No its because Yasuo tends to naturally overextend. You need to make sure you aren’t greeding and are taking favourable short trades. And then finally accurately knowing when to all in for the kill. So main points: do not over extend and know your kill potential boss..
10:24 kayle got shocked XD
Soul fighter yas where😢
Good vídeo as always
Idk why. But whenever i play yasou mid, enemy jungler is always ganking me. I think im cursed
No its because Yasuo tends to naturally overextend. You need to make sure you aren’t greeding and are taking favourable short trades. And then finally accurately knowing when to all in for the kill. So main points: do not over extend and know your kill potential boss..
Yare presenta a la Eli jajajaja
this croma looks so good
El mejor yasuo 🎉 pd: de cuanto es tu kda jaregod?
I want to be as good as you too
Zed heheh
Zedsito please hehehe
Yasuo jungle?