We ae overriding ITestListerners methods in our Listerner class to customize our result, so it example of Polymorphism, and we have different method related frame which take different argument which is also good example of polymorphism
Polymorphism in Selenium Framework in polymorphism we have two method one is Method overloading and second is Method overriding 1) Method overloading :- in selenium framework we have use Implicit wait is an example of Method overloading in implicit wait we use different stamps such as second , minute and Hours 2) Method overriding:- example of method overriding we can overiide Findelement method , asserssion, also
in Java when object is same but having different 2 behaviour then it is known as polymorphism (Many Forms) physical example is water different -2 forms like ice and Vapour . in jave we can achieve it by using OOps concept Method over loading and Method overriding
We ae overriding ITestListerners methods in our Listerner class to customize our result, so it example of Polymorphism, and we have different method related frame which take different argument which is also good example of polymorphism
Polymorphism in Selenium Framework
in polymorphism we have two method one is Method overloading and second is Method overriding
1) Method overloading :- in selenium framework we have use Implicit wait is an example of Method overloading in implicit wait we use different stamps such as second , minute and Hours
2) Method overriding:- example of method overriding we can overiide Findelement method , asserssion, also
in Java when object is same but having different 2 behaviour then it is known as polymorphism (Many Forms) physical example is water different -2 forms like ice and Vapour .
in jave we can achieve it by using OOps concept
Method over loading and Method overriding
In my project I have to used overloading concepts in println,sendkeys & frames.
In my project i used many interface methods are override methods.
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