After the events of the Future Soldier is the year 2024, Ghost Recon Breakpoint follows in 2025, why? In the DLC Red Patriot Priot Buhkarov seeks revenge for the death of his father (Mikhail Buhkarov, we faced him in the Invisible Bear mission) in that year his allies and Priot hid the rest is History, greetings
Ce jeux m' inspire beaucoup
Theres 30k ghost lead pepper and kozak
is he Ghost Lead?
Where's Nomad
After the events of the Future Soldier is the year 2024, Ghost Recon Breakpoint follows in 2025, why? In the DLC Red Patriot Priot Buhkarov seeks revenge for the death of his father (Mikhail Buhkarov, we faced him in the Invisible Bear mission) in that year his allies and Priot hid the rest is History, greetings
what are the names of these soliders?
You play as kozak. Others are ghost lead, 30k and pepper