  • Опубліковано 23 вер 2021
  • Here Forever I Will Be
    Words and Music by: Jerry Quirab
    Mastered by Beda Ponce Regalario Jr
    Sung by: Mark Jiko Cedo Fernando Curaming II Reese Bonapos Grachel Mae Lopez and Christian Ranada of Ligao National High School Voice Corale
    Video Contributions from The Office of Representative Fernando Tibor Cabredo , the City Government of Ligao , Carl James Tolarba Kyle Justin Rebutica, Bryant Boni Mendoza, Justin Molina Photography Celger Venzon and SBCreatives


  • @kayejaucian415
    @kayejaucian415 Рік тому +2

    Its so beautiful 💞💞💞😽😽😽

  • @funsongnurseryrhymes8944
    @funsongnurseryrhymes8944 Рік тому +2

    the ligao city is super beutiful

  • @maricar2313
    @maricar2313 9 місяців тому

    I lovee it❤❤❤

  • @reinchristianolivan9381
    @reinchristianolivan9381 Рік тому +13

    Ligao City Hymn
    So amazing beautiful Ligao City,
    A lovely place we call our own.
    Tourist hills, and mountains, plains and rich blue sea.
    Where we all love to roam.
    Known traditions, culture, and treasured history,
    All tell how richly blessed are we
    Oh I love my place, my Ligao City.
    It's a home so dear to me.
    Onward march Ligaeños- the City's gowth is in your hand.
    Law abiding Ligaoeños - let the good deeds never end.
    Shine o Shine Ligaoeños - take the torch to every land.
    Magic charm of Ligaoeños - sings its wonders to every band
    We have faith, we believe in God.
    It's our strength from day to day.
    We keep striving with a cheerful heart.
    Guarding Honor and dignity,
    Through all hardship on our way.
    Fifty-Five barangays of Ligao City,
    Firmly stand in unity.
    Armed with mission, vision and philosophy,
    Achieving real prosperity.
    Heroes braved have died.
    They fought for liberty.
    Great heritage, we plainly see.
    Oh I love my place, my Ligao City.
    It's a home so dear to me.
    Onward march Ligaeños- the City's gowth is in your hand.
    Law abiding Ligaoeños - let the good deeds never end.
    Shine o Shine Ligaoeños - take the torch to every land.
    Magic charm of Ligaoeños - sings its wonders to every band
    We have faith, we believe in God.
    It's our strength from day to day.
    We keep striving with a cheerful heart.
    Guarding Honor and dignity,
    Through all hardship on our way.
    So amazing beautiful Ligao City,
    A lovely place where good things happen.
    Oh, I love my place my Ligao City
    My home forever it will be.
    Here forever I will be.

  • @Iluve_sofie
    @Iluve_sofie Рік тому +1

    I love my place

  • @robiejeanslater678
    @robiejeanslater678 9 місяців тому

    I miss my place

  • @Yves_BG
    @Yves_BG Рік тому +2

    oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii so good putik sahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhahahahahahahahaahahahahhahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahhhhhhhhhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahhahaahahhahahsahhahahahhahahahahhahahashahhahahahahahhaahhahhahhaahhhahhhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahhahaahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhaahhahahahahhahahhahhahaahhahaa

  • @user-sn1jq8gq2t
    @user-sn1jq8gq2t 10 місяців тому

    Im in ligao 😊

  • @androidmode8757
    @androidmode8757 3 місяці тому

    "ow recap baya"
    "RECAP ANO????"
    "recap 8 HAHAHAHAHHAAH"
    Only LNHSians will understand