@@fridahuwera6233 “And I knew him not: but he that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy GHOST.” -John 1:33 KING JAMES VERSION. That is the name of God’s Spirit. It’s literally in bible. I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want to call him by his own name. This was the second english TRANSLATION(kjv).
Shamefully I was a slidback Christian for years, but my eyes were opened on his video and the Holy Spirit and God and Jesus called me on his video. My eyes were instantly opened, my repentance came imnediately. The fire of love was burning on my heart right that instant. The joy I had in me was like that of a child receiving a great gift. Believe me my joy and the hunger for the Word of God was instant. I can't describe how fast the changes have happened since that day! Praise the Lord! Praise Jesus! Glory to the Holy Spirit!
The Bill Weiss testimony gave me the kick I needed God used it to get my butt in gear now I'm seeking God and to have that relationship with Him I'm trying to avoid he'll videos from now on I need to focus on God's love until I'm mature enough to watch these videos without fear 😄
Yes!! Amen! We praise you JESUS. I'm so sorry Father for backsliding. I am going forward with true repentance. With a true intent to not fall into the trap of sexual immorality.
I got a question. If we as Christians believe in sola scriptura and only believe whats in the Bible, where in the Bible do we see people visiting hell and coming back?
I have watched this video on isaiah saldivar and now you vlad. I have shared it on fakebook hoping people will take it in. This is not a joke Jesus is giving people time to repent. What loving God would do such a thing knowing the world is another Sodom and gommarah and he's giving people chances to change their ways. Godbless you guys for helping people through Jesus Amen 🙏🕊🙏❤️
Fair warning .Free Choice .God's arms are widely open to this whole entire world .Repentance is available, until our last breath .Thank you Father,Thank You Jesus,Thank you Holy Spirit.Amen & Amen
How do us Christian’s handle the fact that our loved ones are there now? I know I’m in full repentance and in faith and trust in Him but I have family members that were not Christians and I don’t know how to handle that
The way I look at it is this: if a loved one is in Hell, the only way to *add* to their torment is to join them there, because then they have to spend eternity seeing their family suffering. So the best thing we can do for those in Hell is give them the small comfort of knowing we escaped it. On the flip side, the only thing we can do to increase the joy of our families in Heaven is to join them there.
1- people in hell won't regret their decision to not follow christ. They still will hate him. 2- once you're in heaven and you see God's holiness, you will praise him for punishing the unjust while also thanking him for his grace (romans 9:22-23)
To double tap my first point... You can only believe the gospel if the Father draws you to it and regenerates your spirit (ephesians). So just because someone is in hell and they 'understand' christ is king.. that doesn't mean they want it that way. Demons know that christ is king, they saw him face to face and they still rejected him. (James 2:19) This should also give you comfort in knowing there's nothing you didn't do or did wrong.. if God wills someone to be saved, he will do the work. We get zero credit for saving people or even believing the gospel.. we cast our crowns back to Jesus in heaven
@@alakazoom87 People in Hell will spend eternity regretting their decision. They might not like Jesus, but they'd still follow Him if it meant escaping. Anyone will ultimately come around to any viewpoint with enough pain over a long enough time period. Also, since God Himself takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, I don't see evidence that we will, either.
@@nameirrelevant0 did you read the romans passage? God is demonstrating his justice and gets glory for it. It's scattered throughout revelation. "Gnashing of teeth" is anger towards God. If christ went to hell and opened the doors, the people would slam it shut
He scans the contents of our hearts and we are distributed according to the contents of our heart. Like attracts like timeline. 🙏🏼🥺🙏🏼 keep God first in the heart.
Bryan Melvin was an alcoholic atheist in the 80's. He had a similar experience and is now an Evangelist. His testimony is on YT. His channel is The Christian Marauder.
6:38 I idk who said this, but he said he'll was not made for man. If you read the scriptures god and jesus and everywhere he'll is mentioned, it always says hell was made for the devil and his angels so it was never meant for man kind to go there now considering this is a place to torment angels how much torment do you think it will cause to us humans.
Yes...i agree We are have free will We can chose to do bad or to do good.But ...if we do bad thing..we have the consequensi that is hell and condenmnation So...let obey God ( jesus our savior) Jesus will lead us... Because no others way to come to Father unless we follow God's path
Gods word says that no one has been to heaven or hell and his word is final. This guy is either lying or he is deceived. Word of God has final authority
@@kadi9682 yes, Paul did goto heaven but he was personally commissioned by God and chosen by God to write most of the New Testament. Aswell as preach in the presence of near daily death, if I saw heaven I would be able to goto Somalian Islamic mosques and preach about Jesus in them too I would guess. Paul was caught up to heaven and it says that “things no human was allowed to tell”. So that means anyone claiming an experience in heaven or hell is lying, deceived or has got something wrong mentally where they might see visions such as schizophrenia or something along those lines
Pastor/Teacher, THIS IS OFF SUBJECT. HoweVer, I NEED To LeaVe This Q-ion Do you belieVe, The Most High Still Speak AUDIBLY Theses Day’s? I Sooo Enjoy Listening To Sharp Biblical Teachers My Bible teacher, at a young ago. Taught Us young people Sooo MUCH from The Holy KJV - I Thank God for her on a Regular.
I know its not related that much to the video but if at all possible anyone please can you pray for me. My wife is miles away its destroying my heart not being able to see her. Please pray that i may see her soon. If you are willing please pray, i know there are people with way worse situations than mine that need way more prayer than mine, but if you are willing any prayer helps. I just want to see her again. All im runing on is faith in God. But the bible says were 2 or 3 are gatherd there i am in the mist if them. 🙏
Yes, after you die you will go either to Heaven or to Hell. People that go to purgatory cant go to hell. They allways get to Heaven in the end. Purgatory is place where God works on the soul that is saved and died in peace with God, but has to be cleansed and purified from sins made during life and the consequences it made on the soul. Since we cant enter Heaven unless we are truly spotlles. And a form of purification is suffering. And we can actually ease that suffering with our prayers. And the Bible actually speaks about purgatory although the name "purgatory" is not in there.
My Christian friend doesn’t believe in Hell, so I asked her what happens then to those who don’t accept Jesus? To which she replied, they would just turn to dust or words to that effect,I then said well if that were true nobody would need Him and we could all go through life doing whatever to whomever we liked!! Plus and a BIG plus what was the point of Jesus coming down to earth and eventually dying suffering on the cross like we could never imagine? She still doesn’t think Hell is real !
The Bible says that we return to the dust. Ecclesiastes 12:7. The wicked are resurrected in the second resurrection to face the great white throne judgment. The wicked surround the Holy City, then fire comes down from heaven and devours them. Revelation 20 describes a second death for the wicked (which is eternal) after fire devours the wicked. Read Rev. 20, which speaks of eternal death, the second death, after 1000 years, when the wicked "surround the holy city," and "fire comes down from heaven and devours them"). Then God makes the earth new (see Rev. 21 and 22).
@@donnamcdonald3709 thank you. I will read Revelation and ch 20 ! Why?, I don’t know but I get real butterflies in my stomach at the thought of reading Revelation and thus far haven’t really read it but did listen to the audio NIV version read by David Suchet whilst I was in bed and going to sleep!
It's under the Earth's surface, and under the sea floor, above the white- hot core .I remember reading an article in Time Magazine, in the library ( 1987) where the climate down there, it has caverns, lava on the floor in there. Flames of course. A kind of ultrasound topographic device was used to map that out. It rains nickel too, no idea why that is. These large pits and caverns are located just above the middle of the planet, where the iron core itself is. The planet turns because of the nuclear fire there. It functions like a reactor. The whole thing is pretty astounding. Anyone who can access the archives for Time can probably find that one,and print it,too. Scientific proof , if people are interested. Yucky stuff !! Hell can't be disproved, unfortunately.
Hell is more a state of being than a place. It is really silly when people say it is in our planet. Really silly. War is Hell but you don't ask where is war.
God is a just God after all? and when people who have sinned die without Jesus, they will be judged JUSTLY! or? For the sins of a world time, just punishments/judgments come about for these people that do not correspond to eternal damnation. or? That would be a fair verdict. Punishment for the sins committed during that time on earth would then require legal punishments (an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth). Eternal punishment would then be a sentence that would exceed the measure of a just sentence.
An eye for an eye is from the first overall dispensation (the Old Testament) during which time God was dealing with hardness of peoples hearts. We are now in the second dispensation, (the New Testament) - a period of God’s Grace. People who hear of God, the Gospel, but REJECT ‘the love of the truth’ make a fateful choice. God intends to be directly in our presence, or more importantly, we in His Presence. He cannot be in the presence of SIN, therefore OUR sins need to ‘covered’. Hence the Gospel, the Atonement enables us to be in a position after death where we can be further transformed into new, ‘glorified (uncorrupted) bodies, with a conscience and will. There is no third option. Denying the ‘inner confirmation’ about the existence of God (clearly seen in and through all of His Creation) is a SIN.
Jesus said As it is written. If it is found written in the Word of God, therefore it is. Jesus didn't say what I was trying to say, or as interpreted as, He clearly says AS IT IS WRITTEN. Since He cannot lie, and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, when you read about hell, hades, the lake of fire, a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth, unquenchable fire, everlasting torment, then that's exactly what it is. Nowhere did Jesus say once you enter the lake of fire you are annihilated. Energy never ceases to exist. Your soul is of form of energy. It is only contained in a body ( which will rise up to be joined to the soul after the end of time) and that's how you have senses you can feel. So when Jesus said in Matthew 10:28 to fear God who can cast both body and soul into hell, He meant it. There would be no need for the lake of fire to be included in the outer darkness after the new creation of the earth and heaven, if God's plan was to annihilate the wicked who rejected Christ. They endure torment forever and are visible through the great chasm that separates evil from escaping. No one's beliefs define what is truth or what is not. It's only the Word of God that is undeniably true. Is it not better to accept the Truth before death, than to perish and find out when you stand before Him that you were wrong. Woe to you in that moment. No matter if you accept truth or deny it, you will stand before Jesus, since He is our judge. And that's a fact. So stop listening to man's theology and start listening to the Word of God. Everything written in it is intentional. It's purpose is to offer you life through Christ Jesus, if you choose to accept His teachings. Death is eternal separation from God and all He provides His creation to live. Its not the cessation of pain and suffering, it is the beginning. To die is to Depart Into Eternity. Death is to Depart Eternally Afterwards To Heaven or to Depart Eternally Afterwards To Hell. The destination is your decision.
My question is... What would be the purpose of an ETERNAL TORTURE CHAMBER!? This makes no sense at all!? Actually sounds extremely sick and twisted! 🤮 I thought only the pagan gods did that kind of thing!? From what I read, God is unconditional LOVE 💕 His mercies endureth forever...his mercy triumphs over judgement. Didn't He himself says to forgive our enemies 70x7. He says to turn the other cheek, and to pray for our enemies, right!?? So Is he going to ask us to do something that he's not willing to do?? Also, didn't Paul write that EVERY knee shall bow and EVERY tongue will JOYFULLY proclaim allegiance to the Lord!?
We can’t just pick and choose what we read and take in . If you read the whole bible , including every book in the of testament it is evident that God is a God of judgment as well as a loving God . Particularly in exodus John 14:6 says I am the way the truth and the life h the only way to the father is through me . If God wasn’t loving he wouldn’t have sent his son to die John 3:16 so we could have the opportunity of eternal life and experience his love face to face . Jesus’ first words to the world were also repent for the kindgom of God is at hand . We cannot go to heaven without accepting God and believing that he sent a son who has been raised form the dead snd freed us from our sin . Romans 10:9 All of those who reject Gods gift of salvation are unbelievers and no different from workers of iniquity and Satan . As they rejected Gods will for them to be saved by not believing like Satan rejected Gods will and post in heaven . God knows that our sinful nature is not due to us but due to the sins of our forefather Adam in the garden of Eden , so he has made a way for us to be ridden of sin and holy again so we can spend eternity with him . The very essence of hell in the first place was to punish Stan for his role in the fall of man and trying to be a God , opposed the creator . However many have been deceived by him and ended up following his work of iniquity leading then to the lake of fire - revelations 21:8The only way to prevent this is through accepting Gods love and the gift of salvation , and following Jesus . By accepting Jesus you die a death and are resurrected like Jesus was . In this our sprint can remain forever and we are liberated from spiritual death leading to eternal life . Hope that’s helps😊
@@LoveWins777fshif you choose to reject grace from God and dont want nothing to do with him he will not force you to heaven with him, and because you and everyone has done sin, (romans 3:23) we deserve eternal hell (and in there you realise that you deserve it). So if you dont accept free grace, justice will happen and you end up in hwll
Study your Bibles. Ecclesiastes 9:5, Revelation 20, etc., explain that the dead do not know anything and that hell is an event (see Rev. 20) at the end of the 1000 years. Then God will make a new earth (see Rev. 21).
I don't mean you any harm as a fellow believer but i don't recall any instances of anything like this happening in the bible so im finding it a bit hard to believe but if its true excuse my rudeness
There's a way which seems right unto man but the end thereof are the ways of death. Proverbs 14:12. Jesus said, "I am the WAY, the truth and the life. John14:6 Each of us determines where we spend eternity by the path WE CHOOSE. If we choose Jesus who is the way, we will have eternal life. If we choose the way that seems right to us, we will spend an eternity in hell.
Wjhat if someone chooses the way of Jesus but is uncertain and cufused how to walk but genuinely wants Jesus ? Im in a position like this I want that relationship with God but Im finding things very difficult and confusing but I want Him
@@Goldtaker23 Some of the most important things is to continue to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ by prayer, worship, reading and study the Bible. If you have not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, begin to ask Jesus to baptize you with the Holy Spirit as he promised. Acts 1:8; Matthew 3:11. If you don't have a good church you can attend, I would contact Vlad's ministry to see if they can help you find a good church in your area. You can also try Billy Graham ministry. If you do have a good church, they probably have ' home group ' where people from the church gather at different houses to study the Bible or you can also speak with your pastor and let him know your desires. It is important to make sure what you are being taught is in line with the Bible. I will leave you with this: Psalm 37:4 says "delight thyself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." Desiring Jesus is something that God is willing to answer.
Wait a minute. Just because hell exists, let's not simply assume it is everlasting. Infinite existence of hell and the devil (a) in effect, places satan on par with God, and (b) contradicts scripture itself ... i.e., God as powerless to put an end to sin, something He intends to do: _Seventy weeks are decreed about your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to put an end to sin, and to atone for iniquity. (Daniel 9:24)_ Edit: _Aionios_ means "for an age." Weise is speaking outside of scholarship---he's winging it here, saying it means _forever._ He's being extremely CARELESS in handling this.
Entertaining story, keep in mind this guy wrote a whole book and made a bunch of money off of it. Why is the man’s testimony more detailed than the words of Jesus ? If a sinful man’s words go beyond what scripture has to say, I doubt their story
The Hades and Gehenna that Christ spoke of did NOT originate with him. Hades and Gehenna were Greek-modified views of the afterlife adopted by Jews during the intertestamental period (1 Enoch; Judith; c.200-100 BC). Christ could not have meant that Hades and Gehenna were real, because he would be denying the Old Testament view of death (cessation of life) and embrace the Hades/Gehenna of the Apocryphal books.
Not punishment to go to Hell. Quantum physics. Where our attention goes our souls will flow. Love you all. God bless and protect everyone, no exceptions.
they will spend eternity in hell. Jesus is the way the truth and the LIFE. There is no life there. Remember that. death is separation from God. You do get eternal life by receiving Jesus. If not it’s eternal death in hell. Super devastating I know. I do understand your question and the answer is yes.
Eternal life is a gift for the righteous not the wicked . remember Death and Hell will be cast into the lake of fire ! Rev 20:14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death.
Why does God not stop all of this? Why are there people entering this world every day that is destined to hell? To think of all the babies that were misarranges or that got aborted that are now being tortured in hell. Its so sad. Its also bad to know that people server a more severe punishment than the devil since the devil is still out committing sin.
No babies in hell! They are innocent. Get to know God, He will let you know Him. Then you won’t have all these concerns like this. I could never be more serious right now! There are 0 babies in hell. In order to go to hell you have to intentionally reject Jesus.
@@kadi9682 But hell is the default destination for everyone that gets born. The bible says so. People say that if you do not go on your knees and do the sinners prayer you are destined for hell. Babies have not accepted Jesus so they technically have rejected Jesus salvation. I know Jesus but I am to scared to even get close to God. God is extremely dangerous but luckily Jesus is there to protect me from Gods wrath. Jesus was willing to die in my place and stand in the way of Gods wrath that is directed at me.
@@JT-by3rc the sinners prayer. Oh boy. Because you don’t want to get close to God you are being deceived by satan. God is the most loving and wonderful of all time. He is the kindest most beautiful I’ve ever met in my entire life. He saves and protects. He is not here to punish you. If you don’t know God you don’t know Jesus they are one and the same. No one can love you like God can. Let down your guard and let Him show you the truth. Babies don’t go to hell. God is extremely compassionate. He loves babies even more than you do. Pls all you gotta do is ask Him about all this yourself. You need to desperately ask God all this. You’re missing out on the most wonderful relationship. You will see He would never hurt babies. One day you will know. 😔
1- the canon is closed, the next event on prophetical timetable is christs return. 2- this man is either a liar, confused, or both.. no believer goes to hell to hear a message from jesus. Absolutely unbiblical 3- Being afraid of punishment isnt real repentance.
IThe whole thing maybe true but it’s very silly. What a silly system. To expect millions of people to chance upon the bible, written hundreds of years ago and to believe every word and for salvation to be based on just believing. It’s just silly! I’m not saying I don’t agree that this is the case but if you were the creator of all, is this how you’d create a fair system? Good people perishing forever? No purgatory. No holding quarters. Just hell forever for having a few doubts about something which, even though I believe, is understandably, difficult to believe. What if my belief takes me to heaven but my mother and children are condemned to hell? What then? I’m hardly likely to live in bliss for eternity with that knowledge. I have to take what the bible says as truth but it’s unfair, silly and actually over the top to base eternity on the actions of 80 years as a very flawed human being. Seems like we're being set up for failure.
Not always, the heart is a deceitful thing, who can know it but God. Faith that you are His sheep and you hear His voice is better to go on. Cause a lot of times it’s a knowing. But if you’re not sure about a thought line it up with Gods word. I was in such torment trying to listen to every thought thinking it was from God. Most importantly meditate on the Word and pray persistently. Be sure to have that real honest and humble relationship with Christ everyday and you are good to go. I have high hopes for you! Your calling is very great James.
Ppl choose to go, there is a very narrow road to heaven and a highway to hell. There’s a choice and ppl are walking on them with their own legs. hell was meant for the devil and his demons. God sent Jesus as a sacrifice to save humanity from sin. When ppl choose to sin instead of follow Jesus they make their choice. I wish everyone would choose Jesus.
Also because that’s where sin is meant to go. Sin can’t withstand Gods presence. Look at the Old Testament when they held that Ark. if you weren’t a priest of Gods and touched it, you would die. Look that story up in the Bible. Also now we’re cleansed from our sin because of Jesus. So we have His Spirit living in us and not in the Ark of the covenant.
The words I typed are with a very kind and loving voice, and with much understanding of where your question comes from. You have a good heart. There is no sarcasm or harshness or know it all voice. Reading messages can be a bit of a grey area, so I wanted to clarify. 😊
@kadi9682 Thanks for your answer and I get it. However, I wonder why he didn't just create a separate place away from him, but also not in the same place as the devil? I know that the devil was once an angel, and he also chose to challenge God. How much more we are to be punished for doing sinful acts, and we are not angels. I know there is a hell, I know there is a Heaven, but I was just curious.
Cause there can be only one Heaven...Heaven is to be in the presence of God, Hell is to be separated from Him...God created angels to be with him, but he also gave them free will (bacause you can't love if you are not doing it by your own choice), and because of the free will, a place without God was created...so that if you want to be separated from Him, you can. Originaly it was created for the devil cause he chose to separate himself from God, even though he was with Him, so he had a full knowledege. Man kind didn't, and we were decieved by the devil, and therefore God paid the price for our sins (as a form of compensation) and a chance to repent so that we can in the end be with Him. And those who chose not to get to be in the same place as the Devil, the place where there is no God. 🤷♀️
Under the Earth's surface and the sea floor. Inside the middle of the planet. Scientists did find that area, using topography. It's large caverns and pits, lava, with flanes on the surface of it. Time Magazine,1987 issue. Maybe you can find the archives fir the magazine and see the article. I hate the very idea of Hell, but no one is able to prove it doesn't exist,either. So it makes sense to follow the advice as to how to avoid that nasty place. Just because something is bad, it doesn't mean it isn't real. In this situation, wishful thinking is a terrible mistake.🙈💀🔥
@thebl4ckfe4ther...Friend, like he mentioned, unbelievers, the coward, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters, and everyone who loves AND practices falsehood, will be cast there. As for the Holy City, nothing impure will ever enter it, NOR will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but ONLY those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life.
Watch the full interview I did with Bill Wiese here: ua-cam.com/users/livek8fVGPt5QlM
I died I know. I love Jesus.
It's better to have a ruined Christmas than to have a ruined eternity.
I love how you keep our best interest in mind, Pastor Vlad! 👍
May the good and merciful Lord Jesus Christ help us in our walk with Him
Our job is the to tell the world about the Gospel but the Holy Ghost does the conviction. YESSSSLORD‼️💯✝️
Please let's call it Holy spirit not holy ghost
@@fridahuwera6233 “And I knew him not: but he that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy GHOST.” -John 1:33 KING JAMES VERSION. That is the name of God’s Spirit. It’s literally in bible. I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want to call him by his own name. This was the second english TRANSLATION(kjv).
Shamefully I was a slidback Christian for years, but my eyes were opened on his video and the Holy Spirit and God and Jesus called me on his video. My eyes were instantly opened, my repentance came imnediately. The fire of love was burning on my heart right that instant. The joy I had in me was like that of a child receiving a great gift. Believe me my joy and the hunger for the Word of God was instant. I can't describe how fast the changes have happened since that day! Praise the Lord! Praise Jesus! Glory to the Holy Spirit!
I totally agree not many preachers would warn people about hell.
The Bill Weiss testimony gave me the kick I needed God used it to get my butt in gear now I'm seeking God and to have that relationship with Him I'm trying to avoid he'll videos from now on I need to focus on God's love until I'm mature enough to watch these videos without fear 😄
Hallelujah!!May the lord have mercy on us and forgive us all our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾.Amen!
Hallelujah! Come Lord Jesus ! Save us from Your wrath
Jesus, my precious Lord!
Extremely important message!
It is important message God bless you❤
Amenx2. God is good all the time. He cares🙏💖🙏💖🙏💖🙏 so much for his creation. In his word, he doesn't want to see his people die in sin.
Yes!! Amen! We praise you JESUS. I'm so sorry Father for backsliding. I am going forward with true repentance. With a true intent to not fall into the trap of sexual immorality.
Please look up the sermon "brokenness" by voddie baucham. It teaches what true repentance means.
So good.. TY!
@@rosscaruso1628 did you watch it? It's incredible. Voddie is an amazing preacher
Wow! What a eye opening message
Oh how much You love us Jesus...Still trying to save us🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿
My Jesus, I love you ❤❤❤. I give my life to you.
Glory to our triune God - Father, Son and the holy spirit
This is an amazing testimonial. Thank you so much for sharing. God bless us all❤
Glory to God..we love you Jesus ❤❤
Thank You Jesus Christ 🔥🔥🔥🇬🇧
I got a question. If we as Christians believe in sola scriptura and only believe whats in the Bible, where in the Bible do we see people visiting hell and coming back?
Amen, watching you from dubai, God bless you pastor
GoodAfternoon Vlad N Bill !!! 💛 🕊 🌄 ThankYOU 4Sharing!!! 💛 MuchLove !!!
Wow. Vlad preached on "No Exit" over Hell ! Wow. And on Christmas too!
I love all this kind of videos you do Vlad, keep it up God bless you
Thank you Jesus for dying for my sins, Hallelluyah!
Amen God bless you 🙏 🙏 🙏
Keep the Sabbath. The truth one, the seventh day.
SUNday law come( for the environnement) The beast mark.
God bless.
Isn't it amazing that everyone who encountered Jesus has the same experience, like He always say I am or I am He
I have watched this video on isaiah saldivar and now you vlad. I have shared it on fakebook hoping people will take it in. This is not a joke Jesus is giving people time to repent. What loving God would do such a thing knowing the world is another Sodom and gommarah and he's giving people chances to change their ways. Godbless you guys for helping people through Jesus Amen 🙏🕊🙏❤️
I believe in your death and resurrection for me a sinner.
Praise be your holy name Lord Jesus.
Wow! Thanks pastor, how about tracts in that topic? Great topic!
Good evening spiritual family 🙋🏻♀️
As I watch this short clip I can feel the Holy Ghost in the area of my belly🔥
Fair warning .Free Choice .God's arms are widely open to this whole entire world .Repentance is available, until our last breath .Thank you Father,Thank You Jesus,Thank you Holy Spirit.Amen & Amen
My prayer is “Holy Spirit of God, touch anyone who doubts of your great love and
goodness towards us. In the Precious Name of Jesus, AMEN.”
How do us Christian’s handle the fact that our loved ones are there now? I know I’m in full repentance and in faith and trust in Him but I have family members that were not Christians and I don’t know how to handle that
The way I look at it is this: if a loved one is in Hell, the only way to *add* to their torment is to join them there, because then they have to spend eternity seeing their family suffering. So the best thing we can do for those in Hell is give them the small comfort of knowing we escaped it.
On the flip side, the only thing we can do to increase the joy of our families in Heaven is to join them there.
1- people in hell won't regret their decision to not follow christ. They still will hate him.
2- once you're in heaven and you see God's holiness, you will praise him for punishing the unjust while also thanking him for his grace (romans 9:22-23)
To double tap my first point...
You can only believe the gospel if the Father draws you to it and regenerates your spirit (ephesians). So just because someone is in hell and they 'understand' christ is king.. that doesn't mean they want it that way. Demons know that christ is king, they saw him face to face and they still rejected him. (James 2:19)
This should also give you comfort in knowing there's nothing you didn't do or did wrong.. if God wills someone to be saved, he will do the work. We get zero credit for saving people or even believing the gospel.. we cast our crowns back to Jesus in heaven
@@alakazoom87 People in Hell will spend eternity regretting their decision. They might not like Jesus, but they'd still follow Him if it meant escaping. Anyone will ultimately come around to any viewpoint with enough pain over a long enough time period. Also, since God Himself takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, I don't see evidence that we will, either.
@@nameirrelevant0 did you read the romans passage? God is demonstrating his justice and gets glory for it. It's scattered throughout revelation. "Gnashing of teeth" is anger towards God. If christ went to hell and opened the doors, the people would slam it shut
He scans the contents of our hearts and we are distributed according to the contents of our heart. Like attracts like timeline. 🙏🏼🥺🙏🏼 keep God first in the heart.
Hi Vlad! Any plans on coming to Los Angeles for an event? Id love to attend one of them.
Bryan Melvin was an alcoholic atheist in the 80's. He had a similar experience and is now an Evangelist. His testimony is on YT.
His channel is The Christian Marauder.
See : Habakkuk 1-3 Shepherds Student.
Seek Jesus if you want peace and guidance forever 💓💓🙏🙏
What’s the first thing we reach for in the morning? That is our God . For better or worse. Hard pill to swallow sometimes. 🙏🏼💛
Lord is a good God , we worship only Him
6:38 I idk who said this, but he said he'll was not made for man. If you read the scriptures god and jesus and everywhere he'll is mentioned, it always says hell was made for the devil and his angels so it was never meant for man kind to go there now considering this is a place to torment angels how much torment do you think it will cause to us humans.
No way I'm going to hell! I love Jesus... Always have & always will
I had a similar experience, and it changed me for the rest of my life
Lazarus and the rich man....the rich man could not go back to tell his family. Luke 16:19-31....
Thats after death
Vlad, can you made a video on why we believe the bible?
I've been following your ministry and let me just shoot my shot... could you please tackle the topic of resentment and forgiveness.
Yes...i agree
We are have free will
We can chose to do bad or to do good.But ...if we do bad thing..we have the consequensi that is hell and condenmnation
So...let obey God ( jesus our savior)
Jesus will lead us...
Because no others way to come to Father unless we follow God's path
Luke 16:26
Who alone hath immortality? 1 Timothy 6:16
Gods word says that no one has been to heaven or hell and his word is final. This guy is either lying or he is deceived. Word of God has final authority
What about Paul being caught up in heaven?
@@kadi9682 yes, Paul did goto heaven but he was personally commissioned by God and chosen by God to write most of the New Testament. Aswell as preach in the presence of near daily death, if I saw heaven I would be able to goto Somalian Islamic mosques and preach about Jesus in them too I would guess. Paul was caught up to heaven and it says that “things no human was allowed to tell”. So that means anyone claiming an experience in heaven or hell is lying, deceived or has got something wrong mentally where they might see visions such as schizophrenia or something along those lines
Gods word has the final authority in all matters and he alone decides reality and truth
Pastor/Teacher, THIS IS OFF SUBJECT. HoweVer, I NEED To LeaVe This Q-ion
Do you belieVe, The Most High Still Speak AUDIBLY Theses Day’s? I Sooo
Enjoy Listening To Sharp Biblical Teachers
My Bible teacher, at a young ago. Taught Us young people Sooo MUCH from The Holy KJV - I Thank God for her on a Regular.
Interview Bryan Melvin
Barucha ha ba ba shem Adonai. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord ❤
I know its not related that much to the video but if at all possible anyone please can you pray for me. My wife is miles away its destroying my heart not being able to see her. Please pray that i may see her soon. If you are willing please pray, i know there are people with way worse situations than mine that need way more prayer than mine, but if you are willing any prayer helps. I just want to see her again. All im runing on is faith in God. But the bible says were 2 or 3 are gatherd there i am in the mist if them. 🙏
Yes, after you die you will go either to Heaven or to Hell. People that go to purgatory cant go to hell. They allways get to Heaven in the end. Purgatory is place where God works on the soul that is saved and died in peace with God, but has to be cleansed and purified from sins made during life and the consequences it made on the soul. Since we cant enter Heaven unless we are truly spotlles. And a form of purification is suffering. And we can actually ease that suffering with our prayers. And the Bible actually speaks about purgatory although the name "purgatory" is not in there.
How do you stay so calm with everything?
I've tried to get that DVD of 23 minute's in hell, did get it. Please, I want to show it to people.
I want to repent today. And be made new.
Let’s pray for ourselves and our neighbors.
To hell with this world, I want jesus.
My Christian friend doesn’t believe in Hell, so I asked her what happens then to those who don’t accept Jesus? To which she replied, they would just turn to dust or words to that effect,I then said well if that were true nobody would need Him and we could all go through life doing whatever to whomever we liked!! Plus and a BIG plus what was the point of Jesus coming down to earth and eventually dying suffering on the cross like we could never imagine? She still doesn’t think Hell is real !
The Bible says that we return to the dust. Ecclesiastes 12:7.
The wicked are resurrected in the second resurrection to face the great white throne judgment. The wicked surround the Holy City, then fire comes down from heaven and devours them.
Revelation 20 describes a second death for the wicked (which is eternal) after fire devours the wicked.
Read Rev. 20, which speaks of eternal death, the second death, after 1000 years, when the wicked "surround the holy city," and "fire comes down from heaven and devours them"). Then God makes the earth new (see Rev. 21 and 22).
@@donnamcdonald3709 thank you.
I will read Revelation and ch 20 !
Why?, I don’t know but I get real butterflies in my stomach at the thought of reading Revelation and thus far haven’t really read it but did listen to the audio NIV version read by David Suchet whilst I was in bed and going to sleep!
Where is Hell located?
It's under the Earth's surface, and under the sea floor, above the white- hot core .I remember reading an article in Time Magazine, in the library ( 1987) where the climate down there, it has caverns, lava on the floor in there. Flames of course. A kind of ultrasound topographic device was used to map that out. It rains nickel too, no idea why that is. These large pits and caverns are located just above the middle of the planet, where the iron core itself is. The planet turns because of the nuclear fire there. It functions like a reactor. The whole thing is pretty astounding. Anyone who can access the archives for Time can probably find that one,and print it,too. Scientific proof , if people are interested. Yucky stuff !! Hell can't be disproved, unfortunately.
Hell is more a state of being than a place. It is really silly when people say it is in our planet. Really silly. War is Hell but you don't ask where is war.
God is a just God after all? and when people who have sinned die without Jesus, they will be judged JUSTLY! or? For the sins of a world time, just punishments/judgments come about for these people that do not correspond to eternal damnation. or? That would be a fair verdict. Punishment for the sins committed during that time on earth would then require legal punishments (an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth). Eternal punishment would then be a sentence that would exceed the measure of a just sentence.
An eye for an eye is from the first overall dispensation (the Old Testament) during which time God was dealing with hardness of peoples hearts. We are now in the second dispensation, (the New Testament) - a period of God’s Grace. People who hear of God, the Gospel, but REJECT ‘the love of the truth’ make a fateful choice.
God intends to be directly in our presence, or more importantly, we in His Presence. He cannot be in the presence of SIN, therefore OUR sins need to ‘covered’. Hence the Gospel, the Atonement enables us to be in a position after death where we can be further transformed into new, ‘glorified (uncorrupted) bodies, with a conscience and will.
There is no third option.
Denying the ‘inner confirmation’ about the existence of God (clearly seen in and through all of His Creation) is a SIN.
Without creating hell, God wouldn't be righteous. All evil in this current world will go there. For a good reason.
I need ur help
Jesus said As it is written. If it is found written in the Word of God, therefore it is. Jesus didn't say what I was trying to say, or as interpreted as, He clearly says AS IT IS WRITTEN. Since He cannot lie, and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, when you read about hell, hades, the lake of fire, a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth, unquenchable fire, everlasting torment, then that's exactly what it is. Nowhere did Jesus say once you enter the lake of fire you are annihilated. Energy never ceases to exist. Your soul is of form of energy. It is only contained in a body ( which will rise up to be joined to the soul after the end of time) and that's how you have senses you can feel. So when Jesus said in Matthew 10:28 to fear God who can cast both body and soul into hell, He meant it.
There would be no need for the lake of fire to be included in the outer darkness after the new creation of the earth and heaven, if God's plan was to annihilate the wicked who rejected Christ. They endure torment forever and are visible through the great chasm that separates evil from escaping. No one's beliefs define what is truth or what is not. It's only the Word of God that is undeniably true. Is it not better to accept the Truth before death, than to perish and find out when you stand before Him that you were wrong. Woe to you in that moment. No matter if you accept truth or deny it, you will stand before Jesus, since He is our judge. And that's a fact. So stop listening to man's theology and start listening to the Word of God. Everything written in it is intentional. It's purpose is to offer you life through Christ Jesus, if you choose to accept His teachings. Death is eternal separation from God and all He provides His creation to live. Its not the cessation of pain and suffering, it is the beginning. To die is to Depart Into Eternity. Death is to Depart Eternally Afterwards To Heaven or to Depart Eternally Afterwards To Hell. The destination is your decision.
My question is...
What would be the purpose of an ETERNAL TORTURE CHAMBER!? This makes no sense at all!? Actually sounds extremely sick and twisted! 🤮 I thought only the pagan gods did that kind of thing!?
From what I read, God is unconditional LOVE 💕 His mercies endureth forever...his mercy triumphs over judgement.
Didn't He himself says to forgive our enemies 70x7. He says to turn the other cheek, and to pray for our enemies, right!?? So Is he going to ask us to do something that he's not willing to do??
Also, didn't Paul write that EVERY knee shall bow and EVERY tongue will JOYFULLY proclaim allegiance to the Lord!?
We can’t just pick and choose what we read and take in . If you read the whole bible , including every book in the of testament it is evident that God is a God of judgment as well as a loving God . Particularly in exodus John 14:6 says I am the way the truth and the life h the only way to the father is through me . If God wasn’t loving he wouldn’t have sent his son to die John 3:16 so we could have the opportunity of eternal life and experience his love face to face . Jesus’ first words to the world were also repent for the kindgom of God is at hand . We cannot go to heaven without accepting God and believing that he sent a son who has been raised form the dead snd freed us from our sin . Romans 10:9
All of those who reject Gods gift of salvation are unbelievers and no different from workers of iniquity and Satan . As they rejected Gods will for them to be saved by not believing like Satan rejected Gods will and post in heaven . God knows that our sinful nature is not due to us but due to the sins of our forefather Adam in the garden of Eden , so he has made a way for us to be ridden of sin and holy again so we can spend eternity with him . The very essence of hell in the first place was to punish Stan for his role in the fall of man and trying to be a God , opposed the creator . However many have been deceived by him and ended up following his work of iniquity leading then to the lake of fire - revelations 21:8The only way to prevent this is through accepting Gods love and the gift of salvation , and following Jesus . By accepting Jesus you die a death and are resurrected like Jesus was . In this our sprint can remain forever and we are liberated from spiritual death leading to eternal life .
Hope that’s helps😊
@@LoveWins777fshif you choose to reject grace from God and dont want nothing to do with him he will not force you to heaven with him, and because you and everyone has done sin, (romans 3:23) we deserve eternal hell (and in there you realise that you deserve it). So if you dont accept free grace, justice will happen and you end up in hwll
Study your Bibles. Ecclesiastes 9:5, Revelation 20, etc., explain that the dead do not know anything and that hell is an event (see Rev. 20) at the end of the 1000 years. Then God will make a new earth (see Rev. 21).
Right or wrong, it’s not a chance I’m willing to take.
Help me I'm renja from tripura
Sheol 🙀🙀🙀
I don't mean you any harm as a fellow believer but i don't recall any instances of anything like this happening in the bible so im finding it a bit hard to believe but if its true excuse my rudeness
There's a way which seems right unto man but the end thereof are the ways of death. Proverbs 14:12. Jesus said, "I am the WAY, the truth and the life. John14:6 Each of us determines where we spend eternity by the path WE CHOOSE. If we choose Jesus who is the way, we will have eternal life. If we choose the way that seems right to us, we will spend an eternity in hell.
Wjhat if someone chooses the way of Jesus but is uncertain and cufused how to walk but genuinely wants Jesus ? Im in a position like this I want that relationship with God but Im finding things very difficult and confusing but I want Him
@@Goldtaker23 Some of the most important things is to continue to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ by prayer, worship, reading and study the Bible. If you have not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, begin to ask Jesus to baptize you with the Holy Spirit as he promised. Acts 1:8; Matthew 3:11. If you don't have a good church you can attend, I would contact Vlad's ministry to see if they can help you find a good church in your area. You can also try Billy Graham ministry. If you do have a good church, they probably have ' home group ' where people from the church gather at different houses to study the Bible or you can also speak with your pastor and let him know your desires. It is important to make sure what you are being taught is in line with the Bible. I will leave you with this: Psalm 37:4 says "delight thyself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." Desiring Jesus is something that God is willing to answer.
"end thereof is death" Prov 14:12 - not billions of years in torment.
"You were not trying to write a book or start a ministry..." Yeah, right. If you believe that, I've got a bridge I can sell you, Vlad.
Жаль 😭
Не понимаю по английский
@@Vitality205 спасибо большое ☺️
Благословит вас Господь 🙏💛
Wait a minute. Just because hell exists, let's not simply assume it is everlasting. Infinite existence of hell and the devil (a) in effect, places satan on par with God, and (b) contradicts scripture itself ... i.e., God as powerless to put an end to sin, something He intends to do: _Seventy weeks are decreed about your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to put an end to sin, and to atone for iniquity. (Daniel 9:24)_
Edit: _Aionios_ means "for an age." Weise is speaking outside of scholarship---he's winging it here, saying it means _forever._ He's being extremely CARELESS in handling this.
Entertaining story, keep in mind this guy wrote a whole book and made a bunch of money off of it. Why is the man’s testimony more detailed than the words of Jesus ? If a sinful man’s words go beyond what scripture has to say, I doubt their story
But isn't he supposed to be the Creator? So didn't he create Hell?
The Hades and Gehenna that Christ spoke of did NOT originate with him. Hades and Gehenna were Greek-modified views of the afterlife adopted by Jews during the intertestamental period (1 Enoch; Judith; c.200-100 BC). Christ could not have meant that Hades and Gehenna were real, because he would be denying the Old Testament view of death (cessation of life) and embrace the Hades/Gehenna of the Apocryphal books.
Not punishment to go to Hell. Quantum physics. Where our attention goes our souls will flow. Love you all. God bless and protect everyone, no exceptions.
I thought you get eternal life by receiving Jesus but if you don’t you get destroyed in the lake of fire. Eternal life is in hell and in heaven too???
they will spend eternity in hell. Jesus is the way the truth and the LIFE. There is no life there. Remember that. death is separation from God. You do get eternal life by receiving Jesus. If not it’s eternal death in hell. Super devastating I know. I do understand your question and the answer is yes.
Eternal life is a gift for the righteous not the wicked . remember Death and Hell will be cast into the lake of fire ! Rev 20:14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death.
Why does God not stop all of this? Why are there people entering this world every day that is destined to hell? To think of all the babies that were misarranges or that got aborted that are now being tortured in hell. Its so sad. Its also bad to know that people server a more severe punishment than the devil since the devil is still out committing sin.
No babies in hell! They are innocent. Get to know God, He will let you know Him. Then you won’t have all these concerns like this. I could never be more serious right now! There are 0 babies in hell. In order to go to hell you have to intentionally reject Jesus.
@@kadi9682 But hell is the default destination for everyone that gets born. The bible says so. People say that if you do not go on your knees and do the sinners prayer you are destined for hell. Babies have not accepted Jesus so they technically have rejected Jesus salvation. I know Jesus but I am to scared to even get close to God. God is extremely dangerous but luckily Jesus is there to protect me from Gods wrath. Jesus was willing to die in my place and stand in the way of Gods wrath that is directed at me.
@@JT-by3rc the sinners prayer. Oh boy. Because you don’t want to get close to God you are being deceived by satan. God is the most loving and wonderful of all time. He is the kindest most beautiful I’ve ever met in my entire life. He saves and protects. He is not here to punish you. If you don’t know God you don’t know Jesus they are one and the same. No one can love you like God can. Let down your guard and let Him show you the truth. Babies don’t go to hell. God is extremely compassionate. He loves babies even more than you do. Pls all you gotta do is ask Him about all this yourself. You need to desperately ask God all this. You’re missing out on the most wonderful relationship. You will see He would never hurt babies. One day you will know. 😔
@@kadi9682 Thanks for your kind comment. It gives me hope!
@@JT-by3rc I love that. You’re special. 😊
Hell is real ... Remember ... but please don't believe in it ... believe in God and the Messiah
He did not go to "hell" but he may if he continues false teaching and doesn't repent
1- the canon is closed, the next event on prophetical timetable is christs return.
2- this man is either a liar, confused, or both.. no believer goes to hell to hear a message from jesus. Absolutely unbiblical
3- Being afraid of punishment isnt real repentance.
IThe whole thing maybe true but it’s very silly. What a silly system. To expect millions of people to chance upon the bible, written hundreds of years ago and to believe every word and for salvation to be based on just believing. It’s just silly! I’m not saying I don’t agree that this is the case but if you were the creator of all, is this how you’d create a fair system? Good people perishing forever? No purgatory. No holding quarters. Just hell forever for having a few doubts about something which, even though I believe, is understandably, difficult to believe. What if my belief takes me to heaven but my mother and children are condemned to hell? What then? I’m hardly likely to live in bliss for eternity with that knowledge. I have to take what the bible says as truth but it’s unfair, silly and actually over the top to base eternity on the actions of 80 years as a very flawed human being. Seems like we're being set up for failure.
Your own brain is Jesus telling you things.
Not always, the heart is a deceitful thing, who can know it but God. Faith that you are His sheep and you hear His voice is better to go on. Cause a lot of times it’s a knowing. But if you’re not sure about a thought line it up with Gods word. I was in such torment trying to listen to every thought thinking it was from God. Most importantly meditate on the Word and pray persistently. Be sure to have that real honest and humble relationship with Christ everyday and you are good to go. I have high hopes for you! Your calling is very great James.
Why wouldn't God just send sinners somewhere else? Why Hell?
Ppl choose to go, there is a very narrow road to heaven and a highway to hell. There’s a choice and ppl are walking on them with their own legs. hell was meant for the devil and his demons. God sent Jesus as a sacrifice to save humanity from sin. When ppl choose to sin instead of follow Jesus they make their choice. I wish everyone would choose Jesus.
Also because that’s where sin is meant to go. Sin can’t withstand Gods presence. Look at the Old Testament when they held that Ark. if you weren’t a priest of Gods and touched it, you would die. Look that story up in the Bible. Also now we’re cleansed from our sin because of Jesus. So we have His Spirit living in us and not in the Ark of the covenant.
The words I typed are with a very kind and loving voice, and with much understanding of where your question comes from. You have a good heart. There is no sarcasm or harshness or know it all voice. Reading messages can be a bit of a grey area, so I wanted to clarify. 😊
@kadi9682 Thanks for your answer and I get it. However, I wonder why he didn't just create a separate place away from him, but also not in the same place as the devil? I know that the devil was once an angel, and he also chose to challenge God. How much more we are to be punished for doing sinful acts, and we are not angels. I know there is a hell, I know there is a Heaven, but I was just curious.
Cause there can be only one Heaven...Heaven is to be in the presence of God, Hell is to be separated from Him...God created angels to be with him, but he also gave them free will (bacause you can't love if you are not doing it by your own choice), and because of the free will, a place without God was created...so that if you want to be separated from Him, you can. Originaly it was created for the devil cause he chose to separate himself from God, even though he was with Him, so he had a full knowledege. Man kind didn't, and we were decieved by the devil, and therefore God paid the price for our sins (as a form of compensation) and a chance to repent so that we can in the end be with Him. And those who chose not to get to be in the same place as the Devil, the place where there is no God. 🤷♀️
I doubt all of this very much. Very subjective and unbiblical, I believe john saw Jesus...i do not believe this man did.
there is no hell
You can save a ton of money by switching to Geico.
So fake and false!!!!
Hallelujah!!May the lord have mercy on us and forgive us all our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾.Amen!
Where is Hell located?
Under the Earth's surface and the sea floor. Inside the middle of the planet. Scientists did find that area, using topography. It's large caverns and pits, lava, with flanes on the surface of it. Time Magazine,1987 issue. Maybe you can find the archives fir the magazine and see the article. I hate the very idea of Hell, but no one is able to prove it doesn't exist,either. So it makes sense to follow the advice as to how to avoid that nasty place. Just because something is bad, it doesn't mean it isn't real. In this situation, wishful thinking is a terrible mistake.🙈💀🔥
@thebl4ckfe4ther...Friend, like he mentioned, unbelievers, the coward, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters, and everyone who loves AND practices falsehood, will be cast there. As for the Holy City, nothing impure will ever enter it, NOR will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but ONLY those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life.