DISCLAIMER: (Please Read, as this may affect The Episode in the near future) This was made before All of the drama happening with Sandi on Twitter. I do not condone to their actions and wish to not be apart of said issues. Note: C0RRUPT3D 2, Into The Void Realm, and DarkenedShadows won’t be fully affected . (Cyber Fight and Shadow Squadron are fully affected) C0RRUPT3D 2, Cyber-Fight, Shadow Squadron, Into the Void Realm, and Darkened Shadows will remain up unless requested to be taken down
DISCLAIMER: (Please Read, as this may affect The Episode in the near future)
This was made before All of the drama happening with Sandi on Twitter. I do not condone to their actions and wish to not be apart of said issues.
Note: C0RRUPT3D 2, Into The Void Realm, and DarkenedShadows won’t be fully affected . (Cyber Fight and Shadow Squadron are fully affected)
C0RRUPT3D 2, Cyber-Fight, Shadow Squadron, Into the Void Realm, and Darkened Shadows will remain up unless requested to be taken down