7 Steps to Effective Speaking - Make a Difference

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
  • Speech is the most advanced form of communicating our needs today. I explain the ways and psychological effects of effective speech for you. If you apply it to your conversations, you will strengthen your communication with the other person.
    Speaking is the most effective way to convey your feelings and thoughts to the other person! You can establish a balanced relationship with your environment by using your voice, gestures and mimics during the conversation.
    When you are angry, you can express your anger; when you are in love, you can say I love you; And so on, speaking is the most effective form of communication where you can transfer thousands of emotions and situations to the other party.
    What do you think is the point where this effective communication tool has reached today?
    Although speech is such a great power, it cannot be said that we are still able to speak very well in recent TV programmes, on platforms where opposing views try to compromise, in meetings where friends come together for a chat and cannot break away from their smartphones.
    By the way, speaking of smartphones; According to a statement of the American Academy of Paediatrics, children between the ages of 8-18 are exposed to technological devices for 7.5 hours a day.
    In other words, they communicate with each other through screens instead of talking face to face. If it goes this way, the future of speech and communication developed through imitation and experimentation does not look good.
    As you know, the way you communicate with the person in front of you can affect many points from your friendship ties to your promotion at your workplace and your success at school.
    People with strong communication and strong speech can sometimes rise quickly, even if their performance in business life is not very good, while they can be the sought-after name of social environments and bilateral relations.
    So, what can be done to perfect the dialogue?
    I have listed 7 effective methods for you.
    1. Focus on the other person: For this, try not to think about your plans, future plans and past regrets during the conversation, and most importantly, stay away from your smartphone.
    Focus only on the other person's thoughts. In this way, you will enjoy the conversation by staying in the moment. If you can already do this, you will make you feel that you are there only for the other person with your body language and eye contact. This will be a pleasant situation for his self-centred brain.
    2. Use your voice: You don't need to have a charismatic voice for an effective dialogue, the safest voice for the brain is a friendly tone.
    3. Stop judgement: This attitude causes the other person to feel the need to constantly defend themselves and to shut down.
    4. Listen deeply: You are not the only one who thinks about how to interrupt the dialogue and say my thoughts during the conversation, many people do this. Instead of listening, they think about what to say at that moment.
    5. Ask open-ended questions: Learn to ask questions where the answer is not just yes or no. This type of question will deepen your conversation.
    6. Do not be afraid of silence during dialogue: Sometimes that moment of silence, which is sometimes feared, allows thoughts to mature and more vital thoughts to be expressed. Remember that not every moment of silence is a gap that needs to be filled in a hurry.
    7. Use short and simple sentences: Incomprehensible complex, too terminological or foreign words cause the other person to break away from the dialogue.