Concluding Remarks - Rightmire QandA close- Varki

  • Опубліковано 25 жов 2024


  • @ramdusk6648
    @ramdusk6648 8 років тому

    The current theories regarding human evolution, that many of them are presented in your symposiums do not sum-up into a coherent story once you start to put them in the context of the actual conditions and events of the middle/late Miocene and early Pliocene:
    Hypothesis regarding the loss of bodily hair: Ignoring the evidence that no other animal, that live exclusively on or above the surface of the African savannas and woodlands have lost its hair, feathers or scales.
    Loosing hair for cooling: Hairy animal sweats as some hoofed animals (camels, horses, and the Hippo (relative of the warthog (Suidae))
    The constant growth of hair on our head: Only one other animal from the Suidae family that lives in barrows in the forests, woodlands and savannas of Africa have similar haircut (for protecting the large skull when crawling in dirt and stone tunnel)
    Ignoring evidences of Hominidae hybridization with members of the Suidae family (their barrow-mate), as profoundly described by Dr. Gene McCarthy.
    The hypothesis regarding development of tools: Not considering that It make more sense for primates that lived in barrows for few millions years (~6Mya-~3Mya) that digging or extending existing barrows in the woodland and savannas of Africa was the trigger for the early hominid axe like tools, which needed a strong opposite thumb of a tree swinger/climber for the thrust (similarity between the hands of early Hominidae/Hominids, homo and Hylobatidae), this digging mediums in time have turned to the rest of the tools (axes, spears etc.)
    The unreasonable hypothesis regarding the shift in diet around ~2-3 million years ago: Our closest relatives the chimpanzee ate meat as early as ~7 million years ago. And what kind of meat a frugivore can bite with its relatively weak jaws, without using fire to soften it?
    Ignoring the fact that Hylobatidae and Symphalangus are outergroup for all of Hominoidea while Pongo, Gorilla, Pan Troglodytes and humans are sister groups hence breeds. All models of human disciplines should include the outergroup especially the Siamang as a reference group for NORMALITY:
    Our outergroup members the gibbon like creatures are the only species in our lineage that reached true achievements:
    The fastest and most agile of all tree-dwelling, nonflying mammals, but also the master of conservation of energy by using the fast agile movement strategy of swinging” - by swinging and hanging from branches the early "swingers" have managed to “stand upright” and to developed bigger brain supported by neck centered to gravity.
    The true evolution of intelligence and the real first leap forward was the developed cognition that could calculate complex laws of physics and thermodynamics (angular momentum etc.) while moving in speeds of 50 kilometer per hour in the complex environment of the forest canapé while achieving a consent of energy surplus (due to the energy efficiency of swinging) and more.
    Giving stage to out-of-context disciplines and their corresponding gurus (lecturers) regarding the social organization, social structure, culture, behavior, psychology etc. that are afraid to mention, overlooking or totally ignoring the stunning similarity between the human and chimpanzees:
    The human and chimpanzee sharing hierarchical structure that is very particular and exceptional in nature - a systematic control of the whole clan including sexual selection, resources and territory by a gang of males’ that are not kin. A process which produce "civilization" including all the classes and roles it includes with inherent persistent which manage to maintain for generations the lower classes that include all the populous that are not part of the ruling gang of males (female and juveniles).
    Accepting cannibalism as the natural tendency of some hominidae species (Pan T. Pan T.T. and h sepiance): the inherent and persistent manifestation of the true nature of the ruling gang of males creation - the so callad sociaty...And much more