Text Warp in Inkscape

  • Опубліковано 1 лют 2025


  • @mikemcknight2936
    @mikemcknight2936 8 років тому +5

    I actually had two computers on while doing this procedure. On one I had Inkscape open and was performing the work. The other had your video playing, and I was pausing at each instruction so I perform the instruction on Inkscape exactly as you instructed. I don't know how I could have done it wrong. In fact I did it multiple times. But I will try it again. The funny thing is that I got the same response and message even after I deleted Inkscape and reinstalled it. By the way, the bezier envelope tool does show in extensions, modify path. Thanks for your response. I'll let you know if it works when I try it again.

  • @MadZell
    @MadZell 6 років тому +2

    Thank you for a clear, and descriptive explanation. To many other "how to's" got too fast and just click around ...no way to follow.
    Great job!

  • @peterdaye1033
    @peterdaye1033 7 років тому +10

    you have to be patient to figure this out, folks... she explains EVERYTHING out. But is you decide NOT to watch this video from front to back without skipping around to different parts, you will not miss key points that she addresses. It wasn't working for me either, because that's exactly what i was doing. I then watched to whole video and referenced he blog as well. downloaded both the extension and the template. its all laid out. just be patient guys... you're learning.

  • @AnimalsMatterMorally
    @AnimalsMatterMorally 3 роки тому

    Glad I'm still using .92 Inkscape, this method worked great, thank you !

  • @jewels3596
    @jewels3596 7 років тому

    I'm such a newbie but I appreciate your easy to understand instructions.

  • @realmisterherman
    @realmisterherman 6 років тому +2

    Gotten enough of this! ! ! Went on subsequently and downloaded Photoscape X (free version) for Windows 10 without having to go thru the steep learning curve. On Photoscape X, you can arch, arc, bulge and more.

    • @ays2013boss
      @ays2013boss 6 років тому

      Is photo scape a good program

    • @fredmcveigh9877
      @fredmcveigh9877 5 років тому

      Photoscape deals with pixels and raster images as far as I am aware .Inkscape deals with vectors so the image would degraded if increased in size with pixels and raster images whereas you could zoom in and resize by ridiculous amounts with vector images .

  • @cleversomeday
    @cleversomeday  9 років тому +1

    Danielle, try selecting the rectangle, then choosing the node edit tool (2nd arrow down) instead of double clicking. That might work better for you.

    • @leonardgore9576
      @leonardgore9576 8 років тому


    • @leinaddd88
      @leinaddd88 2 роки тому

      2022 non function

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  2 роки тому

      @@leinaddd88 right, as noted in the video notes, this extension does not work with Inkscape 1.x, unfortunately

    @HAWDWERK 8 років тому +2

    Thank you for this tutorial! It is explained well and to the point. I've had to watch it a few times between jobs to make sure I'm doing it correctly, hopedfully this time it sticks!

  • @SARAH-od3fz
    @SARAH-od3fz 4 роки тому

    OMG I love this tutorial AND THANK YOU So very much for the explanation. I have fairly newer Mac and was able to get it with using the feature GO TO menu!! You're amazing!!

  • @chansofancy
    @chansofancy 6 років тому

    It took me a few times trial and error (on my part) but awesome tutorial. It worked for me!

  • @feralhousecat
    @feralhousecat 5 років тому

    Thank you for this tip, it exactly showed me how to address a problem I was having with text in a logo.

  • @8rescuefurbabies559
    @8rescuefurbabies559 7 років тому

    Thank you so much! After I figured out the download and restarted it worked like a charm!

  • @thenar
    @thenar 3 роки тому +1

    As usual, a well presented concept. Thank you.

  • @melissaraebaker5051
    @melissaraebaker5051 9 років тому

    So helpful! This process worked exactly as described without any issue. Thank you for sharing!

  • @dianaesco179
    @dianaesco179 8 років тому +1

    Thank you so much for all this knowledge.I have tried following step by step instructions to add the extensions but have been unsuccessful. Cant figure out what I'm doing wrong.

  • @mikemcknight2936
    @mikemcknight2936 8 років тому +7

    I have tried this multiple times, and it still will not work. At first I thought I had placed the download of the bezier extensions in the wrong place. I completely removed Inkscape, reloaded it, reloaded the download from your page, and put them in the extension area. Still no help. It will not work. It says: "Inkscape has received additional data from the script executed. The script did not return an error, but this may indicate the results will not be as expected". The text remains where I placed it and does not move at all. What am I doing wrong?

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  8 років тому +1

      Hi Mike, This process is not even the slightest bit forgiving. I have not seen this particular failure mode but it sounds like either you did not select both the text and path or that the path is not constructed correctly.

    • @melissabrannan8261
      @melissabrannan8261 8 років тому +1

      I got the same message on both my PC and my MAC. I also have both files in saved correctly, but get the same message about the script. Is there any way to get the Bezier envelope extensions?

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  8 років тому

      Hi Melissa, I spent some time trying to replicate this error when Mike posted, and again today, and I can't replicate the error, so I don't know what else to tell you. Be sure you have verified the path as described on my blog post about this (linked in description above). Also be sure your error message is exactly the same as Mike's. The more common error messages tell you exactly what is wrong.

    • @melissabrannan8261
      @melissabrannan8261 8 років тому +1

      I get this message:Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "bezierenvelope.py", line 381, in
      File "C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\extensions\inkex.py", line 268, in affect
      File "bezierenvelope.py", line 90, in effect
      raise Exception, "Both letter and envelope must be SVG paths."
      Exception: Both letter and envelope must be SVG paths.

    • @melissabrannan8261
      @melissabrannan8261 8 років тому +1

      Thank you for your help. I am working on a Cricut project and I need to warp the text. Thanks!

  • @Quirks59m
    @Quirks59m 9 років тому

    Thanks for the video - I always learn something new with your tutorials and videos!

  • @v1nchynoobs
    @v1nchynoobs 7 років тому

    Thank you! I have been trying to recreate the THRASHER logo on paint.net but could not find any tools or plugins that recreate the effect so I decided to look into inkscape and this works fine!

  • @nunya9047
    @nunya9047 4 роки тому +2

    Do you have any suggestions for those of us using the Inkscape 1.0?

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  4 роки тому +2

      Sorry. no. Hopefully the author of the extension will update it.

  • @mikemcknight2936
    @mikemcknight2936 8 років тому

    By the way, the modify path, envelope and perspective options work, but obviously are not very flexible like the bezier envelope.

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  8 років тому

      Sorry you are having so much trouble. Please use the contact form on my Cleversomeday.com blog to send me your email address so I can try to help.

  • @judyfortune9142
    @judyfortune9142 3 роки тому

    Can you still find an older version of Inkscape? I have a version that isn't compatible with the Bezier Envelope and this video is so well done. It is the first time I have understood anything about Inkscape. I really want to be able to do this,

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  3 роки тому

      thank you. older versions may still be available at inkscape.org

    • @judyfortune9142
      @judyfortune9142 3 роки тому

      I found an older version and installed the Bezier Envelope. When I get to the step of combining the text and envelope I get an error message that both must be svg paths. I don't understand this. Can you help?

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  3 роки тому

      @@judyfortune9142 converting to paths in covered in the video, so please watch again and be sure you aren't skipping any steps.

  • @lawsc4u
    @lawsc4u 6 років тому

    Love, love, love it!! Worked on the first try. Thank you for sharing.

  • @sharonsmit6579
    @sharonsmit6579 4 роки тому

    Found you today, thanks this was very helpful and informative.

  • @raymorris2655
    @raymorris2655 2 роки тому +1

    I know this is an older version of inkscape, I tried this with a newer version and there is no bezier envelope only envelope. Can you help me with this !! Thank You

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  2 роки тому

      This is an extension which has to be added, and unfortunately, as noted in the video description, it is not compatible with Inkscape 1.0 or higher.

  • @markcouture5227
    @markcouture5227 6 років тому

    I'm new to inkscape and installed the 2 files you mentioned below. However, I received this "error" message,
    "Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "bezierenvelope.py", line 381, in
    File "inkex.py", line 283, in affect
    File "bezierenvelope.py", line 90, in effect
    raise Exception, "Both letter and envelope must be SVG paths."
    Exception: Both letter and envelope must be SVG paths
    I confirmed that the files are in the \extension folder. I'm running inscape 0.92.
    Thanks for your help.

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  6 років тому +1

      Hi Mark. Since you got far enough for the error message we know the extension is installed correctly. The error message is telling you what the problem is. Either your text or your envelope shape is not a path. This extension is not forgiving at all, you have to follow all the steps to the letter and in the right order, so give it another try and watch the status bar as it will tell you what's a path and what's not.

    • @markcouture5227
      @markcouture5227 6 років тому

      @@cleversomeday Thanks! I got it working. Happy New Year!

  • @leesar4306
    @leesar4306 8 років тому +2

    Thank you so much! This is very helpful. Makes me save time for my designs. =)

  • @TheKevphil
    @TheKevphil 2 роки тому

    Thank You very much for this great little tut!

  • @DorianGreer
    @DorianGreer 8 років тому

    Oh hell yeah, this is sooo much simpler. Thank you, very, very much.

  • @doreenrobertson2683
    @doreenrobertson2683 8 років тому


  • @ays2013boss
    @ays2013boss 6 років тому

    I don't have the option bezier envelope just envelope. I thought this came standard with ink scape. I was so pumped up to do this because I want to put it on a shirt like this and then so bummed when it didn't work I don't even have that option

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  6 років тому

      As explained in the video and blog post, this is an extension to Inkscape, not a built in feature. Please see the link in the description above for instructions for downloading and installing the extension.

  • @juandelao3263
    @juandelao3263 7 років тому

    Great tutorial! I am having issues with the lower text in your example "inkscape". Every time I use the bezier envelope it flips my letters upside down. They are in the correct order and the correct shape but upside down. Any ideas?

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  7 років тому

      Hi Juan. Most likely your envelope path is drawn in the wrong order or wrong direction. Has to be clockwise starting at upper left.

    • @juandelao3263
      @juandelao3263 7 років тому

      Thank you! I will give that a try!!

    • @juandelao3263
      @juandelao3263 7 років тому

      Worked a charm! Thank you for the quick response!

  • @Mad_Squabbles86
    @Mad_Squabbles86 3 роки тому

    I don't seem to be able to find the Bezier Envelope Extension. Anyone else have this issue?

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  3 роки тому

      Go to the blog link above and then use the alternate link to the Extension.

  • @rayscrafield2106
    @rayscrafield2106 6 років тому

    Thanks so much for your video. Do you have other Inkscape tutorials?

  • @orangetagprintingcompany402
    @orangetagprintingcompany402 9 років тому

    Perhaps im skipping a step, because after i create the envelope and un-grouped text. also selecting it the correct way, my text will come out side ways and not as shown

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  9 років тому +1

      +OrangeTag Clothing It sounds like your envelope path was not drawn in the correct order (first point in upper left then clockwide). You can redraw the path or simply rotate your text before you apply the extension.

    • @donnell810
      @donnell810 9 років тому

      +CleverSomeday wow you're the best. that was exactly the problem. that was very helpful

  • @michelecourtney9719
    @michelecourtney9719 8 років тому

    Thank you for this informative video. I finally figured out how to copy the files for the extensions. everything seems to work okay but then when I use the extension the text turns sideways and backwards. Any idea what i am doing wrong?

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  8 років тому +1

      Sounds like you envelope shape in the wrong order. As explained in the video, points have to start in the upper left and proceed clockwise.

    • @michelecourtney9719
      @michelecourtney9719 8 років тому

      CleverSomeday thanks for the fast reply!!! You are correct!!!! Thank you thank you thank you!

  • @jamieharris986
    @jamieharris986 6 років тому

    Thank you very much. Worked on the first try!!!

  • @RiodaRat
    @RiodaRat 3 місяці тому

    I downloaded the extension and followed the steps to using it but for some reason it stays greyed out in the extensions menu. Can you help me out with solving this problem?

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  3 місяці тому

      As notes in the video description, this extension does not work in the current versions of Inkscape.

    • @RiodaRat
      @RiodaRat 3 місяці тому

      @@cleversomeday yeah I just realized that after watching the video a few times. I was able to find an alternative solution. Thank you for replying at least

  • @moistandsquishy9925
    @moistandsquishy9925 9 років тому

    Thank you for this! Great design

  • @night-hound22
    @night-hound22 5 років тому

    I tried to do exactly what you did within the video and it just didn't work! The text won't rotate as the rotation points aren't even showing up. I have tried this technique several times and it just didn't work! Any ideas?! Please as I am starting to get annoyed with inkscape! ANY OTHER SUGGESTIONS PLEASE?!

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  5 років тому +1

      not understanding what you mean by rotation or rotation points. Try selecting the rectangle and clicking the second arrow down on the left hand toolbar if doubleclicking doesn't reveal the nodes.

    • @night-hound22
      @night-hound22 5 років тому

      @@cleversomeday Thanks this was really helpful!

  • @leanorgemme8268
    @leanorgemme8268 5 років тому

    I did everything as explained to do but when I click on Modify Path and Bezier envelope, the font is hidden behind the image. What am I doing wrong?

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  5 років тому

      hmm. that's a new one. be sure you are selecting the objects in the correct order and maybe set the fill color of the shape to none.

  • @lorileeb1402
    @lorileeb1402 8 років тому

    Thank you! Installed and working. Only issue is the letters skew somewhat when put into the Bezier Envelope. Is there anyway to prevent this?

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  8 років тому

      The skewing is the nature of the process. To minimize it, break your text up into smaller sections and warp it separately or keep your curves as slight as possible.

    • @lorileeb1402
      @lorileeb1402 8 років тому

      Thanks. I'll try that.

  • @jennifershern1935
    @jennifershern1935 2 роки тому

    I keep getting an error message "two paths must be selected. The first is the letter, the 2nd is the envelope and must have 4 sides"??

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  2 роки тому

      yes. as noted in the video, both items must be paths and the envelope must have exactly 4 nodes. check the status bar for each one to see where the problem is.

    • @jennifershern1935
      @jennifershern1935 2 роки тому

      @@cleversomeday It’s just not working for me? I’m trying to make this SVG

    • @jennifershern1935
      @jennifershern1935 2 роки тому

      I was trying to add a pic but it doesn’t let me?

    • @jennifershern1935
      @jennifershern1935 2 роки тому

      @@cleversomeday the status of the word says “Path 204 nodes in Layer 1”

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  2 роки тому

      @@jennifershern1935 what does the status box say about the box? and what version of Inkscape are you using?

  • @nhollowayiii
    @nhollowayiii 3 роки тому

    I followed perfectly, but I'm getting Syntax Error: Invalid Syntax. Didn't do this before. Any ideas?

  • @aatone4530
    @aatone4530 5 років тому

    how do you make a symmetrical bend, at the very middle so that the letters bend symmetrically.

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  5 років тому +1

      I'm not sure of the best way, but what I usually do is pull out some guidelines and then snap the nodes to that.

    • @aatone4530
      @aatone4530 5 років тому

      CleverSomeday i’ll try that. Thank you!

  • @techstudioli4691
    @techstudioli4691 5 років тому

    Thank you so much. Very helpful Tutorial.

  • @missloriscraftroom
    @missloriscraftroom 6 років тому

    Hi I have a question I was able to warp text but id like to do one with the curve on the top and keep the letters flat on the bottom. like in your tutorial but no matter what i do it keeps making the bottom curl up too

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  6 років тому

      Hi Lori. Be sure your shape is perfectly flat on the bottom and try the steps in the video again.

    • @missloriscraftroom
      @missloriscraftroom 6 років тому

      Im using a text and a shape. I pulled the curve down from the top. it makes the font go down on the top it make it curve on the top but also the corners on the bottom are curving a bit

    • @missloriscraftroom
      @missloriscraftroom 6 років тому

      I want it to do exactly the opposite of what you did in this tutorial. make the top cure down

  • @gckalnay
    @gckalnay 2 роки тому

    For some reason, my text will not "arch" to the shape. It will conform to the path, but only in straight paths. I tried w different fonts and DL'd your paths. Any help is appreciated.

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  2 роки тому

      Be sure you are using the Bezier Envelope Extension and an Inkscape version prior to 1.0

    • @gckalnay
      @gckalnay 2 роки тому

      @@cleversomeday that would be it. I have the latest version

  • @adon1685
    @adon1685 8 років тому

    Hello please i want to put a small logo inside a number then use a cutter machine to cut it...any idea how to do it?much appretiated

  • @theinnovativebar
    @theinnovativebar 9 років тому +1

    Can you help me ? Im having problems trying to download the extensions im running windows 7

  • @saul4691
    @saul4691 9 років тому

    I have tried following step by step instructions and keep getting the same error message 381 I better say I did follow step by step even with the same text shown on the video.

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  9 років тому

      +saul sep As shown in the video, both the text and the path must be converted to path or that is the error you will get. The extension requires very specific input. Check each component against the status bar at the bottom of the page to check that it is a path.

  • @bruceoertel107
    @bruceoertel107 Рік тому

    When I draw the box I get 8 or 9 nodes. I have several time and can't get 4 nodes

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  Рік тому

      Make sure you click the make corners sharp button, and it should make 4 nodes, but you can also go into node mode and delete down to 4.

  • @vachevyguy
    @vachevyguy 9 років тому

    Thanks great information keep up the great work 👍

  • @t3rvbyt323
    @t3rvbyt323 9 років тому

    for some reason a recurring issue I have is that the text just disappears after applying the bezier envelope. the shape remains though.. and they are not stacked on top of each other.. just gone!

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  9 років тому

      +T3RV BYT3 I don't remember which error yields this result, but I do know that the process is not forgiving at all. Every step must be done exactly as prescribed or it won't work.

  • @tomaszwolbrecht4081
    @tomaszwolbrecht4081 8 років тому

    Hi. Anytime I draw a rectangle, the status bar says it has 8 nodes, not 4. What am I doing wrong? Please help. Thanks.

    • @jays3676
      @jays3676 7 років тому

      Tomasz, I know this is a year later but I had the same problem. What you have to do is once you make the rectangle and convert it to a path go to "Path" and then to "Simplify". It should now read 4 nodes, and now you can double click it and add the curve to it. Hope you figured it out or this helped.

  • @ferdinandgolz4847
    @ferdinandgolz4847 8 років тому

    Hey CleverSomeday, i did every step like you but finally the letters are set sideways in the amberlobe (sry for bad english :/). Thank you!

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  8 років тому

      If the letters are sideways then that means the path was not drawn in the correct order (starting at upper left and proceeding clockwise). Either redraw the path or rotate the text in the opposite direction before applying the extension to compensate.

    • @ferdinandgolz4847
      @ferdinandgolz4847 8 років тому

      I got it! You clicked on the background (1:22 after you ungroup) and i didnt see this first. Thanks anyway for the answer! :)

  • @Kaynaydian
    @Kaynaydian 8 років тому

    Wonderful tutorial!! Thanks so much!

  • @eloomrc
    @eloomrc 9 років тому

    not working :/
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "bezierenvelope.py", line 381, in
    File "C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\extensions\inkex.py", line 268, in affect
    File "bezierenvelope.py", line 90, in effect
    raise Exception, "Both letter and envelope must be SVG paths."
    Exception: Both letter and envelope must be SVG paths.

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  9 років тому

      +eloomrc As shown in the video, both the text and the path must be converted to path or that is the error you will get. The extension requires very specific input. Check each component against the status bar at the bottom of the page to check that it is a path.

    • @eloomrc
      @eloomrc 9 років тому

      +CleverSomeday Great! Thanks for your help, it's working now!

  • @christineedwards7874
    @christineedwards7874 5 років тому

    thank you so much~ when i go to upload the image to design space, it only gives me random letters of my text. i tried object to path but it didnt work. any advice

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  5 років тому

      I'll need more information so please contact me using cleversomeday.com/contact so I can help better

  • @mechellestewart8439
    @mechellestewart8439 5 років тому

    I keep getting this pop up box that says both letter and envelooe must be SVG paths..........??????

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  5 років тому

      yes, both the text and the envelope have to be paths, as discussed in the video. Click on each and read off the status bar to find the culprit.

    • @mechellestewart8439
      @mechellestewart8439 5 років тому

      @@cleversomeday ...i followed your instructions to a tee. Even paused the video after each step. I finally had to dump inkscape and redownload it to work.

    • @morourke1205
      @morourke1205 4 роки тому

      I had the same problem. Use "union" instead of "combine" and it works as shown.

  • @kristinoland8516
    @kristinoland8516 5 років тому

    I just tried to download the Bezier Envelope Extension and had to use the alternate link. I've tried several times and it still does not show up in the Modify extensions. Can not figure out what I am doing wrong. I checked my preferences to make sure I had the right path, copied both files, unzipped, closed and re-opened the program and still don't have it. Any other suggestions?

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  5 років тому

      That's everything I would have suggested. Recommend you go to inkscapeforum.com where some inkscape gurus might be able to help.

  • @klaytondavis3485
    @klaytondavis3485 6 років тому

    How come I do not have the "Bezier Envelope" as an option ? I only have envelope or flatten Bezier

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  6 років тому

      It is an extension that has to be installed. Please see link in the video description for details.

  • @mcgoos5
    @mcgoos5 7 років тому +1

    Thanks so much worked a treat :D

  • @alejandroorozco2343
    @alejandroorozco2343 5 років тому

    I tried installing the extension but when i go to into c:program files/inkscape/share.... there is no "extensions" folder not sure what to do here.

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  5 років тому

      as I mention at the link above... If you can’t find the extensions folder using this path, you can open Inkscape and look under Preferences>System>Inkscape Extensions to find your specific path

    • @alejandroorozco2343
      @alejandroorozco2343 5 років тому

      @@cleversomeday seems like i had an older version of inksacape. I uninstalled it and reinstalled a new version and i was able to do it. Great tutorial. thanks a lot!!

  • @lilgellys4296
    @lilgellys4296 8 років тому

    Hello! i have a quick question. I've watched your video and did like you said using the square on the side tool bar. I select it. click on Path then object to path. I try double clicking and the square goes away. Or i select the square and then try and click on the second arrow and it still disappears. could you tell me what i am doing wrong?

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  8 років тому +1

      Hmm. Not sure what is going on here. Try working in Outline View View>DIsplay>Outline

    • @lilgellys4296
      @lilgellys4296 8 років тому

      ok i finally got it to raise the bottom in an arch. Now lol after that i get to the part when you say to select the text first then select the box. Well when i go to select the text first the box disappears... LOL

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  8 років тому

      My guess is your lines are transparent, which is why I suggested the Outline View. You might also want to try using my template so that the shapes are already prepared for you. They are available at the link in the video description.

    • @lilgellys4296
      @lilgellys4296 8 років тому

      +CleverSomeday ok thank you very much!

    • @lilgellys4296
      @lilgellys4296 8 років тому

      oh my gosh that worked.. I was trying over and over again... Thank you so much!

  • @LoriAnneBrown
    @LoriAnneBrown Рік тому

    since there is no longer a "bezier envelope" option in the current version, how do you do this today?

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  Рік тому

      Lattice Deformation under Path Effects is the probably best option now, but it's not the same or as good for text as Bezier Envelope, unfortunately.

  • @julielamas9667
    @julielamas9667 4 роки тому

    The Bezier envelope doea not appear in extensions file... I downloaded it and copied it to Inkscape folder 📂 per directions...I have Word not Mac. What am i doing wrong?

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  4 роки тому

      If you are using Inkscape 1.0, the extension is not compatible. If you are using an earlier version, please see the link in the description above for more information, including how to find the correct path for your setup.

  • @lizethrodriguez2756
    @lizethrodriguez2756 3 роки тому

    I'ven replaying video over and over, and following it tediously step by step I keep getting this distorted image... Can anyone help, what am I doing wrong?

  • @mikemcknight2936
    @mikemcknight2936 8 років тому

    Still won't work. I don't think I am skipping a step or doing them in the wrong sequence. Don''t know what else to do.

    • @iluvmysix
      @iluvmysix 8 років тому

      I think I was having the same problem. I played around with the grouping/ungrouping and combing/breaking apart until it said "path" in the status bar at the bottom. It finally worked. Good luck.

    • @iluvmysix
      @iluvmysix 8 років тому

      Object to path might help too.

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  8 років тому

      you can reach me though the contact form on my blog for additional help. my best advice is to pay attention to the status bar as it is your best friend on this.

  • @michaelcortel7299
    @michaelcortel7299 9 років тому

    You are a life saver! Thank you!

  • @stuartwalsh4974
    @stuartwalsh4974 2 роки тому

    really informative, many thanks

  • @On3_d3sTrUcToR
    @On3_d3sTrUcToR 3 роки тому +1

    I've done everything to the letter and I still receive this message File "bezierenvelope.py", line 83
    raise Exception, "Two paths must be selected. The 1st is the letter, the 2nd is the envelope and must have 4 sides."
    SyntaxError: invalid syntax

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  3 роки тому

      click on each item one by one and read off the status bar to find which one is not in compliance. They both need to say path (not text, group, etc) and the envelope should save path 4 nodes.

    • @herbie93
      @herbie93 3 роки тому

      @@cleversomeday Found your tutorial today and am experiencing the same error message. I've checked both objects multiple times, tried various ways of getting the text to a path, even tried a single letter to minimize the path points and nothing.

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  3 роки тому

      @@herbie93 what version of Inkscape are you using, and what does the status bar say for the envelope, and for the text?

  • @DonaldDrennan
    @DonaldDrennan 8 років тому

    I put the bezierenvelope.inx and bezierenvelope.py into the extensions folder and re-started Inkscape, but the extension isn't showing up in the menu.

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  8 років тому

      +Donald Drennan Make sure you are looking under the Modify Path submenu for the extensions and if you still don't see them check under Preferences>System>Inkscape Extensions to be sure you installed them in the correct location for your setup.

    • @DonaldDrennan
      @DonaldDrennan 8 років тому

      +CleverSomeday it eventually showed up. Thanks.

  • @coreyf9475
    @coreyf9475 5 років тому

    How do you do the zoom? Did you edit this in another program?

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  5 років тому

      I zoom in Inkscape with the various zoom tools and shortcuts, but then I also zoom in my video editing software, ScreenFlow, to highlight certain things.

    • @coreyf9475
      @coreyf9475 5 років тому

      @@cleversomeday thank you. I will check it out.

  • @LinziOfficial
    @LinziOfficial 5 років тому

    There is no Bezier Envelope extension in my Inkscape under Modify Path :(

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  5 років тому

      Its an extension you have to download and install. Please see the link in the video description for more information

  • @leanorgemme8268
    @leanorgemme8268 5 років тому

    I have tried this method, spent hours and it isn't working - Is there something I'm doing wrong? I can't figure it out. I've downloaded the Bezier Extension. I keep getting a message at the end

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  5 років тому

      the message at the end may be telling you what the problem is. see if you can match your message to an existing comment here and if not, post your error message in another comment

    • @leanorgemme8268
      @leanorgemme8268 5 років тому

      @@cleversomeday thank you for your reply.
      I went back again and retried it again. I'm not getting errors again. I did get it to work once and have been trying again and can't seem to get it. When I get to the last step, the text that I'm trying to manipulate in the shape is going all wonky? I have made my shape with both the square and with the bezier tool and am going clockwise

  • @mahmodabdulsalam99
    @mahmodabdulsalam99 6 років тому

    Thank you so much ,great work

  • @sammifisher35
    @sammifisher35 8 років тому +1

    i have a windows and i cant get the extension to download to inkscape. what am i doing wrong/.

    • @stephaniearmstrong2617
      @stephaniearmstrong2617 7 років тому

      I am the same, we're using Windows and can't figure out how to get the extension downloaded. We can't figure out how to get to the share folder in windows. Help please?

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  7 років тому

      Please Google how to install inkscape extensions for your version of windows. You may also need to Google how to view hidden folders.

  • @aminkhaled7494
    @aminkhaled7494 4 роки тому

    Why is it that i cant find my C:Program Files\Inkscape\share\extensions when i want to download the extension

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  4 роки тому

      please refer to the blog post linked above for steps to take if you can not locate your extensions folder. Specifically, there is a place to look inside Inkscape to get the appropriate path.

  • @FranklynMonk
    @FranklynMonk 8 років тому +1

    The one linked on the blog works under 0.48, but not 0.91.
    However I found a version that does (I don't know about 0.92 though): github.com/shlomif/Bezier-Envelope-for-Inkscape

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  8 років тому

      I have used the one linked above successfully in both .48 and .91, but I appreciate you linking that here for those who might be having trouble.

  • @adrian2825
    @adrian2825 4 роки тому

    The Bezeier Envelope Extension does not download successfully. Can you provide any assistance with that? Thanks.

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  4 роки тому

      sorry this is not my extension, just my tutorial. If you tried both links on my blog then I don't have any other suggestions at this time. Also, it has not been updated for Inkscape 1.0 to my knowledge.

  • @t3rvbyt323
    @t3rvbyt323 9 років тому

    I have gotten it to work once or twice though so not sure what I;m doing wrong.

  • @naufulwijdan
    @naufulwijdan 2 роки тому

    thank you very much, very helpful..

  • @oscarmartinez6381
    @oscarmartinez6381 6 років тому

    Help. It worked the fisrt time then i got this error message : INSKCAPE encountered and internal error and it will close now . :( What can I do to fix it ?

  • @paulahawthorne7807
    @paulahawthorne7807 7 років тому

    can i use this on a PC all i see are directions for mac...thanks..version.92

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  7 років тому

      yes. only the installation instructions are different.

    • @MarkWilder68
      @MarkWilder68 7 років тому

      Same for me...

  • @melvastephenson6825
    @melvastephenson6825 4 роки тому

    Any word on this being available yet for version 1.0??

  • @jnobull45
    @jnobull45 5 років тому +1

    can this be done with gimp? or can someone send me a link to a vid that can do this exact something in gimp?

  • @chaidenSP
    @chaidenSP 2 роки тому

    Great Tutorial!!

  • @lordchicken2879
    @lordchicken2879 Рік тому

    I dont have the envelope extension. Any way to add?

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  Рік тому +1

      Everyone has to add, as noted in the video. However, as noted in the video description, the extension does not work with the latest versions of Inkscape.

    • @lordchicken2879
      @lordchicken2879 Рік тому

      Thank you

  • @ion1824
    @ion1824 5 років тому

    is there any way to save as jpg directly from inkscape ??

  • @unioncarpgirl
    @unioncarpgirl 6 років тому

    Does anyone know what this error means in inkscape. comes up after i click Modify Path bezier envelope.
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "bezierenvelope.py", line 70, in
    import inkex, os, simplepath, cubicsuperpath, simpletransform,sys
    File "simpletransform.py", line 23, in
    import inkex, cubicsuperpath, bezmisc, simplestyle
    ImportError: No module named bezmisc

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  6 років тому

      I would doublecheck the path where extensions should be installed and if that is correct, then try posting your question to inkscapeforum or inkscapecommunity

  • @guilestan2743
    @guilestan2743 6 років тому

    How do you keep the curve centered?

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  6 років тому +1

      Good question. I drag some guides and then snap my bezier handles to them to keep them symmetrical, which then keeps things centered.

    • @guilestan2743
      @guilestan2743 5 років тому

      @@cleversomeday Thank you for the help :)

  • @davegb446
    @davegb446 8 років тому

    But when you shape the size how do you know they are even?

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  8 років тому +1

      Dave, I usually just eyeball it, but if you need to be more precise you can use the bezier handles and position them precisely using the x and y coordinates. It may also help to use symmetric nodes (shift-y)

    • @davegb446
      @davegb446 8 років тому

      ok i will look into it thanks for the reply

  • @sorstudios
    @sorstudios 8 років тому

    Oh man this was great.

  • @TheRamanm
    @TheRamanm 2 роки тому +1


    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  2 роки тому

      as noted above, hasn't worked since 1.0, unfortunately.

  • @createwithchelsea5762
    @createwithchelsea5762 4 роки тому

    Double clicking the box is not giving me the same option yours does.

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  4 роки тому

      Be sure you are double clicking a path, not a group or text. If that doesn't work, use the second arrow from the top left to get into node edit mode instead of double clicking.

    • @createwithchelsea5762
      @createwithchelsea5762 4 роки тому

      I was double clicking the square I made in order to bend the text. But I got it to work drawing the 4 nodes rather than just making a square

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  4 роки тому +1

      @@createwithchelsea5762 Glad you got it to work. If you use the rectangle tool, you have to convert to path after that.

  • @pauljs75
    @pauljs75 Рік тому

    Anyone know how to get that extension working in 1.3 AppImage?

  • @jameschang659
    @jameschang659 4 роки тому

    how does one drag and copy in inkscape?

  • @missloriscraftroom
    @missloriscraftroom 5 років тому

    Thanks this is great

  • @tinroofrelics
    @tinroofrelics 7 років тому

    this is what happens to mine when I try to modify path i get a box popup and says "The fantastic lxml wrapper for libxml2 is required by inkex.py and therefore this extension.Please download and install the latest version from cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/lxml/, or install it through your package manager by a command like: sudo apt-get install python-lxml
    Technical details:
    No module named lxml"
    and i follwed your instructions to the "T" paused several times to make sure it was right. using inkscape .92

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  7 років тому

      This indicates some sort of python version conflict. Google it for your OS and you will find the steps to fix it.

    • @tinroofrelics
      @tinroofrelics 7 років тому

      CleverSomeday I just re- installed Inkscape.92 and it had bezier extension already in there

    • @cleversomeday
      @cleversomeday  7 років тому

      thank you for that info

  • @TheBBeasleyTX
    @TheBBeasleyTX 9 років тому

    thanks.....great video