I haven't had aphids on pumpkins, but I have some comments... I think you're talking about nasturtium? It's a flower, mostly and entirely edible. It'll be growing on the banks of the Waikato. Orange flowers repel, while yellow attracts. Best plan is to have a yellow one away from your plant as a trap, orange near it. Be careful - the trailing one is considered invasive. Slightly wrong time of year to be planting garlic (it would likely cause a rust issue over summer). It works because they don't like the smell. Not many insects do (one of the reasons I love growing it!) There are garlic spray recipes available to make as a repellant which is probably easier. You can blast aphids off with a hose too. The best cure is, of course, preventative - focus on soil health. Once the sugars in your plant get high enough with a healthy soil food web, aphids won't come near your pumpkin.
I haven't had aphids on pumpkins, but I have some comments... I think you're talking about nasturtium? It's a flower, mostly and entirely edible. It'll be growing on the banks of the Waikato. Orange flowers repel, while yellow attracts. Best plan is to have a yellow one away from your plant as a trap, orange near it. Be careful - the trailing one is considered invasive. Slightly wrong time of year to be planting garlic (it would likely cause a rust issue over summer). It works because they don't like the smell. Not many insects do (one of the reasons I love growing it!) There are garlic spray recipes available to make as a repellant which is probably easier. You can blast aphids off with a hose too. The best cure is, of course, preventative - focus on soil health. Once the sugars in your plant get high enough with a healthy soil food web, aphids won't come near your pumpkin.
Thanks for the info Kat, yes preventative is always good.