I tried Tuesday-Shamane and it worked, so im sure Tuesday-Sotheby, a stronger duo, would work (i dont have sotheby) . Oh Barbara is a nice support in this map because i dont have to worry about her moxie
tuesday and sotheby almost body every boss in the game. if they are available then use then and you'll win. i got 2 milllion score with tuesday, sotheby, an an lee and kakania on this raid.
Headgear team
heya, is a tuesday sotheby duo usable in this raid? if it is id like to see how it would do :)
I tried Tuesday-Shamane and it worked, so im sure Tuesday-Sotheby, a stronger duo, would work (i dont have sotheby)
Oh Barbara is a nice support in this map because i dont have to worry about her moxie
It works! Just make sure you grab a second healer
poison team work on most raids, i often use tuesday. an an lee for heal and shield. sotheby and regulus for AP+1 and wide dodge buff
I got 1300k score with tuesday sotheby on the normal version of the raid poison team is OP don't ever ask just use
tuesday and sotheby almost body every boss in the game. if they are available then use then and you'll win. i got 2 milllion score with tuesday, sotheby, an an lee and kakania on this raid.