Ibanez SDR 1000+ Reverb

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @petelucchini1168
    @petelucchini1168 3 роки тому +2

    I have this unit bought it at Goodwill for $14.99 and it worked.
    This was over 10 years ago still in my rack.
    It's a great unit.

    • @mastermelardoz
      @mastermelardoz 3 роки тому

      Wow you found a gem im going to check my local goodwill asap lol

  • @TheJofrica
    @TheJofrica 9 років тому +6

    Now that is some high-quality reverb right there

  • @dani1punch
    @dani1punch 9 років тому +5

    Not really sure why but I have played this like 3 times in a row and plan on listening to it again.. Beautiful tone and playing. Where can I hear more of your playing?

  • @bigstick5278
    @bigstick5278 7 років тому +2

    You should do a short tutorial on how to set this thing up.
    When I first got mine I screwed it all up after trial and error got to the setting I wanted but what a PITA. And still haven't scratched the surface yet..

  • @tihinter
    @tihinter 2 роки тому

    wonderful sounds and great playing. could you please share how the setup was? EG > Klon > directly to SDR1000 > both amps? No ground hum problems with AC30 and Fender on L and R outputs?

  • @AnalogFlava
    @AnalogFlava Рік тому

    Sounds smooth and beautifully played. Is this thing hard to program? Complex menu to do the most basic settings? Got a lexicon mpx and its a bitch to program but sounds really good🥲

  • @TheAlgernom
    @TheAlgernom 8 років тому

    Thank you for this, it's a thoughtful way to demonstrate, especially for people like me who are not so good at understanding manuals. Also, I like your style and sound (and the guitar shows again how some of the re-issues put the "originals" into perspective!)

  • @levijessegonzalez3629
    @levijessegonzalez3629 4 роки тому +1

    Wow! Better than any pedal ive heard

  • @bigstick5278
    @bigstick5278 7 років тому

    I have one in my rack and it is one of the better reverb units I have used.
    Nice clean sound and deep reverb if you need it.

  • @vertig2k
    @vertig2k 8 років тому +2

    I got my SDR1000 now. Your video was the reason.. Do you know if there is any software to send patches to the unit or should I just go manual?

  • @golf-freq
    @golf-freq 6 років тому

    Excellent demonstration. To your knowledge, are any of these algorithms or sounds you are using exclusive to the SDR 1000+ or are these also available on the SDR 1000 unit? I've just recently discovered your channel and I must say your videos are top notch. Subscribed!

  • @JimijaymesProductions
    @JimijaymesProductions 9 років тому +3

    Are you using this unit before the amps? If so does it add much noise at guitar level?

    • @qu4zz4r
      @qu4zz4r 3 роки тому

      as far as the recording is in stereo and amp is mono, this one goes post amp

    • @JimijaymesProductions
      @JimijaymesProductions 3 роки тому

      @@qu4zz4r Seeming it was two amps it could be either post or pre, nowhere in this video is it stated that the amps are blended in mono into the rack unit. Sounds great either way.

    • @qu4zz4r
      @qu4zz4r 3 роки тому

      @@JimijaymesProductions hm, personally I don't see any connection to the second amp. Or any mic on any amp either) Anyway, will get my unit next week, will check myself what's the best way to connect it)

    • @JimijaymesProductions
      @JimijaymesProductions 3 роки тому

      @@qu4zz4r not in the footage it's in the text that says ac30 and twin. I'd be interested to know, my quadraverb is way too noisy to be used infront, my midi verb 2 works okay but is better post.

  • @onzkicg
    @onzkicg 7 років тому

    Lovely glassy tones.. give those chords!:) I’m getting one of this!

  • @theArchive1O
    @theArchive1O 9 років тому

    How much did this one cost? Thanks

  • @vertig2k
    @vertig2k 8 років тому +1

    Do you use in this recording any reverb from the amplifiers? Thanks!

    • @shnobeltone
      @shnobeltone  8 років тому +1

      vertig2k all the reverb is coming from the effects unit

    • @vertig2k
      @vertig2k 8 років тому

      It is amazing!! Do you know if there are sonic differences between SDR1000+ and SDR1000. I know the algorhytms are different, but after some research on the internet.. I still have no clue. Maybe you heard them both..

    • @kevu4057
      @kevu4057 8 років тому +1

      Apparently, the Plus was just for an expanded set of alogarithms, so the "sound" will be quite the same.

  • @Dam0n11
    @Dam0n11 9 років тому

    i prefer this camera angle

  • @fgtw4756
    @fgtw4756 4 роки тому

    Hi. Still available?

  • @qu4zz4r
    @qu4zz4r 3 роки тому

    Seems to be a great device!

  • @musicdudebudda
    @musicdudebudda 9 років тому

    Very nice video, im a big fan love your stuff :3

  • @brianlee5455
    @brianlee5455 7 років тому

    Great! Now I have to cut out my liver and rob banks to go buy one of these! It is beautiful!

    • @shnobeltone
      @shnobeltone  7 років тому +1

      There is one on reverb.com for $150

    • @antonisatwork
      @antonisatwork 2 роки тому

      It's not expensive at all.

    • @AnalogFlava
      @AnalogFlava Рік тому

      Sounds very good nice playing. Do you know how it compares to roland sde330 or lexicon mpx1 ? Is it considered a great reverb, i never heard of it until now but someone wants to sell menfor about 150 usd or so

  • @deHelli
    @deHelli 3 роки тому

    Dein Pickup- Schalter braucht etwas Öl! Schöne Akkorde.