Things that with stand the test of time such a worth while topic. Live by great principles. Being a Cowboy out west! What a great idea! Makes a lot of sense to me! Movie actor, how interesting. Taming of the heart, taming of the spirit words by Billy Graham. This is so thought provoking. Who you are from the inside out, your character. Tests of character. Leaders out for themselves. So many other topics discussed of interest too. 🙏
Things that with stand the test of time such a worth while topic. Live by great principles. Being a Cowboy out west! What a great idea! Makes a lot of sense to me! Movie actor, how interesting. Taming of the heart, taming of the spirit words by Billy Graham. This is so thought provoking. Who you are from the inside out, your character. Tests of character. Leaders out for themselves. So many other topics discussed of interest too. 🙏
inspiring interview 🙂