If I was Timmy I would have asked Dr. Shaun if he was a real skilled surgeon at least 10 more times, you never know what he might do to you while you are under the effect of anesthesia..
I loved the part where the surgeon said "its surgin time" and surgered over the patients, i could feel the surgeon coming inside of m- i mean surgery inside of me.
Sooo umm... I am a surgeon. So how so I do surgery on you? Me in my mind: HOLY F THIS AINT GOOD... Me with words: umm ill tell you when I'm back from the bathroom me in my mind again: nah I don't go bathroom I go home. Surgeon: ok you go bathroom!!!!
Great video BenBros, As a Good Doctor fan that "I Am A Surgeon" came from the season 2 finale. I love The Good Doctor & Freddie Highmore it teaches you that everyone's different & accepting people with there disabilities.
If I was Timmy I would have asked Dr. Shaun if he was a real skilled surgeon at least 10 more times, you never know what he might do to you while you are under the effect of anesthesia..
15k and no check? unfair
Actually doctor shaun in the TV series is autistic and hates questions
The janitor actually loves his work I think
The End was the best part of the video! 😂😂😂
“I am a surgeon!!! with money” 🤣🤣🤣
Evil squirrel laugh*
This could be the most epic, depressing and scary movie at the same time (that ending is the scariest part).
Not gonna lie, it would be pretty cool to have a personal surgeon as a kid.
¡ ¡ ¡ W I T H M O N E Y ! ! !
The teacher in these videos is very kind and opressive.
Why do you always have genuinely good lessons in ur videos brother 💀
"I AM A SURGEON! I AM A SURGEON" but with "MONEY" bro thats mr. crabs
your videos are so entertaining💀🤣
I loved the part where the surgeon said "its surgin time" and surgered over the patients, i could feel the surgeon coming inside of m- i mean surgery inside of me.
Yes yes the surgeon coming inside you 😜😜
I like how the fourth student always changes 😂
Just wait until they get that medical bill…
You always post good memes Benbros. I love you
I love your memes BENBROS. Keep up the good work
Somehow... John Pork always returns
Jeremy Bacon is better
@@JeremyBaconThe1st why did I read that as Germany bacon 😂
0:21 bro think he is Walter white💀
Lol that was so funny 😂😂😂 you are the best at making memes bro ❤❤❤
I like how the most random things can become memes.
Congrats on 555 videos BenBros!!
2:43 I laughed so hard fr!
3:09 us healthcare system
Say my name 📛? Janitor. You are goddam right 👍
"This videos not only tell a story, but also save lives!!!!!111"
-A Wise Guy
"I can fix ligMAAA" 🤣🤣🤣
He's truly a surgeon
With money 💵💵💵💵
The faces of each of the respective characters cracks me up ngl lol
my parents tell me to be a docter for the money lol
Dude. I legit got scared by the ending. Like, How the fak this meme video got turned into a horror Video???? 😂
Benbros is underrated, but one of the best meme content creators I’ve ever seen.
funny how a meme channel's teacher gives better teachings than so called life gurus
Even the janitor is an student💀
A surgeon❌
A suger ✅
As money I can confirm I am in hands of a surgeon
I am the hands, I can confirm
I am the confirmer. I can confirm.
i really need to stop watching youtube before bed
Ben Bros is the only person that make even Ohio look good anyways I appreciate your work keep it up👍
Yes, Working is very important! And i like the part when surgeon said 'its curin' time' and cured all peoples 😂
Oh man I remember when I watched The Good Doctor with my parents
I watched the movie. And I didnt expect it to become a meme.
3:02 what the?! Bruh the bacon problem be like
This is literaly the good doctor trama
Sooo umm... I am a surgeon. So how so I do surgery on you? Me in my mind: HOLY F THIS AINT GOOD... Me with words: umm ill tell you when I'm back from the bathroom me in my mind again: nah I don't go bathroom I go home. Surgeon: ok you go bathroom!!!!
Don't worry, it's just the money fault.
“yessir i can fix ligmeehhh”
Bro make the lore outta the meme 💀
all of the lesson parts of his videos are so wise irl
That teacher is overused
If that was on Brazil, Everyone should've picked the money is more important. Even my family says that.
why is it that when the teacher says something it becomes real
I glitched so now I've been watching this for one hour and twenty-five minutes
Bro turned Timmy's Grandma into Jane Pork 💀
1:19 i don't know 😂 1:24 ahhhh😰
SUS class of service
Realmente, Sistema Unico de Saúde
As a person who watches The Good Doctor, 2:04 made me laugh.
not only do they have memes but they also has lessons
Ah yes, he is a *surgeon.*
John Pork vs somebody…
"Hospiital" 🤣
bro this made me learn
As a surgeon this is a normal day in our job
My dad said Money comes first
Oh my god this is fucking gold
The way they speak is the most funniest, best and cursed thing I’ve seen. Keep going bro✨
I'm a surgeon with money 😂😂😂💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
3:02 this is Jenna Pork
1. Making money with surgry 0:49
Saving lives is better
😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 the end !!
Goodbye grandma
Welcome new thecher
my favorite youtuber posted!!1!
This teacher is speaking facts though she said " be a person who loves work and not do it just for money"
Benbros is becoming the new Dhar Mann.
😂👌 always too funny
Janitor became a student 💀 💀 💀
that feeling when ligma surgery is tomorrow
Last 1 day for him to go... For Turkey to rise
Doo beep boo sky has!
i love your videos, do you use after effects to move the puppets?
Have you heard Weird Al's "Like A Surgeon"? It's funny af
(it's a parody of Like A Virgin by Madonna)
I think bro is working as a enginier
Uh... Guys, what is "surgeon"? I've never heard of it before.
This was so inspiring 🥰
can we just appriciate how much time and efforts he puts in his videos???
@@ToyBonnie.Productions no
@@ZooMinsTV yes
Very cool video benbros
Im really like this channel
Woah they made gramma into a grunty. O_O
1:36 ligma disease 💀
Very inspiring
She got rid of Ligma...But she became Pigma
What’s the surgery sad music?
Great video BenBros,
As a Good Doctor fan that "I Am A Surgeon" came from the season 2 finale.
I love The Good Doctor & Freddie Highmore it teaches you that everyone's different & accepting people with there disabilities.
Nice vid
Cool videos benbros
Why is Dr.Shaun Shaun shouting I AM A SURGEON!
Surgeon you're pronounced 20 years in prison
I want to be honest here Timmy face at 1:31 is much better than in 2:17 that one is awkard and creeps me out
I luv wathin bean brus