Good Doctors be like



  • @Mematus
    @Mematus Рік тому +413

    If I was Timmy I would have asked Dr. Shaun if he was a real skilled surgeon at least 10 more times, you never know what he might do to you while you are under the effect of anesthesia..

  • @Hacjul
    @Hacjul Рік тому +116

    The janitor actually loves his work I think

  • @DA_TV71
    @DA_TV71 Рік тому +248

    The End was the best part of the video! 😂😂😂
    “I am a surgeon!!! with money” 🤣🤣🤣

    • @Zargex
      @Zargex Рік тому +18

      Evil squirrel laugh*

  • @Bgaum
    @Bgaum Рік тому +83

    This could be the most epic, depressing and scary movie at the same time (that ending is the scariest part).

  • @b.m.933
    @b.m.933 Рік тому +65

    Not gonna lie, it would be pretty cool to have a personal surgeon as a kid.

  • @corz.mp4243
    @corz.mp4243 Рік тому +11

    ¡ ¡ ¡ W I T H M O N E Y ! ! !

  • @JrKengu
    @JrKengu Рік тому +13

    The teacher in these videos is very kind and opressive.

  • @TrueWomenEnjoyer
    @TrueWomenEnjoyer Рік тому +11

    Why do you always have genuinely good lessons in ur videos brother 💀

  • @Ye3qForYe3q
    @Ye3qForYe3q Рік тому +12

    "I AM A SURGEON! I AM A SURGEON" but with "MONEY" bro thats mr. crabs

  • @Txz16
    @Txz16 Рік тому +18

    your videos are so entertaining💀🤣

  • @TotallyNormalGuy690
    @TotallyNormalGuy690 Рік тому +15

    I loved the part where the surgeon said "its surgin time" and surgered over the patients, i could feel the surgeon coming inside of m- i mean surgery inside of me.

    • @kingdon7795
      @kingdon7795 Рік тому

      Yes yes the surgeon coming inside you 😜😜

  • @dqrktsunami676
    @dqrktsunami676 Рік тому +8

    I like how the fourth student always changes 😂

  • @POTUS495
    @POTUS495 Рік тому +19

    Just wait until they get that medical bill…

  • @dieseldevil
    @dieseldevil Рік тому +6

    You always post good memes Benbros. I love you

  • @KidusGaming56
    @KidusGaming56 Рік тому +5

    I love your memes BENBROS. Keep up the good work

  • @CyberGuy419
    @CyberGuy419 Рік тому +8

    Somehow... John Pork always returns

  • @user-normalguy
    @user-normalguy Рік тому +5

    0:21 bro think he is Walter white💀

  • @Iloveairplanes-123
    @Iloveairplanes-123 Рік тому +6

    Lol that was so funny 😂😂😂 you are the best at making memes bro ❤❤❤

  • @MarioFantasy
    @MarioFantasy Рік тому +3

    I like how the most random things can become memes.

  • @Starburrito3746
    @Starburrito3746 Рік тому +2

    Congrats on 555 videos BenBros!!

  • @yourfavweeb
    @yourfavweeb Рік тому +3

    2:43 I laughed so hard fr!

  • @Sarah-jy8cx
    @Sarah-jy8cx Рік тому +3

    3:09 us healthcare system

  • @sunwinsunny
    @sunwinsunny Рік тому +3

    Say my name 📛? Janitor. You are goddam right 👍

  • @CalmForNow
    @CalmForNow Рік тому +1

    "This videos not only tell a story, but also save lives!!!!!111"
    -A Wise Guy

  • @summer8941
    @summer8941 Рік тому +4

    "I can fix ligMAAA" 🤣🤣🤣

  • @sonicwaveinfinitymiddwelle8555

    He's truly a surgeon

  • @dannyappel2090
    @dannyappel2090 Рік тому

    The faces of each of the respective characters cracks me up ngl lol

  • @igmael-fish
    @igmael-fish 11 місяців тому +1

    my parents tell me to be a docter for the money lol

  • @ralphfi9591
    @ralphfi9591 Рік тому

    Dude. I legit got scared by the ending. Like, How the fak this meme video got turned into a horror Video???? 😂

  • @Th3BaconGames
    @Th3BaconGames Рік тому

    Benbros is underrated, but one of the best meme content creators I’ve ever seen.

  • @iateo9
    @iateo9 Рік тому +3

    funny how a meme channel's teacher gives better teachings than so called life gurus

  • @heyimnewth
    @heyimnewth Рік тому +2

    Even the janitor is an student💀

  • @Suboriwillcometoyourhouse
    @Suboriwillcometoyourhouse Рік тому +1

    A surgeon❌
    A suger ✅

  • @TheJstsofTheJsimps
    @TheJstsofTheJsimps Рік тому +4

    As money I can confirm I am in hands of a surgeon

    • @elpoupa
      @elpoupa Рік тому +1

      I am the hands, I can confirm

    • @ToeJoe123
      @ToeJoe123 Рік тому +1

      I am the confirmer. I can confirm.

  • @radiator331
    @radiator331 Рік тому +2

    i really need to stop watching youtube before bed

  • @usmanmasood6242
    @usmanmasood6242 Рік тому +6

    Ben Bros is the only person that make even Ohio look good anyways I appreciate your work keep it up👍

  • @mugtaba9805
    @mugtaba9805 Рік тому +1

    Yes, Working is very important! And i like the part when surgeon said 'its curin' time' and cured all peoples 😂

  • @mercenarator
    @mercenarator Рік тому +4

    Oh man I remember when I watched The Good Doctor with my parents

  • @Christdime148
    @Christdime148 Рік тому

    I watched the movie. And I didnt expect it to become a meme.

  • @HinryStockman
    @HinryStockman Рік тому +1

    3:02 what the?! Bruh the bacon problem be like

  • @icookchildrenandeatthem9085
    @icookchildrenandeatthem9085 Рік тому +2

    This is literaly the good doctor trama

  • @matthewm9597
    @matthewm9597 Рік тому +2

    Sooo umm... I am a surgeon. So how so I do surgery on you? Me in my mind: HOLY F THIS AINT GOOD... Me with words: umm ill tell you when I'm back from the bathroom me in my mind again: nah I don't go bathroom I go home. Surgeon: ok you go bathroom!!!!

  • @BenBai
    @BenBai Рік тому +1

    Don't worry, it's just the money fault.

  • @wesley_3
    @wesley_3 Рік тому +1

    “yessir i can fix ligmeehhh”

  • @bladearmor7134
    @bladearmor7134 Рік тому +1

    Bro make the lore outta the meme 💀

  • @yujiazhang9954
    @yujiazhang9954 Рік тому

    all of the lesson parts of his videos are so wise irl

  • @MemeMonsterReal
    @MemeMonsterReal Рік тому +1

    That teacher is overused

  • @toeisonicmaniaamino6871
    @toeisonicmaniaamino6871 Рік тому

    If that was on Brazil, Everyone should've picked the money is more important. Even my family says that.

  • @epikdummy6702
    @epikdummy6702 Рік тому

    why is it that when the teacher says something it becomes real

  • @tan_cowbouy
    @tan_cowbouy Рік тому


  • @MasonFrechtling-eiffe
    @MasonFrechtling-eiffe 8 місяців тому

    I glitched so now I've been watching this for one hour and twenty-five minutes

  • @vallikescrackers-28
    @vallikescrackers-28 Рік тому +11

    Bro turned Timmy's Grandma into Jane Pork 💀

  • @Earthy238
    @Earthy238 21 день тому +1

    1:19 i don't know 😂 1:24 ahhhh😰

  • @sunitarawat2391
    @sunitarawat2391 4 місяці тому +1


  • @張傳亞
    @張傳亞 Рік тому +2

    SUS class of service

    • @Yegsh
      @Yegsh Рік тому

      Realmente, Sistema Unico de Saúde

  • @Stella737E
    @Stella737E Рік тому +7

    As a person who watches The Good Doctor, 2:04 made me laugh.

  • @playofdj4910
    @playofdj4910 Рік тому

    not only do they have memes but they also has lessons

  • @kammiwa
    @kammiwa Рік тому +2

    Ah yes, he is a *surgeon.*

  • @GoodlyBread
    @GoodlyBread Рік тому +2

    John Pork vs somebody…

  • @Mowdygame
    @Mowdygame Рік тому

    "Hospiital" 🤣

  • @khangsweekend7960
    @khangsweekend7960 Рік тому

    bro this made me learn

  • @ChernobylReactor4
    @ChernobylReactor4 Рік тому +2

    As a surgeon this is a normal day in our job

  • @Amharizz
    @Amharizz Рік тому

    My dad said Money comes first

  • @VideoGamingSociety
    @VideoGamingSociety Рік тому +2

    Oh my god this is fucking gold

  • @Capybara-dt4zk
    @Capybara-dt4zk Рік тому +2

    The way they speak is the most funniest, best and cursed thing I’ve seen. Keep going bro✨

  • @TeenaSingh-l7p
    @TeenaSingh-l7p 9 місяців тому

    I'm a surgeon with money 😂😂😂💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀

  • @greenandbluechannel7477
    @greenandbluechannel7477 Рік тому

    3:02 this is Jenna Pork

  • @amritasings-o7d
    @amritasings-o7d Рік тому

    1. Making money with surgry 0:49

  • @Max-pq4gj
    @Max-pq4gj Рік тому +1

    😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 the end !!

  • @lucijan96Plays
    @lucijan96Plays Рік тому +1

    Goodbye grandma
    Welcome new thecher

  • @LocalDexRx
    @LocalDexRx Рік тому

    my favorite youtuber posted!!1!

  • @WilliamPowersYT
    @WilliamPowersYT 3 місяці тому

    This teacher is speaking facts though she said " be a person who loves work and not do it just for money"

  • @TheKiwiYT
    @TheKiwiYT Рік тому +1

    Benbros is becoming the new Dhar Mann.

  • @GabrielOlivares123
    @GabrielOlivares123 Рік тому +3

    😂👌 always too funny

  • @carthurlee
    @carthurlee Рік тому +1

    Janitor became a student 💀 💀 💀

  • @GeodeBenPlayz
    @GeodeBenPlayz 25 днів тому

    that feeling when ligma surgery is tomorrow

    @SICKUOIA Рік тому +1


  • @pepsiman2509
    @pepsiman2509 Рік тому +1

    Last 1 day for him to go... For Turkey to rise

    @FNFBOYFRIEND274 Рік тому +2

    Doo beep boo sky has!

  • @kingghidorah8106
    @kingghidorah8106 Рік тому +2

    i love your videos, do you use after effects to move the puppets?

  • @dwightdeisenhower53
    @dwightdeisenhower53 Рік тому +2

    Have you heard Weird Al's "Like A Surgeon"? It's funny af
    (it's a parody of Like A Virgin by Madonna)

  • @zaginiony_dziadek5218
    @zaginiony_dziadek5218 Рік тому +1

    I think bro is working as a enginier

  • @Dark_Slayer3000
    @Dark_Slayer3000 Рік тому +2

    Uh... Guys, what is "surgeon"? I've never heard of it before.

  • @nicknorthcutt7680
    @nicknorthcutt7680 Рік тому

    This was so inspiring 🥰

  • @ZooMinsTV
    @ZooMinsTV Рік тому +9

    can we just appriciate how much time and efforts he puts in his videos???

  • @rorroryusoul
    @rorroryusoul Рік тому

    Very cool video benbros

  • @blueofficial3928
    @blueofficial3928 Місяць тому

    Im really like this channel

  • @Nikku4211
    @Nikku4211 Рік тому

    Woah they made gramma into a grunty. O_O

  • @TheGlitchMaster30
    @TheGlitchMaster30 Місяць тому +1

    1:36 ligma disease 💀

  • @TheSportsbiteshow
    @TheSportsbiteshow Рік тому +2

    Very inspiring

  • @KVN10970
    @KVN10970 Рік тому

    She got rid of Ligma...But she became Pigma

  • @Green_TheCountryball
    @Green_TheCountryball Рік тому +1

    What’s the surgery sad music?

  • @zachphyland7489
    @zachphyland7489 Рік тому +1

    Great video BenBros,
    As a Good Doctor fan that "I Am A Surgeon" came from the season 2 finale.
    I love The Good Doctor & Freddie Highmore it teaches you that everyone's different & accepting people with there disabilities.

  • @deepikaaggarwal7029
    @deepikaaggarwal7029 Рік тому


  • @blepcat4586
    @blepcat4586 Рік тому +1

    Nice vid

  • @france897
    @france897 Рік тому

    Cool videos benbros

  • @shivinsharma7175
    @shivinsharma7175 Місяць тому

    Why is Dr.Shaun Shaun shouting I AM A SURGEON!

  • @staceeatkins-brittain3310
    @staceeatkins-brittain3310 Рік тому

    Surgeon you're pronounced 20 years in prison

  • @CarriefromGumball
    @CarriefromGumball Рік тому

    I want to be honest here Timmy face at 1:31 is much better than in 2:17 that one is awkard and creeps me out

  • @nyricethomas1499
    @nyricethomas1499 Рік тому

    I luv wathin bean brus