Signs of GDV in dogs | Dr. Justine Lee

  • Опубліковано 21 вер 2024


  • @jddavis7683
    @jddavis7683 Рік тому +5

    Your video helped me save my pet from digesting mice and rat poisoning. My pet went to an area that I didn’t think she would go. She digested half of a green small block. I watched her swallow it before I could stop. I went into panic mode. I tried to get her to throw it back up by putting my finger down her throat. Within seconds I went to UA-cam and Goggled
    ‘How to induce vomiting’…. I found your video. I watched quickly and went to the medicine cabinet and retrieved the hydrogen peroxide. I didn’t measure but squirted into her mouth so it went to her stomach. Within a minute or two at max; she vomit her food and the poison up. Three big chunks came up. I was so relieved. After a few bad vomits…I introduced water to her throat with a turkey baster. A day later today I thought I would leave a comment and “Thank You” to you. I live to far from vet hospital and it would have been to late.Again, thank you Dr. Lee for the valuable information. 🙏🏼

  • @needmoreramsay
    @needmoreramsay 2 роки тому +5

    I think my dog had this recently. I researched it extensively and could not find anything that matched the symptoms as closely as this video. I did bring her to the vet but they did not do x-rays or diagnose it. So I spent 36-40 sleepless hours with my dog literally believing she was going to die. Symptoms were expanded chest, stomach. She vomited multiple times the first hour or two until her guts were empty. Then Intermittent "dry heaving" , rapid, repeated heaving that sounded like a chain saw that was cranking but wouldn't start. This would go on for 1-2 minutes. I started massaging her chest and noticed incredibly rapid heart beat. It went from normal to 10 times the regular rate while she was heaving. I thought her heart was going to explode. I started hugging her, massaging her ribs, lungs and chest medium pressure and talked to her gently while this was happening. It helped calm her heart rate and heaving almost immediately. It was almost like I was "squishing" her stomach back to normal but not so hard as to hurt her. This was a big help in calming the fits/seizures but it did not cure the problem, nor did it decrease the frequency. So, massage her lungs, chest, belly with medium pressure while talking to her. It may have saved her life. Now that I know this is likely the issue, if it ever happens again she's going back to the vet immediately. I was terrified. I didn't eat, sleep or go anywhere. She was incredibly miserable and wouldn't eat, drink or even move unless I really encouraged her. She would lay down after 2-3 steps unless I kept her moving.

  • @Diamondranchfarmstead
    @Diamondranchfarmstead Рік тому +5

    We just lost our guardian livestock dog last night due to this. It happened suddenly and barely got him to the ER. However my normal vet never ever mentioned this surgery to us and we had no idea this kind of thing could happen. If we would have known we would have had the preventative surgery done when he got neutered.

  • @misssammaa7026
    @misssammaa7026 3 роки тому +14

    My dog had congestive heart failure, cancer, and GDV. Her abdomen was distended and the vet said he can try to do what he can but nothing would work more than likely. We also got a second opinion from another vet and they said the same thing. We put our girl down 3/17/21. Rest in paradise, my baby 🥺

    • @Vetgirlontherun
      @Vetgirlontherun 3 роки тому +2

      Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. You definitely made the right decision. My heart goes out to you and your family. #RIP

    • @Kode154
      @Kode154 3 роки тому +1

      I’m soo sorry to hear that, my dog passed away on 3/20/21 and we still don’t know what went wrong with her

    • @misssammaa7026
      @misssammaa7026 3 роки тому

      @@Kode154 I’m so sorry :( it’s so hard knowing they’re gone. I still cry everyday

    • @itried2hard633
      @itried2hard633 Рік тому +1

      we just found my dog dead 7/21/23. he was a 10 year old german shepherd with no known life threatening illnesses. but we woke up one morning & found him dead on his bed & we believe it was due to GDV. ill never forget that boy, best dog ive ever had, i picked him out of a litter that was fresh off of their mother. Were all so shocked because he never acted strange or different at all except for about 12 hours before he passed. its like he went from perfectly healthy to gone within a matter of hours.

  • @7saany
    @7saany 4 роки тому +21

    my dog was having signs and i changed her food that I had been feeding for years (thinking dogs should be fed the same food always). I am on a journey now with her getting her tummy a custom two different ingredients that she may be somewhat allergic to so she can finally enjoy different diets and not get heartburn from eating the same food over and over.

    • @dbx1233
      @dbx1233 2 роки тому

      Did your dog tell you that she was experiencing heartburn? I have asked my dog if she has heartburn but so far, she has yet to tell me.

    • @7saany
      @7saany 2 роки тому

      @@dbx1233 she passed away

    • @dbx1233
      @dbx1233 2 роки тому

      @@7saany I'm sorry to hear that. You responded pretty quick for a comment you made over a year ago. I'm getting info because my dogs been having some dry heaves.

  • @andybub45
    @andybub45 2 роки тому +3

    Our 10 year old Malinois was perfectly healthy, one night he began to have these symptoms. It looked like he was dying. We took him to a vet hospital where they did a surgery to correct it, however there was lots of internal bleeding, so they had to operate again. It is very possible that the original surgery was botched, however we can’t prove it. It was not successful and he passed a day later. Do not ignore these symptoms. While it could pass it could also be fatal.

  • @michaelthompson7084
    @michaelthompson7084 4 роки тому +38

    I don’t care I’ll be in debt I love my dog

  • @carolalmeida220
    @carolalmeida220 2 роки тому +2

    Regarding GDV: if your dog appears to have this and its later in the evening? Get them to an Emergency Animal Hospital that is opened 24 hours! You should know one and have their Number and Address on hand as your go to place so your not wasting precious time.

  • @dancerride
    @dancerride 6 років тому +16

    feed dogs in small portions thuout the day.......usally prevents bloat

  • @unclesnappy6541
    @unclesnappy6541 6 років тому +10

    My Old English bulldog had the bloat so bad it was pressing on his lungs and an artery in his stomach. How he got it is anyone's guess. He hadn't eaten anything that day but, his water bowl wasn't elevated.
    These breeds gulp the water because of their smashed faces. He might've sucked in so much air he couldn't burp or belch it out. His lips and the tip of his tongue were turning light blue. I happened to be standing there when all of this went down. Glad I wasn't at work that day.
    I rushed him to the vet and they x-ray'd his stomach and you could see that his stomach was swollen up enough to compress the lungs 1/2 their size causing his lack of lung function and the artery was being compressed so lack of blood could flow.
    The vet said they had to move quickly and would insert a tube w/ a camera on it down his throat into his tummy. If the tummy has flipped, the camera and tube wouldn't go through.
    It's like blowing up a balloon and twisting the end off so the air doesn't escape.
    Lucky for my Bully, me and the vet, he was able to go into his tummy and once it entered his tummy the air/gas exited the tube and his color went back to pinkish/ red again. He survived and didn't have the "flip" after all and then they x-ray'd him again. All good.
    He's doing fine now but, I elevated his water bowl but, left his kibble bowl on the floor. With the water bowl elevated, he drinks in a level position from head to tail. This stopped him from gulping a lot of air while drinking. He never had any issues for 9 years drinking the old way but, I guess we all have issues sometime or another as we age.
    So to add more info about what, how, when, or what, I'll add this:
    1. He has only ate a small cup of dry kibble a few times a day because he is a grazer type eater and has no other competition in the house, no other animals.
    2. He eats and drinks about the same amount so he's not over loadding his tummy.
    3. He doesn't run and play after eating but, will stand still and play tug the toy.
    4. He eats a dry kibble from Merrick that doesn't have any grains or numerous amounts of oils in it. HIGHLY IMPORTANT.
    5. He relieves (pee's n poop's) often because we always practiced that with him.
    6. Why he bloated that day is a mystery because he pooped earlier that day and when x-ray'd, his tummy was empty. Bully's are known for passing gas a lot so why this was trapped was beyond me.
    7. He eats the same kibble since the bloat incident and has had no issues since.
    8. Gas-X is ok to give to dogs but, it's a certain amount per lbs of body weight. This is not to be used if they are in dire straights like mine was. If the have "flipped" it wouldn't get into the tummy anyway or my bully's condition he wouldn't want to swallow anything.
    9. Stapling or tacking the stomach to the inside sidewall of the body won't prevent every case of bloat. It stops the stomach from "flipping" only. Don't confuse yourself thinking the staple or tack will prevent other types of bloating.
    10. Bloat doesn't just happen to large deep chested breeds only.
    11. No playing for at least 90 mins after eating and drinking water. Don't let them drink large volumes of water or play afterwards.
    12. My bully's procedure was close to $500.00 bucks. The tack or staple surgery is anywhere from $2500 - 5000 bucks depending on what has to be performed.
    13. When their tummy bloats in any form or fashion it WILL cut of blood supply to the stomach and spleen close by. If let go too long, parts of the stomach can die as well.
    No entry or return of blood to the heart and GI track will be allowed to flow thus starving them of blood and organ shutdown, lung capacity diminished or more can happen.
    If you wait too long or have mega miles to drive for help, this is working against your dogs life. Some can die in 20 mins or last a couple hours before being seen. Don't hesitate, load them up and haul ass to the vet!
    I hope this helps someone out so you'll know preventative measures and early symptoms of bloat. There isn't a magic pill to prevent it but, if you follow some of the things I posted, it just might be way better than any magic pill that doesn't exist.
    If you can't afford to take your animals to a vet regardless if you think they rip you off, why do you even have any type of animal in the first place? You'll need to see a doctor when ill when you can't pay, so how is your pets life is any different?
    Good luck!

  • @connorwilliams2908
    @connorwilliams2908 2 роки тому

    This video helps a lot, as I have two dogs currently. All the dogs in my life have been deep chested and we’ve lost 3 seperate dogs to GDV or bloat. Most recently, being February 6th of 2022, my 13 year old German Shorthaird Pointer had gone to the vet in the morning. She stayed there for a few hours and came home with a perfect bill of health. One of the best they’ve seen in a 13 year old. Later on that night I fed her dinner as normal. I then went to pick up some groceries and when I got back home her condition had worsend so quickly that with one look at her I already knew she was gone. Heartbroken, but not allowing her to suffer, I drove to the vet. I’ve been through this before and knew the outcome. I don’t have money, the outcome was going to be euthanasia. During the car ride she was attempting to burrow under the passengers seat, something that immediatley proved to me she knew she was going to die. She didn’t want to die in front of me, my family, the pack. So she tried to hide. As she was being put down I told her to go find Barney, her brother who also passed from GVD at 6 years old. Also a GSP. As she left our world, my father wagged her tail for her for the final time. She was at peace.
    In my experience, GVD has offered me no signs. Nothing to tell me something was wrong. Nothing to allow me to get ahead of the problem. It’s always ended in a grim ride home from the vet. Never once have I noticed anything wrong with any of my dogs. I feel like I might know the reason for this. When a dog feels the pain of their stomach flip, they immediatley run and hide. Literally hide, anywhere I don’t usually travel to inside my house. As a result, I don’t see it until it’s too late. But it’s crazy how a perfectly healthy dog in the morning can be gone at night. She should be laying with me. She should’ve had another couple years.

  • @jessicacampbell1903
    @jessicacampbell1903 3 роки тому +3

    My dog died last Sunday of this. I didn't know it was an emergency and by the time I got him to the Emergency vet it was too late and I am so ashamed and guilty for not saving my baby and acting fast. I will forever blame myself for not recognizing the signs of bloat. I had my two great danes have the stomach stapling surgery but my half lab great danes mix didn't have it done. I miss him so much.

    • @drjustinelee
      @drjustinelee  3 роки тому

      Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this. #RIP. Thinking of you and your family.

    • @youngchuchu08
      @youngchuchu08 Рік тому

      We blamed ourselves very badly missing our girl every minute!

  • @SherMusician
    @SherMusician 10 місяців тому

    Just went thru it with my 14 year old he had the suregery. 14000 original quote then 6400 plus initial 1130. I saw him retching. I gave him crunchies with a neighbours soup she gave me. And this fixed up our lives. AmO was abandoned after 18 years with my ex who became addicted to a phone game and fled the country. Left us penniless. They told me to put him down. I didn’t he’s here with me now. I said I’d go in debt to let God decide cause he was walking and pulling and strong. He wants to live. I have him here Thank God he’s home. Just got him this morning. Had no idea this was preventative. Didn’t even have insurance. I’ve had dogs all my life and only heard of this this week. What’s school for? They teach us nothing

  • @CrayolaCoffeeBean
    @CrayolaCoffeeBean Рік тому +1

    Interesting… I just got a puppy so trying to learn about stuff, but this sounds a lot like colic in horses. Good to know! Thanks!

  • @Superb_0wl
    @Superb_0wl 4 роки тому +4

    He or She sits there like a good boy or girl 💗😚

  • @youngchuchu08
    @youngchuchu08 Рік тому

    Thank you!

  • @GROOVwithme
    @GROOVwithme 4 роки тому +6

    My dog had bad gas since the past few days, today he had trouble with movement. We have him a human anti-gas syrup and rushed to the vet middle of the night. In his ex-ray, all was clear (maybe the anti-gas helped). Now we gave him some shots and laxatives to ease his stools. Now waiting for morning, we would take him to the vet again

    • @drjustinelee
      @drjustinelee  4 роки тому +3

      So glad he is doing ok! Yes, even anti-gas medication can help tremendously when they aren't truly bloated!

    • @beatrix8308
      @beatrix8308 2 роки тому

      What happened to ghe dog if i may ask? My first dog, a 13 year old shih tzu, i suspect had a bloat too before dying on the way to the vet, just this january. She couldn't put her head down or she'd "choke" then just few hours later on the way to the vet she died and the vet first commented that her stomach was full of fluids befor being revived but unfortunately that didnt do any.
      Now, my other dog, a 11 year old shih tzu, is retching and seems stressed with the tail super down even with the curved rectal area, i suspected that he had bloat too but in the vet we just saw a spring on his xray near his anus in the large intestine and the ve concluded that its due to discomfort. fortunately, he pooped it when we got home but after eating an hour later, he suddenly started retching loudly and now panting. I'm extremely worried that the same thing would happen.

    • @jadelyntauinaola802
      @jadelyntauinaola802 10 місяців тому

      What kind of anti gas syrup ?

  • @lilyjameson5156
    @lilyjameson5156 3 роки тому +2

    What a gorgeous dog! What breed is it? God bless you, sweet pup...and all dogs...the best of God's creations, in my opinion. Btw, gastropexy sounds great because, sadly, the "lifesaving" surgery is not always successful.

  • @niyniydabid
    @niyniydabid 11 місяців тому

    This video can help a lot of people I didn’t know dogs can get this my dog got a big stomach like a week ago I told my boyfriend about that he say no he been eating a lot I told him that not normal we’re I’m from there not a lot of vet I call the vet they told me there was no appointment no time soon that they are book so I started looking in youtub I came across this video and my dog was doing exactly what she say on the video I’m so sad that I found this video late cause after I seen this video my dog die one hour later we was not expecting that that was so painful I wish I would it know before thank you for this video

  • @briyanistitt3337
    @briyanistitt3337 7 років тому +8

    It's early my dad I sleeping idk what to do!!!

  • @watso015
    @watso015 7 місяців тому

    I think my dog has had this for a month. Been to the vets several times but they are not listening to me

  • @ralphlaurence3134
    @ralphlaurence3134 4 роки тому +4

    Hello Maam! I have a 3 month old Dachshund and sometimes he eats too fast and also we spoil him with his food and there were some nights that he kept on vomiting but nothing comes out and sometimes after eating too fast he is bloated. But now he’s fine. Do u think he’ll be okay? 🥺🥺🥺 I changed his bowl also to slow feeder 🥺

    • @drjustinelee
      @drjustinelee  4 роки тому +2

      Unlikely to be an issue in a puppy although i RARELY have seen GDV with puppies! It could be worms + fast eating - the slow feeder + a vet visit for deworming is important!

  • @x3swag
    @x3swag 3 роки тому

    Sadly this is the supposed reason we put our 10 year old black lab down due to constant panting and retching (she was suffering very bad, no appetite for a week and no movement) as you know vet bills arre way too much. Before anyone complains about this, her stomach was massive, our veterinarian said it tripled in size :( she was suffering very much no sleeping constant pain

  • @joshbarnard6917
    @joshbarnard6917 7 років тому +9

    I think my pit bull has bloat right now but the vet wasn't sure. he gave me antibiotics for an infection and gasx and its been a couple days and he doesn't look better and I can't afford an expensive surgery any suggestions please

    • @myblankstare08
      @myblankstare08 7 років тому +3

      Josh Barnard Hows your pitbull? I hope he's ok

    • @TheAnarchyIsReal
      @TheAnarchyIsReal 6 років тому +3

      My brindle pit has no actual sighns of behavior change but for the past two months she has been passing a lot of gas and her ribs seem extended I really can’t tell if she just grinned weight or if it’s bloat I am scared I don’t have a thousand to go get X-rays with and meds and idk if it’s even bloat or not I can’t tell

  • @wackyjaci6869
    @wackyjaci6869 Рік тому

    This all sounds helpful - minus the spay/neuter age. Doing that before 2 years IMMENSELY increases your dog's health issues later in life, including cancer. They need the hormones.

    • @justinelee9930
      @justinelee9930 Рік тому

      Actually this totally depends on the BREED of dog, based on the most recent research by UC Davis.

    • @wackyjaci6869
      @wackyjaci6869 Рік тому

      @Justine Lee A dog's health doesn't 'totally' depend on their breed, but yes, that can also be a huge factor, along with diet (especially if they're only getting kibble - like feeding a child 'healthy cereal' their whole life, so much grain for a carnivore...) and exercise and predispositions from their parents' lines.
      I'm clearing this up to save someone from getting any wrong ideas. Early spay/neuter does affect health in a pet's life. Only pets it 'doesn't affect' as much are those with short life expectancies, like great danes because their hearts usually stop working at only 6 years old - ergo, too young to partake in statistics. I'm talking around 6+ years old, like when you're wondering why a dog needs CCL surgery between ages of 3-6, or their hips are going bad, when they can live to be 15 years old...
      Rather than carry on with me, start asking your clients when their pet was spayed/neutered. So your own research, one not paid for by a kibble company.

    • @justinelee9930
      @justinelee9930 Рік тому

      @@wackyjaci6869 Dear Wacky, I'm referring to your comment re: spay and neuter. The research supports delayed spay/neuter for Golden retrievers, German shepherds but not labradors.

  • @Pricr87
    @Pricr87 6 років тому +2

    Hi Dr! I have a 6 yo pequinese\maltese dog... she eats, plays and sleeps normally but, I have noticed this constant habit in her of gulping and licking "air". I did an online search and it seems like there are a lot of posts about it but no one really knows what it is. Any thoughts? Thanks!

    • @justinelee9930
      @justinelee9930 6 років тому +1

      Sometimes that can be from gastric reflux or even allergies - I would talk to your veterinarian about an antacid trial and see if that helps!

  • @Mark-qu7yc
    @Mark-qu7yc 11 місяців тому

    My puppy I got like 5 days ago has been trying to throw up a lot lately but hasn't been able to get anything out and he doesn't seem as hyper as he normally is all he wants to do is sleep and I don't have thousands of dollars to take him to the vet but I'm freaking out cuz I don't know if he's sick or not like he keeps trying to throw up but nothing is coming out and he's not as hyper as he normally is he's like 10 weeks old

  • @NargisTheViking
    @NargisTheViking 3 роки тому +1

    Hey Justine! I have a Jack russel poodle. He’s a good boy and currently his stomach is just a bit hard when I squeeze just a bit. He isn’t showing any signs of GDV. He does itch but that isn’t a sign from what I’m aware of. Would you think it’s still a good thing to have him checked out? Thanks!

    • @drjustinelee
      @drjustinelee  3 роки тому

      That's not a classic sign of it - when in doubt, if you think something is abnormal, yes, I'd check with a vet to be safe!

  • @2TYMENoah
    @2TYMENoah 3 роки тому

    Please help me me French bulldog is trying to throw up I think and he will not stop but nothing is coming out what do I do

  • @Dthan_G
    @Dthan_G 2 роки тому

    Hello my dog is heaving but is still eating yet acts like nothing is wrong

  • @Babygottaeat249
    @Babygottaeat249 3 роки тому +1

    Hi dr Lee. I have a 2 year old mini pinscher and sometimes he throws up yellow foamey bile. I always chalked it up to being axis reflux or a digestive issue because sometimes he gets hairballs that clog his stomach. He normally throws them up and is fine right after. He is a short haired dog and the past week has had some seasonal allergies so he’s been doing a lot of licking his fur. Today he was running around the dog park and then immediately after threw up this yellow foam. He normally walks it off and is fine but when we got home he started retching and nothing was coming up. He was gulping a lot too and seemed anxious. Then he got very lethargic. I got nervous and my vet wasn’t picking up so the dog food store said to try gas x and pumpkin with grain free food. I gave him that and he’s lying down and seems fine now. His stomach doesn’t look swollen like this I’m just nervous. I don’t want him to die overnight . He isn’t panting or anything. Could it just be gas and not this twisted stomach? Is there any dog food you would recommend to prevent this? Any other tips for a smaller breed dog

    • @drjustinelee
      @drjustinelee  3 роки тому +2

      Hi Kim. It's not a common breed to get a GDV, but when in doubt, best to check with your vet with xrays. Some small dogs get upset stomachs or gastroesophageal reflux, depending on what time they are fed, and I'd talk to your vet about starting Pepcid AC or omeperazole consistently for 1-2 weeks to see if it helps. I'm not a huge fan or grain-free due to the possible rare DCM heart changes when they have legume/pea in it. Gas-X is fine.

  • @robobitch4133
    @robobitch4133 2 роки тому +1

    hey ik its late but, but my dog is continuously throwing up pure white foam and shaking, it only happens every 4 or 7 minutes, i dont think her stomach is big but her rib cage seems i little bit inflated can someone please respond now

    • @robobitch4133
      @robobitch4133 2 роки тому +1

      i really am scared and its school night, but right now i prioritize my dogs life more than school can someone pls answer

    • @connorwilliams2908
      @connorwilliams2908 2 роки тому

      @@robobitch4133 Sounds to me like a stomach flip. This has happened to three of my dogs. I pray to the highest power your dog is still with us and doing well, however it seems like that’s not the case based on what you wrote. I want you to know that I love you. I love you as a human, a dog owner, and someone whos gone through such a terrible thing. Keep your head up. That’s what I tell myself everyday. And I do so because it’s what my dog would’ve wanted. If you need to talk I’d be happy to. I’ve got you in my thoughts.❤️

    • @robobitch4133
      @robobitch4133 2 роки тому

      @@connorwilliams2908shes fine thx i think she just ate a leaf of a plant that make ppl nauseous

    • @connorwilliams2908
      @connorwilliams2908 2 роки тому

      @@robobitch4133 Excellent news to hear. God bless you and your doggy. I’m glad your puppy is okay.

  • @dreyyypppped1395
    @dreyyypppped1395 3 роки тому

    Hello my dog is trying to vomit but can't? And he is also sleepy most of the time its been days hes like this

  • @baileightahlulah
    @baileightahlulah 3 роки тому +1

    My puppy is only showing one symptom of this and I’m terrified but idk if I go to vet if they’ll be like “you’re new paranoid dog owner” my vet was really mean to me last time :(

    • @drjustinelee
      @drjustinelee  3 роки тому

      The number one sign is usually vomiting/retching. If your vet is mean, I'd find another vet!

    • @nevm5776
      @nevm5776 3 роки тому

      @@drjustinelee My female Mini Pinscher looks like still in good shape, chest doesn't seems like too bloated, but she is gagging or something like Retching, but nothing is thrown up, sometimes she throws up a little bit, but this day she did throw up and she felt dizzy that time and just fallen on its back and was like having a seizure...
      Please help me, Is there anything I can do?
      Im worried losing her

    • @drjustinelee
      @drjustinelee  3 роки тому

      @@nevm5776 It doesn't sound a bloated stomach, but she could be having a severe heart arrhthymia (Syncope) or seizure. She needs to get to a vet right away!

    • @nevm5776
      @nevm5776 3 роки тому

      @@drjustinelee so there's no really a home remedies/treatments or whatsoever?
      only Vet?

    • @abihenderson8300
      @abihenderson8300 3 роки тому

      Paul Andrei it needs to be diagnosed first before you start looking at alternate therapies

  • @jonathangtheguy
    @jonathangtheguy 2 роки тому +1

    Hello! For the past three days my family’s 13 year old beagle has experienced a bloated stomach. She has a spleen mass but we’re unsure if that is causing the bloat or if it’s GDV. She had trouble walking the first two days but her ability to move around and up and down stairs has definitely improved. She is usually very energetic, despite her age. We have consulted a veterinarian and their recommendations were either gastropexy surgery or for her to be put down. This is our first dog and we’ve never had to make a decision as difficult as performing a surgery. Would it be worth it to try a gastropexy at her age?
    My beagle has also had the splenic mass for the past 2-3 months. If the mass/tumor did grow, contributing the the distended stomach, would surgery still be a viable option if done soon enough? My family is mainly concerned about her quality of life after a potential surgery.

    • @drjustinelee
      @drjustinelee  2 роки тому +1

      Sounds like the splenic mass is causing the problem and needs to be removed! Beagles are unlikely to need a gastropexy - it's likely due to the mass and needs evaluation by a veterinarian for further work up.

  • @valenciathompson6689
    @valenciathompson6689 2 роки тому

    Hi anyone that can help i have a 5 year old 20 ish pound english springer spaniel mix.He goes bathroom #1 and 2.Eats drinks water still wants walks and plays fetch and etc.After thanksgiving he went thru high levels and his liver went 2x bigger was on meds and was having seizures.The seizures stopped but stomach is a bit big.Is it gas ?? Or constipation i dont know.We jus came frm a vet visit of 300.00 for updated bloodwork and she didnt mention anything odd.She said his levels went down quite a bit.Better than before but idk im looking at his tummy and im nervous but running out of big funds.Spent close to 4grand alone in meds vet visits bloodwork and much more.But i wanna do what i can without going to a emergency vet.So im trying to get around that issue and keep trying to find ways to help him.Oh idk if its gas or what but we went for a walk today and like his stomach was a bit hard feeling.During walk went to do #1 and 2 and his stomach size went down a bit.Idk i jus came frm vet she would mention it

  • @aeon5904
    @aeon5904 3 роки тому

    Should I be concerned if my dog was retching very briefly, but otherwise shows no other signs of illness? I have a small dog and noticed today they were retching slightly, but it was only for like 10 seconds and then he stopped, and has otherwise been completely normal all day. It was before they ate, so I'm wondering if maybe it was just stomach acid buildup from not eating, or they ate grass when I took them out prior? Because other than that super brief instance, nothing else is wrong; their stomach and ribcage don't feel odd, heartbeat is okay, no mood changes, no other signs of vomiting or retching and no lack of energy or lethargy present in them at all. So is retching just something that can happen without being a bigger cause for concern?

    • @drjustinelee
      @drjustinelee  3 роки тому +1

      It almost sounds like esophagitis or reflux, and should be evaluated by your vet, but doesn't sound urgent. Sometimes, an acid reducer and feeding smaller meals more frequently (divided) can help. Talk to your vet.

  • @Gabby-gn7ns
    @Gabby-gn7ns 4 роки тому +2

    i think my puppy has this but my parents won’t do anything and they’re making jokes out of it and now i’m sad. i think she might die but i just got my puppy. she’s a german shepard and her name is nyla. i’m going to cry myself to sleep

    • @Gabby-gn7ns
      @Gabby-gn7ns 4 роки тому +1

      but honestly it’s so messed up that the thing that can possibly save my dog costs so mu h

    • @drjustinelee
      @drjustinelee  4 роки тому +1

      @@Gabby-gn7ns I'm so sorry to hear that. If your dog is a PUPPY, it's less likely to be a GDV, but you should get to a vet to be safe. That's why I'm such an advocate of pet insurance to help with emergencies. Hope your dog is ok!

    • @Gabby-gn7ns
      @Gabby-gn7ns 4 роки тому

      Justine Lee yah we took her to my uncle cuz he’s a vet and he said she was okay but he thinks she still has her parasites. the bloating went away and she looks normal, and her appointment for her shots are in three days so i think she’ll be okay 😊

  • @katherinesmith7848
    @katherinesmith7848 6 років тому +2

    Hi Dr. Lee, would their stomach also contract? My dog has lymphoma and last week he vomited but his stomach would still contract every 30 seconds and no other symptoms. Could this be bloat?

    • @justinelee9930
      @justinelee9930 6 років тому +1

      It sounds like your dog's stomach might be hypermotile (contracting more than usual). Sometimes stomach upset can cause that and you can talk to your vet about antacids, anti vomiting medication (e.g., maropitant, metoclopramide) to help?!

  • @tarcellajones8906
    @tarcellajones8906 2 роки тому

    Is this condition easily recognized by a veterinarian?

    • @drjustinelee
      @drjustinelee  2 роки тому

      Yes, typically - but it usually presents EMERGENT. (in the ER)

    • @tarcellajones8906
      @tarcellajones8906 2 роки тому

      @@drjustinelee thank you

  • @nestorcamacam3979
    @nestorcamacam3979 3 роки тому +1

    Dr. Justine, I need help and advices. My dog is a year old and 3month old mix breed. Exactly a week ago, she started retching (trying to vomit but cant). We thought it’s a ome time happening but she continued doing so everyday (but not frequently, maybe 3 times a day with lots of hours interval). She doesnt have a bloated stomach, her body shape is the same as before. But she pants most of the time (and she pants most of the time before as well, maybe because it’s hot here in our country). She’s also acting normally, still energetic and love going out to walk. I’m very anxious and paranoid now :(((

    • @drjustinelee
      @drjustinelee  3 роки тому

      I'd get to a vet for x-rays and blood work, deworming, etc. to be safe. GDV doesn't last for a week typically - it's very acute but best to get to a vet to check as soon as you can.

    • @nestorcamacam3979
      @nestorcamacam3979 3 роки тому

      @@drjustinelee We went to vet the other day, doc. The doctor did a blood chem test and we found out that she have low hematocrit (0.27) and RBC count (4.07).

    • @hashtagselfie
      @hashtagselfie 3 роки тому

      @@nestorcamacam3979 Hi I’m in the same situation. Can you explain what this means ? Like the low hermatocrit and rbc?

  • @SoXez
    @SoXez 7 років тому +5

    My pitbull died of this so is a pitbull a breed???

  • @berzerk4412
    @berzerk4412 3 роки тому

    my dogs whimpering and looking around like shes paranoid, she does have a chubby belly but she isnt gagging or throwing up. We got her 5 days ago but on the 5th day she was fine she seemed more happy and cheerful to be around us but now its 12:00am and shes whimpering and being paranoid so idk whats wrong with her. We bought her foods specifically for smaller breeds but we only gave her a small amount since shes way smaller compared to our bigger dog. Maybe shes stressed? I took her outside in case she wanted to pee or poo but she ran inside and hid in my closet. I guess shes scared but from what?

    • @drjustinelee
      @drjustinelee  3 роки тому

      Any weird environmental stress? Any fireworks, or noise? Anything unusual or new to the diet, etc? It's worth a physical examination with your vet to be safe. Sometimes pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas - or even back pain can mimic some signs!

  • @julieannedurr9288
    @julieannedurr9288 2 роки тому

    What is my dog is bloated and won’t poop but none of the other symptoms?

    • @drjustinelee
      @drjustinelee  2 роки тому

      Then something else is going on and you should seek veterinary attention for work up.

  • @ContSecundarAO
    @ContSecundarAO 2 роки тому

    I found my dog dead in the morning .she was young and healthy .i found her with huge belly with air inside. Please can you tell me if she died in sufering or she het in to shock and die after. Shebwas ansaved girl,a good dog

    • @drjustinelee
      @drjustinelee  2 роки тому

      Oh, I'm so, so sorry. My heart goes out to you.

  • @bigsmoke7381
    @bigsmoke7381 2 роки тому

    My dog had GDV surgery done last night and was just wondering after everything is healed up will he back to his normal self again

    • @reganronald8328
      @reganronald8328 2 роки тому

      What symptoms did you notice

    • @bigsmoke7381
      @bigsmoke7381 2 роки тому

      @@reganronald8328 his stomach felt really hard like a inflated basketball and looked a lot larger then usual and he seemed like he couldn’t get comfortable

  • @hemamadhuri120
    @hemamadhuri120 4 роки тому

    Please help us! Our dog is retching and dry heaving from 2 days. He's a 7 yr old st. Bernard. Yesterday he was a bit ok we thought there's something stuck in the throat and he's trying to get that out by vomting. But today he's retching even more and not throwing up anything. He didn't sleep well in the night as well. He's so restless. We are worried and contacted our vet... He said there might be some allergy in the throat or it might be because of the gas...he didn't see the pet we consulted him through the phone only and he asked us to give our pet some injections that would help him give relief from the gas. We just gave those injections 30 mins ago and the retching has subsided a bit say upto 60-70% but not completely. He also prescribed some pills for 10 days. After reading all the information and content online, we're scared if this is GDV. Should we consider this as a serious problem? Or is it a normal bloat as the unproductive retching decreased a bit after giving the injection ? Also,as he's a giant breed dog and being said that the risk factor is more in st. Bernards should we panic? This is the first time it happened to him. Please help us save our pet. Thanks in advance.

    • @drjustinelee
      @drjustinelee  4 роки тому

      He needs to go to the vet NOW!

    • @hemamadhuri120
      @hemamadhuri120 4 роки тому

      @@drjustinelee he's doing all normal eating as usual as well but the only thing is he's retching and it has reduced somewhat after giving the injection. Should we still worry ? Isn't it the normal bloat ? Please let me know...on your advice we'll take him to the vet.

    • @hemamadhuri120
      @hemamadhuri120 3 роки тому

      @hypocrisy police Hi! Thanks for your concern and I'd really appreciate the time you've taken to reply ❤️
      He's doing well now and it's just a normal gas.

  • @glydelkate5209
    @glydelkate5209 2 роки тому

    Hello ma’am I would like to ask that my dog isn’t feeling well and I don’t see him drooling but after he ate earlier he is trying to vomit but nothing comes up and I’m just worried because here in our country no vets are open and at the same time I don’t have the money to take him to the vet I don’t know if this is GDV or something else but His stomach at his abdomen part is hard and I don’t know what to do right now

    • @justinelee9930
      @justinelee9930 2 роки тому

      I would call a vet but in the least take away food and water for a few hours. You can try checking his gum color and make sure they are pink (if they are pale pink or white, I’m worried about internal bleeding, etc.).

    • @glydelkate5209
      @glydelkate5209 2 роки тому

      The problem ma’am is that there are no open clinic right now in my country 😭

  • @aikuhahgase7679
    @aikuhahgase7679 7 років тому +3

    Hi Dr. Justine Lee could you please help me because our dog has been vomiting for days and he's skin is becoming yellowish like color. We don't really have that money to go veterinarian. Could you please help us. Thank you

    • @noahverdugo7658
      @noahverdugo7658 7 років тому +1

      Is it cured yet? Btw, that yellowish type of color = jaundice = liver problems.

  • @JayJustify
    @JayJustify 13 днів тому

    Johnson Timothy Perez Gary Harris Elizabeth

  • @DarrellHolmes-q3u
    @DarrellHolmes-q3u 23 дні тому

    Lewis Ruth Jones David Robinson Jose

  • @88Kent
    @88Kent 3 роки тому +1

    My dog died today because of this she didn't cry

  • @haroldrivera8183
    @haroldrivera8183 Рік тому

    Do this illness also occur in a 2month old puppy?

    • @drjustinelee
      @drjustinelee  Рік тому +1

      No, not typically, but it has RARELY been reported in puppies. Mostly large, adult, older dogs. When in doubt, if there's non-productive retching and continuous vomiting, seek veterinary attention immediately!

    • @haroldrivera8183
      @haroldrivera8183 Рік тому

      @@drjustinelee yesterday my puppy start retching and started vomitting after then the following day he only drinks water. Is this also signs of GDV?

  • @bstudent09
    @bstudent09 3 роки тому +1

    My dog only dry heaves. No other symptoms

    • @ricpiape6776
      @ricpiape6776 3 роки тому

      Same here but it always makes me worry tho. I mean we don't have the money to put our dog into a surgery so I don't know what to do for ny dog's benefit.

    • @bstudent09
      @bstudent09 3 роки тому

      @@ricpiape6776 same. No money

  • @ma.reinieloucruz427
    @ma.reinieloucruz427 3 роки тому

    Good day! I would love to ask about my shih tzu has a hard and bloated(?) tummy i think. I always give her 1/3 cup of dog food twice a day. But I came to think that it is less than what she should consume. So I added another 1/3 cup during mealtimes. After a few days I have noticed that her tummy became hard and bloated(?). She weighs 4.3kgs btw. Chance helping me identify if this is gdv?

    • @drjustinelee
      @drjustinelee  3 роки тому

      I'd get to a vet - doesn't sound like it and your dog would have sicker signs of retching, etc.

  • @heavanmari3871
    @heavanmari3871 3 роки тому

    Hi, I really need help! I have a 4, almost 5, year old male pitbull and about three hours ago hes been hesitant on moving and jumping up. Right now he's pooped twice but is still the same. Any advice?

    • @drjustinelee
      @drjustinelee  3 роки тому

      Signs of GDV are really retching and vomiting. It sounds like your dog is really painful, and we can see that with lots of things. I would NOT give him anything at home OTC without consulting a veterinarian. In pit bulls, I often worry about neck or back pain too. If he can't walk or seems acutely worse, get him to an emergency vet!

  • @NancyMendozai
    @NancyMendozai 20 днів тому

    Moore Barbara Young David Rodriguez Kimberly

  • @wiesbadengera1
    @wiesbadengera1 3 роки тому

    why didnt you just tell us how to help prevent bloat

    • @drjustinelee
      @drjustinelee  3 роки тому

      Because there's not much you can do to PREVENT it. There's a lot of controversy in vet med on this. In general, the only way is by 'pexy'ing your dog at surgery when she is spayed.

  • @MitaAkters-q6k
    @MitaAkters-q6k 18 днів тому

    Rodriguez Dorothy Jones Jeffrey Martin Amy

  • @regenadaniels8847
    @regenadaniels8847 13 днів тому

    Brown Dorothy Jones Kimberly Walker William

  • @DunkinTunic
    @DunkinTunic 17 днів тому

    Lopez Helen Jones Scott Hall Helen

  • @Heytheredelisandwich
    @Heytheredelisandwich 3 роки тому

    I don’t have money for this... I don’t have a job. What am I gonna do?

    • @drjustinelee
      @drjustinelee  3 роки тому

      I'm so sorry - I'd see if there are any ER clinics or nonprofit veterinary clinics or shelters ASAP if you think your dog has this.

    • @Heytheredelisandwich
      @Heytheredelisandwich 3 роки тому

      @@drjustinelee okay thank you

  • @evelyncee974
    @evelyncee974 4 роки тому +2

    My dog seems bloated right now but his anus is sort of red and when I try to touch his stomach or lower back ( tail area) he tries to bite me. But he ate well and drank milk. I am scared I don’t know if it’s gdv or constipation. He had similar symptoms like that ( except the anus part) a few months ago and he was having trouble pooping ( large poop sorry for tmi) but then his back still kinda hurt. After I gave him puréed pumpkin and he seemed better and able to poop everyday .

    • @evelyncee974
      @evelyncee974 4 роки тому +1

      Can someone help idk if it’s gdv or constipation. I have no money rn to take him to the vet. I’m really scared

    • @lennong4114
      @lennong4114 4 роки тому +1

      @@evelyncee974 hey did your dog recover?

    • @evelyncee974
      @evelyncee974 4 роки тому +1

      lennythesavage thank you for asking !! He seems way better now, the vet said it was gas and so I gave him gas-x for a week then I started giving him pumpkin and probiotic powder again and he seems fine and able to go now easily. They suggested a X-ray or ultrasound but he hadn’t gotten any problems yet. I think he is just a little overweight

    • @evelyncee974
      @evelyncee974 4 роки тому

      lennythesavage but he has a licking problem? He is constantly licking the floor or his paws. And his upper arm is turning brown?

    • @GROOVwithme
      @GROOVwithme 4 роки тому

      @@evelyncee974 My dog had bad gas since the past few days, today he had trouble with movement. We have him a human anti-gas syrup and rushed to the vet middle of the night. In his ex-ray, all was clear (maybe the anti-gas helped). Now we gave him some shots and laxatives to ease his stools. Now waiting for morning, we would take him to the vet again

  • @jakim1360
    @jakim1360 4 місяці тому

    신경개기 다 붓기 다 취소취소

  • @dancerride
    @dancerride 6 років тому +5

    3,ooo$$$$ bucks of bloat

  • @justinelee9930
    @justinelee9930 7 років тому +3

    Aica David, you need to seek a veterinarian immediately, even if it's for humane euthanasia. It sounds like your dog skin is jaundiced and this can be life-threatening.

  • @x3swag
    @x3swag 3 роки тому

    Sadly this is the supposed reason we put our 10 year old black lab down due to constant panting and retching (she was suffering very bad, no appetite for a week and no movement) as you know vet bills arre way too much. Before anyone complains about this, her stomach was massive, our veterinarian said it tripled in size :( she was suffering very much no sleeping constant pain

    • @drjustinelee
      @drjustinelee  3 роки тому +1

      I'm so sorry to hear about that. :(

    • @x3swag
      @x3swag 3 роки тому

      @@drjustinelee thank you for the videos, it will help others with pets very much.