.NET MAUI UI Challenge # 5 - Food Delivery App

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @devsschool
    @devsschool  Рік тому +1

    Source code + assets: courses.devs.school/courses/youtube-source-code

    • @abdulkabir_02
      @abdulkabir_02 Рік тому

      Hi Guy, is this project completed on your site ?

  • @junaidkhanvibes-jkv7214
    @junaidkhanvibes-jkv7214 23 дні тому

    You have some amazing skill bro
    Appreciated and learn a lot of things

  • @chrisr2063
    @chrisr2063 11 місяців тому

    i was sold on this first with the first four words you spoke lol. love the accent. subscribed.

  • @fieryscorpion
    @fieryscorpion Рік тому +1

    Looks pretty neat!

  • @enricoroselino7557
    @enricoroselino7557 Рік тому

    holycow you made this looks so easy, thank u

  • @Biometrics
    @Biometrics Рік тому

    Nice video demo for laying out the UI for a .NET MAUI App.

  • @dmitriyvilla135
    @dmitriyvilla135 Рік тому +1

    Fonts at fontello are mixed up and not correct

  • @РоманМягков-к2я

    Good video, thank you. How can we change “like” symbol when we click ? so that it turns red for example

  • @PhantasyAI0
    @PhantasyAI0 Рік тому

    Can you make UI designs for MAUI blazor hybrid? instead of normal XAML MAUI?

  • @iamagenius2646
    @iamagenius2646 Рік тому

    So MAUI is just Android Studio, but uses C# and it's for all platforms, right ?

  • @GhanaTableTennis
    @GhanaTableTennis Рік тому

    could you have created a stylesheet for the label since it's attributes look the same

  • @persiabudi1555
    @persiabudi1555 Рік тому

    where i'am download this source code for those Challenges ?

  • @voodas
    @voodas Рік тому +1

    Pressed like button but think is 3/5 stars. The containers are not responsible to different screen sizes, so that one overlaps the other. Thanks for the tutorial though

  • @cissemy
    @cissemy Рік тому

    Any source code for those Challenges ?

  • @vvp6552
    @vvp6552 Рік тому

    Hector Perez are you kidding us !? 99 % i am sure that you are indian. 5hnx for tutorial

    • @devsschool
      @devsschool  11 місяців тому

      You missed the 99%, I am Mexican. Greetings!

  • @ci6hp1
    @ci6hp1 5 місяців тому

    There's a lot types of layout, but you just use the grid layout; why?

  • @manokaranmanivasakan5141
    @manokaranmanivasakan5141 Рік тому
