"Give me a beer, make it two of 'em". Bartender: "Absolutely! Whatd'll ya have"? "I just told ye, TWO BEERS". Bartender: "We have a lot to choose from, bottle or tap"? "HOLY FRUCKING BALLESS JOSEPH! All the FRUCK I want is a BEER. Why the FRUCK do ye make it sa complicated"!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks so much for sharing this!! I just recently moved here and now I have some great ideas of where to take my friends when they come in from out of state and to celebrate special occasions!
Thank you so much for this. I plan on visiting Charlotte in Sept. I have noted every single place mentioned!!!
Of course
"Give me a beer, make it two of 'em". Bartender: "Absolutely! Whatd'll ya have"? "I just told ye, TWO BEERS". Bartender: "We have a lot to choose from, bottle or tap"? "HOLY FRUCKING BALLESS JOSEPH! All the FRUCK I want is a BEER. Why the FRUCK do ye make it sa complicated"!!!!!!!!!!!!
I been to all of these, but I believe Aura Rooftop is the best
Thanks so much for sharing this!! I just recently moved here and now I have some great ideas of where to take my friends when they come in from out of state and to celebrate special occasions!
I'm relocating to Charlotte soon im a chef i wanna open up my food bistro....I may need yur assistance looking for nice buildings
Just moved here. Thanks, for sharing.
Thank you for watching!
Whats up cuz