5 Minute Urbanism - Dublin - With Mikael from The Life-Sized City

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
  • A viewer sent in a sample intersection from Dublin for Mikael to have a look at. The City of Dublin is toying with the idea of temporary bike lanes and some of their solutions are not optimal. Mikael worked in Dublin on a project seven years ago - nothing was done by the City - so for him, it's just rehashing the same old solutions from a century of Best Practice. Ready to implement in Dublin - which used to be one of the great cycling cities of Europe.
    Mikael's book: "Copenhagenize - the definitive guide to global bicycle urbanism" - available wherever you buy your books.
    Mikael's other book: "A Short Introduction to Bicycle Urbanism - for people who don't give a fuck" is available here: www.blurb.com/...
    The same proposals that have been hanging around like a bad smell for the River Liffey for almost a decade have been regurgitated last year: www.nationaltr... (PDF)
    Outro music by Phil Creamer from hereonout.ca


  • @simonbauer83
    @simonbauer83 4 роки тому +49

    Interesting that cities perceive streets as fixed and ultimate. And some hungover city planner proves everyone wrong.

    • @celtcia
      @celtcia 4 роки тому


  • @fulkske
    @fulkske 4 роки тому +14

    I looked it up on Google maps and the funny thing about this intersection is, there's litterally a cyclist on the painted stripes where Mikael says a bike lane needs to be installed. Another example of people doing what makes sense rather than doing what engineers want them to be doing.

  • @jopkrijnen2631
    @jopkrijnen2631 4 роки тому +11

    I love the 5 minute urbanism series keep up the great work Mikael

  • @MyMessyMind
    @MyMessyMind 4 роки тому +13

    Ireland in general has horrific standards for bike lanes. They give a section here and there and think thatll do. Going down country roads with my bike has me terrified, they dont slow down for nothing down those narrow winding roads.

    • @SorinVBogdan
      @SorinVBogdan 4 роки тому

      That's England as well... shame really, so much potential

    • @dieselotte
      @dieselotte 4 роки тому +2

      When me and friends planned our first trip to Ireland (ring of Kerry), we read that 80 km per hour are the max speed on those roads and thought "that's kinda slow". Then we saw the roads. No way did we even want to drive 80 on those roads! Narrow, winding and featuring the occasional sheep. The locals nonetheless were driving 80 and 90. I'd also be really scared biking there...

    • @celtcia
      @celtcia 4 роки тому


    • @mitchell16
      @mitchell16 3 роки тому +1

      Agreed, but I have to say, the progress made since the original lockdown in March 2020 has been phenomenal. Shame to see people like Mikael weren't listened to by the council back in 2013, but hopefully that is no longer the case.

    • @efa666
      @efa666 3 роки тому +1

      I can think of a few cases of tourists in Limerick killed cycling on city roads basically because there are cycle lanes that go straight while traffic diverts left.

  • @krombopulos_michael
    @krombopulos_michael 4 роки тому +5

    I live in Dublin and would love to see this stuff implemented. One thing though: you put the bus lane on the right, but in Ireland buses are almost always on the left lane, because their passenger doors are on the left. I think that part may currently just have no bus stops for a stretch but it would still be better long term to put the bus lane left to allow for stops in the future.

  • @johncrwarner
    @johncrwarner 4 роки тому +17

    Have you ever done some of London's bicycle lanes
    Which disappear and reappear with no rhyme or reason
    Some of the "bike super highways" look lethal.

    • @johncrwarner
      @johncrwarner 4 роки тому +1

      Just to say I am not a cyclist
      I have balance problems
      So am largely a pedestrian
      And public transport user.

    • @Leonum1860
      @Leonum1860 4 роки тому +12

      You should watch Jay Foremans series "unfinished London". One reason for disappearing bike lines is that the boroughs own the streets and they are not the property of the mayor of London. Boroughs like Kensington don't want bike lanes going through their area

    • @stephcollins9346
      @stephcollins9346 4 роки тому

      Dublin has the same problem, especially in the inner city close to the river - in the suburbs there's normally /okay/ bike lanes, but in town the bike lanes literally stop and just become bus lanes
      I think London and Dublin have similar problems where the town planners ask "but how do we fit all of the cars in with all of the bikes" and that question is flawed but the answer to how do you fit all of the bikes is limit / get rid of the cars

  • @zoria2718
    @zoria2718 4 роки тому +3

    Alternative title: A man drawing bicycle lanes on all sides of crossroads for 11 minutes straight.

  • @IJoAnZI
    @IJoAnZI 4 роки тому +2

    yesyesyes Dublin is so fucked up! been living here 8 years and working on a bicycle for 3 years while also cycling for clubs so excited to see my this :))

  • @ericseventeen17
    @ericseventeen17 4 роки тому +4

    Ireland is light years behind the rest of Europe when it comes to bike infrastructure. Pedestrian wise it’s pretty decent though

    • @anothermetaphor7586
      @anothermetaphor7586 4 роки тому +1

      Light years is an understatement

    • @starkeybf
      @starkeybf 2 роки тому

      Probably because people prefer to commute by bus !

    • @pappy9473
      @pappy9473 2 місяці тому

      @@starkeybf Do you you mean probably because there is piecemeal bicycle infrastructure?

  • @user-iu2um8fd8n
    @user-iu2um8fd8n 4 роки тому +3

    Mikael, would you make a video about what you would recommend to young students who want to start a career in this field? Are there any particular courses of study or universities that you could particularly recommend? Where do you see a good future job perspective, what specialisations would you recommend, etc. Whatever comes to mind. It'd be really interesting.
    Also very cool, in the background the newspaper:
    "The world's most dangerous invention"
    like it.

  • @cormacsheedy3522
    @cormacsheedy3522 4 роки тому +3

    This is great content . Fair play to you man !

  • @cascade3331
    @cascade3331 3 роки тому

    Absolutely LOVE this channel. Really making me think about my communities and how we could improve. Thank you!

  • @ingDemurtas
    @ingDemurtas 4 роки тому +1

    Can you explain why the squared corners? (I guess to reduce the pedestrians crossing length). Some places (Italy) the peds crossing is backed away 4m from the intersection. Why?

    • @fulkske
      @fulkske 4 роки тому +4

      Reduce pedestrians' crossing length is one reason but the more important reason is car speed. Round corners are made so that cars don't have to slow down, but on an intersection (which is where most accidents happen), you want cars to be slow. Making the corner square means it's harder for them to take the turn with a lot of speed which increases safety.

  • @poulmadsen7969
    @poulmadsen7969 3 роки тому

    It seems that Dublin City actually put a lot of efforts into increasing the percentage of commuters who travel by bike. Unfortunately, it seems that cycle lanes are often made in a clumsy fashion. In fairness, Dublin streets in general are messy and car drivers suffer as well. It's like it's not possible to make straight lanes. Of course it is, but Dublin city planners seem reluctant to change how they always worked. The city introduced a handy rent-a-bike system years ago, however, it's of little use since the intrastructure is still crap - unsafe

  • @soberhippie
    @soberhippie 4 роки тому +1

    I visited Dublin about 2012-2013, and as far as I understood, they have those bike gaps at junctions so that bikes could accumulate there from whatever thin lanes they use, because bikes start significantly faster than cars, so when the green light comes on, all the bikes are gone before the first cars in the corresponding lanes start moving, and back into their thin bike lanes. But I may be way off here.

    • @stephcollins9346
      @stephcollins9346 4 роки тому

      Yes that's true but in fact a lot of people don't use them (I didn't even know this was their purpose it never really made sense to me - plus a lot of car drivers pull forward into them without giving a toss). In reality during rush hour there's normally just a short tail back in the bike lane at a red light, it's pretty funny but I say that because it moves when the light turns green where sometimes the car traffic doesn't (because the tailback goes beyond the traffic light)

  • @HomieDawgLeka
    @HomieDawgLeka 4 роки тому +1

    Mikael! You should try and do an episode of this for Zagreb, probably the worst city for bike infrastructure. Where bike "lanes" go through cafe terraces and you have to disobey the rules in order to drive more safely.... Anyway, great content!

  • @vitaliyzubenyuk2326
    @vitaliyzubenyuk2326 4 роки тому +1

    How should go a bike path through a bus stop? When bike path goes on the side of the road and when it goes on the sidewalk.

    • @fulkske
      @fulkske 4 роки тому

      Like this is best practice as of today. You make an elevated piece of curb at makes it easy for wheelchair users to enter the bus and where passengers can wait. The bike lane continues behind the bus stop to allow cyclists to bypass waiting passengers without having to enter the road.
      Busses stop on the roadway itself. Cars simply have to wait. Busses lose a lot of time by getting onto a separated busstop and trying to re-enter busy traffic. Having them stop on the roadway means cars wait a bit longer but the bus won't lose any time as they're already on the road.
      The overall implementation isn't perfect (too sharp corners to turn, painted bike lane next to a busy motorway, ...) but the principle is the same

  • @diarmaidupton
    @diarmaidupton 4 роки тому +1

    Hey Mikael (or anybody else), what’s the reference for that image of Dublin as one of the major cycling cities of Europe’s before the war? Is this well known? Any books/documentaries/articles on it? 🙏

    • @celtcia
      @celtcia 4 роки тому

      See our channel for 2020 :P

  • @Ronor
    @Ronor 4 роки тому +1

    You might want to take a screenshot of the map in fullscreen (F11 on windows) to have a more larger map on paper.

  • @jesserowlingsify
    @jesserowlingsify 4 роки тому

    How can we send in a sample intersection for Mikael to have a look at? I've got a doozy in Sydney Australia.

  • @cika012
    @cika012 4 роки тому +4

    I wish you could change the car centric people of Budapest.

  • @London755
    @London755 4 роки тому

    Hey, any chance the rest of your tv show will be made available to viewers here in the states on any platform? As it stands, all but S1e1 and s2e1 are unavailable to US viewers according to the TVO page.

  • @Caladras
    @Caladras 4 роки тому

    I want a hungover urbanism series now!

  • @starkeybf
    @starkeybf 2 роки тому

    8:50 buses and all other vehicles use these lanes. I find it funny how urbanists think cars are the only vehicles on the roads. Most people travel into the city centre by BUS so you’re wrong about the car part. Majority of dublin is not 30kmh (excluding estates) thankfully as we said no to that ludicrous idea. 30kmh has no place on most roads

  • @jonathandowling7311
    @jonathandowling7311 4 роки тому

    Pity he did this while hungover and didn't do so much research - forgot about Dublin Bikes, forgot bus lanes need to be on the left as that's where the buildings are, forgot about Liffey Cycle Route which will see a bidirectional bike lane put along the river.
    However I liked the east-west changes he did and the addition of the missing pedestrian crossing. It must have been frustrating for his proposals from 2013 to be ignored.

  • @andvil01
    @andvil01 4 роки тому

    The right turns, should they be in two stages, over-right, or should bikes have the intersection for them self in a minute to make the turn before the cars get green light. If the first, there should be some space to rest when crossing the street, waiting to go right when traffic opens the other way.
    Anyway it would be good to give the bikes a few seconds head start at green light to get them out of the way before the cars come.

  • @Fumbuzi
    @Fumbuzi 4 роки тому +9

    Jey guess whjat I never went there but take my word for it because I was hungover... QUALITY

    • @honeyfromthebee
      @honeyfromthebee 4 роки тому +2

      If a surgeon has operated on thousands of patients successfully, but never on you before, would you say, "Gee, every body is different, don't operate on me!"?

  • @felixmoran1
    @felixmoran1 4 роки тому

    Would be really interesting to hear your opinion on Londons existing transport infrastructure, and the covid measures they're undertaking to widen footpaths and create cycle lanes. I'm really hoping it all goes well, once the people have this space back they won't want to give it up, they'll want even more

  • @raphaelnikolaus0486
    @raphaelnikolaus0486 3 роки тому

    What is your opinion on the Dutch intersection design (with the bike paths set back a little)? I'm asking because in this video you went for straight crossing bike lanes, and also because it has just been in the news that there was some sort of analysis (by the insurances I think) which "found" - or claimed to have found - that the Dutch intersection design wasn't safe. --» instagram.com/p/CGjrPN-At4C/

  • @rvallenduuk
    @rvallenduuk 4 роки тому

    Taking this one junction in isolation it's easy (even with a hangover) to get a sharpie and draw in an extra bike lane. There are other sections along the river where the road is much narrower so two bike lanes is just not feasible and the last thing we want is stop/start sections of cylce lane. There's enough of them in Dublin already. There are also sections (look up Bachelors Walk) with many bus stops where a cycle lane between traffic and footpath is not desirable.
    The challenge is to create the Liffey Cycle Route - cycle infrastructure that runs the length of the Liffey in the city centre.

    • @ElectricityTaster
      @ElectricityTaster 4 роки тому

      I had a look on google maps and I see what you mean. I see three solutions: divert car traffic onto backroads where it is too narrow (if not one road back then make it two or three), narrow the river for a cycle lane and bigger sidewalks, or use the river for public transport and turn bus lanes into cycle lanes and bigger sidewalks, then work to reduce car traffic along the Liffey so busses can still get through in a reasonable time (Banning odd-numbered cars on odd-numbered days, increase car taxes in the city, charge a pollution toll on car traffic on the road, charge for ALL parking using smartphone apps and detectors under parking spaces, etc. And of course, increase that shared bicycle system so people can rely on it. When a system is unreliable, it is very hard to win back customers and they will latch back onto their cars like barnacles.

  • @xanderbastiaansen5579
    @xanderbastiaansen5579 4 роки тому

    Why did you put the buslane on the side of the river rather than the side of the buildings? I think ridership would be higher if they can reach a platform from the sidewalk directly rather than having to traverse a car lane in the process.

    • @magnushmann
      @magnushmann 4 роки тому +1

      I couldn't really make it out in the video myself, but he claimed there was already a bus lane there, which he would just keep in the same place.
      Another point is just because the bus lane itself is in one side of the road doesn't mean the stops have to be on the same side *and/or* that you couldn't just have a little island in the "correct" side where ever the stops might be located.
      Not to mention busses exist with doors on both sides ofc.

    • @xanderbastiaansen5579
      @xanderbastiaansen5579 4 роки тому

      @@magnushmann I had not given a thought to the side of the doors on a bus, thanks for mentioning that. Having just taken a look on google maps I see that the bus lane is actually on the left side of the street just down the road. I am now assuming it may have been caused by "right-side traffic" thinking (something he admits in the video). I now believe it would have been put to the left side of car traffic if he had realised again that this is a left-traffic situation...

    • @Karl_Mcr
      @Karl_Mcr 4 роки тому

      ​@@xanderbastiaansen5579 Yes, the bus lane should be towards the Left Hand Side, Passengers only Enter/Exit on the left side.
      What Mikael saw as a Yellow painted Bus Lane on the right, was actually just a bus that was turning Right, over the bridge. The top of the Bus was Yellow in the view on GoogleMaps. More points to his hangover.
      His comments at the end are beautifully harsh. This is what happens when you ignore best practice & put in half-ass solutions here & there.

  • @Welgeldiguniekalias
    @Welgeldiguniekalias 4 роки тому

    Typically, during a timeout, the clock would be stopped.

  • @shhmule
    @shhmule 4 роки тому +2

    Everything makes sense up to the point where you squared off the corners. Can anyone explain the logic here? Vehicles, especially large trucks, can't just turn a right angle without the rear wheels following thru a wide arc. Do that, and every bus or truck will be crunching over the sidewalk to turn the corners

    • @IJoAnZI
      @IJoAnZI 4 роки тому

      Buses and HGV can only go up or down on that section of road, cant go over the bridge. so i presume thats why its squared. Further down the road on o'connell bridge theyre rounded entering the main artery of the city : www.google.ie/maps/@53.3475788,-6.2588065,86m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en&authuser=0

    • @soberhippie
      @soberhippie 4 роки тому

      I don't think it was squaring of corners, he just drew bike lanes through the junction. The curbs are still curved, and trucks can clip bike lanes when they turn.

    • @C0deH0wler
      @C0deH0wler 4 роки тому

      I haven't watched the video. But you don't want large vehicles everywhere anyway. Especially 10-wheel lorries through residential areas, particularly the rat-running kind where they use your community as a shortcut.

    • @stephcollins9346
      @stephcollins9346 4 роки тому +1

      Oh our busses can turn much tighter corners 😂😂, Dublin Bus drivers drive like they're driving the night bus from Harry potter

  • @BogFiets
    @BogFiets Рік тому

    I lived by this bridge for six years. Dublin (and Ireland) hates cyclists :-(

  • @lamkat2088
    @lamkat2088 4 роки тому

    I honestly don't know understand why all that beautiful space next to the river is allocated to cars. When I was in Dublin last (2017) It seemed to me that walking along the river was an incredibly unpleasant experience.
    This seems even more bizarre when you look at where that road leads to, its is basically just the dock(?)

    • @stephcollins9346
      @stephcollins9346 4 роки тому

      Before we had a motorway leading to the port, all of the trucks hauling goods from the port had to drive through the center of town to get out to the motorway, that's why they we're allocated like the straightest rout out of the city, they built a tunnel round to the port tho in the early 2000s which alleviated some of the truck traffic but u still get some driving west from the port along the river. Up by the Guinness factory there's actually a load of parking along the Riverside FOR TRUCKS like it's absurd

    • @cycledublin
      @cycledublin 4 роки тому

      The parking has recently been removed and replaced by a wide bike lane! It's a 'temporary' lane during covid-19 while buses have limited capacity due to social distancing. This is being done on many streets.
      But fingers crossed they become permanent and are upgraded to Dutch standards!

  • @RJHSVideos
    @RJHSVideos 4 роки тому +1

    Dublin has always been a tough one for me to think about because the streets are so old and inconsistent depending on the part of the city. :/ glad to hear you gave it a go! The shared bike and bus lanes area death trap :(

    • @RJHSVideos
      @RJHSVideos 4 роки тому +2

      Take a look at Dame street sometime. One of the busiest and yet least spacious streets in the whole city

    • @RJHSVideos
      @RJHSVideos 4 роки тому +1

      If only people would obey that low speed limit more than just when the roads were absolutely clogged! Taxi drivers blast around those streets

    • @IJoAnZI
      @IJoAnZI 4 роки тому +1

      @@RJHSVideos yeah theyre absolute cunts, speeding, parking on double yellow/bicycle lanes and random u turns and also swinging doors open on ya. Need to sort it out and also get a London style fee system if you want to enter the centre.

  • @pappy9473
    @pappy9473 2 місяці тому

    Shame in 2024 nothing much has changed. This, while there are constant reminders to use bicycles, walk and use public transport.

  • @jamesshaw3500
    @jamesshaw3500 4 роки тому

    Are mayor, Betsy price is trying to make are city bike friendly, could you please do a critic of it, because I think she did horribly.
    Also, I can not ride bikes because I have No balance, me walking is controlled falling, so I drive or walk everywhere I go.

  • @ElectricityTaster
    @ElectricityTaster 4 роки тому

    Dublin needs to be dublin down with the bikes.

  • @Lixn1337
    @Lixn1337 4 роки тому

    Are you half Danish half American?

  • @stealther1401
    @stealther1401 4 роки тому +2

    5:44 lmaooo

  • @brubelptaszyna9161
    @brubelptaszyna9161 4 роки тому

    Oh yes. How do You know... bikes.

  • @elintcastwood
    @elintcastwood 4 роки тому

    Are you planning any videos about the differences between Danish and Dutch bicycle planning (If there are any)? Would be very interesting plus you'd get a shit ton of Dutch viewers overnight.

    • @magnushmann
      @magnushmann 4 роки тому

      That might not be for the better though, if you understand me correctly xD

  • @marsaeolus9248
    @marsaeolus9248 4 роки тому

    Very interesting

  • @bonhat_6214
    @bonhat_6214 4 роки тому

    hurry! I'm first!

  • @nathanmacdonnell9796
    @nathanmacdonnell9796 4 роки тому +1

    You can see the health of our biking infrastructure by the relationship between cyclists and cars. (They hate each other here)
    Another thing to consider is the mindset of cyclists. They still consider themselves as pedestrians. They'll easily cut through lights, cycle up one way streets, and cycle on the path with pedestrians.... it's awkward here.
    I'm a cyclist in Dublin and even I hate cyclists in Dublin. 😅

  • @jimwoods9551
    @jimwoods9551 4 роки тому

    How about banning cyclists from certain infrastructure instead? The use of buses is growing significantly in Dublin centre, there’s a decline in cars and bicycle use is only growing slowly from essentially nothing. The “joyful days of cycling” is usually called poverty, it is not a rational choice. It is widely accepted that car use must be curtailed,so let’s assume that programme can be accelerated. In many instances the pavements need to be widened, so there’s only bus and bicycle traffic to be facilitated. Eliminate through city wheeled traffic with inner city buses only permitted on city centre roads and you have a truly democratic transport system. Cycling only facilitates fit people even with battery assistance. Simply eliminate cars and bicycles and traffic planning becomes child’s play. Then buses could be electrified and fitted with proper forced air ventilation for comfort and biological safety.

    • @ElectricityTaster
      @ElectricityTaster 4 роки тому

      I mean, cycling is not as green as diesel buses because cycling uses calories which need to be replaced with food and much of our food currently has a huge carbon footprint. However, cycling is faster and keeps people fit. If you use a bicycle everyday you are much less likely of ever getting to the point where you cannot cycle. It's also more fun, gives you more freedom and allows you to haul more cargo than you could on a bus. Cycling is cheaper than the bus if you use it as a gym replacement and makes our roads quiet. Electric buses could also be much quieter, but electric buses require lithium which is incredibly toxic to mine. Trams are better in that sense. Particulate matter from tires will not be going away anytime soon. Again, trams are better in that sense.
      I think the health benefits of cycling and it's speed as a mode of transport justify bike lanes. However, busses are more inclusive and more comfortable in the rain. Depending on the route, they can also be faster. So really, it depends. Ideally you would not have to choose, and I believe there is room for both in practically all cities. If you have to detour cyclists so a bus can get through then I think that is fair depending on how popular the bus is and how big the detour.
      I'm not sure making buses safer in a pandemic scenario is feasible. Forced ventilation would help, but it would still be too risky. Rather than spending all that money retrofitting buses world-wide, we should spend it on preventing pandemics. For example, having PPE and disinfectant stockpiles, increasing funding for infectious disease research, enforcing proper maintenance in virology labs (China is hopeless at maintenance. I've seen pictures of the Wuhan virology lab where curled compressed-air hoses feeding positive-air-pressure suits have been allowed to sag to the floor where they can easily be run-over by office chairs), and, most importantly, by forcing China to keep a basic level of sanitation in their wet-markets.

    • @fulkske
      @fulkske 4 роки тому +2

      "I mean, cycling is not as green as diesel buses because cycling uses calories which need to be replaced with food and much of our food currently has a huge carbon footprint."
      Not sure if this is serious but cycling is literally the most efficient way to transport people we have. It's even more efficient than walking.