How Rose Kennedy Reacted to JFK Assassination

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024
  • In this clip, the University of Virginia Miller Center's Barbara Perry discusses how Rose Kennedy reacted to the assassination of her son, President John F. Kennedy. This interview is part of the Miller Center's American Forum series. You can watch the entire interview at millercenter.or....


  • @louisianagrandma3595
    @louisianagrandma3595 Рік тому +116

    I'm 73 and a younger person once asked me why people make such a "big deal" out of JFK's assassination. I thought a few minutes about this and realized that he wasn't being crass, it's just that he was born into a world of such daily violence. I explained that back then, acts like this came as a shock to us as a society...and so it began. Isn't that sad?

    • @loriryan2045
      @loriryan2045 Рік тому +13

      It is terribly sad! I agree with you.

    • @valeriewise104
      @valeriewise104 Рік тому +11

      Profoundly sad.

    • @Betrayerslayer
      @Betrayerslayer Рік тому +3

      No. I actually find way more sad, that your gen just accepted it. And kids today, think oh yeah, today? Assanitation? Politicians in islands in kids..that's freedom.

    • @barcelonachair6487
      @barcelonachair6487 Рік тому +5

      I think perhaps it was just that kid. Most kids now would be shocked if their President or Prime Minister was assassinated. That is a traumatic event, aside from the amount of gun violence prevalent in society today. Our head of state is a stabiliser, whether we are for their party or not, and when violence takes that away it feels personal. I think the biggest changes to come to pass is that individuality matters more than the collective in the minds of people today and young people are not taught about civics from a young age anymore, so they don't have an understanding of how we can come together and make society work.

    • @lindagrasse
      @lindagrasse Рік тому +1

      that's not true at all. he was the victim of gun violence. so was his poor wife who was sitting beside him in the car. MLK, Malcolm X, RFK, Medgar Evers and thousands of poor black people who were murdered, raped or lynched. don't tell your son it's more violent today. it isn't. it's just the killers have bigger more deadly weapons. when the POTUS can be murdered in broad daylight in front of hundreds of people the secret service failed miserably

  • @denisesalles7248
    @denisesalles7248 Рік тому +31

    I remember this day very well. I was in second grade, in Catholic school, when the Mother Superior came over the intercom to say that we were to immediately report to the church (next door to our school). We were all to pray for President Kennedy, which we did. Our mother came to pick us up, and the ride home was so serious and somber - I remember looking at people in their cars and seeing them crying. Very sad day in America and in each of our small worlds.

    • @MelloMe_
      @MelloMe_ Рік тому +2

      And the sad, sad coverage on the TV.
      The news reporters. The funeral. The shooting of Oswald.

  • @louiscaruso4167
    @louiscaruso4167 5 років тому +130

    There is not a word to describe when a parent loses a child....It has to be a parents worst nightmare.

    • @emilieruiz7543
      @emilieruiz7543 3 роки тому +14

      I lost two sons I know how terrible it is to hear the news on the phone or in person fill all that pain I still do

    • @louiscaruso4167
      @louiscaruso4167 3 роки тому +15

      @@emilieruiz7543 May your sons rest in eternal peace...

    • @mariemiller8740
      @mariemiller8740 3 роки тому +6

      @@emilieruiz7543 that's sad very hard to lose a child,my sister lost her little boy. May your son's be with Jesus

    • @willmack5909
      @willmack5909 2 роки тому +5

      "A" child...sadly she lost several, Joe Jr. JFK, Bobby, Kathleen all died before she did, and her one daughter Rosemary was permanently mentally incapacitated from a lobotomy. I have an Aunt who I've not seen in a very long time, she was the mother of six, but three of her children have long since passed away, all very very young, her oldest was 20 when he died, one son was stillborn, and her other son died at age 1.

    • @shernitadee
      @shernitadee Рік тому +2

      Lost her 2 sons in five short years highly distinguished serving our country, for the people wanting equal rights, conserving resources and wanting to take down organized crime. She lost her oldest also while serving our country in a horrific explosion.
      May they RIP. Such a strong lady.

  • @gerardmackay8909
    @gerardmackay8909 Рік тому +35

    She said herself in an interview as she was about to turn 100 that the lasting anguish of her life was Rosemary’s lobotomy. Even though it was essentially the decision of the monster she was married to, her lifelong guilt and regret was soul crushing.

  • @ReviewsChannel-e4r
    @ReviewsChannel-e4r Рік тому +90

    Teddy said it himself, his mother (they never called her mom or mama), had a heavy right hand. She was accomplished at not discussing awful things. It's called denial. How she survived her husband and sons infidelities, Rosemary's lobotomy and tragic deaths of 3 sons who knows.

    • @deedeesmith3073
      @deedeesmith3073 Рік тому +13

      Her massive faith in GOD, still so unimaginable to suffer so much tragedy

    • @janan5570
      @janan5570 Рік тому +18

      And the loss of a daughter-

    • @Madronaxyz
      @Madronaxyz Рік тому +9

      I remember reading years ago, while she was still alive, that when Rose Kennedy went to charity dinners, she demanded to be paid a lot of money for her presence.

    • @SR-iy4gg
      @SR-iy4gg Рік тому +6

      She had severe depression for years because of his unfaithfulness and no support from her family. She tried to leave her jerk of a husband and her father was very callous about the situation too and didn't support her at all.

    • @benschlechter
      @benschlechter Рік тому +5

      @@SR-iy4gg Ironically, Honey Fitz was a womanizer, too. But, if the women's rights movement had happened at the time, and it if weren't for the Roman Catholic Church, she probably would've divorced Joe.

  • @bridgetryder5352
    @bridgetryder5352 6 років тому +112

    I'm glad that Rose heard the news from Bobby.

    • @linanicolia1363
      @linanicolia1363 5 років тому +4

      He was slowly getting her ready for it. Did she not have a TV to watch world news ? I guess not. Her husband likely kept her away from it, afraid she may find out he was a philanderer.

    • @mattsmith3835
      @mattsmith3835 4 роки тому +20

      What are you talking about? Her husband was in a wheelchair and couldn't talk

    • @LKR0722
      @LKR0722 2 роки тому +6

      Definitely. Poor Bobby had to hear it from Hoover.

  • @DINOLOVER6717
    @DINOLOVER6717 5 років тому +265

    We cannot judge where we have not been. From my point of view, Rose Kennedy was a remarkable woman to have withstood all the tragedy that befell her.

    • @theblakex
      @theblakex 3 роки тому +23

      It's remarkable to disown two of your own daughters. In fact, it's INHUMANE

    • @DINOLOVER6717
      @DINOLOVER6717 3 роки тому +15

      @@theblakex since you’re spamming everyone, who’s the 2nd daughter? And for the record, Rosemary became a part of the family again and was visited regularly after Joes death (the lobotomy for which HE was responsible and kept from the family AND rose)....

    • @vincentlussier8264
      @vincentlussier8264 3 роки тому +1

      @@DINOLOVER6717 Aw bullshit! We're you there? All you women know about the Kennedy tragedies is what you read in the National Inquirer and those bullshit books that money grubbers write! That is why there's so much literary bullshit out there because the Kennedy family have endless bad episodes surrounding them. And you women who love gossip never run out of things to say once you waste your money on this crap!

    • @pillsie
      @pillsie 3 роки тому +13

      @@theblakex She definitely didn't disown Rosemary. She visited Rosemary and there are pics online with other family members. Get your facts straight.

    • @pillsie
      @pillsie 3 роки тому +6

      @@vincentlussier8264 What crap? Dinolover6717 is right. Rose visited Rosemary and there are pics online. She was never left out of the family so get it right.

  • @mchapman132
    @mchapman132 Рік тому +48

    Rose came from a generation that was submissive in the marriage and not question her husband about anything. She was very religious, and was taught to devote herself to her spouse, children, faith and home. She had more than her faire share of heartache in her life.

    • @Betrayerslayer
      @Betrayerslayer Рік тому +1

      101% FALSE.

    • @SR-iy4gg
      @SR-iy4gg Рік тому +11

      She actually tried to leave her husband in the early days when she found out he was unfaithful. Her father wouldn't let her stay and told her, "You made your bed. Now lie in it." She suffered severe depression and contemplated suicide because of her husband's callous behavior. Did you know that he not only was having affairs for decades, but would even bring some of his mistresses home for dinner and she was just supposed to accept it? She certainly didn't just "submit" because that's how she was raised. She had no support from those around her to help her.

    • @mchapman132
      @mchapman132 Рік тому +3

      @@SR-iy4gg - My maternal grandmother was her age, but from London. She would tell us about the thinking of that period. Women were chattel. They had no rights, they were the property of their husbands. She said women were supposed to accept their husbands did them a favor marrying them and making them “respectable”.
      Rose told Jackie, “look the other way and have babies”. That’s no life, even if you are wealthy. Disgusting really. Husbands come home and sleep with their wife, often with child, as Rose was many times, after he’d been with God knows who. How disrespectful, exposing the wife to social diseases. Same for JFK and RFK. I read that Jackie’s last infant death was due to an STD infection. Quite possible.

    • @khoalam888
      @khoalam888 Рік тому +1

      The Lord Jesus said, the kingdom of heaven is like a net thrown into the sea,
      which collects fish of every kind.
      When it is full they haul it ashore
      and sit down to put what is good into buckets.
      What is bad they throw away.
      Thus it will be at the end of the age.
      The angels will go out and separate the wicked from the righteous
      and throw them into the fiery furnace,
      where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth. Matt 13.
      Totus tuus

    • @mchapman132
      @mchapman132 Рік тому +4

      @@khoalam888 - That was todays sermon.

  • @evatervala4033
    @evatervala4033 5 років тому +73

    I think Rose was very soft even romantic young women, but her husband was so harsh and cold, that Rose must protect her soul and therefore create a wall against tragedies. Otherwise she could not have lived through. Poor Rose. Life was very hard for her.

    • @rhondabitler2461
      @rhondabitler2461 4 роки тому +7

      Good insight

    • @fernandadavid828
      @fernandadavid828 3 роки тому +3

      I am sure peharps the tragedy of her son’s dead ,her life was great , i am sure , before this all happened

    • @shahrulamar5358
      @shahrulamar5358 3 роки тому +3

      @@fernandadavid828 although Rose was a miser she was also a devout Catholic.

    • @joinjen3854
      @joinjen3854 Рік тому +1

      @@shahrulamar5358 how do you know Rose a miser?

    • @shahrulamar5358
      @shahrulamar5358 Рік тому

      @@joinjen3854 I read some books about Kennedy family when i was still in high school during late 1980s.

  • @heronimousbrapson863
    @heronimousbrapson863 Рік тому +11

    What likely made the loss of her son John even more tragic for her was that she had already lost her eldest son, Joe Kennedy jr. in the second world war. She would go on to lose her son Robert just under five years later.

  • @sonnycorleone171
    @sonnycorleone171 5 років тому +92

    I like the Kennedy family. But it's NOT like Rose Kennedy wasn't already used to family Tragedy when she lost her son President John Kennedy. Rose lost a daughter Katherine in a plane crash and son Joe Jr. in WW2 when his bomber plane blew up too soon with him inside it. Still more tragedy to come with her son Bobby killed and Ted Kennedy chappaquiddick incident. . Plus in the 1920's Rose husband was bedding Silent screen movie star Siren Gloria Swanson. Rose sure lived through a ton of sorrow Dying at 101 years old.

    • @linanicolia1363
      @linanicolia1363 5 років тому +13

      She lived so long because of genetics and she was a cool cucumber, retreating to her catholic faith for comfort. In this case, religion is a good thing. It kept her composed. She never worked a day in her life as she had servants for everything. She just produced kids her husband was determined to prop up to the top, no matter the cost or conditions.

    • @mattsmith3835
      @mattsmith3835 4 роки тому +14

      She lived to be 104

    • @carolinekaplan542
      @carolinekaplan542 4 роки тому +20

      She also lost rosemary to a botched lobotomy.

    • @rakesfunnyfarm
      @rakesfunnyfarm 4 роки тому +10

      What about their daughter Rose Mary? Yea the daughter they kept hidden. Also Gloria was not the only movie star he had affair with.

    • @carolinekaplan542
      @carolinekaplan542 4 роки тому +6

      rakesfunnyfarm they actually presented rosemary to the queen. Unfortunately they had a botched lombotomy and then kept her in Wisconsin at a facility to care for her.

  • @johncarsone1579
    @johncarsone1579 Рік тому +6

    I remember those days with great sorrow. But I also remember the courage of both Rose & Jackie. RIP Mr. President.❤❤❤

  • @Ffsdevgj
    @Ffsdevgj 3 роки тому +16

    Even with so much evidence around, still there are people who claim that evil does not exist.

  • @myahollandia3552
    @myahollandia3552 3 роки тому +27

    Rose lost 4 children!!! How just how did she survive?? And she died at 104 years old God have mercy

  • @nanny287
    @nanny287 5 місяців тому +2

    It was and is a horrific tragedy. That said, what is so great about remaining stoic and not crying or showing emotion after your own son’s murder? I am of the opinion that being able to exhibit emotion is a sign of strength and not weakness.

  • @poppyrowland1385
    @poppyrowland1385 Рік тому +8

    Maybe the worst tragedy Rose ever suffered was the constant and public betrayals by her husband with so many other women.

  • @22lyric
    @22lyric 3 роки тому +6

    How did she react to death of Mary Jo Kopechne?

  • @zeekrsx836
    @zeekrsx836 7 років тому +176

    I'm amazed by how strong this women stayed despite the things she had to live through.

    • @baronsengir187
      @baronsengir187 6 років тому +20

      Strong? Strong would have been to protect her oldest daughter.

    • @meganmcclaygamer3272
      @meganmcclaygamer3272 5 років тому +9

      what they did to Rosemary was unjustifiable and a disgrace...but I love that they brought JFK into the World...he also did good things for disabled people like his sister...there's always heroes in villainous families.

    • @theblakex
      @theblakex 3 роки тому +11

      A strong woman doesn't disown TWO of her own daughters

    • @nishanth3733
      @nishanth3733 3 роки тому +5

      @@meganmcclaygamer3272 man shut up. it was joseph kennedy who did it and she didnt know

    • @MartinJenkins-hl7xx
      @MartinJenkins-hl7xx Рік тому

      They don't make them like that
      These days. Her generation went through the loss of family
      Through the war and after and
      Still lived with dignity.
      Our generation are an embarrassment to them.
      We get hysterical over a big. Flu. The west has lost its

  • @upstatenewyork
    @upstatenewyork Рік тому +3

    She was in shock. What you described is nothing to want to aspire to. Holding in feelings and tears was her personality. She isn’t everyone.

    • @gr122
      @gr122 Рік тому +1

      she was a selfish B.... a good mother cares for them when they are alive, where has she been all their life? On vacations, leaving her kids alone, disowned her 2 daughters, never went to the hospital for 3 weeks when John was sick and almost died. Awful mother

  • @maureenobrien9815
    @maureenobrien9815 Рік тому +13

    They were a flawed family with great achievement and potential born out of that difficult competitive upbringing. The father's sins became the sons' weaknesses as well, but the intelligence and political competence JFK and RFK showed when we needed it was truly the best thing about them. Morally flawed? Yeah, but like all tragic heroes in literature, the complexity does not diminish them as leaders in the best sense of the word. It makes them human.

    • @marylynmartin9513
      @marylynmartin9513 Рік тому +2

      Trump also!!

    • @linshanhsiang
      @linshanhsiang Рік тому

      ​@@marylynmartin9513 Please do not speak of that narcissistic conman and traitor in the same breath as the Kennedys, who served their country honorably.

  • @cutzymccall7675
    @cutzymccall7675 Рік тому +5

    Sometimes it’s not poise but shock that a person has after huge, tragic loss. You go numb as a kind of self-protection from the truth, almost a form of denial. When I learned my husband had died in a mountain climbing accident I just kept saying “NO!”over and over again.

    • @gr122
      @gr122 Рік тому

      you cherish your kids while they are alive, after they are dead it's too late. She was always absent.

  • @teriwright3118
    @teriwright3118 5 років тому +27

    Just because her husband was unable to speak clearly didn't mean they couldn't talk.

    • @jessicalt4121
      @jessicalt4121 5 років тому +2

      Teri Wright writing notes and pointing out excerpts in books, newspapers, etc. they could have learned sign language. Tough all around though.

    • @tonystrychard2529
      @tonystrychard2529 5 років тому +1

      Teri Wright...or Rose or a tv broadcast

    • @linanicolia1363
      @linanicolia1363 5 років тому +4

      I expect they did not touch, had no exchange of warmth or sensations. He had sex with her to reproduce. They were partners in a sanitized relationship , buffed up to appear elegant and classy. He was making and selling illegal booze and he was right in there, competing with the mafia. How classy is that ? She had the detachment you see from head mafia guys. They ask no questions while enjoying the luxury their husbands businesses bring. No difference.

    • @stephaniemontor1567
      @stephaniemontor1567 2 роки тому

      Rose would let Joe Sr. Know she new of his affair after he had that severe stroke and could not speak.

  • @lewisbull891
    @lewisbull891 4 роки тому +7

    With all the conspiracy theories it's easy to forget that a Mother lost a son, brother/sister lost brother, Children lost their father and Wife lost her husband, This video if definitely a stark reminder of that!.

  • @SR-iy4gg
    @SR-iy4gg Рік тому +2

    Just because her husband couldn't speak to HER, doesn't mean she couldn't speak to HIM! Just because he had a stroke, doesn't mean he couldn't still think and feel sad about his son dying. What weird behavior to act like just because he can't speak, there's no reason to talk to him.

  • @McKinneyLiz
    @McKinneyLiz 5 років тому +71

    Jackie fell completely apart which is understandable. Rose's faith carried her...

    • @modernvintage3226
      @modernvintage3226 4 роки тому

      Jackie the one hit em! We know now🤷🏿

    • @McKinneyLiz
      @McKinneyLiz 4 роки тому +1

      @@modernvintage3226like I said.... it is understandable.

    • @songbirdy
      @songbirdy 4 роки тому +14

      @@modernvintage3226 Why do you propagate such idiotic Bullshit? Stfu.

    • @modernvintage3226
      @modernvintage3226 4 роки тому

      @ Theresa Gib you STFU

    • @libertygiveme1987
      @libertygiveme1987 4 роки тому +10

      @@modernvintage3226 "The one hit em"! WHAT?! That doesn't even make sense!!!!

  • @wanderandwonder7
    @wanderandwonder7 5 років тому +14

    She endured so much.

  • @kph2858
    @kph2858 Рік тому +5

    As someone who lost a young son , it is not “ dignity “ and “ poise “ , it is gutting shock

  • @irisgalixia1990
    @irisgalixia1990 6 років тому +44

    Everybody grieves different RIP Rose Kennedy

  • @CWYMAN77
    @CWYMAN77 3 роки тому +3

    It’s not a curse when tragedy isn’t random.

  • @dallasbrubaker6054
    @dallasbrubaker6054 6 років тому +67

    Rose Kennedy was a pillar of strength, as was Jackie. Jackie didn't break down until "Hail to the Chief" was played.

    • @maggiemae7749
      @maggiemae7749 5 років тому +5

      And We do not know that. We were not there

    • @irenemohan
      @irenemohan 4 роки тому +4

      Maggie Mae Jackie’s breaking down when Hail to the Chief was played is there for all to see on footage of the funeral.

    • @dallasbrubaker6054
      @dallasbrubaker6054 4 роки тому

      @@maggiemae7749 plenty of people were there. Moreover, it's on videotape.

    • @trawlins396
      @trawlins396 4 роки тому

      @@irenemohan but that's ONE clip. How do you know she didn't break down BEFORE that??? You don't!

    • @trawlins396
      @trawlins396 4 роки тому +2

      @@dallasbrubaker6054 that's ONE moment. Not the whole funeral. And I'm sure she "broke down" in private long before Hail to the Chief was played!! Duh.

  • @barronmaxxx2991
    @barronmaxxx2991 Рік тому +14

    I grew up around different members of the Kennedy Nan worked for a family for 40 years and they are more family to me than my siblings and even my own dad. when my nan passed Joan never left my side...she was from a noble family herself and she is a concert pianist...and she's the funniest 'aunt' you'd ever of my favorite memories is her saying I wish EVERYTHING tasted like chocolate. The family had every other family scandals, infidelities, rumors, love, pain, right, wrong....I will say this. They know what's afforded them by just their name...they have nice homes and nice things BUT, they were never ridiculous...they loved to swim, boating, football, they didn't own anything that was impractical. Most felt the sense of duty to the least among us...which is a very Catholic saying...but, when your last name will guarantee a success for a cause or fundraiser...if they believed in the cause they were all in...and they would work and invest and think....they had compassion, they didn't see themselves as elite or above anyone else in accomplishments. Ted was really good to my Nan...he was an ass to his wife...and one of the kids....Rose and I have the same birthday. When Nan first started to take me to work they'd joke and say is this another one of Bobby's? He died long before I was born but, Bobby was a Catholic...he had a million kids in his short life. Bobby was my favorite...and I read his quotes and sadly, I know his pain.

  • @rebeccaburleson359
    @rebeccaburleson359 8 років тому +49

    Dear Family, God Bless you all during this Christmas season...

  • @maryhoward4219
    @maryhoward4219 Рік тому +3

    Some of us are trained to be poised at all costs. Then we suffer more and longer🙏

  • @remycallie
    @remycallie 2 роки тому +4

    The call with Johnson (it's on youtube) isn't all that poised. She basically blows him off. The Johnsons do all the talking and she says "thank you, goodbye." They keep talking, she says "thank you, goodbye." and hangs up.

    • @HowieHoward-ti3dx
      @HowieHoward-ti3dx Рік тому

      She knew Johnson was behind the killing. JFK never like Lyndon and he was put on the ticket to get Texas to vote.

  • @donnawoodford6641
    @donnawoodford6641 5 років тому +46

    One of the most dysfunctional families who uphold a public persona at the expense of their mental health. It seems like a false front, a mask was put in place to give the appearance that all was well when it wasn't. Maria Shiver, I believe, talked about going to aunt's home after the funeral to celebrate birthdays of the kids. And yet nothing was said about what happened earlier in the day. It's like emotions were shoved under the rug; they either didn't exist or weren't considered important enough to talk about. In any case, it was denial of hurt or pain that might make them seem weak to others. So, without the natural grieving process of weeping, how can someone actually cope? I think the suppressed energy comes out in other, sometimes unhealthy ways. So, Jackie gravitated to someone rich. After which it seemed that her standards took a dive when as Jackie O., she would go on buying sprees without regard to how much she spent. Then she kept a lover-companion without regard that he was married. Was Rose an enabler to Joe's affairs which could have set the stage or mindset for JFK to have same personal values, beliefs, and behaviors as his father?

    • @jordanwashington1854
      @jordanwashington1854 5 років тому +17

      Great analysis!
      I do know that that family, especially Joe Sr., was obsessed with image. I remember either reading a Kennedy centric book or a documentary and apparently, Joe Sr. told JFK after he got in trouble for joking around at his boarding school that, "It's not what you are, it's what people think you are that really matters." (I'm paraphrasing).
      When Joe Jr. died, they"grieved" very quickly and they were back to playing touch football and enjoying their lives as if they hadn't just lost a member of their family in such a horrific way. They acted as if they were robots, not human beings.
      I do think that JFK had developed a sex addiction because of the resentment he had towards his mother. All his life, she was rather cold and distant towards him, especially when he needed her the most when he was in and out of hospitals. He was starved of basic human affection and genuine love and it showed with how he operated later on in his life. In some of his affairs, he looked for a companion to do things you'd think a parent would do. SUch as picking his mind when it came to his day job, helping bath him, playing with those rubber duckies in a bath, etc.
      Friends of his often said that it was like you knew him, yet you knew nothing about him. He didn't ever really let anyone in and that also could've been a reaction to the fact that he never had a healthy, genuine relationship with either of his parents growing up. He grew up in a home where perfection was to be expected and there was no such thing as frequent "I love you," or physical affection is given. It makes sense why he would not only keep folks at a distance but that he would try and find that within others.

    • @trawlins396
      @trawlins396 4 роки тому +14

      Most families keep their dirty laundry hidden. That's nothing new or strange.

    • @trawlins396
      @trawlins396 4 роки тому +4

      @@jordanwashington1854 you didn't know Joe Sr. You're just speculating.

    • @marilynwillett804
      @marilynwillett804 2 роки тому +1

      We DO NOT KNOW THAT about Jackie,.

    • @donnawoodford6641
      @donnawoodford6641 2 роки тому +7

      @@marilynwillett804 Do you believe Jacqueline Kennedy married Arie Onassis, the wealthy Greek shipping magnet, for love?

  • @polyglot6542
    @polyglot6542 Рік тому +4

    People from older generations were tough and they were tempered by fatality and war. People of younger generations do not possess this strength of character. This not only my opinion but the opinion of many historians and social studious professionals

  • @wendymiller3364
    @wendymiller3364 5 років тому +10

    Keep your composure in public; break down in private.

    @NOC1TIME 8 років тому +102

    It is unclear how much Rose knew or even wanted to know of the flaws of Joe sr and Jack. Rose had to deal with a lot from old Joe alone. Rose was the absolute Catholic wife of the time. My, the things she took with her to the beyond. RIP

    • @mikeorclem
      @mikeorclem 8 років тому +3

      my thoughts also.

    • @mrfester42
      @mrfester42 8 років тому +22

      To think that she didn't know most of, at least, her husbands weaknesses and human failings would be to believe at the same time that she was obtuse at best. She certainly wasn't obtuse and if any educated guess makes sense it would be that this stoic woman was highly intelligent and aware of what went on around her. After reading countless texts about the Kennedys my belief is that she was brought up to be a wife who was required to be a compliment to her husband, almost at any cost and a mother. In addition, she was a young, very public debutante with her father as the Mayor of Boston so she lead a public life, her whole life. Keeping a stiff upper lip and a dignified air in public was the only way she knew how to conduct herself. She was nothing if not well bred at least in the social graces.

    • @NOC1TIME
      @NOC1TIME 8 років тому +6

      Good points all.

    • @danpride2804
      @danpride2804 6 років тому +9

      Lets see we have Joe and Jack in a strange bed or two, and we have Lying Lyndon stealing elections, murdering JFK, then murdering the 35 people in the square who happened to see it, (the final total was 150 witnesses) and by reliable testimony his own sister when her loose lips got to be too much, then faking the Gulf of ton kin incident to start Vietnam, killing 50,000 and a half a million Vietnamese, causing Cambodia etc. The shorting Huberts efforts to elect his co conspirator Nixon (BOTH Nixon and Bush were at Merchisons Nov 21). Are you guys total morons or just completely ignorant of history? Watch the testimony of LBJ's 40 year lover and mother of his kid, or his lawyer, or Head of CIA logistics Proudy. Get educated and stop with this ignorant blather

    • @johncronin9540
      @johncronin9540 6 років тому +4

      Dan Pride I’m not going to get into the conspiracy stuff, but if you are going to lecture others about “history”, then you should at least be aware that the common nickname for Lyndon Johnson was “Landslide Lyndon” - an ironic reference to the extremely narrow victory in the election that won him his Senate seat. There were questions regarding possible fraud in that election.

  • @kimnewton1205
    @kimnewton1205 5 років тому +4

    No oarent should ever have to bury their child. She buried 3 boys under tragic events. So sad.

  • @AaronDanieltenni
    @AaronDanieltenni 3 роки тому +4

    Gosh this is heartbreaking.....

  • @gloriouse4458
    @gloriouse4458 Рік тому +1


  • @carmenvalenzuela5658
    @carmenvalenzuela5658 6 років тому +45

    What is so great about being poised. Let go if you have to, the son was just killed.

    • @linanicolia1363
      @linanicolia1363 5 років тому +5

      some people are so brainwashed, they have no ability to experience normal emotions. I expect it is the latter as opposed to being " poised". Just disconnected, not really with it. These are people who had their slow learning daughter lobotomized. She was getting embarrassing with her outbursts of emotions. That is something the old man could not deal with. Emotions !

    • @farrellmcnulty909
      @farrellmcnulty909 5 років тому +4

      @@linanicolia1363 and she only had those outbursts because she felt pressured to be like the others, just so she'd be accepted...not being able to live up to someone else's standards can frustrate anyone and, yes, they will have emotional outbursts. Why the hell didn't the family just leave her alone?

    • @libertygiveme1987
      @libertygiveme1987 4 роки тому +2

      Carmen - EXACTLY!!!! Like I'd give a RAT'S BUTT" what ANYONE THOUGHT if my son/child was JUST MASSACRED!!!!

    • @rbcbgr
      @rbcbgr 3 роки тому

      First different era. Second no matter when she lived she was a hyper controlled person. Remember lace curtain irish. The original. Naked raw emoji threat be is probably their biggest threat

    • @sandrasanders706
      @sandrasanders706 3 роки тому

      People of her generation felt that showing emotion would not help anyone at such a horrible time. Her faith sustained her.

  • @larrysfarris
    @larrysfarris Рік тому +1

    No mention of the fact she had already endured the lost of her eldest son (Joseph P.) during WW2. 🤷🏼‍♂️

  • @edjo487
    @edjo487 4 роки тому +26

    She went back to the compound and was alone...she has a huge family? I would think that one of her kids, grandchildren, or servant could have been there. My mother did not cry when she lost family members as well. She was composed just as Rose...but it was because of her cold and stoic nature. This was not a good quality in my opinion. I do not know her, but based on this historian’s characterization of Rose, I would dare say I have an idea what she may have been like. It is sad, and we all react differently to loss, but tears and expressions of sorrow are normal and healthy.

    • @michellebostic681
      @michellebostic681 2 роки тому +3

      Her grandchildren were little kids and didn't live in Hyannis Port. Her children didn't live there either. She went to her room to be alone. Servants wouldn't have wanted to intrude while she was grieving.

    • @skipads5141
      @skipads5141 Рік тому

      She was mature. People die. You can't argue with time or change it. She has seen things happen in her life and knows the unexpected will continue to happen. That's life.

  • @doody244
    @doody244 2 роки тому +9

    My parents lost a child, my brother. Rose Kennedy lost four children. A fifth was butchered at the behest of her husband Joe. She didn't know about Rosemary's lobotomy until after it happened. Let's also not forget his affairs. I'm glad she had 26 years as a widow. While I'm sure she missed her husband her life was much less stressful.

    • @benschlechter
      @benschlechter Рік тому +1

      Except there was Chappaquiddick in 1969, where Ted left a blonde woman to drown. It was months after that Joe finally died, knowing his dream of having 3 sons in the White House was extinguished.

    • @laumay7364
      @laumay7364 8 місяців тому

      Joe Kennedy had a stroke in 1961 and was wheelchair bound and unable to speak for the most part for the last 10 years of his life.

  • @winnileesboy
    @winnileesboy 5 років тому +22

    I read that after Joe had his stroke, rose fired his "secretary"
    She is said to have said something like, "now, let's see about lunch"

    • @linanicolia1363
      @linanicolia1363 5 років тому +2

      She was getting her revenge as the secretary likely had something with the old man, Rose did not have. Reminds me of the Jewish widow who held ashes from her dead husband in her hand, saying " here is the blow job you always wanted " , as she blew the ashes into the wind. It is that kind of revenge.....Frankly no one needs a secretary after having had a stroke. They are done. Dead wood. It was not just the ability to talk that was gone.....

    • @keithwhitehead8361
      @keithwhitehead8361 4 роки тому

      lina nicolia 767

    • @rakesfunnyfarm
      @rakesfunnyfarm 4 роки тому

      @@linanicolia1363 Yep he had affair with her.

  • @art.demirjian9721
    @art.demirjian9721 2 роки тому +4

    After raising the Child with great devotion to the point of perfection, then suddenly within matter of seconds all that effort becomes nothing but illusion, it disappeared in a thin air without slightest appreciation, because the One who was willing to appreciate - does not exist anymore. This is the time where believing in God and having Spiritual background discipline helps and comforts much more than any thing else which is designated for Mankind. This is what I call - an agony and disappointment in full capacity. God bless Her Soul and The Soul of Her Son The President Of The United States and His Mother in severe pains, who became an eye witness Her own Children Graveyard - the worst tragedy ever!

  • @FLG232
    @FLG232 4 роки тому +7

    The greatest tragedy of John F. Kennedy's assassination

  • @AdaraBalabusta
    @AdaraBalabusta Рік тому

    Thank you. I needed to hear something from this video today. ❤

  • @georgemallory797
    @georgemallory797 Рік тому +2

    Not ever telling your spouse bad news sounds very dysfunctional. Having a pact between two spouses to do that is just downright weird.

    • @RuthValenzuela0828
      @RuthValenzuela0828 Рік тому +1

      They lived in different times and the relationship dynamic was very different.I had aunt's and uncles who treated each other with extreme politeness, and good manners Distant but with plenty of respect.

  • @leonwhitesell4849
    @leonwhitesell4849 Рік тому +1

    They were good people who were not perfect. Let those who are without sins cast stones. Judge not so that you are not judged.

  • @adamandrews4107
    @adamandrews4107 Рік тому +13

    Faith in God is what made Rose Kennedy such a remarkable woman.

  • @joltinjack
    @joltinjack 3 роки тому +3

    Rose was cold. JFK was quoted as saying "My mother never hugged me."

    • @lolaclyde7915
      @lolaclyde7915 3 роки тому

      Some families handle emotions differently. My family is the same. No hugging or "I love you" but I know the love is there. Doesn't mean she was "cold".

  • @robertafierro5592
    @robertafierro5592 Рік тому +1

    Utterly alone is a beautiful peaceful.and honest way to be..I prefer it.

  • @paularubin4711
    @paularubin4711 5 років тому +8

    You know I think my life is a happy life and most of you do also. What appears t be glamour is not. They can have it

    • @estelleschneider9033
      @estelleschneider9033 2 роки тому

      Agreed..but we need those to SERVE in Public Life and there is no one who is serving God has not placed there
      Who can endure the constant scrutiny..what you do what you look like.. What you eat
      Whay you said.. out of context
      Who you were with
      Perhaps the only quiet time is in the bathtub or on the toilet
      I do not blame Harry and Meagan for saying goodbye to that lifestyle..
      God Bless all who are in Public service..
      One mors thing ..putting young talented children in movies a form of exploitation.. A Bad environment Hollywood etc
      For any amount of money
      Has wrecked lives of many
      Some good..some great harm
      Many children having wisdom and the knowing to take their money leave it for education
      God Bless and protect Amen

  • @michillene
    @michillene 5 років тому +12

    It's completely normal and even healthy to show emotion...It's not at all good to keep it will do more harm than good..

  • @former5-0trustjesuschrist57
    @former5-0trustjesuschrist57 2 роки тому +2

    Don’t go to mass
    Your celebrating death!
    Let’s celebrate life!
    Let’s celebrate Jesus Christ!
    Let’s not pray to statues
    Let’s not pray to false idols
    Let’s not pray to a rosary!
    It’s wicked…
    Wake up!
    Never question Almighty GOD
    We don’t know more then GOD

  • @texasmama3684
    @texasmama3684 5 років тому +9

    I imagine Rose was used to be alone and not communicating with Joe, they usually swept things under the carpet this was nothing new.

  • @theresabollman8061
    @theresabollman8061 5 років тому +30

    Haters are missing the point. Mrs. Kennedy was a total class act.

    • @italiang8470
      @italiang8470 5 років тому +5

      Like a mafia wife.

    • @linanicolia1363
      @linanicolia1363 5 років тому +5

      a zombie or a class act ? which ?

    • @libertygiveme1987
      @libertygiveme1987 4 роки тому +3

      @@italiang8470 Uh, NOOOOO!!!!

    • @slouberiee
      @slouberiee 3 роки тому

      and that is good because...?

    • @theresabollman8061
      @theresabollman8061 3 роки тому +1

      @@slouberiee Some of us know that our family is looking to us for strength, and if we break too much in public, they may have a more difficult time of it. When my dad passed I was so broken, I cried myself to sleep for months. I did it in the privacy of my bedroom with only my wonderful husband to comfort me. And when he passed I drew on that time to get me though his loss all alone. Believe me, if people want proof of a mother's heartbreak they had only to look at Mrs. kennedy's face. She was destroyed.

  • @nellymartinez8374
    @nellymartinez8374 4 місяці тому +1

    JFK's assassination was a worldwide chock but who think about the assassination of innocent people walking on the street when shot by gangsters as al capone or lucky marciano's right hands ? I don't think violence is higher nowadays.🇫🇷

  • @halibut1249
    @halibut1249 3 роки тому +2

    She could have shared the tragedy of the assassination with Joe Sr; he just wouldn't be able to talk. He was devastated too, losing a 2nd son, and had to suffer incommunicado.

  • @AquiLolo
    @AquiLolo 2 роки тому +3

    The voracity of the arms industry knows no bounds, as dollars flow in staggering amounts into the hands of the mighty industry of death. The hasty search for new production contracts by the US reflects the urgency with which it sees the situation in Ukraine, but it is also a sign of the great economic and political interests of the arms industry and the political class. I share the opinion of the journalist Nelson del Castillo, these elites prefer a scenario of prolonged war and will continue "promoting" the conflict to "feed their bank accounts, while humanity is subjected to inconceivable instability."
    USA is Violence

    • @chomama1628
      @chomama1628 Рік тому

      Obviously you don’t know that every country in the world produces arms. America is the only country where their citizens have the right to defend themselves from not only thugs and criminals but also from tyrants and dictators. This is why we are free and the rest of the worlds citizens are dictated to and controlled.

  • @thethriftynanny9487
    @thethriftynanny9487 5 років тому +2

    I wonder what their responses were to the news of RFK?

  • @seanpatrick7827
    @seanpatrick7827 9 років тому +117

    Rose Kennedy survived this life on one thing..........................PRAYER. God Bless You Mrs Kennedy. RIP

    • @mindspring57
      @mindspring57 8 років тому +8

      +Sean Patrick With a cheating husband who made his fortune on bootleg liquor and securities speculation, and a passel of children who had the morals of alley cats, she did not have much alternative.

    • @seanpatrick7827
      @seanpatrick7827 8 років тому +9

      She was truly an amazing woman. I agree

    • @hoss73ford
      @hoss73ford 8 років тому +1

      +Sean Patrick How she made it to age 104 only God knows. She lost three children and endless other tragedies. She gave an interview around 1984 (on PBS if I remember right) and had a lot more spunk than most 94 yerar old did.

    • @Magdalenkaization
      @Magdalenkaization 8 років тому +3

      +Mark Muffs In fact, she lost FOUR children (Joseph jr, Kathleen, John & Robert)

    • @seanpatrick7827
      @seanpatrick7827 8 років тому

      Thats true.

  • @cookla3050
    @cookla3050 Рік тому +1

    Her faith n trust in God .made her strong

  • @paulvella5744
    @paulvella5744 Рік тому +2

    Her husband Joe certainly knew exactly what happened… must have been torture on the father, knowing that he may have helped to cause the assasination.

  • @annastani7736
    @annastani7736 2 роки тому

    Unbelievable, such composure

  • @josephguthrie9140
    @josephguthrie9140 3 роки тому +3

    Maybe it was karma. She was a rotten person. Her husband and her were the perfect match. Neither had much decency.

    • @barronmaxxx2991
      @barronmaxxx2991 Рік тому

      You following me Penelope? You are misinformed. I hope the karma (you should know you just used a misnomer) you just assaulted the very folks whose homes I grew up in...flawed, beautifully flawed human beings...the way God made remind us of his promises...its our very flaws that we have that we learn that sometimes there is no one to trust but our creator. Shame on you for making such a statement. When the use of the word "karma" is used in the way you just misused it...THAT is more likely to ricochet back to the person that misused karma (philosophy) in a way that you's more a kin to a HEX. Look up hex. When someone says they were hexed...the only way a person becomes hexed is when they do it to themselves. Take heed an learn that when you becomes something real...good or just spoke something into being. God spoke the world into being...first was the word. Although we do not have that kind of love and eternal knowledge to grasp anything close to understanding God and his reasons...when we speak...we become accountable for what we say.

  • @omahaw1728
    @omahaw1728 Рік тому

    I listened but there is so much static that you can't understand what is being said.

  • @lochas9901
    @lochas9901 Рік тому +2

    Come on! Rose didn't really think her son's assassination was God's will, did she? Please!!!

  • @truly3743
    @truly3743 5 років тому +3

    Who cares not quite sure what the fascination is with that disturbed family with many deep dark secrets!

    • @w8w8whatnow95
      @w8w8whatnow95 5 років тому +1

      R Rodrigo I am curious as to why you are here.

  • @josnaz1
    @josnaz1 11 років тому +26

    I have learned elsewhere that Rose learned of the shooting when an attendant to her husband saw it on the TV news and started shouting. Rose, who was concerned about the racket's effect on her husband, reprimanded her and asked why she was shouting. The attendant then told her.
    Also, how does the woman in this clip know what Rose did when she went into her room by herself after she learned that JFK was dead? Did she learn this from reading Rose's memoirs, etc?

    • @mindakahn9964
      @mindakahn9964 6 років тому +3

      That’s the story I’ve always heard too. In fact I think it was one of Joe’s cousins that was hired to be the nurse.

    • @pookiebear364
      @pookiebear364 6 років тому +8

      The way this woman knows what Mrs.Kennedy did was she spent a couple of years going though 145 boxes of Roses writings, diaries, ect for a historical bio on Mrs Kennedy.

    • @nanamarion5003
      @nanamarion5003 6 років тому +7

      She would learn not too much from all of Rose Kennedy's Diaries, journals Etc. Rose Kennedy would not devote her private thoughts to writing, unless they were the private thoughts she wanted to be remembered as having thought. Rose Kennedy was more conscious of public perception than any of the Kennedy's but for one, and appearances were above all other rules.
      As much as we admire Jackie Kennedy for her devotion to raising her children, Jackie was Rose Kennedy's equal in this regard.

    • @kathleenpapaleo8891
      @kathleenpapaleo8891 4 роки тому

      josnaz1 That's what really happened. Not what the woman being interviewed said. Thank you!

    • @stephaniemontor1567
      @stephaniemontor1567 2 роки тому

      I think Joes sr nurse was having an affair with him. I saw it in a documentary. Rose knew of it. Joe Sr always felt he never
      measured up to his Ivy League classmates. He had a chip on his shoulders. Actually he bought all of the books Profiles in Courage to send it to number one on the NYTimes.

  • @travismaxwell211
    @travismaxwell211 5 років тому +2

    How much heartache can one mother take?

  • @chopchung
    @chopchung 6 років тому +1

    Is there any footage or audio of the first reports of the incident in the senate or HOR?. I can't seem to find any. Were either of those houses sitting that day?.

    • @MrSS8864
      @MrSS8864 6 років тому

      They both were in session. As a matter of fact, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, then a freshman senator from Massachusetts, was presiding over that body when his brother was shot.

    • @chopchung
      @chopchung 6 років тому

      But were the sessions broadcast LIVE to the public via radio/TV?. Do we know HOW teddy K. found out about the shooting.?.

    • @MrSS8864
      @MrSS8864 6 років тому +1

      You must be aware that in the old days - prior to the 1980's - congressional proceedings were not broadcast live, as it was a violation of the law at that time. That also applied to any court proceedings. That law was rescinded sometime during the 1980's.
      A longtime congressional aide whose name escapes me at this moment saw the first news of JFK's shooting via the newswire tickers. After receiving that news, he went into the Senate chamber and informed Majority Leader Mike Mansfield and Minority Leader Everett Dirksen of the shooting. Then, after realizing that freshman Senator Edward Kennedy was at that moment the presiding officer of that body, he approached the rostrum and informed Sen. Kennedy that his brother the president had been shot. Kennedy immediately excused himself and left the congressional floor. The Senate adjourned for the day very shortly thereafter.

    • @MrSS8864
      @MrSS8864 6 років тому

      This is taken from an NBC Radio broadcast on Nov. 22, 1963. This can be found while listening to several lengthy NBC broadcasts from that day. I managed to isolate this clip and posted it to UA-cam. In it, the person who informed Teddy that JFK had been shot describes the circumstances.

  • @juliawarfield12.warfield45
    @juliawarfield12.warfield45 5 років тому +5

    Rose was a better man then LBJ!

  • @kimmaguder2012
    @kimmaguder2012 3 роки тому +2

    I think she really leaned on her faith.

  • @johnharmon4640
    @johnharmon4640 2 роки тому +1

    I was just 2year Old that day 😭

  • @libertygiveme1987
    @libertygiveme1987 4 роки тому +9

    Rose Kennedy, the EVER MATRIARCH of the 'Kennedy Dynasty'!!!! Talk about GENERATIONAL CURSES, this family had them!!!!

    • @estelleschneider9033
      @estelleschneider9033 2 роки тому

      Of course The Kennedy's has a curse on them
      Deuteronomy 28 Kjv
      It is written..unconfessed and unrepentant sin
      Especially on generation sexual sin
      Was on the men..modeled to them
      None repented..God can not bless..God is faithful and us time to repent
      Falls on 3rd and 4th generations
      Each is responsible for his/her own sin

    • @libertygiveme1987
      @libertygiveme1987 Рік тому +1

      @@estelleschneider9033 Yes that's true. But apparently you did NOT KNOW Jack went to "CONFESSION" that morning!!!! When News came to Padre Pio that the President had been killed, and because he was a "WOMANIZER" they were frightened of his FATE. Padre Pio looked at the Priest giving him the news and said - "He is in Heaven."

  • @andrewcharley1893
    @andrewcharley1893 4 роки тому +3

    Very powerful !!!!!!

  • @tidefalcon1631
    @tidefalcon1631 3 роки тому +2

    Rose was a cold person and had an awful relationship with her kids

  • @edwarddantoni7133
    @edwarddantoni7133 5 років тому +1

    Not quite true, while Bobby did phone his mother, it was the servants that told Rose and Ann Gargan that JFK had been killed. Rose and Joe were napping and the maids and chauffeur heard it on tv.

  • @grosskopf2779
    @grosskopf2779 Рік тому +1

    I once saw her interview of the assassinations of both her sons, when talking about JFK it was she was poised and spoke on it, but when asked about Bobby she couldn't speak about it.

    • @benschlechter
      @benschlechter Рік тому

      You've never heard her speak of Chappaquiddick. I know that when that happened, Joe Sr., just gave up on life by refusing medication and nourishment, which lead to his death.

  • @judyevancic4926
    @judyevancic4926 4 роки тому +21

    Rose had a very deep faith which carried her through every tragedy she faced throughout her life. Joe was a dreamer scammer. He found ways to become wealthy from start to finish. Rose was not involved in that part of his life. Patrick, Joe’s Father, had a pub and then prohibition began. Joe began bootlegging then and had links to the underworld. He approached those contacts when JFK ran for the Presidency. That seems where the link to JFK’s demise began. Robert was obsessed with breaking them up and they were not happy about RFK’s quest. Rose probably did not know too much about this... But she certainly had children who walked to their own drummer and lost many in the end.

    • @doraholden848
      @doraholden848 2 роки тому +3

      Your picture of Joe Kennedy is limited. He made his money in many different venues as a businessman. He ran a bank, he was in shipyards, he was even a Hollywood mogul distributing and producing motion pictures. And finally of course he was in the stock market, which led him into government. He ended up being the first regulator of the stock market for FDR and the highest rank he attained was Ambassador to Great Britain before World War II.
      In all those pursuits he made a lot of money, in addition to what allegedly you're talking about. It's okay to discuss a person in history, but don't limit them to what just you know about, when obviously, you don't know much.

    • @aimforlifenow
      @aimforlifenow Рік тому

      Who was Robert (RFK) obsessed with breaking up? Lyndon and JFK??

    • @ronlind1757
      @ronlind1757 Рік тому +1

      ​@@aimforlifenow The mafia

  • @virgiljohnson9880
    @virgiljohnson9880 6 років тому +43

    Gave one child a Lobotomy ,,,,class act

    • @Sattnin77
      @Sattnin77 6 років тому +12

      Joe did that behind Rose's back. She was hit with much tragedy throughout her life, but Rosemary's lobotomy hit her the hardest. It amazes me with all that her husband had done she stayed married to him, but back then Catholics frowned on divorce. Joe told her Kathleen's death was a result of her being a divorced woman in a relationship with a married man. And then she had to take care of him in the end... unbelievable!

    • @patriciahardaway7520
      @patriciahardaway7520 6 років тому +14

      Virgil : read a book or 20; it has been a well publicized fact that Joe Sr. had poor Rosemary lobotomised for the ugliest of reasons: he was afraid of how her behavior might impact upon the 'great Kennedy name and hence their political success in the future . That's why I have ZERO sympathy for him ! Whatever suffering he experienced after his many strokes , in my opinion, cannot compare to the suffering experienced by Rose, Rosemary, not to mention his relationship with underworld figures probably being a large causation factor in the death of his son, JFK and likely Bobby as well .

    • @fafaflobie6798
      @fafaflobie6798 5 років тому +5

      things werent like today ffs, the Knowledge wasnt there . thats what was done

    • @k.t.irigoyen_hernandez6958
      @k.t.irigoyen_hernandez6958 5 років тому +3

      The Lobotomy of Rosemary Kennedy

    • @trawlins396
      @trawlins396 4 роки тому

      Rose didn't give anyone a lobotomy you dodo. The doctors did that and they had no idea what would happen.

  • @traveler317
    @traveler317 Рік тому +1

    While I think she failed a lot as a mother, you do have to feel sympathy on losing so many kids.

  • @margaretcronin4073
    @margaretcronin4073 5 років тому +12

    Nice of LBJ to apparantly have some knowledge beforehand, and then telephone Jack's mother afterwards. #
    He is pretty much universally disliked and with good reason.

    • @americajanson8848
      @americajanson8848 3 роки тому +1

      Rose Kennedy knew she was talking to one of the people who killed her son

    • @estelleschneider9033
      @estelleschneider9033 2 роки тому +1

      Yes..reportedly Johnson was involved..according to His mistress..yes he too had a mistress
      These men cannot control themselves
      They have wives..why marry
      Character COSTS
      Proverbs 6:27
      “Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned?”

  • @rayarena879
    @rayarena879 6 років тому +68

    I have zero empathy for Rose. She was a cold, heartless, ambitious woman. She didn't raise her children to "serve their country," she raised them to built an empire. Not going to one daughter's funeral because she disappointed her by marrying a protestant and not seeing her other daugther for 20 years after that criminal lobotomy is horrid. She could have gone to mass, prayed and lit as many candles as she could lay her hands on, but that wouldn't wash her sins clean.

    • @helenmcclay2622
      @helenmcclay2622 6 років тому +12

      Rayarena their children paid for their sins...jack served his country well...he was a true leader.

    • @Buzzbox3rd
      @Buzzbox3rd 6 років тому +11

      Thanks for sharing your opinion of stupidity.

    • @samkadiddlehopperesq.6404
      @samkadiddlehopperesq.6404 6 років тому +4

      You must be a Bush or sympathetic to the assassins who were part of a CIA plot with GHWB involved and it's proven Johnson and Nixon were all a part of it too!

    • @jamesdolan4042
      @jamesdolan4042 5 років тому +11

      Love them or hate them that generation of Kennedy's had their own very unique charisma, intellect, courage, and despite their wealth were really for the people. I think your comments in general are small minded, petty and way out of date.

    • @joecitizen6755
      @joecitizen6755 5 років тому

      Who is Michael Collins Piper?

  • @wazzad1311
    @wazzad1311 5 років тому +3

    Dark days.

  • @lauryn1747
    @lauryn1747 7 років тому +4

    I live in the same town that she has been in. GO WISCONSIN ST COLLETA

  • @vcab6875
    @vcab6875 3 роки тому +1

    So sad

  • @brianeduardo1234
    @brianeduardo1234 3 роки тому

    My goodness... does not bear thinking about

  • @ruthc8407
    @ruthc8407 Рік тому +1

    God does not kill people. God does not decide whether you will live or die today. God doesn't get involved, but WILL send His Angels or Saints to give a person in need an idea or a way to escape what appears to be a hopeless situation. "God is not a thing in the universe He created."

  • @PC-lu3zf
    @PC-lu3zf 7 років тому +16

    Her husband was a bad guy but she was a good woman such a horrible thing that must have been for her:(

    • @tidefalcon1631
      @tidefalcon1631 5 років тому +5

      She willingly accepted the bad in return for financial security and materialism. She wasn't the first to do that and she won't be the last

    • @HowieHoward-ti3dx
      @HowieHoward-ti3dx Рік тому

      @@tidefalcon1631 She did not. She wanted to leave her husband but her parents said marriage is for life. Stop making up your own crap.

    • @benschlechter
      @benschlechter Рік тому

      @@HowieHoward-ti3dx The funny thing is that Honey Fitz was a known womanizer as well.

    • @HowieHoward-ti3dx
      @HowieHoward-ti3dx Рік тому

      @@benschlechter Never heard of that one!

  • @marlathe80sgirl96
    @marlathe80sgirl96 5 років тому +2

    Wow, can’t express feelings and emotions = can’t be human. Must have been s self contained prison for their family.

  • @dannyburch2122
    @dannyburch2122 7 років тому +22

    great lady rip rose

  • @lindafurr2404
    @lindafurr2404 5 років тому +5

    Rich people don't take care of their kids, nanny do. Probably not much of an emotional bond with her kids. Old Joe had more to do with them than she did.

    • @libertygiveme1987
      @libertygiveme1987 4 роки тому +1

      Linda -You're kidding, right?! He was too busy making money and having affairs!!!

    • @benschlechter
      @benschlechter Рік тому

      @@libertygiveme1987 and bootlegging.

  • @Steve-nm9qy
    @Steve-nm9qy 2 роки тому +5

    When Joe Kennedy Jr took off on his fatal flight , he said to a friend " If I do not make it back, tell my father I love him very much." The father was the one who made that family what it was

    • @HowieHoward-ti3dx
      @HowieHoward-ti3dx Рік тому

      He knew the Che-ws and FDR would kill him.

    • @susanmorano405
      @susanmorano405 Рік тому +2

      In my mind that's a shitty thing to say. His mother raised him while old Joe was off sleeping with other women. Sure he came home and was all loving & hugging & indulging the kids. That's the easy part. It was Rose who had to discipline & do the hard work of raising 9 kids

    • @johncavanaugh2517
      @johncavanaugh2517 Рік тому

      Joe Kennedy was a disgusting Anti Semite, Nazi sympathizer racist, philander, and all around evil man. Made his fortune bootlegging never worked an honest day in his miserable life.

  • @softwater88
    @softwater88 6 років тому +2

    She buried four of her children.

    • @ratacataviousbrown4702
      @ratacataviousbrown4702 6 років тому +1

      She only buried 3, she refused to attend Kathleen's funreal because she didn't like who she was engaged to.

    • @softwater88
      @softwater88 6 років тому

      @@ratacataviousbrown4702 Poor Kathleen/Kick. Rose Kennedy is selfish for doing that.
      But then, she allowed her philandering husband to cheat, not only behind her back, but right under her nose!!

    • @sherryd3299
      @sherryd3299 5 років тому

      One of those children Kathleen, she turned on and refused to speak to her ever again because she married a non-Catholic man. She refused to even go to the funeral. She was cold.

    • @benschlechter
      @benschlechter 3 роки тому

      @@sherryd3299 I'm sure she had to answer to God for turning her Catholic devotion into a cult.

    • @KB-nr3ls
      @KB-nr3ls Рік тому

      ​@softwater88 she couldn't control her husband's philandering, so in addition to being a strong Catholic, I wonder if the fact that her daughter, Kathleen, was "the other woman" in her affair with the married man she was involved with, I wonder if that caveat really rubbed Rose the wrong way. Regardless, after Kathleen's death, after some years had passed, Rose made it a point to say that Kathleen had died "in a state of grace." I guess that is how she coped with Kathleen's death.

  • @janvanwagner2163
    @janvanwagner2163 5 років тому +4

    People seem to forget - the family was trying to ascend to royalty. Between arranged marriages ( social status in exchange for money) and advancement being EVERYTHING - emotions and personal feelings were to be suppressed at all times. One look at the royal families of Europe tells it all. At one time it wasn't unusual for brothers to kill one another or their father for the crown. They didn't EXPECT to be loved when they married & usually weren't faithful- they just needed to advance the family. In JFK's case- Jackie had the social standing and Jack had his fathers money, but not respect from proper society. She, like Rose, knew what to expect. Feeling sorry for oneself was taboo.

  • @patrickmodell5350
    @patrickmodell5350 5 років тому +5

    Rose Kennedys FAITH is what sustained her thru the loss of her 3 sons. All to the service of Country. Only Mrs Sullivan gave more to the country in the way of sacrifice.(the Sullivan Brothers..5 of them WW2 if you are unsure of what I mean.