First of all thank you for the person who wrote this horrific events but very very important for all Ethiopian people to knew how the Ethiopian army died and scarfired because Dirty ethinc ideology politics by Wayne!! I did not knew all those horrific events before of today that much about it but I learned so many things. When I was listening this horrific events on the Ethiopian Army, my tears was rolling down on my face and my heart is broken!! Are Wayne officials really humanbeings? From were are they came ? They are so super evil people and you can't compared them with your any enemies!! However, they paid the highest price finally when they defeated by Ethiopian army two times. As Consequences, many Wayne officials killed and captured. Sibahat Naga , Suyyum Mesfin and so many other's. God is Great!
It's a very heartbreaking sad story. TPLF betraying & backstabbing the Ethiopian defence forces & waging criminal war against the Ethiopian troops will continue to haunt Tigray for a long time.
The worst betrayal done in the name of Pretoria agreement, because the criminals return to power and are sitting respected beside Abey Ahmed the traitor number one. Why does the Ethiopian Army accept this traitor Wbby and his PP and coward generals. Sorry how the criminals accepted by Ethiopians after they committed this horrific crime.
ሃቅን ለማድረስ ለምታደርገው ሁሉ ክብር ይስጥልን!!!!
ይህ በገሐድ የታየ ፀሐይ የሞቀው ሀቅ ነው።ይህ ለታሪክ የሚቀመጥ የማይረሳ የመከላከያው ቤተሰብ ታሪክ ነው።ይህን ሀቅ ለመካድ የሚሞክሩ ሰዎች አሉ ሊያፍሩበት ይገባል
እውነት ትዘገያለች እንጂ አትጠፋም🤔🤔🤔ቤተ ሐበሻ🙏🙏🙏
Yasaznal dem EMBA yasnebal... Ay Abiy Ahmed. Khadi
ማንም ይሁን ምንም ባገኙት እድልና ስልጣን በዚች ሀገርና ህዝብ ለተፈፀመው በደል ጌታ ለሁሉም የእጃቸውን ይቀበላሉ
Thank you Sir
First of all thank you for the person who wrote this horrific events but very very important for all Ethiopian people to knew how the Ethiopian army died and scarfired because Dirty ethinc ideology politics by Wayne!! I did not knew all those horrific events before of today that much about it but I learned so many things. When I was listening this horrific events on the Ethiopian Army, my tears was rolling down on my face and my heart is broken!! Are Wayne officials really humanbeings? From were are they came ? They are so super evil people and you can't compared them with your any enemies!! However, they paid the highest price finally when they defeated by Ethiopian army two times. As Consequences, many Wayne officials killed and captured. Sibahat Naga , Suyyum Mesfin and so many other's.
God is Great!
It's a very heartbreaking sad story.
TPLF betraying & backstabbing the Ethiopian defence forces & waging criminal war against the Ethiopian troops will continue to haunt Tigray for a long time.
The worst betrayal done in the name of Pretoria agreement, because the criminals return to power and are sitting respected beside Abey Ahmed the traitor number one.
Why does the Ethiopian Army accept this traitor Wbby and his PP and coward generals.
Sorry how the criminals accepted by Ethiopians after they committed this horrific crime.
God bless you sir
u did historical document which is important for future ethiopianism .
አቤት የክህደት ጥግ
Yes you are right my fired ✌️
Pls we need more
We should have to learn from the past to overcome the future amhara enough evils have done to you, be smart
Bread instead of weapons. Peace instead of War. Cooperation instead of confrontation is by far better.
How long must we live in misery????
ጀኅና ተባረከ ፈኖ ሟኝ ነዉ
Abiy ነው እሱ ያሰበው ነበር እስካሕኑም እሱ ነው.
ክህደትከነሡበላይ እየውአሁንመግስትሊሆንነው ወራዳመግስት ድጋሜአስደፈረን
Qiletam shimagile
Betam yasaznal , weyane yihnin hulu geef serto , zariye weyane ena Bilxigna and honew le Amara ena Eritra lela torinet lemadreg eyemekeru nachew.
Aye Abbiy yemaytamen meri, kehadi !!
Ene.mlawe.lmklakeya.welatawe.ehe.alnbra.gin.ezyawe.hogne.ychgiru.tkfay.blmahone.btam.yismagnal.2004 .tsnabichalawe.ginsrawetulatgray.hezb.kafu.natko.nbar.yagorsae.gin.bagorasawe.tnkasa
Betam ye meysfr Report nw 1 wotdr enkan aytrtrem yamal yasfral
ደራማውን በጡሩ ተወንከው
የዳንኤል ክብረት ተረት ነው ትላንት የተሸወድነው ይበቃል ሰሜን ዕዝ ሊያጠቃ ብሎ ሲዘጋጅ ነው የተቀደመው ሳይቀደሙ መቅደማቸው ልክ ናቸው ሳላደንቃቸው አላልፍም
Ante Denez shimagile
ለዚ ካዲ መንግስት የተከፈለ ዋጋ የሰሜን እዝ የውሻ ሞት ሞተ
ከነቀዝ ባንዳትግሬዎቹ በከፋ ዋነኛ ጠላታችሁ የዘመናችንሰውበላ ዞንቢውአብይነው ።
Gedayvhulie tegedelku maletu ayikerim mewashet tichilubetalachu wishetachu alem awekew temezenachu bemizan begegninet sayihon wishetamoch yemiaminachu yelem sitigedlu tegedelin sitiwashu washubin sitiserku serekubin beesat sitakatilu akatelun sitizerfu zerefun yih engidih sirachu yih demo lemegemeria ayidelem tarik yetsafew limd new yalachu tigedluna tegedelin tizerfuna tezerefin malkes new sirachu
ታሪክ አታበላሽ ውሸታም ነህ እንጂ መከላከያ ጥቅምት 27 ለማጥቃት አስቦ እንደነበር እኮ ስትናገሩ ነበር ።ግን ልምድ ያለው የትግራይ መሪዎች ስለተበለጣችሁ ነው ግን ቲዲፍ ጀግና ነው ።
Ginnn minn yidereg yebeshasha kehadi willeta biss .. he will pay back his deception dirty work.!!!😅😅
አቤት ውሸት ማን ፍስማል ብላህ ነው ውሽት ልማዳችሁ ነው
አናንተ ታሪካቹ ከመቶ አመታት ወታደራቹ እየተጨፋቹ ናቸው መለወጥን አትችሉም።
ፍየለመለ መላስ ናቹ።😅😅😅😅
ሃቅን ለማድረስ ለምታደርገው ሁሉ ክብር ይስጥልን!