This easy quarter sawing primer will help you get your work done fast

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @jerrylittle8922
    @jerrylittle8922 2 роки тому +1

    Enjoy. Tranquil.

  • @dougstewart6288
    @dougstewart6288 2 роки тому

    Thank you for the primer. I found it helpful.
    BTW, I had the same issue with my 2011 Ford telling me my trailer was disconnected. It turned out to be a bad ground wire connection in the junction box on the trailer where the pig tail connected. You may want to look at the ground wire first.

    • @TheOldJarhead
      @TheOldJarhead  2 роки тому

      I will have to check that as it does it with both the mill and the camper! But thanks! I will definitely check that!

    • @TheOldJarhead
      @TheOldJarhead  2 роки тому +1

      The full video is almost there and I hope to post tomorrow! It will go through the process in detail ;)

  • @thearrowheadwoodsman3811
    @thearrowheadwoodsman3811 2 роки тому

    Going to be a month or more for it to dry up here. Still getting snow just about every day. I looked at some white pine on my land this morning. About 3/4 of a mile away, and pretty hard to get to. Big trees and I don't think any of my equipment will move them. Kind of a shame to see them waste away. Big wind blew them over a year ago.
    Cheers !!

    • @TheOldJarhead
      @TheOldJarhead  2 роки тому +1

      Sorry to hear you can't get too them! Need me to haul the mill over ;)

    • @TheOldJarhead
      @TheOldJarhead  2 роки тому +1

      I used to use my jeep to pull logs out of the woods but how big are you talking? If you cut the logs to 8 feet would that help?

    • @thearrowheadwoodsman3811
      @thearrowheadwoodsman3811 2 роки тому

      The biggest one is a little over 4 ft at the trunk and I figured close to 35ft long, the smallest one isn't too far behind it. I'm going to try to get them this summer
      (TRY !!)
      Cheers !!

    • @TheOldJarhead
      @TheOldJarhead  2 роки тому +1

      Time to get out the chainsaw and slabber attachment! :D Or buy one ;) I'd hate to lose those too!!!