yus los yog neeg ib yam li nws thiab. yog nws twb saib yus zoo li tsiaj xwb ces muab nrauj kiag mus zoo dua qhov yus nyob rau nws ntaus tsam yus ho tuag rau nws ob txhais tes thiab. txoj yas suab no hais tsis yog ib qho li os. luag twb tsis txawj xav es yus pheej yuav mus txawj txawj xav ua tus dab tsi na? pob lwb dhau heev lawm os cov poj niam uas xav li txoj yas suab no na.
this video is so funny. how the country girl got a great make up on hy.hill. nice cloth. she does look good. better then some or most . she is crying then start to dance with the other lady. too( hilarious. ) must be the producers and directors. ha ha ha ha. I'm hurting now .
Cas koj lub ntsej muag yuav zoo mos dawb. Cas koj tus caj yuav yiag txias zoo ntxim kuv tawb. Koj lub ntsej muag zoo mos nyoos li lub paj tawg tshiab. Koj lub cev zoo yiag txias tau ntxim kuv siab. Tav li no hlua khi tes hmab khi taw tas lawm ces mam hlub hmoob tej ntxhais tuaj rau nruab siab es tshua tuaj rau nruab ntsws lawm xwb os.
first thing first, yes the one in the blue is sure pretty. now that been said... i just have to laugh, it just came flat out straight to me that there action just don't look right. other wise as i said before girl in the blue is very pretty and i like it, for what it is what it is. thumb up
Cas neb act so odd tsis zoo li yog vivncaus maj? Lum Lao not so pair up either nor appropriate to the degree of Mor Lum moves. Kav liam mas zoo nkauj heev lawm os.
Zoo heev li thov txhawb koj py
paj zaub aw!!! zoo nkauj npaum li koj ko es ua licas es koj thiaj li mus yuav tej tug O -G zoo li ntawd xwb koj ces tag li nawb mog tus muam zoo nkauj
tus uas played ua niam hluas no zoo nkauj kawg li os yom
This song & music nrov tau kho siab zim.
Xu siab tsawv os ob tug Aib pog... Los poj nrauj yeej zoo li neb ko na..? Tos Qaib Npua pheej mob mob aws los tim nej ne...
Yog nyob tsev nqeeb txom nyem npaum pom no ces kawg OG xwb thiaj dim kev txom nyem os yom
Leej twj los yeej ib yam xw os
are they sisters. i know that Paj Suab Lauj is Ntxawm Ntxuaj Pag Lauj younger sister. how many siblings do they even have? NICE song by the way.
Peb tsis ntau pojniam vim pojniam muaj ib yam khoom zoo heev cawm txiv neej txoj sia.
Raug ntaus thiab ncaws tseem hu tau nkauj thiab ces yeej tseem zoo thiab nawb peb cov nxhais Hmoob !
yus los yog neeg ib yam li nws thiab. yog nws twb saib yus zoo li tsiaj xwb ces muab nrauj kiag mus zoo dua qhov yus nyob rau nws ntaus tsam yus ho tuag rau nws ob txhais tes thiab. txoj yas suab no hais tsis yog ib qho li os. luag twb tsis txawj xav es yus pheej yuav mus txawj txawj xav ua tus dab tsi na? pob lwb dhau heev lawm os cov poj niam uas xav li txoj yas suab no na.
looks wrong but I guess it's something different. Zoo nkauj heev li os.
zoo nkauj heev li os yog ma
Hu tau siab os
Hu zaj nkauj tu siab thiab kua muag poob dawb vog li ko mas, txhob la-voos thiab nav diam tiab luv luv pob. Li ko ces mag ncaws tsis tau txaus xwb.
Sib pab txhawb nqa yom phooj ywg
Very nice song
Not bad ! I like it
Nrauj kiag koj tug txiv es kuv mam hlub koj os leej muam.Ua tib neeg nyob muaj tej txijkawm hlub los mob tso los nco
@YgKlan same thing happened here. I couldn't control but to laugh. the blue one is pretty as you mentioned. agree!
neb zoo nkauj heev puas tau muaj txiv nas leej muam,
this video is so funny. how the country girl got a great make up on hy.hill. nice cloth. she does look good. better then some or most . she is crying then start to dance with the other lady. too( hilarious. ) must be the producers and directors. ha ha ha ha. I'm hurting now .
nice song
the niam hluas one is so cute....one to have pice of her.
Cas koj lub ntsej muag yuav zoo mos dawb.
Cas koj tus caj yuav yiag txias zoo ntxim kuv tawb.
Koj lub ntsej muag zoo mos nyoos li lub paj tawg tshiab.
Koj lub cev zoo yiag txias tau ntxim kuv siab.
Tav li no hlua khi tes hmab khi taw tas lawm ces mam hlub hmoob tej ntxhais tuaj rau nruab siab es tshua tuaj rau nruab ntsws lawm xwb os.
The red flower on head is beautiful woman.^^
Tuan Xeem muas
first thing first, yes the one in the blue is sure pretty.
now that been said... i just have to laugh, it just came flat out straight to me that there action just don't look right. other wise as i said before girl in the blue is very pretty and i like it, for what it is what it is. thumb up
Did anyone upload NtshiabSi Lauj music or mv?
exx123456 txiv neej siab phem nrauj kiag pov tseg.
It sounds like they borrowed the tune from Sawang Muang Lao
Peb twb tsis tau ntau thiab ncaw ned? tsua yog Nom phaj xwb os...............
Kaonis Vue I
she's so pretty. with the right director, she can sleep her way to the top. lol
she is a supper Hmong lum lao but the director doesn't know how to direct.
Muaj ntsis xu siab qhov neb yoj tw..as ob niag .tsis kav saib kom tag mloog xwb
hmm. stop copying other people's works! why don't you just spend a few $ to support them?
Cas neb act so odd tsis zoo li yog vivncaus maj? Lum Lao not so pair up either nor appropriate to the degree of Mor Lum moves. Kav liam mas zoo nkauj heev lawm os.
i want a copy of her cd anyone got?
they are pretty but how come they dance like lesbians?
the dances not match the beats
sib pab txhawb nqa os phooj ywg