Eish ka nako eo, e neng e qala morendeni, Oa feme Hane a Bua,Thetha FM, Kabo 12am Sunday, are bare nthoena ea bona Bare e kene maotong mona, kere ha batle batlo alata mare ba tseba ke ea raha. Mare ene eka Ho bu'oa moea o halalelang.. Ale bo hale oa Feme. 2011.
Thobela Wafeme o se fele maatla re na e wena,le Modimo o nale wena,re tlisetse di kgang re di emetse every Sundays,ba complaina ga se ba trene ya rena,a ba shale, , Just bring it on,bring it on on to ur listens
I love u Ntate Mokoto. I appreciate all ur honesty. Not everybody is gona agree with u, wena just do you and honor ur destiny. O bua nnete satane o oa arola ka li nako tsohle bona fela hore na ho etsahetseng ka uena le Bochi😢 still praying for ur unity again. Rona re kopa litaba tsena ho tloha morao koana. I appreciate you haholo fela❤
Kgotso baratuwa kele dumedisa ka lebitso le Matla la Morena wa rona Jesus christ 🙏 Wafeme kopa hotla moo studio 🎙 ketlo araba hore nah Jehovah ke Mang. Keya leboha.
Or every sinner there is a future and every saint there is a past Wafeme. Well done moetapele . You didn't skip a stage of your life. You will finish your journey well
Dankie Wafeme kganna train Rona batho ba qadileng ledi taba ratseba nd rebone, hare tlo utlwa ka batho ba qetang ho fihla ditabeng tsena Pls don't let ppl dictate or control you it's either ba mamela or ba etse semolemo for bona
Sho🙆bathon hahona baruti ba etsan mosebetsi wa nnete wa Ntate Molimo, kaofela ke baloi, le likereke hahona kereke tsa nnete straight, yhooo bopaki bohlahile
Ke kopa tshwarelo pele! Batho ba sa batleng taba tsena moo di qadileng teng,,ba nahana ka bona fela eseng ba bang,,,rona re ne re sa tsebe taba tsa Thetha FM O hate kwekwe ntate,,,or else you gonna miss other important things,, Big ups ✌️
Jehova rea leboha ka morumuwa wa hao Moshe wa ka jeno ke bohloko hobane ke kgale ke sebeletsa matla a lefifi ke hohloka tsebo moya o halalelang kea leboha Amen
Empa Jehovah-Jire e tla lula e le Jehovah, leha ba ka bitsa molingoana oa bona jehova, nna ke rapela Jehovah oa Makhotla, Jehovah-Nissi, ha ke na ferekangoa ke bona.
Re a leboha Wafeme, ba reng they’re not interested haba thoehe Gautrain, I believe one needs to know where they come from for them to know where they’re going. Amen🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
Maboshobosho according to where I stand he never respected you , never gave you your chance go arabela moruti Ola Ska studio instead Ntate Mokoto o be o mo kgopela go arabela but still a no senya nako.
Dumelang Radio change family Ntate Mokoto driver Gautrain ba rata Baloyi ba SA Rati Gautrain ya tla ba tsaba ho lahla dintho tsempe. Pela Modimo you won't hide anything batho ba patile dintho tse tsabehang ba bapala ka Bana ba Modimo ba lebetsi Hore Modimo wa ba bona. Mo oleng Teng o beilwe ke Modimo a ba a tsela Moya o halalelang tulong e o oleng ho Yona.
Hehe.. Lenna seketswa ho thetswa ke Ngaka Sasolburg.. Ya re hape hoja ele nna nkabe a ba bolaya batho bao.. Ebile ke kguutle ka 700 le kgooho e ntsho.. Ba nkentse seqeto.. Yerrr.. Maar jwale ka kopanya booko.. Nna nekesna mathata kiile feela tjee ele botoutu.. Ba bua ka ditjhelete tse lahlehang mosebetsibg whereas hosna ntho e jwaalo👀🤣. Thats when ke ileng ka boona.. Mow ke ngaka hotlowa ho nkgono ebile nkare dihole
Bua nnete wafeme God bless you le ausi Noko little lemo,moruti Hasa batle ho Araba Di potso tsa nnete jwale ntate mokoto a yestseng hobane moruti a baleha nnete
modimo le badimo gase ntho e tee,modimo kewa legodimo badimo keba lefase,motho gea hlokofala moya oya go modimo magodimong nama etlaya go badimo ba lefase
Madume wa feme ka nnete re kgethehile go finyella ditaba tse tse molemo...Sathane o swabile bjwale wa Leana..Are rapellaneng gore re hlole mmuso wa lefifi
Question Ntate Mokoto ., et al., what name should we use when we communicate/ pray to God using our native languages? Is it safe to call on The Holy Spirit only for now because it seems as if using names we are familiar with is satanic (Jehovah, Jesus, Allah)🤔
Nna I'm happy you explained yourself ntate Mokoto For people to learn that God uses anyone, whether a sinner or not. He knew you better than the way people do hence I don't like the way Lemo gives her opinion about Ayanda. She uses gossip to run this program which is wrong I respect you Wafeme, you are not fake
Wafeme o see wa kgathatswa ke basomi , Moya o halalelang o kill wa fihlela le Saule a ba mother wa tupelo. A e tsamaye Gautrain , rona re ya e Panama , e eme dictation kaofela , re tlabe re file mo reyang teng , Shosholoza mail .
I'm much interested to hear how is this snake called jehova. Ke bile ke ipotsa hore ke hobaneng ha Jehova witnesses ba sa rorisi Jeso. Ba re modimo ke Jehova e seng Jeso. Le emong wa bathehi ba organisation eo ya bona e ne ele le satanist, ka lebitso ke Charles Russel.
The Catholics believe marry the virgin is the way while Muslims talk about the Prophet Muhammad. Anyway just read your Bible and you will get all the answers there.
Thobela Ntate mokoto leba feme kamoka,Nna ka lebitso ke seboko Albert Rafapa nna keya dumela gore legodimo lena le tsela ye letatayesa mohlanka wa Lona ka yona,nna ke thomile goba molatedi wa lenanego Lena mathomo a ngwaga wona wo wa 2023,nnete ke gore lenna ke morape kene ke tsena kereke ya zcc yaba ka 2018 Modimo a thoma go mpha diphiri tsa kereke,yaba ketswa kereke moya wa re gonna ke thome go phela ka thapelo,geke thoma go mamela lenanego Lena ka thoma goba le Lerato la goba molatedi wa lona,yare ge kentse ke rapela ke rapedira lenanego Lena modimo a nnetefaletsa gore tsela ye eswereng ke Ntate mokoto ke yona,ke bolela se gore balatedi le bathekgi balona babe le tshepho le tumelo ya gore Ntate mokoto o romilwe,tse batho ba bangwe ba di bolelang tse di negative re di hlokomele gobana sathane o tlo dula ntse ale gona maphelo arena,gobane o lwantshana le moya o halalelang gare tiyeng tumelo go phethagatsa se seratang ke Modimo Tate wa magodimong eleng moya o halalelang 🙏 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Wafeme yooh ha ho hlokehe hle bona ba hloka short left ba rata hampe ho ahlola brutish ba entseng bona price tag o beile hohle tafoleng kereke ya Ntate Modimo ha e so be teng re nketswe lefatshe ka seipone le dikereke di ba hlohlorile haholo le bona bao bona linzo bane ba shebile ho ruwa bohle ba jewe ke mang a senang histry ba rata bo holy hampe kaofela bona linzo ha kgakala shame ke rata ha o re ke di ex members ba ne Bana le di tabatabello o ba fohle o le kgomsha wena le rona re buleile mahlo damage e kana ba tshwareile ka meya ya bana ba batho vaal ha ba amohele ke dichepisi with no sugar ba tshwetswe
Madume Wafeme le bohle ba latelang ditaba tsena , Wafeme ke ya leboha ha o hlakisa ditaba tsa hao e tswe ha o qale ho buwa ka tsona, nna sa le ke latela ditaba tsena ho tloha o sa qala Thetha FM ho fihla tsatsing lena, ke nahana hore nako ya ho re le nna ke tshwaele e se e fihlile. le ha e se e le comment ya bobedi e na ke e etsang, nna ke thabele seo Molimo a se beileng ho wena, batho ba tshiretswe ke nnete le ha ba ne ba sa hlokomele, jwale Molimo o ba rometse mohlanka wa hae ho tsosa di kelello tsa bona, honna e ba tsoselletso ho bane nna ke tsamaya le ho dumela jwalo ka wena Wafeme. Pele re e ba ho Molimo re qadile re lebatho, motho ka tlhaho o phela ka sebe, le ka thato tsa ditakatso tsa hae, ha ho motho ya lokileng, e mpa re lokisiswa le ho bewa ba lokileng ke Molimo ka ho dumela lentsweng la hae. Ke seo Molimo a se entseng ka Wafeme , e bile o nkgopotsa Saule eo se re motseba ka Paulose, motho ya neng a hlekefetsa badumedi ba nako tseo, empa Molimo a sebetsa mohlolo ho ena mohlang a yang Damaseka. Ntate Mokoto o sa e tshwere hantle ngwanamme, ho mamela ha rona, re sesefa le ho lekola seo o se buwang, so far Molimo o re rometse lenqosa la ditaba tsa bophelo bosafeleng ka wena . Malihambe ivangeli , mabathole iqiniso abantu beNkosi, ba tle ba a role lefifi le lesedi.
Ntate mokoto, ya hao taba e monate hobane, ore joeditse hore otswa kae, o qadile ole legomosha, tlohela bao bai patang, ba batla ho utlwisa wena bohloko, rona rele Machange radio, retla o mamela ho fihla .
jehovah, jesus, allah, buddha and whoever, all ke medingwana ya lefifi. Why black man have you stooped that low, buy worshipping wood[the cross(Christianity)] and stone[the Kasbah(Islam)]. That's two religions which dominate a black nation. Why a black nation is worshipping wood and stone. No being worth of worship will want to be worshipped, no being worthy of praise will want to be praised. The devil became the devil because of pride(that thing wanting to be worshipped and praised). jesus has prooved to you in the scriptures that he is not the Christ/Messiah. The Pharisees came to him and asked him to proof that he is the Messiah, he said the only proof is the sign of Jonah. As Jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights so shall the son of man be in the belly of the earth for three days and three nights. Do your maths, if dipalo tsa gago dibodile then 3 = 2 to and 3 = 1 to you. jesus the antichrist spend only 2 nights and 1 day only. Friday night and Saturday night we don't count Sunday night because he rouse o Sunday morning. And only Saturday day because we don't count Sunday day because he rouse Sunday morning. And also Jonah people he was sent to accepted his message and they were saved, but jesus the antichrist the people he was sent to rejected his message and crusified him, and they remain condemned to this very day. So what under conditions did we accept this jesus the antichrist, because they claimed he can raise the dead, he can make people born blind to see, he can make people born cripple to be whole. But me and you we know since we we born we have never witnessed that claim, but me and you we know that we those names jesus jehovah how many mothers were sexually molested how many children were sexually molested, we are talking 100 of millions of precious inocent lifes were destroyed by the use of this names. Do your maths, a religion based on a human sacrifice, does Ntate Modimo eat human flesh does Ntate Modimo drink human blood, absolutely no, only jehovah eat human flesh only jehovah drink human blood. There is no satanism outside christianity.
I don't think you are rude Wafeme I think you are authentic, and you don't beat about the bush.
Eish ka nako eo, e neng e qala morendeni, Oa feme Hane a Bua,Thetha FM, Kabo 12am Sunday, are bare nthoena ea bona Bare e kene maotong mona, kere ha batle batlo alata mare ba tseba ke ea raha. Mare ene eka Ho bu'oa moea o halalelang.. Ale bo hale oa Feme. 2011.
And that's who He is,,,and we've studied his character,,,we love him
Ride on wa Feme , ride on 👉👉👉👉
@@motshabiratolo2411 e
Happy sunday to all Our almighty Lord Gord protect us from evil spirits
Hoohaa Wafeme re leboha Ntate Modimo ka ho tsholela Moya o Halalelang ho wena.Tlotla le thoriso di be ho Jehovah,Amen!
Dumelang Ntate Mokoto le bohle le hoseng ha ka Jeno lebitso le Matla la Morena rona Jeso Christ🙏❤
Good morning Ntate Mokoto🙏Good morning The Change Radio le bamamelin kaofela mo Soantahen
Lumela ngoaneso 🎉🎉
@@lemomalahla Lumela ous Little Lemo🙏
Good morning Ntate Mokoto le botlhe ba berekang le ena. Not forgetting The change radio listeners. O re bula matlho each and every single day.❤❤❤❤
Thobela Wafeme o se fele maatla re na e wena,le Modimo o nale wena,re tlisetse di kgang re di emetse every Sundays,ba complaina ga se ba trene ya rena,a ba shale, , Just bring it on,bring it on on to ur listens
Bring it on to ur listeners 🎉
I love u Ntate Mokoto. I appreciate all ur honesty. Not everybody is gona agree with u, wena just do you and honor ur destiny. O bua nnete satane o oa arola ka li nako tsohle bona fela hore na ho etsahetseng ka uena le Bochi😢 still praying for ur unity again. Rona re kopa litaba tsena ho tloha morao koana. I appreciate you haholo fela❤
Greetings Wafeme and The Change Radio listener's,Blessed Sunday to all❤
Theola moya wa feme🤗... Danko ntate Mokoto kgalemela lenyatso leadership
Madume ntate modimo are bolokele wena 🙏🙏🙏♥️♥️♥️
Dumela Ntate Mokoto, keep on sending old videos, cause some of us just join the family from darkness. Thanks we want all of them.
Kgotso baratuwa kele dumedisa ka lebitso le Matla la Morena wa rona Jesus christ 🙏 Wafeme kopa hotla moo studio 🎙 ketlo araba hore nah Jehovah ke Mang.
Keya leboha.
greetings to you too wafeme ♥️🙋 n the listeners
We need Jesus.
Or every sinner there is a future and every saint there is a past Wafeme. Well done moetapele . You didn't skip a stage of your life. You will finish your journey well
Dankie Wafeme kganna train Rona batho ba qadileng ledi taba ratseba nd rebone, hare tlo utlwa ka batho ba qetang ho fihla ditabeng tsena
Pls don't let ppl dictate or control you it's either ba mamela or ba etse semolemo for bona
Dumelang ka o Fela baratuwa Baka ❤❤❤❤❤ wafeme dumela mohlomphehi
Sho🙆bathon hahona baruti ba etsan mosebetsi wa nnete wa Ntate Molimo, kaofela ke baloi, le likereke hahona kereke tsa nnete straight, yhooo bopaki bohlahile
Ke kopa tshwarelo pele! Batho ba sa batleng taba tsena moo di qadileng teng,,ba nahana ka bona fela eseng ba bang,,,rona re ne re sa tsebe taba tsa Thetha FM
O hate kwekwe ntate,,,or else you gonna miss other important things,,
Big ups ✌️
Ae tsamaye trene Ntate le Mme Noko Ntate Kekana you are so quite
Thuto eo orefang eona Ntate Mokoto ke lesedi hoea kanna ekare oka buw tsatsi le leng le leng realeboha Ntate wa rona
Jehova rea leboha ka morumuwa wa hao Moshe wa ka jeno ke bohloko hobane ke kgale ke sebeletsa matla a lefifi ke hohloka tsebo moya o halalelang kea leboha Amen
Madume ntate Mokoto le ma Gautrain.
Ntate mokoto i thank you very much for the work you do
Empa Jehovah-Jire e tla lula e le Jehovah, leha ba ka bitsa molingoana oa bona jehova, nna ke rapela Jehovah oa Makhotla, Jehovah-Nissi, ha ke na ferekangoa ke bona.
Re a leboha Wafeme, ba reng they’re not interested haba thoehe Gautrain, I believe one needs to know where they come from for them to know where they’re going. Amen🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
Wafeme Danko! E ntse e matha Gautrain... Jehovah ke noha! Joooo....!!!!!!
Maboshobosho according to where I stand he never respected you , never gave you your chance go arabela moruti Ola Ska studio instead Ntate Mokoto o be o mo kgopela go arabela but still a no senya nako.
Jeso haa tlela ba lokileng ntate, Bo kreste ke leeto la kgolo .Stay blessed 🙌
A kgaogelo ya modimo e be lerena ka ofela🙏🙏
Madume Radio change family, ntate Mokoto forward we go ka Moya o halalelang.
Ijoo ke neng ke bitsa Jehova😮😮😮 ntate re leha Modimo ka wena😢
Hoohaa Wafeme💪💪💪
Ha jwetswe nteta hao bula mahlo o iphuma o le ka hara pitsa e tjhwatlang😭😭😭
Morning Ntate Mokoto
Ya nang le tsebe a theetse
Modimo a re bule di tsebe tsa semoya
Your comment does not take us forward neither does it assist batho kaofela.
Ntate Mkoto
Dumelang Radio change family Ntate Mokoto driver Gautrain ba rata Baloyi ba SA Rati Gautrain ya tla ba tsaba ho lahla dintho tsempe. Pela Modimo you won't hide anything batho ba patile dintho tse tsabehang ba bapala ka Bana ba Modimo ba lebetsi Hore Modimo wa ba bona. Mo oleng Teng o beilwe ke Modimo a ba a tsela Moya o halalelang tulong e o oleng ho Yona.
Hehe.. Lenna seketswa ho thetswa ke Ngaka Sasolburg.. Ya re hape hoja ele nna nkabe a ba bolaya batho bao.. Ebile ke kguutle ka 700 le kgooho e ntsho.. Ba nkentse seqeto.. Yerrr.. Maar jwale ka kopanya booko.. Nna nekesna mathata kiile feela tjee ele botoutu.. Ba bua ka ditjhelete tse lahlehang mosebetsibg whereas hosna ntho e jwaalo👀🤣. Thats when ke ileng ka boona.. Mow ke ngaka hotlowa ho nkgono ebile nkare dihole
Ngegama likajesu
Bua nnete wafeme God bless you le ausi Noko little lemo,moruti Hasa batle ho Araba Di potso tsa nnete jwale ntate mokoto a yestseng hobane moruti a baleha nnete
modimo le badimo gase ntho e tee,modimo kewa legodimo badimo keba lefase,motho gea hlokofala moya oya go modimo magodimong nama etlaya go badimo ba lefase
Nna ke nale addiction le this channel please🙏🏼🙏🏼😛
Madume wa feme ka nnete re kgethehile go finyella ditaba tse tse molemo...Sathane o swabile bjwale wa Leana..Are rapellaneng gore re hlole mmuso wa lefifi
Re leboha Modimo ka wena😮
Question Ntate Mokoto ., et al., what name should we use when we communicate/ pray to God using our native languages? Is it safe to call on The Holy Spirit only for now because it seems as if using names we are familiar with is satanic (Jehovah, Jesus, Allah)🤔
Dumela wafeme hakesa thola di voice note hle ho watsap pls ke tree weeks jwale
Go ahead wafeme we love u
Madume ntate Mokoto,ka nako tse ding o swanela ke go tiisa letsogo gore dilo di tsamaye gantle,
Madume ntate mokoto ❤ ntate modimo a buluke
Morning WaFeme ka nnete kereke ya Modimo ga e so be gona
Madume to you all, 🙏💕🙏💕🙏💕🙏💕
Nna I'm happy you explained yourself ntate Mokoto
For people to learn that God uses anyone, whether a sinner or not. He knew you better than the way people do hence I don't like the way Lemo gives her opinion about Ayanda. She uses gossip to run this program which is wrong
I respect you Wafeme, you are not fake
Am I running this channel dude❔😥
Why are you not commenting on the video I made about Ayanda ❔
Wafeme o see wa kgathatswa ke basomi , Moya o halalelang o kill wa fihlela le Saule a ba mother wa tupelo. A e tsamaye Gautrain , rona re ya e Panama , e eme dictation kaofela , re tlabe re file mo reyang teng , Shosholoza mail .
25:04 25:08
Khotsong ntate mokoto
Nna ke tseba melemo ya ho mamela ntate mokoto hape ke tseba le Moya o halalelang
Amen Wafeme🙏
So the mother ended up joining the son in demonic activities?
Something is noy right here😢
Re leboha Molimo ka ts`enolelo tsena
Thusang nna kopa number ya ntate Moo
Please Batho Basa batleng ho mamela nnete haba seke ba mamela ntate mokoto ha bitsa Batho Mo ho the change radio leho ausi lemo
Nna ke a leboha Ntate Mokoto ha ba teng ha hao ho nthutile tse ngata haholo
I'm much interested to hear how is this snake called jehova. Ke bile ke ipotsa hore ke hobaneng ha Jehova witnesses ba sa rorisi Jeso. Ba re modimo ke Jehova e seng Jeso. Le emong wa bathehi ba organisation eo ya bona e ne ele le satanist, ka lebitso ke Charles Russel.
The Catholics believe marry the virgin is the way while Muslims talk about the Prophet Muhammad. Anyway just read your Bible and you will get all the answers there.
Ekare bo auc bano baka hlahela ha ebe ntse ba phela, jo batho ba dietsa kantle ka mona
Thobela Ntate mokoto leba feme kamoka,Nna ka lebitso ke seboko Albert Rafapa nna keya dumela gore legodimo lena le tsela ye letatayesa mohlanka wa Lona ka yona,nna ke thomile goba molatedi wa lenanego Lena mathomo a ngwaga wona wo wa 2023,nnete ke gore lenna ke morape kene ke tsena kereke ya zcc yaba ka 2018 Modimo a thoma go mpha diphiri tsa kereke,yaba ketswa kereke moya wa re gonna ke thome go phela ka thapelo,geke thoma go mamela lenanego Lena ka thoma goba le Lerato la goba molatedi wa lona,yare ge kentse ke rapela ke rapedira lenanego Lena modimo a nnetefaletsa gore tsela ye eswereng ke Ntate mokoto ke yona,ke bolela se gore balatedi le bathekgi balona babe le tshepho le tumelo ya gore Ntate mokoto o romilwe,tse batho ba bangwe ba di bolelang tse di negative re di hlokomele gobana sathane o tlo dula ntse ale gona maphelo arena,gobane o lwantshana le moya o halalelang gare tiyeng tumelo go phethagatsa se seratang ke Modimo Tate wa magodimong eleng moya o halalelang 🙏 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Wafeme yooh ha ho hlokehe hle bona ba hloka short left ba rata hampe ho ahlola brutish ba entseng bona price tag o beile hohle tafoleng kereke ya Ntate Modimo ha e so be teng re nketswe lefatshe ka seipone le dikereke di ba hlohlorile haholo le bona bao bona linzo bane ba shebile ho ruwa bohle ba jewe ke mang a senang histry ba rata bo holy hampe kaofela bona linzo ha kgakala shame ke rata ha o re ke di ex members ba ne Bana le di tabatabello o ba fohle o le kgomsha wena le rona re buleile mahlo damage e kana ba tshwareile ka meya ya bana ba batho vaal ha ba amohele ke dichepisi with no sugar ba tshwetswe
Feme ✊🏿🕯️
Madume Wafeme le bohle ba latelang ditaba tsena , Wafeme ke ya leboha ha o hlakisa ditaba tsa hao e tswe ha o qale ho buwa ka tsona, nna sa le ke latela ditaba tsena ho tloha o sa qala Thetha FM ho fihla tsatsing lena, ke nahana hore nako ya ho re le nna ke tshwaele e se e fihlile. le ha e se e le comment ya bobedi e na ke e etsang, nna ke thabele seo Molimo a se beileng ho wena, batho ba tshiretswe ke nnete le ha ba ne ba sa hlokomele, jwale Molimo o ba rometse mohlanka wa hae ho tsosa di kelello tsa bona, honna e ba tsoselletso ho bane nna ke tsamaya le ho dumela jwalo ka wena Wafeme.
Pele re e ba ho Molimo re qadile re lebatho, motho ka tlhaho o phela ka sebe, le ka thato tsa ditakatso tsa hae, ha ho motho ya lokileng, e mpa re lokisiswa le ho bewa ba lokileng ke Molimo ka ho dumela lentsweng la hae. Ke seo Molimo a se entseng ka Wafeme , e bile o nkgopotsa Saule eo se re motseba ka Paulose, motho ya neng a hlekefetsa badumedi ba nako tseo, empa Molimo a sebetsa mohlolo ho ena mohlang a yang Damaseka. Ntate Mokoto o sa e tshwere hantle ngwanamme, ho mamela ha rona, re sesefa le ho lekola seo o se buwang, so far Molimo o re rometse lenqosa la ditaba tsa bophelo bosafeleng ka wena . Malihambe ivangeli , mabathole iqiniso abantu beNkosi, ba tle ba a role lefifi le lesedi.
Ntate mokoto ha rude empa feela a batla nnete feela
Ntate mokoto, ya hao taba e monate hobane, ore joeditse hore otswa kae, o qadile ole legomosha, tlohela bao bai patang, ba batla ho utlwisa wena bohloko, rona rele Machange radio, retla o mamela ho fihla .
jehovah, jesus, allah, buddha and whoever, all ke medingwana ya lefifi. Why black man have you stooped that low, buy worshipping wood[the cross(Christianity)] and stone[the Kasbah(Islam)]. That's two religions which dominate a black nation. Why a black nation is worshipping wood and stone. No being worth of worship will want to be worshipped, no being worthy of praise will want to be praised. The devil became the devil because of pride(that thing wanting to be worshipped and praised). jesus has prooved to you in the scriptures that he is not the Christ/Messiah. The Pharisees came to him and asked him to proof that he is the Messiah, he said the only proof is the sign of Jonah. As Jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights so shall the son of man be in the belly of the earth for three days and three nights. Do your maths, if dipalo tsa gago dibodile then 3 = 2 to and 3 = 1 to you. jesus the antichrist spend only 2 nights and 1 day only. Friday night and Saturday night we don't count Sunday night because he rouse o Sunday morning. And only Saturday day because we don't count Sunday day because he rouse Sunday morning. And also Jonah people he was sent to accepted his message and they were saved, but jesus the antichrist the people he was sent to rejected his message and crusified him, and they remain condemned to this very day. So what under conditions did we accept this jesus the antichrist, because they claimed he can raise the dead, he can make people born blind to see, he can make people born cripple to be whole. But me and you we know since we we born we have never witnessed that claim, but me and you we know that we those names jesus jehovah how many mothers were sexually molested how many children were sexually molested, we are talking 100 of millions of precious inocent lifes were destroyed by the use of this names. Do your maths, a religion based on a human sacrifice, does Ntate Modimo eat human flesh does Ntate Modimo drink human blood, absolutely no, only jehovah eat human flesh only jehovah drink human blood. There is no satanism outside christianity.
Nna ke rumilwe go to exposer mademone a mararo e leng jehovah allah jesus.
Morning Ntate Mokoto
Let the journey continue Ntate Mokoto we support you we are on your side hooohaaa
Morning Ntate Mokoto