Rayman Legends Definitive Edition - All Bosses

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @packattack04082
    @packattack04082  4 роки тому +381

    Time stamps for each boss are listed below. Thank you for watching!
    00:01 - Medieval Dragon
    03:55 - Armored Toad
    06:18 - Luchador
    10:12 - Mechanical Dragon
    13:55 - Final Boss
    19:05 - Bird Boss
    19:48 - Carnivora
    23:02 - Mocking Bird
    24:06 - Eel
    26:15 - El Stomacho
    28:48 - Creveton
    29:51 - Golly G. Golem
    30:37 - Mamma of all Nightmares (Secret Final Boss)

  • @megasack314
    @megasack314 2 роки тому +578

    People rarely ever notice how good the music in the Mechanical Dragon's fight is.

    • @somethingunoriginal17
      @somethingunoriginal17 2 роки тому +36

      I honestly really loved it and the fight itself I love because fight a mechanical dragon is awesome

    • @TheOlidosOfficial
      @TheOlidosOfficial 2 роки тому +7


    • @alexchorba7591
      @alexchorba7591 2 роки тому +18

      I love conception of this dragon, because first player v don't will know that this boss is under their legs, and pressing button, the boss activates and player(s) must run

    • @styxmin
      @styxmin 2 роки тому +13

      That is literally the best boss of all time. Like its a remake of an old boss and getting chased by a robot centipede snake is the coolest thing ever.

    • @plansvsangry999
      @plansvsangry999 Рік тому +2

      Isn't a dragon, is the Creveton Robot

  • @kingyeti1136
    @kingyeti1136 3 роки тому +423

    Rayman has the ability to punch so hard he can punch people through constellations of stars. He is a solar system level threat if not multi solar system threat. And he also can breathe in space or at least hold his breath for an extremely long time and he can take massive falls like in rayman origins where everything was around 20,000-30,000 feet high and he landed on his tree just fine. He can literally just punch the planet once and it is destroyed, then he can find a new planet and chill. If he were evil it wouldn’t end well.

    • @holhorse41
      @holhorse41 3 роки тому +2

      Good thing he is not that smort

    • @Unsmart_pineaplle
      @Unsmart_pineaplle 2 роки тому +10

      Lol true

    • @youalreadyknowwhoitis3544
      @youalreadyknowwhoitis3544 2 роки тому +37

      Thank god he was literally made to be good.

    • @germanrocha2030
      @germanrocha2030 2 роки тому +18

      He's an avenger level threat lol

    • @Mon_Cri
      @Mon_Cri 2 роки тому +25

      Just to cement even more how insanely strong Rayman is.
      It takes 14 seconds for the boss to move from the planet he was punched in to a constellation "nearby", 14 seconds in total.
      Considering that it is space we're talking about, Rayman is casually punching, I might add, someone with enough strength to make them move at 2,608,511,132 meters per second, that's 85,58,107,388.451 feet per second, which translates to 1,620,853.67 miles PER SECOND.
      The diameter of earth is 7,917.5 miles.
      The boss is circling the entire planet Earth 2,866 times after being casually punched by Rayman.

  • @los-lobos
    @los-lobos 4 роки тому +69

    Every boss fight:
    00:01 Medieval Dragon (Breathing Fire)
    03:55 Armored Toad
    06:18 Luchador (Wrestling with a Giant)
    10:12 A Madman’s Creation
    13:55 A Cloud of Darkness / Hades’ Hand (Final Boss)
    19:05 Boss Bird
    19:48 Daisy
    23:02 Mocking Bird
    24:06 Giant Eel
    26:15 Spicy Dragon (El Stomacho)
    28:48 Red Sea Monster
    29:51 Golly G. Golem
    30:37 The Mamma of All Nightmares (Final Boss)

    • @hasantayfun8180
      @hasantayfun8180 2 роки тому +1

      Thanks bro

    • @Observer-3913
      @Observer-3913 Рік тому

      I think they forgot about the airship, even though that wasn’t really a boss, per say. Even though you included golly g. Golem and giant eel, I definitely would have included the airship.

  • @manboi6362
    @manboi6362 5 років тому +699

    Nostalgia hits hard used to play with my friends we would always argue and scream to go right or left or find a secret good memories

    • @noway4060
      @noway4060 5 років тому +11

      Litterally me and my two little brothers back then

    • @jayasantoso3858
      @jayasantoso3858 4 роки тому +5

      Me but I subjected my mum to it

    • @NagoTheCat
      @NagoTheCat 4 роки тому +2

      Jaya Santoso
      I can relate.

    • @patibruzzi
      @patibruzzi 4 роки тому

      Não é possível isso que ele está fazendo fui meu Deus

    • @patibruzzi
      @patibruzzi 4 роки тому

      Isso não é a possível não isso foi posto diante ou foi em um minha mente está travado estou aqui na moral mano estou te dias pra eu conferir

  • @spudpogchamp1179
    @spudpogchamp1179 4 роки тому +652

    This game could have been made in 2020 and still be great

    • @chirp5508
      @chirp5508 4 роки тому +14

      Very true

    • @robertbektas1810
      @robertbektas1810 4 роки тому +58

      This game fucking rocks I remember getting three friends over and beating it.

    • @annag6189
      @annag6189 4 роки тому +1

      Mmmm ta gra była zrobiona w 2023 roku ale jest mobile

    • @TheRealSuperKirby
      @TheRealSuperKirby 3 роки тому +4

      Well it got definitive edition

    • @heya-from-ur-fav-brunette
      @heya-from-ur-fav-brunette 3 роки тому +4

      I still play its brilliant! To amazing.I've completed this like two times!!!

  • @musicaman8683
    @musicaman8683 4 роки тому +545

    I love how the final boss is just called final boss

    • @TheEmmasmor
      @TheEmmasmor 3 роки тому +40

      Its CALLED lava shadow

    • @stef96ify
      @stef96ify 3 роки тому +43

      I've seen by NintenU boss run video it was called Hades Hand

    • @thephoenix8892
      @thephoenix8892 3 роки тому +37

      In the soundtrack it’s called Hades’ Hand

    • @ShiltzThePleb
      @ShiltzThePleb 3 роки тому +14

      His real name is hades' hand

    • @ShiltzThePleb
      @ShiltzThePleb 3 роки тому +8

      His real name is hades' hand

  • @justanotherguy8588
    @justanotherguy8588 4 роки тому +170

    Every moon scene has always been a classic.

  • @JustPoli19
    @JustPoli19 2 роки тому +55

    That Steampunk like Dragon has one of the coolest design I've ever seen

    • @kaiburtenshaw2837
      @kaiburtenshaw2837 6 днів тому

      It’s just creveton’s design from origins and mechanicalized

  • @_mausvaice_deleted_
    @_mausvaice_deleted_ 4 роки тому +31

    0:00 Rayman Legends
    19:05 Rayman Origins (Back to Origins)

    • @Jarmazon
      @Jarmazon 3 роки тому +1

      How can u get rayman origins levels ?

    • @mightyrobot1417
      @mightyrobot1417 2 роки тому +1

      When you complete levels well enough you get a sticker with a clover in it if you press X when you aren’t in a level you go to a kind of menu, there press the clover sticker then it will make you scratch the card you have a chance of getting a teensie, a couple of lums, a creature or a back to origins level

    • @mightyrobot1417
      @mightyrobot1417 2 роки тому

      PS press X on switch

  • @ascension8423
    @ascension8423 4 роки тому +66

    I like for how the sequence of levels leading to the mechanical dragon is bioshock themed

  • @okarm2495
    @okarm2495 3 роки тому +34

    Men i love this game, i loved the levels with that black things and the final boss and castle rock, such a good times

  • @flippleflopple1509
    @flippleflopple1509 5 років тому +196

    11:53 looks awesome

    • @mr_vinsor8541
      @mr_vinsor8541 4 роки тому +2


    • @jayasantoso3858
      @jayasantoso3858 4 роки тому +11

      It was and is forever more one of the coolest boss battles

    • @chirp5508
      @chirp5508 4 роки тому +8

      It was the coolest boss ever. Great fight

    • @orangecryptid7732
      @orangecryptid7732 4 роки тому +7

      the boss design is amazing to look at,
      reminds me of the epic mickey concept art.

    • @TheeDoomguy
      @TheeDoomguy 4 роки тому +1


  • @tripplordofinconvenience9953
    @tripplordofinconvenience9953 4 роки тому +204

    5 year old me when I crush an ant 7:32

  • @rimanella8366
    @rimanella8366 3 роки тому +135

    I used to play this with my cousin and we always got stuck on the last phase of the final boss. Then we came back and played it and finished it really quick. We were so confused because we remembered it to be hard.

    • @Gusenichka925
      @Gusenichka925 3 роки тому +7

      Same dude, when i bought it on steam to refresh memories, i remembered 1 boss being hard as heck, yet i beat him in 3-4 minutes

    • @engineergaming3830
      @engineergaming3830 3 роки тому +4

      I didn't really have any problems with any boss in legends their attacks are just so slow and you can see what they are gonna do tge finall boss literally just goes in circles and hopes to accidently hit u lol

    • @rodrya.j7953
      @rodrya.j7953 2 роки тому +2

      @@engineergaming3830 si jaja el origin era un poco mas difícil alo que recuerdo

    • @TheOlidosOfficial
      @TheOlidosOfficial 2 роки тому +1

      That happened to me with the skull tooth on desert 2!

    • @soulmattfox9317
      @soulmattfox9317 Рік тому

      ​@@Gusenichka925 😅e😮Mantén pulsado un clip para fijarlo. Los clips no es?jnPttuzuojtnjjjotjpj p rj p. Rpp tpt 14:50 noni que😮😮😮😮😮😮 14:50 14:50 14:50 okikkukxkkxxkkkkk Doki en kkkxuk jnPtt. 0 kkk? 14:50 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮jnPttuzuojtnj eliminarán al cabo de una hora.kkukkuk

  • @hypersnake7037
    @hypersnake7037 3 роки тому +57

    I love the way the mechanical dragons looks and moves!

    • @tomaswildanger5238
      @tomaswildanger5238 3 роки тому +3

      Yeah, that's also something that fascinated me very much! And that boss fight was pretty tough!!

    • @guardian2gd812
      @guardian2gd812 2 роки тому +1

      same dude
      edit: i like to call it robot snake

  • @tomaswildanger5238
    @tomaswildanger5238 3 роки тому +12

    It's so such a pleasure to watch this!! 😊 😊

  • @maya.k6334
    @maya.k6334 2 роки тому +30

    Every moment of music be like:
    The moment of truth the first 3:35
    the moment of truth the second 5:58
    The moment of truth the third 9:52
    the moment of truth the fourth 13:35
    The moment of truth the final 18:33

  • @X_Grave_X
    @X_Grave_X 4 роки тому +212

    it must be painful af getting punched super hard and landing on a random planet
    Then used as a musical instrument thing
    By getting stabbed non-stop on the ass

  • @j-1176
    @j-1176 4 роки тому +52

    I like how the demon aliens play music with the...clones?

  • @decayedphoenix8865
    @decayedphoenix8865 2 роки тому +9

    I didn't like legends much but man the bosses and their art design and soundtrack WOW'ed me.

  • @mroofity6594
    @mroofity6594 5 років тому +187

    These bosses are not as hard as I remembered, though then again, if they were hard, my 10-11 year old self would be death within seconds

    • @oxiechan
      @oxiechan 5 років тому +8

      Mr oof true! When I got a ps and rayman on it I remember it being sooooo hard I was so gamer mad and pissed XD tho I passed the game within some month I think) btw I was 7 :/
      I can’t tell ya how hard it was for me, I wasn’t rayman legends or anything just the rayman and heck I loved passing it and omg the Czechs I wouldn’t handle that 6:34
      Dats scary :v

    • @TheTommygfunk1022
      @TheTommygfunk1022 4 роки тому +1

      Mr oof I am 8 and I can beat all the bosses! How? Idk.Honestly.

    • @hellostudios9742
      @hellostudios9742 4 роки тому +2

      the dark hand was just imposible i only beat it cause i had four people play it at the same time and not two people

    • @raccoonunderstress3085
      @raccoonunderstress3085 4 роки тому

      Mr oof dead

    • @jayasantoso3858
      @jayasantoso3858 4 роки тому

      Alice Lin I hate the final phase, it just regenerates,

  • @friofrost09
    @friofrost09 4 роки тому +36

    17:47 who saids pigs can't fly?

  • @shifty538
    @shifty538 2 роки тому +31

    Nostalgia hit's me hard
    I just love this old game

    • @General-_kota-
      @General-_kota- 9 місяців тому

      You can get this on ps4 just need the cash

  • @AgentZeroVT
    @AgentZeroVT 5 років тому +81

    Hmmm looks likes this saga it's forgotten i would like to more games of Rayman

    • @mikecherry7548
      @mikecherry7548 5 років тому +3

      David Chan rayman mini

    • @stefanloncar6868
      @stefanloncar6868 5 років тому +10

      Miachel Ancel said on Instagram that he’l give us new console Rayman game once he’s finished with Beyond Good and Evil 2

    • @tripplordofinconvenience9953
      @tripplordofinconvenience9953 4 роки тому +1

      Ah yes, I too would enjoy another game of this man of Ray

    • @vroom0925
      @vroom0925 3 роки тому

      @@stefanloncar6868 Did he say this before he left? 😢

    • @stefanloncar6868
      @stefanloncar6868 3 роки тому +1

      @@vroom0925 yes

  • @resh5662
    @resh5662 3 роки тому +14

    nostalgia i used to play this i fought all these bosses even tho i was 9 it's good to see it again😄

  • @cerealio
    @cerealio 5 років тому +88

    this used to be my jam back in the day bro

  • @tysondennis1016
    @tysondennis1016 5 років тому +57

    Just got this game.
    P.S. I call “Medieval Dragon” “Great Dragon”, “Mechanical Dragon” “Robo-Creveton”, and “Bird Boss” “Shocking Bird.” The final boss is Hades.

    • @thienhuongvu1585
      @thienhuongvu1585 4 роки тому +3

      My game is ps4 knack rayman legend

    • @MrCookies0529
      @MrCookies0529 4 роки тому +2

      I got it a few ours ago

    • @superepic9336
      @superepic9336 4 роки тому

      @Ultimate Gamer hand of Hades is a good name for the last boss in rayman legends

  • @shydreameress264
    @shydreameress264 4 роки тому +9

    Used to play this and origins with my little brother on his ps3. I bought Legend again on ps4 ^^ I'm gonna check if Origins is still there as it is my favourite

  • @awesome74eugene
    @awesome74eugene Рік тому +10

    although luchador was a giant wrestler who may have crushed thousands he forgot the golden rule: try to hurt rayman you get all your teeth knocked out

  • @partyvessel8128
    @partyvessel8128 2 роки тому +2

    10:12 i hated 20000 under lums the most but it had the by far coolest looking boss even though the third phase was annoying af
    00:01 this boss is easy but its just the first so it should be easy
    3:55 should’ve been the first boss ngl
    06:18 i remember how me and my lil cousin were always stuck in him till we won and we were so happy
    13:55 i hate him to this day the second phase should be the first and the first should be the second but i love him too since he’s atleast challenging
    19:05 i just call him fat bird
    19:48 annoying but nonetheless fun to fight
    23:02 funny boss but he is too ez
    24:06 i don‘t even call him boss because he is just a enemy to me
    26:15 the second hardest originals boss for me but still fun to play against
    28:50 by far the hardest bto (back to origins) boss he is annoying and not fun to play against i don’t like this boss but if i want something challenging i always Choose fulfilled nightmare instead of the big shrimp
    29:51 i wouldn’t even call this a boss but he is kinda fun to play against not as fun as the big eel (because he is too short)
    30:37 i was disappointed when i first fought her i thought this was gonna be hard oh boi was i mad after i won against her BECAUSE SHE WAS SUCH A EASY BOSS THIS ISNT A BOSS TO ME THIS IS YOUR REGULAR ENEMY FOR ME!

  • @makeminemusic341
    @makeminemusic341 6 місяців тому

    00:26 grunderbite
    04:40 armored toad
    06:10 giant luchador
    10:32 mecha seabreather
    14:04 the cloud of darkness

  • @pianoofied1078
    @pianoofied1078 4 роки тому +6

    16:47 when i was playing the game on my xbox 360 it was always laggy at this part and the wierd "poop monster' as i called it gave me a heart attack because his image got on the whole screen for 5 seconds. Wierd but i like coming back to this memory

    • @TalkingcatCOUGHCOUGH
      @TalkingcatCOUGHCOUGH 4 роки тому

      Pokemon go central I did not think that happened to anybody else except me on the switch but mine lasts like a second

    • @starpinkgirl7752
      @starpinkgirl7752 3 роки тому

      Same, everytime I lose at this boss it always close up to his face and it scared me

  • @twisted-eclipse3988
    @twisted-eclipse3988 Рік тому +5

    Every single time I fought the medieval dragon, I always waited until the dragon started coughing to fire.... and I know for dang sure I'm not the only one who used to do that.

  • @unnamedvisitor1649
    @unnamedvisitor1649 2 роки тому +17

    I played Origins a lot when it came out, so it comes off as strange that Night Mama doesn't appear after the secret final boss fight ends.

  • @game84cube
    @game84cube 4 роки тому +28

    I like to call the Luchador "El Ojos Gigantes" or The Giant Eyes, based on his eyes bugging out

    • @tomaswildanger5238
      @tomaswildanger5238 3 роки тому +1

      It was done, really creative in my opinion! Think they took here something from a level from the previous Rayman!

    • @jexxituptm
      @jexxituptm 3 роки тому


  • @jamesmalang6748
    @jamesmalang6748 4 роки тому +64

    Me when I’m trying to wake up my mom 23:40

    • @marthabuda4365
      @marthabuda4365 3 роки тому +4


    • @Ozzy622
      @Ozzy622 Рік тому

      Then your mom grabs your hair and punches your tongue? what a weird mom.

  • @axolotlfan6433
    @axolotlfan6433 4 роки тому +9

    19:13 Am I the only one that finds you shooting a bomb inside the bird's mouth hilarious?

    • @SSNFang
      @SSNFang 3 роки тому +1

      Maybe idk

  • @fredysutanto7946
    @fredysutanto7946 8 місяців тому +2

    Spaze-Belive jumpscare (day dream journey 366k obj)

  • @cheeseknight9267
    @cheeseknight9267 2 місяці тому +2

    10:44 that thing flies..........it isn't logical, but no one questions it.....cause it's badass

  • @bonedude666
    @bonedude666 2 роки тому +20

    I like how the secret final boss is just... really easy. Sure there's some spikes and the lava jumping bit is pretty tough, but I'm pretty sure even someone like me (who has never played this game before) could beat it on my first or second try.

    • @blobthecloud7
      @blobthecloud7 2 роки тому


    • @AMSCh2010
      @AMSCh2010 2 роки тому

      Third because of the falling fisics

    • @ryankz1177
      @ryankz1177 2 роки тому +1

      Rayman Legends players never had it as bad as us Rayman Origins players……

    • @fangtooth-1125
      @fangtooth-1125 2 роки тому +8

      Because this is the Rayman legends remastered version, the actual one in Rayman origins is much harder, same for all the other Rayman legends remastered bosses they’re much harder in origins. Origins is generally a much harder game.

    • @skyfish77
      @skyfish77 Рік тому +4

      Speak for yourself, I got stuck on her for like two days.

  • @arnaldocardoso2756
    @arnaldocardoso2756 4 роки тому +21

    Bro I played this game so much when I was 6-5 years old and I defeated all the bosses too

  • @julietpawlak1252
    @julietpawlak1252 4 роки тому +1

    You are good at this

  • @YagIsHere
    @YagIsHere 3 роки тому +5

    21:08 5 year olds when they see any tiny hole in the house

  • @kobl-c6w
    @kobl-c6w 3 роки тому +2

    9:39 Evil guy: I'm stuck!
    Rayman: I'll help ya!

  • @yassinthememer9932
    @yassinthememer9932 4 роки тому +7

    I still play this game it’s so fun I play back to the origins

  • @dalspin7761
    @dalspin7761 4 роки тому +19

    14:47 Bootleg Smash Bros

  • @CapySlay6002
    @CapySlay6002 4 роки тому +6

    19:00 minutes from then on its Rayman origins bosses in Rayman legends

  • @juanignaciogamer717
    @juanignaciogamer717 3 роки тому +2

    6:18 skeleton guy: ¡damas y caballeros, presentando al gran, poderoso e invicto campeón de lucha libre: EL LUCHADOR!
    translation: ladies and gentlemen, presenting the big, powerful and unbeaten lucha libre champion: El Luchador!

  • @ificanstay1903
    @ificanstay1903 5 років тому +71

    Put Rayman in smash

  • @Theo.The_Jaguar
    @Theo.The_Jaguar 9 місяців тому

    The final boos I spent like, almost thirty minutes trying to defeat him and finally I did it. In the end I screamed with so much happiness at having finished the game.

  • @samuelabillard6126
    @samuelabillard6126 4 роки тому +5

    You’re welcome

    • @superepic9336
      @superepic9336 4 роки тому

      All the demon songs after the bosses 😎

  • @MrProteeus
    @MrProteeus 4 роки тому +7

    I wonder if they will make another day man I love the Mario clothes reference

  • @joinha9346
    @joinha9346 4 роки тому +22

    13:56 *I died so many times in this boss that I almost broke him, PS: I haven't passed him yet.*

    • @nickizanewb8433
      @nickizanewb8433 4 роки тому +1

      *broke him* ?

    • @crapplethechocolatefan
      @crapplethechocolatefan 4 роки тому +1

      I passed him

    • @MikeHawk-bg5ss
      @MikeHawk-bg5ss 3 роки тому +1

      Have you completed it yet

    • @engineergaming3830
      @engineergaming3830 3 роки тому +3

      Man I don't get how tf do people fail at a boss that has a set path with nothing random in it

    • @yazenalnahari66772
      @yazenalnahari66772 2 роки тому +1

      @@engineergaming3830 the game is really easy but there is something is hard which is the challenge mode and getting the platinum trophies in challenge mode is very hard

  • @fellasinparis8561
    @fellasinparis8561 2 роки тому +3

    Madman’s creation theme slaps bro, it really got me like: 🦟🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗🦟

  • @teko4752
    @teko4752 Рік тому +5

    And then the vilain get poked in the ass and that makes a song
    Funniest thing I ever saw

  • @shadow_stroke
    @shadow_stroke 6 місяців тому +2

    This game probably has one of the most amazing boss design ever man😭

  • @aaaaaasaayttfff4733
    @aaaaaasaayttfff4733 4 роки тому +12

    The dark creatures are really getting their revenge huh

  • @julianroman8509
    @julianroman8509 3 роки тому +1

    Rayman Legends Definitive Edition All Bosses
    Rayman Legends Definitive Edition Game on PS3 Xbox 360 Wii U PSVITA PS4 Xbox One Nintendo Switch PC
    Every boss fight
    Medieval Dragon
    Armored Toad
    Lucha Libre
    El Luchador
    Sea Dragonfish
    Mechanical Dragon
    Mocking Bird
    Carnivora Daisy
    Giant Mocking Bird
    Dark Creatures
    Dark Rayman
    Giga Electric Eel
    El Stomacho
    Giant Eels
    Red Sea Monster Leviathan
    Rock Golly G Golem
    Nightmare Mama
    Dark Hades Creatures
    Hell Dragon
    Hades Hand Dark Cloud (Final Boss)

  • @KraylebStudios
    @KraylebStudios Рік тому +1

    Why did I struggle with these so much...

  • @unweyconfotodeperro8212
    @unweyconfotodeperro8212 2 роки тому +7

    Rayman merece protagonisar otro juego es una leyenda de los videojuegos

  • @5H1N13
    @5H1N13 4 роки тому +32

    Everybody gangsta till your fighting a stomach

    • @ERROR-k9v
      @ERROR-k9v 4 роки тому

      A got dame stomach

    • @tomaswildanger5238
      @tomaswildanger5238 3 роки тому

      Which end boss is the stomach? I don't really understand!... 🤔 ☹️

    • @bonedude666
      @bonedude666 2 роки тому

      My years of Yoshi's Island training has prepared me for this moment.

  • @antoniobarrera4506
    @antoniobarrera4506 22 дні тому +1

    When heaven becomes hell 15:17

  • @Mr_Banana1233
    @Mr_Banana1233 Рік тому +1

    703th comment!
    Edit: Rayman legends was one of my childhood games I played it with my friend all the time he unlocked all levels even back to the origins!
    I unlocked back to the origins but not all levels and not the bosses so me and my friend always play the bosses but I moved to another country ): I will visit him probably next year

  • @Systariansrule2024
    @Systariansrule2024 Рік тому

    29:56 The Golem is like “What are you doing on my shoulder!?”

  • @Cqmxl
    @Cqmxl 3 роки тому +1

    I couldn’t beat these bosses before so thx!

    • @tomaswildanger5238
      @tomaswildanger5238 3 роки тому

      👍 Some of them were really, really hard to beat! I didn't manage to that day to finish "cloud of darkness" (?) 'till that day!! Still too difficult and hard for me!!... 😩 😩😃

    • @engineergaming3830
      @engineergaming3830 3 роки тому

      @@tomaswildanger5238 i recommend getting behind him since all he does is fly in circles it shoudn't be hard

    • @tomaswildanger5238
      @tomaswildanger5238 3 роки тому

      @engineer gaming? As far as I can remember I wasn't even able to jump properly respectively high enough around on these strange brains!! 😁 😁

    • @tomaswildanger5238
      @tomaswildanger5238 3 роки тому

      @engineer gaming? But nevertheless, thank you very much for the hint! 👍 😃

  • @noway4060
    @noway4060 5 років тому +12

    Any 13 year olds like me who still play this game ? WELP IM THE ONLY ONE I GUESS

    • @coffeecat4173
      @coffeecat4173 5 років тому +2

      No Way we’ll I’m 12 so I mean I’m close but I still play it :P

    • @noway4060
      @noway4060 5 років тому

      AceAngel you had a crush on rayman when you were like 9? XD

    • @coffeecat4173
      @coffeecat4173 5 років тому +1

      No Way Bruh what makes you say that?? XD I just still play it at my age 😂😂

    • @noway4060
      @noway4060 5 років тому +1

      AceAngel oh wait a minute your a straight guy, THEN YOU MUST HAVE A CRUSH A BARBRA

    • @coffeecat4173
      @coffeecat4173 5 років тому +1

      No Way first of, female, second, bisexual and why are you saying I have crushes on the characters?? ;-; that was never mentioned in the comments I just said I liked ' the game ' lol

  • @banjosteamboat1514
    @banjosteamboat1514 5 років тому +45

    I used to play this all day

  • @manjuegazos4672
    @manjuegazos4672 4 роки тому +33

    Did you know?
    The mosquito has a different face expression depending on his rider.

  • @cripper8549
    @cripper8549 2 роки тому


  • @nesche_çakir
    @nesche_çakir 5 років тому +23

    6:30; is he......... Bane?
    edited: it was a joke lol, of course he isn't bane, he's just similar to him on the first glance

  • @filipsstarymultiverse
    @filipsstarymultiverse 11 місяців тому

    Here's My Version Of this:
    Green Teensy Fight The Bosses (the ones on Legends) and The Magician (Who's is the real one those we're Clones of him) Fight the Bosses The Nymphs Asked For The Magician to Defeat (The ones in Origins)

  • @monafish44
    @monafish44 4 роки тому +9

    6:50 my favourite boss

  • @mandarin23k
    @mandarin23k 2 роки тому +1

    this is EEEL PRIIIIMO before the injury

  • @roksanna251
    @roksanna251 4 роки тому +8

    5:11 it maked me laugh when he do this

  • @InkBendy808
    @InkBendy808 Рік тому +1

    Nostalgia! Omg... This is my first game😍😍😍

  • @cesarcriollo3207
    @cesarcriollo3207 4 роки тому +3

    Me and the bois today 29:03 me and the bois on future 10:54

  • @maxmind2497
    @maxmind2497 2 роки тому +5

    fun fact: you are suposed to beat the bosses quickly or the battle gets harder

  • @Gavin-r8n
    @Gavin-r8n 10 місяців тому +1

    To stop the bosses keep on fighting to stop evil tensie ❤🎉

  • @SSageFDK
    @SSageFDK 4 роки тому +4

    Me:Watches this normally
    Rayman in Mario outfit:Falls from high height, Doesn’t lose his second heart

  • @bettyclarke2714
    @bettyclarke2714 Рік тому +1

    that’s a good show😀

  • @rinyx2437
    @rinyx2437 4 роки тому +6

    Who else replayed this game 100% for 10 times?

  • @ZizZap4
    @ZizZap4 2 роки тому +1

    Can we just stop and appreciate that the Luchadore's fight theme has the word "luchadore" scattered throughout it and also that the Luchadore sometimes just says parts of the word "luchadore?" Thanks.

  • @rustyshackleford234
    @rustyshackleford234 Рік тому +1

    6:25 CEO of Mexico:

  • @cowboyycat1813
    @cowboyycat1813 4 роки тому +6

    It took so long for me to complete Mamma of all nightmares litterly 2 days bc I rage quit so many times lol

  • @literallykinichsfav
    @literallykinichsfav 4 роки тому +1

    I alredy defeated all of those bosses I’m here because my play station 3 don’t work anymore and I miss palying it únù but I gess some day I will be able to play again

  • @coolplayer565
    @coolplayer565 4 роки тому +2

    0:01 my class

    • @superepic9336
      @superepic9336 4 роки тому

      Hahahaha🤣🤣 the dragons the teacher

  • @desireemontalvo6902
    @desireemontalvo6902 3 роки тому

    I know the hadies hand fight was supposed to be serious but the statues in the bacround are flipping hilarious

  • @MaksiuXeo
    @MaksiuXeo 11 місяців тому

    that game have 10 years and it's still so good,like in old times.

  • @Omai_Draws
    @Omai_Draws 7 місяців тому +1

    Bruh the last time I played this is that I was on the Fingernail lady monster, but after that I accidentally pressed new game😭

  • @xxwatcher159
    @xxwatcher159 4 роки тому +9

    I passed the whole game, and i still don't understand why for me El stomacho ( 2 stars ) is way harder than final boss ( 5 stars ) .-.

    • @mateuszodrzywoek8658
      @mateuszodrzywoek8658 3 роки тому

      you got better at the game

    • @engineergaming3830
      @engineergaming3830 3 роки тому

      @@mateuszodrzywoek8658 bro the finall boss just spins around while El actually does something diffrent all the time

  • @nessandgals
    @nessandgals 2 роки тому +2

    I’ve always liked El Stomacho’s theme best for some reason

  • @hayleyscully6600
    @hayleyscully6600 Рік тому +2

    The medieval dragon boss is my

  • @TheRealSuperKirby
    @TheRealSuperKirby 3 роки тому +4

    28:48 I dunno where you got the name creation from, his name is murray of the deep

    • @koikptet
      @koikptet 3 роки тому +2

      I think it's the french version, Creveton looks like a mix between Crevette (it means a shrimp) and a dragon.

    • @getergods2267
      @getergods2267 3 роки тому +1

      Actually Murray is the pink eel

  • @alextaylor9094
    @alextaylor9094 5 років тому +16

    Pack attack is a pro guys this boss when i had this I died a few times

    • @TheTommygfunk1022
      @TheTommygfunk1022 4 роки тому +1

      He is but he is not as good as me I can beat these bosses all of them in ten mins

    • @TheTommygfunk1022
      @TheTommygfunk1022 4 роки тому

      @@tocotoucan7304 I was joking can’t you take a joke-

    • @legrandliseurtri7495
      @legrandliseurtri7495 4 роки тому

      @@TheTommygfunk1022 Dude, have you seen him play Donkey kong country returns? He's got the world record on most of the levels in time attack.

  • @artictoca6611
    @artictoca6611 3 роки тому +5

    Me and my brother recently did the boss that is a hand, it was such a pain. We defeated it though

  • @ericconcepcion9713
    @ericconcepcion9713 2 роки тому +1

    Me: Aw i feel bad for the medieval dragon, armoured toad and the mechanical dragon
    I feel bad for the holes that are in medieval dragon
    I feel bad for the armoured toad without his armour he looks so cool with armour
    I feel bad that the mechanical dragon is broken

  • @Aceofspades210
    @Aceofspades210 6 місяців тому +1

    Does anyone else feel bad for the toad?🐸

  • @Noodleman981
    @Noodleman981 3 місяці тому

    I like how Rayman is just confused about what his next boss is going to be