IMPORTANT NOTICE: At this moment the ESP32 miners are no longer visible on unMineable. Hopefully it's an issue on unMineable's side and they'll be visible again in the coming days. They have been running on unMineable for the past few weeks without any problems, so fingers crossed that it will work again.
yep...stats on Unmineable already showed up...."SHA256 miners: The pool servers are currently experiencing connectivity issues. All regions are back online. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience!"
@@merleatmo thanks for the update. It looks like there is still something wrong either on the miner software or server side. I am getting an error below; It seems it is getting a response but not a proper one. Received message from pool Receiving: {"id":null,"method":"mining.notify","params":["011b","d06e790d3cb50ad8a1335ae51e7b8dd325e2cbdc000020610000000000000000","01000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff4c03ff650d0f2f736c7573682f6c00750118764a35fabe6d6de771bafc6888fb9881c67bba3dcc1792a745e97348cb4a508d57d7b1d5bbb12410000000000000000000b44107",false]} Parsing Method [MINING NOTIFY] MINER WORK ABORTED >> waiting new job
SHA256 miners: The pool servers are currently experiencing connectivity issues. All regions are back online. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience! 2025-01-05 15:10 I don't see them yet, maybe you?
Results after one year mining: 1. Mining 0.00014289 XNO per day, earns you ~0.05 XNO per year. 2. Consuming 0.7watt per hour, the device consumes ~6 Kw per year. 3. Currently 1 XNO is 'above average' at ~€1.50 4. In the Netherlands 1 KWh costs ~€0.25 Conclusion: ESP32 power consumption cost ~€1.50 XNO earned ~€0.75 Even if the power is for free (like solar), then you'll need 10 years to reach your 'return on investment' of the ESP32 device (€7.50).
very nice video. I have 4 ESP32 with 2.8 inch screens. The mining ran for a while but the miners have no longer been displayed in unmineable for about a week. According to the esp display, however, no workers are running online in the unmineble. are also not displayed with sha256. What is the problem?
Grazie per la guida. Ho programmato 4 workers ESP32-Wroom, tutto ha funzionato perfettamente ed ho raggiunto 10 Ghash/s mining NANO. Dopo alcune ore solo un worker risultava online. Come mai??
Great to hear that you got started right away! Strange that some of them are no longer visible after a while. I only had some problems with an ESP32 that was a bit further away from my WiFi and therefore had no connection. What also sometimes happens is that it takes too long for a result to arrive at unMineable and that it is therefore not visible for a while. I often have that problem with a Raspberry Pi that is mining with the XMRIG algorithm. But mining continues as usual. Otherwise, reboot your ESP32 and place it a little closer to your WiFi point. Also try to keep them a little cool for best results.
I did everything according to your instructions but after entering my address on the unmineable website my employees are not displayed. What could be the reason?
Hi, I have the same problem at this moment. They have been running on unMineable for the past few weeks without any problems, so fingers crossed that it will work again in the coming days.
Hi, we have the same problem at this moment. They have been running on unMineable for the past few weeks without any problems, so fingers crossed that it will work again in the coming days.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: At this moment the ESP32 miners are no longer visible on unMineable. Hopefully it's an issue on unMineable's side and they'll be visible again in the coming days. They have been running on unMineable for the past few weeks without any problems, so fingers crossed that it will work again.
yep...stats on Unmineable already showed up...."SHA256 miners: The pool servers are currently experiencing connectivity issues. All regions are back online. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience!"
@@merleatmo thanks for the update. It looks like there is still something wrong either on the miner software or server side.
I am getting an error below; It seems it is getting a response but not a proper one.
Received message from pool
Receiving: {"id":null,"method":"mining.notify","params":["011b","d06e790d3cb50ad8a1335ae51e7b8dd325e2cbdc000020610000000000000000","01000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff4c03ff650d0f2f736c7573682f6c00750118764a35fabe6d6de771bafc6888fb9881c67bba3dcc1792a745e97348cb4a508d57d7b1d5bbb12410000000000000000000b44107",false]}
Parsing Method [MINING NOTIFY]
MINER WORK ABORTED >> waiting new job
SHA256 miners: The pool servers are currently experiencing connectivity issues. All regions are back online. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience!
2025-01-05 15:10
I don't see them yet, maybe you?
Love your content. I was able to get a Spectre node running and have 4 orange pi’s on it from a previous video. Fantastic, keep up the great work!!!
Very nice to hear. Have fun mining SPR!
I sent an e-mail to unmineable and Nerdminer/ESP32 have a low hashrate and they don't will accept in the pool, any alternatives?
Hi can we choose monero ? Thanks
Results after one year mining:
1. Mining 0.00014289 XNO per day, earns you ~0.05 XNO per year.
2. Consuming 0.7watt per hour, the device consumes ~6 Kw per year.
3. Currently 1 XNO is 'above average' at ~€1.50
4. In the Netherlands 1 KWh costs ~€0.25
ESP32 power consumption cost ~€1.50
XNO earned ~€0.75
Even if the power is for free (like solar), then you'll need 10 years to reach your 'return on investment' of the ESP32 device (€7.50).
You certainly shouldn't do it for the money ;)
very nice video. I have 4 ESP32 with 2.8 inch screens. The mining ran for a while but the miners have no longer been displayed in unmineable for about a week. According to the esp display, however, no workers are running online in the unmineble. are also not displayed with sha256. What is the problem?
Thanks! I have the same problem the last 20 hours the miners didn't show on unMineable. Hopefully it's a temporary issue on Unmineable's side.
I see that it's not just me who has this problem.@@BloxyLabs
If they're getting rid of it I'm glad it's before I went too far down the rabbit hole
Infelizmente a a ESP32 unmineable não vai mais funcionar, acho que vamos ter que usar outra pool.
Por quê? A partir de quando?
Grazie per la guida. Ho programmato 4 workers ESP32-Wroom, tutto ha funzionato perfettamente ed ho raggiunto 10 Ghash/s mining NANO. Dopo alcune ore solo un worker risultava online. Come mai??
Great to hear that you got started right away! Strange that some of them are no longer visible after a while. I only had some problems with an ESP32 that was a bit further away from my WiFi and therefore had no connection. What also sometimes happens is that it takes too long for a result to arrive at unMineable and that it is therefore not visible for a while. I often have that problem with a Raspberry Pi that is mining with the XMRIG algorithm. But mining continues as usual. Otherwise, reboot your ESP32 and place it a little closer to your WiFi point. Also try to keep them a little cool for best results.
I did everything according to your instructions but after entering my address on the unmineable website my employees are not displayed. What could be the reason?
Hi, I have the same problem at this moment. They have been running on unMineable for the past few weeks without any problems, so fingers crossed that it will work again in the coming days.
3 x esp32 wroom online but after 12 hours still no reception on the website
i think it is not true that the pool is too heavy for esp32
[16:23:31] merkle sha : fc2e066ee19b415dfdf6916aa08b940470243d7adbacc2367341c58f675db55d
[16:23:32]>>> Completed 0 share(s), 30282 Khashes, avg. hashrate 66.72 KH/s
>>> Completed 0 share(s), 30368 Khashes, avg. hashrate 73.13 KH/s
Received message from pool
[16:23:33] Receiving: {"id":null,"method":"mining.notify","params":["51","26514c661c1816e5ab8559a044b840568d7a93120001264a0000000000000000","01000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff4c0383650d0f2f736c7573682f6c002e00826a15cdfabe6d6d020bf6fc59a311a5b3ea1f1e3efe30a4a3109eebbb94e87048a0273f03f5a4551000000000000000000031aa1f","ffffffff03696603130000000017a9141f0cbbec8bc4c945e4e16249b11eee911eded55f870000000000000000266a24aa21a9ed885878e38c3c8a488581056c78a57d3c55b5d65b3f5c7bc7a236428d4ac751f800000000000000002b6a2952534b424c4f434b3a00eb1f68aa528244a75a09303b34ad5bf95c65cad30ec6d62d4ed70c006c4f9700000000",["4265581c2295454e5ab3873d13501171211f41766f48aa057f9ceb96054ce3e4","2be8406e34a442bd1e7e92abdebdbc25007dfb5228b3e506e55a4ce927b9674b","44368e8439d751cb37f6668c4ffd5f364285e3c0400375098b5c3ee4130cef1d","7a1d366e2cf66f56670a7670ab10c1131295eec584d0382528aef1cbf3b883e3","211868990ca158977845f2379212ff190f3bb9b0505339f47c9188ce82200d50","04b0f9a0aea119535f14a1dc60d86d9f27d1a014ad8140ee0100950407dc8a23","1a7c1adb6e95373196b0a6600bc61615d41decc8d4ee77ae1750f4f466ab2657","0f3cf784e10c84c2a16d5b791939ae3afc6d6f09bf122d3530f2e09c2ef27204","5c3f74207c2c860975ffb7c256fdf5a27d3c61f4bbf259a7fd3b2eb43387a4de","ddf36b6d4a92c5b4b711b94f5afc9bdf59b510866527ccd6cd2c604c76ff7a47"],"20000000","1702905c","677aa3f2",false]}
[16:23:33] Parsing Method [MINING NOTIFY]
[16:23:33]MINER WORK ABORTED >> waiting new job
[16:23:33]>>> Finished job waiting new data from pool>>> Resetting watchdog timerMINER WORK ABORTED >> waiting new job
[16:23:33]>>> Finished job waiting new data from pool>>> Resetting watchdog timer target: 00000000000000000002905c0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
[16:23:33] coinbase: 01000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff4c0383650d0f2f736c7573682f6c002e00826a15cdfabe6d6d020bf6fc59a311a5b3ea1f1e3efe30a4a3109eebbb94e87048a0273f03f5a4551000000000000000000031aa1f00 2ffffffff03696603130000000017a9141f0cbbec8bc4c945e4e16249b11eee911eded55f870000000000000000266a24aa21a9ed885878e38c3c8a488581056c78a57d3c55b5d65b3f5c7bc7a236428d4ac751f800000000000000002b6a2952534b424c4f434b3a00eb1f68aa528244a75a09303b34ad5bf95c65cad30ec6d62d4ed70c006c4f9700000000
[16:23:33] merkle sha : df30a3443d7ec5ed05da54633612ae1e1245aa1efd761438b7aa0f45eb6bbdd1
[16:23:33] Received message from pool
[16:23:33] Receiving: {"id":null,"method":"mining.notify","params":["52","26514c661c1816e5ab8559a044b840568d7a93120001264a0000000000000000","01000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff4c0383650d0f2f736c7573682f6c002e00826acf79fabe6d6d534fd23bc46d6819edf72a756b9200b3db88ba5a122f70bd13b51d8193d7c8b31000000000000000000031aa1f","ffffffff03696603130000000017a9141f0cbbec8bc4c945e4e16249b11eee911eded55f870000000000000000266a24aa21a9ed885878e38c3c8a488581056c78a57d3c55b5d65b3f5c7bc7a236428d4ac751f800000000000000002b6a2952534b424c4f434b3a00eb1f68aa528244a75a09303b34ad5bf95c65cad30ec6d62d4ed70c006c4f9700000000",["4265581c2295454e5ab3873d13501171211f41766f48aa057f9ceb96054ce3e4","2be8406e34a442bd1e7e92abdebdbc25007dfb5228b3e506e55a4ce927b9674b","44368e8439d751cb37f6668c4ffd5f364285e3c0400375098b5c3ee4130cef1d","7a1d366e2cf66f56670a7670ab10c1131295eec584d0382528aef1cbf3b883e3","211868990ca158977845f2379212ff190f3bb9b0505339f47c9188ce82200d50","04b0f9a0aea119535f14a1dc60d86d9f27d1a014ad8140ee0100950407dc8a23","1a7c1adb6e95373196b0a6600bc61615d41decc8d4ee77ae1750f4f466ab2657","0f3cf784e10c84c2a16d5b791939ae3afc6d6f09bf122d3530f2e09c2ef27204","5c3f74207c2c860975ffb7c256fdf5a27d3c61f4bbf259a7fd3b2eb43387a4de","ddf36b6d4a92c5b4b711b94f5afc9bdf59b510866527ccd6cd2c604c76ff7a47"],"20000000","1702905c","677aa3f3",false]}
[16:23:33] Parsing Method [MINING NOTIFY]
[16:23:33]MINER WORK ABORTED >> waiting new job
[16:23:33]>>> Finished job waiting new data from pool>>> Resetting watchdog timerMINER WORK ABORTED >> waiting new job
[16:23:33]>>> Finished job waiting new data from pool target: 00000000000000000002905c0000000000000000000000000000000000000000>>> Resetting watchdog timer
[16:23:33] coinbase: 01000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff4c0383650d0f2f736c7573682f6c002e00826acf79fabe6d6d534fd23bc46d6819edf72a756b9200b3db88ba5a122f70bd13b51d8193d7c8b31000000000000000000031aa1f00 3ffffffff03696603130000000017a9141f0cbbec8bc4c945e4e16249b11eee911eded55f870000000000000000266a24aa21a9ed885878e38c3c8a488581056c78a57d3c55b5d65b3f5c7bc7a236428d4ac751f800000000000000002b6a2952534b424c4f434b3a00eb1f68aa528244a75a09303b34ad5bf95c65cad30ec6d62d4ed70c006c4f9700000000
[16:23:33] merkle sha : 1e2e44a6eb620ae9e29fc7c7328fae691bc71f8bab4f967daa2e526c9764fd66
[16:23:50]>>> Completed 0 share(s), 30437 Khashes, avg. hashrate 58.82 KH/s
>>> Completed 0 share(s), 30523 Khashes, avg. hashrate 73.07 KH/s
>>> Completed 0 share(s), 30609 Khashes, avg. hashrate 73.38 KH/s
>>> Completed 0 share(s), 30696 Khashes, avg. hashrate 74.04 KH/s
>>> Completed 0 share(s), 30782 Khashes, avg. hashrate 73.32 KH/s
>>> Completed 0 share(s), 30869 Khashes, avg. hashrate 73.98 KH/s
>>> Completed 0 share(s), 30955 Khashes, avg. hashrate 73.25 KH/s
>>> Completed 0 share(s), 31041 Khashes, avg. hashrate 73.44 KH/s
>>> Completed 0 share(s), 31128 Khashes, avg. hashrate 74.30 KH/s
>>> Completed 0 share(s), 31214 Khashes, avg. hashrate 73.57 KH/s
>>> Completed 0 share(s), 31300 Khashes, avg. hashrate 73.32 KH/s
>>> Completed 0 share(s), 31387 Khashes, avg. hashrate 74.30 KH/s
>>> Completed 0 share(s), 31473 Khashes, avg. hashrate 73.25 KH/s
>>> Completed 0 share(s), 31560 Khashes, avg. hashrate 74.17 KH/s
>>> Completed 0 share(s), 31646 Khashes, avg. hashrate 73.25 KH/s
Received message from pool
Hi, we have the same problem at this moment. They have been running on unMineable for the past few weeks without any problems, so fingers crossed that it will work again in the coming days.
can we use it on verus coins?
Unfortunately not.
how much xno is extracted per day?
Something around 0.00014289 XNO a day.
Un genio totalll
Very happy that you love it!
Hello !
Hi ;)
There is nothing sensible you can mine with low power devices like this.
We know, but it is fun ;)