It’s so sad that the final quests for these contract towers are like almost impossible for any normal player (it’s impossible solo which isn’t fair at all)
now now i wouldnt go that far with saying hes the best early tower, i feel like the ranking you gave him 8/10 is perfect for him, but i just think cashier is better in early so i consider cashier a 10.(people often overlook the money he gives even tho thats his whole gimmick lol) Still tho cool video 👍
man.. its so hard to find an team to do ucn for an rascal quest nowadays😢 (my shcool weekend break is about to go now too so even less time to do the quests yipee how fun)
Hello? Uhm hello hello? Well if you're seeing this you've made A Very poor career choice [Joke], Anyway Amazing Video, I imagine he's gonna get nerfed A Bunch like every Tower does unfourtanatly.
@@cheeseisez462i agree that janitor or cashier is a better early game but the think abt rascal is that it can go to mid game too which no other early game can
Make sure to join the discord!
Should i get rascal or marketeer first?
it doesnt work for me
No wonder he's op, he asked demoman to borrow his sticky launcher, and we know what it can do.
tds collab lol
@@VinBluu Nuh uh, TF2
Nah he just took the bomb
Hello, your guide helped me so much, i started playing yesterday and already got gregory!
@@olavoedavijogandoroblox1388 I'm very glad I could help! 😃
1:47 janitor crying in the corner now 💀
@@brentgoodrich 😭
-"Best Early tower?! Hell yes im doing the contract!"
- Kill 10 Springtraps
-"Oh Nevermind"
Contracts are boring as hell 😭
@@VinBluungl for me there pretty fun, except for the earn fazcoins one its grindy as hell
Good luck brotha
rascal’s contracts are easy + gives me somethin to do
If you look at the badges in the game you can see some of the new towers being added and one looks like Builderman
@@The_bread_man638 😅
chat its a tf2 reference!!!1!!11!1!11111!!!
scotland forever ahh tower
@@SillyGremlin1361 dispenser down!!!1!!!
@@VinBluu mmrmph mmrmr mmrrphpp mmmrph
Great video keep up the good work
Thank you!
This Is The Best Editing ive Ever Seen
@@SpringTheSniperbbl drizzy
@@VinBluu i hate you
I love this channel bc its the only channel that makes fnaf td videos instrad of the money farm one
Thank you so much!
It’s so sad that the final quests for these contract towers are like almost impossible for any normal player (it’s impossible solo which isn’t fair at all)
@@bobplayz5570 the devs straight up making impossible challenges 😭
U didn’t see groundskeeper ‘s contract😈😈😈
@@VinBluu fr tho 💀💀
@@LiamSfeir Ik 😭😭😭😭😭
now now i wouldnt go that far with saying hes the best early tower, i feel like the ranking you gave him 8/10 is perfect for him, but i just think cashier is better in early so i consider cashier a 10.(people often overlook the money he gives even tho thats his whole gimmick lol) Still tho cool video 👍
all early game towers just fall off throughout mid game but cashier and rascal are very tied up for me 🙏
man.. its so hard to find an team to do ucn for an rascal quest nowadays😢
(my shcool weekend break is about to go now too so even less time to do the quests yipee how fun)
@@Randombuckethead you could always join my discord to find a team to help 😀
@@VinBluuwould love to use discord... If i did meet the age restrictions to even use it.
i am new fan i hope u get 10000000 trillion subs one day
I willl!!! 🎉🎉
Isn’t that just the ninja monkey sticky bombs
@@kmaz-wm5xc yup 👍
hey vinbluu can u complete quests because I can’t and I have no clue why
@@andreatrumpy2745 it's a giant bug that the devs are trying to fix, if you have any problems contact them
cashiers better as it speedruns, does better splash, generates money and you can place 2 at once
The only reason cashier is better is that rascal cant handle bosses at all but other than that rascal does better
@@LiamSfeir rascal is unreliable
@@Leapalote it is reliable u just need to know how to use it
Yeah but the crowd control and cost effiency is worse but I do get your point and I'm not saying cashier is bad in any way shape or form
explosive prankster
whoa, whoa, the BEST crowd control tower????!! what about bowler? is he better than freaking bowler?
@@emenrobin too expensive so he's not Early game and his cooldown is too long
bruh this video sucks 😭
no hard feelings
What's so bad about it?
Yo whats the best way to get dmg with prankster? I literally need like 350k more dmg with him and ill get rascal
Honestly just use him for early, mid and late. It will give him time for dmg
@@VinBluu alr thanks
why is rascal better than incinerator AND can we get a video explaining how to get it
Rascal is better than incinerator because inc has been nerfed a lot, and I won't do a video how to get it since the contract is very self explanatory
@@VinBluu im stuck where my rascal contract is complete but i cant turn it in. I was just wondering if this is a bug or if only is have it
You know. Since you mentioned about Marketer I actually have a cringe thought:When will she get married with Health Inspector?
FNAF TD lore is going places..
😂 this might just be lore@@VinBluu
I'm trying to join your discord, but it said it is expired
@@FrancoRodriguez-i7n oh shoot, thank you for warning me! I'll change it right now!
How does rascal's charge work
It takes 5 seconds for the bomb to explode
@@VinBluu not that, there's a max charge thing, at max it says 400
@@THEBOYOB I don't know how that works tbh, maybe it's some sort of charge that takes 5 seconds?
Other than that I'm very stumped 🤔
@@VinBluu I think it does more damage depending on the damage the enemy takes with the bomb on it cus of the description
Depending on the damage done by other towers the bombs damage can be increased
@@iryna4037 thank you!
I'm on the final quest for marketer i need help so bad
Ask help on my discord, many people there can help :)
And finally but good video
Dang now I need to get this to ok then
Hope he doesnt get nerfed lol
He probably will sadly
I hope they don't nerf
they probably will sadly
Vinbluu crying child skin when
@@plastercyn I'm trying 🙏
@@VinBluu if vinbluu giftbox release, gimme one 🤑
I'm, wait lodaot video now
@@Jerzy1987 epic!!
@@VinBluu thx for responding to my message, it really makes me feel good inside that there are people out there who genuinely care about me. :D
@@Jerzy1987 if you need anyone to talk to please talk to me, I'm always glad to help ❤️
@@VinBluu thanks man!
how does this "charge" work
@@partytimecopy it's how long the bomb takes to explode
Hello? Uhm hello hello? Well if you're seeing this you've made A Very poor career choice [Joke], Anyway Amazing Video, I imagine he's gonna get nerfed A Bunch like every Tower does unfourtanatly.
@@autumnferns3774 he def will lol
Sigma video
W video pookie
The marketeer doesn’t seem that good..
I'll talk about it soon enough :P
Grrr i mad, i burn video
angy 😤😤😡😡
nightguard is the best early game bro
😭sorry for dissin him
Another peak video 🔥
Thanks 🔥
Rascals is so bad what is bro yapping about 😭
@@cheeseisez462 no he isn't
@@VinBluu yes he is bruh
@@cheeseisez462i agree that janitor or cashier is a better early game but the think abt rascal is that it can go to mid game too which no other early game can
Tbh I hate Rascal. He sucks
Everyone has their oppinion
@@VinBluu well maybe he doesnt suck, but Im tbh dissapointed thats all
First in comments?