Riding the UK TET Badly | Adventure Light Project Ep

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @MattManuel
    @MattManuel 11 місяців тому +4

    Watching this in early 2024. Thanks for the video. Sorry to hear it didn't got as planned. Adventure.

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  11 місяців тому +2

      We made it back to finish the job. The memories of the bad trip were as good as the good trip!

  • @charliem5332
    @charliem5332 3 роки тому +13

    I enjoyed that. I like the way you point out how much harder some parts of those trails would be on adventure bikes. That's a big deal for a newbie like me.

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  3 роки тому +9

      We're working on a idea to illustrate this 😏

  • @k_plax
    @k_plax 3 роки тому +6

    You had the bike, and this episode certainly shows you now have the adventure in this series!
    Also, this channel deserves more views and likes. With 53K subscribers, and such good content, I don't why it doesn't. Keep it up, this is one of the best offroad motorcycle channels out there. Content has a bit of everything with some unreal editting.

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  3 роки тому +1

      Time, consistency and video people wanna watch I suppose. I don't really know but I'm sure we'll get somewhere decent eventually. :)

  • @kevinyoung5841
    @kevinyoung5841 3 роки тому +3

    This is one of your best films so far. Hope you and your Mum feel better soon.

  • @001dres
    @001dres 2 роки тому +1

    Blow drying the drone with the exhaust 👍🤣. Bike sounds quiet, good for the sport. Thx and keep up the good work.

  • @wood3154
    @wood3154 3 місяці тому

    Quality vid.
    I think the last bit is probably the most important part. Things didn't go to plan, and that's fine. The trails, the mountains, the scenery, is all going to be there another day. Making the right decision to scrap an adventure because of external circumstances, although tough, is one of the best decisions; otherwise, things can go really bad, really quickly.

  • @PatchedBandit
    @PatchedBandit 3 місяці тому +1

    TET Wales looks amazign. Maybe next year!

  • @advau5363
    @advau5363 3 роки тому +5

    After a 20yr break from riding I am back into a big adventure bike (probably a bad move) and your videos, detailed explanation, demonstration are really good and help me practice and build confidence. I also like the fact that you take your dad on some of the trips as it helps me feel little better and realise that maybe I am not too old to hit the tracks. Well done, thank you and keep going, big supporter.

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  3 роки тому

      Thanks Sasha, best of luck with the riding!

    • @sadigov
      @sadigov 7 місяців тому

      brruhhh, still alive? 😂

  • @jayrunner62
    @jayrunner62 3 роки тому +6

    Sorry to hear you were hurt. Get well soon and best wishes from good ol' Germany where, sadly, you can't do things like that.

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  3 роки тому

      Such a shame! Might have to pop to France :P

  • @greenveg42
    @greenveg42 2 роки тому +1

    From the comments and the title I gather that there is some less-than-great stuff coming in later in the video but:
    Up to seven min mark (where I'm at as I write this) it is just beautiful!
    The trail, the landscapes, the weather, the filming, the music.
    Good work!!!

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  2 роки тому

      Thanks Johannes. Episode three is coming shortly too 😁

  • @lyon666
    @lyon666 3 роки тому

    Absolutely loved this video, not as hectic as most enduro videos, not as boring as most touring videos.

  • @ferkuzuel
    @ferkuzuel 2 роки тому +1

    What a great difference it makes when you ride this trails on a proper light weight bike.
    And what a great video too, thanks and wish you guys the best

  • @motonico79
    @motonico79 3 роки тому +1

    Looks super fun.

  • @luthorkhan5551
    @luthorkhan5551 3 роки тому

    Absolutely exceptional. Thank you.

    @BWGPEI 2 роки тому

    Lovely country indeed! Thanks for taking us along for the ride.

  • @emfl4437
    @emfl4437 2 роки тому

    This was a great video, with the exception of hearing about your mom and your off. Looking forward to the follow-up ride

  • @irishflyer6377
    @irishflyer6377 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you for sharing, great real life trip and nice to see more UK trips.

  • @jacintovanderhoeven4371
    @jacintovanderhoeven4371 Рік тому

    Had the same issue on my 501 with the cluth during the Hellas Rally now i have put a Brembo master on it 👍

  • @phillipbatho3213
    @phillipbatho3213 2 роки тому

    I have a new appreciation for cable operated clutches after this.

  • @100CupsColombia
    @100CupsColombia 3 роки тому +1

    Great stuff.Got caught in the dark between Aguadas and Pintada once-never been on a dirt road in the dark in me puff! 790 headlight is an impressive thing to behold.Turned out to be a hoot.Dust,trucks and darkness.Then a tropical storm just to ice that cake.

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  3 роки тому

      Sounds epic! I love night riding if you've got decent lights and most big ADV's have great lights. It's so fun!

  • @Arachnoid_of_the_underverse
    @Arachnoid_of_the_underverse 3 роки тому +5

    Great video and the accompanying music really gelled with it, you certainly picked some idyllic countryside to ramble over. Sorry to hear about your mum I hope she and obviously your head, are recovering alright.

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  3 роки тому

      Wales is really good for pretty places! We're all good now thanks!

    • @Arachnoid_of_the_underverse
      @Arachnoid_of_the_underverse 3 роки тому

      @@BrakeMagazine Good to hear, did you manage to resuscitate your drone?

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  3 роки тому

      @@Arachnoid_of_the_underverse Sadly not. I replaced the circuit board but it's still not flying.

  • @ridelifenz
    @ridelifenz 3 роки тому +4

    Good onya boys, living life and making memories, few bumps along the way. enjoy every moment. Greets from NZ.

  • @weifeng5958
    @weifeng5958 3 роки тому +5

    Really sad to hear about your mom, hope that she is recovering well. It really didn’t help that you had an off that ended the ride. Hope you have recovered and on the mend as well 👍🏾✌🏾

  • @JohannesDalenMC
    @JohannesDalenMC 2 роки тому

    I don't know how I missed this one - Wales looks absolutely fantastic!
    I wouldn't ride there on a 200kg adv bike, that's for sure.

  • @gadielhernandez6489
    @gadielhernandez6489 2 роки тому +1

    I recently found this channel and it has quickly become one of my favorites, some of the best content out there. Keep it up!

  • @nickdolan8068
    @nickdolan8068 3 роки тому +1

    Just watched this again & Again and love the story, the photo's/video and riding
    Glad your all good and your mum and all the best for 2022 - Lets do it on the 250's :-)

  • @maximbabanov495
    @maximbabanov495 3 роки тому +1

    Get better, man! Your content is in the best of the best on adventure riding and dual sport. Thoroughly thought thru, engagingly narrated and accompanied by quality shots and nicely matched soundtracks. You got all the ingredients perfect). Thanks!

  • @mermerac
    @mermerac 3 роки тому +1

    I'm glad I have subscribed.

  • @kurtkuechle9195
    @kurtkuechle9195 3 роки тому

    what a beautiful part of the world ... thanks for sharing.

  • @benleblanc3618
    @benleblanc3618 2 роки тому

    Can't wait for part 3

    @AYYOFLOCKA 3 роки тому

    My last short trail stint was similar, ignition failures, skidplates vibrating off on A roads and some gnarly crashes in southern wales as we got a bit too send-y. I'll never forget it, even though it was hard I'll remember these times fondly.
    Great film!

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  3 роки тому

      When things go wrong I think I enjoy it more!

  • @peternaur
    @peternaur 3 роки тому +1

    Your best video to date. I love the longer format and the storytelling.
    Hope all in the family recover quickly.
    That bike is a beast, as are you when you ride it. More please:D

  • @RobBrownSTS
    @RobBrownSTS 3 роки тому +3

    Thanks Llel! Great video. I’m sort of entering the light ADV world on a bit of a budget. I picked up a 09’ 690 enduro and am slowly adventurizing as I go along. But it’s also my day to day wheels so I’m trying to plan well to find a good middle ground for the right mods. Loving every moment of being on two wheels. Your content is always exactly what I’m after. Thank you.

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  3 роки тому

      Sounds like an awesome plan Rob! What have you done so far?

  • @Erwin-P
    @Erwin-P 3 роки тому +1

    What you say at about 3:52 explains why you ''should'' take an ADV bike on this kind of trips.
    A lot of ''roads'' even though in bad shape tend to get boring really soon on an Enduro. I own both type of bikes en like them both as much. In the beginning i wanted a light weight enduro ish ADV bike. But now, being a bit more experienced, i love to do ''technical'' stuff on my big 2 cylinder (990 ADV).
    I pick the bike like this: Is it ment as some kind of road? Yes: ADV bike. No: Enduro.

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  3 роки тому

      That was a bit the reason for the series really. I've always been like you but if you come back for EP 003 you'll see why we don't use big bikes a bit more.

  • @robertbotta6536
    @robertbotta6536 3 роки тому +1

    Really, really good episode dude. One of the best. Thanks.

  • @chrisfrancis6171
    @chrisfrancis6171 3 роки тому

    Awesome thanks 👍

  • @brianbarr8623
    @brianbarr8623 3 роки тому

    Any group ride with two Simon’s and two Pavey’s is a great group. Excellent video. Hope your mum is feeling better!

  • @greghare3263
    @greghare3263 3 роки тому +1

    Glad you ok mate. I came off 8wks ago and dislocated and fractured my shoulder. Trying to get fit for trip to the lake District. Love your videos. Thanks. Hope your mum was ok

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  3 роки тому

      That sucks. I got off lightly for sure! She's well healed 🙂

  • @patrickmaloney6440
    @patrickmaloney6440 3 роки тому

    Glad you're up and smiling about your spill... Cracking video and I'm looking forward to part 3...

  • @KnoxArmour
    @KnoxArmour 3 роки тому

    Great vid! Think Adventure means it doesn't always go to plan, crashes, mechanicals, bad weather etc all add to the memories to look back on. 😀. All the best!

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  3 роки тому +1

      I reckon most of the time that it tips into adventure is when it doesn't go to plan 😂 Does make a decent story though! Thanks for watching Knox!

  • @inrptn
    @inrptn 2 роки тому

    Definitely enjoyed it! Looking forward to part 3!

  • @casperdevanche1051
    @casperdevanche1051 3 роки тому +2

    02:55 Did anyone else think he was talking about the sheeps behind?

  • @rocketrollsvlogs7625
    @rocketrollsvlogs7625 3 роки тому +1

    Great video production. The perfect adventures are imperfect.

  • @r.j.bedore9884
    @r.j.bedore9884 3 роки тому +1

    Enjoyable, well put together content as always. Sorry to hear about your Mom and your crash. I hope everyone heals up alright and that you guys get to complete the ride in the future.

  • @gearhigher2027
    @gearhigher2027 2 роки тому

    BAJA DESIGNS LED LIGHT combined with USA-MADE "Moto Minded" mount is a MOST!

  • @nickg2431
    @nickg2431 3 роки тому

    Sorry for your accident.Its always a downer when that happens, and someting i worry about at times.Hopefully all will be well soon and your mini tips will help me to stay upright as well-all the best!

  • @wil.linssen
    @wil.linssen 3 роки тому +1

    Sucky circumstances, and hope everyone’s ok now. BUT mostly I’m just glad there’ll be more of this. Love it.

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  3 роки тому

      Cheers Wil. There will be more of this. how's the 690?

    • @wil.linssen
      @wil.linssen 3 роки тому

      @@BrakeMagazine still glorious. Only drawbacks are long road sections (seat in order) and not being able to GS Trophy. Maybe I’ll keep going smaller: this 350 is a delight.

  • @GregVillalobos
    @GregVillalobos 3 роки тому

    Great film guys 👍

  • @marcham1790
    @marcham1790 3 роки тому +1

    Great work ! Waiting for next episode

  • @nick1bb1
    @nick1bb1 3 роки тому

    Epic trails :-) looking forward to part 3 then!

  • @bobbennett2075
    @bobbennett2075 3 роки тому +1

    True adventure actually

  • @allanrilling6990
    @allanrilling6990 3 роки тому

    That’s some rough adventure. 3 strikes ! Cheers, from Quebec.

  • @rotor676
    @rotor676 3 роки тому

    Love the way you put vids together Thanks

  • @xxxefthimis
    @xxxefthimis 3 роки тому

    Great music,great “Pics”, great video!!!!!

  • @blairguinea6811
    @blairguinea6811 3 роки тому

    Good vid guys............extremely eventful , great track, been to wales a few times only on road, hope ya Mom is Ok.

  • @agus8080
    @agus8080 3 роки тому

    Cant wait for the next attempt of the trip...take care!!! You make amazing videos, cool music in them and the editing is spot on.

  • @leighclifford7808
    @leighclifford7808 3 роки тому +1

    Great video 🤙

  • @C3Enduro
    @C3Enduro 3 роки тому

    My buddy put mineral oil in his clutch which called for dot. Did the same thing. Swelled the seals. Had to rebuild the whole system.
    Glan you weren’t hurt too bad and hope your moms doing good. Can’t wait for part 3.

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  3 роки тому +1

      We're all good! Pt 3 is coming soon!
      I think it was just age tbh. The clutch was re-bled when the bike was new, but it's done more than 100 hours including Morocco Rally since then.

  • @brownharr1
    @brownharr1 3 роки тому

    Well done guys. One of those trips where things just continue to go wrong no matter what efforts are are made to fix them. Good luck on attempt #2.

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  3 роки тому +1

      Do you own an Africa Twin by any chance? 🤣

    • @brownharr1
      @brownharr1 3 роки тому

      @@BrakeMagazine Ha! Can you tell I'm a proud owner?

  • @SRaghushastry
    @SRaghushastry 2 роки тому

    Hope you recovered well from your injury and mom is all well too

  • @dankorolyk5917
    @dankorolyk5917 3 роки тому +1

    Too bad about the trip, but looking forward to you guys finishing the adventure!

  • @scottc3
    @scottc3 3 роки тому

    Great video Llel. Hope you are doing OK and that your mum is recovering.Currently saving up for a smaller Enduro bike to keep the GSA company in the garage, as want to do the same kind of trips!!

  • @toltod
    @toltod 3 роки тому

    Sorry about the trip being a wash. Hopefully you can retry in 2022. I've already replaced the clutch slave with a rekluse one. Hope my master never fails in the field on my 501.

  • @DT11acs
    @DT11acs 2 роки тому

    Fantastic cinematics......

  • @dungbeetle.
    @dungbeetle. 3 роки тому

    Gotta love cable clutches. :)

  • @Theravadinbuto
    @Theravadinbuto 3 роки тому +1

    Sod’s law, that was. Good luck on the rerun.

  • @aaronl4036
    @aaronl4036 3 роки тому

    Sorry your ride didn't turn out like you planned. I live in the States and lived in Colorado for 5 years. I did a lot of hard, remote, enduro camping and much of it was solo. I rode a heavily modified Japanese bike because of the low cost and high reliability. The hydro clutches feel great, but it is hard to beat a simple cable clutch and a good carburetor for sheer reliability. Wales looks amazing, please do another video of the whole trip. I am looking forward to it!

  • @glossblack1098
    @glossblack1098 3 роки тому +1

    I just got back from an awesome ride on my Husky 501 and then watched your video. I also fell off, but I think yours was worse? Only a few scratches for me. Hope everyone is ok. The Husky Enduros are fantastic light adventure bikes. Looking forward to seeing more of these vids. Cheers

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  3 роки тому

      Sorry to hear that but glad you're okay! How do you like the 501?

    • @glossblack1098
      @glossblack1098 3 роки тому

      @@BrakeMagazine I absolutely love my 501. I use it mainly for day trips exploring the forests of Eastern Australia. I also have a 690 for multi day trips and commuting. Cheers

  • @DJ-jp6xc
    @DJ-jp6xc 3 роки тому +1

    Very cool

  • @joshuahinckley8782
    @joshuahinckley8782 3 роки тому

    Had a friend with the same type of clutch problem on a '17 Husky. Turns out the shop had put Magura Blood in the clutch instead of Dot 4. Broke down all of the seals over time and the rubber piece in the reservoir had the same slimy feeling when we took it apart. Needed new master and slave cylinders.

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  3 роки тому

      Yeah, it's odd. Si did the service himself and said he used Dot4 so it was a bit odd. This bike has a fair few more hours on it than it looks though.
      Not sure really. 🤔

  • @jenshandelmann929
    @jenshandelmann929 3 роки тому

    Man, I really enjoyed that!!! Hopefully covid will not prevent us from coming to Wales in 2022, as it did the last two summers. Best wishes from GER

  • @revzzrider
    @revzzrider 3 роки тому

    this was awesome !! loved it

  • @sammccaughan4142
    @sammccaughan4142 3 роки тому

    Fantastic video. Keep up the good work 👍🏼

  • @tl3417
    @tl3417 3 роки тому

    Great video
    Which model husqvarna do you guys ride

  • @TheTorkerman
    @TheTorkerman 3 роки тому

    Your Dad is pretty hand on that thing 👍🏼

  • @MarkJennings-mt2ic
    @MarkJennings-mt2ic 3 роки тому

    Great Video as always. Gotta say i was watching it thinking “these guys are great riders, never see them fall off”........5 minutes later......o shit, glad your all OK! Keep up the great work.

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  3 роки тому +1

      I'd like to think it's rare but it's not as rare as I'd like 🤣

  • @davidhyde2267
    @davidhyde2267 3 роки тому +1

    Really enjoyed that trip!..probably more than you🤕..Hope you and your Mum are all good now. Would love to see more of the same, maybe minus the injuries!😆

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  3 роки тому +1

      More to come! Glad you enjoyed it :D

  • @ronboe6325
    @ronboe6325 3 роки тому +1

    Riding well above my skill set - so I'm inclined to comment that I'm surprised you didn't crash hard earlier. :D On the upside - you get to do this again! Hopefully with less problems and drama.

  • @MatthiasDelay
    @MatthiasDelay 3 роки тому

    Great video. Epic landscapes. I would love to ride there sometime. Crashing is a big bummer. Good you're okay now. PS: Since I ride a KTM 350 EXC this kind of video meets much more my kind of riding than big adv bike stuff. I am looking forward to Pt. 3. In my YT channel I posted a video about our unexpected epic adventure in the snow of Sicilia with our enduro bikes.

  • @2874jay
    @2874jay 2 роки тому

    Great or production and music selection

  • @cEpThIs
    @cEpThIs 3 роки тому

    Really enjoyed that one

  • @JohannesDalenMC
    @JohannesDalenMC Рік тому

    Did you do anything to the gearing? My 350 came with one tooth less in front as a part of the "ready to race" package.

  • @alrightdave6135
    @alrightdave6135 3 роки тому

    Keep up the good work

  • @2dgScotland
    @2dgScotland 3 роки тому +1

    Man, so even the gods of bikes are vulnerable to those wee mistakes...
    Enjoyed the video non the less though... Keep them coming..

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  3 роки тому

      Defo not a God 😂 Will do! Thanks for watching!

  • @dougster2k
    @dougster2k 3 роки тому

    Hope you’re on the mend, hope your mum is ok too; please do make episode 3 - really enjoy being along for the ride and experience. I would also really appreciate a mechanical bites series to learn more about trail-side maintenance and fixes, with sights on longer TETs in Europe in the future I need to learn the spanner skills as much as the riding skills. Would you have been able to repair the master cylinder with a small kit of parts, or would the only fix be to replace it?

  • @toma.2814
    @toma.2814 3 роки тому

    Great video and fun adventure. Spills are part of the adventure! What model Husky were you guys riding?

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  3 роки тому

      Husqvarna FE 350. We have a video about the build and another two coming 🙂

  • @clivearcher
    @clivearcher Рік тому

    Weirdly, I've just come across this video, 2 years after it was originally published. Very pleasantly surprised to do so, as it features 2 Simon's whom I've become acquainted with after attending the Off Road Skills courses and 5 day Welsh Adventure this year (2023).
    As @k_plax said back then, dunno why there haven't been more views of this, it's great footage and inspiring to us lesser riders to see how it's done on proper off-road bikes.
    So, the big question, is there an episode 3?

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  Рік тому

      Absolutely, and it's a better video than this :) Watch here -> ua-cam.com/video/onzR-RGwlJ8/v-deo.html

    • @clivearcher
      @clivearcher Рік тому

      @@BrakeMagazine Brilliant, thanks so much. Subscribed!

  • @bobbylord9948
    @bobbylord9948 8 днів тому

    Great video and adventure, very well put together! Looking to get a fe 501 very soon and do the same thing myself on my own!
    How do you plan the legal route? Do you ever share the gpx? Thank you!

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  8 днів тому

      I use the OS maps app on the computer most of the time. For this one, some of the routes were only available on the local council maps. I got them from a local but he asked us not to share 😀

    • @bobbylord9948
      @bobbylord9948 8 днів тому

      @ no worries I get that! Is that a gps device you then follow os maps on out on trail? Or follow os on a smartphone?

  • @MotoPeWee
    @MotoPeWee Рік тому

    So nice! I am about to buy 501 as well. Do you have plate number on your enduro? Are they street legal?

  • @actstuntcam
    @actstuntcam 3 роки тому

    Amazing vid. Bummer you got hurt. Hope you are ok. Hope your Mum is well. Cheers, Cam from NZ :) My bike is all sorted for ADV-ing now, but we are 'Locked-Down' in NZ - hope to get out very soon :)

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  3 роки тому +1

      Fingers crossed that doesn't last too long! Got an end date?

    • @actstuntcam
      @actstuntcam 3 роки тому

      @@BrakeMagazine Nah, no end date. We have another announcement next Monday. If our status in Auckland changes it will be Level 3 (Which is exactly the same as level 4, except you can get takeaways and coffees for contactless pick-up). After that I would expect to be in L3 for at least a week... Maybe out, into Level 2 in two- three weeks. Thanks for the message :) I put up my first decent Bike vid on the weekend. I've changed the bars on my AT to lower flatter bars for (in my opinion) better control. Can't wait to try them out properly.

  • @Wesley..
    @Wesley.. Рік тому

    Really well filmed and amusing!
    How do you keep your socks dry when the pants are in the boots and riding through water?

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  Рік тому

      Waterproof Socks normally, but in this case it was quite got in the days so we just had wet feet.

  • @thomasjamesperkins
    @thomasjamesperkins 3 роки тому

    Really like these adventure style videos, hope you and your mum are ok

  • @oosteveo315
    @oosteveo315 3 роки тому

    Great vid!

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  3 роки тому +1

      Thanks for watching!

    • @oosteveo315
      @oosteveo315 3 роки тому +1

      Ty for creating! I know it's a ton of work to make these vids - especially to this quality!

  • @bankaydin
    @bankaydin 3 роки тому +1

    More please :D

  • @macq1982
    @macq1982 3 роки тому

    Awesome vid, glad you boys are all ok. What are the helmets you guys are wearing? Best regards!

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  3 роки тому +1

      Si and Si are both wearing the BMW GS Helmet. I was wearing a Scott 350 until I ended it's life in this video 😂

    • @macq1982
      @macq1982 3 роки тому

      @@BrakeMagazine Awesome, thank you. Can't wait for the part 3. Best regards!

  • @RoJo_moto
    @RoJo_moto 3 роки тому

    Great vid. Just building up an FE350 myself. Any chance you could send a link the the acerbis tank? I’m not sure the ones I’m looking at take the stock radiator guards.

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  3 роки тому

      Are you wanting the 12l or 15l? I have the 12l?
      I liked the tank a lot so I added it to our webshop here - shop.brake-magazine.com/products/acerbis-12-l-fuel-tank

    • @RoJo_moto
      @RoJo_moto 3 роки тому

      @@BrakeMagazine cheers. I am looking at the 12, but for a 2017 FE350

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  3 роки тому

      @@RoJo_moto We have them on the link

  • @markgratton7361
    @markgratton7361 3 роки тому

    Darker yoda came out to play 😂😂😂😂

  • @markriley2733
    @markriley2733 3 роки тому

    Bad luck I hope your mum and you are ok now. Great episode. Pretty please could you post the gpx files for the route it looks epic

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  3 роки тому

      Will do at some point in the near future. Most of it was the Trans Euro Trail from Aberystwyth towards Snowdonia. You can find that on google.

  • @bradb2514
    @bradb2514 3 роки тому

    A really beautiful video. Great scenery, music, editing, everything! Well, save for the broken bike, broken head and broken mum. I hope all are healing well. As for the chicken, he deserves to be dead.

  • @mitchellmatthews716
    @mitchellmatthews716 2 роки тому

    How and what software do you use to find all the trails available in Wales?

    • @BrakeMagazine
      @BrakeMagazine  2 роки тому

      OS Maps, Base Camp for plotting with Open Cycle Maps and Trans Euro TraiL GPX. :)