One travel tip is to not book with Expedia! I can not more strongly urge you to use someone else than expedia. The cusotmer service is terrible. They will not stand behind their customers when there is aproblem or dispute. The only thing they can say is the vendor hotel says no credit so no credit for you. Even thought we left since there were bug and bed bugs in our last hotel stay. I guess Expedia justwants you to sleep with bed bugs. Abosuletely no help! Avoid and book with someone else!
Love you Molly love your content. Keep it up
One travel tip is to not book with Expedia!
I can not more strongly urge you to use someone else than expedia. The cusotmer service is terrible. They will not stand behind their customers when there is aproblem or dispute. The only thing they can say is the vendor hotel says no credit so no credit for you. Even thought we left since there were bug and bed bugs in our last hotel stay. I guess Expedia justwants you to sleep with bed bugs. Abosuletely no help! Avoid and book with someone else!