Q&A with Elder Randy Skeete: The Investigative Judgment

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • Should we be afraid of the judgment? What is its purpose? What is Christ's role in this judgment?
    Ft. Jasmine Bowen, Kristi-Ann Caddle and Avery Jones
    #judgment #justice #sda #randyskeet #thewordinspired #presenttruth


  • @TexasGrandma2010
    @TexasGrandma2010 4 місяці тому +2

    Too bad you got it wrong and just misquoted Daniel 8:14. He waid to me, It will take 2300 EVENINGS AND MORNINGS. Genesis tells us how you measure this. It is 24 jr day and only a 24 hour day, not subject to 7 weeks into years rules. This prophecy leads to Maccabees and the reason for Hannukah. Jesus recognized this. Sad how you steal from Jewish history.

  • @barryford1482
    @barryford1482 4 місяці тому +1

    Don't get the book " 1844 made simple" read the bible instead especially Hebrews 9 in context not a verse hear and there

  • @Former_SDA
    @Former_SDA Рік тому +4

    _So we have no biblical example or account of any high priest entering the holy of holies_ , *opening some books, and then begin to investigate something* . Why is this suddenly applicable 1800+ years later when we have *zero typology* or even *one example* of such a thing in the old testament sanctuary practices?

    • @joelawitte
      @joelawitte Рік тому

      There is a connection between a judgment and the opening of the most holy place in Rev. 11:18-19. Notice, this happens during the seventh trumpet long after 31ad. This judgment under the seventh trumpet follows the period of 1260 days under the sixth trumpet (rev. 11:1-6). This parallels Daniel 7:9-11, where a judgement follows the reign of the little horn (1260). See Daniel 7:22-26.

    • @Former_SDA
      @Former_SDA Рік тому +4

      @@joelawitte I just reviewed *ALL the passages* you suggested, and again, there is nothing in them supporting a *high priest entering the holy of holies, opening some books, and then begin to investigate something* .

    • @Marcus_Thomas_
      @Marcus_Thomas_ Рік тому

      ​​​@@Former_SDAThe book of the LORD tells us that the services of the earthly high priests' were simply a copy of the work that Christ our high priest is doing now in the heavenly sanctuary.
      Exodus 25:8-9 "And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them. According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it."
      In the type at the end of the year, the high priest would go into the most holy place or the holiest of all, to make the final atonement for the sanctuary and for the people. The book of the LORD says:
      Leviticus 16:29-30 "And this shall be a statue for ever unto you: that in the seventh month, on the tenth day of the month (the date of the earthly high priest entering into the holiest of all is important because it represents Christ movement into the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary at a specific date), ye shall afflict your souls, and do no servile work at all, whether it be of your own country, or a stranger that sojourneth among you: For on that day shall the priest make an atonement for you, to cleanse you, that ye may be clean from all your sins before the LORD."
      Verse 34 of Leviticus 16 says: "And this shall be an everlasting statue unto you, to make an atonement for the children of Israel for all their sins *once a year.*
      So the earthly high priest went unto the earthly sanctuary or into the holiest of all once a year to make atonement for the people.
      As the earthly high priest entered once into the holiest of all in the earthly sanctuary so did Christ as our heavenly high priest. The book of the LORD says:
      Hebrews 9:7 "But into the second went the high priest alone *once every year* not without blood, which he offered for himself, and for the errors of the people.
      Hebrews 9:25- "Nor yet that he should offer himself often, as the high priest entereth into the holy place every year with blood of others."
      Hebrews 9:26 "For then must he often have suffered since the the foundation of the world: but now *once* in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself."
      While the earthly high priest was in the holiest of all making atonement for the people in the earthly sanctuary the people were to afflict their souls, they were to investigate themselves to see if their was any unconfessed sin in their lives and to make sure they put those sins away. Even so in the heavenly things. Christ is now in the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary as our heavenly high priest, making the final atonement for us, looking to blot out our sins. And while he is doing this we are to be investigating ourselves or afflicting our souls to make sure our sins are confessed and put away. There were no literal "books" that the earthly high priest had in which to investigate the people." But the "books" were a record of their lives and sins. Even so in the heavenly Jesus as high priest is investigating the record of our lives now. As the person quoted Daniel 7:10 to you showing the work of Christ as heavenly high priest:
      Daniel 7:10 "A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: *the judgement was set, and the books were opened.*

    • @Tm91studies
      @Tm91studies Рік тому +2

      Ecclesiastes 8:5 …a wise man’s heart discerneth both time and judgment.
      Proverbs 28:5
      Evil men understand not judgment: but they that seek the LORD understand all things.

    • @revelation1790
      @revelation1790 Рік тому +1

      Your statement is true. However, was not blood taken in during the year to the Holy Place
      and that blood represented sin? And was not the day of Atonement for removing of the sin, so everyone was participating and reflecting at the door of their tents? Prior to the day of an Atonement, the people had to afflict their souls and participate by faith, thus portraying a judgment, but not with literal books. The investigative judgment is not so much God finding out about sin, but a revealing of the life. What happens is that if you're life on Earth is one of overcoming, then the records in heaven reflect that fact....you have been changed by Christ. It is not God trying to keep people out of heaven, but it is God revealing those that have been changed.
      If we understand the character of God, then we know that He is for us, and that there is no fear in love , because perfect love casts out fear. He that fears is not made perfect in love. So if we understand that God loves us, then we don't need to fear about the judgment, and we can have assurance of salvation.

  • @stanloumargis4647
    @stanloumargis4647 3 місяці тому

    Without the shedding of blood there is no remission (forgiveness) of sin if nothing was sufficient for forgiveness through christ blood then his death was meaningless then it opens investigative old testament system of sin forgiveness did not abolish

  • @barryford1482
    @barryford1482 4 місяці тому +1

    Hebrews is very clear Jesus went into the Most Holy Place in AD 31 not 1844. In Daniel chapter 8 the sanctuary was cleansed or restored the sanctuary from the action of the little horn not the sins of the saints. The Adventist Church had a committee in the early 1960s that went for 5 years on the investigative judgement that was disbanded and they could not find the IJ in scripture and no minutes were taken
    You need to repent from your error and for the abuse to Christians this evil doctrine causes.

  • @carisacharran8228
    @carisacharran8228 8 місяців тому +2

    Thank u for the enlightenment. Thus is what the churches need to go ❤

  • @philippe9078
    @philippe9078 11 місяців тому +2

    Why would you add to the word of God?
    The Bible says:
    «And just as each person is destined to die once and AFTER THAT comes judgment,»
    ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭9‬:‭27‬ ‭NLT‬‬
    Even though the Bible is very clear on this topic. You have the audacity to come up with new complicated theories and confuse people.
    You scare people and mislead them by saying you can be judged while still alive. Don’t do that. It’s not fair
    Indeed the truth will set us free.

  • @JoyRam13
    @JoyRam13 Рік тому +3

    Hi Denisha,
    can you make video with Prof Veith answering who are 2 endimes witnesses from Revelation Chapter 11?

    • @dude9756
      @dude9756 10 місяців тому +1

      When Jesus said at the cross “it is finished.” The Greek word is tetelestai, the perfect indicative passive tense of the word telos, which means to end; to bring to completion; to bring to a conclusion; to complete; to accomplish; to fulfill; or to finish. For example it is like when you finish paying off a car payment it’s paid off. The atonement was finished at the cross. You can’t deny the original language of the Bible Greek and Hebrew. We are the down payment he paid for us.

    • @JoyRam13
      @JoyRam13 10 місяців тому

      @@dude9756 Wll that is clear but question is Who are 2 witnesses form Revelation 11?

    • @dude9756
      @dude9756 10 місяців тому

      @@JoyRam13 I don’t know, probably Elijah and Moses

    • @JoyRam13
      @JoyRam13 10 місяців тому

      @@dude9756 I found out that it is Old and New Testament actually.

  • @SundayKeeper
    @SundayKeeper 11 місяців тому +2

    *Happy Investigative Judgment Day!*
    (Now going on for 179 years)

    • @NoSundayLawComing
      @NoSundayLawComing 2 місяці тому

      Soon to be a full 180 years of being Greatly Disappointed!

  • @stewiefy
    @stewiefy 11 місяців тому +1

    Dan 8:17 at the time of the end shall be the vision
    Dan 8:19 at the time appointed the end shall be
    Matt 24:13-14 this gospel... shall be preached in all the world... and then shall the end come
    Rev 11:7-15 when they shall have finished their testimony(Oct/Nov 2023 - Apr/May 2027)
    Luke 21:18-28 Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until
    Rev 11:2 the holy city shall they tread under foot(Dan 8:13) forty and two months
    Dan 11:40-45 at the time of the end shall
    Dan 8:22 Now that being broken
    Dan 8:23 And in the latter time of their kingdom(274 BC - 2027 AD) Pyrrhus of Epirus was expelled in 275 BC turning his attention to Macedonia in 274 in which time Rome secured southern(Dan 8:9) Italy before conquering Carthage en route to the holy land)
    Dan 8:25 he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes(Rev 17:14) but he shall be broken without hand(Dan 11:45 & Rev 19:20)
    Dan 8:14 then shall the sanctuary be cleansed
    Ezek 45:18 In the first month, in the first day of the month... and cleanse the sanctuary(the day(John 6:40) that Jesus returns will be the first day of the first month of the 1000 yrs, and in that day the sanctuary will be cleansed)
    I know that there was no investigative judgement in 1844 because the 2300 yrs did not end in 1844. At the time of the end shall be the vision, and the time of the end is the last 3 1/2 yrs when the two witnesses do not prophesy, and this gospel is not preached(Amos 8:11-12, Rev 6:12, Matt 24:21 & 29, Isa 13:9-12)

  • @kanyohoho7449
    @kanyohoho7449 24 дні тому

    Question remains will you believe Jesus who said it was finished at the cross or sdas who said no there was more to do after a break of around 1800 years from his ascension.

  • @tracymillington4909
    @tracymillington4909 Рік тому +2

    Thank you Elder Skeete and Denisha for an informative and enlightening session

  • @bredmath
    @bredmath 2 місяці тому

    “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself…” (John‬ ‭14‬:‭3b‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)
    “Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: “The Lord knows those who are His”…” (2 Timothy‬ ‭2‬:‭19‬ ‭NKJV‬‬).
    Jesus declares that He knows His own; He makes no statement about investigating ro determine who is His!
    The Investigative Judgment is anti-Jesus. It pits SDAs against Jesus’ clear declarations.
    The SDA “Church” needs to repent of this false doctrine.
    Said in love and concern.

    • @kanyohoho7449
      @kanyohoho7449 24 дні тому

      This teaching disputes the fact that the atonement was complete at the cross.

  • @cherylboucaud2482
    @cherylboucaud2482 Рік тому +2

    THANK GOD and Thank you Denisha for such a SPIRIT FILLED and informative lesson 🙏 ❤️🇹🇹

    • @denisemedich4723
      @denisemedich4723 Рік тому


    • @dude9756
      @dude9756 10 місяців тому

      When Jesus said at the cross “it is finished.” The Greek word is tetelestai, the perfect indicative passive tense of the word telos, which means to end; to bring to completion; to bring to a conclusion; to complete; to accomplish; to fulfill; or to finish. For example it is like when you finish paying off a car payment it’s paid off. The atonement was finished at the cross. You can’t deny the original language of the Bible Greek and Hebrew. We are the down payment he paid for us.

  • @mr.nelson2
    @mr.nelson2 5 днів тому

    Amen 🙏🏼

  • @stanloumargis4647
    @stanloumargis4647 3 місяці тому

    My comment not entertain by addmin bad page

  • @michaelreyes8182
    @michaelreyes8182 Рік тому +1

    Oh Lord bless this woman, Sister Denisha. What a wonderful blessing she is!

  • @leonfreeman7752
    @leonfreeman7752 8 місяців тому

    deception!demonic lies

  • @stevebee3083
    @stevebee3083 Рік тому +1


  • @camellegarraway1858
    @camellegarraway1858 7 місяців тому

    I don't understand fully I need more clarity

    • @DenishaMcCurchin
      @DenishaMcCurchin  7 місяців тому

      Greetings Sister, What would you like more clarity on? We also did a Q&A with Pr. Bohr on the same topic: ua-cam.com/users/livevYMw0YorSEQ?si=rIfRGiPHlnhWA1YH

    • @camellegarraway1858
      @camellegarraway1858 7 місяців тому

      @@DenishaMcCurchin the sanctuary, the investigated judgment and the pre- advent judgment

    • @jonsmith8116
      @jonsmith8116 3 місяці тому +1

      You don't understand because it is not biblical

  • @m.t.doorservices2092
    @m.t.doorservices2092 Рік тому

    That's right buckle up you will be judged unless you're born again sir

  • @1844.Failed
    @1844.Failed 10 місяців тому +4

    No one had ever been able to suggest a good reason why the sanctuary in Heaven would need to be cleansed.
    With Jesus' death on the cross as the ultimate sacrifice, why would the temple service continue in Heaven when it ceased for Christians on Earth?

    • @TexasGrandma2010
      @TexasGrandma2010 4 місяці тому

      This is a false prophecy from EGW. It doesnt say 2300 days, Dan 8:14 says evening and mornings. It is actual 24 day told to us in Genesis and not subject to 7 week into year rules. Sanctuary was cleansed when Maccabees did it 1 Maccabees 4:36-60. It isn't considered inspired by a lot of churches, but it is accurate history written by the Jews of that time and defeated Antiocus. This Investigative Judgment is not supported by the Bible and is against the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    • @patogden856
      @patogden856 2 місяці тому

      Because the bible says so .

    • @TexasGrandma2010
      @TexasGrandma2010 2 місяці тому +1

      @patogden856 no it doesn't. SDA interpretation of Daniel 8:14 is wrong. 2300 evenings and mornings means actual 2300 days and cannot be interpreted as years because of the wording. Genesis tells us that. Evening and morning gives us 24 hour days. 2300 days takes you to when the Maccabees took back the temple and cleansed it. SDA is nowhere in the Bible. And Daniel 8:14 has nothing to do with 2300 years and the Roman Catholic church and a pope who was killed.

    • @patogden856
      @patogden856 2 місяці тому

      @@TexasGrandma2010 sorry Grandma but SDA people allow the bible to interpret itself , thus it is not an SDA interpretation. Are you calling God. Liar ? He cannot lie against Himself . Problem with a lot of interpretations , they have put a private interpretation thus twisting scripture to their own destruction . All of the early Protestant churches used this method which is itself biblical Isa 28:9-13 . Said with love.

    • @TexasGrandma2010
      @TexasGrandma2010 2 місяці тому +1

      @patogden856 it absolutely is an SDA interpretation and you do not let it interpret itself or you would not think 2300 days can be turned into years so EGWs false prophecies could be used.

  • @m.t.doorservices2092
    @m.t.doorservices2092 Рік тому +1

    It's amazing how well you people twist scripture simply amazing good luck with that