"Sacred Stones" Nadine Risha

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @marianela_dance_yoga7654
    @marianela_dance_yoga7654 3 роки тому +1

    OMG i just cried listening to this. . You have an amazing. just blissful.

  • @toddders1427
    @toddders1427 5 років тому +2

    I didn't think anybody could touch Sheila's performance, you did and it makes me happy. Thank you.

  • @hollyklarsen
    @hollyklarsen 6 років тому +4

    When I heard this for the first time at the Oakland Center for Spiritual Living, I was completely in awe. The resonance of Nadine's voice was perfect and filled the space with an intense vibration. I felt it then and I still feel it. Powerful.

  • @Vannman99
    @Vannman99 10 років тому +2

    this chick can sing. saw her at unity in nyc today and she brought the place to tears and awe.....magically powerful.

  • @cascadeurdelamor
    @cascadeurdelamor 2 роки тому

    Jolie interprétation.......love sheila chandra!

  • @Hempenator
    @Hempenator 9 років тому +3

    Both versions are divine. Both powerful in their own way. Unique in their own right.

  • @CoachElaineTV
    @CoachElaineTV 11 років тому

    LOVE! Beauty. Radiance. Divine Joy. Abundance. Peace! ONENESS!
    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!

  • @jmai999
    @jmai999 10 років тому +2

    Nadine is the bomb! Great Energy.

  • @rickwhite5278
    @rickwhite5278 11 років тому +1

    Nadine, thank you for coming to Ventura. We love you! you were in exactly the right place at the right time with the right people, we are grateful for your presence today

  • @giancarlobailoni146
    @giancarlobailoni146 3 роки тому

    Essenzialmente puro e divino. Pace

  • @maxheight57
    @maxheight57 11 років тому +1

    Amazing & Beautiful!
    Just like YOU!

  • @wernerdeleon9403
    @wernerdeleon9403 7 років тому

    Nadine gracias for having to see ya again. soul to soul. Love like your divine voice bless you and all who knows who you are.

  • @minakianrad812
    @minakianrad812 8 років тому +3

    Beautiful Heavenly Voice! Many Blessings!

  • @giancarlobailoni146
    @giancarlobailoni146 3 місяці тому

    ❤❤❤❤ estremamente profondo

  • @giancarlobailoni146
    @giancarlobailoni146 3 роки тому

    Evade ogni vincolo umano in un momento depressivo, splende di una luce stellare in cui il nostro spirito vincerà ogni oblio

  • @BeeEPiCDaily
    @BeeEPiCDaily 11 років тому

    deep and moving, just shared with my daughter for inspiration.

  • @YTnewbegin
    @YTnewbegin 11 років тому

    Very beautiful in every way. Thank you.

  • @LilianaBarr
    @LilianaBarr 11 років тому

    Inspirational, peaceful, powerful and absolutely beautiful! Thank you, Nadine, for sharing your God-given gift!

  • @coral528
    @coral528 11 років тому


  • @shaktiman64
    @shaktiman64 9 років тому +1

    as a part of god we should find words of appreciation ... from any statement Nadina R. cause we are not the doers...

  • @Transmedia360
    @Transmedia360 8 років тому

    Thank you for the beautiful music.

  • @CrazyAnimalGaming
    @CrazyAnimalGaming 8 років тому

    I was talking to a very close friend about chants and meditation. The friend himself is a very good singer with an amazing voice... As we talked about mediation your name came up and your meditating chants. Very powerful. Hope more people show you support. I get goosebumps just hearing this.

  • @maureenmandala6278
    @maureenmandala6278 9 років тому +1

    Woooooooooooooow!!!! I am short of words Nadine, that profundo voice of yours is really exalting.

    • @nadinerisha
      @nadinerisha  9 років тому

      Thank you Maureen. Many Blessings...

    @RIDETHESUNSHINE 10 років тому +1

    The real beauty of Stars is that their message remains brighter than the darkness which surrounds them. Like having Faith in this uncertain world.
    Thank You for this deeply moving video.
    Please Be Well, and Stay Strong on your journey, Will

    • @nadinerisha
      @nadinerisha  9 років тому

      Thank you for your beautiful words! Peace and Blessings

  • @stevenolson3876
    @stevenolson3876 9 років тому +1

    Watched live stream of Nadine Risha perform this today as part of service at Agape International Spiritual Center. Wish we were there in person.

    • @nadinerisha
      @nadinerisha  9 років тому

      +Steven Olson Thanks & Many Blessings!

  • @jeanturrell5603
    @jeanturrell5603 11 років тому

    This is just beautiful Nadine. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

  • @jcraisel2769
    @jcraisel2769 11 років тому

    Just beautiful!

  • @Storm23PS3
    @Storm23PS3 11 років тому


  • @Nailah_Nubia
    @Nailah_Nubia 11 років тому

    Absolutely amazing!

  • @sdguzman88
    @sdguzman88 9 років тому +2

    ohh my goodness!! i love your voice! So soothing and relaxing. Makes me feel more connect to the spirit world.
    Thank you!

  • @pattyroe
    @pattyroe 11 років тому

    This is beautiful, so glad I subscribed to your channel! Thank you so much for posting this.

  • @donschiff
    @donschiff 11 років тому

    Wonderfully done!

  • @GlobalDrumCircles
    @GlobalDrumCircles 11 років тому

    I love it! Thank you for creating this amazing work

  • @funkfanzzify
    @funkfanzzify 11 років тому

    thank you for this

  • @elderspath
    @elderspath 11 років тому

    Amazing!! Been looking for you!

  • @marleiagain
    @marleiagain 11 років тому

    I so love Sacred Stones! I heard you sing at Agape once and the song moved me so and still does. I love trying to sing along, but I certainly don't have all of the lyrics down. Can you post the lyrics?

  • @stevemarce1988
    @stevemarce1988 6 років тому


  • @Laurenan6
    @Laurenan6 3 роки тому


  • @aruvielevenstar3944
    @aruvielevenstar3944 6 років тому


  • @giancarlobailoni146
    @giancarlobailoni146 3 роки тому

    Eterna come colui che verrà

  • @giancarlobailoni146
    @giancarlobailoni146 3 роки тому

    Qui arrivo colui che salverà lo spirito degli insurrezionali- Amen. Stratosferico al di fuori di ogni cosa. Alleluia

  • @nadinerisha
    @nadinerisha  11 років тому

    Thank you for the wonderful comments!
    And thanks to everyone who supported the making of this beautiful video.

    • @medfordhistorical
      @medfordhistorical 4 дні тому

      I believe the lyrics are in Sanskrit; however, sister, could you please post a translation of them in English. I cannot find them anywhere. Your voice is clear as undisturbed water. Thank you.

  • @maryfmackey
    @maryfmackey 11 років тому
