I live in America for a little over 40 years and I am pretty sure that everyone in this world knows how advance, civilize and how big American economy compares to other countries in the world. And yet, America has many poor people , homeless in every city and almost half the population live paycheck to paycheck. I have seen many things in America that is not making any sense when it comes to the poor and the homelessness. Cambodia needs another 20 years to rid poverty if Cambodia can maintain its current GDP growth.
Thank for sharing bong
I live in America for a little over 40 years and I am pretty sure that everyone in this world knows how advance, civilize and how big American economy compares to other countries in the world. And yet, America has many poor people , homeless in every city and almost half the population live paycheck to paycheck. I have seen many things in America that is not making any sense when it comes to the poor and the homelessness. Cambodia needs another 20 years to rid poverty if Cambodia can maintain its current GDP growth.
បងវិភាគបានល្អ មិនលំអៀង❤ អាចទទួលយកបានទាំងអ្នកស្តាំ និងឆ្វេងនិយម
Le temps Covid et la guerre économique international cris.❤
ពិបាកលក់ដូរណាស់ បង
ជំរាបសួរបង សូមអរគុណសម្រាប់ព័ត៌មានរបស់បង។
ខ្ញុំមានសំនួរមួយបង តើពន្ធនាំចូលរថយន្ត ទាំងរថយន្តចាស់ និង រថយន្តថ្មីមានតម្លៃប៉ុន្មានដែរក្នុងឆ្នាំ ២០២៤?
របាយការធនាគារពិភពលោក តែយករបាយក្រដាស់ការពីយើងទេ ចំនេះជិះករឯង ឥឡូវគេដក EBA អស់ហើយ តិចទៀតគេដក ABA ទៀត 😂😂😂
១. ស្ថានភាពប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ។
២. ស្ថានភាពហេដ្ឋរច្ឆនាសម្ព័ន្ធ។
៣. ស្ថានភាពអភិបាលកិច្ច។