selam you are an amazing woman u proved that for the world l love to work with u if it is possible, am so interested in modern farming and I study economics & as a God well I will graduate this year
berichilin ehtachin enem betam yemwedew sira new sira botashin mayet ena memar efelgalehu ebakish ye gebere lijem silehonkugn new meselegn kersha wuch yemisakalign sira aytayegnim gibrnan betam new yemwedew
i am first year freesh man student Addis Ababa university what should i study to work on your farm export and import business and get some experience to start my own. shall i chose logistics and supply management
Frist I will like to appreciate your inspiration for agricultural development . Our company raccoon agricultural farms want to get in touch with Can we know where is your head office
Hi Michael E, I am just random Ethiopian answering ur comment. if Raccoon agriculture farm and Raccoon farm are the same I saw ur video and I am convinced that u will be good fit for Ethiopian agriculture modernization efforts without losing small family farming size ... I think fact finding trip to Ethiopia might be helpful because authority in Ethiopia respect more face to face meeting they don't want to say no to u on your face.. if u can't travel for any reason it is much better to connect TV station and send them ur video and do some interviews u can start out from ESAT Tv ...they used to based in USA so they might understand the culture of replying email phone call...
የሴት ወንድ ነሽ እግዚአብሔር አንችንም ቤተሰቦሽን ይባርክ በርች አንች የኛ ጀግና ነሽ
በርቺ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ይባርክሸ ።
በኪ አንች የኢትዩጵያ ብቸኝዋ ጀና ገበሬ ነሽ ፈጣሪ እድሜ እና ጤና ይስጥሽ ውዴ
ባይገርምሽ አንቺን አየውና 4ቀርጥ1ኤክታር ስንዴ ሰራወው የእኩል እና አተረፍኩት እና አሁን 2ቀርጥቦቆሎ 7ቀርጥ ስንዴ 3ቀርጥ ጤፍ ዘንድሮ ዘራው ለብቻዬ መሬቱን 1 ገዘቼ እና አንቺን አይቼ ነው ወደ እርሻ የገባውት ዘድሮ ጥሩ ከሰጠ እራሱን እያገላበጥኩኝ በደንብ እሰራለው እና አንቺን አመሰግናለው ቀጣይ አታክልትም አረጋለው
Berch yena Jegna Agera Semta Botawen Mgobget eflgalhu Ejochesh Batesbochesh yebareku 😳💕🙏👏👏👏
በረከት በጣም ጎበዝ ነሽ 👍
እግዚአብሔር ይርዳሽ 😍
በጣም ይገርማል እግዛብሔር አብዝቶ ይጨምርልሽ እህቴ በጣም መስራት እፈልጋለሁ ግንካቺ መረጃ ለማግኘት የውስጥ መስመርሽን ስልክ ብትለቂ ያቺን ተሞክሮ ብታጋሪ ፈጣሪም አብዝቶ ይሰጣል መልካም ማድረግ ለራስ ነውና
የኛ ጀግና
Hero hero
I would like to visit your agriculturally land & you are real entrepreneur ! God be with you
Wow wow gobeze ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
you are an amazing woman u proved that for the world
l love to work with u if it is possible, am so interested in modern farming and I study economics & as a God well I will graduate this year
ይሳካልሽ ሀሳብሽ በርቺ
Good job Bereket Berchi
እግዚአብሔር ይባርክልሽ
I am proud of you
Excellent! Interesting job.
Wow great idea
berichilin ehtachin enem betam yemwedew sira new sira botashin mayet ena memar efelgalehu ebakish ye gebere lijem silehonkugn new meselegn kersha wuch yemisakalign sira aytayegnim gibrnan betam new yemwedew
U r role model for us ,jegenit thank you
first waw
የኔ ውብ በርች ማሬ
Bexam adnqashalu enem endanche yemehon helm aleny
Betam nw miadenkish AGRIBUSINESS TAMARI NEGN bicha endanchi mehone nw mifeligw
Gobez Berchi
slk kutrshn lakiln lenanagrsh yemnfelg sewoch alen.bekiye
እንኳንም ሕልምሽን ኖርሽ በቅርብ እኒምእርሻይመጀመርሕልምአለኝ ፕርትነርፍልጋለው
እህቴ በረከት ወደ አርባምንጭ መስራት ፈልገን ፕሮሰስ ጀምረን ምንም አልሄደልንም ኢንፎርሜሽን ስላለሽ እርጂን እባክሽ
How you manage all this company
አድራሻሽን ጻፊልን join ማድረግ እንፈልጋለን ።
እባክሽ ፍቃዴኛ ከሆሺ ስልክ ቁጥርሽ ኮመንት ላይ ጸፍሊን በጣም ነይ ሊያጌኒሽ የሚፈልገወ እርሻ መስራት ሰለሚፈልግ እና በጣም ነይ የምየደንቅሽ thanks
Inem farm aleny, UK simelales neber gin ahun ethiopia gebichalew, ye gibirina sira betam iwedalew awachi, yetebareke sira new, wede K/Walaga mesirat atimokirim?ine izaw tewelije adige wede EU Greek ager ina UK simelales neber, be abbate Greekawi neny,walaga betam michu nat le farming, livestock, lehulum ,dinget kanebebshiw besefiw liniweyay inichilalen ,
betame dese yelale bqtaye kershawe merete gare enetbeqalne 🚜
የሽንኩርት ዘር የት ነው ማግኘት የምችለው አዲስ አበባ ነኝ
Yenga jgna nurlin
ብቁ ጀግነ አሰተማረ ሰው ነሸ
esti benatish yesira edil sichegn i have bsc on agriculture but i don`t know what and how to start
ቁጥርሽን ስጭኝ በረከትዬ የኔ ጀግና
እኔም ወደ ሀገሬ ገብቼ እርሸ ልጀምር ነዉ
Please can you speak in English or Oromo i wish I can speak Amharic and want to know about your explanation
i am first year freesh man student Addis Ababa university what should i study to work on your farm export and import business and get some experience to start my own. shall i chose logistics and supply management
ናቲ፤ መልስህን፡ እስምታገኝ፡ ድረስ፡ለምን፡ ሒሳብ፡የምትውድ፡ ይመስለኛል፡ ለምን፡ በአማርኛ፡ የለጠፍካቸውን፡ ቪድዬ፡ አትሰራም፡ ዋናው፡ ሒሳቢ፡ እንዴት፡እንደሚስራ፡ እንዲገባቸው፡በአማርኛ፡ብታስረዳቸው፡ወይም፡ ቪድዬውን፡ብትተረጉምላቸው፡ የኔ፡ የምትለው፡ቪድዬ፡ ሰለሚኖርህ፡ ስራ፡ለመቀጠር፡ስትሄድ፡ ስራህን፡ ይሳይልሀል፡በተለይ፡ከተመልካቾችህ፡የመጡትን፡ ጥያቄዎች፡ ስርተህ፡ብታሳይ፡ ብቻ፡ አቅምህ፡የፈቀደውን፡ብታረግ፡የሰራ፡ሬዙሜህን፡ፃፍከው፡ማለት፡ነው።
Berchi endanchi mehon yehulgiza megnote nw
መስራት ፈልጋለሁ በአንድ ሄክታር ለመጀመር ምን ያስፈልጋል።
Hi Becky am from uganda ineed of a job on a farm in Ethiopia if their is any am available
1 hektar men yahel birr yasgegnal be wer?
Anubesa set nesh
Buzu geze basawu hulu sasfalgeshi addresssh alagegnahum egzeabher ymsgen zare agegnahut ❤ache le habasha setoche tleq astamarnesh ka❤naw yemwadshe ehetsh Ethiopia nagn
Endet nesh eheta be tiktok acounta @beki_farmer awiregn
ከቻልሽ እስኪ አናግሪኝ መልካም ፍቃድሽ ከሆነ አችን በአካል ማግኘት እፈልጋለሁ
Beras metemamnsh hagershin silemeretsh des yilal berch fetari hasabishin yimulalsh
Frist I will like to appreciate your inspiration for agricultural development .
Our company raccoon agricultural farms want to get in touch with
Can we know where is your head office
Hi Michael E, I am just random Ethiopian answering ur comment. if Raccoon agriculture farm and Raccoon farm are the same I saw ur video and I am convinced that u will be good fit for Ethiopian agriculture modernization efforts without losing small family farming size ... I think fact finding trip to Ethiopia might be helpful because authority in Ethiopia respect more face to face meeting they don't want to say no to u on your face.. if u can't travel for any reason it is much better to connect TV station and send them ur video and do some interviews u can start out from ESAT Tv ...they used to based in USA so they might understand the culture of replying email phone call...
ሎሲፍር ነገር ነሽ
ግን በዝህ እድሜ ይሄ ሀሉ ሀብት
I have 1000000 birr, can i start farming ?
ሳሮን፡ ብዙ፡ግዜ፡ እንደእድሜሽ፡ ነው፡ እድሜሽ፡ 30 ከሆነ፡ 20 ዓመት፡አለ፡ በዚህ፡20 ዓመት፡ እየተሳሰትችም፡ እየወደቅሽም፡ እየተነሳሽም፡ ለማደግ፡ ግዜ፡ ይኖርሻል፡ግን፡ አምሳ፡ ዓመትሽ፡ ከሆነ፡ ምናልባት፡አንድ፡ ስተት፡ ወድቀሽ፡ልትነሺ፡ትችያለሽ፡ግን፡ በጣም፡እየከበደ፡ ይመጣል፡ሰለዚህ፡ያለብሽ፡ ነገር፡ ነገ፡ዛሬ፡ሳትይ፡ በትንሹ፡መጀመር፡አለብሽ፡ አንድ፡ሚሉዬን፡ብር፡ካለሽ፡ አንድ፡ሚሊዬንሽን፡ በአራት፡አካፍይው፡ 250,000 ብር፡ ቲገኛለሽ፡ በዚህ፡የጎሮ፡ ተክልት፡ሹንኩርት፡ ቲማቲም፡ ድንች፡ ቃርያ፡ ብቻ፡ በሶስት፡ወር፡ መድረስ፡የሚችሉትን፡ተክለሽ፡ በሶስት፡ወር፡ ውጤት፡ታገኛለሽ፡ልምዱንም፡ታገኛለሽ፡ አሁን፡ ትርፍ፡ 250,000ካገኘሽ፡ በሁለተኛው፡ዙር፡ በ500,000 ብር፡ መስራት፡ ሶስተኛ፡ዙር በ1,000,000 ብር፡ መስራት፡ይህ፡ማለት፡በአመት፡ ፍላጎትሽ፡ላይ፡ደረስሽ፡ በዚህ፡አንድ፡አመት፡ግን፡ብዙ፡ማንበና፡ጥናት፡ለማረግ፡ በትልቁ፡ለመጀመር፡ባጭሩ፡ይህ፡ነው።
Please support me how to invest with little amount of money in pension or restaurant by legalizing a small land from family
አንቺ አምላክን እግዚአብሔር ይቅርታን ጠይቂ
Amazing!! I'm very interested to work with you if you hire as i am looking for a job in this field . how can i contact you?
What a wonderful idea and it was my dream
How do u I get email address so that I will get more information thanks