Where To Buy CHEAP CARS in Nairobi, Kenya?

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @flashskaters
    @flashskaters Місяць тому +4

    Awesome content, such a vibe and we need to raise 18million for the VOgue

  • @collinsmwangi2079
    @collinsmwangi2079 23 дні тому

    Thankyou for doing good things for our country and people i hope you are enjoying Kenya🇰🇪.You have made admire Mozambique people its now the first country i want to travel to in my shortlist❤️

  • @gigatrendztechnology6406
    @gigatrendztechnology6406 6 днів тому

    lovely work Yoro😘😘😘😘😘

  • @olivermakaka9422
    @olivermakaka9422 19 днів тому +1


    • @YaraMelAround
      @YaraMelAround  16 днів тому

      You’re welcome! 😁 thanks for the super chat 🙌🏾🙏🏾

  • @theoddball1
    @theoddball1 Місяць тому +1

    This is real and substantial content! Good work!

  • @gaichingaesam
    @gaichingaesam Місяць тому +1

    A super social and friendly lady

  • @EmmanuelMusyoka-u2u
    @EmmanuelMusyoka-u2u Місяць тому

    One thing I like about yara mell is that you soo friendly and everyone feels comfortable talking to you big up

  • @a-game.8896
    @a-game.8896 Місяць тому

    It's not just about looking for your dream car over here. Good job!

  • @dennisndirangu2536
    @dennisndirangu2536 28 днів тому +2

    Yara's accent is beautiful

  • @riithowetu3265
    @riithowetu3265 Місяць тому +6

    Mel you are doing a great job promoting Kenya & the various businesses therein. You are God send. You should be given Kenyan citizenship ASAP. Hope you get a Kenyan husband soon. 😊😂

    • @YaraMelAround
      @YaraMelAround  Місяць тому +1

      Thanks for watching 🙌🏾 Hopefully I get a citizenship not contingent on marriage 😂

  • @edepranks4362
    @edepranks4362 Місяць тому +1

    That Rav4 is damn clean

  • @frankojojvibes3877
    @frankojojvibes3877 Місяць тому

    Great job, much love

  • @tatuabdallah1529
    @tatuabdallah1529 11 днів тому

    Inna lillahi waina ileihi Rajiun, may Allah Grant him Jannah

  • @samuelmwangi9780
    @samuelmwangi9780 26 днів тому +1

    I hope to find an Old school Mercedes E500 W124 or an S500 W140 which both have a five liter V8 engine when ill visit the Kenya car Bazar soon. Great content😎😎

  • @dannyosolo2752
    @dannyosolo2752 Місяць тому

    Nice exposition Yara🎉

  • @kendadima
    @kendadima Місяць тому

    Such amazing content as usual. Yara knows her subject very well; worth watching all the time But why did you laugh at the price 7:28 ? 😅

  • @ArushaMediaTV
    @ArushaMediaTV 11 днів тому

    nice i didn't know this place exists

  • @NoTechProblemo
    @NoTechProblemo Місяць тому

    good stuff ❤

  • @Be-curious-X
    @Be-curious-X Місяць тому

    The vibe😅❤

  • @wizlah13
    @wizlah13 Місяць тому

    Awesome vlog. Nice seeing the youth hustling! and, first go to Central before North Eastern 😂

    • @YaraMelAround
      @YaraMelAround  Місяць тому +1

      They’re hustling hard, I’m proud of them 😂 You're right! Central is also a good place to start.

    • @wizlah13
      @wizlah13 Місяць тому

      @YaraMelAround Kudos to you too. You are doing a good job!

  • @AbdimajidGuhad
    @AbdimajidGuhad Місяць тому +1

    Girl I love your canal I am 🇸🇴 ❤❤ love from Europe

  • @danielmacharia9603
    @danielmacharia9603 Місяць тому +1

    In Kenya we have a community from Mozambique the makonde please visit them

    • @YaraMelAround
      @YaraMelAround  27 днів тому

      I want to visit them. Where exactly are they located?

    • @victoromondi5202
      @victoromondi5202 25 днів тому

      Coastal part of Kenya ​@@YaraMelAround

    • @irenesigira3848
      @irenesigira3848 22 дні тому

      Nice topic. I was thinking the same thing. This Mozambican community (the Makonde) who came to Kenya in the 30s can't even have ID's or titles for their land. Yet they've fully integrated with locals.

  • @sakhephikhanyile6544
    @sakhephikhanyile6544 23 дні тому

    I saw you in UG connect channel 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @iamHANSEL
    @iamHANSEL Місяць тому +1

    Good job👍👍

  • @CaneBTC
    @CaneBTC Місяць тому +6

    The black Prado is likely a salvage, its worth zero, you can spot the gaps.

    • @tomm487
      @tomm487 Місяць тому

      ..mianya kama Rift Valley....🤣Pole kwa mwenye atagongwa...kama hiyo gari....na atachukua loan ya 300% interest kuinunua pia...Wueh!!! Maisha ni ngumu hii ulimwengu.Kaa chonjo ama utakula huu na hasara juu naniii!!

    • @wilmamalowa7583
      @wilmamalowa7583 22 дні тому +1

      What gaps? I didn't spot any😂😂😂😂
      Probably the reason why Almighty God is still withholding the money to purchase for my sake ili kisinirambe😅😅

  • @OJJohnsonJJ
    @OJJohnsonJJ Місяць тому

    wow! great content, is this car merchant really in Nairobi? looks like those in the lovely Mombasa. I never knew this place existed in Nairobi. new subscriber here.bom vídeo continue assim👍

    • @YaraMelAround
      @YaraMelAround  Місяць тому

      I’m glad the video showed you! 🙌🏾 thanks for watching

  • @youngvlog7605
    @youngvlog7605 Місяць тому +1

    The guy who sells the Prado is my neighbour very good guy he is called Moha

    • @jacksonogwindi1653
      @jacksonogwindi1653 24 дні тому

      Thats good to know. Thanks. His number please

    • @oliverh5644
      @oliverh5644 23 дні тому

      Drop the prado guys number.i am interested.


    Hae Yara ... please connect me with the young man who said he is 19 yrs old. 🙏

  • @marsha4x4
    @marsha4x4 Місяць тому +1

    First, you should tell people about location. Nyayo stadium or where?

    • @YaraMelAround
      @YaraMelAround  27 днів тому +1

      Ride besides Ngong Horse race course 👌🏾

  • @LeoneVine
    @LeoneVine 4 дні тому

    where is the location though

  • @raandit471
    @raandit471 Місяць тому +1

    Hey Yara, what's with Maandamano in Mozambique? Looks like Kenya..kindly alert them that we have Maandamano Copyrights! 😂
    Hope they settle things soon though. Botswana nearby had a good example...

    • @YaraMelAround
      @YaraMelAround  Місяць тому

      What’s the meaning of it? Are they chanting?😂

  • @daltonlawrence2681
    @daltonlawrence2681 29 днів тому

    How much do cars cost in Maputo??
    Where is the price better??

    • @YaraMelAround
      @YaraMelAround  27 днів тому

      The prices for secondhand cars are very similar! 👌🏾

  • @kelvinnjeru6941
    @kelvinnjeru6941 Місяць тому

    Yara mel Nairobi 😂😂😂,,,you're doing great👍

  • @joycekamire6459
    @joycekamire6459 Місяць тому +2

    The man that said he loves his dad kinda looks like rema

  • @ChildofGod2379-c9y
    @ChildofGod2379-c9y 25 днів тому

    20 000 us or kenyan shillings?

    • @YaraMelAround
      @YaraMelAround  24 дні тому

      All the prices I spoke about are in Kenyan shillings 👌🏾

  • @atmblaise
    @atmblaise Місяць тому


    @EDWINKISIERO Місяць тому +1

    I cannot risk those prices are questionable

  • @JP-zy7xb
    @JP-zy7xb Місяць тому

    toyota prado our kenyan uniform

  • @socdaalfilmsvlogs
    @socdaalfilmsvlogs 22 дні тому

    Work hard

  • @ericananda5690
    @ericananda5690 Місяць тому


  • @kam_abroad
    @kam_abroad Місяць тому +1

    Nairobi will become unlivable as more people purchase vehicles. Narrow roads, poor transportation system, and older polluting vehicles. Will be a disaster.

  • @guleit89
    @guleit89 8 днів тому

    Is that nkunku brother 😂

  • @CaneBTC
    @CaneBTC Місяць тому +4

    Only Luos buy car first, the rest of us buy land

    • @trendinggossip8692
      @trendinggossip8692 Місяць тому +1

      I hope you notice that what you said is tribalism

    • @fixhubeverything6988
      @fixhubeverything6988 Місяць тому

      I had changed 3 cars b4 I bought a land and so are most of my friends and non of us is luo, pear pressure isifanye ununue shamba that you can't develop

    • @michaelcody3960
      @michaelcody3960 Місяць тому +1

      @@trendinggossip8692 Luos never took an oath to hate other citizens

    • @raandit471
      @raandit471 Місяць тому +1

      No it's not. It's a fact, ask a Luo man😂

    • @sjsm8578
      @sjsm8578 Місяць тому

      Haha! 😂 you're tripping

  • @cB-Gbl
    @cB-Gbl Місяць тому

    nimekupenda bure 🍀...lakini what about the lower than 500k?

  • @evansmurithi5550
    @evansmurithi5550 27 днів тому

    chelsea fans and players with their hairstyles 🤣🤣