Surah ini yang berisi teguran Allah untuk Rosullah ( Nabi Muhammad SAW ) karna bermuka masam dan mengabaikan orang buta yang datang untuk mendapatkan pengajaran yang bermanfaat ,
Dia(Muhammad) ????? SHAME ON YOU !!! the verse is not like that in the Quran!!! there is not : (Muhammad) !!!!! many exegets say that it is about one companion and not our lovely prophet. The quran says that the prophet has the best behavior in S68-V4 and this is the 2nd siurate revealed; so God announces from the start who our prophet is!!! and you say the opposite based on false hadiths. This surah starts with the 3rd person to indicate that it is a third person and then God uses the 2nd person to blame it directly!!! you prefer to say that it is the prophet (saw) who is blamed and not a companion!!!! don't take such responsibility !!
Bagus baget satu jempol nihhh👍
Alhmdulillah setiap habis shalat subuh dengerin 😢
Assalamualaikum dulur semoga di pertemukan oleh alloh nanti di surganya slloh amiin
بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيْمِ.
الْحَمْدُ للَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِيْن.
Yaa اَللّهُ berikan hamba kemudahan dan kelancaran untuk bisa membaca dan menghafal ayat2 suci Alquran dg benar tajwiz, mahroj dan tafsirnya.
آمِّينَ آمِّينَ اَمِين يَا رَبَّ الْعَالَمِيْن
suaranya kukasi nilai darinilai1sapi10. (10)
Barokallah kak...
Surah ini yang berisi teguran Allah untuk Rosullah ( Nabi Muhammad SAW ) karna bermuka masam dan mengabaikan orang buta yang datang untuk mendapatkan pengajaran yang bermanfaat ,
bagus sekali😉😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Ma chaalah baraka fihk
Ustadz hanan attaki ...
Masha Allah bless you and family
Masyaallah ❤
Danjuga kita masuk surga aminn...
MASYA ALLAH , merdu banget👍❤
masha Allah merdu sekali
Semoga cepet hafal
Masya allah merdu sekali suara nya
ماشاء الله ماشاء الله تبارك الله 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Masya allah suara merdu banget ya allah
Lava ya allah abasa aku merdu
Masya allah bagus bgt
Saya sangat suka
Masya allah suara nya merdu sekali😇😇😇
maa syaa Alloh..
Masnya Allah merdu sekali
Top bgt
Juda chiroyli ❤
ತುಂಬಾ ಒಳ್ಳೆಯದು ❤
انا فعلا احب
Aku pancene seneng
Terjemahannya kekecilan...❤
thanks koreksinya kak,...
assalamualaikum sobat muslim/muslimah:)apa kabar(kaifa halukum?)
Alhamdulilah bi khoir kaifaha luka/ kaifaha luki
Dia(Muhammad) ????? SHAME ON YOU !!! the verse is not like that in the Quran!!! there is not : (Muhammad) !!!!! many exegets say that it is about one companion and not our lovely prophet. The quran says that the prophet has the best behavior in S68-V4 and this is the 2nd siurate revealed; so God announces from the start who our prophet is!!! and you say the opposite based on false hadiths. This surah starts with the 3rd person to indicate that it is a third person and then God uses the 2nd person to blame it directly!!! you prefer to say that it is the prophet (saw) who is blamed and not a companion!!!! don't take such responsibility !!
Фильм где мальчик
Dia(Muhammad) ????? shame on you !!! the verse is not like that in the Quran!!! there is not : (Muhammad) !!!!!