Unearthing History: Epic relics & SILVER metal detecting a medieval Scottish village!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Ari-jj9op
    @Ari-jj9op 2 дні тому +31

    Needles box for RCA record player needles."In His Master's Voice" should bring to mind the advertising illustration of the dog cocking his head to the Victrola.

    • @margaretbarclay-laughton2086
      @margaretbarclay-laughton2086 2 дні тому +4

      Nipper was the dog

    • @bretthess6376
      @bretthess6376 2 дні тому +2

      The Victrola needles badge isn't junk. I had a friend who had both a Victrola and a wax-cylinder player, and he had several boxes of the very same type.
      Collectors would undoubtedly want it. 😁

    • @riffers
      @riffers 2 дні тому

      Look closely and you can see Nipper on the right looking into the phonograph on the left

    • @michaelpthompson
      @michaelpthompson 2 дні тому

      I was going to say, but you beat me to it. Phonograph needles from the RCA Victor Company.

    • @thescottishdetectorist
      @thescottishdetectorist  День тому +2

      Incredible Ari. Thanks so much. HMV…. I never knew but so now thanks to you!!

  • @richardseabright448
    @richardseabright448 2 дні тому +13

    That needle box was for an RCA Victor phonograph needle. Nipper the dog listening to the sound of his masters voice

    • @riffers
      @riffers 2 дні тому +2

      It might even predate Victor, as the Gramophone Corp was founded in the UK 3 years earlier than Victor and used Nipper first.

    • @thescottishdetectorist
      @thescottishdetectorist  День тому

      Amazing info Richard!! HMV is never realised!! Thanks ☺️

  • @TedCallaway
    @TedCallaway 2 дні тому +4

    I actually had a bowl of popcorn while watching! Great job guys. Well done and enjoyed.

  • @davidstrother496
    @davidstrother496 2 дні тому +7

    Great finds once again. I must say that I am getting very good at identifying all the Georges, along with Victoria, Albert and Elizabeth II, not bad for a Texas guy. Thanks for the videos. Cheers from Texas.

    • @thescottishdetectorist
      @thescottishdetectorist  День тому +1

      Many thanks David! Glad you’re getting some useful info!! Well, maybe not that useful but you’re enjoying!

  • @StevenMiller-cx4rr
    @StevenMiller-cx4rr 2 дні тому +3

    Something special about seeing the Spanish Detectorist (with a French accent) in a Santa cap with the crazy Scottish Detectorist two weeks before Christmas 🎄.
    Well done!❤❤❤❤

  • @HeavyMetalDetectingPassion
    @HeavyMetalDetectingPassion 2 дні тому +2

    Hahhaaa Nopper the dog!!! I almost tought that Simon will skip the linch break 😂😂😂
    Keep it rocking in a free world!
    Cheers from your south European friends!🎉🎉

  • @jamesconnell1531
    @jamesconnell1531 День тому +1

    Top video john 👏 👌

  • @visitscotlandtours1
    @visitscotlandtours1 20 годин тому

    Can’t wait!! ❤❤

  • @jamesaitchison3750
    @jamesaitchison3750 День тому +1

    a great day lots of coins and a cracking Pear shape lead wait , hopeful for part 2

  • @steveshepherd2712
    @steveshepherd2712 2 дні тому +2

    Of course the Canadian cap badge is my favorite, so many Canadian volenteers shipped to U.K. for training before heading over to France and Belgium 😉🇨🇦

  • @NathanPowers-y5g
    @NathanPowers-y5g 2 дні тому +3

    Great Video John, Thanks, Indiana.

  • @nickharmer3049
    @nickharmer3049 День тому +1

    Freezing your proverbials off to bring us this lovely upload.! So pleased you got a nice silver joey for your troubles & a pretty unique looking weight.! Many thanks bro ! Bless 👍

  • @MrJamcon2009
    @MrJamcon2009 14 годин тому

    His master’s voice was initialised to HMV, the modern media entertainment shop. Thank you for bringing us another great dig. Wish I could get back out to my fields.

  • @pretzeltime3900
    @pretzeltime3900 12 годин тому

    Hello Simon! I love your adventures together. Wishing you both a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Thanks for taking us along.

  • @Welsh_Country_Detectorist1
    @Welsh_Country_Detectorist1 День тому +1

    thanks for the video guys enjoyed it! size of that weight! look forward to the next one :)

  • @bwc1878
    @bwc1878 2 дні тому +4

    His Master's Voice - it's where the HMV record shops came from

  • @MudmonsterMetalDetecting
    @MudmonsterMetalDetecting 2 дні тому +4

    People used to hammer coins to the doors for good luck. That would be my guess for the coin with a hole in x

  • @calliecooke1817
    @calliecooke1817 2 дні тому +1

    Two big lead weights in the last two digs, very nice. The cap badge is a great find, but the threepence is extraordinary !!!! Thanks. Cheers.

  • @erinmcgrathejm4985
    @erinmcgrathejm4985 2 дні тому +1

    Shock horror, John forgot his Santa hat? Well, at least you have your headphones! 😆 Cheers, and ATB!

  • @bonnerdebbie
    @bonnerdebbie 2 дні тому +2

    Thanks John, great video. You find the most interesting weights!

  • @Gloria-qy3dd
    @Gloria-qy3dd 2 дні тому +1

    Hi John,hi Simon,find some great treasures and gems.needle for a victrola or megaphone, like a record player box.

  • @terryt.1643
    @terryt.1643 2 дні тому +1

    Been so busy in the pre Christmas rush to get gifts done, shipped and wrapped. Late evening is my only viewing time now. Still high point of my day, cheers, John and Simon! 🎅🎄

  • @Cathydavidson061
    @Cathydavidson061 2 дні тому +2

    Hi guys, great fun and great finds! I love the weight! xxCathy

  • @Thecointamer
    @Thecointamer 2 дні тому +1

    Well done John

  • @marionchase-kleeves8311
    @marionchase-kleeves8311 2 дні тому +2

    Quality Trash! Love it! Like trash digging, only antique trash!
    There are folks picking castaways off the curb before trash day! The help keep it out of the land fill!😊

  • @fitfurnuffn
    @fitfurnuffn 2 дні тому +1

    On it john cheers 😀💪🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

  • @marionchase-kleeves8311
    @marionchase-kleeves8311 2 дні тому +3

    You are on the lead ME weights! Must be a market! Congrats

  • @deltafreshrelics1660
    @deltafreshrelics1660 2 дні тому +1

    I feel you brother. Got a lead weight in the trousers myself. 😂😂😂 couldn’t resist

  • @johnburns5783
    @johnburns5783 2 дні тому +1

    Nice lead weight there Jocky. Well done 👍👍👍

  • @danakeefer9063
    @danakeefer9063 2 дні тому +2

    Another great job 🎉

  • @diverdannavyvet9672
    @diverdannavyvet9672 2 дні тому +1

    Yes! Victrola needles. Good calls in the comments. 👍

  • @AReelHouseProduction
    @AReelHouseProduction 2 дні тому +1

    Thank you for the take along. Great digs

  • @donaldrutter1738
    @donaldrutter1738 2 дні тому +1

    Nice video John will be watching for part 2. Thanks for sharing.

  • @johnleahy7087
    @johnleahy7087 День тому +1

    WOW Canadian. I guessed that before you cleaned it.

  • @patty4091
    @patty4091 2 дні тому +1

    Hi guys! A good day, I look forward to part two!

  • @gerdcelinejensen8294
    @gerdcelinejensen8294 2 дні тому +3

    Feliz Navidad, Simon! 😁 Merry Christmas, John! 🥳🎄😁🤗🙏❤️

  • @ouzalghost8411
    @ouzalghost8411 2 дні тому +1

    Thanks John for another entertaining video

  • @paulboucher806
    @paulboucher806 2 дні тому +3

    Flying geese are called a skein I think, a gaggle is when they"re on the ground

  • @Timeline-Detectorist
    @Timeline-Detectorist День тому +1

    Hello been a while lol great hunt I'm really interested in the huge weight 🤔 and the coin with the hole through the middle could of been used for a watch face great hunt 😁😎

  • @PixieStirling
    @PixieStirling 2 дні тому +1

    That’s a beauty 😮.❤

  • @SmittyLS
    @SmittyLS 2 дні тому +1

    Always fun when you two are out together. I hope one of Santa's helpers will bring you a new pair of headphones for Christmas, Simon.🎄

  • @donreed417
    @donreed417 2 дні тому +3

    Make a necklace for Simon out of that weight.
    Tell Simon scientists have finally determined why one side of a V of geese is longer than the other. It has more geese in it. 😂😂

  • @GaliSinatra
    @GaliSinatra 2 дні тому +2

    The quality trash of the box of needles is "His Master's Voice" - record player needles! RCA of Camden, New Jersey made the victrolas and needles. circa 1950's

  • @weepair2
    @weepair2 2 дні тому +1

    Interesting and entertaining as usual John.

  • @SouthDownsSilver
    @SouthDownsSilver 2 дні тому +1

    That loom weight 😮! I found one exactly the same shape, but probably a tenth of the size lol

  • @PixieStirling
    @PixieStirling 2 дні тому

    Welcome John, Simon , hoping you both are successful in the finds. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @PixieStirling
    @PixieStirling 2 дні тому +1

    Enjoy your lunch❤❤

  • @louisboylan7623
    @louisboylan7623 2 дні тому +2

    5:19 is it a seal? If you roll it in wax would it leave a specific pattern?

  • @jillianfortuna2348
    @jillianfortuna2348 2 дні тому +2


  • @jmsask
    @jmsask 2 дні тому +1


  • @PixieStirling
    @PixieStirling 2 дні тому +2

    Our new coins age terribly compared to vintage ones.❤️❤️

    • @bretthess6376
      @bretthess6376 2 дні тому +1

      What junk they're made of. Sad.

    • @thescottishdetectorist
      @thescottishdetectorist  День тому

      You’re right. Our current coins are terribly made in comparison and cheap metal. 100yrs in the ground and there’ll be nothing to find

  • @danielruiz9899
    @danielruiz9899 2 дні тому +1


  • @annieg246
    @annieg246 2 дні тому +3

    So that’s where my great grandfather lost his cap badge!!! Just kidding, I am from Canada.

    • @thescottishdetectorist
      @thescottishdetectorist  День тому

      I’d love to know how it got here! Amazing find 🇨🇦 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

  • @junco477
    @junco477 День тому +1

    Would be interested to know how a square plug out of the middle of that coin could be used as a button. Nice find, for sure.

  • @paulahiggins4301
    @paulahiggins4301 2 дні тому +1

    I think that the weight is 2 imperial pounds.( 24 current day oz) Merry Christmas to the 2 best detectorists!! 🎄 🎁 ⛄️

  • @scorthyshadows8259
    @scorthyshadows8259 2 дні тому +1

    Another great hunt today I love it please tell me what headphones are you using I am a very new be in fact so new I don’t have my machine yet

  • @middlesteven5477
    @middlesteven5477 2 дні тому +1

    The old metal label was most likely from an RCA Victor Talking Machine. It reads, "His Master's Voice. " This refers to the dog listening to his "master" on the talking machine.

  • @relicrat
    @relicrat День тому +1

    Fun hunt. Thanks for sharing!!! Needles for a record player?

  • @muley180
    @muley180 2 дні тому +1

    Big fan of the channel and an advanced detectorist such as yourself. Just curious, what does the word bonney mean? You say you are in bonney Scotland. Oddly enough, I live in Bonney Lake, Washington state, USA. Thank you, love your channel.

    • @thescottishdetectorist
      @thescottishdetectorist  День тому

      Many thanks! Bonnie means beautiful in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 I hope your lake is Bonnie too!!

    • @thescottishdetectorist
      @thescottishdetectorist  День тому

      And thanks for supporting the channel! Happy hunting

  • @adrientucker5949
    @adrientucker5949 2 дні тому +1

    Would make a good plum-bob

  • @RonLH
    @RonLH 2 дні тому +1

    His Master's Voice! Phonograph needles for early 78 rpm disc playback.

  • @swampfizz
    @swampfizz 2 дні тому +1

    1946 is ok to say if you are counting the occupation tho🤪 could the needles be phonograph needles? hence the VOICE..could the square holed coin be a replacement for a military insignia/ badge backing? some had square posts

    • @thescottishdetectorist
      @thescottishdetectorist  День тому

      You are spot on…. His masters voice…. HMV! Great info from so many people on here identifying it!

  • @neep7350
    @neep7350 2 дні тому +1

    How did the 'black' 1912 coin clean up so well whilst still out in the field. . . What was used to clean it?

    • @thescottishdetectorist
      @thescottishdetectorist  День тому

      I’ve got a little silver polishing cloth and the tarnish lifted along with some bendy thumb action 👍🏻

  • @HansFormerlyTraffer
    @HansFormerlyTraffer 2 дні тому +1

    I'm surprised that you don't find sash weights. Didn't they use them in Scotland?

    • @thescottishdetectorist
      @thescottishdetectorist  День тому

      They did Hans but most seem to have been melted down rather than thrown away

  • @jamesjacobs4209
    @jamesjacobs4209 2 дні тому +1

    The spendable coins that are in bad shape are you able to take them to the mint and get new coins?

  • @mattflannigan4943
    @mattflannigan4943 2 дні тому +1

    Great video as usual but can I ask you in your early videos you stressed about touching lead with your hands do you still feel the same about it love your video s

    • @thescottishdetectorist
      @thescottishdetectorist  День тому

      Thanks for the support Matt. I think I’m definitely being a bit safer with the lead handling realising just how much we find and it’s the old stuff!! So trying to be more careful! …. Trying!

  • @alanlucas2886
    @alanlucas2886 2 дні тому +1

    hi john

  • @EdwinNikkels
    @EdwinNikkels День тому +1

    Still baffled by that the visiting Yanks pulled one hammered coin out of the ground after the other. All I'm seeing here is lead, lead and more lead. Time for a new name for the channel, John? The Scottish Ironmonger? 😂

  • @robmayhew3271
    @robmayhew3271 2 дні тому

    Same here eve

  • @nancyweems5270
    @nancyweems5270 2 дні тому +1

    Huge weight

  • @PixieStirling
    @PixieStirling 2 дні тому +2

    1lb 06oz.😊.❤

  • @alanlucas2886
    @alanlucas2886 2 дні тому +1

    hi simone

  • @jeanienautrup
    @jeanienautrup 2 дні тому +1

    Oooh my, John. you are a bit forgethfull...alzheimer lifht 😅 but love your videos and your humor. nice finds today.

  • @loisb2707
    @loisb2707 День тому

    If you find a current spendable coin that's "trashed", would the bank exchange it for a new one? Sorry if you've answered this before and I missed it. Just wondering 😊

  • @pocketpunk333
    @pocketpunk333 2 дні тому +2

    2 lb weight

  • @johnwilliams7833
    @johnwilliams7833 День тому +1

    Just out of interest John, what do you do with your toasted coins, you must have a drawer full, I have a small plastic box full and basically they’re not much better than junk sadly

    • @thescottishdetectorist
      @thescottishdetectorist  День тому

      Hi John. The toasted coins go to kids and farmers and I’ve thousands tucked in drawers all around the house too 🤣

  • @GlurfMundoo-lv3pf
    @GlurfMundoo-lv3pf День тому +1

    *His Master's voice. Or..... HMV. I think you're familiar with that name. :)

  • @chrisernest3222
    @chrisernest3222 День тому

    Farmers fix in field for washer...

  • @chrisernest3222
    @chrisernest3222 День тому

    24oz John

  • @rogerelliot5446
    @rogerelliot5446 2 дні тому +1


    • @thescottishdetectorist
      @thescottishdetectorist  День тому

      Definitely! It’s on the edge of a medieval town that held 9 markets a year in the 14th century

  • @wyleedingo
    @wyleedingo 2 дні тому +1

    That sir, is a potato

  • @jackfischbach2560
    @jackfischbach2560 День тому +1

    Pleace John don,t eat those noodles. They are poison to you body......

  • @tamsjoint9402
    @tamsjoint9402 2 дні тому +1


  • @billynorris6411
    @billynorris6411 6 годин тому

    More reruns im definitely dont not subscribing no more its sad