20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 76)

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,5 тис.

  • @sarahfaith316
    @sarahfaith316 2 роки тому +220

    Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
    0:00 - Intro
    1. 0:24 {The “What is a Woman?” Bandwagon} Do you think that the now famous question "What is a Woman?" is a relevant area of focus for biblical Christians? Doesn't the Gospel naturally address these issues we face today?
    2. 18:54 {Helping Friends be Biblical} Most of my friends claim to be Christians, but they support “pride month.” It depresses me that they encourage gay marriage which the Bible clearly says is a sin. How do I talk to them about this?
    3. 25:16 {Friends vs. Servants of Christ?} In John 15: 15, Jesus tells the apostles, “No longer do I call you servants, but friends.” How do we properly approach our position as “friends of Jesus” while not neglecting to still serve Him?
    4. 29:01 {Is John 1 about the Bible?} What does John 1:1-4 say about the importance of the Bible? Should we worship the Bible? Some say they won't read the Bible, but at the same time say they are Christian.
    5. 34:37 {Are there Sins we Really Can’t Help Doing?} How can I reconcile 1 Corinthians 10: 13 after decades of struggling with sloth, bad work ethic, sin at work, etc.? I’m praying for forgiveness, but was recently diagnosed with ADHD. I now see I can’t help it without meds.
    6. 41:26 {Was the Bible Written w/Chapters & Verses?} Since the Bible wasn't written with chapters and verses, how should that impact our reading of the current translations?
    7. 43:40 {Why Don’t the Jews Believe?} What is your understanding as to why the Jews don’t believe in Jesus and are waiting on someone else to come?
    8. 49:59 {About Receiving the Spirit} If we are to believe that you receive the Holy Spirit when you believe, why does there seem to be a separation from believing and receiving in Acts 19:1-2?
    9. 52:12 {Are Cards Inherently Sinful?} Are playing cards wrong? My parents think they are wrong even if I’m not playing Poker or anything like that. They think that there is some kind of evil in the card itself.
    10. 56:40 {Will We Fall into Sin in Heaven?} If Satan was able to disobey and sin against God in Heaven (along with him persuading others to sin), how do we know we will not sin against God when we are home with Him? I’m struggling with this question.
    11. 1:01:07 {Should Christians be Organ Donors?} I am wondering how Christians should think about organ donation? Is there a clear answer in Scripture?
    12. 1:03:43 {Loving God vs. Fearing Punishment} I find that I fear Hell rather than love God. Prayer and Bible reading feel like selfishly avoiding Hell more than devotedly pursuing God. How do I stop my fear from getting in the way of my relationship with God?
    13. 1:08:37 {Marriage in Heaven?} Since Jesus says that wives will be had in Heaven in Matthew 19: 29, why do most Christians say marriage won't exist in Heaven?
    14. 1:13:42 {Mental vs. Spiritual Health Struggles} When I talk to some people about my mental health struggles, they suggest that the cause is a spiritual issue. How do I explain that being a faithful Christian doesn't mean I can't struggle?
    15. 1:17:42 {What is an Apostate?} What is an apostate? Can they come back to God?
    16. 1:19:32 {About Elisha & the Bears} How can we explain 2 Kings 2: 23-24 in context? it involves Elisha and a group of young mockers who then get killed by 2 bears.
    17. 1:26:58 {Should Immoral Things Be Illegal?} Should biblically immoral mean illegal? Surely if sin harms the community, then all legal sin harms society and should be against the law.
    18. 1:29:28 {Fellowshipping as an Introvert} I am worried that being an introvert is keeping me from congregating in the church. Does this mean that I'm truly not saved? Where is the joy that I'm supposed to have in the Lord? Please help.
    19. 1:33:05 {Was Elihu in Job Correct?} In Job 32:7-9, the Lord tells Job’s 3 friends to sacrifice burnt offerings because they haven’t spoken truth, but the Lord didn’t mention Elihu. Does that mean Elihu was correct in his speech?
    20. 1:35:03 {Saved while Believing Heresy?} Can someone be saved without affirming certain correct propositions? If someone holds a believe that is heretical (to believe it would prevent salvation) but they are ignorant, are they saved?

    • @NewCreationInChrist896
      @NewCreationInChrist896 2 роки тому +3

      20)Amen that’s God’s business.
      John 3:16
      Matthew 6:33

    • @refugeeca
      @refugeeca 2 роки тому +3

      Thanks and I'm glad you're better from COVID!!!

    • @1027MissBear
      @1027MissBear 2 роки тому

      Hi Mike. I support and love your teaching. But , lately you seem to have blurred the lines between Christianity and the Republican Party. They're not even close to the same thing. Marsha Blackburn's famous " What is a woman" question was embarrassingly bad for her and the " Gotcha" Christian Right. Nothing more . Nothing less. Google Republican answers to that question of " What is a woman" to see how smart KBJ was to not take the bait. This dangerous blurring is what gave us Donald Trump as President.

    • @sarahfaith316
      @sarahfaith316 2 роки тому +3

      @@refugeeca Thank you so much! Me too - I’m grateful every day!!

    • @anabaird3835
      @anabaird3835 2 роки тому +2

      THANK YOU SO MUCH, SARAH!! This is SO helpful. Esp when I want to talk to hear about something specific & dont want to have to go back thru & try to find it 🥰🤗. Tytyty!!

  • @juliadaniels6095
    @juliadaniels6095 2 роки тому +482

    "Reality itself is becoming offensive to people." Yes Mike! You hit that metaphorical nail on the head.

    • @lorrainedaloba7292
      @lorrainedaloba7292 2 роки тому +1

      Yeah I would like to know how it's metaphoric

    • @SimpleAmadeus
      @SimpleAmadeus 2 роки тому +6

      @Silver Eight I was confused about this too. I think maybe she means that the nail is metaphorical.

    • @fishgibblets979
      @fishgibblets979 2 роки тому

      I agree, reality is becoming offensive to people, that's why people protested after George Floyd was murdered.

    • @joeblack9473
      @joeblack9473 2 роки тому +9

      Yeah like the way people peddle bronze age fairy tales and psudeo science creationism.

    • @SimpleAmadeus
      @SimpleAmadeus 2 роки тому

      @@joeblack9473 I'm always confused that atheists use the words "bronze age" as if it's a weakness of Christianity. The fact that this religion is thousands of years old just attests to its legitimacy. God is of all times. For comparison, a 21st century brand new cyber-religion would be highly suspicious.

  • @AndrewJohnH
    @AndrewJohnH 2 роки тому +246

    To question 18:
    As an introvert myself, time alone is good, but isolation is bad, and there is a difference.
    Time alone can be introspective, prayerful, restful, energizing... and then we can go out and connect again. Often when I feel the need spend time alone, it's so I have the energy to reconnect with people again. When I feel the need to isolate, I have found that I really should connect. I can't count the number of times I woke up on a Sunday morning feeling discouraged and didn't feel like I had the energy to go out and be around people... but when I went to church anyway, God used someone from church to encourage and bless me, or used me to bless someone else, every single time, and I left church feeling better than when I went in.
    As an introvert, our feelings tell us isolation will energize us, because time alone energized us. But that feeling has been proved in my experience as a lie. Isolation drains my energy more and more the longer it goes on.
    I pray that this would be useful to others who can identify with introversion.
    I believe that as God has given me confidence in who I am in Him, I have come out of my shell much more. Yes, I still feel like an introvert, but some people I know have been very surprised by that.
    Let your relationship with God be your primary identity, not your personality type. :)

    • @lisamarieromeo6122
      @lisamarieromeo6122 2 роки тому +1

      I can relate to all of ur comment it's actually exactly same things situation thats happened to me.

    • @JamesRichardWiley
      @JamesRichardWiley 2 роки тому

      The only part I did not follow was your personal relationship with "God". I have never seen this male character who is always hiding and spying.

    • @AndrewJohnH
      @AndrewJohnH 2 роки тому +16

      @@JamesRichardWiley I'm watching a movie about a male character who is always hiding and spying right now. His name is Indiana Jones. I've never known God to fit that description, though.

    • @Nikitaxo24
      @Nikitaxo24 2 роки тому +10

      I agree we shouldn't be too overly identifying with labels. I'm an introvert plus anxious around others. I agree we should focus on the scripture. Jesus mentioned the church multiple times. So obviously he would want me to go to church. I don't currently belong to a church but I do read and study the word daily. I should really join a church.

    • @lisamarieromeo6122
      @lisamarieromeo6122 2 роки тому +6

      @@Nikitaxo24 u are the church my dear. Ur body is temple of God

  • @quintincastro7430
    @quintincastro7430 2 роки тому +552

    I started watching you and Matt Walsh at the same time and couldn't tell who was who at first

    • @joyceelmer131
      @joyceelmer131 2 роки тому +43

      If you’re not familiar with the two men, they do seem the same. Had that problem myself in the beginning. LOL.

    • @strineys.957
      @strineys.957 2 роки тому +14


    • @eugenenunn4900
      @eugenenunn4900 2 роки тому +13

      Bruh 😂😂😂

    • @peterfox7663
      @peterfox7663 2 роки тому +56

      Matt is the grumpy overbearing Catholic

    • @Hollyhollylu
      @Hollyhollylu 2 роки тому +5


  • @mahoneychris17
    @mahoneychris17 2 роки тому +39

    I just over the past year was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. Currently on 4 different medications for this. This has caused me to leave jobs as I have panic attacks which directly has effected my ability to work. Currently I'm unemployed, I was recently employed for 2 days until I panicked and quit. I need prayers to get past this, please pray for me and my family. I know the bible says he who doesnt work doesnt eat, but it is very difficult to keep a job due to this issue. I need prayer big time.

    • @luket6405
      @luket6405 2 роки тому +5

      Now you be a good time to go into a multi day prayer. Isolate yourself (camping, retreat etc) and focus your entirety on God and hearing from him.

    • @stevekiley4897
      @stevekiley4897 2 роки тому +3

      Just encouragement that you are not alone. You are loved and prayed for. Jesus knew this anxiety in the Garden of Gethsemane and can identify with your struggle and lead you to peace... blessings 🙏🏿🙏🏽🙏

    • @sheilasmith7779
      @sheilasmith7779 2 роки тому +8

      Anxiety results from thoughts. Thoughts drive all emotional responses. Begin to pay close attention to your thoughts....and notice the emotion that follows.
      Pray to the Holy Spirit to raise your awareness and offer alternative thoughts.
      Avoid repetitive affirmation thoughts, they don't work.
      Replacement or new thoughts, must be positive new thoughts you BELIEVE.
      An example would be a person that is obese, repeating an affirmation, " I am beautiful." If you do not believe it, repeating that affirmation, will do nothing to change you.
      So if you are fearful at a moment, have an opposing and positive thought that counters that negative thought, that you DO believe.
      This approach reprograms your brain.

    • @KJ-nv9uz
      @KJ-nv9uz 2 роки тому +2

      Spend time with the Lord and listen. I dealt with anxiety/panic attacks/ depression. While i didnt quit work i did develop the attacks at work. I repented, i prayed for forgiveness of the iniquity/ my actions, and that the Lord would deliver me from a spirit of death ( something had been over me since child hood). That he'd break those chains and and any curses over me. When i approached him in earnest and asked these things, things changed for me. I hadnt had a panic attack or suicidal thought since. I pray you find cause and the LORD delivers you from it.

    • @djentile7773
      @djentile7773 2 роки тому +2

      I found this video extremely helpful and I hope it helps you as well.
      Its from the channel (ill be honest)
      "Satan's strategy to accuse and paralyze you with doubt".
      He puts into words what I have so much trouble explaining to someone else.

  • @DaFleshSpirit
    @DaFleshSpirit 2 роки тому +119

    There is no part of the gospel that’s off limits… all scriptures were written for our learning.. Let GOD be true🤝

    • @JamesRichardWiley
      @JamesRichardWiley 2 роки тому +2

      My favorite is the drowning of nearly every living creature on the surface of the earth by Yahweh
      because they had forgotten to follow his rules
      or that he even existed.

    • @sarahlawrence599
      @sarahlawrence599 2 роки тому +5

      @@JamesRichardWiley if God is the. creator of all things, He also is the creator of morals. meaning, we have no place to shake our fist at God. God was fully justified in wiping out the people with the flood. women were having sex with demons for one. people were wicked and evil and selfish and cruel. it’s strange to me how people say things like “if God is so good, why doesn’t he kill all the murderers and rapists??” but then when God destroys all the horrible wicked people with the flood, Hes a bad guy.

    • @heir_to_the_promise
      @heir_to_the_promise 2 роки тому +1

      @@JamesRichardWiley No one “forgets” to follow God’s laws. We do it in rebellion. You don’t forget the speed limit on the freeway. You just choose to speed because your natural state is a sinful one. Never forget that. That’s why you depend on the Lord and His Spirit by faith. Because He can’t be seen. We just believe He’s there. God bless.

    • @Just_me_1984
      @Just_me_1984 9 місяців тому

      @@sarahlawrence599well said. 🙏

  • @rebeccaboyenge7980
    @rebeccaboyenge7980 2 роки тому +23

    I'm an introvert, who is drawn to self-isolation. However, I found a church that made me feel as though I belonged without having to communicate and as such, I found myself opening up and volunteering to serve and be a part of the church. I found joy there, and then I moved. I found a church, but that joy and light weren't there, I prayed and cried that God would have His way and bring me back to that place where I enjoy going to church and serving and my sister just called and asked me to look after my nieces for the next six months as she travels for work. She lives close to that church and after she takes my nieces, I can actually take over the house. So not only will I be returning to the church where I know I can serve the Lord with joy, but I'll also be getting my own home (which is something I've been praying for for years now). Sometimes we just need to give our introversion to the Lord, who will take it and raise us up for His glory.

    • @blessingsfromheaven8445
      @blessingsfromheaven8445 2 роки тому +2

      Rebecca that's an awesome praise report !! I am so happy for you 🧡 thank you for being faithful & trusting the Lord and sharing this testimony 💓🙏

    • @erinjenkins4738
      @erinjenkins4738 2 роки тому

      Wow that’s truly amazing ❤️

    • @missymurphy9996
      @missymurphy9996 2 роки тому

      Interesting, my introversion is tripping me up in my walk with the Lord and I attend my local church every week

    • @rebeccaboyenge7980
      @rebeccaboyenge7980 2 роки тому +1

      @Silver Eight I know that I never saw being an introvert as a bad thing. After I was baptized, I spent most of the time not going to church and just reading the Word at home. However, I've just reached that point in my journey where I feel a great need to serve, and I know that the Lord has called me to tutor children and evangelism, and that's where my introversion became an issue because I would rather stay home alone and not talk to anybody then go out and evangelise and teach.

    • @rebeccaboyenge7980
      @rebeccaboyenge7980 2 роки тому

      @@missymurphy9996 I was isolated as a child, so I love isolating myself. I really struggled with this in my journey, which is funny cause I would pray for God to get me to the point where I can serve Him with everything that I am then He would put me in a position where I couldn't isolate myself and I would run because I felt that I wasn't ready. This happened to me twice before I accepted His direction and that's when He led me to that church, but then doubt and fear took control and I started leaning on my own understanding then life happened, and I was forced to move. What I've learnt is to keep praying about it and when He answers trust Him, don't let doubt and fear trip you up, as it did me.

  • @jsmith317
    @jsmith317 2 роки тому +22

    Excellent point on needing to try harder. I have dyslexia, and I've always had to try harder in order to read and write. I was drawn to the Bible; it took me longer and more effort than "average," but it was worth it. Now, I'm a writer as well as an avid reader, especially of the Bible, commentaries, etc.

  • @grock54
    @grock54 2 роки тому +35

    Mike, I think this was one of your best 20 questions live stream! May the Holy Spirit continue to use you!!!

  • @jsmith317
    @jsmith317 2 роки тому +8

    Thank you for the verse on isolating. My hubby and I are introverts as well. The temptation to isolate is very strong. And, Mr. Winger is correct in that the more you do isolate yourself, the harder it is to stop doing so. Pray about it, asking God to help you. What I've done is to tell people at our church that I'm introverted, but come to church in order to have fellowship. And, that fellowship actually does fuel what I do in His service the rest of the week -- all the introverted stuff like writing, art, being a listening ear, etc. I learn lessons in my interactions with people that I just wouldn't learn if I was staying away from them. I hear the troubles of those who will only talk about them in person. Then, all that informs my writing and counseling done through the rest of the week. I personally believe that our basic personality is created by God when He forms our body in the womb. So, He not only knows what talents you'll have and use for Him and how your personality will figure into that, but He also tells every single one of us to fellowship. We are to be connected with others. Jesus was connected with others. Yes, He went off to be alone with our Father to pray and rejuvenate. He also came right back out into the midst of us. God has helped us find a balance between fellowship and curling up under a rock to read and rest. :)

  • @iwonder7480
    @iwonder7480 2 роки тому +12

    🤭😁🤣 Had to giggle at your brilliant analogy of the blind person having to work harder at not bumping into things, instead of waving his guide stick around erratically & announcing he is blind.
    Thank you Lord & thank you Mike, I will always remember this off the cuff, funny visual as bringing wisdom to the issue of physical & cognitive disabilty vs sin in our Christian walk, starting with myself!

  • @annikaelisaa1879
    @annikaelisaa1879 2 роки тому +24

    Getting the ADD (inattentive type) diagnosis after 28 years of not understanding why I struggled so much with daily tasks has been the second best decision (only after deciding to follow Christ) that I made in my life. I couldn’t take the daily disappointment and low self esteem I got from always failing even the simplest things. I literally felt demented even though my IQ is well above average and even in the higher range. That is often paired together with something like ADHD or another personality disorder. And because I got along just fine at school without any effort it went unnoticed for a long time. But Inside my mind; it was always complete chaos from my childhood until my late twenties and I hated myself deeply for being such a failure.
    In my mind it was a daily battle to finish even the simplest tasks. I know it wasn’t just laziness; I didn’t even have motivation to pay attention to things I actually enjoyed doing, so it wasn’t just the daily chores I didn’t feel like doing in the first place. I could not focus on anything longer than a few minutes at a time. I refused treatment with meds for a long time after my initial diagnosis and tried behavioral therapies like I tried before (in my early twenties when responsibilities kept piling up and I was too miserable to function. Eventually; I started treatment with ritalin after a complete mental break down and my life was in shambles. From the moment I started taking meds in the correct dosage for me; I finally knew what it felt like to have a functioning and balanced brain and to just function as a human.. I can’t deny the fact I have found Jesus a few months after getting treatment and I doubt I would’ve; had I not gotten on meds. And that’s because I could think clearly for the first time in my life.. I could organize my thoughts for the first time in decades. Untreated ADHD is debilitating, and it can ruin someones life. Meds were absolutely necessary for me, and I even felt ashamed for that too because not only does society look at ADHD “ being just being lazy” and then when you actually get the help you need to function in society you get shamed for taking “drugs.” It Is hard for people that don’t have it to understand it, so I can’t blame people for confusing it with laziness and the prejudice that come with it. There is no excuse for chronic pure laziness or excusing bad behavior on your disability.. What I wanted to say though is that people with untreated ADHD fight a very hard battle daily; even with things that YOU don’t think twice about..
    We all have our own struggles; we are all different; We ALL have to work on our bad habits and traits but they are not all the same in terms of “difficulty” nor does it mean we don’t work “hard” enough. We all have different capacities. So actually no, Mike, you not being able to focus sometimes is not even close to a comparison to what a person with ADHD experience. ADHD is total chaos. You have your own struggles probably, but just different ones.
    Also; The solution to a lack of brain chemicals isn’t “just work harder”
    It’s like how we in The Netherlands would say it’s like “dweilen met de kraan open.” (Mopping the floor while you have the tap water open and running) in other words; you are fighting a losing battle. A car isn’t going to drive if it has no fuel. You can tell it to “just drive”, but it won’t. Unless your name is Kenneth Copeland

    • @cullensister99
      @cullensister99 2 роки тому +4

      Well said! Attention issues can also come from MDD, OCD, and CPTSD which cause a lot of chaos in almost identical ways. I was screened for ADHD but it hadn't appeared until later in life so they attached the attention issues to the other disorders.
      I think a lot of us with these issues are already trying the best we can. I don't know anyone in my life personally who uses their diagnoses as an excuse to sin.

    • @blaireofhylia1572
      @blaireofhylia1572 2 роки тому

      Adhd is hell, it has destroyed my life. I really need medicine for it but i can't even focus on finding a doctor (I've wanted to seek help for over 3 years but so far only got signed up with a therapist.) But it's a step in the right direction.
      I also view adhd as my own evidence for.why God isn't real, or that christianity and islam at least are not valid.
      Because if reading and understanding the bible was so important to the faith, why would this god give me a disability that makes reading it so much harder?
      Also the more I understand about brains, the less I believe about souls. My brain being as defective as it is, I am still hungry for information and learning. I want to KNOW stuff. But as I learn, conciousness and what I percieve to be "myself" tends to look more and more like an illusion. I'm just meat memory. If you possessed my body, you would just be me. Because "you" would be linked up to my meat information.
      Plus, a treatment for seizures used to be splitting the human brain in half.
      Each hemisphere can act independently of the other.
      In fact, you can LIVE with either side of your brain Missing.
      So now I'm going to yake THAT concept, and start making hypatheticals with ut.
      What if I have two perfect clone bodies of myself, and put one hemisphere in each body? Can the function? Do they become two separate people?
      Have I created a new soul, or divided a single soul? Can I break a soul in half like that?
      Can two different "people" share a soul?
      And on that matter what IS "me"?
      Why can "me" be erased but still function? (Amnesia/dementia effecting memory)
      If I was christian before losing my memory, and lost belief once it got erased, have I betrayed christ?
      Are memory issues punished by religion?
      A lot of questions come to mind, I always somehow link new things I learn to what it means religiously.
      I can't even believe in reincarnation anymore, because I can't reincarnate an illusion. The things that make me "me" are an illusion created by my meat memory to reflect modern times.
      Once I die, I'm gone. Just like before I was born.

    • @annikaelisaa1879
      @annikaelisaa1879 2 роки тому +3

      @@blaireofhylia1572 The fact you are typing this and thinking about God is a testimony of you having a soul and having a choice in the matter. Someone that’s not able to think about this and choose consciously for Jesus; like children or people too mentally disabled will definitely not go to hell. You, even with ADHD are capable. That’s why you are thinking about it. The awareness is there..
      What you need to understand first about God is that ALL humans fall short, God is Holy! Yet all people have sinned; with or without ADHD. The moment we are born; we are sinners. Baby’s too. But can they choose to believe? No, so they don’t get hold accountable. Cognitive issues depends; if the person is able to exercise free will and determine right from wrong; the person IS accountable.
      Yet because we are flawed (we have Adam and Eve to thank for that) in our own ways; the only way to become righteous is to make the conscious choice to believe in Jesus and his finished works on the cross.
      Someone with ADHD is able to choose right from wrong, the fact you think about God; is a testimony to that.
      Romans 10:9. If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
      Romans 3:22 this righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no distinction, 23for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
      Jesus Christ will take care of your soul with and without memory issues. He can save even the “worst” of humans so most certainly someone with ADHD. All you have to do make the conscious choice to trust Him.
      You don’t have to rely on your own faulty brain to go to heaven. You don’t have to follow manmade religious rules in order to become righteous before God.
      Reading the bible makes you understand who God is, can build your faith and helps you grow but if you can’t, God doesn’t hold that against you.
      Christianity is about having a personal relationship with God, he doesn’t care about your IQ or your ability to read. God cares about your heart and intentions and your willingness to get to know Him. But it is important that you follow the true God, not a manmade religion where rules and rituals are needed to reach heaven and there are no guarantees.
      Please don’t give up on God, don’t throw away his free gift..
      If you really seek the truth and want to know if He is real: “pray” about it and He will answer. Ask Him if He is real, and who He is. God is close to those who suffer and to those who truly seek Him. He will answer your prayer without a doubt.
      Also: be careful to choose human wisdom over God’s wisdom. Who created our very complex brains? God. He knows more about your brain than any human scientist. Yet God never says that we don’t have a soul if we don’t have a fully functioning brain.
      Science has come a long way; but we have been wrong in the past.. scientist are not smarter than God, God made their brains. Trust the creator not the creation ;)

    • @skalias815
      @skalias815 Рік тому +1

      Thank you so much for saying this! I also have inattentive adhd and it’s life ruining just like you said. Before I even knew I had adhd I always thought I was just this horrible slothful sinner and I constantly prayed for God to heal me and it really made me feel so horrible. But ever since knowing it that it’s a brain issue, I gave myself much more grace and I had hope for an diagnosis.
      I know Mike has good intentions and the verse about God never giving us over to temptation is definitely a good one but honestly I don’t know if that verse applies to people with mental disorders, I honestly don’t think it’s as black as white. How I don’t know for sure.

    • @davidnoonan7893
      @davidnoonan7893 Рік тому

      @@blaireofhylia1572 so you don’t believe in Jesus or the Islam faith, do you think Judaism or Buddhism is more accurate?

  • @nikkisigmon8090
    @nikkisigmon8090 2 роки тому +8

    36:00 Okay? So just because you were diagnosed like that doesn't mean everybody was. Proper focus and time management is a monster of a struggle, even when off social media.
    "Working harder" is often misunderstood. There are many different tactics to work with ADHD struggles. Extra effort, yes, but also talking to successful people who also struggle with it. Reorganizing your routine - creating and maintaining a routine - changing diet is also a big help. Just got relayed an app called A-calendar which I hope will assist better routine maintenance. Getting off of processed sugar has been an amazing help. Lots of tactics 👍 don't give up hope :)

  • @watchman2866
    @watchman2866 2 роки тому +6

    Is the question, what is a woman something a Christian should focus on? Yes, if they are witnessing to people outside of the church. Christians shouldn't be caught unawares as if they haven't got anything to say. If anything, the natural church setup is a good place to have a conversation, contrary to the efforts you'd have to make otherwise. It's a good place to start and practice answering questions before entering the battle of a secular society.

    • @eflow4786
      @eflow4786 2 роки тому

      Absolutely. Be prepared to give an answer. 1Peter 3:15

    • @JamesRichardWiley
      @JamesRichardWiley 2 роки тому

      Start with where was God when Satan was tempting Eve to disobey him.

    • @watchman2866
      @watchman2866 2 роки тому

      @@JamesRichardWiley You could start there as long as you explain it so that the person your explaining it to understands it.

  • @gabesgaming7064
    @gabesgaming7064 26 днів тому

    I was big an introvert, but trust me just getting to Church is better than just studying at home and watching UA-cam. Mike is right, I was used to being alone so long that when I first went to church it felt weird being around so much people, although I was welcomed because we are all there just to love and worship Jesus. I felt kind of strange too since I’m big Christian metal fan and the worship music is nice, but I just don’t feel like raising my hands and singing even though I have the same love for our lord as them. It’s a little harder too since I work overnight and can’t really do a whole lot of community things unless I just skip sleep, but I’m gonna make an attempt.

  • @danielcummins5092
    @danielcummins5092 2 роки тому +7

    Regarding the playing cards question -- when I was growing up, my parents were enslaved by legalism and they also believed playing cards were evil, not because of gambling. They equated playing cards to tarot cards, they believed they had an evil purpose in the symbols and such. They put playing cards in some kind of Occult category. They don't believe that now, but that kind of legalism really is a trap that some Christians fall into.

  • @josephcadwell6773
    @josephcadwell6773 Рік тому

    Truth is truth. Jesus is not a person who obfuscates. " You are either with Me or against Me".

  • @jawmedia7575
    @jawmedia7575 Рік тому

    Mike. When there are lies being told. Addressing them with love and truth is our responsibility.

  • @carloporter1373
    @carloporter1373 2 роки тому +2

    God bless you Pastor Mike. You and your ministry has blessed my life and helped me to think Biblically about everything. I am very grateful for everything you do and say. I am very very happy that you are bringing prayer back to the end of your videos. They truly help me.

  • @whosestone
    @whosestone 10 місяців тому +2

    Telling someone with ADHD to 'try harder' at paying attention is like asking the blind person to 'try harder' to see. It's not that we cannot complete a task, - we can, just not the way you can. That being said, I don't really know how ADHD forces someone to sin.

  • @donnac2122
    @donnac2122 Рік тому

    Yes absolutely Christians need to talk about all these things!

  • @wordscrafter
    @wordscrafter Рік тому

    Let God be God. That helps a lot. Thanks so much for that.

  • @rochellecaffee1417
    @rochellecaffee1417 Рік тому

    Those who are under the “influence of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit” are a people who are able to “self-govern”. The Constitution is put together with this understanding, in mind. That is why there is an amendment given to “protect the faith of Christian conscience”, and the “church” of our God.

  • @valeriegoldstein3483
    @valeriegoldstein3483 5 місяців тому

    Paul addressed many things apart from strictly about sin and salvation. We have precious instruction that instructs us with many details, what the Christian life looks like in real life scenarios.

  • @saltandlight316
    @saltandlight316 2 роки тому +3

    Matt Walsh explained why he didn't mentioned God. Matt Walsh is a devout Catholic and that is the foundation for his beliefs, however, he was talking to people who didn't believe in God, and so he felt it would be counterproductive to use that as an argument because many people would shut down automatically if he were to inject God into the argument... even though it's unfortunate that our culture is like that he was right.

    • @theeternalsbeliever1779
      @theeternalsbeliever1779 2 роки тому +1

      Walsh was far from right. He did it because he was afraid of losing his atheist viewers. The problem i have with "Christian" pundits like Walsh is that they allow atheists to define the conversation. Paul didn't do that when he spoke to the philosophers at Mars Hill, which is why his speech actually produced results.

  • @rosecocoa9797
    @rosecocoa9797 Рік тому

    When I became born again, I was surprised learn that I was allowed to highlight and write in my Bible. I was told that it shows that I am studiously learning God’s word. Not just worshipping the Bible itself. And like many other things I care about, I try to keep the Bible itself, in good condition.

  • @EmP-2022
    @EmP-2022 Рік тому +1

    Question 1. I definitely believe having been raised with the culture screaming "be nice" even among the church, it is really hard to call out sin for sin! I have friends raised in very conservative homes where truth was never shied away from struggle far less than I do!

  • @HeckOffCommie
    @HeckOffCommie 2 роки тому +2

    Mike, first time. Bro, you absolutely have a way with words, and you know how to explain things in a very common but explifying way. It’s awesome! Keep doing what you’re doing.

  • @rebeccasosa7392
    @rebeccasosa7392 Рік тому +1

    Thank you Mike 👏👏👏👏!!! I just had a debate that lasted several days with someone online about this (gender identity disorder/transgenderism) and the question running through my mind was, did I turn that person away from God? Did I push him away? & Then God speaks as He always does, and reassured me, this time through your video and I am grateful. He is posting videos online of a "biologist" who claims that gender is "fluid" and redefines gender using the "new" definition of it which is literally just a way of using language to change culture and society and we must stand up for reality.

  • @BBartelotti
    @BBartelotti 2 роки тому

    Jesus is truth and we shouldn't be afraid of truth wherever it leads. We don't have to cut the top off our head to enter a church. God's people should be the best at whatever they choose to do.

  • @shellyscholz1256
    @shellyscholz1256 2 роки тому +1

    My nephew was killed in the line of duty and he was an organ donor. He’s still laying down his life for others.

  • @fsalmeron
    @fsalmeron 2 роки тому +2

    2:42 we are not called to build bridges! Or to justified or to convince people! We are called to preach the word every where we go! Period

    • @jonathan4189
      @jonathan4189 2 роки тому

      Is the goal to convert? To save souls? Or to be righteous? Telling people that everything they believe and hold sacred is wrong isn’t going to reach that person. Would it reach you? It would be unfortunate to poison that well and push that person away from Christ for the sake of acting the part.

    • @fsalmeron
      @fsalmeron 2 роки тому +1

      @@jonathan4189 Because you care about them you should address the issue as an individual not as a whole. Just like when you go to a doctor right?

    • @jonathan4189
      @jonathan4189 2 роки тому

      @@fsalmeron i like your response. It recognizes that nuance is important. Your initial comment seemed to say there is no room for nuance.

  • @garfjaconsen1161
    @garfjaconsen1161 2 роки тому +4

    Walsh actually has a pretty good reason for not bringing up God. If he had framed it in a religious way then leftists would just dismiss it as Christian propaganda. By treating it in a secular way he doesn't give them that escape pod.

    • @igboman2860
      @igboman2860 2 роки тому

      Walsh is a white supremacist

    • @igboman2860
      @igboman2860 2 роки тому

      If you want example, I can point you to where he advocates the dangerous theory that white people are getting replaced in America

  • @georgerichwine1864
    @georgerichwine1864 2 роки тому

    I love that you and Matt look just like brothers

  • @bettymofokeng3404
    @bettymofokeng3404 Рік тому

    Wow truth in a relaxed, welcoming and living, iit is helpful, thank you pastor Mike 🙏💖

  • @Derek_Baumgartner
    @Derek_Baumgartner 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you very much for these!

  • @hyperfocus1963
    @hyperfocus1963 Рік тому +1

    For Question 5: As someone with ADHD, I agree that it is certainly not an excuse for past sin. However, with the slacking at work, for some of us with ADHD, we know what we should be doing and we even want to be doing it but we literally lack the internal motivation to do the work. So then once you have a diagnosis, you can recognize when that is happening and build in accomodations and coping mechanisms to get yourself to still do the work (such as meds, music, pomodoro timers, etc). It's a tough situation when your thoughts are moving so fast and you are tired and there seems to be an insurmountable wall in front of you. May God help us.

    • @hyperfocus1963
      @hyperfocus1963 Рік тому

      Also, is there any reason the "way out" from sin in 1 Cor. 10:13 couldn't be knowledge of a diagnosis and/or meds to put one's brain chemistry into the standard setting?

  • @angelsolis5077
    @angelsolis5077 2 роки тому

    Great topic. Dear God strengthen us, and show us how to lovingly be able to help our brothers and sisters.
    Thank you Mike.

  • @Drawmack
    @Drawmack 2 роки тому +1

    The crackle is happening when you move your hands too close to the mic. It’s most likely the air blowing over the foils in your shot gun. Get rid of the cloud lifter and use the preamp on the audience instead or put the cloudlifter afte the Dax, you’re sending too much signal into the DBX and it’s causing high end distortion that is detectable on your plosives as well.

  • @coralhahn3389
    @coralhahn3389 2 роки тому

    Thank you for calling out the policing issue on communication. I LOVED taking communication class in college and still love communication. I wish more Christians would take such classes and educate themselves to be more adept and equipped in their interactions.

  • @DamianS1893
    @DamianS1893 Рік тому

    God bless you Pastor Winger. I greatly appreciate your ministry.

  • @rochellecaffee1417
    @rochellecaffee1417 Рік тому

    Personal types of questions should go to Gal 6:1 followers in a personal local body of Christ, where you can be ministered to properly as you confess or agree with God that you are in need of good sound personal counsel, and help sorting out your problem.

  • @shnogirl
    @shnogirl 2 роки тому

    The card issue is also linked to Tarot cards, and thereby divination. Some believe that playing cards are descended from Tarot. Others say Tarot began by utilizing cards to practice divination.

  • @vancemiller8500
    @vancemiller8500 3 місяці тому

    The Word was the Light that was spoken forth on day 1, the firstborn of all creatures, the beginning of the creation of God.

    • @vancemiller8500
      @vancemiller8500 3 місяці тому

      When he said all things were made by Jesus, he is taking Jesus out of the context of all things.

    • @vancemiller8500
      @vancemiller8500 3 місяці тому

      Paul is relaying the same exact thing in colossians 1.

    • @vancemiller8500
      @vancemiller8500 3 місяці тому

      When He says the firstborn of all creatures created everything, He is taking Him out of the context of everything.

  • @Matt-Parker
    @Matt-Parker 7 місяців тому

    I've been following you for a long time, I can't believe I missed this one. I'm glad that you are talking about these weird cultural issues. Matt Walsh's movie is hilarious, highly recommended. I agree with you completely on these issues.

  • @awakeandhungry4334
    @awakeandhungry4334 2 роки тому

    Keep preaching truth Pastor!

  • @joshuakan4531
    @joshuakan4531 2 роки тому +3

    Mike, do you ever get all the way through your candy? Or do the bottom ones just sit there... forever?

  • @Hearth123
    @Hearth123 Рік тому +1

    I think the root of the widespread cowardice on the gender issue is that our culture has a very warped definition of love. We define love as doing what makes people feel the best in the moment instead of person to person love being striving for the continued good of another person and love to God is obeying His commandments.

  • @Smart_cooky
    @Smart_cooky 11 місяців тому

    Exactly the topic I needed at this moment with the opening question! Thank you!

  • @atropos_thefate
    @atropos_thefate 2 роки тому

    As an introvert, I have found that planning social interactions is helpful. Our church does small groups, and I make sure to join ones that are separated in the week, so that I am not drained (peopled out) all at once during the week.

  • @IzzyNChrist
    @IzzyNChrist Рік тому

    For introverts, exposure therapy is one of the best ways to overcome that issue. I am a former introvert, I still have my days but most times I can fight through it and I'm fine. It's not going to be a quick process so be patient with yourself. Also pray about it.

  • @vjdavi4889
    @vjdavi4889 2 роки тому

    Just found this Channel - Thanks so much for hitting these topics right on the nose, but with care and love. Your heart for people is evident! Thanks for sharing.

  • @gbC4mpos
    @gbC4mpos 2 роки тому +1

    Great podcast. Thanks pastor Mike

  • @whitebeardInn
    @whitebeardInn 2 роки тому +1

    I've never agreed with you more than I do with your response to Q1.

  • @rachaelrenee88
    @rachaelrenee88 2 роки тому +1

    This is so good! So much truth!

  • @gregorytoews8316
    @gregorytoews8316 2 роки тому

    In recent years (I'm 59. Been a christian most of my life) I've begun to wonder whether the word "deserve" in "we as sinners deserve hell", could be replaced with the word "prefer".

  • @CrystalSea216
    @CrystalSea216 2 роки тому

    Now I have 'Abba - One man, One woman' stuck in my head 😄

  • @aneyesky
    @aneyesky Рік тому

    Thank you for the critique of people demanding that you only discuss this or that. Those people are miserable. I had an occasion to discuss music with one of them once, they claiming God was angry at Phil Keaggy for using too much fast playing claiming he was drawing attention to him and away from Jesus. You can't please these people.

  • @emrac377
    @emrac377 2 роки тому +4

    My church is falling apart due to different views of LGBT issues...the methodist church as a whole became so progressive that it has now fractured into 3 different denominations with the most conservative one being the new Global Methodist. Problem is, there are no Global Methodist churches anywhere near where I live (Maryland) I'm struggling to find a community that views these issues in a more traditional light...what do you do when Christian churches have become ultra woke?

    • @Texasp12
      @Texasp12 2 роки тому

      As someone who isn't Methodist, what are the views of the GMC?

    • @fivefamily5820
      @fivefamily5820 2 роки тому

      This is a serious problem, and too many churches are not actively pushing back against these false teachings. Consequently, young people are getting drawn to these false teachings. Church leaders need to rise up, take the false teachers head on, and explain exactly what is wrong about them.

    • @savedbygrace7982
      @savedbygrace7982 2 роки тому

      The Orthodox Presbyterian church may be somewhere that you’d like. If you look on the church finder on their website you might find one near you.

    • @savedbygrace7982
      @savedbygrace7982 2 роки тому

      I’d also recommend the CREC (Community of Reformed Evangelicals) another excellent conservative denomination. They have a church finder on their website as well.

    • @laraantipova389
      @laraantipova389 2 роки тому

      Calvary Chapel is nice that’s where Mike is at I think.

  • @kvelez
    @kvelez 2 роки тому

    Good point.
    I see.
    Thanks, I needed that.
    Interesting, never noticed that before.
    Makes sense.

  • @cato7778
    @cato7778 2 роки тому

    this is part of a question I was considering earlier today. my thoughts were more about the tone and manner of how we share the gospel rather than about the actual message (wagging a finger in a non believer's face and righteously condemning them won't win anyone over). I believe that the message should not be sanitised or sugarcoated. just preach it in a loving and non judgemental manner and trust God to guide the Word to the right people.
    we shouldn't be overly concerned with what the world think's of us and what we say. long as we speak truth and don't mess with the scriptures. what's important is what God thinks and also *how* we communicate his Word. shouting at sinner's isn't helpful (we are all sinners of course) niether is softening scripture into something more progressive in order to attract non believers. if someone comes to Christ because they heard a sanitised, progressive version of scripture, chances are they're not a true believer from the book of life

  • @monike9782
    @monike9782 2 роки тому

    I really value my subscription ability, and I hadn't listened enough to subscribe until now.

  • @billbradleymusic
    @billbradleymusic Рік тому

    Numbers and letters were given to us to be able to reference data. That's why changing definitions to words is crazy!

  • @naomibowman3728
    @naomibowman3728 2 роки тому

    I 100% know that drinking is a sin for me... With that I also believe just because it is a sin for me (because I was convicted for it) does not mean it is a sin for you.

  • @monsenrm
    @monsenrm 2 роки тому

    I have a really simply definition of marriage; 2 people who can “create” children.

  • @soulfuljourneyconvert2disc407
    @soulfuljourneyconvert2disc407 2 роки тому

    I like how Mike Winger used the word "oppressive" when describing people who don't want him to talk about certain topics, circa 3:39 "you're a very oppressive person..."

  • @vikawinters
    @vikawinters 2 роки тому +2

    Hey, Mike, someone actually asked Matt Walsh why he left the religious argument out of the picture and he said it was done on purpose so non-religious opponents would not have the argument that it’s just about religion.

    • @johnernest1207
      @johnernest1207 2 роки тому

      He also left out Magnus Hirschfeld as the source of the whole transgender movement.

  • @mikemash7616
    @mikemash7616 2 роки тому

    Why are there so many blue books behind you? MW I love your perspective on all these topics. Everything you say you support with the Bible! Keep up the good work your insights inspire me to spend more time with the word.

    • @MikeWinger
      @MikeWinger  2 роки тому

      The books aren’t blue, it’s just a light I have shining on them. :)

  • @Musick79
    @Musick79 2 роки тому

    Thank you- I’ve been driven to preach on social media, like I was John the Baptist, and I figure at some point I will loose my head.
    I cannot stay silent. Even if they call me creepy (reference to The Chosen.)

  • @christinaparker4715
    @christinaparker4715 Рік тому

    If you can't forgive them you can't be forgiving

  • @eriktedja1199
    @eriktedja1199 2 роки тому +1

    "There's more jew's following JESUS now than any other time in history"
    “Now learn the parable from the fig tree: when its branch has already become tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near; so, you too, when you see all these things, recognize that He is near, right at the door.
    - Matthew 24:32-33

  • @Dee-zo3bo
    @Dee-zo3bo 13 днів тому

    I’m thoroughly enjoying this conversation. But my thoughts on the food situation is when I quit eating the meat my body felt so much better. I know people eat meat now and again, but my cousin only eats venison that type of thing. I don’t eat a lot of meat anyway, but I do know in my search for the truth and the going back to the beginning I have to go by scripture the fruits of the earth we’re supposed to watch over the animals were supposed to eat the fruits of the Earth, supposed to heal with herbs, we can have goats milk. You have to understand that when you talk about cheeseburger times you have that pink stuff that’s not even food so if you’re asking, do I feel like a cheeseburger is a sin with regards to the fake food and chemicals that we know they put in it absolutely how can you pray over a food knowing there’s all these poisons in it and it is not good for us and then pray over it. Thanking God for it in Jesus name how do we do that? God’s not gonna give us poison food to put in our bodies, we need to stop making excuses

  • @hunzhurte
    @hunzhurte Рік тому +1

    My man's got the fax AND the pop filters to back it up too.

  • @blondiewildcat574
    @blondiewildcat574 Рік тому

    I'm watching this, and seeing it posted 11 mo. ago, I'm not sure you will see my comment. In reference to worshipping the Bible: that thought is ridiculous. God wanted us to have something from him to hold in our hands and read for guidance. Before cell phones, when family members lived miles apart, they wrote each other letters. When you received it, you read it and loved it because it connected you to that family member. That doesn't mean you loved the letter as that person. You love the closeness it makes you feel to your family member. The Bible is to guide us and to help us feel closer to God because God loves us.

  • @josephcadwell6773
    @josephcadwell6773 Рік тому

    Well done.

  • @MrBryanjaziel
    @MrBryanjaziel 2 роки тому +1

    Mike I appreciate all you do for the Body of Christ. Do you think you can do a video on worship and/or Offerings/Tithes? or is there a video already out?

  • @wesb211
    @wesb211 2 роки тому +1


  • @glenarledge1825
    @glenarledge1825 2 роки тому

    Any subject that affects your life as a Christian is a subject that needs attention.

  • @bella-bee
    @bella-bee 2 роки тому

    Q3 Recently I’ve come to see that we’re caught up in our western thinking. That’s more about us and less about community, which was organised into patrons (in charge) and clients. Jesus is our patron and we serve him. He looks after us, we are in his circle, and he graciously calls us friends as an inclusive term, but no way would a client presume to call his patron his friend, that would be presumptuous. That’s how they would think life worked. All part of the honour and shame set up, everyone working for the common good of the patron and his household or community. I picked this up listening to the UA-cam channel InspiringPhilosophy. Interesting.

  • @adrianarizo5618
    @adrianarizo5618 2 роки тому

    Excellent. As always.

  • @kevinklassen2609
    @kevinklassen2609 2 роки тому

    Could you make the first question a separate video in your playlist please?

  • @jettmorgan-bourke3516
    @jettmorgan-bourke3516 2 роки тому

    @Mike Winger. Great respect for you, but as a Calvinist, I have a question for you.
    If on every occasion that we sinned, we could have done otherwise, how is it that no Christian achieves perfection this side of heaven? What causes it? Because otherwise, all Christians are necessarily in bondage to sin, because they forever go on sinning until God changes them, and if this is the case then no Christian is saved, because anyone who is in bondage to sin is still in darkess?
    Rom. 7 seems to addresd this problem for me. God does not tempt, sure, but him not tempting is not the same as him allowing someone to be defeated by sin, even ongoingly.

  • @RoyceVanBlaricome
    @RoyceVanBlaricome 2 роки тому

    Good answer to the last question. #20. I would only add that in the future it would be helpful to define terms like "heretic/heretical". My first thought and answer was "It depends." Partly on the aforementioned but also, coupled with that, is "What's the heresy?" Is it a Level One Gospel-related issue or a Level Two that is important but not essential?
    Good prayer at the end. I agree wholeheartedly with that.

  • @heir_to_the_promise
    @heir_to_the_promise 2 роки тому +1

    The problem in the church today, is the same problem that has always existed. There are two types of people with two types of faith. Ascentia vs fiducia. The first is a mental acknowledgment of God’s existence compared to a heartfelt trust that changes the life dramatically. The latter is biblical repentance. Turning your back on your previous life and turning to God from a life of dead works (Hebrews 9:14). Doing a figurative 180 degree turn. Either you have a Timothy or a Demas on your hands.
    In my short 11 years of salvation I’ve noticed this far too often. You’re in fellowship and having a conversation with a brother or sister, and they begin to speak on a topic, they’re either appealing to biblical fact or their own reasoning/emotion. That is why when they share their opinion, your ears and eyebrows perk up. Why? Because if you know your Bible, you know that something doesn’t sound right. And when you correct them, the conversation either goes limp, or they thank you for the correction. That is why you have so-called Christians accepting depravity when the Bible clearly teaches against it. The acceptance of sin is just a byproduct of a bigger, deeper issue in that person’s life. God be praised for your content, brother Mike. God bless.

  • @amybee40
    @amybee40 2 роки тому

    On playing cards -- I would think that their historical relationship to Tarot cards (used for fortune telling) might be a factor. But again, it comes back to guilt by association.

  • @1jaredsantizo1
    @1jaredsantizo1 2 роки тому +1

    Almost half a million for you Mike WOW!

  • @Swena76
    @Swena76 2 роки тому +1

    Great video. I'm curious about the jar of gummy candy. Are those gummy worms? lol. The levity and importance of the topics discussed are not lost on me, I just noticed the jar and so thought I'd ask.

  • @bibleprophecy4400
    @bibleprophecy4400 Рік тому

    TWO YEARS OLD is the youngest I've seen where the Dad decided his BABY was trans and started transitioning him and giving blockers and that baby is around nine now and he's still got custody?! This is infuriating. First time I heard about it was back in 2010, & shame on me for thinking it was an isolated event. I didn't have my guard up. 😥

    • @bibleprophecy4400
      @bibleprophecy4400 Рік тому

      I sound angry at the people, but I'm not, it's the lie and the fact that it's targeting children that has me upset. I think we're seeing the beginning of the end honestly.

  • @matthewshelton1975
    @matthewshelton1975 Рік тому

    I'd say the correct English translation for the term for the 42 mauled by bears in #16 would be "hooligans" :p

  • @Pappy_1775
    @Pappy_1775 2 роки тому

    I believe the cards thing is more related to the Tarot than gambling. Our modern deck of cards is derived from the Tarot card deck and is still used instead of a Tarot deck to make predictions and divinations. It wasn't too long ago that this was known throughout the Christian church. His parents were probably warning him like he would be cautioned against playing with an Ouija board.

  • @finalsecretofchrono1339
    @finalsecretofchrono1339 2 роки тому

    Ever notice we never see Mike Winger and Matt Walsh in the same room at the same time?

  • @nozie5555
    @nozie5555 2 роки тому

    Hi Mike! 😊
    I would like to add a couple of words about the cards.
    In some places it's believed that the playing cards have a very deep anti-Christian symbolism. Just pay attention to card suits. All of them depict gospel symbols, but as if mocking them. The clubs are the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified. Spades - the spear with which He was pierced. Hearts - a sponge with vinegar, and diamonds are nails with which the hands and feet of Christ were nailed to the cross.
    Of course it's just a belief, but still some people try to avoid playing cards as it's considered sinful.

  • @magdafender6025
    @magdafender6025 2 роки тому

    No mean no yes is yes , even if feelings get hurt!!!!!

  • @CoreyLennox
    @CoreyLennox 2 роки тому +1

    @MikeWinger Where I get lost with the gay marriage thing is that not everyone is a Christian. Jesus and the apostles didn’t go around forcing people to live by these standards, they entreated people to turn from sin and follow Him (and following Him DOES require those standards of course!). But ultimately the choice was up to the people hearing his message. We have free will to accept or reject God.
    People get to choose if they want to live in a Godly way or not. So if they want to choose to be in some sort of secular re-defined marriage, it’s not my right to stop them.
    Anyone get what I’m saying? Am I missing something? I think us expecting everyone else to live according to our standards turns a lot of people off and burns those bridges.
    We should absolutely be honest about the biblical truth where appropriate, but we shouldn’t legislatively force people to live by convictions they don’t have, right?

    • @SoDawg01
      @SoDawg01 2 роки тому +1

      I think the disconnect is that although from our perspective, Marriage definitely is based on God and his design so it has 'religous' implications, BUT from a secular, government perspective, government recognition of one man/one woman marriage is also about rewarding and encouraging something that benefits society and culture. The 'good' of traditional marriage does not have to be rooted ONLY in Biblical/Christian theology. Marriage means something and they have now altered what that means and ultimately destroyed marriage as an institution not only to the detriment of their souls, but to the detriment of culture, society and the country.

  • @_aPaladin
    @_aPaladin 2 роки тому

    LMAO! I agree with your 3:00 point, Oh MIke, for the audio crackle, make sure everything is set at the right or same hz, so either 24khz or 48khz, your audio interface might require one or the other, but make sure the rest(windows audio, audio interface, other audio devices) is the same as what's required.

  • @regina1896
    @regina1896 Рік тому

    I oppose blood transfusion because of the new waxine and the new genetic material that it carries. I wasn't thinking like this before, but I am now 😢

  • @olgaburgos7780
    @olgaburgos7780 Рік тому

    To question 13 ., on fear of hell more than to believe in Jesus is a strange thinking, Jesus Is the nay One-who can deliver you from hell so , be smart and learn about Him your only Savior. If not, fear death by fire who will reduce you to ashes due to your unbelief.

  • @kensnzbr4137
    @kensnzbr4137 2 роки тому +2

    Hi pastor Mike, I thank you and appreciate the ministry that God has put in your hands. I think you have one of the soundest doctrines I've found on UA-cam.
    I'd love it if you could address this specific verse: John 20:17.
    I've been wrestling with this passage and I haven't found an answer explaining what Jesus meant when He said "my God". It seems like there's almost complete silence about these difficult verses.
    Me and my girlfriend would appreciate it if you could help bring some light about this topic.

    • @stevetaylor4577
      @stevetaylor4577 2 роки тому +2

      Dude, you could get an answer to this that could stretch on for five pages lol. Maybe a short answer is this, keep it simple. Why is Jesus using God and Father Interchangeably in that verse? What is a Father? It’s your conceiver. Plain and simple, the one who brought you into being and is the source of all your characteristics, a Father is your Genesis. I believe this is why Jesus was described as “the firstborn over all creation”, put simply, the first thing this invisible spirit chose to be is manifested in the embodiment of Christ, whether in a heavenly form or an earthly form. After this conception, It was Christ who then created “the heavens and the Earth”. As Paul wrote concerning this: “All things were made through him”…It might as well have been written: “In the beginning Christ created the heavens and the earth”…and then Christ said “let us make man”….”I came to finish my Fathers work”….”it is finished”. Alpha and Omega man, he finished Genesis 1.
      So the source and Genesis, as hard as this is to conceive, brought Christ into being, that’s what a Father is. He’s older. He is before. His DNA is what molded you. Yet John also says they always were together. The logos was the beginning, and that logos was God, and with God and then became flesh. It’s so much to unwrap.
      “The Lord, said to My Lord”….there’s a lot there man.

    • @kensnzbr4137
      @kensnzbr4137 2 роки тому

      @@stevetaylor4577I kinda disagree with you in the order in which you put things. You interpret that this invisible being became embodied and created the Heavens and the earth but I think that Jesus Christ came into being as such when He was conceived but this was just taking the role as the prophesied Messiah in flesh. Maybe we don't disagree and it's just the way we put it but I'd put it this way: Since God is 3 whos, one of those whos took on flesh and dwelled among us. I think this is why John doesn't say: In the beginning was Jesus and Jesus was with God and Jesus was God. I think it's because it's important to define His role cause before He took on flesh He wasn't Jesus nor Christ.
      But I think that what you said helped me kick start my thought process to answer my own question and maybe like I said, we both agree. It's just a matter of how we put it.

    • @stevetaylor4577
      @stevetaylor4577 2 роки тому

      1:God was the invisible spirit,
      2:Was pleased to be represented in embodiment through the heavenly Christ,
      3:Through which he created the heavens and Earth.
      4:Then he came in the flesh.
      That’s my understanding of the process of things anyways. It’s ok to disagree, just hope you find what it is you are searching for.
      This is why I believe that if you are wanting to understand how I came to that:
      I think Jesus even says this in John: John 17:5 And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began.
      I believe that God in the flesh was pretty clear here, the two were already one before creation. And when you compare John 1 and what Paul says later, I believe his understanding was that it was through Christ all things were made:
      John1:3 “Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.” Paul’s about to clear this up here:
      Colossians 1:15
      The Supremacy of the Son of God
      15 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.
      16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.
      17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
      Good bless

  • @DanielEstill
    @DanielEstill 4 дні тому

    @@MikeWinger min. 38.50 2yrs.ago.❤❤

  • @Emkamo-r1c
    @Emkamo-r1c 2 місяці тому

    My answer to question 17 - No! We DO NOT want the handmaids tale to become an actual reality because we're Christians and believe in morality. God is in control, we are not.