global Anglo culture at this point. The Swedes I met at uni talked like Sweden was apart of the British or Portuguese Empire or something in terms of their guilt about yada yada.
Sweden 1960… fabulous economy... Sweden 1979... terrible economy.. what happened in that time frame? People thought the economy would support socialist goals, it didn't, 10% of the population fled with everything not nailed down. With a very weakened situation Sweden became a follower, instead of a leader- followed the E.U. disaster, the Merkel/Muslim importation... now 15% of the women in Sweden fear to go out at night.Financial strength and independence are tied hand to hand... loss of one, leads to another.
No. All was ok until 1990, the economy too. From 1991 we had an explosion of immigrants at the worst time. Real estate fell (as it did internationally) and the global recession about 1990-1994 hit Sweden extra hard. But remenber, in those 4 years är took about 3.5% extra population from mainly Yugoslavia at the worst moment. People tend to forget that. And the tax system was awful in 1990 and we had to change it completely. We had margin taxes at 95% for those with the highest income!!!!!!!!
BY 1979 the largest corporations left in Sweden were the music group ABBA and Bjorn Borg the tennis player.. back in 1960 about 40% of all the major corporations in Europe had operations in Sweden. Socialization in Sweden required massive taxation and the corporations simply left, followed by the rich, followed by the upper classes... toll 10% of Sweden had immigrated OUT OF SWEDEN. It was NOT OKAY TO HAVE THE 10% with the MONEY leave the COUNTRY!!The result.. RESULT... was Sweden TOOK IN.. workers, cheap workers... the Result was Sweden started pulling it collective head out of its collective ass.The Global' of 1990' was RICH PEOPLE NOT INVESTING... because of retraction, recession, triggered by war threats.Now, what have you learned here today?Taking rich people out of the equation by way of taxation always means Malaise, a lowering of standards, a weakling of a society... decades of misery, perhaps a half century to recover only partially.Swedish emigrants that left Sweden ADDED to the health of other countries, good people, hard workers and in the case of those that came to America, made 10% more in America than in Sweden, given exchange rates accounting for during the time of transfer. The Cheap labor imported.. the same, as to income levels rising... but not especially good/hard workers... as the Natives. The 'cheap labor imports eventually extended into Middle East imports under the stupid/anarchy of Merkel/U.N.- refugee peoples and Sweden is actually bleeding more Native populations now.. once again... Swedes are leaving Sweden where they can.Weaker countries flounder... don't become one America.
Alex berenson | marijuana, mental health, violence Why are the comments off? Wouldn’t want any kind of open discussion about your propaganda now would we? Seriously what problem could possibly arise from having comments on? There’s no reason there’s no justification. It’s sad
Norway have had 1/10 of our immigration in Sweden!!!! Same with Denmark and Finland. Denmark does NOT have draconian laws. All countries in the north are the least rasist in the world according to all studies.
Your first sentence doesn’t make sense really. Also, the idea that the Scandinavians are the “least racist” is absurd. They’re the most generous in terms of refugee inflows, but as the presenter says, this has led to a lot of segregation, not a harmonious post racial society.
Do you mean people from the M.E. or from the Muslim faith... Perhaps Christain M.E. immgirants are fine for you....!!! You are a bit of an idiot but at least you recognise mass immigration of hardcore, ultra-right-wing religious nutters into Europe is a major problem... Personally, as I'm not an internationalist on steroids and crack I'd ban US Christain nutjobs from entering The UK as well, with all their creatard, moronic TV channels taxed at 1000%.... or more... same for the Muislim Media... Military offence is the worst form of non-defence as all the aggressive neo-lib-con wars of aggression prove (in the UK, at least... including WW2 - they imported millions after we lost WW2 to The US (The Winning Nazti Nazion) sadly, let alone The War of Terror with yet more imported.
@@ENGLISHMURPHY .. Do you believe in no individual property rights, only shared ownership of property? No land of your own, no tools or toys of your own, no giving or receiving of presents, food rationed by The Collective (usually the Nazti uber-state) and forcibly confiscated if you resist, even as the loweliest of smallholders with just enough to feed your family... If so you are a socialist... You probably aren't that extremist so I doubt you're a real socialist... Scandinavia is NOT SOCIALIST, it's more SOCIALISTIC than other nations... North Korea and The Soviet Union and China 20 years+ ago were socialist... Venezuala too..... The Far Right believe Capitalists should rule/own The State that rules/owns The People - with an iron fist.... The Far Left believe The State should rule/own The Capital and The People - and rule with a sharp sickle (yeah, sickles cut bundles of sticks).... The Left Wing Socialists were the original popular movements laced with heavy doses of nationalism - starting well before The Nazis. Many of their leaders were internationalists though, and very aggressive ones, like the mercantile capitalists and colonial rulers (rivals fighting for the Throne of Uber-Power)... The Liberals infilitrated many leftist groups but also right wing groups via the neo-liberalsism of Reaganomics (economic liberalism) and more recently Libertarians calling for much the same.... 'Free Trade' and all that.... but at least they want to profit from legalised weed. Personally, I'd like to live in a nation with low immigration, a steady population count that is socially liberal in a low key way and very fiscally conservative state, aiming towards non-instrusive, secure automation.. A form of Minarchism... Liberal, but without people being constantly pressured by PC zealots. I don't want the 'crazy liberal competition' pumped up by the dumbing-down liberal media, with stupid OTT people promoted liberally.... National Liberalism is a bit of an oxymoron but it's the term that fits the best to me.. Liberal Nationalism sounds too much like out of control nazionalism...
Absolutely stellar analysis in many but not all points my opinion. I have heard it called a Market (capitalist) economy which fueled the extended welfare programs. I hope, they will be able to turn around the migration problem both there and in Europe. I also hope Mr Caldwell will join those sounding the alarm about Islamization of the west as planned by Islamic countries. He is in my opinion partially blind in his assessment of the Islamic intent and trouble going on in Sweden and other countries currently. From memory - up to 100 grenade explosions this year and other explosions, in Sweden. Violent No-Go Zones with video of Police cars riddled with automatic weapons fire. Women only Rock or Music concerts because of the amount of Sexual assaults and a major musician refusing to play those concerts so as not to be a part of the venue enabling the assaults. It is bad - very , very bad. "Too late" actually means a Sharia country, not simply loss of culture - rather loss of everything good.
The neo-lib-con War of Terror didn't help.... Europe is run by greedy capitalists who want and get the mass importation of brains and brawn... The Swedish Socialists are also Nazti types, banging on about 'work ethic' and the like, because they are addicted to growth / paranoid of not enough 'growth'... for The State purse... Sweden is a MIXED ECONOMY, it is not socialist... The middle class bourgeoisie want their servants and nannies too.... It's an aging population without mass immigration.
The neo-lib-con War of Terror didn't help.... Europe is run by greedy capitalists who want and get the mass importation of brains and brawn... The Swedish Socialists are also Nazti types, banging on about 'work ethic' and the like, because they are addicted to growth / paranoid of not enough 'growth'... for The State purse... Sweden is a MIXED ECONOMY, it is not socialist... The middle class bourgeoisie want their servants and nannies too.... It's an aging population without mass immigration.
With all respect to Mr. Christopher Caldwell and his vision on Sweden Socialism. Please don't forget that his Sweden ideas of socialistic societies is still based on philosophy of Karl Marks (May 5 1818). Karl Marks and I have one thing in common: we both are Jewish men. Everything else about us is so different. Let say there is about 200 hundred years between us. Just that, two centuries between todays science knowledge base in social behavior would fundamentally change the way of Marks thinking. If Mr. Marks would have been equipped with today's knowledge about social society, he would become a strong critique of Mr. Bernie Senders (D) presidential contestant 2020 and, would fundamentally develop his new understanding of a complex mechanism and Marks' own critique of his historical work named Kapital. I am sure our democrat Mr. Bernie Senders with his biggest cookie and chocolate chips knows about that, however, he doesn't tell it to his young electorate that the society will never extend to them with motherly-like love and promise to feed them forever. He even didn't tell to his beautiful follower Ocasio Cortez that today's K. Marks would reject himself, his own social theory and become the biggest opponent to Burnie Sanders 2020 election. When it comes to Mr. Christopher Caldwell, he also, just like Bernie, doesn't say that Sweden socialism has already been denied by the people of Sweden.
Socialism is confused with Collectivism by Millennials. Seeing more similarities than differences brings this mindset that is too extreme to be healthy. Differences should not be eliminated for embracing a homogeneous blending that would erase cultural differences that are beautiful and irreplaceable. Celebrate both, differences and similarities.
until someone pays meaningful taxes, has a mortgage, and dependents/children to support, their opinions are just childish fancies. Europe has a number of peculiarities. Prior to Roman times, it was a collection of self-ruled nation-peoples with differences between groups. By the middle-ages, the nobility may not have been local stock, and may have resided far away. Even though nation-states were formed in the 19th century, by then, the people had become mixed. The Nazi's encountered major difficulties in reconciling their purist theory with actual circumstances. To extent, the Scandinavian did not have as much separation between local people and ruling class as other parts of Europe. The socialism that may have worked in Sweden with people having a common culture may not work with different cultures.
Joe Chang The last point is a fair one. Systemic transplantation across cultural boundaries is not likely to succeed very well. However you first comment puzzles me. What have you against those who have less than you do? Does their relative poverty or lack of involvement in complex financial operations render all their opinions worthless? What is the proper measure of a human being? Christ says that 'not even when one has an abundance does his life consist of his possessions.' By no means am I suggesting that those without expertise in economic affairs should frame economic policy! Surely experience and training matter a great deal when coupled with good sense and (one hopes) wisdom. Let us beware 'classism' however.
@@jesusislordsavior6343 "against those who have less than you do"? ??? I made no such statements. I put adults into two groups: 1) someone with dependent children and / or mortgage and 2) those who do not. Obviously a person could have one of the two criteria and not the other. A person without either is likely to be young and has freedom to go and do what he wants (unless he is buried student loans). So he might be willing to tinker with the fabric of society. If the tinkering goes south, he can probably recover. A person with both mortgage and dependent children is heavily tied to obligations. Any change in the social fabric or economy could have serious ramifications. So basically we have two groups: one risk tolerant and the other risk averse. the risk tolerant person might take fancy to grandiose ideas, the risk averse person takes the position: don't f-up the current situation.
@@joechang8696 The detailed explanation is much appreciated. I think you are objecting to the behavior of those who take grand risks on behalf of others, without considering the potential for harm. There are some at the lower end of the socioeconomic scale who are exposed continually to risk whether they like it or not. Other categories of people may willingly accept risk but only under certain conditions, out of moral compulsion for example, or in the case of emigrants seeking a new life abroad. Yet others enjoy risk-taking for temperamental, even pathological reasons. It takes many types to make a world.
As an anti socialist even I know it's WORKERS owning the means of production, not The Government.... but yes, this normally results in The State owning much or everything on behalf on The Workers..... The State is not The Government... A government is part of The State if one exists.
You don't get it. Sweden has never been a socialistic country! It's core is the capitalistic way to look att the economy. I think you misunderstand the name, Socialdemokraterna, The Social Democrat Party, it's more like a liberal party with profound roots in the working class, but they have always turn their back on any communist party. The party has always been keen on helping the big companys but less towards small firms. Big has been the cornerstone for the party but aim has always been to support capitalism. For me to learn that, as you claims, been living i a socialist state, that is unheared for me. Since I was borned 1957, what are you talking of. I can also add that I am an rightwing nationalist, those that makes it clearer, no such party as Socialdemokraterna for me - never. But your notion is wrong from the start!
No, the ethnic Swedish population is not stable, it is below replacement level. This lecture fails to note how childbirth is strongly inverse to female empowerment as a general rule. Sweden is not being overrun by immigrants as much as dying from the cancer of feminism, with secularism adding to this. Having castrated their men, the dying lonely wombs are importing barbaric men who are not so easily tamed. I'm not saying what this man says is wrong, but it has a huge blindspot. I have noted that most lectures at Hillsdale avoid hurting their own bottom line by pointing out that college encourages women not to have children when they biologically can. We true conservatives will outbreed you.
Swedes have a good self-esteem and are driven, that combo makes them highly successful, many societies damage their kids, they end up having poor confidence to build great things, the entrepreneur part of the society is much smaller and you have more people working for a secure wage.This gives the economy a stability but its the entrepreneurs that give a society its vigor. Connecting self-esteem with economic prosperity is easy to do on an individual basis, most people in high functioning positions must have a very healthy self-esteem and be highly motivated, I believe this dynamic plays itself out on a larger scale too.
Indeed. But the good Swedes have taken the Self esteem bit to mean uncritical self boasting. Virtue signaling without virtue. And I might add that their policies are ruining the country beyond what is fixable, with plenty of dead swedes as a result. Some confidence
@@TexRex6352 I agree there are many things wrong with the Swedish mentality, I think its very feminine in its collective consciousness, was viking society matriarchal? They sure do act like a women on a national scale, group think, fear of ostracization, letting in foreigners because of "empathy", cognitive dissonance when faced with the facts of reality. There is plenty wrong with their society, I was just pointing out something they get right as a society.
Think of Norway as the little brother and Denmark as the Big brother who gets along rly well. Then look at Sweden, the immoral jealuos cusin who resents the older brother and thinks of the little brother as a slave colony...
Sweden has proven Hungary right, why immigration should be strictly regulated, especially with regard to Muslim countries who take full advantage and typically transform host countries into something resembling Arabic countries instead. No-go zones and rape capitol aren't good reasons to allow unchecked immigration.
What a joke. Sweden isn't a socialist country. There is no Swedish socialism. What he means is the Nordic Social Welfare Model. But he is to opinionated to give it a clear review.
America since the... sexties? BLUSH :P I hate Swedish socialism, but wait... did you just say that Swedes didn't have contacts with Roman culture, that they were primitive and uncultured (??!!), then that Poles had those contacts, and then you immediately arrive in XIX century?? Well, Scandinavia is the motherland of Goths, who obviously had a lot to do with Roman Empire and other Nordic and Germanic tribes, like Geats (perhaps those Goths, who stayed in Scandinavia) and Swedes, who also had at least something to do wit it. Varangians, who recruited from Swedes and other tribes, turned Rhos and Rus ppl and had extensive contacts with Byzantium and central Europe. Western Christianity was introduced into Sweden in 829. What about Kalmar Union? What about John III Vasa marrying Catherine Jagellonica of Poland, what about Sigismund III Vasa, king of Poland and Sweden? What about Swedish Empire?? I don't hate Swedes so much to say they were primitive and uncultured, I just hate Socialism. It's because (among other things) I think that Socialism in a long run makes ppl forget their roots and history and thus makes them uncultured and barbaric. You could as well say that Poles didn't have any contacts with Roman culture, because Romans never conquered lands by the Vistula river. There wasn't persecution of Jews in 1968 in Poland! It was kinda Polish-specific version of Revolution '68 in which the western neo-Marxist, Trotskyist and Maoist currents weren't exactly able to penetrate the iron curtain (yet). It manifested with Chamy-Żydy (Tykes vs. Judeo-Commies) split within the PZPR (PUWP) itself. Chamy were the Commies of Polish ethnicity and Judeo-Commies were Bolshevik Jews of NKVD origin. In result the Commie Jews were expelled from Poland, mostly without any hurt and with all property. They were even granted their travel tickets, preferably to Israel. After 1945 these Bolshevik Jews occupied 50%-100% of directorial positions in Communist apparatus, depending on office and 30-40% of positions overall. They were (and are) responsible for tens of thousands of victims of introducing Communism in Poland. E.g. Stefan Michnik [ ], brother of Adam Michnik (actually Aaron Szechter) - editor-in-chief of famous Polish Gazeta Wyborcza (Electorial Newspaper), who is well heard in the West and always tells you stories about inherent Polish antisemitism and fascism. Both half-brothers inherit from pre-war KPP (Communist Party of Poland) ideology. Thank you for Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam!
Stop insulting Sweden please. And also, this fellow is not completely ignorant by any means, but he's factually mistaken on points too. Though the broader point is right i suppose. Thank you, from Norway
"Stop insulting Sweden please." Reporting reality is not insulting. Also there would be no need for that- Sweden is destroying and insulting itself, no help needed.
@@jjforcebreaker Yes indeed. I was thinking about his less fortunate points about Swedish history. Sweden used quite cultural centre at the turn of tha last century
There was no argument in your comment whatsover. Please fix your country. It's starting to be a threat for the rest of Europe. Terroristnästet Sverige håller på äventyra Europa och ingen i Sverige är ens beredd att prata om det.
Chris Caldwell is able to take a view on Europe as an outsider and then share his expert observations. As a Dutchman who lived in Sweden for a few years, I've found his writings incredibly insightful.
That was unexpectedly fascinating! Would have listened to Mr Caldwell talk about Sweden for another hour.
Indeed, his talk was most interesting. My socialist-inclined millenial son is always bringing up Sweden as an example of how socialism is a viable alternative for the U.S. and I'm always telling him it's apples and oranges, that Sweden and America are too different such that what works in one place is not likely to work anywhere else. Mr. Caldwell makes the case that things aren't working in Sweden any longer, and clearly explains why.
I am a Swed.
Free health care is easy.
There is free military organizations!
I mean, if someone have afford to military, they have afford free hospit. = No one can fail in life so much to no return. Free hospital gives people a eternal comeback so to speak!
If we just stopped before Olof Palme.
I really believe that Sweden will be the the lost family member in Scandinavia.
I mourn daily.
Really thinking about how wrong everything has become.
There is a situation right now in Sweden 2020 that is serious.
With asylum costs is a big burden. Social Democrat wants to hide the costs.
Instead of raising taxes more than 33% directly on salary to cover costs. Now provinces are forced to receive asylum people.
With each asylum, money from the State comes two years ahead.
After that, provinces have to take care of the costs themselves.
Provinces governed by Social Democrats and laws requiring the province to assume its responsibilities.
As a result, provinces do not want to raise the province's tax.
Prestige and pride.
The facade must be beautiful.
Otherwise, the Social Democrats show that Swedish Socialism has failed like everyone else.
It result in "cheese slicer politics" In alot number of employees lose their jobs in Socialist activities to reduce costs. Women nursing become ill by the heavy task in on their jobs.
Liquidation of schools.
Centralization of schools.
Liquidation of the small fire station.
My wife is a nurse.
Recent savings in the province is not to dismiss people from work.
The budget is based on an appeal and compassion to use cheap consumable materials and cursed to the old people in Care.
It was the drip that made the beaker run over.
She ended up working in care with a fixed position. She no longer wants personal contact with her work.
Her profession is a call.
And she can't work on personal contact (close to the patient) when she can't give her heart.
The government continues to pump 90,000-120,000 asylum every year.
family reunion
Bilateral conventions etcetera etcetera.
Samizdat media is growing like wildfire on Swedish internet.
Swedish military has diagnosed society problems in Sweden Type class 5
There is a social atmosphere class
Type case 1: Contingency increase, mobilization and transport to the exit areas
Typical case 2: Attacks with long-range weapons and more, aimed mainly at civilian targets
Case 3: Attacks with long-range weapons, primarily against military targets
Typical case 4: Attacks involving land rise and air landing against important areas in Sweden
Typical case 5: Extensive and escalating gray zone problems (NO increaed readiness)
The is alot of Disappointment.
I Hope the language barrier doesn't make things sound worse than it is.
Cultural sweds are calm.
We are waiting for the next election.
But my index finger shows a direction ...
Caldwell is a crazy pos and so are you. He says that coercion and theft is not an "indefensible" desire 5:11
@@radicalveg00 if you haven't disowned your son for being an evil psycho you're no better than him. An apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
The Swedes could not fathom that immigrants would not share their work ethic and profound feeling of obligation to the honor system. The Swedes got a wakeup call. Now their culture will soon be subsumed.
Pamela Rice
Name one culture in history which has not either been 'subsumed' or substantially modified by influence from elsewhere. Let's be realists, not romantics.
(Acts 17:26) '...and He made from one man [one blood] every nation of mankind to live on all th face of the earth, having determined appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation................'
Note Who is in control of this process, and also the fact of our common ancestry.
The hard work ethic of the European population in this country work everyday of life. Other cultures do not work like that so are a drain
The question I would have asked would have been: Did the leaders of Sweden consult the general public on the issue of migration from African and middle eastern countries or were the decisions to allow mass migration from these culturally different areas forced on them ? He States that Sweden was upholding it's high moral standards. Was there a referendum, a vote by the swedish citizens ? The fact that there is poverty and hunger in some countries never seems to affect the leaders thinking about instituting some form of population control. Strangely enough it was the communist government in China that has been the only country in modern times to make an attempt to limit population growth.
they voted them in didn't they
No they did not. The polls have show a majority has always been against mass immigration, at least since the 1980s. In 10 years our population grew with more than 10% Note that Swedish birth rate is like 1.7 for natives. So it's probably more like 12-13% This is the reason why we are fucked. But I will never ever leave. The roots are too deep.
No referendum. Polls since 1980 says only 10-15% wanted higher immigration. About 60-70% less. But our politicians increased immigration every 5 years regardless of political party in power. Since 2010 we have a party, Swedish Democrats who want to reduce immigration. Today we are the largest party in the polls at 25% and we are growing.
Are you suggesting that cultural and racial difference are sufficient grounds for rejecting a prospective immigrant? If so, be sure that the tables could be turned on you; and in that case, you might be tempted to appeal to the principle of universal human equality.
See what it feels like when the shoe is on the other foot.
I have heard that the Indian gov't also made efforts to limit population growth by promoting family planning. In most 'advanced' countries, birthrates have fallen dramatically without ANY State intervention. People who choose to build their careers before considering marriage or raising a family typically produce few children. Unfortunately, sexual immorality thrives in such a culture. It's probably safe to assume that most 'yuppies' are NOT celibate.
Is it any wonder that our society has become corrupt and degenerate?
As for the METHOD by which the Chinese 'controlled' their population, it might better be described as CULLING. For I have heard that under the former one-child policy, more than 300 MILLION ABORTIONS were performed, MANY OF THESE FORCED.
'Do not murder' is one of the basic and best-known Biblical commandments.
But many people nowadays feel that it does not apply in the case of those unable to resist or protest their own execution.
Great talk, always happy to hear Mr. Caldwell.
Caldwell is a crazy pos and so are you. He says that coercion and theft is not an "indefensible" desire 5:11
Thank you Hillsdale for this program. Excellent!
I always seem to find myself correcting American academics about one fundamental fact concerning the so-called 'Swedish Model', so here goes:
The Swedish Model was essentially an agreement between employers and unions in the early 30s, that ensured the workers would get fair pay, good working conditions, health benefits etc, while the employers would get a workforce that didn't strike all the time. Right through Sweden's socialist era a high proportion of Sweden's companies were privately owned (Wallenbergs = heavy industry, Bonniers = publishing etc) and almost none of Sweden's industry was nationalised (the only notable exception was the coal miners, who were so militant that the government took the entire industry in hand) On the whole, the government's only participation in this was to rake in taxes, not only from industrialists and their highly productive companies, but also from a fully employed and well-paid workforce.
There was never any desire to mess with the captains of industry too much, because the economy relied on their businesses
Olof Palme got greedy. His brand of socialism disapproved of capitalists on principle, and he taxed them to the hilt. Entrepreneurship didn't disappear, but a lot of the capital migrated abroad. Meanwhile, the rising immigrant population put an increasing strain on the social welfare system (still getting worse to this day) while the number of governnment
...sorry ..government employees rose and the tax base shrank. This is the fundamental problem with Swedish socialism that Bernie Sanders won't address. What happens to a cradle-to-grave social safety net when the number of people who are paying for it is outnumbered by the number of people relying on it, and that number is widening exponentially?
@@lostinsweden5039 Thanks for the inside look. Notice you omit the problem of the culture of the latest wave of immigrants being diametrically opposed to western values, refuses to assimilate, has an ideology of world domination by divine command, nothing less, treats women as lesser humans, can have up to 4 wives + outside sex partners, a propensity towards violence and a birth rate that may be the most prolific on earth (which is also part of their conquest strategy, emigration, forgot the Arabic word for it.)
Lastly, they also have a doctrine called Jizyah, a tax on the people of conquered lands. They tend to view aid given them as deserved since it is a Jizyah from a country under occupation, as they also view every Mosque site as conquered territory. Look across Europe, 2" thick bullet proof glass walls on two sides of the Eiffel Tower - Fences on the other sides and armed guards on patrol. Concrete barriers in Denmark and London maybe more. Violent crime spike in many EU countries since 2015 (not Hungary and Poland by the way). Jews exiting France. You may say to me 'Not all', I would say to you 'Far too many', and as always, the violent oppress the moderates and often rule the day. Hope very much you can turn this around and save beautiful Sweden. Regards
Absolutely not omitting the problem. I'm acutely aware of it, and saddened/frightened about it. The irresponsibility of Western European governments concerning the Religion of Total and Unending War has been, in my view, one of the great betrayals of modern history. And Sweden is one of the countries that will probably never recover from it (I'd put Belgium, Holland and Ireland in there as well) The bigger countries like Germany, France, Italy and Britain may (I stress may) have the size to absorb the problem, if the immigration halts now. Sweden has gone too far already.
But I was mostly just talking about pre-contemporary politics in my first post. This debate about Islamic immigration has only really kicked off in the past decade.
Thanks for your post.
Just a minor point: We don’t have coal in Sweden, but we have iron. It was the iron miners in the far north who went on wild strikes, which was quashed by Palme.
@@goranrudback5858 Duly noted. Thanks for putting me right. Vi ses.
ABBA, Ingmar Bergman, and Bjorn Borg ended up leaving Sweden because of the high taxes.
Great 10000 foot view of Swedish society from 1930-now
Spain also sold iron ore to Germany; you don't see them grovelling.
but Sweden wasn't a military dictatorship like Spain under Francisco Franco. It's hard to judge them the same way.
@@jjforcebreaker Who were they supposed to sell their Iron to? The open ocean after it got sank by a German U-Boat? The Soviet Union?
I’m sick to death of this double standard where Nazis are treated as the ultimate villain, while Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro are just a bunch of guys. This imbalance is all there to cast disadvantage to the right.
I think we need to play their game... Vilify these Communist leaders and draw associations with current Leftists.
I’ve done it and I find that it actually works. It puts the Left on the defensive and weakens their moral authority.
We in Sweden took not part of WW1, but in many other countries it was the same. The true difference was WW2. All countries took part in that except Sweden.
We still feel ashame in Sweden because we helped Hitler 1939-1943 and then changed side when they started to loose the war.
In all nordic countries it was the same. No real nationalist party in till 1995. And in no country did we have a true right wing party. Those who say they are right wing in Scandinavia... they are not right and loves a big state, high taxes, high regulation, welfare, free stuff.
Vitally important to learn real facts about Socialism. Best teacher about socialism study the history of Sweden period 1884 until 1984
A bit tiresome to hear another american misunderstanding Sweden. Sweden has never been socialist, on the contaray. Today it’s more deregulated than most countries, has more start-ups, more export industries and well educated people than most countries. The ’socialistic’ part is rethoric and involve free education, health care and a tax based unemployment security net.
With a declining deficit at about 30 % of gdp the state finances are in excellent shape.
No doubt immigration is problematic with crimilanilty and unemployment but to put it in perspective, the murder rate is unchanged since decades with minor fluctuations and at about a fith compared to the US.
And if the US did not destroy societies in Irak, Syria and Libya, there would not have been exceptional refugee influxes to Europe and Sweden.
Probably better if Swedes keep a low profile in terms of history. A future generation elsewhere might justly claim reparations for Nazi war machine collaborations. Sleep soundly in your bed under US inspired/paid NATO nuclear umbrella. Wake up and know that the new day has cost American lives.
Mr bobinge
Your comment does not have a lot to do with the question if Sweden is socialist or not.
If you can’t connect the dots between war in the Middle East and the flow of immigrants to Europe recently, well, there’s not a lot to discuss.
Sweden isn’t socialist in that sense. Caldwell doesn’t disagree with you. He also dislikes the Swedish system anyway, particularly the immigration policies that have come to define the nation.
Thank you. I. was unaware
The Swedes, quintessential Protestants.
I must comment again. I have never in my more than 60-year life heard i single people in my country referred Sweden as a socialitic state. Never! The Social Democrat Party has always kept it's gards up and cling to be in power. And, yes, I think the people in Sweden in a way have been brainwashed, but you must concider the great success of the economy after WWII, one of the richest in the world with only seven million people.
Do you think a socialist country can manage that, in that case - give me an example. But today it's totally something else, Sweden, I agree is, in heavy decline.
I wiish Mr. Caldwell had the opportunity to discuss the immigration and refugee crisis of 2015 and how it brought about drastic changes in the law, and how present migration laws require economic self sufficiency on petitioner to reunite families and how families are keep separated outside of Sweden if economic sufficiency is not established. This fact never quoted by leftists in the US that denounce ICE as barbaric.
Always funny to hear amercans talking abouth sweden. Funny also to read norwegian and finnish comments.. Mr Caldwell is has done his lesson on the period 40-70, the in tends to go to wide generalizations. By the way how many colored perople live in Finland? Norways oil wont last forever!
I always find it funny to hear Swedes talk about America, especially since Sweden is legitimately just an extension of global Anglo culture at this point. The Swedes I met at uni talked like Sweden was apart of the British or Portuguese Empire or something in terms of their guilt about yada yada.
Sweden 1960… fabulous economy... Sweden 1979... terrible economy.. what happened in that time frame? People thought the economy would support socialist goals, it didn't, 10% of the population fled with everything not nailed down. With a very weakened situation Sweden became a follower, instead of a leader- followed the E.U. disaster, the Merkel/Muslim importation... now 15% of the women in Sweden fear to go out at night.Financial strength and independence are tied hand to hand... loss of one, leads to another.
No. All was ok until 1990, the economy too. From 1991 we had an explosion of immigrants at the worst time. Real estate fell (as it did internationally) and the global recession about 1990-1994 hit Sweden extra hard. But remenber, in those 4 years är took about 3.5% extra population from mainly Yugoslavia at the worst moment. People tend to forget that. And the tax system was awful in 1990 and we had to change it completely. We had margin taxes at 95% for those with the highest income!!!!!!!!
BY 1979 the largest corporations left in Sweden were the music group ABBA and Bjorn Borg the tennis player.. back in 1960 about 40% of all the major corporations in Europe had operations in Sweden. Socialization in Sweden required massive taxation and the corporations simply left, followed by the rich, followed by the upper classes... toll 10% of Sweden had immigrated OUT OF SWEDEN. It was NOT OKAY TO HAVE THE 10% with the MONEY leave the COUNTRY!!The result.. RESULT... was Sweden TOOK IN.. workers, cheap workers... the Result was Sweden started pulling it collective head out of its collective ass.The Global' of 1990' was RICH PEOPLE NOT INVESTING... because of retraction, recession, triggered by war threats.Now, what have you learned here today?Taking rich people out of the equation by way of taxation always means Malaise, a lowering of standards, a weakling of a society... decades of misery, perhaps a half century to recover only partially.Swedish emigrants that left Sweden ADDED to the health of other countries, good people, hard workers and in the case of those that came to America, made 10% more in America than in Sweden, given exchange rates accounting for during the time of transfer. The Cheap labor imported.. the same, as to income levels rising... but not especially good/hard workers... as the Natives. The 'cheap labor imports eventually extended into Middle East imports under the stupid/anarchy of Merkel/U.N.- refugee peoples and Sweden is actually bleeding more Native populations now.. once again... Swedes are leaving Sweden where they can.Weaker countries flounder... don't become one America.
Alex berenson | marijuana, mental health, violence
Why are the comments off? Wouldn’t want any kind of open discussion about your propaganda now would we?
Seriously what problem could possibly arise from having comments on? There’s no reason there’s no justification.
It’s sad
Norway have had 1/10 of our immigration in Sweden!!!! Same with Denmark and Finland.
Denmark does NOT have draconian laws. All countries in the north are the least rasist in the world according to all studies.
Your first sentence doesn’t make sense really.
Also, the idea that the Scandinavians are the “least racist” is absurd. They’re the most generous in terms of refugee inflows, but as the presenter says, this has led to a lot of segregation, not a harmonious post racial society.
I was looking for christopher cantwell...
Swedish culture seems similar to Japanese culture.
@ There are sushi restaurants in Sweden. You can google it.
Imo, even a single muslim immigrant js a huge mistake.
But then, I am a racist!!!!
Do you mean people from the M.E. or from the Muslim faith... Perhaps Christain M.E. immgirants are fine for you....!!! You are a bit of an idiot but at least you recognise mass immigration of hardcore, ultra-right-wing religious nutters into Europe is a major problem... Personally, as I'm not an internationalist on steroids and crack I'd ban US Christain nutjobs from entering The UK as well, with all their creatard, moronic TV channels taxed at 1000%.... or more... same for the Muislim Media... Military offence is the worst form of non-defence as all the aggressive neo-lib-con wars of aggression prove (in the UK, at least... including WW2 - they imported millions after we lost WW2 to The US (The Winning Nazti Nazion) sadly, let alone The War of Terror with yet more imported.
@@PrivateSi I am socialist and I think the normalisation of illegal-immigration is worrying. Does that make me a right wing socialist? lol
@@ENGLISHMURPHY .. Do you believe in no individual property rights, only shared ownership of property? No land of your own, no tools or toys of your own, no giving or receiving of presents, food rationed by The Collective (usually the Nazti uber-state) and forcibly confiscated if you resist, even as the loweliest of smallholders with just enough to feed your family... If so you are a socialist... You probably aren't that extremist so I doubt you're a real socialist... Scandinavia is NOT SOCIALIST, it's more SOCIALISTIC than other nations... North Korea and The Soviet Union and China 20 years+ ago were socialist... Venezuala too.....
The Far Right believe Capitalists should rule/own The State that rules/owns The People - with an iron fist.... The Far Left believe The State should rule/own The Capital and The People - and rule with a sharp sickle (yeah, sickles cut bundles of sticks)....
The Left Wing Socialists were the original popular movements laced with heavy doses of nationalism - starting well before The Nazis. Many of their leaders were internationalists though, and very aggressive ones, like the mercantile capitalists and colonial rulers (rivals fighting for the Throne of Uber-Power)...
The Liberals infilitrated many leftist groups but also right wing groups via the neo-liberalsism of Reaganomics (economic liberalism) and more recently Libertarians calling for much the same.... 'Free Trade' and all that.... but at least they want to profit from legalised weed.
Personally, I'd like to live in a nation with low immigration, a steady population count that is socially liberal in a low key way and very fiscally conservative state, aiming towards non-instrusive, secure automation.. A form of Minarchism... Liberal, but without people being constantly pressured by PC zealots. I don't want the 'crazy liberal competition' pumped up by the dumbing-down liberal media, with stupid OTT people promoted liberally....
National Liberalism is a bit of an oxymoron but it's the term that fits the best to me.. Liberal Nationalism sounds too much like out of control nazionalism...
Are the muslims a race or I missed something? :-)
@@nonamecommonsense9089 They're treated as such or haven't you noticed?
Absolutely stellar analysis in many but not all points my opinion. I have heard it called a Market (capitalist) economy which fueled the extended welfare programs. I hope, they will be able to turn around the migration problem both there and in Europe.
I also hope Mr Caldwell will join those sounding the alarm about Islamization of the west as planned by Islamic countries.
He is in my opinion partially blind in his assessment of the Islamic intent and trouble going on in Sweden and other countries currently. From memory - up to 100 grenade explosions this year and other explosions, in Sweden. Violent No-Go Zones with video of Police cars riddled with automatic weapons fire. Women only Rock or Music concerts because of the amount of Sexual assaults and a major musician refusing to play those concerts so as not to be a part of the venue enabling the assaults.
It is bad - very , very bad. "Too late" actually means a Sharia country, not simply loss of culture - rather loss of everything good.
The neo-lib-con War of Terror didn't help.... Europe is run by greedy capitalists who want and get the mass importation of brains and brawn... The Swedish Socialists are also Nazti types, banging on about 'work ethic' and the like, because they are addicted to growth / paranoid of not enough 'growth'... for The State purse... Sweden is a MIXED ECONOMY, it is not socialist... The middle class bourgeoisie want their servants and nannies too.... It's an aging population without mass immigration.
The neo-lib-con War of Terror didn't help.... Europe is run by greedy capitalists who want and get the mass importation of brains and brawn... The Swedish Socialists are also Nazti types, banging on about 'work ethic' and the like, because they are addicted to growth / paranoid of not enough 'growth'... for The State purse... Sweden is a MIXED ECONOMY, it is not socialist... The middle class bourgeoisie want their servants and nannies too.... It's an aging population without mass immigration.
I don't now why the comment above triple posts, I can't even delete them.
I don't now why the comment above triple posts, I can't even delete them.
@@PrivateSi no problem PS, glitch probably. I'll respond to your comment later maybe.
With all respect to Mr. Christopher Caldwell and his vision on Sweden Socialism. Please don't forget that his Sweden ideas of socialistic societies is still based on philosophy of Karl Marks (May 5 1818). Karl Marks and I have one thing in common: we both are Jewish men. Everything else about us is so different. Let say there is about 200 hundred years between us. Just that, two centuries between todays science knowledge base in social behavior would fundamentally change the way of Marks thinking. If Mr. Marks would have been equipped with today's knowledge about social society, he would become a strong critique of Mr. Bernie Senders (D) presidential contestant 2020 and, would fundamentally develop his new understanding of a complex mechanism and Marks' own critique of his historical work named Kapital. I am sure our democrat Mr. Bernie Senders with his biggest cookie and chocolate chips knows about that, however, he doesn't tell it to his young electorate that the society will never extend to them with motherly-like love and promise to feed them forever. He even didn't tell to his beautiful follower Ocasio Cortez that today's K. Marks would reject himself, his own social theory and become the biggest opponent to Burnie Sanders 2020 election. When it comes to Mr. Christopher Caldwell, he also, just like Bernie, doesn't say that Sweden socialism has already been denied by the people of Sweden.
Socialism is confused with Collectivism by Millennials. Seeing more similarities than differences brings this mindset that is too extreme to be healthy. Differences should not be eliminated for embracing a homogeneous blending that would erase cultural differences that are beautiful and irreplaceable. Celebrate both, differences and similarities.
until someone pays meaningful taxes, has a mortgage, and dependents/children to support, their opinions are just childish fancies.
Europe has a number of peculiarities. Prior to Roman times, it was a collection of self-ruled nation-peoples with differences between groups. By the middle-ages, the nobility may not have been local stock, and may have resided far away. Even though nation-states were formed in the 19th century, by then, the people had become mixed. The Nazi's encountered major difficulties in reconciling their purist theory with actual circumstances. To extent, the Scandinavian did not have as much separation between local people and ruling class as other parts of Europe.
The socialism that may have worked in Sweden with people having a common culture may not work with different cultures.
Joe Chang
The last point is a fair one. Systemic transplantation across cultural boundaries is not likely to succeed very well. However you first comment puzzles me. What have you against those who have less than you do? Does their relative poverty or lack of involvement in complex financial operations render all their opinions worthless? What is the proper measure of a human being?
Christ says that 'not even when one has an abundance does his life consist of his possessions.'
By no means am I suggesting that those without expertise in economic affairs should frame economic policy! Surely experience and training matter a great deal when coupled with good sense and (one hopes) wisdom. Let us beware 'classism' however.
@@jesusislordsavior6343 "against those who have less than you do"? ??? I made no such statements. I put adults into two groups: 1) someone with dependent children and / or mortgage and 2) those who do not. Obviously a person could have one of the two criteria and not the other. A person without either is likely to be young and has freedom to go and do what he wants (unless he is buried student loans). So he might be willing to tinker with the fabric of society. If the tinkering goes south, he can probably recover. A person with both mortgage and dependent children is heavily tied to obligations. Any change in the social fabric or economy could have serious ramifications. So basically we have two groups: one risk tolerant and the other risk averse.
the risk tolerant person might take fancy to grandiose ideas, the risk averse person takes the position: don't f-up the current situation.
The detailed explanation is much appreciated. I think you are objecting to the behavior of those who take grand risks on behalf of others, without considering the potential for harm.
There are some at the lower end of the socioeconomic scale who are exposed continually to risk whether they like it or not. Other categories of people may willingly accept risk but only under certain conditions, out of moral compulsion for example, or in the case of emigrants seeking a new life abroad. Yet others enjoy risk-taking for temperamental, even pathological reasons. It takes many types to make a world.
As an anti socialist even I know it's WORKERS owning the means of production, not The Government.... but yes, this normally results in The State owning much or everything on behalf on The Workers..... The State is not The Government... A government is part of The State if one exists.
wow, this dude's a model?!!
As Jerriel O Miller notes, an excellent talk by Mr. Caldwell; I was also struck by the quality of the questions in the Q&A, but then, it is Hillsdale.
You don't get it. Sweden has never been a socialistic country! It's core is the capitalistic way to look att the economy. I think you misunderstand the name, Socialdemokraterna, The Social Democrat Party, it's more like a liberal party with profound roots in the working class, but they have always turn their back on any communist party.
The party has always been keen on helping the big companys but less towards small firms. Big has been the cornerstone for the party but aim has always been to support capitalism.
For me to learn that, as you claims, been living i a socialist state, that is unheared for me. Since I was borned 1957, what are you talking of. I can also add that I am an rightwing nationalist, those that makes it clearer, no such party as Socialdemokraterna for me - never. But your notion is wrong from the start!
Sweden has had freedom of the press since 1766 (1)
Didn't seem to answer much
No, the ethnic Swedish population is not stable, it is below replacement level. This lecture fails to note how childbirth is strongly inverse to female empowerment as a general rule. Sweden is not being overrun by immigrants as much as dying from the cancer of feminism, with secularism adding to this. Having castrated their men, the dying lonely wombs are importing barbaric men who are not so easily tamed. I'm not saying what this man says is wrong, but it has a huge blindspot. I have noted that most lectures at Hillsdale avoid hurting their own bottom line by pointing out that college encourages women not to have children when they biologically can.
We true conservatives will outbreed you.
Swedes have a good self-esteem and are driven, that combo makes them highly successful, many societies damage their kids, they end up having poor confidence to build great things, the entrepreneur part of the society is much smaller and you have more people working for a secure wage.This gives the economy a stability but its the entrepreneurs that give a society its vigor.
Connecting self-esteem with economic prosperity is easy to do on an individual basis, most people in high functioning positions must have a very healthy self-esteem and be highly motivated, I believe this dynamic plays itself out on a larger scale too.
Indeed. But the good Swedes have taken the Self esteem bit to mean uncritical self boasting. Virtue signaling without virtue. And I might add that their policies are ruining the country beyond what is fixable, with plenty of dead swedes as a result. Some confidence
Sweden has devolved and you know it.
@@TexRex6352 I agree there are many things wrong with the Swedish mentality, I think its very feminine in its collective consciousness, was viking society matriarchal?
They sure do act like a women on a national scale, group think, fear of ostracization, letting in foreigners because of "empathy", cognitive dissonance when faced with the facts of reality.
There is plenty wrong with their society, I was just pointing out something they get right as a society.
It wasn’t socialism that ruined Sweden but capitalism. You opened the borders. Never do that to non-Europeans especially I mean with are you doing
Think of Norway as the little brother and Denmark as the Big brother who gets along rly well. Then look at Sweden, the immoral jealuos cusin who resents the older brother and thinks of the little brother as a slave colony...
Baseball knowledge....boom!
Sweden has proven Hungary right, why immigration should be strictly regulated, especially with regard to Muslim countries who take full advantage and typically transform host countries into something resembling Arabic countries instead. No-go zones and rape capitol aren't good reasons to allow unchecked immigration.
What a joke. Sweden isn't a socialist country. There is no Swedish socialism. What he means is the Nordic Social Welfare Model. But he is to opinionated to give it a clear review.
America since the... sexties? BLUSH :P
I hate Swedish socialism, but wait... did you just say that Swedes didn't have contacts with Roman culture, that they were primitive and uncultured (??!!), then that Poles had those contacts, and then you immediately arrive in XIX century?? Well, Scandinavia is the motherland of Goths, who obviously had a lot to do with Roman Empire and other Nordic and Germanic tribes, like Geats (perhaps those Goths, who stayed in Scandinavia) and Swedes, who also had at least something to do wit it. Varangians, who recruited from Swedes and other tribes, turned Rhos and Rus ppl and had extensive contacts with Byzantium and central Europe. Western Christianity was introduced into Sweden in 829. What about Kalmar Union? What about John III Vasa marrying Catherine Jagellonica of Poland, what about Sigismund III Vasa, king of Poland and Sweden? What about Swedish Empire?? I don't hate Swedes so much to say they were primitive and uncultured, I just hate Socialism. It's because (among other things) I think that Socialism in a long run makes ppl forget their roots and history and thus makes them uncultured and barbaric. You could as well say that Poles didn't have any contacts with Roman culture, because Romans never conquered lands by the Vistula river.
There wasn't persecution of Jews in 1968 in Poland! It was kinda Polish-specific version of Revolution '68 in which the western neo-Marxist, Trotskyist and Maoist currents weren't exactly able to penetrate the iron curtain (yet). It manifested with Chamy-Żydy (Tykes vs. Judeo-Commies) split within the PZPR (PUWP) itself. Chamy were the Commies of Polish ethnicity and Judeo-Commies were Bolshevik Jews of NKVD origin. In result the Commie Jews were expelled from Poland, mostly without any hurt and with all property. They were even granted their travel tickets, preferably to Israel. After 1945 these Bolshevik Jews occupied 50%-100% of directorial positions in Communist apparatus, depending on office and 30-40% of positions overall. They were (and are) responsible for tens of thousands of victims of introducing Communism in Poland. E.g. Stefan Michnik [ ], brother of Adam Michnik (actually Aaron Szechter) - editor-in-chief of famous Polish Gazeta Wyborcza (Electorial Newspaper), who is well heard in the West and always tells you stories about inherent Polish antisemitism and fascism. Both half-brothers inherit from pre-war KPP (Communist Party of Poland) ideology. Thank you for Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam!
Stop insulting Sweden please. And also, this fellow is not completely ignorant by any means, but he's factually mistaken on points too. Though the broader point is right i suppose.
Thank you, from Norway
Thanks for standing up for Sweden. This stuttering nincompoop takes the word of an amerindian about Nordic culture.
"Stop insulting Sweden please."
Reporting reality is not insulting. Also there would be no need for that- Sweden is destroying and insulting itself, no help needed.
@@jjforcebreaker Yes indeed. I was thinking about his less fortunate points about Swedish history. Sweden used quite cultural centre at the turn of tha last century
There was no argument in your comment whatsover. Please fix your country. It's starting to be a threat for the rest of Europe. Terroristnästet Sverige håller på äventyra Europa och ingen i Sverige är ens beredd att prata om det.
Jesus is Lord!
Mr. Stutterer tries to be funny -- fail.