We Need to Talk about our Grocery Store... (Part 3)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @JujuBangira
    @JujuBangira Місяць тому +83

    Like and sub if you think cam and ruby should make they own channel

    • @Caaaaaaarhs
      @Caaaaaaarhs Місяць тому

      Cam and ruby chud make that on chairs

    • @dannaesarah
      @dannaesarah Місяць тому

      I’ve just subed

    • @hannellorekunyanda5016
      @hannellorekunyanda5016 Місяць тому +6

      if you want dash too have a face reveal and Cam ruby Shellvena rekado baby dash.

    • @cazluvly4394
      @cazluvly4394 Місяць тому


    • @KITTYUHH1234
      @KITTYUHH1234 Місяць тому +2


  • @Bwizzylee
    @Bwizzylee Місяць тому +17

    Dash his the best❤❤❤

  • @RaniaRania-mx9oy
    @RaniaRania-mx9oy Місяць тому +2

    Dash his the best ❤❤❤

  • @TheCaaaaaam
    @TheCaaaaaam Місяць тому +59

    I wated for this vid

    • @sanzali3447
      @sanzali3447 Місяць тому +4

      Wth I thought u were Cam

    • @TheCaaaaaam
      @TheCaaaaaam Місяць тому +11

      ​@@sanzali3447 i spend 1 hour making this png

    • @sanzali3447
      @sanzali3447 Місяць тому +2


    • @MarieDorival-ii4ei
      @MarieDorival-ii4ei Місяць тому


    • @Callum-e9l
      @Callum-e9l Місяць тому +1

      ​@@TheCaaaaaamare you real?

  • @poohCAT0909
    @poohCAT0909 Місяць тому +32

    Make a really big store but be less strict cam and ruby are still ur friends so u should treat them like friends

  • @alfeflores8524
    @alfeflores8524 Місяць тому +2

    Expand the store it cool to expand cam and ruby are just lazy to work😊🎉

  • @ronelsonjean2233
    @ronelsonjean2233 Місяць тому +19

    Dash can you make the video longer please

  • @almarioreyes2922
    @almarioreyes2922 Місяць тому +3

    I want. The store bigger ❤❤

  • @RaydenDesana-b6y
    @RaydenDesana-b6y Місяць тому +10

    If you’re real dash fan then, likethis calm, this comment and dashes spicier than normal

  • @FlareAnimeyt
    @FlareAnimeyt Місяць тому +6


  • @TheoriginalArky
    @TheoriginalArky Місяць тому +5

    You should make the store bigger!!!

  • @yonald7160
    @yonald7160 Місяць тому +6

    You are the best manager ever

  • @MichaelVargas-fw1mf
    @MichaelVargas-fw1mf Місяць тому +1

    Make Dash Manager!!!😂😂

  • @RaniaRania-mx9oy
    @RaniaRania-mx9oy Місяць тому +2

    Make till max size and max upgrade it can finish in part 💯

  • @super_Dan275
    @super_Dan275 Місяць тому +6

    Dash should expand the store

  • @RaniaRania-mx9oy
    @RaniaRania-mx9oy Місяць тому +2

    PLS make a part 7 ❤

  • @cazluvly4394
    @cazluvly4394 Місяць тому +4


  • @finessek3239
    @finessek3239 Місяць тому +2


    • @finessek3239
      @finessek3239 Місяць тому


  • @yonald7160
    @yonald7160 Місяць тому +7

    You are the best dash

    • @yonald7160
      @yonald7160 Місяць тому +1

      🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @deanwhittell977
    @deanwhittell977 Місяць тому +4

    What is the name of this game i wanna download it so much😢
    Pls tell me in comment

  • @DoryHavis
    @DoryHavis Місяць тому +28

    PLS make a part 4

  • @clairturner8179
    @clairturner8179 Місяць тому +2

    TEAM Cam should make his own channel 🎉🎉🎉😂

  • @mr.blueberrypie8360
    @mr.blueberrypie8360 Місяць тому +2

    plssss dooo moreeeeeeeee videooooooooo off dashhhhhhhhhhhhh maaarrrrrttttttt

  • @Mahaepede-b2j
    @Mahaepede-b2j Місяць тому +17

    i think Cam and Ruby are just Lazy Dash i think you should totally expand your Dash Mart

    • @ankitchhari6484
      @ankitchhari6484 Місяць тому

      Shhhhh don't tell them it's dash mart

    • @ankitchhari6484
      @ankitchhari6484 Місяць тому

      Hey bro dash is strict hes obsessed so cam should be head manager

  • @bosedekanu9755
    @bosedekanu9755 Місяць тому +3

    I like your videos they are the best 😊😊😊😊❤🎉

  • @Mariameludy
    @Mariameludy Місяць тому +3

    Pls part4 and stay the tiny store

  • @louiskunyeti-z3v
    @louiskunyeti-z3v Місяць тому +2

    dash you have gone boss mood🧑‍💻🧑‍💻🧑‍💻

  • @xdrihzm6173
    @xdrihzm6173 Місяць тому +1

    And nobody said forgive, forgive.Don't forget Rudy.Quit laughing when we laughing moment.Laughing Moji.I'm playing a lot of math😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @Chillz_blocx
    @Chillz_blocx Місяць тому +4

    Dash, u should Expand the store...

  • @Nareshkumar-cu5wv
    @Nareshkumar-cu5wv Місяць тому +1

    Dash❤🎉 please make part four

  • @nhymersalas8786
    @nhymersalas8786 Місяць тому +2

    Dash will be the head manger!!!!😀😀😀😀

  • @Aestheictaylor
    @Aestheictaylor Місяць тому +4

    Do grocery store part 4 in three weeks

  • @Markneillampitao
    @Markneillampitao Місяць тому +4

    Dash must be the manager of this place

  • @HeresDashYT
    @HeresDashYT Місяць тому +4

    Dash hear me Expand ur store :)

  • @spits641
    @spits641 Місяць тому +5

    These people are so funny and expedient ruby

  • @Naruto256-p
    @Naruto256-p Місяць тому +2

    Dash you should expand the dash Mart and less Strict to cam and Ruby there still your friends

  • @trishnyamukondiwa934
    @trishnyamukondiwa934 Місяць тому +2

    Dash is the manager❤❤❤❤😊

  • @sheilasharon2280
    @sheilasharon2280 Місяць тому +2

    Dash can do what ever he wants

  • @bosedekanu9755
    @bosedekanu9755 Місяць тому +2

    Please make a part 4 please ❤

  • @Cevin-t4w
    @Cevin-t4w Місяць тому +1

    Next episode pls pls pls 😁😁

  • @CandiceInman-p9o
    @CandiceInman-p9o Місяць тому +2

    Asst bestest measure in the video I love you videos always felt like I love you you’re my favorite

  • @AlexanderBotha-y9w
    @AlexanderBotha-y9w Місяць тому +2

    I love you so what's your videos every dayAlex

  • @RaniaRania-mx9oy
    @RaniaRania-mx9oy Місяць тому +3

    Yes you should have expand 🏭 you right ✅️ dash
    Cam and ruby you guys have been working 💪

  • @RaniaRania-mx9oy
    @RaniaRania-mx9oy Місяць тому +2

    You wanted for this video cam ?
    Dash You have make the changes in the city

  • @RaniaRania-mx9oy
    @RaniaRania-mx9oy Місяць тому +2

    Daaaaash you the best

  • @PavaniMattapalli
    @PavaniMattapalli Місяць тому +3

    Expand it will be awesome🎉

  • @louiskunyeti-z3v
    @louiskunyeti-z3v Місяць тому +2

    dood dash you now have 7k like🤩😘🤣

  • @SamtheJa7sh
    @SamtheJa7sh Місяць тому +3

    Ricardo too should be in the group channel and Ricardo should ALSO make his own channel

  • @johnkylebaltazar3721
    @johnkylebaltazar3721 Місяць тому +2

    Dash be nice to ruby and cam treat them like friend

  • @matheoteixeiraclavijo4594
    @matheoteixeiraclavijo4594 Місяць тому +28

    Make till max size and max upgrade it can finish in part 10

  • @shikebroshani
    @shikebroshani Місяць тому +11

    You should stick to the tyni one and make cam the new manager

  • @anshassan3516
    @anshassan3516 Місяць тому +3

    uNdeR 10 MinUTeS GAnG😂😂😂

  • @AdeyanjuJoseph-i3b
    @AdeyanjuJoseph-i3b Місяць тому +10

    Like the video😢😢

  • @aliciajohns1527
    @aliciajohns1527 Місяць тому +5

    Make the store bigger

  • @shankarpaliwal7155
    @shankarpaliwal7155 Місяць тому +2

    Is this a series .oh wait dash said that if the 1st part gets 500 likes this will be a series.he sure wasn’t lying.vote for part 4

  • @okilee3989
    @okilee3989 Місяць тому +2

    Make a bigger store but be less strict and less obsessed with food mart and make cam the new manager

  • @sumithasigamani5259
    @sumithasigamani5259 Місяць тому +2

    How loves dash more then me like thes video❤🎉😊

  • @sashamarchant6969
    @sashamarchant6969 Місяць тому +2

    Dash is my favourite UA-camr

  • @BasakÖzbek-w6w
    @BasakÖzbek-w6w Місяць тому +2

    Expand come on do it for us dash we love you and your videos

  • @lihaggg09
    @lihaggg09 Місяць тому +1

    ruby and cam should make a channel

  • @krizziaagbay-esguerra3316
    @krizziaagbay-esguerra3316 Місяць тому +3

    lets gooooooo part 3

  • @JuanBarrera-g2h
    @JuanBarrera-g2h Місяць тому +2

    Out of control 😂

  • @BeverlyPapag-m4l
    @BeverlyPapag-m4l Місяць тому

    Dash is cool and strong 😎😎😎

  • @LuckyIgbinosun
    @LuckyIgbinosun Місяць тому +3

    The goat cam is back

  • @acrafABARBOU
    @acrafABARBOU Місяць тому +6

    run a tiny store dash i agree whit cam and ruby dash

  • @raidas525
    @raidas525 28 днів тому +2

    Guys, I know inside to make a videos. I know about a bunch about you guys. You guys are my. I am big fan. I want to tell you guys videos. Are pretty good. I'll not stop watching them because the eyes don't go to me. Thou go

  • @trishnyamukondiwa934
    @trishnyamukondiwa934 Місяць тому +2

    Fire Ruby

  • @houwaidaitani7593
    @houwaidaitani7593 Місяць тому +2

    Dash plz make the dash mart videos longer

  • @SapnaSharma-iu8mc
    @SapnaSharma-iu8mc Місяць тому +2

    Please do a face reveal and be less strict and tell cam and ruby that you will hire 999999999999999999999999 employes so that they do less work. Also, I love your videos, keep working on those videos more than your grocery store

    • @WayneManton
      @WayneManton Місяць тому +1

      DASHING PRUNE HIRE 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999998 so ruby and cam Have a nice time or I WILL UN SUB AND DIS LIKE be nice please 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😶‍🌫️😱🤯😭😭🫡🫥

  • @lindagamez7934
    @lindagamez7934 Місяць тому +8

    I am so angry at Ruby because Ruby changed the wall color in that cost $100,000

  • @GianSy-q2q
    @GianSy-q2q Місяць тому +1

    Hi make sure that you keep it in order since you are the leader now

  • @Kurxoz
    @Kurxoz Місяць тому +2

    best yt ever

  • @DavidSamuel-o6f
    @DavidSamuel-o6f Місяць тому +13

    Under 10 minutes gang

  • @michelemohler7102
    @michelemohler7102 Місяць тому +12

    I love this series of the grocery store and dash one the manager thing I watched every series🎉❤

    • @pootee5223
      @pootee5223 Місяць тому

      Bro, this is the only series he made

  • @cazluvly4394
    @cazluvly4394 Місяць тому +1

    Dash no no no bosy!😊

  • @Maniawisdom-no5xz
    @Maniawisdom-no5xz Місяць тому +19


  • @WilliamKaniaru
    @WilliamKaniaru Місяць тому +3

    Dash idea 💡 is really good they should expand and go forward

  • @eithnegallagher985
    @eithnegallagher985 Місяць тому

    Is so so funny crying 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @TanikaBhatia
    @TanikaBhatia Місяць тому +1

    Expand your grocery store dash

  • @bosedekanu9755
    @bosedekanu9755 Місяць тому +3

    Dash when you are bringing part 4 please include baby dash

  • @SamtheJa7sh
    @SamtheJa7sh Місяць тому

    ANd when if ur face reveal coming out?

  • @kyralewis6872
    @kyralewis6872 Місяць тому +11

    Do you know when you walked outside John was smoking, and that is bad you should’ve fired him because he’s doing bad things to the air😢

  • @joannetan7559
    @joannetan7559 Місяць тому +6

    Dash was the best manager but... Now is the worst manager FIRE DASH and hire Cam to be manager

  • @user-ri9sr6cn1t
    @user-ri9sr6cn1t Місяць тому +2

    Everyone say to dash to come down😅😅

  • @joelmadayag-t5l
    @joelmadayag-t5l Місяць тому

    i like thiss!

  • @krishanumondal7219
    @krishanumondal7219 Місяць тому

    You need to expand your Store so you can beat food mart

  • @GianSy-q2q
    @GianSy-q2q Місяць тому +1

    I like dash

  • @PavaniMattapalli
    @PavaniMattapalli Місяць тому +1

    You should also be nicer to cam and ruby😢

  • @Lizbetts2024
    @Lizbetts2024 Місяць тому


  • @suryabisessar
    @suryabisessar Місяць тому +3

    Lets experiment guys ,lets fire dash and hire cam as the store manager and then look at the difference between them if cam is better than dash then he shall be the store manager and if dash is better than cam then he shall officially be the store manager 😊😊😊

  • @folasadeomoregbee1733
    @folasadeomoregbee1733 Місяць тому +1

    Dash John was smoking 🚬

  • @JanelleKavanaugh-x4g
    @JanelleKavanaugh-x4g Місяць тому

    Stick to the small store, please😊

  • @luisapalay5173
    @luisapalay5173 Місяць тому

    NO Dash😢😢😢😢😢

  • @amooragaming
    @amooragaming Місяць тому +3

    I love your channel , keep up the hard work , pls play blox fruits and maybe troll cam and ruby in it , my brother showed me an invisibility glitch , pls give me credit if you did play blox fruits , im always behind your back until you get a mil subs , so you know who is cheering you , pls read my comment ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉😊😊😊

  • @vladimirsholomitskiy7029
    @vladimirsholomitskiy7029 Місяць тому +8

    Come on get this video, 6K likes let’s go

  • @FairyGamerFighter
    @FairyGamerFighter Місяць тому +1

    Make part 4

  • @AdeyanjuJoseph-i3b
    @AdeyanjuJoseph-i3b Місяць тому +2

    Part 4

    @DANIELAMOO-k6b Місяць тому

    expand the store and pls make part 4

  • @Yasoo-h7q
    @Yasoo-h7q Місяць тому


  • @dolphincar51
    @dolphincar51 Місяць тому +2