Philips NTRX900 Soundtest (20 inch SUBWOOFERS at max. volume)
- Опубліковано 8 лют 2025
- Compare with this system from LG:
• LG CM9740 Soundtest (p...
Used music: Chuckie & Junxterjack Make Some Noise Original Mix
My microphone has no problems handling the loudness of this system. It's not really loud and isn't nearly as loud as the LG system.
This AMP ist too weak for this speakers. It have 20 inch Woofers and should have 3600 Watts RMS. The power supply has only 250 Watts ... So something is wrong here. See the video!
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Wenn euch das Video gefällt und ihr mich unterstützen wollt, könnt ihr Daumen hoch geben, das Video favorisieren und masterjumpstyler1 abonnieren :-)
i'd actually like to wire these speakers up to my amp (Behringer NU3000) lol, to see how quickly they would die
They are just visually good :D
Porskuttaja speakers aren't about looks though, its all about the sound
Yeah ikr
looks are good to have tho
Yeah but these look like shit anyways
They look so cheap and badly designed, fake ratings... And that tweeter is killing my ears
matus3303 i will garountee that my amp could blow those shitty subs in about 5 mims
your kicker amp sucks.
Brad Builds Kicker amps are actually not that bad.
I think that's the mic distorsion, not the actual tweeter.
why are the subs ported front and back??? makes no sense. I wouldn't buy this plastic and particle board nightmare, I will stick with my vintage gear.
Good question...
Kelly S Really good question. I think Phillips has no idea about how to build speakers.
Big speakers need bigger ports, I think.
masterjumpstyler1 That's right... But... on two different sides of the speaker?! A bigger port is needed for big bass... but this combination is strange!
I know, it's strange. But I don't know the sound difference whether the ports don't are on the same side or respectively two ports only bigger...
don't you get kicked out
datstocklyfe hahahaha
You're testing the system, mediamarkt (the store) cannot kick you for testing something that has been setup for testing
Du hast 1990 für so einer ekligen verschissenen Anlage bezahlt ... Glück wünsch du hast Preis leistungstechnisch 1790 Euro gerade den Klo runter gespült 😂.... für 200 gut ist halt n dreckiger Plastik Bomber aber guckt nach was aus und im Party Keller ist es ned schade drum wenn mal n Bier drüber läuft aber da ist ja meine bollerwagen Anlage von Logitech die mit Matsch bespritzt wird besser und das ist schon der letzte wicks
Er hat sie nicht gekauft. Sie steht im Media Markt und er testet sie nur.
Für das Geld kann man sich schickere und wesentlich bessere Anlagen kaufen oder PA-Lautsprecher zweckentfremden...
Und 40800 Watt PMPO.. Haha, wo ist denn der 63 A Starkstrom Anschluss? 3600 Watt rms ist übertrieben, das kann man durch 100 teilen.. Hau da mal einer 1000 Watt drauf und man hat eine geruchsintensive Nebelmaschine mit Anschließendem Feuer(werk)
Comes to something when using PMPO to pretend a wattage as high as a good concert system!
RandiRackberg du scheinst dich auszukennen, kannst du mir helfen?
Eigentlich nur im professionellen Beschallungsbereich
RandiRackberg was kann/soll ich mir für 500-600€ kaufen? Hab keine Ahnung, will nur viel Bass und Lautstärke.
Im Hifi Bereich --> Hifi Forum mal nachschlagen.
Wenns nur um Schalldruck geht: MPA Marlis
Nc bass button looks like a bomb switch because if you gave it any real power it would die
all i hear is CLIP CLIP CLIP CLIP
That's not true
irgendwie schon :P
fabiuh991 all i ear is distortion
That would be either the microphone not being able to handle the volume level or the mic amp being overloaded by the loudness.
no shit sherlock
My speakers would laugh at this system. Get a proper PA amp on this thing and get those woofers moving!
Do you have this?
Tim Lewis i know theese suck so much....
Or some proper speakers. Philips is complete junk
I have a pair of Peavey IPR1600 running into some pro audio stuff. The old setup with 1 amp is on my channel. It is spectacularly loud and can make ball lampshades move visibly 1/3 of an inch on full bass.
Tim Lewis Jeez I Don't understand amplifiers these days I only got one ten and it moves wayyyy more than this shit and what the he'll is the nx bass like that doesn't do shit
i bet that shit would blow in 0.1.1 seconds on a professional amp
It claims 3 different amounts of power it would blow on a decent receiver
True trur
Power draw 250w
Watts at 90% efficiency (Unlikely) 225w
watts per channel 113w
My guess 15w tweeter 25w mid 73w for 20 inch woofer
Kk mas a potência de consumo em W ,não é a mesma em WRMS! KK
the avg power draw on any amplifier and system i had yet has been rated much lower than the actual peak consumption
however you don't have to count up the tweeter as a and mids as a separate channel/consumer since they play (obviously) different frequencies
the most i've seen my biamped 180W (90 tweeter+90 woofer) studio monitors (Presonus Sceptre S8) draw fully loaded at max was about 110w (90w + inefficiencies from the amp etc)
my iNuke NU3000 only puts out about 2200-2400W, sure ye under the rating but it has a power consumption sticker of 300W on the back, yet i've drawn over 3000W at moments (used it to blow up some crappy sub so just maxed it in bridge mode)
In Europe that is very much possible as we have ~3700 to 4800W sockets (230V, 16A to 20A)
this does not mean i think this system comes close to it's rating though! i'm sure it would only take seconds to blow on my amps XD
power consumption is 250 watt
so this not more than 200 watts
you never heard of a transformer (the electric one not the robot) it steps down the 230V AC to about 12 volt, the rest gets converted into Watt or ampere
when converting to 12 volt, the amout of watt stays the same dude
PJcake no it doesn't. Where does the other 208 volt go? It doesn't convert it into heat because that would be inefficient. Instead it get converted into ampere or watts
Dude :D Seriously, look up some basic physical rules. Watts is current times voltage. A transformer can increase or decrease the voltage level, and will decrease or increase the maximum current consumption. E.g. if you convert 200 volt to 100, your maximum ampere would go from 1 up to 2. In both cases, you have 200 watts of power (200 x 1 = 100 x 2 = 200).
Thank you very much guys for pointing this out, i swear, I get so angry when people say the power consumption = output.
I hate these fake systems
Wtf are you on? XD
HighClass Unreleased those speakers are complete shit
HighClass Unreleased was that sarcasm?
which speakers would you recomend???
If you have the money, LG CM9760
230W RMS Real Maximum.
The input electric power is 250w, the output sound power is 3600w. Nothing wrong here. The 5000w lg ck99 sound system input power is 320w.
Leg Elek well no go learn first
this kind of crap seems popular in south american countries. looks like a 12 year old kid designed it.
They are really popular in Portugal, Brasil and such. They suck ass and people buy them because people believe the 35252000 watt ratings. For example the Panasonic MX8000 PowerLine draws 340 watts from the wall and claims 3300 and 4000 watts on the same fucking page. Unbeliveable.
MXSLICK Yeah maybe one of them did and try to see how many people buy 'em LOL RIP
MXSLICK p.m.p.o means super short max power for a split secnod
these types of equipment are shit, I would love to build a HiFi system, but unfortunately due to taxes here (Uruguay) are extremely expensive, of the most popular brands, the models of the 90 were still of good quality (Made in Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia or Singapore, nowadays it's all Made in China) ... how would you like to have money,
to have something like that, Yamaha, Marantz, Onkyo, Teac, Dynaudio, Kenwood. JVC, JBL, etc ...
If the system was at max, the subs would have severe excursion. But it depends on the stiffniss or softniss of the suspension in the subs. But you can always try swapping out the amp and put your own in. And take actual better 20's and mount them in :P ( Not trying to be offensive, NOT TRYING TO BE )
Speaker Sex maybe like block the 2 back ports and make the back black color and have a better material or something? And more stronger interior if going to make it more powerful
You'd save money by getting 18mm ply and building your own cabs, drivers, crossovers, amps etc.
20Inch subwoofer???
und 40800Watt P.M.P.O. :))
Wenigstens stimmen die Zoll der Subs, aber die Watt nicht... :D
ah die Subs sind also über 50Cm im Durchmesser? 1Inch =25,4mm
Nach gemessen hab ich nicht, aber wenn man mal die Dinger in echt sieht, sind die echt groß. Wird sicher hinkommen, das bezweifle ich nicht.
Okey, Naja gibt genug Idioten die son scheiß Kaufen. Die sind dann schlau wie nen Meter Feldweg
gigante o aparelho, lindo beautiful.. top msm.. a PHILIPS não entrou na briga p disputar, e sim pra ditar as regras...e pra ser acompanhada... os especialistas das grandes marcas como: LG, PANASONIC, SAMSUNG e Sony (esses q entendem de verdade de som, diferente de um bando de fãs leigos pelo mundo afora), esses especialistas coom certeza aprovaram e sabem da capacidade e da qualidade e do capricho do NX9,
não é por nada não mais tava vendo esse video novamente e essas caixas não são as originais do aparelho,pois as caixas do aparelho de 2.900w rms são as NTRX900MU/78. e essas caixas são as ntrx900SB/55 que são do modelo 3,600w RMS
esse vídeo é de outro país, nesse país provavelmente o aparelho é oferecido com caixas diferentes
Demorou, mas, chegou. E chegou p ficar... Todas as concorrentes sabiam q seríam o maior concorrente na categoria, a PHILIPS quando vem com vontade, ele vem com força! Amei o PANASONIC e os LG desse porte.. Sony pra mim ta descartado... Mais mídia e fama do q realidade... oS samsung tbm me surpreenderam não só pela potência mais pelo capricho na qualidade e nitidez do áudio... Mas, esse PHILIPS encanta qualquer um. São muitos atributos elogiáveis... com certeza é o aparelho mais conceituado até a presente data..
FLAVIOFLASH Ele é maior que o LG XBOOM 9940?
Ricardo Alves Pereira ja
Ricardo Alves Pereira Esse é o maior mini system já fabricado, as caixas então nem se fala
FLAVIOFLASH Vc comprou um? É melhor q o xboom? Pena q ainda n consegui acha-lo em nenhuma loja p testa-lo!
Qual das duas siglas deve-se levar em conta na hora de comparar a potência de um equipamento de som?
Primeiramente, peça para o vendedor trazer o manual do produto ou simplesmente baixe-o no site do fabricante, depois vá até as últimas páginas e veja como se divide a potência elétrica média declarada, sempre observando quantos RMS vão para cada canal e alto-falante (não é complicado e dá para encontrar facilmente os valores).
Em segundo lugar, utilize uma mesma música como referência nos diferentes produtos que compõem a sua dúvida e ouça atentamente a sonoridade de cada um deles percebendo quais sons se destacam mais e se o som dos instrumentos e principalmente das vozes são igualmente legíveis, potentes e realistas.
Agora que você já sabe, não compre um equipamento de áudio apenas pela potência RMS declarada. Ouça cada sistema e verifique o volume audível e principalmente a qualidade sonora de suas caixas acústicas e alto falantes
1. O que significa RMS? − Essa é a sigla para Root Mean Square, isto é, Potência Média Contínua ou, ainda, valor quadrático médio. Trata-se da forma preferencial de declaração de potência elétrica de alto-falantes e amplificadores, em que o valor está diretamente ligado à energia perceptível.
2. O que significa PMPO? − Peak Music Power Output. Numa tradução livre, quer dizer Potência de Saída de Pico Musical. Trata-se da potência máxima que o equipamento é capaz de fornecer em um período muito limitado de tempo, sem levar em conta a distorção durante essa medida.
Por último, verifique a relação entre a potência de entrada em Watts, que é o consumo de energia elétrica, e a potência elétrica de saída especificada em Watts RMS, ambos os dados são fornecidos diretamente no aparelho. Lembramos que nunca um amplificador poderá fornecer maior potência do que aquela consumida por ele.
Para se ter uma ideia do que são 2.000 Watts (reais), podemos sonorizar um salão de festas, um pequeno teatro ou uma casa noturna com este nível de potência. Algo improvável de se fazer com um mini-system...
Logo, alegar que um aparelho deste porte produza "2.000 watts" é um verdadeiro absurdo.
Um bom amplificador de potência com 150W ou 200W RMS por canal pesa em média uns 20 ou 25 Kg e consome cerca de 500 ou 600 Watts de energia quando utilizado a plena potência.
Para a maioria das pessoas, 50W RMS "reais" por canal já será suficiente para sonorizar um ambiente de até 12m2 (tamanho de um quarto ou sala).
Outro detalhe curioso e de fácil constatação é o consumo de energia do aparelho (normalmente esta informação vem escrita na parte de trás do produto, gravado numa etiqueta próxima à entrada do cabo de força). Compare o consumo com a potência de saída do aparelho. Em resumo, sem entrar na linguagem técnica, o que um amplificador faz nada mais é que transformar energia elétrica em som. Um amplificador não "produz" energia, apenas a transforma em potência sonora - e com perdas significativas durante este processo - o que nos diz o seguinte, falando a grosso modo: Um amplificador SEMPRE deverá consumir mais energia do que a potência fornecida para as caixas de som.
Exemplo 1: Amplificador multicanal
Potência de saída: 5x 50W RMS (total = 250W)
Energia consumida: 480W
Em resumo: "Entrou" 480W de energia e "saiu" 250W de som.
Exemplo 2: Mini-System
Potência de saída: 2x 60W RMS (total = 120W)
Energia consumida: 230W
Em resumo: "Entrou" 230W de energia e "saiu" 120W de som.
Tenho Um Mini System Da Sony (Antigo) Ele Tem 60x2 rms Consome 240 w de energia
Está dentro consome 240 W de energia e fornece 120 W RMS em dois canais (esquerdo e direito) 60 Watts x 2.
Ashly NXP3,04
THD+N 1% 1kHz - 8 ohm: 4 x 1250 (4000 W BRIDGE) W
THD+N 1% 1kHz - 4 ohm 4 x 2000 (6000 W BRIDGE) W
THD+N 1% 1kHz - 2 ohm: 4 x 3000 W
Max Current Draw Typical Input, All Channels Driven, Divide by 2 for 240V 29,5A...... 12,7kg.. :P
tenta explicar isso pros orangutangos de turno....
the JBL car subwoofer of 12 inch would throw this things out with bass. with a less cost
and that is still shitty subwoofer🤣 xd
@@tomit9794 it's Nice for price
Even the logitech Sub I have in my house could beat these things and it's still not the best.
@@tomit9794 Just one of my hertz car subs would destroy these on 1k rms in a tiny box lol
@@tomit9794 it’s decent.
Of course it sounds much better IRL because the high volume causes distortion in the camera's mic.
The magnets on these are probably smaller than my fist and those paper ports are joke.
If it has a class D amplifier, the 250W input from the wall outlet says nothing. If you want to listen loud, buy PA :)
The 250W input says that the RMS output wont ever be above 250W.
@@AlexIstEinGott exactly
was lese ich da 40800watt PMPO und 3600watt RMS ? die hat vieleicht 36watt RMS und wer solchen angaben wie PMPO glaubt ist selber schuld.
Gans genau.. Und davon ab gesehen Sind die boxen nicht dafür gedacht.. Mal ne echte 3600W PA daneben gestellt.. ich weiß wovon ich rede.. habe schon Eine JBL Profi PA da..
That isn't power supply that is the watts the system computer itself uses. Compare to an average laptop-computer of around 100-500 watts it makes sense that the system directive uses that. Now the system needs to be plugged into a good 240 volt socket which in the store it probably wasn't.
The 250W rating is the power input of the whole system. So sadly, because amplifiers aren't 100% efficient, some people on here reckon the power going back out to the speakers is less than 200W... Wouldn't surprise me if it uses the same little 2x 80w amplifier board that's in a Skytec "1000W" "power amp"... Look how thin the speaker wire is and no this doesn't need a "good" mains socket whatever that is. These systems are targeted at people who don't know any better :-/
i love comments like this from Ben.
They always make me laugh hard at how stupid humans can be xD
It looks very cheap
And the speakers doesn't even move that often for max volume.
Yeah, that ain't no real excursion.
The key to unlocking the full experience of this video is to buy the same speakers
o cara nem equalizou o som ,foi logo aumentando ele sem equalizar ,pelos grave meu esse é o bicho de bom
concordo Francinaldo, msm com a intenção q ele teve o som q é uma máquina, mostrou q é super potente até sem equalização e com alguns modos desativados... o cara quebrou a cara...
Rafael Silva é isso mano eles axam que enganam todo mundo mas a nos nao
verdade sem equalizar ja deu grave imagina quando taloko
ainda mais.... O som nunca vai ter qualidade, no ultimo volume ,Gravando em qualquer camera.... esse noob
intao som desse deve see top demais
Maybe the 3600 watts it's talking about is the PMPO?
Better sound if a child were to hum the song to you.
ja się dziwię że jeszcze nie dostałeś zakazu wstępu do media Markt
the 250 watts are the power intake...
that means maximum 120 watts perr channel
just a cheap pieco of rubbish
No stupid 250w is consumation from network if you pay for 1000w in hour 10 $ then for 1 hour work of this sistem you must pay 2,50$
250w per 1 hour work doesent matter to music power inside have transformers and mosfet and ans music power can be 100000 w
the input power is 250W. id you use this for 4 hours thats 1kWh. 25Wh each our. And if it takes 250W from an outlet it is 2x100W max.
Those speakers are amazing
Audio-Bass-phile what? It sounds decent not every speaker needs to be the best that cost like 1 thousand dollars
@@inforthewin3231 these in the video cost more than 1k and are rubbish. But if you like them, okay
Bruh, Phillips old systems was made out of tree and so good for the Price, Now Their just junk.
Especially mc 50~90 Series are best
Philips had just 2 or 3 luck shots in speakers in the past. But overall weren`t really good. They were just lucky that they coinscidentally designed a goodish setup.
I think I’ll stick with my ported 15” Cerwin Vega
big dryer machine
Daniel Thibault lel
Mr.razer the gamer adghllvdddgjuutrfgklçç
Man braucht natürlich auch eine gute Soundquelle. In dem anderen Video bei YT wo das Ding ein Mitarbeiter bedient klingt es sehr gut.
Max volume and such low excursion, thats really bad :P
And look, the magnets on these 20-inch speakers are for 15-inch speakers, huh?
mitten im mediamarkt auf volle pulle, ehrenmann
250W power consumption xd
The sound you hear is only as good as the microphone being used to record the video. Don't know why people are even trying to gauge the sound quality using this video as a reference. It's obvious the microphone is distorting the sound quite a bit.
The microphone is capable of picking up far better sound than these speakers could dream of putting out. People come to these videos to laugh at the horrible plastic junk I'm pretty sure.
bassl0va no, clearly the microphone is having an extremely difficult time dealing with the dB as the phone is shoved in the speaker's face. Get out of here with you nonsense.
And don't for a second think I'm sticking up for the speakers; I'm not.
lol yeah I know, I'm just kidding
My microphone has no problems handling the loudness of this system. It's not really loud and isn't nearly as loud as the LG system.
This AMP ist too weak for this speakers. It have 20 inch Woofers and should have 3600 Watts RMS. The power supply has only 250 Watts ... So something is wrong here. See the video!
Gringo, el amplificador siempre debe ser menor en potencia que los parlantes, hace un curso de electronica antes de hablar de mas. El microfono de tu celular es una poronga. Seguro es un LG. Amarrete, comprate un IPhone.
+Daniel Pereyra Damirez
That's right, but the speakers can't handle with 3600 Watts. I think 1000 Watts is the limit...
You Say That 1000 Watts support is the limit of speakers.
So, you say that the speakers are too small for the power amplifier? The speakers cluttering up the limit when the volume?
The speakers were cheap, The 1000 Watts are a guess, but this is what I think. The manufacturer often lies by cheap things.
even 1000w would blow those speakers up mate, just gross overratings.
This just makes me sick
Ese EQ tiene 3 salidas de aire? Y los Subwoofer son de 15'?
diese Lautsprecher mit ihrenn bling bling und da bunt und hier bunt das soll nur anlocken. Ich sag nur Tonne
Good sound syatem
Song name plsss
make some noise
Robert Foca bmbmbmbmbmbmbn
Excelente vídeo saludos desde Honduras ...
Sound quality is horrible
Of course cuz the mic can’t handle that loudness
@@gl-jp8up it can
lydia G listen to the video again, ik they’re shitty speakers but it’s definitely the mic which is shittier, the mic is shittier and how shitty those speakers are
Amp kicks 200 watts/channel at maximum volume. These speakers like 500 watts peak.
Yes exactly!
ist die Anlage wirklich so kacke? Ich selber habe die mal bis 15 aufgedreht und hörte sich echt gut an
Martin Wienhold isso
Ja ist sie. Aus dem Grund dass es sich um Betrug handelt.
Für maximal 80 € wäre das noch ok.
Aaber das ist alles andere als gut. Du müsstest erstmal hören was gute Lautsprecher sind
Sorry my awful english but... how is it possible? Consuption 250 W, giving 3600 W of sound power? Miracle?
2900 watts PMPO, no maximo que der é 100 wallts por canal
+Emerson Leandro claro q n cara, essa e a potencia RMS a PMPO dele e de 40800 W PMPO
+Emerson Leandro Estás certíssimo Leandro! Os amplificadores deste aparelho chegam no máximo 90 Watt RMS. Se fossem 2900 Watt RMS as caixas de aglomerado não aguentariam e se desmanchariam facilmente.
+Yuri Bevilacqua A unica marca que colocava RMS reais , era a antiga Gradiente, os Rms deles era tipo 100 ,80 , mas era reais, o som era super alto e super potente , hoje é RMS inventado
+daniel vieira É isso mesmo Daniel!!!
250 w máximo
Te recomiendo escuchar el LG XBOOM CM9730 saludos desde México
those are not 20 inch lmfao
BOYYYYYYYY Yes they are R you stupid like bruh
@@PlatinumEagleStudios YES!! TELL HIM!!
yo me hiba a comprar este equipo pero preguntando a mucha gente me dijeron que si era para rumbas de gran duración nunca servia ya que el equipo llega a un limite de volumen que es 30 max, asi que si en la fiesta hay demasiada gente el sonido disminuye gran cantidad y pierde su calidad ademas que si le das todo el volumen comienza una distorsión en bajos y tocaría mermarle para no tirarce los parlante o que el amplificador se recaliente y comience a fallar por recalentamiento, estos equipos son muy bonitos por sus luces y todo pero solo es para apartamentos que no necesitan de gran cantidad de volumen y su funcionamiento sea de pocas horas
I miss, of that Philips fwc 507 ... 555 .. 700, 717,780 and fwm777, 779 that was good mini systems ever .... Philips should back with these good mini systems ..
i saw them in a Store and they Seem pure crap to me. the amp is way too weak to move the Huge heavy cones Properly. must distort like 10%. cheapy built China Shit for cool Kids with too much money. look at the thin speaker wires just pathetic and not how philips Used to be.
like Appel...
These big plastic boom systems have always been like this
Everyone says bad stuff about this, i HAD ENOUGH, people can you stop saying stuff about those things??? There are people that cant afford pa systems, but i like this one.
So einen Schrott würde ich mir nichtmal für umsonst hinstellen..
doch, just4fun 4 minuten an 150 watt😉
Die 250 Watt waren auf den Strom für den Verstärker, nicht auf die Leistung bezogen
Was ein Witz, ich habe gesehen was da für winzige dünne Käbelchen rein gehen !! :-) Und das bei angeblichen 3600 Watt, die müssten ja glühen. Leute Verarscht mehr ist das schrotteil nicht !!!
Where are those 20 inch subs?
0:36 Wow! Ein Lüfter!
Für 40800 Watt PMPO ;-)
AlfarTV Bisschen spärlich... :'D
"My mic has no problem handling the loudness of these speakers"
Also R.I.P. the people at the store
alter so geil wie du immer den MediaMarkt bummst xDDDDD
Griser2008 ist halt wirklich so 😂
Sind ja auch bastar..😂😂😂
Das mach bum!
Hab ich mal mit einer JBL BoomBox gemacht... Leute haben blöd geschaut, weil halt eben Volle Lautstärke die Philips-Kacke haben wir auch in unserem Mediamarkt und die BoomBox ist Lauter und hört sich auch noch besser an. xD
1: he didn't put the cross fader source to the left so 100 volume comes from usb 1 and not mixed 50% with usb 2 that he never jused 2: he shold put the buttom rock on the equalizer is the strongest mode and not costom 3: so the sound is only 1/4 so strong that it should
well that system is crap anyways
The mic is crap i have heard the system in media mark best bass ever for home hifi system
nima lavasani it’s crap my friend for that price I can build yo something way better
I can buy myself 2 18s from pride audio with an 5k pa amp and some good mids and highs...
And destroy the House 😂
But this Phillips is crap
Looks a bit cheaply built... Did it sound like a decent system, like kicker or pioneer subs, or did it sound like a cheap paper cone system? Assuming that 2900 watts is even remotely accurate, I wonder if its run on 120V or 240V by U.S. Standard
007K lol did you really just say kicker as a decent sub you my friend need to re evaluate on what your meaning of decent kicker is cheap Walmart shit
I said its decent, not great
The woofers would be plastic with possibly a paper backing, or just plastic. That being said, some of the best woofers use paper
20" woofers? Sorry but this are 15" woofer's ! 😏 shiti System... 🤮🤢🤮🤢
system isnt good..but the song is nice. i hate to see thes companies come up with a fake readings and convince that they would actually. sound good. the best ones ive heard are the samsumg systems...that one has some pretty descent sound
music name
make some noise
hi I have the panasonic max 4000 with 2400 watt the amp is powerful and the bass is also extremley good.They also have powerful sound because on the soundmeter i got 138 db so 140
Do you mean the SC 4000MAX? You never reach 140dB with this amp. How do you measured it? db(C), db(A), db(B)? lol
+masterjumpstyler1 then how much can i get?and are they better than the phillips because they sound really powerful
+masterjumpstyler1 maybe around 115 db?
Both aren't really loud... The phillips isn't loud as you think. Panasonic is louder, but not better, tonal. You find more videos on my channel about systems like this.
+masterjumpstyler1 Thanks but you can't say that the Panasonic doesn't sound good :)))
som é energia transformada, voce não aumenta a energia, so transforma ela em audio vamos dizer assim, como vimos no video, a duas indicaçoes de potencia, 2900 e 3600 se não me engano, consumindo apenas 250w de energia, nem ontem, nem hoje, nem nunca, teria que consumir 4000w de energia, mais que um chuveiro, a conta no final do mes seria amarga,consumindo so isso de energia ele esta dispondo de no maximo 220 rms, 110 para cada caixa, para os que conhecem, tenho grx9900 que nao vendo e nao troco, que consome 260w de energia, e diz oferecer 250rms por canal, mentira de 1997 quando lançado, mas ele e muito bom, mentiroso mas bom, agora esse ai oferecer 2900 consumindo menos que o meu????kkkkkkkkkk,,,,,
a potencia é uma média, entre o pico maximo de potencia e o mínimo, é daí que sai o número de watts RMS, não é um numero constante, além do mais o amplificador é classe D que tem alta eficiencia, logo, é possivel que ele entregue uma potencia maior do que ele consome, em um curtíssimo período de tempo....
o problema desses aparelhos populares é o modo como esses numeros enormes são atingidos, geralmente o nível de distorção é altissimo (mais de 10%, alguns chegando a assustadores 40%) tocando um canal de cada vez (pra atingir numeros maiores sem fritar o amplificador)e com um ruído na frequencia de 1KHz (mais ou menos a frequencia da voz humana)....... nessas condições o aparelho consegue atingir vários milhares de watts RMS, porém tocando funk ou sertanejo, que é o tipo de coisa que o publico alvo desses equipamentos escuta, raramente vai passar dos 300 watts RMS, pois o aparelho não dá conta...
da steht nirgendwo das das rms ist , man muss auch von der niedrigeren Spannung ausgehen wenn man das auf die knapp 14 v am lautsprecherausgang rechnet, wird das mit der 3600w Peak Leistung stimmen
They are absolutely shit speakers.
Who's going to game with regular output cables ?? you need HDMI or 4K cables
Já tive de frente Com essa Besteirinha ai fizeram uma aposta lá Com um som altomotivo contra Ele e Ele deixo o som altomotivo no chinelo e elha que o som altomotivo Era potente msm mais não teve jeito esse som ai bateu mais forte isso e som pra casa de show se colocar dentro de uma Casa ele Vai derrubar ela kkkkk
Esse teste foi equivocado! O batão do mixer está no meio, desse modo o som perde 50% da potência final. Só quem tem essa linha nx sabi do q estou falando!
Todos mini system dessa marca distorce éo material das caixas são muito fraco !!!
material das caixas é serragem aglomerada, é o mesmo material de qualquer caixa de som popular
Anderson Ferreira in
3:18 alle regler sind hoch gepusht.. das verschlechtert natürlich die musik qulaität.. also ist dieser test nicht richtig gedreht wurden :)
this is pure bullshit my aiwa can move more than these on 50watts
and this is the main reason why in the country i live in the do not sell this type of speakers in stores!
Where is the wall outlet?
aprecio muito a Sony porque tem um batidao muito forte, já a Philips e tbm nao fica atrás o som tem mais longo alcance porém sem batida forte, até hoje já tive 10 aparelho de som e todos foram ótimo no seu tempo
These look like classic bookshelf speakers. Nothing more than what most old granny’s has
I bet even these speakers sound better.
where is the 20 inch Sub..??
Filiphs también es muy bueno en sonido siempre lo fue 👍
Homologado Anatel... enfim nao estamos mais tao atrasados... nas so podia ser PHILIPS...Rivalizando com outras tradicionais cono Sony.... alem de ser um nome de respeito ha decadas em som & imagem... uma das unicas a desenvolver o toca-disco automotivo...
solo consume 250 vatios?
Why is the sound like that most likeley gonna blow if the nx bass is on
Sound please ?
Ése minicompone es el mejor en bajos aquí en mí país ése es de 3600WRMS,40800W PMPO en Brasil es distinto porque allí la tensión eléctrica es distinto va desde 110V asta 380 V por éso algunos sé confunden lo qué no conocen.
in brazil they doesnt are selled
It's the mike for sure not 2900W more like 300 400 watts if that
what's funny is this is for dorm rooms and such. I ask what ever happened to aiwa!?! back in the day I had a aiwa receiver that was 250 watts , it was the size of two PlayStation s stacked one top each other. that lill thing would push some old ass realistic fifteen inch floor three ways very well.
"party sound" I see a panasonic system in my country (like this kind of audio system) the description say... "15000W RMS at 10% THD"
That LG that appears at the beginning of the video is beautiful but nitro nx9 breaks me 🤣