He's not saying speed is better than quality he's saying creating a reasonable time bracket to do your goals allows you to engage with your tasks better and become more efficient. If you fail to finish in that reasonable frame then reset, evaluate and try again
I realy hate when parkinson law is used to justify an overly ambitious deadline that cannot be held under any circumstance. A dealine can be useful to focus on the right things but if you break doen a tadk into small bits do you really need to set the 2h deadlines?
It also bugs me that almost everyone reduces C. N. Parkinson's work to just this pop culture interpretation. The guy had a lot more interesting (and funny ) things to say about the nature of organisltions and management, still relevant decades later.
Theres one little problem with that rule: Not thinking about the code you write. You focus more on quickly getting tasks done but you dont focus on the quality of it that much. Giving yourself less time may actually punish you later on.
Agree 💯. I think the premise of the video was correct. Some tasks should be time bounded. But he could have probably given a better example of how to do it.
Quality is always a priority, but speed and quality don’t have to be mutually exclusive. The video highlights techniques to code faster without necessarily compromising quality.
Brilliant idea. Pressure yourself into coding like crap, then spend ten times longer debugging the code you vomited into your editor. Genius. You're manager material, for sure.
Well this is a good advice, me spending 10 hours or 3 days in a stupid back that is too obvious or why the perfectly working code does not work turns out i just commented a single line from x file . that is the reason why i decided to learn and study all over again and give myself time to search and prepare for a coding sesion
0:35 This guy is Mikołaj Sos Sosowski Kamiński author of McPixel btw a great funny game. This clip was recorded by a Polish TV station during a hackathon so fit perfectly the topic of the video :)
so you made this video in 2 hours? nice! i like this concept, of course you have to keep a good quality so you have to break down a project into manageable pieces.
In my case there is no deadline, I am a solo dev and received a project, meant to be made in angular, which I did not knew, last Wednesday sat straight for 11 Hours, learned angular and made the project same day. 😂
its 15 minutes for me if I didn't find a decent solution in 15 minutes I skip the task and go to the next one I don't know how, but skipped tasks get processed in the background and I still finish them in the end
forget about the hourly payment things this just assumes that a normal programmer could be as focus and producitve the same through out all the 2 hour blocks, which is simply not true and not realistic to implement.
Okay I got a question, how long should I take to complete an eccommerce site, right now it takes me 6 weeks to completely get everything up and running using MedusaJS (a nextjs template) is it too much? Whats the target I should set for a deadline?
I think the only way you can answer that is by doing it a second time and seeing if you finish it any faster (without just blatantly copy pasting old code unless it makes sense to do so). If you get it done the second time in 4 weeks, then you know 6 weeks is too much.
Sorry I am not fan of what you are saying. In top of that I wouldn't really recomend starting a project by starting coding. At the beginning make diagrams to be sure to aligh what you are gonna code with what you need to code. Juniors have this tendency of being all day roll-backing.
The point isn't to just get into the coding phase ASAP and write code as fast as possible regardless of quality, the point is to break things down into smaller chunks and give yourself a reasonable but not overly long length of time to do it in. Start with making diagrams, but give yourself only a few hours to do so, instead of wasting a week on it. Get into the code, write some basic stuff and start testing it out in the span of an hour or two instead of fumbling around it on for a few days. Ultimately the lesson is more aimed at stopping people from procrastinating and prolonging the amount of time it takes to do any type of work - usually people give themselves way too much time and waste most of it.
Yeah but this requires self-discipline in order to be able to abide by your own imposed deadlines. Without that or without motivation, this won't work either, which would be probably my case... But I'll give it a try hoping that it works
Setting it for yourself in your head is probably fine. Just don't tell anyone else, especially management.
Double it and give it to the next programmer?
Instructions unclear i now have Parkinsons
I get paid hourly, why tf would I hurry? 😂
Employ me🥲
More parallel projects per time unit
Own proyect and learning, learn skills faster
finish it in an hour
submit it 7 hours later
So that your boss can fire your colleagues bc you can handle it on your own 🥲
Needed to hear that closing. Thank you.
"Thank you for your time, I am bigbox" sure hits deep
Sounds like a mid-level manager motivational speech on productivity.
He's not saying speed is better than quality he's saying creating a reasonable time bracket to do your goals allows you to engage with your tasks better and become more efficient. If you fail to finish in that reasonable frame then reset, evaluate and try again
ayt bet, just ended the video @0:03
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More Brilliant videos like this 🙌💫
I realy hate when parkinson law is used to justify an overly ambitious deadline that cannot be held under any circumstance. A dealine can be useful to focus on the right things but if you break doen a tadk into small bits do you really need to set the 2h deadlines?
It also bugs me that almost everyone reduces C. N. Parkinson's work to just this pop culture interpretation. The guy had a lot more interesting (and funny ) things to say about the nature of organisltions and management, still relevant decades later.
then maybe this isn't a video targeted towards you. it sounds like you don't have motivational issues
Theres one little problem with that rule: Not thinking about the code you write. You focus more on quickly getting tasks done but you dont focus on the quality of it that much. Giving yourself less time may actually punish you later on.
Quality > Speed
Agree 💯. I think the premise of the video was correct. Some tasks should be time bounded. But he could have probably given a better example of how to do it.
Actually not true, making 1000 pots in a month will yield better pots then making 10 pots in a month
When quality and speed can't be achieved at the same time, it is probably a skill issue
Quality is always a priority, but speed and quality don’t have to be mutually exclusive. The video highlights techniques to code faster without necessarily compromising quality.
I agree with you but real life doesn't work like that, you need to find a balance between quality and time to keep the clients happy
Brilliant idea. Pressure yourself into coding like crap, then spend ten times longer debugging the code you vomited into your editor. Genius. You're manager material, for sure.
0:40 what is that game though
This would be great for personal projects; never feels like there's enough time
Keep up videos man some people need this
If you're billing clients on how long the work will take - an accurate estimate then multiplied by 1-2 is a good rule of thumb.
Instead of thinking "oh no, I only have one day to do this!" think instead "cool, by the end of the day this thing will be done"
Thanks, BigBoss for the invaluable tips.
Well this is a good advice, me spending 10 hours or 3 days in a stupid back that is too obvious or why the perfectly working code does not work turns out i just commented a single line from x file . that is the reason why i decided to learn and study all over again and give myself time to search and prepare for a coding sesion
0:35 This guy is Mikołaj Sos Sosowski Kamiński author of McPixel btw a great funny game. This clip was recorded by a Polish TV station during a hackathon so fit perfectly the topic of the video :)
I love how this dude just doesn’t steal ppls time for money
just a chill guy with some solid advice
My PM uses this trick too, at the end of each meeting she asks for updates about tasks assigned at the beginning or middle of the meeting.
Thanks so much. Tried it today and it just works
I love how short and poinent your videos are
so you made this video in 2 hours? nice!
i like this concept, of course you have to keep a good quality so you have to break down a project into manageable pieces.
Thanks for the Idea. I'll include it in my plan with slight adjustments to fit me better
An awesome advice, that I'd rarely apply at work
In my case there is no deadline, I am a solo dev and received a project, meant to be made in angular, which I did not knew, last Wednesday sat straight for 11 Hours, learned angular and made the project same day. 😂
Did you hear? Historians discovered that Rome actually was built in one day after all.
nice undergrads reference guy
Just do it faster mindblowing
big box
with the big talk
came to save the lost
like a true boss
Long time no see on YT. Miss brilliant monie.
Howdy bigbox? Haven't seen you in a while.
So, just start working with a self given time limit and see the magic!
Thanks once again
He completed the bigboxs (s) this time😂
Big bawwww > Big box
As if my life weren't stressful enough 😂
Finish it in two hours , deliver it in two weeks
Ok and how to deal with the burnout that comes with it?
i thought it's AI bullsht. but hey it's about parkinson. thanks big box
Even lebronto is in programming videos
its 15 minutes for me
if I didn't find a decent solution in 15 minutes I skip the task and go to the next one
I don't know how, but skipped tasks get processed in the background and I still finish them in the end
forget about the hourly payment things
this just assumes that a normal programmer could be as focus and producitve the same through out all the 2 hour blocks, which is simply not true and not realistic to implement.
2 hours = 1 Story point
Don't do this, now my hair is grey
ah hell nah man , no way you started using the "it feels illegal" title line
did you make this video in 2 hours?
Everyday u can end the video right now😂 0:02
Cracked dev
why 720p?
great advice but don't you love opening comments and seeing how everyone is almost purposefully misunderstanding the point lmao
Isn’t this how we got Agile and sprints?
Burnout simulator
but it works!
This type of title looks familiar from Hormozi xD
What's your Github ?
Thank you Big Bock
thank you big bossccxxxxxxx
Brunout speedrun
he said box completely yay
I have 2hour + 2hour rule for a day.
i am so early i can't beleive i am !!
Okay I got a question, how long should I take to complete an eccommerce site, right now it takes me 6 weeks to completely get everything up and running using MedusaJS (a nextjs template) is it too much? Whats the target I should set for a deadline?
i have the same question. lmk if u find out lol
I think the only way you can answer that is by doing it a second time and seeing if you finish it any faster (without just blatantly copy pasting old code unless it makes sense to do so). If you get it done the second time in 4 weeks, then you know 6 weeks is too much.
Sorry I am not fan of what you are saying. In top of that I wouldn't really recomend starting a project by starting coding. At the beginning make diagrams to be sure to aligh what you are gonna code with what you need to code. Juniors have this tendency of being all day roll-backing.
The point isn't to just get into the coding phase ASAP and write code as fast as possible regardless of quality, the point is to break things down into smaller chunks and give yourself a reasonable but not overly long length of time to do it in. Start with making diagrams, but give yourself only a few hours to do so, instead of wasting a week on it. Get into the code, write some basic stuff and start testing it out in the span of an hour or two instead of fumbling around it on for a few days. Ultimately the lesson is more aimed at stopping people from procrastinating and prolonging the amount of time it takes to do any type of work - usually people give themselves way too much time and waste most of it.
3 seconds.
Damn it.
i will win bro!!!
Still 720p on my end
where neovim
Yeah but this requires self-discipline in order to be able to abide by your own imposed deadlines. Without that or without motivation, this won't work either, which would be probably my case... But I'll give it a try hoping that it works
That approach is for sure interesting, but it wont work for my unity project that takes 3 minutes to compile lol
Don't factor compiling time into the equation then. Pause the timer when it's compiling.
Who's bigbox ? I know only bigbo
Vim Motions..
3 seconds video views = 33k
Why is everyone sort of against the idea? This is brilliant
Have you never had unrealistic deadlines at a job before bro
Why do you think so many games nowadays get delayed instead of releasing on schedule? Large scale programming projects can be unpredictable.
@@CyanRooperhe literally listed the 2 times this would be useful. Neither of them were “large scale projects”. It’s for broken down tasks
This trick doesn't work with learning. :'p
there is some truth, but you approach costs stress and anxiety
I fking love bigboxSWE. No intro, no bullshit
Tf you guys be coding all the time?
First time being this early