Re: 33:33 Combinators = Elimination of Names. I'd say the benefit is inlining. You want to be able to inline expressions (to remove names) and factor out expressions (to add names) until you get the readability just right. Combinators unblock your ability to inline expressions
59:25 well technically uiua has that too, a monadic after any variadic that has a single output would technically be a variadic B, so you could say that monadic-variadic juxtaposition in uiua is variadic B, or in uiua signature notation |1|x
Re: 33:33 Combinators = Elimination of Names. I'd say the benefit is inlining. You want to be able to inline expressions (to remove names) and factor out expressions (to add names) until you get the readability just right. Combinators unblock your ability to inline expressions
59:25 well technically uiua has that too, a monadic after any variadic that has a single output would technically be a variadic B, so you could say that monadic-variadic juxtaposition in uiua is variadic B, or in uiua signature notation |1|x
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