守護廣東話🇺🇸 熱愛香港🇭🇰|27歲ABC護士女生捍衛三藩市廣東話班「廣東話是我們的文化」☺️ 挑戰只講廣東話在美國唐人街可以生存嗎? Save Cantonese San Francisco

  • Опубліковано 6 чер 2023
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КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,5 тис.

  • @Iwalkutake
    @Iwalkutake  Рік тому +894

    小弟在香港長大 一向講廣東話
    然後發現世界另一端的ABC 竟然為廣東話而努力
    Julia 同佢既朋友都睇到❤

    • @mikewong8670
      @mikewong8670 Рік тому +46


    • @Iwalkutake
      @Iwalkutake  Рік тому +46

      @@mikewong8670 這是我能力做到的事,我想繼續落去❤

    • @BossCanteen
      @BossCanteen Рік тому +22

      現在看我們 廣東話youtube 的朋友,可能係最後一兩代 能完全明白懂得 真正香港式 廣東話 的末代了。😅

    • @ModestReaction
      @ModestReaction Рік тому +6

      Dude you still in SF bro? Let's meet up

    • @theresatang8467
      @theresatang8467 Рік тому +18

      怡富,記唔記得果籽曾經訪問過一個講流利廣東話嘅美國人叫Sue Marguerite?佢有個UA-cam channel 叫Cantonese Corner教廣東話,可惜現在停咗。

  • @kymushroom5584
    @kymushroom5584 Рік тому +595


    • @savecantoneseatccsf5332
      @savecantoneseatccsf5332 Рік тому +9

      Thank you for watching!!!

    • @suixiangsuipai
      @suixiangsuipai Рік тому +7


    • @user-rg2ep3ow6o
      @user-rg2ep3ow6o Рік тому +3


    • @user-rg2ep3ow6o
      @user-rg2ep3ow6o Рік тому

      @@shunruzhang4237 之所以要守護🥏就皆因有「你藝」這種人話到明想🌪滅🇭🇰你妳🇹🇼所以唔係打飛機咁簡單😴⋯⋯綏靖懵🐒🦍

    • @animalwinson
      @animalwinson Рік тому +4


  • @SS-or8lo
    @SS-or8lo Рік тому +373

    喺大陆都有一啲一直捍卫粤语嘅团体!多谢每一位撑粤语嘅人!❤❤❤ Thank you everyone

    • @savecantoneseatccsf5332
      @savecantoneseatccsf5332 Рік тому +17

      We should connect with those groups. We need the movement to grow!

    • @Summer-zo9lk
      @Summer-zo9lk Рік тому +23


    • @TWPineapple233
      @TWPineapple233 Рік тому +30


    • @Aaron-eq1br
      @Aaron-eq1br Рік тому +4


    • @user-vq2fw7sz2h
      @user-vq2fw7sz2h Рік тому +17


  • @josephpang
    @josephpang Рік тому +342


    • @gmanlee575
      @gmanlee575 Рік тому +4


    • @savecantoneseatccsf5332
      @savecantoneseatccsf5332 Рік тому +2

      Yes! Although we are so far away, we will remember where we came from.

    • @josephpang
      @josephpang Рік тому +1

      @Lucas zhang 大家也為自己的語言努力,加油

    • @cassidylenochan4847
      @cassidylenochan4847 Рік тому


    • @zeno6327
      @zeno6327 Рік тому


  • @yahushuahong9350
    @yahushuahong9350 Рік тому +113

    真心, 睇完覺得好感動

  • @jobajo7418
    @jobajo7418 Рік тому +185


  • @catherinechan3506
    @catherinechan3506 Рік тому +179


    • @savecantoneseatccsf5332
      @savecantoneseatccsf5332 Рік тому +6

      My reading and writing is not so good, but it's something I hope to learn one day too.

    • @user-gm9hq1kk7t
      @user-gm9hq1kk7t Рік тому


    • @jamesliao8888
      @jamesliao8888 3 місяці тому


    • @andrewy2662
      @andrewy2662 3 місяці тому


  • @vickydan4722
    @vickydan4722 Рік тому +166

    真的好感動,原來在地球另一邊仲有人咁努力守護廣東話,多謝怡富拍攝這主題,Support Julia, 加油呀!❤

    • @gmanlee575
      @gmanlee575 Рік тому +6

      Most overseas chinese in the west are cantonese people, all the chinatowns in uk,us, Canada are all built by cantonese people, its cantonese who helped popularised Chinese food, making it perhaps one of the most popular cuisine the world💪

    • @cassidylenochan4847
      @cassidylenochan4847 Рік тому


  • @sunnycheng4121
    @sunnycheng4121 Рік тому +121


  • @saber26ful
    @saber26ful Рік тому +72

    As an ABC from SF, this video helped me reminisce on all the childhood experiences I had with my grandparents and my dad (they all passed away recently). They were the reason I spoke Canto proudly as a kid. I need to find a way to join this “preserve canto movement” to honor their legacy.

    • @Iwalkutake
      @Iwalkutake  Рік тому +8

      Help me share more la

    • @michaelwatt6321
      @michaelwatt6321 Рік тому +7

      There’s several Chinese schools in the Bay Area teaching Cantonese, like Berryessa Chinese School, West Valley Chinese Language school. Go check them out, volunteer and encourage the kids to insist on attending, share your story …

  • @agnestang9560
    @agnestang9560 Рік тому +146


    • @ML77177
      @ML77177 Рік тому +12

      我以前有個ABC 同事,講廣東話都好准(無ABC口音),同埋有時我哋講嘅俗語爛gag佢都聽得明。我哋問佢係點學中文?佢話阿媽成日係屋企煲港劇,由細聽到大所以識聽識講。佢應該都識睇多少中文,因為佢阿媽由細到大要佢學書法。

    • @wellenzhong1440
      @wellenzhong1440 Рік тому +1


    • @ML77177
      @ML77177 Рік тому +8

      @@wellenzhong1440 小朋友如果知你識英文,就算你同佢哋講中文,佢哋會用英文答你,如果你迫佢哋講中文,佢哋慢慢唔想同你講嘢添。

    • @jimwho
      @jimwho Рік тому +2


    • @Kumagood
      @Kumagood Рік тому +10

      ​@@ML77177 話俾佢聽美國有咁多唔同種族既人,每個族群都有自己文化,而語言同文字係最基本既,用廣東話黎同同族人溝通好重要,係香港人或廣東人同族文化傳承,感情交流既重要橋樑,亦都係自己既特色!

  • @erato_1707
    @erato_1707 Рік тому +41


  • @karyleung0404
    @karyleung0404 Рік тому +82

    起香港越來越多中小學生講普通話, 廣東話好似有D式微咁. 但我都唔希望廣東話絕跡, 因為呢個係我地的文化同精神, 好感動遠在外國都有一班人努力咁守護廣東話, 多謝你地!
    Recap in English: Thank you Julia and the ABC community for saving Cantonese!! In Hong Kong, more and more students speak Mandarin in school. Cantonese becomes less important. But I hope we can preserve and pass this language to the next generation as it is our culture and spirit. It is so touching to see people making a great effort to save Cantonese in America. Thank you so much!

    • @Letstalk818
      @Letstalk818 Рік тому +13

      呢幾年都覺得多得好恐怖, 近至樓下看更, 7仔嘅收銀, 巴士嘅司機(由其係女), 街上嘅學生, 去到深水埗嘅特色地鋪(1張剪頭髮櫈+1張按摩床), 真係以為自己返咗深圳

    • @karyleung0404
      @karyleung0404 Рік тому +8

      以前由內地黎香港的新移民,佢地都會覺得廣東好重要,會想學,講到歪歪地都會講,而家新移民無呢個 sense, 只會用番普通話!🤷🏻‍♀️

    • @runhong1186
      @runhong1186 Рік тому +2


    • @dcdc828
      @dcdc828 Рік тому +1


    • @jacksonlamp318
      @jacksonlamp318 Рік тому +5

      喺廣東話嘅發源地-廣東,北京中央政府統治下嘅當地政府刻意壓制廣東話,例如唔畀細路仔喺幼稚圜同埋小學裏邊講廣東話,課間私下講都唔得, 講廣東本地話就要被懲罰,只畀講普通話。廣東唔少本地細路講廣東話己經困難,有啲爺孫交流都有困難,因為爺爺只識講廣東話。
      我認為北京當局有壓縮廣東話空間嘅長遠打算, 目的喺為咗佢地政權統治穩定。香港啲學校未來極有可能都會變成咁樣。
      我認為保護好廣東話同埋相關文化嘅唯一途徑就係嶺南獨立自治, 除此之外冇其它辦法。

  • @kylowong
    @kylowong Рік тому +54

    作为一个即将去香港读研究生的同学,我也在努力学习广东话,这是一门很有魅力很有历史的语言,看到世界上还有这么多人在努力,我更有信心和动力了 love from China mainland

    • @meowmeow1427
      @meowmeow1427 4 місяці тому +9


  • @gilbert70714
    @gilbert70714 Рік тому +65

    多謝julia 作為一個香港人 睇完有一種感動.加油.!

  • @theresatang8467
    @theresatang8467 Рік тому +70


    • @savecantoneseatccsf5332
      @savecantoneseatccsf5332 Рік тому +3

      I understand what you mean. The way we learn Cantonese is "old school" or traditional because our professors who teach Cantonese in USA are very old. When I was a kid and took Cantonese class my Cantonese teacher was almost 80 years old. He passed away when I was in his class. At CCSF now, the professor is over 60 years old. A lot fo the Cantonese speakers in SF are also from the older generation so we pick up the vocabulary from grandparents. Hahah. We only learn the more modern or trendy Cantonese vocabulary from watching videos on social media.

    • @log7127
      @log7127 Рік тому +1

      @@savecantoneseatccsf5332 我認為用傳統方法教語言嘅前提係要你識聽講,識聽講再去學睇寫先會有興趣同動力,香港咁多人英文差嘅原因就係好多人嘅父母唔識講英文,自細聽唔明就冇辦法配養母語嗰種feel(一聽就明唔洗腦內翻譯),然後學校教英文嘅方式錯撚曬,只會令學生漸漸失去興趣,最後放棄。

    • @log7127
      @log7127 Рік тому

      @@savecantoneseatccsf5332 ruri ohama都係自學英文,佢啲片以英文為主,都非常建議睇

    • @log7127
      @log7127 Рік тому

      @@savecantoneseatccsf5332 youtube.com/@ruriohama

  • @user-wo4eo3xy2k
    @user-wo4eo3xy2k Рік тому +43

    支持在美國三藩市嘅唐人街同埋有講廣東話嘅華人住嘅地方嘅廣東話永遠保存下來 ! 來自香港嘅柯智軍所送的祝福。

    • @ra9788
      @ra9788 4 місяці тому


  • @YingWaiWong
    @YingWaiWong Рік тому +84


    • @canto_v12
      @canto_v12 Рік тому +1


    • @jacksonlamp318
      @jacksonlamp318 Рік тому +1

      喺廣東話嘅發源地-廣東,北京中央政府統治下嘅當地政府刻意壓制廣東話,例如唔畀細路仔喺幼稚圜同埋小學裏邊講廣東話,課間私下講都唔得, 講廣東本地話就要被懲罰,只畀講普通話。廣東唔少本地細路講廣東話己經困難,有啲爺孫交流都有困難,因為爺爺只識講廣東話。
      我認為北京當局有壓縮廣東話空間嘅長遠打算, 目的喺為咗佢地政權統治穩定。香港啲學校未來極有可能都會變成咁樣。
      我認為保護好廣東話同埋相關文化嘅唯一途徑就係嶺南獨立自治, 除此之外冇其它辦法。

    • @kaylahui6902
      @kaylahui6902 10 днів тому

      @@jacksonlamp318所以就要係國外保育 😂

  • @lalautube
    @lalautube Рік тому +28

    身在香港的我,未看完這集已流淚… 謝謝~🙏🙏🙏

  • @zabrinaxyz
    @zabrinaxyz Рік тому +64

    OMG Ivan this video is sooooooo well produced!! From the VO narratives, the story, the cinematography, color grade, editing & everything was really brilliantly done! I am so honored to be one of your camera women from producing this and thank you so much for featuring our San Francisco Chinatown Community, also Julia's Save Cantonese Movement, the TQ list goes on! Thank you for taking a chance to collaborate with me (being new to producing and filming)!! This is a video which help preserving our history is gonna stay and has a far reach deep down to your viewers will remembered. My greatest joy is to see you success on your future journeys and carry on to produce high quality contents with heart & soul. Thank you!

    • @hidetoshi981
      @hidetoshi981 Рік тому +2

      wow, i saw ur name!!!

    • @savecantoneseatccsf5332
      @savecantoneseatccsf5332 Рік тому +2

      Thank you for documenting the life we have here in the Bay Area!

    • @artem2020
      @artem2020 Рік тому +1

      Save Cantonese 👍 I wish I could speak Cantonese fluently.

  • @lcheri1543
    @lcheri1543 Рік тому +29


    • @ra9788
      @ra9788 4 місяці тому

      有幾親切? 香港人見到新移民係公園用普通話溝通嘅感覺,就係人地鬼佬嘅感覺。香港人討厭新移民行為,自己移民卻做返同一行為

  • @hardysyiucheong
    @hardysyiucheong Рік тому +38

    保育廣東話真係要多聽多講,同埋最重要保持一種語言嘅生命力,好簡單,你學一種語言但你無機會用,你好難會學得好;正如近年好多人鍾意學韓文,係因為以韓語為主嘅韓國流行文化吸引人去想學呢種語言,同以前好多人因為動漫而去學日文一樣;廣東話亦需要有電影、音樂、各種媒體要肯樂意使用呢種語言,先可以保持到廣東話嘅活力、歷久常新;netflix 嘅韓劇可以誇種族語言,廣東話嘅香港電影亦曾經去到好遠,但而家已經唔係好多人拍廣東話電影,要有人堅持廣東話嘅文化制作,先可以創造廣東話生存落去嘅空間

    • @Willxdiana
      @Willxdiana Рік тому +2


    • @JPLee-zs3wk
      @JPLee-zs3wk Рік тому +1


    • @jacksonlamp318
      @jacksonlamp318 Рік тому +2

      喺廣東話嘅發源地-廣東,北京中央政府統治下嘅當地政府刻意壓制廣東話,例如唔畀細路仔喺幼稚圜同埋小學裏邊講廣東話,課間私下講都唔得, 講廣東本地話就要被懲罰,只畀講普通話。廣東唔少本地細路講廣東話己經困難,有啲爺孫交流都有困難,因為爺爺只識講廣東話。
      我認為北京當局有壓縮廣東話空間嘅長遠打算, 目的喺為咗佢地政權統治穩定。香港啲學校未來極有可能都會變成咁樣。
      我認為保護好廣東話同埋相關文化嘅唯一途徑就係嶺南獨立自治, 除此之外冇其它辦法。

    • @sola4393
      @sola4393 Рік тому

      You are right. That is a good reason I've never learn French even though it is one of the official language in my country. The media and businesses need to put in that motivation to preserve whatever you are trying to keep.

    • @user-sr4kj3el5x
      @user-sr4kj3el5x Рік тому


  • @richardbillyham8205
    @richardbillyham8205 Рік тому +44


  • @328ts
    @328ts Рік тому +95


  • @user-jf6pv7je6r
    @user-jf6pv7je6r Рік тому +45


    • @Iwalkutake
      @Iwalkutake  Рік тому +2

      挑戰一下abc 廣東話拼音先

    • @ryanw903
      @ryanw903 Рік тому +3


    • @mansanwilsonyiu4144
      @mansanwilsonyiu4144 4 місяці тому

      Julia 感謝外籍朋友保衛港式 廣東話.

    • @tsteh3570
      @tsteh3570 3 місяці тому


    • @tsteh3570
      @tsteh3570 3 місяці тому

      ​@@mansanwilsonyiu4144 坐巴士時有外籍人鬧香港阿伯講話難聽到死😨😨

  • @yuki.w1668
    @yuki.w1668 Рік тому +76


  • @jiningjyutjyupandou
    @jiningjyutjyupandou Рік тому +36


  • @toniliu8699
    @toniliu8699 Рік тому +35

    Thank you for all your efforts to support Cantonese! Keep it up!

  • @rallyjira3400
    @rallyjira3400 Рік тому +36

    Super touched by this story! Especially when Cantonese is disappearing even in Guangzhou or even HK in the future! Support from Southern California! I have been living in America for nearly 50 years. I don’t live close to Chinese communities nor working with Chinese people! But I can still speak Cantonese and my own dialect Chiu Chow! I am proud of our dialect!

    • @iseeflowers
      @iseeflowers Рік тому

      Yes, people in Guangzhou and Taisan were mostly speaking Mandarin when I were there recently.

  • @ra757
    @ra757 Рік тому +24


  • @Kand_Saito
    @Kand_Saito Рік тому +61


    • @youpay3982
      @youpay3982 Рік тому +3


    • @cheetaih
      @cheetaih Рік тому


    • @L-3-L-3
      @L-3-L-3 Рік тому +3

      你試吓嚟三藩市住吓,你就會了解呢邊有咩辛酸😬 . 呢邊都有好多好多問題,無須睇咗一條片就比較、self loathe 😢
      (順帶一提:片中AA bakery 個員工啱啱先俾人斬😢…. )

    • @cheetaih
      @cheetaih Рік тому

      @@L-3-L-3 CCP嘅人斬?

    • @L-3-L-3
      @L-3-L-3 Рік тому

      @@cheetaih 吓?你有內幕消息?

  • @sapphoophoon2141
    @sapphoophoon2141 Рік тому +45

    My parents are Cantonese, who immigrated to Singapore in the early years. I am the second generation born and raised in Singapore. My kids are third generation. Three generations of my family have been speaking Cantonese since childhood. We have educated English and Chinese both bilingual in Singapore. We can speak fluent English, Mandarin, and Cantonese.
    我的父母是早年移民新加坡的广东人。 我是在新加坡出生和长大的第二代。 我的孩子是第三代。 我家三代人从小就说广东话。 我们在新加坡接受中英文双语教育。 我们能说流利的英语、普通话和广东话。😊

    • @user-be6ge5pd2g
      @user-be6ge5pd2g Рік тому

      awesome man

    • @gmanlee575
      @gmanlee575 Рік тому


    • @ninersnation3298
      @ninersnation3298 Рік тому +3

      Singapore has like 85% chinese heritage. San Francisco's Chinese population is like 25%, but once they go out of Chinatown, Chinese will be surrounded by non-Chinese and force to use of english. No matter how we maintain our heritage, it is extremely hard to enforce. My next generation is already thinking he is white. I, myself, came to san francisco from southern china when i was 8, therefore, i could speak fluent cantonese, but not my child. He is already 18, so all the generations after will be non-chinese speaking. JUST SAD!!

    • @lipminnie9158
      @lipminnie9158 Рік тому +1

      my colleague same as you, her parents were from Canton, and she speaks very well Cantonese, her niece the third generation living with them are speaking Cantonese too even she's half Turkish

    • @sola4393
      @sola4393 Рік тому +1

      @@ninersnation3298 Many other cultures who is living in foreign country also struggle keeping their heritage alive. Those things need to be taught at home giving them more exposure and activities to their heritage is important. The kids are smart they will push boundary the minute they know they can get away with it. 😂

  • @ctwj1018
    @ctwj1018 Рік тому +23

    怡富咁高質嘅廣東話UA-cam Chanel係另一個方式捍衛緊呢個語言❤️

  • @BossCanteen
    @BossCanteen Рік тому +21

    真心的 拍得很有味道 👍🏻

  • @helen0131
    @helen0131 Рік тому +8


    • @waikintang8246
      @waikintang8246 3 місяці тому +1

      用粵語吟唐詩 宋詞,原汁原味。

  • @mkyw168
    @mkyw168 Рік тому +21

    支持廣東話, save Cantonese!!! That’s also why I created my UA-cam channel 😂

  • @edchiang
    @edchiang Рік тому +23

    Very meaningful episode. Thanks to all who work hard to preserve Cantonese to next and next generations.

  • @kennethc88
    @kennethc88 Рік тому +12


  • @maggiexie8044
    @maggiexie8044 Рік тому +38

    其实系大陆嘎广东人都有守护粤语团体 见到系外国噶你地 内心真是好温暖。

    • @divifilius7282
      @divifilius7282 Рік тому +4

      我爸爸70年代廣州移民香港,所以我covid 之前一年去一兩次廣州探親,感覺近年講廣州話嘅人少咗好多,小朋友講普通話好過廣州話好多

    • @savecantoneseatccsf5332
      @savecantoneseatccsf5332 Рік тому

      thank you! It is so validating to hear that from outside of the USA

    • @shunruzhang4237
      @shunruzhang4237 Рік тому

      @@divifilius7282 语言系用来沟通,普通话沟通效率更高。

    • @angeloake1605
      @angeloake1605 Рік тому +3

      @shunruzhang4237 according to your logic, everyone should speak English as it is the most widely spoken language in the world (more than Mandarin), and is widely considered a lingua franca. Even computer coding is based in English. Let's just get rid of all the other languages for efficiency.

    • @shunruzhang4237
      @shunruzhang4237 Рік тому

      @@angeloake1605 点解你打英文?

  • @Blahhhhh777
    @Blahhhhh777 Рік тому +15

    so touching episode. glad to see someone on the other side of the world trying to preserve the Cantonese language and culture. thanks Julia and all effort

  • @user-qd5kc6mi9m
    @user-qd5kc6mi9m Рік тому +21

    Thank you and much appreciated Julia and team to preserve Cantonese whenever possible. Traditional Chinese and Cantonese culture have been around for thousands of years. It would be really sad if they are gone.
    多謝Julia 同佢-班志同道合嘅人捍衛廣東話。廣東話同正體字已經有上千年文化,大家請盡力保存。五千年文化,正體字才能欣賞。讀唐詩甚至唱廣東歌,只有廣東話先夠傳神,多謝!

  • @oneno4864
    @oneno4864 Рік тому +10


  • @changclan1
    @changclan1 Рік тому +17

    Good job Julia. Thankful for you are doing for our Cantonese community

  • @katiekhor4550
    @katiekhor4550 Рік тому +19

    Thanks for sharing again! I live 45 mins away from SF, my daughter is only 3, I just enrolled my daughter to a cantonese class which will be held on every Saturday morning. I try to speak cantonese to her but so far she does not really respond back to me with cantonese just yet. I get excited when she is willing to speak a few cantonese words I taught her. Living in the US and keeping the language are hard, but I hope my daughter can speak cantonese and I hope she won't hate me for sending her to cantonese school on every Saturday when she grew up. :)

    • @lucastang9235
      @lucastang9235 Рік тому

      @ Katie Khor, Do your kids going to Berryessa Chinese School Cantonese Class or West Valley Chinese school? All my HK friends sent their kids to BCS with strong enrollment. However, American Chinese School in fremont is struggling with enrollment.

    • @katiekhor4550
      @katiekhor4550 Рік тому

      @@lucastang9235 Yes, I enrolled her to BCS, I heard this school from a friend. I don't know the other two school you mentioned here, are you familiar of these school? Are they good?

  • @ypyk2526
    @ypyk2526 Рік тому +11

    好有意義🎉怡富good show!
    我記得以前都唔會覺得講廣東話係咁重要、但係而家人不在香港、有時間睇真香港人拍嘅UA-cam片、聽Mirror、已經成為我對自己身份嘅絕對認同、本地人問我、我會話我自己喺Hongkonger. 呢個係對自己背景嘅一份尊重。
    香港人加油、怡富加油 #savecantonese

  • @asdf83917
    @asdf83917 Рік тому +7

    Thank you for doing a great job on preserving our language and culture. Thank you so much! Salute

  • @cpwong7977
    @cpwong7977 Рік тому +11

    廣東話(粵語)是我認識的語言中最有感情和美妙的😊 最能代表人類語言的最高境界☀️
    如果能用粵語朗誦 中華文化中的詩、詞等文學,你就會明白何謂 人類語言的 "最高境界"☀️

    • @Iwalkutake
      @Iwalkutake  Рік тому +2


    • @user-br3hh4wm3h
      @user-br3hh4wm3h Рік тому +2


    • @user-tj3wr6sq9t
      @user-tj3wr6sq9t 9 місяців тому


  • @slowmansiu4381
    @slowmansiu4381 Рік тому +17


    • @savecantoneseatccsf5332
      @savecantoneseatccsf5332 Рік тому +1

      Yes, I agree. My parents are from Hong Kong, so I remember that in my heart.

  • @Feu7331
    @Feu7331 Рік тому +17


    • @user-zt1dl2wq6s
      @user-zt1dl2wq6s Рік тому +2


    • @sola4393
      @sola4393 Рік тому +1

      There are Vietnamese/Chinese and many combinations, who speak fluent Cantonese too, will put you southern Chinese people to shame if you slacking off on your local language. 😂

  • @wktang9680
    @wktang9680 Рік тому +42

    好感謝Julia的付出, 我覺得提升廣東人的意識去守護自己的母語非常重要。我所以這樣説,因為隨著中國政府在教育上厲行單語政策,大陸人傳統起碼懂兩種語言(本地方言+國語普通話)的現象正在消失,越來越多的大陸人只懂得國語普通話,近年自廣州隨父母移民美國加州的廣州年輕人佔很大比例已經不能用廣州話和人溝通,當中不少人還以為這是正常的。廣東移民也有不少人追隨國語普通話一族,稱Oakland為奧克蘭而非自19世紀中期以來廣東人一貫稱呼的屋崙。我是一名翻譯員,一些灣區城市有立法要求市政府對佔市一定人口比例的外語語種提供語言翻譯服務,例如屋崙符合要求的語種是:廣州話、西班牙話、越南話,隨著近年來自中國北方的移民入住屋崙的人數持續上升,一些市政府的公衆活動可以見得到操國語普通話的市民參加,由於操國語普通話的人大多聽不懂廣州話,就算他們參與的人數少,翻譯員也經常承受壓力,本來工作指明是將英語翻成廣州話,都需要應對或兼顧國語普通話一族的需求。有時甚至被逼完全背離原來工作要求,轉而將英語翻成國語普通話,不再翻成廣州話。過程中廣東人經常是退讓的一方,儘管他們當中部分年長者可能完全聽不懂國語普通話,也不見他們提出異議。

    • @BAI8383
      @BAI8383 Рік тому +3


    • @savecantoneseatccsf5332
      @savecantoneseatccsf5332 Рік тому +4

      wow, this is really insightful, especially because Oakland is so close by. Some of our volunteers are from the East Bay too. I hope the new immigrants from the south can learn the language at least while living in the United States. College of Alameda still has Cantonese classes along with Sacramento City College, UC Berkeley, and of course City College of San Francisco.

    • @cathw263
      @cathw263 Рік тому +6


    • @Nannan-qz8qe
      @Nannan-qz8qe Рік тому +2

      @@cathw263 我觉得并没有什么错误啊,普通话更加简单明了,每个地方都有地方语言,也并没有限制去学习。只是更好的让大家交流而已,如果你听不懂别人说的,别人听不懂你说的,请问你该如何沟通?难道用手语吗?统一语言只是一个本同的渠道而已。那你学习英语做什么?孩子学习英语做什么?自己家的语言都不认同,见你学习英语的时候挺高兴啊。难道你是美国人?叛国?叛种族?一段话看透一个人,你连尊重都不配得到。可笑的话语。

    • @heihei9638
      @heihei9638 Рік тому


  • @eastendchico7503
    @eastendchico7503 Рік тому +14

    Brilliant Julia, your excellent to keeping Cantonese alive and passing onto the next generation. It’s part of our culture and it’s our mother tongue 👍🏼👍🏼❤️

  • @hillcalf
    @hillcalf Рік тому +16

    好快香港都需要捍衛廣東話 週街都係講普通話細路仔

    • @user-tl1bw4wp1c
      @user-tl1bw4wp1c 4 місяці тому


  • @zumikoo9723
    @zumikoo9723 Рік тому +11

    Just like what Ivan said in the video, knowing that someone from the other end of the world is making an effort to preserve and promote Cantonese is something very touching. Cantonese is my native language and I really appreciate the beauty of it. I feel really lucky that I learn the language when I was kid. I know it's difficult for foreigners to learn a language with all these different tones. My salute to Julia and all the people in SF who make big efforts to learn the language and to preserve the Cantonese heritage.
    And it's fun to watch this video of SF Chinatown, thanks Ivan.

  • @wooohoho
    @wooohoho Рік тому +9

    It’s very ironic that these non-native Cantonese speakers on the other side of the world love the language so much and are trying sooo hard to preserve it while here in Hong Kong many parents are being proud of not speaking Cantonese to their own kids.
    Do jeh Julia and Save Cantonese team
    ngo jan hai hou jung yi gong gwong dung wa🫶🏼

  • @megumilam7315
    @megumilam7315 Рік тому +11


  • @kawenlin4513
    @kawenlin4513 Рік тому +15


  • @jonathanchan7721
    @jonathanchan7721 Рік тому +12

    睇過好多人介紹SF Chinatown,你用廣東話作為切入點咁去介紹,好親切好有共鳴,多謝你👍🏽

  • @Thomas-fm9nb
    @Thomas-fm9nb Рік тому +12


  • @alexandermacarthur627
    @alexandermacarthur627 Рік тому +6


    • @waikintang8246
      @waikintang8246 3 місяці тому

      全球約一億人懂粵語 (白話)

  • @BBBZ123
    @BBBZ123 Рік тому +8

    I'm so proud of you all. As from HK myself in US, I share similar feelings and concerns as Julia does. Keep up all the good work❤

  • @issacpoon6819
    @issacpoon6819 Рік тому +7

    同托哥拍出來既三藩市完全係兩個樣 怡富拍出來好睇好多

  • @alpacapaca2951
    @alpacapaca2951 Рік тому +12


    • @chancalvin4292
      @chancalvin4292 Рік тому +3

      懶音都至少識講 依家啲小學生講普通話仲準過我講廣東話😂

    • @runhong1186
      @runhong1186 Рік тому +3


    • @dcdc828
      @dcdc828 Рік тому +1


  • @tinachan4466
    @tinachan4466 Рік тому +7


  • @regleo
    @regleo Рік тому +4

    真係好感動睇到三藩市嘅人咁努力守護廣東話,我係新加坡都好少機會講廣東話,仲有我都係用羅馬拼音輸入法打廣東話。It’s amazing to hear Cantonese being spoken in Chinatown in SF when I visited a few years ago. I had a great time conversing in Cantonese with the ladies at the Golden Gate Bakeries that it actually felt like I was in old HK as a kid. Now I’m aware of some of the effort of the unsung heroes who helped to keep Cantonese alive in SF. Heartfelt thanks❤

  • @hiauntie1934
    @hiauntie1934 Рік тому +8

    睇到起雞皮 多謝海外華人守護廣東話❤

  • @diulamor
    @diulamor Рік тому +9

    Thanks for your love and effort in Cantonese 😊

  • @user-vt1hx2we3f
    @user-vt1hx2we3f Рік тому +4


  • @bssun3662
    @bssun3662 Рік тому +11

    Thank you Julia & 怡富's efforts to support and promote Cantonese. This episode is very meaningful and touching, keep it up ! 多謝你們 😍😍 💪🙏

  • @joshualee8030
    @joshualee8030 Рік тому +5


  • @QuickKnowledgeToday
    @QuickKnowledgeToday Рік тому +9

    唔同地方都有人 take action

  • @lisilawchen7848
    @lisilawchen7848 Рік тому +6

    廣東话, 不只是单纯的一种方言, 而是体现着其中华文化精美的內涵和与世界文明接軌的範例。

  • @AuthorSamLui
    @AuthorSamLui Рік тому +1

    I was born and raised in Los Angeles, no longer residing there. I still speak Cantonese somewhat fluently. Why I say that, is I do struggle with a few words. However, whenever others hear me articulate, structure grammar and read Chinese; they would believe I was born and raised in Hong Kong. I didn't speak it that great, when I was younger. Growing up, we wanted to be more American and spoke more English. It wasn't until I was 14, I had to go to a herbal shop to pick up some medicine for my mom. A Chinese Vietnamese man told me off, for not being able to speak Cantonese. I went to school, studied hard for 2 years and with the help of my relatives, who just came to America that time helped me greatly. Even though, I live in a area where there is very little Cantonese speakers, I am still able to speak and practice it. I don't know how to speak Mandarin to this day(Used to hate how people who think they know a few words in Mandarin tell me how to speak Chinese properly in LA, that Cantonese isn't Chinese), but I can say I am always proud to relearn and still preserve this dialect from my parents.

  • @HongoSzeto
    @HongoSzeto Рік тому +4

    佢哋用Yale式拼音, 會教出英文口音嘅廣東話. 舊時喺香港外國人學廣東話嘅主流拼音
    而家多數用粵拼 (Jyutping/粵語拼音) ,拼出嚟嘅粵音極準, 小弟都用粵拼輸入打中文
    利申: 曾在外國大學粵語班做group tutor及私人收錢教ABC&外國人粵拼+廣東話, & 曾日日教前鬼妹女朋友粵拼+廣東話(佢識流利普通話, 有專業翻譯Cert.)

  • @garnett4567
    @garnett4567 Рік тому +4

    感謝你哋堅持講廣東話,萬分感動,繼續發揚光大, 薪火永遠相傳!👍👍👍👏👏👏

  • @pauljonas6883
    @pauljonas6883 Рік тому +8


  • @cchan8004
    @cchan8004 Рік тому +12

    今集又係好高質💛 最後埋尾嗰度又好靚 帶出嗰message 😊 我哋都想同Julia講聲多謝🙏🏻

    • @Iwalkutake
      @Iwalkutake  Рік тому +1

      ❤❤喜歡就好 thank you my editor ❤

  • @wengerarsene133
    @wengerarsene133 Рік тому +8


    • @tt200c
      @tt200c Рік тому +3


    • @user-rh2em9vs7v
      @user-rh2em9vs7v Рік тому


    • @tsteh3570
      @tsteh3570 3 місяці тому

      ​@@tt200c 香港人應該尊重早批廣東移民

  • @alextang4688
    @alextang4688 Рік тому +11


  • @terrie001
    @terrie001 Рік тому +6

    Julia - I live in MN. We barely have any Cantonese speakers here. I think it would be awesome if you can host an online virtual meeting for Cantonese learners and supporters. Like you said - it will be a fun time of hanging out with other Cantonese enthusiast. This way, you can also unite and spread Cantonese love around the entire country.

    • @zabrinaxyz
      @zabrinaxyz Рік тому

      You can follow Save Cantonese’s IG @savecantonese_ccsf

  • @davy318323
    @davy318323 Рік тому +6

    身为一个广东人 我绝对支持你😊

  • @idycho655
    @idycho655 Рік тому +7

    Thank you for supporting Cantonese!!!!!!!!!!! I am proud to speak Cantonese more than putonghua!!!!

  • @peterlam6076
    @peterlam6076 Рік тому +6

    台山話也是十分受用. .

  • @derekyu9981
    @derekyu9981 4 місяці тому +2


  • @astronaut-22
    @astronaut-22 3 місяці тому +1


  • @maomao8907
    @maomao8907 Рік тому +4

    Thank you so much for your efforts to preserve Cantonese ! Way to go! 💖

  • @angeloake1605
    @angeloake1605 Рік тому +6

    Thank you to Julia for preserving and sustaining Cantonese, and thanks to Ivan for highlighting this organization! 守護粵語、捍衛嶺南文化!

  • @P20838
    @P20838 Рік тому +6

    好感動 Very proud of you, Julia 😊

  • @user-yi6sy3zv8s
    @user-yi6sy3zv8s Рік тому +2

    Support 廣東話,love from Malaysian Cantonese speakers

  • @alanhooiyl
    @alanhooiyl Рік тому +7

    我來自吉隆坡, My mother tongue is CANTONESE, Not Mandarin!!! 我一定要維護廣東話💪🏼

    • @AJayTheStageArtist
      @AJayTheStageArtist Рік тому +1


  • @lanvu5740
    @lanvu5740 Рік тому +3

    I hope to visit San Francisco one day! I also appreciate that Julia is wanting to preserve the Cantonese language! I'm always trying to collect as many Cantonese audio movies and TV series on DVD as they are now harder to come by (especially living in Canada)

  • @kathontheroad
    @kathontheroad Рік тому +7

    All I wanna say is this episode is freaking beautiful😭💗 呢集做得好出色啊(好有鏗鏘集既feel好正🤣),以前都唔知原來三藩市仲有咁多人講緊廣東話,多謝 Julia 捍衛廣東話😭💓

    • @Iwalkutake
      @Iwalkutake  Рік тому


    • @cc-cm1hy
      @cc-cm1hy 3 місяці тому

      係囉 唔怪之得細嗰成日聽人講去三藩市

  • @SH-sz4jh
    @SH-sz4jh Рік тому +4

    Thank you for covering this story about preserving Cantonese and Thank you Julia! Hong Kongers need to have a stronger awareness in speaking Cantonese and writing traditional chinese when more and more younger generation start to speak Mandarin. Hong Kong culture and identity tie greatly to our language. Kudos to the 2 ABC girls who speak Canto to preserve their culture!

  • @winnielow2216
    @winnielow2216 Рік тому +6

    Thanks so much for this video! I have immigrated to SF from Hong Kong since 80s. My 10 year old son just graduated from Chinese Immersion deAvila School learning how to speak and write Cantonese. I am also a huge supporter of Cantonese and I love to see how I can contribute to Save Cantonese. I will show my son this video encouraging him to continue learning Cantonese. Keep up the good work, Julia!!!

    • @juliaquon9166
      @juliaquon9166 Рік тому +1

      I have a lot of friends who went to deAvila too!

  • @conniechan6844
    @conniechan6844 Рік тому +4


  • @bobbyiapple
    @bobbyiapple 4 місяці тому +1

    Thanks! Cantonese language will never die.

  • @vincenttop10
    @vincenttop10 4 місяці тому +1


  • @sfkfk3322
    @sfkfk3322 Рік тому +3

    Thank you Julia. You have done such an amazing job to save the Cantonese outside of the place we grew up. We admire you and we want to be like you but we are losing freedom day by day. Anyway I am so proud of you. Add oil👍

  • @tonytsui5043
    @tonytsui5043 Рік тому +4


  • @daydreamer719
    @daydreamer719 Рік тому +3

    As a HK-er I'm so touched!! Thank you so much Julia! Hope every Cantonese speaking person living outside HK can spread the importance of Cantonese and help preserve this endangered language.

  • @haloken
    @haloken Рік тому +3
