Спасибо родителям Дэвида за такое светлое чудо, подаренное этому грешному миру . Он, несомненно, сумашедший, влюбленный в свою скрипку, весь мир, если с легкостью берет в плен наши сердца и души, отдавая всего себя в своей музыке.. И не важны расстояния, где мы живем и какому Богу молимся, звуки души Дэвида объединяют и дарят любовь ВСЕМ, кто умеет слышать сердцем. ❤
Диво дивное : ВСЕВЫШНИЙ воплотил в одной личности непревзойдённый талант музыканта, внешнюю красоту, харизму, ум, абсолютную доброжелательность, глубокое уважение к родителям (особенно к маме), трудолюбие, умение идти к достижению цели, любить людей и весь мир... Dear David! Thank you for THE MUSIC AND LOVE!
I saw David Garrett in person . His joy in what he does as he plays the violin is in his face, in his body, in the music. And he is so beautiful. Truly beautiful looking, acting. His joy is catching and becomes an essential part of his concert playing. Astounding.
David Garrett is the reincarnated King of Israel, King David. As a Shepherd boy, he slay. Goliath. His Love causes him David Garrett to mirror Bathsheba's life. He is on her wave length.
No difficulty believing you. I never had the chance to see him perform live. He brings me a lot of joy, he is a really admirable person and musician and in my opinion Unique.
He's finally coming to Australia and I will finally get to see him perform in September, as a music lover and violinist I'm very excited to see such a passionate and talented artist who seems like such a genuine person as well ❤
Смотрю этот фильм снова и снова, подпитываюсь хорошей энергией. Снято великолепно, Дэвид прекрасен, с ума сойти от его ямочек . Ну и от игры ,конечно. Мама очень понравилась. ПОнятно почему сын такой классный,позитивный. Подобраны все кадры и музыка очень профессионально. Молодцы ! Спасибо !
I really enjoy you, David. You are not God nor a new Jesus Christ as some say, but a from God gifted talent and we can be happy to have you among us. Love you allways ❤
Этого немецкого ВИРТУОЗА коснулась счастливая рука природы!!!❤I love you,David❤Это чистая,чистая любовь к твоей музыке.Очеравательная мамочка,счастливая ,которая смотрит на своего ребёнка наслаждаясь его любовью к ней!!!!!🎧I hope,David,you are very,very happy🦋
It’s amazing to find a young man with a so creative mind, a wonderful soul and a great ❤ David, I know you are consciente of the great gift that God bless you. Thanks to our Lord and thanks you for being so generous and a very glad person.
Милая, добрая мама, пусть она будет всегда рядом с тобой, Дэвид! Пока наши родители рядом, мы можем себе позволить оставаться детьми. Низкий земной поклон твоим родителям за воспитание, светлую душу, талант и обаяние, красоту и свет в тебе. Ты подарил мне мечту, (пусть и не сбыточную) , попасть на твой концерт, увидеть и услышать тебя живьем...Спасибо за лучики света и тепла , которые ты даришь всем людям❤.Ты не земной..Люблю всей душой, будь счастлив! Браво!!! 💐
Buenos días David, desde la Primera vez que te escuché me quedé impactada por las melodías clásicos y actuales que tocas, tienes un don que Dios te a dado, muchas felicidades desde Perú una fanz que admira el talento.
What thanks can we render to God again ,for David Garrett in such a time as this . This music is with Power and demonstration,of a lot of work, thought, and Love to all who hear.. such compassion flows through to all of us who listen, drawing us back again, and again.... Lovely ,comforting, reflecting.
Quanto mais escuto e vejo esse fenômeno do violino, mais me apaixono pela sua figura esbelta e sua música mágica. David e seu violino são um único ser encantado, almas gêmeas que produzem um enlevo inexplicável em quem os escuta. É pura magia, pra ouvir e sonhar !
Ever since I've started to listen to David Garrett, I have been playing the violin and had never stopped. My life as a violinist wouldn't have existed if I didn't accidentally clicked on one of David Garret's videos of him playing Viva La Vida. You have proven that music isn't just a sound that comes out in different tones and keys, but that it's language that was created through a human being emotions. Don't ever stop making music and keep on living on doing what your heart guides you to do. Thank you, David, for all of your music and your heart.😊
Девид великолепен!!!Его можно слушать и слушать,лицезреть и лицезреть!!!Столько обаяния ,сердечной доброты,сказочно талантлив,редчайшая мужская красота,чертовски привлекателен!!!Девид!😂Тебя же любит вся планета -это ты знаешь??😂Ну,конечно,догадываешься 😉😍Боже,дай сил,здоровья этому прекрасному талантливому ЧЕЛОВЕКУ,ЗДОРОВЬЯ ЕГО РОДИТЕЛЯМ!!!
@@СВЕТЛАНАЛЕВЧЕНКО-ъ5р Насчёт "гения" - не любит он таких "комплиментов"!))..сам говорил уже во многих TV-беседах, в Германии...Он не был ни в детстве "вундеркиндом", ни сейчас "гением"..а просто невероятно много работал, ежедневно по несколько часов, начиная с 4х-летнего возраста, часто против своей воли, так сказать" из под палки".. Вот именно за это он рад принять любую похвалу!!)
I have to say, it's David that introduced me to the classical world. I have never listened to any classical music before. After listening to David's crossover music, I started to get myself involved in the classical music scene, I'm even starting to play violin myself. Thanks David Garrett 😊
Check out Ara Malikian. You might like his classical and his own compositions. One of his own that I love is titled Pisando Flores, live at Las Ventas. He lives in Spain and speaks perfect Spanish. He was born in Lebanon to Armenian parents.
Me too, I've never listened instrumental music like a violin! But when I listened Viva la vida, The 5th, Caprice 24, Bitter sweet symphony and others covers of David, all change. I feel a lot of good emotions when I listen his music, it's, for me, virtuous and gorgeous!
Wow, I'm just like you. I started listening to classical music after listening to David's performance. And now I am learning violin as a hobby. I learned the beauty of classical music through David Garrett.
David, you are great. You play the violin while showing your emotions that go directly into our heart and soul. Brilliant! Thank you very much.Lovely!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I saw him years ago playing in an intimate venue of 250 seats (he had come for 1 night, 1 performance) because a good friend of his in NY asked him to, for a local charity. Had never heard of him but as a season ticket holder I got an invite. The first thing I noticed was his appearance. He wore a graphic tee shirt (we’re in Florida), jeans and sneakers. His hair was tied back in a punky pony tail. He’s 6’4”. He’s VERY good looking. Charismatic. He thanked us for coming and joked about what he’d do for his buddy to repay the honor of helping the charity. Then he began to play. Omg. The hall has wonderful acoustics and it seemed like every note had wings. He played some classics (Vivaldi, Paganini) and some crossover pop songs. The movie had been out awhile and he played its theme song “I’m a Pirate “ from Pirates of the Caribbean. It brought the house down! He has so much fun playing the violin! He smiles, grins, and once laughed out loud doing a riff. I was enchanted. We gave him a standing ovation and thunderous applause. Next day I bought every album I could find. What an amazing talent. What a brilliant performer. I know I won’t see him in person again, so thank you for this. 😁
David Garrett: He and his talented absolutely beautiful music can take your breath away!!! I love, love, love, everything about his presence, and his musical presentations!!!
Un saludito desde COLOMBIA🇨🇴maravilloso músico, además guapísimo. Esperamos algún día incluyas este bello país en tus giras y así poder conocer y disfrutar de tan majestuosa presentación 👏👏👏 Saludos, Edna Piedad.
Теперь, я знаю, что такое: Совершенство! Это - Девид Гарретт! Полнота всех достоинств! О, мой Девид! Какое счастье, что, ты! со мной сутра до вечера!))) Обильных Божьих Благословений тебе, Совершенству)))
Thank you so much maestro David Garrett for your beautiful music. I love the beautiful sound of the violin. Seeing you perform I can see your love of the violin. I hope you continue to play and bless us with your music. God bless and thank you!!💜🤟🎶🎻
Es hermoso verlo en vivo, tiene encantó natural y es magnífico tocando el violín. Me encanta la pasión y la emoción con la que hace suya cada nota. De verdad ENAMORA!
Бог обирає з поміж нас отаких дивовижних людей, які проникають в наші душі до глибин, несучи все багатство звуків і мелодій. Покликання і колосальні зусилля стоять за цією феєрією свята для кожного, хто його слухає. Спасибі , Девіде! Ви неперевершений!
They will talk about his music for years to come, he will be in our history books as a legend in music of this day and time. He has created his own brand that no one can duplicate, vandicate, intrepid . He is brilliant.
David Garrett, virtuoso of the 21st century, a great violinist and performer of such different music that we will enjoy timelessly, it will always be relevant. Thank you Maestro for you talent and love for music and for your fans! We are so lucky to live at the same time as you! Listen and enjoy your wonderful music that helps us live and create!
Tylko w muzyce odnajduję coś absolutnie pięknego, nieopisywalnego, niewyrażalnego werbalnie, co porusza najdelikatniejsze i najczulsze struny duszy człowieka. Taką muzykę poprzez swoje wykonania i wspaniałe interpretacje prezentuje David Garrett.
Wowwwww. Best magical music. Magical violinist. Magical life. Thanks David music is love for live this life. Michael Jackson very proud you play his songs. Love you more. David Garrett and Michael Jackson ♦️🎶🎻💎🌻🌏🌹
David has such a beautiful expressive face. Beautiful doesn't necessarily have to mean beautiful features (yes he has them) but like the feel of it, what peeks through it, the inside and soul behind that face and those eyes.
A man of genius... hardworking and handsome... People like you, David, it's impossible not to love you, the whole world adores you... You're very cool guy...
David Garrett is a great ,genius and truly have a good real heart handsome violinist,musician artist in the whole world..We love you so much!!! Thank you DAVID 🙌🙌💕🤗🥰
🌟🎻💎Браво маэстро Дэвид Гарретт !!! Благодарю создателя что услышала божественную музыку в Вашем исполнении !!! Моя душа летит ввысь и радость жизни , прекрасного мира вокруг отражается в глазах , слезою счастья.....! Спасибо Вам что делитесь своим творчеством ...🌞👏😘💕🍀🌹🍀🌹🍀🙏
С такой прекрасной музыкой и ее удивительным исполнителем - вы не одиноки!Я пережила потрясение, побывав на концерте Дэвида в Киеве, поражена его мастерством и обаянием, да и что греха таить, маэстро чертовски красив!!!Я купила скрипку, занималась с учителем, теперь сама, по видеоурокам, уже больше года. Как это здОрово, когда ты можешь сыграть то, что написал сам МАЭСТРО..трудно, но возможно и в почтенном возрасте- научиться играть на скрипке....
Мы слушатели и почитатели слушая музыку в исполнении Дэвида испытываем такое вдохновенное наслаждение, что дарим в ответ маэстро свой восторг, обожание, свои комплименты,может быть иногда слишком прямолинейные,но я уверена в одном, сколько бы не упражнялся в игре бездарный человек, результат был бы плачевный, маэстро щедро одарен природой звук его скрипки--особенный ,сколько бы не практиковался в рисунке средний художник, Микельанджело не станет, да и ученики ботегги где учился Микельанджело, тому подтверждение, маэстро Дэвид вы дар нам
Hes the most natural humble celebrity...he has no pride of his achievement. Never been self absorbed. Very naturaland charismatic...always smiling...not concern of his popular status. Hes parents will be so proud of him. Very down to Earth...and smiling all the time. So refined. Hes one of the best creature of GOD. Never been conceited...and very handsome. Very perfect...seldom could you see someone who's very successful & never let his egos ruined him. Pride is not in his nature. God is good. Hes so bless w his talent n never change a bit. I admired you David Garett. One of my wish is to see you in person and tell you...youre a very good example of success in life .and never take things for granted especially life n being so perfectly done after all his success. GOD BLESS YOU AND TAKE CARE OF YOU. WISH YOU THE BEST IN LIFE.
Красивый, скромный, талантливый... Могу бесконечно слушать и просто глазеть на него. Handsome, talented... I can listen endlessly and just stare at him.
A paixão de David, pela música é contagiante. A maneira como ele trata a música é sobretudo como ele toca violino é extrodinaria. Fruto de muito trabalho e dedicação. Para todos nós que gostamos de música e uma verdadeira bênção tê-lo e ouvi-lo. Ele é um artista que foi mais além, procurando sempre a inovação e conseguirá sempre que tudo é possível quando se têm vontade. Uma verdadeira inspiração para todos. Gratidão para quem nós dá tanto.
David ti si sretan dok sviras a mi svi dok te slusamo, svoju strast prenosis na nas (mene).. sve.❤💞 Hvala za tvoju strast,emocije koju prenosis svojom glazbom❤🙏🏻🙋♀️
Exactly what I picked up. His violin is in sync with his heart and emotions. If you listen carefully you’ll pick up the words of the violin. It’s his muse and our pleasure. He deserves everything of the best and mostly to be shared. No one can be untouched by this pair - David and his muse! Magnificent!
Never give up spreading good vibes fans, never give up David adorable performances, l am the biggest supporter of yours no matter what.. no matter how life could be cruel unfair or.. just important
Viendo y escuchando como toca el violín este coloso me nació el interés x la música clásica y a encontrarle el significado a cada melodía, es fascinante!!!!!
😊Спасибо за интересный фильм о Дэвиде Гаррет. Какие талантливые музыканты! Браво! Спасибо за те эмоции и чувства, которые вызывает их музыка.😍😍😍😍😍💕💕💕👋👋👋👋👋👋
Es un Genio, un Maestro ya por tanto tiempo que lleva de carrera, una cosa que lo ha ayudado es su gran belleza física, pero su grandísimo esfuerzo y disciplina lo llevo a las cima, espero tenga una vida dichosa siempre .....porque todo el tiempo estar en los escenarios no es vida también me gustaría verlo junto algún enamorada!!❤😅😅
Foarte frumos spus ...emoțiile profunde contează ce simți din inimă și suflet ce iese la suprafață !!! Fericire și tristețe în același moment dat ...uimitor ce frumos interpretezi într-o altă viziune muzica ! FELICITĂRI !
Que admirable la carrera de David. Me gustó mucho la pelicula de Paganini y la pasión por la musica que demuestra. Tambien es increible toda su entrega, dedicacion en todo lo que hace. Su forma de pensar es tan profunda y cada cosa que dice es una leccion muy importante. Me encanta.
A HUGE THANK YOU,DEAR DAVID ! Some passions change the world ! Your passion for the violin is one of them ! We would all become better,more generous,more authentic if your music was listened to by as many people ! Love! Ștefania
Thank you again and again! Thank you for You Music! Thank you for being You. I believe, I can speak on behalf of many your followers: You Are one of the Greatest Ambassadors of Music! 🎶❤️ With You people are discovering A LOT OF BEAUTY! And for this Holiday Season, with all my ❤️, I wish You continue Your incredible Journey with all Success and Joy as could be possible. And please, take all us with You! We will be happy to follow and share some part of it. 😊😉The Musical Part! ❤️🎶🎻
You made my world David, I wish I can back turn when I was kid I really love to hear violin, but i life in small village in indonesia no opportunity for me to learn music. And I love what you do with violin,, it’s like you open your soul and all people who hear your music. I believe in love I believe in my life when I hear your music. I don’t need anything at all when I hear you music it’s like a spirit for me. Thank you to made my life my day every day... it’s so universal . I love it so unvelieveble, its so me true me. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
A wonderful and very informative documentary about this ingenious 🎻🎻🎻violinist🎻🎻🎻 in wonderful pictures! I really love David Garrett - and I love his 🎼🎶🎵🎶music!
Dear David!❤ This is ridiculous, but I found out about your existence only a week ago🙈your passion for music is amazing and you pass it on to your listeners. I can't stop listening to you and watching you play. Thank you for the inspiration that you give to all of us!❤❤❤🤗🤗🤗
David ist ein Geschenk Gottes an uns. Nicht nur, daß er seine Kunst meisterhaft beherrscht, und gekonnt in Scene setzt, nein, da kommt noch etwas spirituelles mit "ins Spiel". Es ist Davids innere Schönheit, welche seinem Instrument den Klang verleiht, der uns alle in seinen Zauberbann zieht.
@Davidbongartz-nz5yv I may suppose you are a fake, as the real David complains and said just few days ago. . (.If it is David answering I thank for the the reply , hoping to be always delighted by such terrific music , and grace . )
La mejor cura para el alma....tu música,tu cara ,tu sonrisa,tu sentimiento...tus compañeros....todo impresionante,!!!!!Me tenéis enamorada!!!!!que sigáis así muchísimos años!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Violinist here! I agree with the music constantly in the mind and I loved the analogy of knowing the music vs walking across a street...so accurate. Ps it was amazing seeing your mom and her insight on this vid! Oh and that Fix You interpretation was pretty sublime. You’re truly amazing, David!
My Dad was a violinist and David is bringing back some wonderful memories. Making me cry. Dad loved the classical music, and he would play along with an album he had - Gypsy Campfires by 101 Strings. I could listen all day long - to Dad and now to David.
Thank You so much, dear Maestro David for this wonderful film about Your Blessing Way in a Great Music! Thank You, my dear Inspiration, for beautiful crossovers,, They Don,t care about us,, my lovely,, Fix you,, ,, Dangerous,, and all Your played music, classic, rock, pop! Thank You for all Your works, ideas and dreams, which we are can watching and hearing! Be lucky, my lovely Violinist, Success in all Your ways and private life! I,m wish You from my faithful hearts! 🌟 ♥️ 🌹 🙏
Спасибо родителям Дэвида за такое светлое чудо, подаренное этому грешному миру . Он, несомненно, сумашедший, влюбленный в свою скрипку, весь мир, если с легкостью берет в плен наши сердца и души, отдавая всего себя в своей музыке.. И не важны расстояния, где мы живем и какому Богу молимся, звуки души Дэвида объединяют и дарят любовь ВСЕМ, кто умеет слышать сердцем. ❤
Прекрасный комментарий. Спасибо. Согласна с каждым вашим словом 🌹
Wir haben großes Glück, im Zeitalter von David Garrett zu leben. Er ist so ein bewundernswertes Violingenie ❤😊 ich verehre ihn zutiefst!!❤
Dziękuję za wszystko,co robisz.... Obudziłeś piękno....zachwyt...❤
David's passion for music is contagious. If you listen to him, you love him irremediably and forever. ❤️❤️❤️🎻🎻🎻
Kinda true🧐Found him and stuck listening to the quality of his work.
euer hype ist ein hype des prototypes eines gesunden potenten mannes mehr nicht
Диво дивное : ВСЕВЫШНИЙ воплотил в одной личности непревзойдённый талант музыканта, внешнюю красоту, харизму, ум, абсолютную доброжелательность, глубокое уважение к родителям (особенно к маме), трудолюбие, умение идти к достижению цели, любить людей и весь мир... Dear David! Thank you for THE MUSIC AND LOVE!
Спасибо вам! Вы написали то , что я думала!
I saw David Garrett in person . His joy in what he does as he plays the violin is in his face, in his body, in the music. And he is so beautiful. Truly beautiful looking, acting. His joy is catching and becomes an essential part of his concert playing. Astounding.
Il est magique.
David Garrett is the reincarnated King of Israel, King David. As a Shepherd boy, he slay. Goliath. His Love causes him David Garrett to mirror Bathsheba's life. He is on her wave length.
It_s True all had you said about David Garrett ! Thank you !!!
No difficulty believing you. I never had the chance to see him perform live. He brings me a lot of joy, he is a really admirable person and musician and in my opinion Unique.
He's finally coming to Australia and I will finally get to see him perform in September, as a music lover and violinist I'm very excited to see such a passionate and talented artist who seems like such a genuine person as well ❤
Наедине с твоей изумительной музыкой чувствую себя счастливой. Твой вклад в мировую культуру неоценим!
Смотрю этот фильм снова и снова, подпитываюсь хорошей энергией. Снято великолепно, Дэвид прекрасен, с ума сойти от его ямочек . Ну и от игры ,конечно. Мама очень понравилась. ПОнятно почему сын такой классный,позитивный. Подобраны все кадры и музыка очень профессионально. Молодцы ! Спасибо !
Замираю ! !! Как хорош Дэвид! Его музыка свежая, чистая. Вечная любовь, ничего не прося в замен.
I really enjoy you, David. You are not God nor a new Jesus Christ as some say, but a from God gifted talent and we can be happy to have you among us.
Love you allways ❤
Этого немецкого ВИРТУОЗА коснулась счастливая рука природы!!!❤I love you,David❤Это чистая,чистая любовь к твоей музыке.Очеравательная мамочка,счастливая ,которая смотрит на своего ребёнка наслаждаясь его любовью к ней!!!!!🎧I hope,David,you are very,very happy🦋
It’s amazing to find a young man with a so creative mind, a wonderful soul and a great ❤
David, I know you are consciente of the great gift that God bless you.
Thanks to our Lord and thanks you for being so generous and a very glad person.
Он сам произведение искусства. Очень красивый, бесконечно сложный и многогранный 🌹
Amazing David ..your music touch my heart...thank you🥰🙏🏻
Awww David... a grown up man with a gaze and smile of a sweet innocent child. Talented and gorgeous man indeed
Милая, добрая мама, пусть она будет всегда рядом с тобой, Дэвид! Пока наши родители рядом, мы можем себе позволить оставаться детьми. Низкий земной поклон твоим родителям за воспитание, светлую душу, талант и обаяние, красоту и свет в тебе. Ты подарил мне мечту, (пусть и не сбыточную) , попасть на твой концерт, увидеть и услышать тебя живьем...Спасибо за лучики света и тепла , которые ты даришь всем людям❤.Ты не земной..Люблю всей душой, будь счастлив! Браво!!! 💐
Que lindo comentario.💕💕💕
He's one of the best violin players in the world on his way to become a legend 👍👏💖
Amo tu musica y te amo por todo lo que siento de maravilloso cuando escucho tu violin hablando...sos mi compañia diaria!!!❤
Buenos días David, desde la Primera vez que te escuché me quedé impactada por las melodías clásicos y actuales que tocas, tienes un don que Dios te a dado, muchas felicidades desde Perú una fanz que admira el talento.
He has stolen my heart.😉
He already is
true but I guess he is already the legend!!!!! :)))))
Маэстро, смотреть и слушать Вас можно бесконечно,это какой то гипноз....Вот такого гения вряд ли забудешь не захочешь пойти,а пойдешь...
What thanks can we render to God again ,for David Garrett in such a time as this . This music is with Power and demonstration,of a lot of work, thought, and Love to all who hear.. such compassion flows through to all of us who listen, drawing us back again, and again.... Lovely ,comforting, reflecting.
What an incredibly talented and beautiful human inside and out! Thank you and many blessings to you. 🖤🌟
Сколько комментариев на кирилице..Давид, вы влюбили в себя русскоязычных почитателей вашего таланта.Браво мастеру! концерт в Киеве был не забываем.
Идем в этом году на концерт во Дворец спорта))
@@Gonor111 когда?
Все после концертов в России.
Quanto mais escuto e vejo esse fenômeno do violino, mais me apaixono pela sua figura esbelta e sua música mágica. David e seu violino são um único ser encantado, almas gêmeas que produzem um enlevo inexplicável em quem os escuta. É pura magia, pra ouvir e sonhar !
Ever since I've started to listen to David Garrett, I have been playing the violin and had never stopped. My life as a violinist wouldn't have existed if I didn't accidentally clicked on one of David Garret's videos of him playing Viva La Vida. You have proven that music isn't just a sound that comes out in different tones and keys, but that it's language that was created through a human being emotions. Don't ever stop making music and keep on living on doing what your heart guides you to do. Thank you, David, for all of your music and your heart.😊
David begeistert die Menschen mit seiner unglaublichen Leidenschaft und Perfektion-aber auch mit seiner Ausstrahlung und seinem Charme!🎻👏❤️🌹🌻
Девид великолепен!!!Его можно слушать и слушать,лицезреть и лицезреть!!!Столько обаяния ,сердечной доброты,сказочно талантлив,редчайшая мужская красота,чертовски привлекателен!!!Девид!😂Тебя же любит вся планета -это ты знаешь??😂Ну,конечно,догадываешься 😉😍Боже,дай сил,здоровья этому прекрасному талантливому ЧЕЛОВЕКУ,ЗДОРОВЬЯ ЕГО РОДИТЕЛЯМ!!!
Ему до этого....Он любит музыку, любит нести её всем слушателям, , свою старенькую "Страдивари"!.. 😉
Подписываюсь обеими руками за КАЖДОЕ Ваше слово за этого Гения!!!!!!!!
@@СВЕТЛАНАЛЕВЧЕНКО-ъ5р Насчёт "гения" - не любит он таких "комплиментов"!))..сам говорил уже во многих TV-беседах, в Германии...Он не был ни в детстве "вундеркиндом", ни сейчас "гением"..а просто невероятно много работал, ежедневно по несколько часов, начиная с 4х-летнего возраста, часто против своей воли, так сказать" из под палки".. Вот именно за это он рад принять любую похвалу!!)
.. David Garrett.. Magia.. Pasjia.. Miłość.. W jego muzyce jest wszystko co piękne i niepowtarzalne 💕💕💕💕👏👏👏
Simply magical.
I have to say, it's David that introduced me to the classical world. I have never listened to any classical music before. After listening to David's crossover music, I started to get myself involved in the classical music scene, I'm even starting to play violin myself. Thanks David Garrett 😊
Check out Ara Malikian. You might like his classical and his own compositions. One of his own that I love is titled Pisando Flores, live at Las Ventas. He lives in Spain and speaks perfect Spanish. He was born in Lebanon to Armenian parents.
Me too, I've never listened instrumental music like a violin! But when I listened Viva la vida, The 5th, Caprice 24, Bitter sweet symphony and others covers of David, all change. I feel a lot of good emotions when I listen his music, it's, for me, virtuous and gorgeous!
Wow, I'm just like you.
I started listening to classical music after listening to David's performance.
And now I am learning violin as a hobby.
I learned the beauty of classical music through David Garrett.
was ist mit (m)einer scheide. es gibt so viele verschiedene GO wie es menschen auf der welt gibt.
bald schickt er wieder (s)einen schlaegertrupp nach europa dieser moechtegern-stargeiger
David, you are great. You play the violin while showing your emotions that go directly into our heart and soul. Brilliant! Thank you very much.Lovely!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
When you send a message from the heart, when it is honest, it will simply hug everyone along the way. I think that's why David has long arms. :)
Where did you come from, dear David, to conquer our senses and hearts? Thank you to your beautiful mother and to all those who supported you💖🎻
I saw him years ago playing in an intimate venue of 250 seats (he had come for 1 night, 1 performance) because a good friend of his in NY asked him to, for a local charity. Had never heard of him but as a season ticket holder I got an invite. The first thing I noticed was his appearance. He wore a graphic tee shirt (we’re in Florida), jeans and sneakers. His hair was tied back in a punky pony tail. He’s 6’4”. He’s VERY good looking. Charismatic. He thanked us for coming and joked about what he’d do for his buddy to repay the honor of helping the charity. Then he began to play. Omg. The hall has wonderful acoustics and it seemed like every note had wings. He played some classics (Vivaldi, Paganini) and some crossover pop songs. The movie had been out awhile and he played its theme song “I’m a Pirate “ from Pirates of the Caribbean. It brought the house down! He has so much fun playing the violin! He smiles, grins, and once laughed out loud doing a riff. I was enchanted. We gave him a standing ovation and thunderous applause. Next day I bought every album I could find. What an amazing talent. What a brilliant performer. I know I won’t see him in person again, so thank you for this. 😁
Najgenijalniji violinist svijeta!!
Lp. Bozji blagoslov dragi Maestro David Garrett!!
David Garrett: He and his talented absolutely beautiful music can take your breath away!!! I love, love, love, everything about his presence, and his musical presentations!!!
Un saludito desde COLOMBIA🇨🇴maravilloso músico, además guapísimo. Esperamos algún día incluyas este bello país en tus giras y así poder conocer y disfrutar de tan majestuosa presentación 👏👏👏
Saludos, Edna Piedad.
Музыка исполняемая Дэвидом настраивает душу на самый светлый лад ,как прекрасно ваше исполнение,как совершенно
Теперь, я знаю, что такое: Совершенство! Это - Девид Гарретт! Полнота всех достоинств! О, мой Девид! Какое счастье, что, ты! со мной сутра до вечера!))) Обильных Божьих Благословений тебе, Совершенству)))
So so so wonderful video!!!!! Amazing David Garrett!!!!
Бесконечно прекрасен этот юноша и его восприятие мира!!!!
Достигнувший вершины- пример для идущих следом. Благодарю.
Thank you so much maestro David Garrett for your beautiful music. I love the beautiful sound of the violin. Seeing you perform I can see your love of the violin. I hope you continue to play and bless us with your music. God bless and thank you!!💜🤟🎶🎻
Потрясающе !
Как всегда великолепно !
BRAVO David ! ! !
Es hermoso verlo en vivo, tiene encantó natural y es magnífico tocando el violín. Me encanta la pasión y la emoción con la que hace suya cada nota. De verdad ENAMORA!
Бог обирає з поміж нас отаких дивовижних людей, які проникають в наші душі до глибин, несучи все багатство звуків і мелодій. Покликання і колосальні зусилля стоять за цією феєрією свята для кожного, хто його слухає. Спасибі , Девіде! Ви неперевершений!
He is a gift from God.
Thank YOU GOD for this gift
They will talk about his music for years to come, he will be in our history books as a legend in music of this day and time. He has created his own brand that no one can duplicate, vandicate, intrepid . He is brilliant.
Желаю долгой и счастливой жизни Вам! Обожаемый нами и любимый всеми.
i just found the best violinist who is perfect. i did not know that there is a certain david who plays the violin so beautifully and fasinating.
David Garrett, virtuoso of the 21st century, a great violinist and performer of such different music that we will enjoy timelessly, it will always be relevant. Thank you Maestro for you talent and love for music and for your fans! We are so lucky to live at the same time as you! Listen and enjoy your wonderful music that helps us live and create!
Tylko w muzyce odnajduję coś absolutnie pięknego, nieopisywalnego, niewyrażalnego werbalnie, co porusza najdelikatniejsze i najczulsze struny duszy człowieka. Taką muzykę poprzez swoje wykonania i wspaniałe interpretacje prezentuje David Garrett.
Когда слушаешь твою скрипку твою музыку все плохое уходит на задний план, спасибо сто раз спасибо...
Condivido!!!! È un Genio! 👌❤🎻👏🌹
Wowwwww. Best magical music. Magical violinist. Magical life. Thanks David music is love for live this life. Michael Jackson very proud you play his songs. Love you more. David Garrett and Michael Jackson ♦️🎶🎻💎🌻🌏🌹
David has such a beautiful expressive face. Beautiful doesn't necessarily have to mean beautiful features (yes he has them) but like the feel of it, what peeks through it, the inside and soul behind that face and those eyes.
An interesting interview. Gives a detailed insight into his mindset, his talent,his passion for music. I enjoyed listening.
A man of genius... hardworking and handsome... People like you, David, it's impossible not to love you, the whole world adores you... You're very cool guy...
David Garrett is a great ,genius and truly have a good real heart handsome violinist,musician artist in the whole world..We love you so much!!!
Thank you DAVID 🙌🙌💕🤗🥰
🌟🎻💎Браво маэстро Дэвид Гарретт !!! Благодарю создателя что услышала божественную музыку в Вашем исполнении !!! Моя душа летит ввысь и радость жизни , прекрасного мира вокруг отражается в глазах , слезою счастья.....! Спасибо Вам что делитесь своим творчеством ...🌞👏😘💕🍀🌹🍀🌹🍀🙏
I had the opportunity to attend a concert some years back in the states and it was electrifying, intimate and magical.. ❣️
La madre di David Garrett dovrebbe essere la più felice ❤ del mondo con un figlio 😮 così!!!
The dedication and passion with which he plays the violin is unique in him, a true master. amazing at their concerts👏🏻👏🏻🇺🇸
Господи! Давид со мной и в радости и в горе! Мне много лет и я одинока! Он лечит меня его Талант вдохновляет меня в моей жизни! БРАВО !!!!!
С такой прекрасной музыкой и ее удивительным исполнителем - вы не одиноки!Я пережила потрясение, побывав на концерте Дэвида в Киеве, поражена его мастерством и обаянием, да и что греха таить, маэстро чертовски красив!!!Я купила скрипку, занималась с учителем, теперь сама, по видеоурокам, уже больше года. Как это здОрово, когда ты можешь сыграть то, что написал сам МАЭСТРО..трудно, но возможно и в почтенном возрасте- научиться играть на скрипке....
Дэвид Гарретт со своими поклонниками в соц. Сетях не общается.Вы не Дэвид Гарретт!
@@ЛюдмилаИнкогнито-ж6х вы правы и будьте осторожны и бдительны..Одна дама высылала деньги,потом поняла попала на аферу.Налетела на 500 тыс.
Всегда креативно!!! Восхитительно! ДГ лучший!!! Трудолюбивый!!!❤❤❤💝💝💝🌹🌹🌹👑🙏
The Angels rejoice when you, David Garrett, play the Violin!
God be you you!
Мы слушатели и почитатели слушая музыку в исполнении Дэвида испытываем такое вдохновенное наслаждение, что дарим в ответ маэстро свой восторг, обожание, свои комплименты,может быть иногда слишком прямолинейные,но я уверена в одном, сколько бы не упражнялся в игре бездарный человек, результат был бы плачевный, маэстро щедро одарен природой звук его скрипки--особенный ,сколько бы не практиковался в рисунке средний художник, Микельанджело не станет, да и ученики ботегги где учился Микельанджело, тому подтверждение, маэстро Дэвид вы дар нам
Hes the most natural humble celebrity...he has no pride of his achievement. Never been self absorbed. Very naturaland charismatic...always smiling...not concern of his popular status.
Hes parents will be so proud of him. Very down to Earth...and smiling all the time. So refined. Hes one of the best creature of GOD. Never been conceited...and very handsome. Very perfect...seldom could you see someone who's very successful & never let his egos ruined him. Pride is not in his nature. God is good. Hes so bless w his talent n never change a bit. I admired you David Garett. One of my wish is to see you in person and tell you...youre a very good example of success in life .and never take things for granted especially life n being so perfectly done after all his success. GOD BLESS YOU AND TAKE CARE OF YOU. WISH YOU THE BEST IN LIFE.
Красивый, скромный, талантливый... Могу бесконечно слушать и просто глазеть на него.
Handsome, talented... I can listen endlessly and just stare at him.
На футболках и на пальцах черепа в основном - это символ вечной жизни
Что в нем славянского, если не секрет?
@@tatjanahatamcova2819 Бабушка украинка
@@tatjanahatamcova2819 посмотрите в UA-cam David Garrett in Moscow 2008
@@veroqajaia1833 Спасибо, не видела этот пост!
Da poco ti ho scoperto...e non ti lascio più!!!ti ascolto ti ascolto ogni istante sei una vera e propria terapia !! Grazie 🤴🎻🎶🤗🥰🌹💋❤
A paixão de David, pela música é contagiante. A maneira como ele trata a música é sobretudo como ele toca violino é extrodinaria. Fruto de muito trabalho e dedicação. Para todos nós que gostamos de música e uma verdadeira bênção tê-lo e ouvi-lo. Ele é um artista que foi mais além, procurando sempre a inovação e conseguirá sempre que tudo é possível quando se têm vontade. Uma verdadeira inspiração para todos. Gratidão para quem nós dá tanto.
David ti si sretan dok sviras a mi svi dok te slusamo, svoju strast prenosis na nas (mene).. sve.❤💞
Hvala za tvoju strast,emocije koju prenosis svojom glazbom❤🙏🏻🙋♀️
Ii LOVE 💕 him 💜🙏✝️🌿🕊️
Exactly what I picked up. His violin is in sync with his heart and emotions. If you listen carefully you’ll pick up the words of the violin.
It’s his muse and our pleasure. He deserves everything of the best and mostly to be shared. No one can be untouched by this pair - David and his muse! Magnificent!
Never give up spreading good vibes fans, never give up David adorable performances, l am the biggest supporter of yours no matter what.. no matter how life could be cruel unfair or.. just important
David est dans une joie toujours présente avec son violon en souriant. Il est incroyable, magnifique
Il est très GRAND.
RESPECT DAVID ! You are great musician!❤
Good luck in all what you are doing in music creation ❤! Be happy❤!
Thank you for sharingit.❤
Viendo y escuchando como toca el violín este coloso me nació el interés x la música clásica y a encontrarle el significado a cada melodía, es fascinante!!!!!
😊Спасибо за интересный фильм о Дэвиде Гаррет. Какие талантливые музыканты! Браво! Спасибо за те эмоции и чувства, которые вызывает их музыка.😍😍😍😍😍💕💕💕👋👋👋👋👋👋
Es un Genio, un Maestro ya por tanto tiempo que lleva de carrera, una cosa que lo ha ayudado es su gran belleza física, pero su grandísimo esfuerzo y disciplina lo llevo a las cima, espero tenga una vida dichosa siempre .....porque todo el tiempo estar en los escenarios no es vida también me gustaría verlo junto algún enamorada!!❤😅😅
Foarte frumos spus ...emoțiile profunde contează ce simți din inimă și suflet ce iese la suprafață !!! Fericire și tristețe în același moment dat ...uimitor ce frumos interpretezi într-o altă viziune muzica ! FELICITĂRI !
Que admirable la carrera de David. Me gustó mucho la pelicula de Paganini y la pasión por la musica que demuestra. Tambien es increible toda su entrega, dedicacion en todo lo que hace. Su forma de pensar es tan profunda y cada cosa que dice es una leccion muy importante. Me encanta.
Some passions change the world ! Your passion for the violin is one of them ! We would all become better,more generous,more authentic if your music was listened to by as many people !
Love! Ștefania
Thank you again and again! Thank you for You Music! Thank you for being You. I believe, I can speak on behalf of many your followers: You Are one of the Greatest Ambassadors of Music! 🎶❤️ With You people are discovering A LOT OF BEAUTY! And for this Holiday Season, with all my ❤️, I wish You continue Your incredible Journey with all Success and Joy as could be possible. And please, take all us with You! We will be happy to follow and share some part of it. 😊😉The Musical Part! ❤️🎶🎻
You made my world David, I wish I can back turn when I was kid I really love to hear violin, but i life in small village in indonesia no opportunity for me to learn music. And I love what you do with violin,, it’s like you open your soul and all people who hear your music. I believe in love I believe in my life when I hear your music. I don’t need anything at all when I hear you music it’s like a spirit for me. Thank you to made my life my day every day... it’s so universal . I love it so unvelieveble, its so me true me. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
A wonderful and very informative documentary about this ingenious 🎻🎻🎻violinist🎻🎻🎻 in wonderful pictures! I really love David Garrett - and I love his 🎼🎶🎵🎶music!
Dein Können und dein Genie sind überwältigend und kann niemanden kalt lassen❤💋💋🇨🇭❤️🌹
Thank you for the wonderful creativity ⭐💫All the best🎼
His music is going directly into my heart. You can feel that he’s doing it with passion.
Dear David!❤ This is ridiculous, but I found out about your existence only a week ago🙈your passion for music is amazing and you pass it on to your listeners.
I can't stop listening to you and watching you play.
Thank you for the inspiration that you give to all of us!❤❤❤🤗🤗🤗
@@davidgarrett1820 from Moscow❤❤❤🖐, I hope to see you and to listen to you at your concert in Moscow next summer😍😁🤗
@@davidgarrett1820 really?😊and how to realize it, I wonder?🤔
Que suerte ver a David en persona yo si lo veo( que me encantaría) me da el infarto. Excepcional ♥️♥️♥️
David ist ein Geschenk Gottes an uns. Nicht nur, daß er seine Kunst meisterhaft beherrscht, und gekonnt in Scene setzt, nein, da kommt noch etwas spirituelles mit "ins Spiel". Es ist Davids innere Schönheit, welche seinem Instrument den Klang verleiht, der uns alle in seinen Zauberbann zieht.
Hello dear David! You're amazing!
I wish all the best for you!
Your talent, your music, your charm is the best cure for any ailment! 🥰🌞🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Saw him in Milan. Lovely and so full of passion and good.
@Davidbongartz-nz5yv I may suppose you are a fake, as the real David complains and said just few days ago. . (.If it is David answering I thank for the the reply , hoping to be always delighted by such terrific music , and grace . )
Wonderful, David! I love when your Mom talk about your childhood. Is very interesting know more details. All images are beautiful. Nice video!
You teach the way as all people love music... As you love.... ❤️ YOU show your humild.... ❤️ 😍
Thank you in your documentary film. Thank you to those traveling and working with David Garrett - Thank you all. Zdeňka
One of my most deepest emosions portrayed in through this song by every string you touch...thank You
He is brilliant, we receive the greatest present from him, which is his music.
La mejor cura para el alma....tu música,tu cara ,tu sonrisa,tu sentimiento...tus compañeros....todo impresionante,!!!!!Me tenéis enamorada!!!!!que sigáis así muchísimos años!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
So Lovely and wonderful music thanks Maestro DAVID ♥️🎶 DANKE
Violinist here! I agree with the music constantly in the mind and I loved the analogy of knowing the music vs walking across a street...so accurate.
Ps it was amazing seeing your mom and her insight on this vid! Oh and that Fix You interpretation was pretty sublime. You’re truly amazing, David!
My Dad was a violinist and David is bringing back some wonderful memories. Making me cry. Dad loved the classical music, and he would play along with an album he had - Gypsy Campfires by 101 Strings. I could listen all day long - to Dad and now to David.
Maravilhoso, impossível não adora - lo!! Parabéns a sua mãe, pelo feito!
Thank You so much, dear Maestro David for this wonderful film about Your Blessing Way in a Great Music! Thank You, my dear Inspiration, for beautiful crossovers,, They Don,t care about us,, my lovely,, Fix you,, ,, Dangerous,, and all Your played music, classic, rock, pop! Thank You for all Your works, ideas and dreams, which we are can watching and hearing! Be lucky, my lovely Violinist, Success in all Your ways and private life! I,m wish You from my faithful hearts! 🌟 ♥️ 🌹 🙏