This video reminds me of your My Way series back in the day. I love them so much. Anyway, my hopes for Season 3(if it happens): 1. Priya is the first boot 2. Julia doesn't make merge again. 3. Damien or MK wins 4. Chase lasts longer than Emma 5. Scary Girl becomes a villain 6. 2 New Characters 7. Chase gets a redemption arc
Honestly My Time ( Not Counting my new 2 contestants ) Axel: She Becomes distant From Everyone After Ripper Quiting, goes through 2 team changes, And Gets Eliminated Right Before The Merge Bowie: He's An Mid Pre-Merge Boot, due to him being a threat Caleb: At The Start, he's a bit Jelous of Chase and Priya's Friendship, but he forgives Chase and Is Eliminated together with Priya in the first double elimination in Late Pre Merge Chase: He Improved himself, Forgot About Emma, and Created a Bond with His Friends. He Has a Rivaly with Mk, but a Friendly Relationship with Julia, He wins the Season And Gets One Million Dollars Damien: He Flies Under The Radar, Comforted Scary Girl, Fought with Julia for the Idol, that Chase stole to save himself, and gets into the final 3 Emma: She reveals, that She only Dated Chase for his fame, popularity, and Money. She's the First Boot Julia: She goes through the arc similar to S3 Heather. She befriends Chase. She also has a crush on Wayne, but he starts dating Nichelle. She ultimately gets 2nd place Millie: Fourth Boot. She Is A Smart Kid and basically only talks about the facts of the locations. She still supports Priya, Caleb, and Damien, but has a Dislike for Chase Mk: She is the Main Antagonist, Slowly Playing with Everyone. She becomes Chase's Rival and gets fourth. She still has a friendship with Julia. Nichelle: She Improved in Smarts. She decides to become Wayne's Girlfriend and Gets out with him in a double elimination Priya: She tries to keep a low profile, due to her placements being a threat. She becomes Chase's Friend but still holds a grudge against Ripper, she gets Medically Evacuated and Is a Part of a Double Elimination Raj: He convinced everyone to vote him out. Early Pre-Merge Boot Ripper: He Quits at the start, then returns at the merge, and gets out quickly Scary Girl: She opens up about her Traumas to Damien, who grows to be her friend. Second Boot of the Season Wayne: He has Feelings for Nichelle. He learned to not keep his guard down making him a Merge boot. Him and Nichelle become a couple Zee: Him and Chase are best bros, and try to defeat opponents, Mostly Chase does the most, while Zee goofs around, he gets into the top 5 Now the Elimination Order X: Ripper 18: Emma 17: Scary Girl 16: Raj 15: Millie 14: Bowie 13: Priya 12: Caleb 11: Axel Merge + Ripper Returns 10: New Character 9: Ripper 8: Second New Character 7/6: Wayne/Nichelle 5: Zee 4: Mk 3: Damien 2: Julia 1: Chase ( Please, don't kill me in the comments )
Me personally, I don’t think Priya is leaving before merge. I could def see her going into the spot where Bowie was last season being the first boot after merge occurs. This is for 2 reasons 1. Her whole character is being built for total drama. She is going to lock tf in during challenges to save her ass. Also writers love her 2. This is the biggest reason. Caleb was a finalist. If the finalists can pick teams again, Priya could easily convince Caleb to pick people that are aligned with her causing her to slip by even if her team loses However, once the merge comes, Priya is cooked the moment she doesn’t have immunity as the other 2 teams would easily have the numbers to boot her
I guess my predictions if there is a season 3 is: 16th: Zee 15th: Wayne 14th: Julia 13th: Priya 12th: Ripper (early boot so Axel gets more development) 11th: Scary Girl (I want her to make merge but I don’t see it for her sadly) Merge - 10th: Millie 9th: Caleb 8th: Nichelle 7th: Bowie 6th: Emma 5th: Damien 4th: Raj Final Three - MK vs Chase vs Axel MK as the main villain, Chase gets the villain redemption storyline and Axel overall proves to be a strong competitor.
so your predicted elim order is 16) Priya 15) Julia 14) Zee 13) Wayne 12) Axel 11) Millie merge 10/9) Bowie/Scary Girl 8) Raj 7) Caleb 6) Nichelle 5) Damien 4) Chase 3) MK (main Villain) 2) Emma 1) Ripper
If season 3 were to air, I wouldn't be surprised if Lauren got voted out first again However lots of people are saying Julia could get the early boot, which would not be surprising either
My predictions: 16th: Emma (because of Chase) 15th: Caleb (because of Millie) 14th: Priya (Because herself (sacrificed herself for Millie) 13th: Julia (Because of Scary Girl) 12th: Ripper (Because of Axel) 11th: Wayne (Because of Bowie) 10th: Bowie (Because of Raj) 9th: MK (Because of Scary Girl) MERGE 8th: Raj (Because Damien accidentally ran into him (like kitty did in rr) Leading him to me medically evacuated) 7th: Damien (Because of himself (told everyone to vote him bc he felt bad for Raj)) 6th: Nichelle (Because of Scary Girl) 5th: Axel (Because of Scary Girl) 4th: Zee (Because of Chase) (immunity idol) MAIN HERO 3rd: Chase (Because of Scary Girl) 2nd: Scary Girl (Because of Millie) MAIN VILLAN 1st: Millie ANTI HERO 😊
Hey just a suggestion (btw im Ryan hopefully mod soon in the dis server) i would like if u did dcs1 and 2 my ways and tdi reboot my way.(Like the old days)
Late but i love this prediciton. I want Chase and Ripper to have a redemption arc,I hope that Wayne doesn't get booted early. And i hope priya and Julia are the first two out.
what i want to happen to everyone! Lauren- Mid Merge 7th-5th Chase- Early Pre Merge- 16th-14th Millie- Late Merge- 4th-2nd Emma- Winner- 1st Nichelle- Mid Megre 7th-5th Bowie- Mid Merge- 7th-5th Raj- Late Merge- 4th-2nd Wayne- Early Pre Merge- 16th-14th Ripper- Mid- Pre Merge - 13th-11th Zee- Mid Pre Merge- 13th-11th Axel- Late Merge- 4th-2nd Damien- Mid Pre Merge- 13th-11th MK- Early Merge- 10th-8th Caleb- Early Merge- 10th-8th Julia- Early Merge- 10th-8th Priya- Early Pre Merge- 16th-14th Heres a quick elim order aswell: 16th- Priya 15th- Chase 14th- Wayne 13th- Zee 12th-Ripper 11th-Damien 10th and 9th- Mk and Julia 8th- Caleb 7th- Nichelle 6th- Scary Girl 5th- Bowie 4th- Millie 3rd- Axel 2nd- Raj 1st- Emma
What I think of the prediction: • I agree with Priya being a first boot. From what I’ve seen from seasons 1 and 2, she’s a very strong competitor and is way too good at the game. I also absolutely agree with Julia being an early boot, I’d say 15th. She’s been too long a villain. Having her be a villain a third time is just milking it. As for Zee, I think it’s right for him to place 14th. Have his placements divided by 2. I get his social game, but I get where you’re going. • I slightly have mixed feelings for Axel placing 13th. Having Millie as 12th is fine. Having being improved better is nice to see. But knowing she could be absolutely destroyed way on if she made merge, this is the right placement for her. Also, seeing Wayne as 11th is kinda shocking. But I would be alright with it since it could be a good shock. • I’m guessing Bowie would be 10th in my opinion. I think it’s ok for him to place here, but I’m thinking he may be 9th or 8th. I think Scary Girl being 9th is perfect. She has a redemption arc after being screwed over in the past seasons. As long as she doesn’t scare anyone to death, this would be perfect. And seeing as MK is her only friend, MK manipulating Scary Girl would be hilarious. As for Raj, poor guy. I’m thinking he may be a finalist for this. • I very much disagree with Caleb being mid merge, but IRYO. I personally think he should be late premerge, say 13th. I honestly don’t like how his character was done in S2. Bro just fell for Julia’s scams many times even though he KNOWS what she’s done in S1. Damien in mid merge again? Dang, I’d think he would be a finalist or late merge for sure! His eliminations were pure BS and the way his eliminations were written were so poor. Having him be farther would be perfect. And if Nichelle has the MOST BEAUTIFUL REDEMPTION I’ve seen, then I’ll possibly make her a favorite again. The way her eliminations were made just made me think she’s mediocre! She went from not being a quitter to IMMEDIATELY being a quitter. Hopefully she makes Julia take an L. • I’m hoping Chase gets a redemption arc, I honestly don’t like how clingy he is. It makes me annoyed. I also don’t like how he doesn’t care about anyone but himself. 4th is not really alright for him. MK being the main villain would be perfect. As long as she doesn’t obsess over Julia whole game, I’ll be alright with her. She IS my personal favorite character after all and her eliminations like Damien just didn’t make sense at all. Emma being a finalist would be perfect since she would get the development she needs. Her elimination in s2 was pretty unfair since it was PRIYA who led her the wrong way. • As for Ripper, him being a winner is awesome. At first I didn’t like him, but I do now. Hopefully he acts pretty brute in the game and doesn’t obsess over Axel whole time. This took some time and this is my honest opinions on this. Here’s my prediction on s3 if there is one: 16th: Julia 15th: Priya 14th: Zee 13th: Caleb 12th: Millie 11th: Wayne MERGE 10th: Bowie 9th: Scary Girl 8th: Chase 7th: Nichelle 6th: Axel 5th: MK 4th: Raj 3rd: Damien 2nd: Emma 1st: Ripper And that’s it. Thank you for reading all of this.
My Way With This Cast 😍🤪 16th - Priya (5-3) (When the red team lost, despite multiple disputes between Chase & Emma, they agreed to vote Priya off due to being such a big threat. Only Damien & Zee remained on Priya's side.) 15th - Wayne (5-2) (During the challenge, Wayne & Raj got distracted as usual. This led to the team losing; where they voted Wayne out.) 14th - Julia (7-1) (Despite seeming to find her footing somewhat, everybody distrusted her, and voted her out.) 13th - Bowie (4-3) (Although it looked as if MK would be going here, she was able to get Scary Girl, Axel, and Ripper on her side to vote Bowie out.) 12th - Zee (3-2-1) (Zee had been spending a lot of time getting Emma & Chase to like each other once again; in which he was successful. However, Damien had begun to feel distant from his friend, and confides in Nichelle & Raj to vote him out.) 11th - Emma (3-2) (With Chase & Emma having finally gotten along, the others decided it was dangerous to keep a duo on their team; voting Emma out.) 10th - Axel (Quit) (Axel had enough of Ripper constantly annoying her, and at the end of the challenge, decided to walk from the game, canceling the elimination ceremony.) *MERGE* Nichelle wins Immunity. 9th - Ripper (5-4) (Ripper decided he was done with the game & got people to vote him out. Caleb & Chase had sided with MK due to numbers in order to try voting one of Damien's friends, Millie, out.) Chase wins Immunity. 8th - Damien (4-4/Lost Tie) (MK's side voted for Damien, while Damien's side voted for MK. Damien ended up losing the tie after MK cheated.) Scary Girl wins Immunity. 7th - Nichelle (4-3) (Viewed as the biggest threat out of her alliance.) MK wins Immunity. 6th - Caleb (3-2-1) (MK was worried that Caleb would turn on their alliance, so she got Chase & Scary Girl to go after him first.) 5th - Chase (Auto-Elim) (Chris made the contestants compete in a Survivor-esque obstacle course; in which the loser would be eliminated, which was Chase.) (Continued later)
I'm 2 days late (just got time to see the whole video) and I agree with some of the points you bring, so... Here is my version:) First off, teams, I think they will be random or selected by a race placement So team 1=🔴 and team 2=🟢 🔴 Has Chase, Priya, Millie, Caleb, Julia, Raj, scary girl and Zee 🟢 Has Bowie, Wayne, MK, Axel, Nichelle, Damien, Ripper and Emma Now I'll talk about the characters, interactions and placement First off, 16th: 🔴Zee: Zee being Zee gets along with all his team, however on the challenge he is the reason why they fail, he was kinda confident his buddies wouldn't vote him off but, surprisingly most of them did, however still cool he accepted this early defeat. His early departure left chase in danger... 15th: 🔴Priya: as one of the past winners Priya is confident of her leadership, even more seeing how she has Caleb and Millie by her side, however on the second challenge her "bossy" side came out, the rest of her team (probably because of Julia) saw Priya as a future problem if she stays, so shockingly she was eliminated. Her departure led to Caleb and Millie trying to work together... 14th: 🟢Ripper: returns this season still in a strong relationship with Axel, however he is overwhelming her, as doing everything for her and not wanting to leave her side, eventually this causes his team to lose and they target him (Axel included), leaving to him still waiting to say goodbye to her, Axel tells him that they need some space... 13th: 🔴Julia: confident that she will be able to run the show again she has no problem lying and sabotaging, however no one cares about her, this doesn't bother her at first but then she begins to worry when Chase and Lauren begin to get along with the rest, on a hot spot she is desperate to stay in the game, however no matter her attempts she left the game, her karma kicked back. 12th: 🟢Wayne: confident because of his win last season, Wayne tries to lead his team (with the help of Bowie), working together to get on the merge all together, not being on the same team as Raj slowed him down at first but then he got confident, too much confident, his game plans weren't the best but they worked somehow, until they didn't, Wayne's plan backfire and the whole team start to blame him (aside form Damien and Bowie... At first) eventually he was eliminated but was able to say goodbye to Raj. 11th: 🟢Bowie: In a strong relationship with Raj and still confident he returns, this time working together with Emma and Wayne to get far, talking about her, Bowie and Emma friendship returns, Bowie is proud of Emma for being herself but he can see she still focuses a lot on Chase so he gives her relationship advices, off topic he also feels bad for voting for Wayne, MK eventually blames him for a backfired sabotage leading to his elimination and being waved away by Raj and Emma. 10th: 🟢MK: confident as always she returns to make chaos with Julia, however, they were set in different teams and exposed since last season, MK was in a hot spot, she was able to get Wayne and Bowie out and was already thinking her next move by blaming Nichelle off, however the winning team had the chance to vote someone out, and in a turn of events MK was selected, shocked she left the island. 9th: 🔴Raj: Good relationship but now apart from his BF and BFF he was left alone with people he didn't know at all, eventually and despite being socially awkward at first he is able to make friends with the guys left on his team, however a big turn of events happens when he is eliminated as everyone else was actually in an alliance, not mad at all he left the Island. (More next)
✨ Merge ✨ I'm going to talk about relationships and alliances at this point. Damien, Nichelle and Axel: the first two were already friends since last season, Axel joined them after Ripper's elimination, they work out together and give advice to each other to beat their weak points (fears, social skills and Thinking) Emma: she exists, after Bowie's departure she sticks with Damien's alliance until Merge, she gets along with them but doesn't know what she can bring to their alliance so she stays out, sadly for her Chase is still here. Damien and Millie: they are still friends BTW Millie and Caleb: they didn't get well at first, only talking with each other because of Priya, but eventually they grow closer and get along well. Scary girl, Chase, Caleb and Millie: after Zee elimination and seeing how unpopular he was Chase is left with a target on himself, Lauren sees this and makes an alliance with him, Chase was either scared of her actions or desperate to stay in the game so he agrees, following her will Chase votes out Raj, by himself Chase also makes friend with Caleb as a good/bad duo, Caleb slowly changes Chase personality and thoughts to turn him into a better person, On Raj's Elimination is revealed that Caleb and Millie were also in Lauren's alliance (without they knowing each other was in), Caleb and Millie joined after Priya's Elimination either "forced" by Lauren's repercutions or as an attempt to stay longer, this of course before they got along with each other, scared of what Lauren could do if they left, it's a shock at first but they agree on keeping the alliance whitout Scary (she doesn't know) Now let's keep going 8th: Axel: Ripper's departure left a mark on her, making her question her actions a bit too far, Luckily for her Nichelle and Damien were there to help her, after Scary girl won Immunity the others decided to eliminate either axel or Nichelle, Lauren suggested to eliminate Nichelle but as it turns out her alliance turn her down and went for Axel instead (this is for later BTW), Axel lives and it's really to talk things out with Ripper. 7th/6th: Millie and Caleb: This was a Roblox drama style Purge challenge, the last 2 to arrive would be eliminated, this ended up being Millie and Caleb, unlike the others they were constantly helping each other out, this slowed them down, even if they weren't able to win for Priya they got a friend in each other, Scary confronts Chase about leaving her alliance, forcing him to work with her through threats. 5th: Damien: Grow up as a person and become braver thanks to Axel and Nichelle, Scary is responsible for his elimination, She was targeting Nichelle, attempt to severely hurt her, Damien is able to save her but this leaves Damien severe injured, so he had to leave for medical reasons, still he was able to prove himself as someone Brave and able to help others. On this challenge Chase finally apologizes to Emma, showing her how he has changed all thanks to Caleb and ending as friends. 4th: Emma: happy with all her relationship regained on this season she is ready to get on the final 3 with Chase and Nichelle, now the problem was taking Scary girl out, On the end Nichelle won Immunity so it was a fact that scary would be voted out, however Chase was once again forced to vote for Emma, you can only think the worst of what Lauren can do, in a Tie between Emma and Lauren the latter kill it on the challenge leaving a heart hurt Emma to ask Chase and Nichelle for revenge and justice. 3rd/2nd/1st: Chase, Nichelle and Scary girl, the finalists of this season, someone who controlled others, someone being controlled and someone ready to prove herself, in the end any of them can win but for me Nichelle and Chase should, if they do they will share the money with the rest (Julia, Mk and Lauren included), so in the end it's a happy ending :D
Votes cuz why not Episode 1: 🔴 votes for Zee: 5 (Priya, Millie, Caleb, Raj and Lauren) Julia: 2 (Chase and Zee) Chase: 1 (Julia) Episode 2: 🔴 votes for Priya: 4 (Julia, Raj, Lauren and Chase) Julia: 3 (Priya, Millie and Caleb) Episode 3: 🟢 Votes for Ripper: 6 (Bowie, Wayne, MK, Nichelle, Emma and Axel) Mk: 2 (Ripper and Damien) Episode 4: 🔴 Votes for Julia: 5 (Raj, Millie, Caleb, Chase and Lauren) Scary girl: 1 (Julia) Episode 5: 🟢 Votes for Wayne: 4 (Mk, Emma, Axel and Nichelle) MK: 3 (Damien, Wayne and Bowie) Episode 6: 🟢 Votes for Bowie: 4 (Mk, Nichelle, Damien and axel) MK: 2 (Emma and Bowie) Episode 7: 🟢 No votes casted Mk was voted out by the other team. Episode 8: 🔴 Votes for Raj: 4 (Millie, Caleb, Chase and Lauren) Scary girl: 1 (Raj) Episode 9: ✨ Merge ✨ Scary girl wins Immunity Votes: Axel: 4 (Emma, Chase, Caleb and Millie) Caleb: 3 (Nichelle, Damien and Axel) Nichelle: 1 (Scary girl) Episode 10: Double purge challenge Millie and Caleb arrived last and were eliminated. Episode 11: Emma won Immunity (granted by Chase) Damien has a medical evacuation. Episode 12: Nichelle wins Immunity Votes: Emma: 2 (Scary girl and Chase) Scary girl: 2 (Nichelle and Emma) Tie breaker, Scary girl wins, Emma is eliminated Episode 13: the Grand finally Nichelle Vs Chase Vs Scary girl
Ei dude total drama island reboot season 3 my way 16 Priya (3-2) 15 Wayne (4-1) 14 Ripper (4-2) 13 Bowie (4) 12 Millie (3-1) 11 Caleb (2-1) Merge 10/9 Chase and Emma (5-5) 8 Raj (4-3-1) 7 Julia (2-1)(Scary girl use the immunity totem) 6 Axel (4-2) 5 Scary girl (4-1) 4 Damien (quit) 3 Nichelle 2 MK 1 Zee Questions?
I would definitely want Bowie to be friends with Damien and Caleb in season 3. He was nicer in season 2; and I also want him and Emma to make up and for her not to get back with Chase whether or not he truly redeems himself. Plus, I don’t want Ripper to win the season. That’d be a bit disappointing
I really love your way of this season! Nice Work! Here’s my way: I’ve added two new characters in my way so the teams can be even. There names are Kira and Brett. Kira is a mean girl who will do anything to get whatever she wants. Brett is a cool guy that just likes to have fun and make friends. Here are the teams: Team Victory: Priya, Caleb, Ripper, Bowie, Axel, and Millie. Team Amazon: Julia, Nichelle, MK, Chase, Emma, and Kira. Team Chris: Damien, Zee, Wayne, Raj, Scary Girl, and Brett. Episode 1: No elimination Episode 2: 18th: Priya (Since that Priya won in S1 and with Caleb by her side the team saw her as a threat so she was the first boot) Episode 3: 17th: Millie (Without Priya Millie wasn’t good in challenges and didn’t have anybody by her side and since that she cost her team the challenge she was the next contestant voted off) Episode 4: 16th Caleb: (Caleb missed Priya and he cost his team the challenge so he was the next contestant voted out) Episode 5: No elimination: Episode 6: Aftermath: Hosts: Priya and Caleb: Guest: Millie Episode 7: 15th: Ripper (Team Victory lost again and Bowie needed broke Ripper and Axel up so he could save himself from getting eliminated. Axel and Bowie voted for Ripper so he was the next contestant eliminated) Episode 8: No elimination Episode 9: 14th: Zee (Zee cost his team the challenge so he was the next contestant eliminated) Episode 10: No elimination Episode 11: 13th/12th: Chase/Emma (Emma and Chase kept on arguing and their teammates had enough so they were both eliminated in a double elimination. Episode 12: Guests: Ripper, Zee, Chase, and Emma. Episode 13: 11th: Wayne (Team Chris lost the challenge. Since that Wayne lost last season the other teammates found him as a threat so Brett, Damien, and Scary Girl voted for Wayne) Episode 14: No elimation Episode 15: 10th: Bowie (There was a tie between Axel in the elimination but Bowie lost the tiebreaker so he was the next contestant eliminated) Episode 16th: Raj: (Raj missed Bowie so much that he was too sad to help his team in the challenge. He cost his team so he was the next one voted off) Episode 17: No elimination Episode 18: Aftermath: Wayne, Raj, and Bowie. Merge: Episode 19: 8th: Brett (Brett made a lot of great friends on his team but the other contestants found him as a threat because he’s too nice so he was the next contestant eliminated) Episode 20: 7th/6th: MK and Julia (After Nichelle got eliminated by Julia last season she decided to pay Julia and MK back. Nichelle and Kira decided to poison them with food from the plane and they both got evacuated from the game. Episode 21: 5th Scary Girl (Scary decided to be even more scarier than ever this season threatening her teammates to not vote for her until the other contestants had it and she was the next contestant eliminated. Episode 22: No elimination Episode 23: 4th: Nichelle (Nichelle and Kira agreed to work together to make it to the final 2. But Kira outplayed Nichelle and eliminated her because she was to good in challenges. Episode 24: Aftermath: Brett, MK, Julia, Scary Girl, and MK. Episode 25: No elimination Episode 26: Final 3! Damien Supporters: Wayne, Raj, Bowie, Scary Girl, Priya, Millie, Zee, Caleb, Nichelle, Chase, Emma, and Brett. Axel Supporters: Ripper, Julia, and MK. Kira Supporters: No one 3rd!🥉Axel: (Kira sabotaged Axel in the first part of the final challenge so she got eliminated) 2nd!🥈Kira: (Kira loses to Damien in the second part of the final challenge so she gets second place) 1st!🥇Damien: (Damien beats Kira in the second part of the final challenge so he is the winner) I know that this is a lot and I hope that they do something like this next season but either way I hope you like my way of season 3!
My prediction if it was 13 episodes 16th-Scary Girl 15th-Ripper 14th-Zee 13th-Nichelle 12th-Caleb 11th/10th-MK and Julia 9th-Wayne 8th-Priya 7th-Damien 6th-Emma 5th-Bowie 4th-Raj 3rd-Millie 2nd-Chase 1st-Axel
As much as I would love for julia to win. I think her time has passed. If she wasn't going to win in season 2, she'll probably never win now. I don't see any universe where julia can make another deep dive.
Do you think we'll get a Season 3 of the Reboot?
Well Season One told there would be a 2nd season but Season Two never really told. So most likely Season Three isn’t happening but it could!
Terry said they didn't want to let this cast go but they still need to see how the season performs.
I’m hoping
Probably not
Maybe if they have good ratings in the US
My prediction
16 julia
15 priya
14 Axel
13 caleb
12 zee
11 scary girl
10 Bowie
9 millie
8 Wayne
7 emma
6 nichelle
5 chase
4 raj
🥈MK (villain)
🥇Ripper 🎉
This video reminds me of your My Way series back in the day. I love them so much.
Anyway, my hopes for Season 3(if it happens):
1. Priya is the first boot
2. Julia doesn't make merge again.
3. Damien or MK wins
4. Chase lasts longer than Emma
5. Scary Girl becomes a villain
6. 2 New Characters
7. Chase gets a redemption arc
Honestly My Time ( Not Counting my new 2 contestants )
Axel: She Becomes distant From Everyone After Ripper Quiting, goes through 2 team changes, And Gets Eliminated Right Before The Merge
Bowie: He's An Mid Pre-Merge Boot, due to him being a threat
Caleb: At The Start, he's a bit Jelous of Chase and Priya's Friendship, but he forgives Chase and Is Eliminated together with Priya in the first double elimination in Late Pre Merge
Chase: He Improved himself, Forgot About Emma, and Created a Bond with His Friends. He Has a Rivaly with Mk, but a Friendly Relationship with Julia, He wins the Season And Gets One Million Dollars
Damien: He Flies Under The Radar, Comforted Scary Girl, Fought with Julia for the Idol, that Chase stole to save himself, and gets into the final 3
Emma: She reveals, that She only Dated Chase for his fame, popularity, and Money. She's the First Boot
Julia: She goes through the arc similar to S3 Heather. She befriends Chase. She also has a crush on Wayne, but he starts dating Nichelle. She ultimately gets 2nd place
Millie: Fourth Boot. She Is A Smart Kid and basically only talks about the facts of the locations. She still supports Priya, Caleb, and Damien, but has a Dislike for Chase
Mk: She is the Main Antagonist, Slowly Playing with Everyone. She becomes Chase's Rival and gets fourth. She still has a friendship with Julia.
Nichelle: She Improved in Smarts. She decides to become Wayne's Girlfriend and Gets out with him in a double elimination
Priya: She tries to keep a low profile, due to her placements being a threat. She becomes Chase's Friend but still holds a grudge against Ripper, she gets Medically Evacuated and Is a Part of a Double Elimination
Raj: He convinced everyone to vote him out. Early Pre-Merge Boot
Ripper: He Quits at the start, then returns at the merge, and gets out quickly
Scary Girl: She opens up about her Traumas to Damien, who grows to be her friend. Second Boot of the Season
Wayne: He has Feelings for Nichelle. He learned to not keep his guard down making him a Merge boot. Him and Nichelle become a couple
Zee: Him and Chase are best bros, and try to defeat opponents, Mostly Chase does the most, while Zee goofs around, he gets into the top 5
Now the Elimination Order
X: Ripper
18: Emma
17: Scary Girl
16: Raj
15: Millie
14: Bowie
13: Priya
12: Caleb
11: Axel
Merge + Ripper Returns
10: New Character
9: Ripper
8: Second New Character
7/6: Wayne/Nichelle
5: Zee
4: Mk
3: Damien
2: Julia
1: Chase
( Please, don't kill me in the comments )
As a chase fan I love it
Weird how Emma has to be made into a forced antagonist for Chase to become a good character even though Chase abused her, like be for real.
Me personally, I don’t think Priya is leaving before merge. I could def see her going into the spot where Bowie was last season being the first boot after merge occurs. This is for 2 reasons
1. Her whole character is being built for total drama. She is going to lock tf in during challenges to save her ass. Also writers love her
2. This is the biggest reason. Caleb was a finalist. If the finalists can pick teams again, Priya could easily convince Caleb to pick people that are aligned with her causing her to slip by even if her team loses
However, once the merge comes, Priya is cooked the moment she doesn’t have immunity as the other 2 teams would easily have the numbers to boot her
Chases redemption story 😭
Has much I love Chase, he does not fit a redemption arc
16th: Priya
15th: Zee
14th: Julia
13th: Caleb
12th: Wayne
11th: Emma
10th: Axel
9th: Chase
8th: Bowie
7th: Scary Girl
6th: Raj
5th: Millie
4th: Nichelle
3rd: Ripper
2nd: MK
1st: Damien
This is prob the best prediction yet, if Ripper wins like that he wouldn't be hated so much anymore. Priya first boot petition YESSS!!
Worst* scary girl should win
@@IIl79954 nope
Give this man a Nobel prize!!!
I guess my predictions if there is a season 3 is:
16th: Zee
15th: Wayne
14th: Julia
13th: Priya
12th: Ripper (early boot so Axel gets more development)
11th: Scary Girl (I want her to make merge but I don’t see it for her sadly)
Merge - 10th: Millie
9th: Caleb
8th: Nichelle
7th: Bowie
6th: Emma
5th: Damien
4th: Raj
Final Three - MK vs Chase vs Axel
MK as the main villain, Chase gets the villain redemption storyline and Axel overall proves to be a strong competitor.
so your predicted elim order is
16) Priya
15) Julia
14) Zee
13) Wayne
12) Axel
11) Millie
10/9) Bowie/Scary Girl
8) Raj
7) Caleb
6) Nichelle
5) Damien
4) Chase
3) MK (main Villain)
2) Emma
1) Ripper
Yesss!!!! You believe my boi Ripper finally catching a dub!
I want to see Ella return because I love her 😍❤️
I like it 😊
If season 3 were to air, I wouldn't be surprised if Lauren got voted out first again
However lots of people are saying Julia could get the early boot, which would not be surprising either
My predictions:
16th: Emma (because of Chase)
15th: Caleb (because of Millie)
14th: Priya (Because herself (sacrificed herself for Millie)
13th: Julia (Because of Scary Girl)
12th: Ripper (Because of Axel)
11th: Wayne (Because of Bowie)
10th: Bowie (Because of Raj)
9th: MK (Because of Scary Girl)
8th: Raj (Because Damien accidentally ran into him (like kitty did in rr) Leading him to me medically evacuated)
7th: Damien (Because of himself (told everyone to vote him bc he felt bad for Raj))
6th: Nichelle (Because of Scary Girl)
5th: Axel (Because of Scary Girl)
4th: Zee (Because of Chase) (immunity idol) MAIN HERO
3rd: Chase (Because of Scary Girl)
2nd: Scary Girl (Because of Millie) MAIN VILLAN
1st: Millie ANTI HERO
I predict a Wayne first boot and an SG winner with Chase runner up and SOMEHOW BC SHE FLOATED pulled a third place
Hey just a suggestion (btw im Ryan hopefully mod soon in the dis server) i would like if u did dcs1 and 2 my ways and tdi reboot my way.(Like the old days)
My prediction:
16. Ripper
15. Wayne
14./13. Julia & Priya
12. Zee
11. Raj
10. Scary Girl
9. Millie
8. Bowie
7. Axel
6. Nichelle
5. Caleb
4. Emma
3. Chase
2. MK
1. Damien
Cameos in the seaons: Lindsay, Gwen, Trent, Zoey, Cameron, Heather, Alejandro, Bridgette, Dave, Ella, Mike and Amy
Late but i love this prediciton. I want Chase and Ripper to have a redemption arc,I hope that Wayne doesn't get booted early. And i hope priya and Julia are the first two out.
what i want to happen to everyone!
Lauren- Mid Merge 7th-5th
Chase- Early Pre Merge- 16th-14th
Millie- Late Merge- 4th-2nd
Emma- Winner- 1st
Nichelle- Mid Megre 7th-5th
Bowie- Mid Merge- 7th-5th
Raj- Late Merge- 4th-2nd
Wayne- Early Pre Merge- 16th-14th
Ripper- Mid- Pre Merge - 13th-11th
Zee- Mid Pre Merge- 13th-11th
Axel- Late Merge- 4th-2nd
Damien- Mid Pre Merge- 13th-11th
MK- Early Merge- 10th-8th
Caleb- Early Merge- 10th-8th
Julia- Early Merge- 10th-8th
Priya- Early Pre Merge- 16th-14th
Heres a quick elim order aswell:
16th- Priya
15th- Chase
14th- Wayne
13th- Zee
10th and 9th- Mk and Julia
8th- Caleb
7th- Nichelle
6th- Scary Girl
5th- Bowie
4th- Millie
3rd- Axel
2nd- Raj
1st- Emma
What I think of the prediction:
• I agree with Priya being a first boot. From what I’ve seen from seasons 1 and 2, she’s a very strong competitor and is way too good at the game. I also absolutely agree with Julia being an early boot, I’d say 15th. She’s been too long a villain. Having her be a villain a third time is just milking it. As for Zee, I think it’s right for him to place 14th. Have his placements divided by 2. I get his social game, but I get where you’re going.
• I slightly have mixed feelings for Axel placing 13th. Having Millie as 12th is fine. Having being improved better is nice to see. But knowing she could be absolutely destroyed way on if she made merge, this is the right placement for her. Also, seeing Wayne as 11th is kinda shocking. But I would be alright with it since it could be a good shock.
• I’m guessing Bowie would be 10th in my opinion. I think it’s ok for him to place here, but I’m thinking he may be 9th or 8th. I think Scary Girl being 9th is perfect. She has a redemption arc after being screwed over in the past seasons. As long as she doesn’t scare anyone to death, this would be perfect. And seeing as MK is her only friend, MK manipulating Scary Girl would be hilarious. As for Raj, poor guy. I’m thinking he may be a finalist for this.
• I very much disagree with Caleb being mid merge, but IRYO. I personally think he should be late premerge, say 13th. I honestly don’t like how his character was done in S2. Bro just fell for Julia’s scams many times even though he KNOWS what she’s done in S1. Damien in mid merge again? Dang, I’d think he would be a finalist or late merge for sure! His eliminations were pure BS and the way his eliminations were written were so poor. Having him be farther would be perfect. And if Nichelle has the MOST BEAUTIFUL REDEMPTION I’ve seen, then I’ll possibly make her a favorite again. The way her eliminations were made just made me think she’s mediocre! She went from not being a quitter to IMMEDIATELY being a quitter. Hopefully she makes Julia take an L.
• I’m hoping Chase gets a redemption arc, I honestly don’t like how clingy he is. It makes me annoyed. I also don’t like how he doesn’t care about anyone but himself. 4th is not really alright for him. MK being the main villain would be perfect. As long as she doesn’t obsess over Julia whole game, I’ll be alright with her. She IS my personal favorite character after all and her eliminations like Damien just didn’t make sense at all. Emma being a finalist would be perfect since she would get the development she needs. Her elimination in s2 was pretty unfair since it was PRIYA who led her the wrong way.
• As for Ripper, him being a winner is awesome. At first I didn’t like him, but I do now. Hopefully he acts pretty brute in the game and doesn’t obsess over Axel whole time.
This took some time and this is my honest opinions on this. Here’s my prediction on s3 if there is one:
16th: Julia
15th: Priya
14th: Zee
13th: Caleb
12th: Millie
11th: Wayne
10th: Bowie
9th: Scary Girl
8th: Chase
7th: Nichelle
6th: Axel
5th: MK
4th: Raj
3rd: Damien
2nd: Emma
1st: Ripper
And that’s it. Thank you for reading all of this.
My Way With This Cast 😍🤪
16th - Priya (5-3) (When the red team lost, despite multiple disputes between Chase & Emma, they agreed to vote Priya off due to being such a big threat. Only Damien & Zee remained on Priya's side.)
15th - Wayne (5-2) (During the challenge, Wayne & Raj got distracted as usual. This led to the team losing; where they voted Wayne out.)
14th - Julia (7-1) (Despite seeming to find her footing somewhat, everybody distrusted her, and voted her out.)
13th - Bowie (4-3) (Although it looked as if MK would be going here, she was able to get Scary Girl, Axel, and Ripper on her side to vote Bowie out.)
12th - Zee (3-2-1) (Zee had been spending a lot of time getting Emma & Chase to like each other once again; in which he was successful. However, Damien had begun to feel distant from his friend, and confides in Nichelle & Raj to vote him out.)
11th - Emma (3-2) (With Chase & Emma having finally gotten along, the others decided it was dangerous to keep a duo on their team; voting Emma out.)
10th - Axel (Quit) (Axel had enough of Ripper constantly annoying her, and at the end of the challenge, decided to walk from the game, canceling the elimination ceremony.)
Nichelle wins Immunity.
9th - Ripper (5-4) (Ripper decided he was done with the game & got people to vote him out. Caleb & Chase had sided with MK due to numbers in order to try voting one of Damien's friends, Millie, out.)
Chase wins Immunity.
8th - Damien (4-4/Lost Tie) (MK's side voted for Damien, while Damien's side voted for MK. Damien ended up losing the tie after MK cheated.)
Scary Girl wins Immunity.
7th - Nichelle (4-3) (Viewed as the biggest threat out of her alliance.)
MK wins Immunity.
6th - Caleb (3-2-1) (MK was worried that Caleb would turn on their alliance, so she got Chase & Scary Girl to go after him first.)
5th - Chase (Auto-Elim) (Chris made the contestants compete in a Survivor-esque obstacle course; in which the loser would be eliminated, which was Chase.)
(Continued later)
I hope Axel dumps Ripper, ripper is an early boot and Axel goes in late merge.
I'm 2 days late (just got time to see the whole video) and I agree with some of the points you bring, so... Here is my version:)
First off, teams, I think they will be random or selected by a race placement
So team 1=🔴 and team 2=🟢
🔴 Has Chase, Priya, Millie, Caleb, Julia, Raj, scary girl and Zee
🟢 Has Bowie, Wayne, MK, Axel, Nichelle, Damien, Ripper and Emma
Now I'll talk about the characters, interactions and placement
First off,
16th: 🔴Zee: Zee being Zee gets along with all his team, however on the challenge he is the reason why they fail, he was kinda confident his buddies wouldn't vote him off but, surprisingly most of them did, however still cool he accepted this early defeat. His early departure left chase in danger...
15th: 🔴Priya: as one of the past winners Priya is confident of her leadership, even more seeing how she has Caleb and Millie by her side, however on the second challenge her "bossy" side came out, the rest of her team (probably because of Julia) saw Priya as a future problem if she stays, so shockingly she was eliminated. Her departure led to Caleb and Millie trying to work together...
14th: 🟢Ripper: returns this season still in a strong relationship with Axel, however he is overwhelming her, as doing everything for her and not wanting to leave her side, eventually this causes his team to lose and they target him (Axel included), leaving to him still waiting to say goodbye to her, Axel tells him that they need some space...
13th: 🔴Julia: confident that she will be able to run the show again she has no problem lying and sabotaging, however no one cares about her, this doesn't bother her at first but then she begins to worry when Chase and Lauren begin to get along with the rest, on a hot spot she is desperate to stay in the game, however no matter her attempts she left the game, her karma kicked back.
12th: 🟢Wayne: confident because of his win last season, Wayne tries to lead his team (with the help of Bowie), working together to get on the merge all together, not being on the same team as Raj slowed him down at first but then he got confident, too much confident, his game plans weren't the best but they worked somehow, until they didn't, Wayne's plan backfire and the whole team start to blame him (aside form Damien and Bowie... At first) eventually he was eliminated but was able to say goodbye to Raj.
11th: 🟢Bowie: In a strong relationship with Raj and still confident he returns, this time working together with Emma and Wayne to get far, talking about her, Bowie and Emma friendship returns, Bowie is proud of Emma for being herself but he can see she still focuses a lot on Chase so he gives her relationship advices, off topic he also feels bad for voting for Wayne, MK eventually blames him for a backfired sabotage leading to his elimination and being waved away by Raj and Emma.
10th: 🟢MK: confident as always she returns to make chaos with Julia, however, they were set in different teams and exposed since last season, MK was in a hot spot, she was able to get Wayne and Bowie out and was already thinking her next move by blaming Nichelle off, however the winning team had the chance to vote someone out, and in a turn of events MK was selected, shocked she left the island.
9th: 🔴Raj: Good relationship but now apart from his BF and BFF he was left alone with people he didn't know at all, eventually and despite being socially awkward at first he is able to make friends with the guys left on his team, however a big turn of events happens when he is eliminated as everyone else was actually in an alliance, not mad at all he left the Island.
(More next)
✨ Merge ✨
I'm going to talk about relationships and alliances at this point.
Damien, Nichelle and Axel: the first two were already friends since last season, Axel joined them after Ripper's elimination, they work out together and give advice to each other to beat their weak points (fears, social skills and Thinking)
Emma: she exists, after Bowie's departure she sticks with Damien's alliance until Merge, she gets along with them but doesn't know what she can bring to their alliance so she stays out, sadly for her Chase is still here.
Damien and Millie: they are still friends BTW
Millie and Caleb: they didn't get well at first, only talking with each other because of Priya, but eventually they grow closer and get along well.
Scary girl, Chase, Caleb and Millie: after Zee elimination and seeing how unpopular he was Chase is left with a target on himself, Lauren sees this and makes an alliance with him, Chase was either scared of her actions or desperate to stay in the game so he agrees, following her will Chase votes out Raj, by himself Chase also makes friend with Caleb as a good/bad duo, Caleb slowly changes Chase personality and thoughts to turn him into a better person, On Raj's Elimination is revealed that Caleb and Millie were also in Lauren's alliance (without they knowing each other was in), Caleb and Millie joined after Priya's Elimination either "forced" by Lauren's repercutions or as an attempt to stay longer, this of course before they got along with each other, scared of what Lauren could do if they left, it's a shock at first but they agree on keeping the alliance whitout Scary (she doesn't know)
Now let's keep going
8th: Axel: Ripper's departure left a mark on her, making her question her actions a bit too far, Luckily for her Nichelle and Damien were there to help her, after Scary girl won Immunity the others decided to eliminate either axel or Nichelle, Lauren suggested to eliminate Nichelle but as it turns out her alliance turn her down and went for Axel instead (this is for later BTW), Axel lives and it's really to talk things out with Ripper.
7th/6th: Millie and Caleb: This was a Roblox drama style Purge challenge, the last 2 to arrive would be eliminated, this ended up being Millie and Caleb, unlike the others they were constantly helping each other out, this slowed them down, even if they weren't able to win for Priya they got a friend in each other, Scary confronts Chase about leaving her alliance, forcing him to work with her through threats.
5th: Damien: Grow up as a person and become braver thanks to Axel and Nichelle, Scary is responsible for his elimination, She was targeting Nichelle, attempt to severely hurt her, Damien is able to save her but this leaves Damien severe injured, so he had to leave for medical reasons, still he was able to prove himself as someone Brave and able to help others. On this challenge Chase finally apologizes to Emma, showing her how he has changed all thanks to Caleb and ending as friends.
4th: Emma: happy with all her relationship regained on this season she is ready to get on the final 3 with Chase and Nichelle, now the problem was taking Scary girl out, On the end Nichelle won Immunity so it was a fact that scary would be voted out, however Chase was once again forced to vote for Emma, you can only think the worst of what Lauren can do, in a Tie between Emma and Lauren the latter kill it on the challenge leaving a heart hurt Emma to ask Chase and Nichelle for revenge and justice.
3rd/2nd/1st: Chase, Nichelle and Scary girl, the finalists of this season, someone who controlled others, someone being controlled and someone ready to prove herself, in the end any of them can win but for me Nichelle and Chase should, if they do they will share the money with the rest (Julia, Mk and Lauren included), so in the end it's a happy ending :D
Votes cuz why not
Episode 1: 🔴 votes for
Zee: 5 (Priya, Millie, Caleb, Raj and Lauren)
Julia: 2 (Chase and Zee)
Chase: 1 (Julia)
Episode 2: 🔴 votes for
Priya: 4 (Julia, Raj, Lauren and Chase)
Julia: 3 (Priya, Millie and Caleb)
Episode 3: 🟢 Votes for
Ripper: 6 (Bowie, Wayne, MK, Nichelle, Emma and Axel)
Mk: 2 (Ripper and Damien)
Episode 4: 🔴 Votes for
Julia: 5 (Raj, Millie, Caleb, Chase and Lauren)
Scary girl: 1 (Julia)
Episode 5: 🟢 Votes for
Wayne: 4 (Mk, Emma, Axel and Nichelle)
MK: 3 (Damien, Wayne and Bowie)
Episode 6: 🟢 Votes for
Bowie: 4 (Mk, Nichelle, Damien and axel)
MK: 2 (Emma and Bowie)
Episode 7: 🟢 No votes casted
Mk was voted out by the other team.
Episode 8: 🔴 Votes for
Raj: 4 (Millie, Caleb, Chase and Lauren)
Scary girl: 1 (Raj)
Episode 9: ✨ Merge ✨
Scary girl wins Immunity
Axel: 4 (Emma, Chase, Caleb and Millie)
Caleb: 3 (Nichelle, Damien and Axel)
Nichelle: 1 (Scary girl)
Episode 10: Double purge challenge
Millie and Caleb arrived last and were eliminated.
Episode 11: Emma won Immunity (granted by Chase)
Damien has a medical evacuation.
Episode 12: Nichelle wins Immunity
Emma: 2 (Scary girl and Chase)
Scary girl: 2 (Nichelle and Emma)
Tie breaker, Scary girl wins, Emma is eliminated
Episode 13: the Grand finally
Nichelle Vs Chase Vs Scary girl
what i want to happen:
16th - priya
15th - ripper
14th - julia
13th - chase
12th - caleb
11th - millie
10th - bowie
9th - emma
8th - wayne
7th - nichelle
6th - raj
5th - axel
4th - scary girl
runner up - damien
runner up - zee
winner - mk
Interesting predictions, I don’t think any of these are happening though lol 😂
My prediction
16th Ripper
15th Julia
14th Priya
13th Wayne
12th Zee
11th Caleb
10th Raj
9th Chase
8th Millie
7th Bowie
6th Nichelle
5th Lauren
4th Axel
🎖️🎖️Mary Kate
Damien carried her
Millie and Damien are going to be a good couple because I want it to be okay
Great prediction
Ei dude total drama island reboot season 3 my way
16 Priya (3-2)
15 Wayne (4-1)
14 Ripper (4-2)
13 Bowie (4)
12 Millie (3-1)
11 Caleb (2-1)
10/9 Chase and Emma (5-5)
8 Raj (4-3-1)
7 Julia (2-1)(Scary girl use the immunity totem)
6 Axel (4-2)
5 Scary girl (4-1)
4 Damien (quit)
3 Nichelle
2 MK
1 Zee
I heard they are gonna add 2 new characters
I imagine an MK,raj ripper finale damien giving up a chanche tó win tó give the spot tó ripper
I would definitely want Bowie to be friends with Damien and Caleb in season 3. He was nicer in season 2; and I also want him and Emma to make up and for her not to get back with Chase whether or not he truly redeems himself. Plus, I don’t want Ripper to win the season. That’d be a bit disappointing
I really love your way of this season! Nice Work!
Here’s my way:
I’ve added two new characters in my way so the teams can be even. There names are Kira and Brett. Kira is a mean girl who will do anything to get whatever she wants. Brett is a cool guy that just likes to have fun and make friends.
Here are the teams:
Team Victory: Priya, Caleb, Ripper, Bowie, Axel, and Millie.
Team Amazon: Julia, Nichelle, MK, Chase, Emma, and Kira.
Team Chris: Damien, Zee, Wayne, Raj, Scary Girl, and Brett.
Episode 1: No elimination
Episode 2: 18th: Priya (Since that Priya won in S1 and with Caleb by her side the team saw her as a threat so she was the first boot)
Episode 3: 17th: Millie (Without Priya Millie wasn’t good in challenges and didn’t have anybody by her side and since that she cost her team the challenge she was the next contestant voted off)
Episode 4: 16th Caleb: (Caleb missed Priya and he cost his team the challenge so he was the next contestant voted out)
Episode 5: No elimination:
Episode 6: Aftermath: Hosts: Priya and Caleb: Guest: Millie
Episode 7: 15th: Ripper (Team Victory lost again and Bowie needed broke Ripper and Axel up so he could save himself from getting eliminated. Axel and Bowie voted for Ripper so he was the next contestant eliminated)
Episode 8: No elimination
Episode 9: 14th: Zee (Zee cost his team the challenge so he was the next contestant eliminated)
Episode 10: No elimination
Episode 11: 13th/12th: Chase/Emma (Emma and Chase kept on arguing and their teammates had enough so they were both eliminated in a double elimination.
Episode 12: Guests: Ripper, Zee, Chase, and Emma.
Episode 13: 11th: Wayne (Team Chris lost the challenge. Since that Wayne lost last season the other teammates found him as a threat so Brett, Damien, and Scary Girl voted for Wayne)
Episode 14: No elimation
Episode 15: 10th: Bowie (There was a tie between Axel in the elimination but Bowie lost the tiebreaker so he was the next contestant eliminated)
Episode 16th: Raj: (Raj missed Bowie so much that he was too sad to help his team in the challenge. He cost his team so he was the next one voted off)
Episode 17: No elimination
Episode 18: Aftermath: Wayne, Raj, and Bowie.
Episode 19: 8th: Brett (Brett made a lot of great friends on his team but the other contestants found him as a threat because he’s too nice so he was the next contestant eliminated)
Episode 20: 7th/6th: MK and Julia (After Nichelle got eliminated by Julia last season she decided to pay Julia and MK back. Nichelle and Kira decided to poison them with food from the plane and they both got evacuated from the game.
Episode 21: 5th Scary Girl (Scary decided to be even more scarier than ever this season threatening her teammates to not vote for her until the other contestants had it and she was the next contestant eliminated.
Episode 22: No elimination
Episode 23: 4th: Nichelle (Nichelle and Kira agreed to work together to make it to the final 2. But Kira outplayed Nichelle and eliminated her because she was to good in challenges.
Episode 24: Aftermath: Brett, MK, Julia, Scary Girl, and MK.
Episode 25: No elimination
Episode 26: Final 3!
Damien Supporters: Wayne, Raj, Bowie, Scary Girl, Priya, Millie, Zee, Caleb, Nichelle, Chase, Emma, and Brett.
Axel Supporters: Ripper, Julia, and MK.
Kira Supporters: No one
3rd!🥉Axel: (Kira sabotaged Axel in the first part of the final challenge so she got eliminated)
2nd!🥈Kira: (Kira loses to Damien in the second part of the final challenge so she gets second place)
1st!🥇Damien: (Damien beats Kira in the second part of the final challenge so he is the winner)
I know that this is a lot and I hope that they do something like this next season but either way I hope you like my way of season 3!
My prediction if it was 13 episodes
16th-Scary Girl
11th/10th-MK and Julia
Chase wont win, he is too disliked on the fandom to win, he could get a redemption arc but winning is a different story
He didn’t win for me
Axel won
Who would be the main villain?And who will be the Main Hero?
Main hero ig could be Raj or axel
Main villain Bowie and Millie and maybe Chase
Scqry girl 💀
If Bowie and Raj Break Up I’m Going To Be SO HAPPY they are a stupid couple
i really hope ripper loses
As much as I would love for julia to win. I think her time has passed. If she wasn't going to win in season 2, she'll probably never win now.
I don't see any universe where julia can make another deep dive.