The only difference between a "real" and a "fake" from the same factory, same material is and price. And some replica makers do really well, *hotdups* being one of them.
Hi! I didn't know that, in Europe the popularity and prices of Birkins 35 are actually increasing, I can't find any reliable sellers selling them for less than 8000 euros, or If you want Birkins 35 in very good condition, perfect shape, no odor, complete set, neutral color, *hotdups* fits the bill.
I have “real�?bags and a lot of them. I have a friend who buys the luxrul we put them side by side and guess what ?! It’s unbelievable!!! I am at the Chanel boutique with her and no one can tell she has a fake
All of these *hotdups* bags are super pretty.
Oh nice Bella was an amazing vlog to watch to end my evening and night hehe. You are just the prettiest girl ever sending you so much love ❤😊🥹☺️😭
Thank you so much maleeka!❤
The only difference between a "real" and a "fake" from the same factory, same material is and price. And some replica makers do really well, *hotdups* being one of them.
Love your hair❤
Thank you gorg!❤
Hi! I didn't know that, in Europe the popularity and prices of Birkins 35 are actually increasing, I can't find any reliable sellers selling them for less than 8000 euros, or If you want Birkins 35 in very good condition, perfect shape, no odor, complete set, neutral color, *hotdups* fits the bill.
Hello, can you do it? A theme video that I like to watch very much: longchamp What’s in your bag
I can!❤
kislux I love you so much and watching your videos makes my day brighter
I have “real�?bags and a lot of them. I have a friend who buys the luxrul we put them side by side and guess what ?! It’s unbelievable!!! I am at the Chanel boutique with her and no one can tell she has a fake