I've been complaining to physicians since 1969 about a little, annoying pain in my right side in the area above the pelvis that has progressively become unbearable. They've tried x-rays, MRI's, ultrasound to find something to work on, but it's now 2023 and I'm JUST A LITTLE BIT OLDER! I found this video today and tried a couple of stretches. After only a few moments it's clear that the "professional" physicians need to go to therapist school. Interesting that after all these years a simple stretching exercise puts me in a different dimension regarding debilitating pain. Thanks for being here! I think I might be able to manage much better with the knowledge this site has brought my way.
That’s because the medical field is corrupt like everything else. You have to take care of yourself at the end of the day. They’re all happy to take your money if don’t want it anymore.
I stumbled upon you, because all the Doctors look into my eyes and want to give me pain medication. It just doesn't work and it is addicting. I knew there had to be some underlying answer. The phases of pain and these new stretches are helping. I now even know how I got here (9 weeks of various viruses and too much sitting/resting) and how to get out of it. You are a life saver!!!
In pain stage. Encouraged by your story of a 60-year-old lady patient. I, too, am in the 60s and am having extreme hip pain 5-6 times a week when moving/flexing/standing on my hip. Even standing up straight. The stretching seems to be helping. I am high risk fall and am hoping the strengtheng will help.
I'm 74. Do a 40 hour janitor gig. I compete in the elder statesman age groups in both powerlifting and Olympic lifting. Nothing to impress, everything most athletes would call, "light". Buti still love walking onto a lifting platform. Also hate to miss opportunities. Have had that back side hip pain. Your advice and stretches are priceless. Thank you so much. The stretches had an immediate impact. Light at the end of the tunnel.
This is such a good find. I am so relieved to be able to see that the pain that I have (which has come on quickly and feels very painful after essentially overdoing it with exercising) can be managed and corrected. It is so useful to have the few key exercises to focus on. Thank you.
I watched both of your hip pain videos. I used to have the pain in the front of my hip and on occasion get the pain on the side. Now recently the pain is in the back and very acute at times. It hurts even to put weight on my leg. So, I’m relieved to know it isn’t the hip joint because this pain is so severe all I can think is I need a double hip replacement, it’s on both sides. I am going to get the book and work through the steps. I’ll be back with an update. Oh, I’m 57 and my hips have been hurting me for at least 15 years. Some days are worse than others. 👍
Thank you so much for the detailed. explanations and teaching with the spine, bones, muscles and ligaments model. thank you for teaching the stretching and strengthening exercises. You are the best.
These exercices work so well. The mix of stretching and strengthening buttock muscles has gotten rid of my pain. It also made me realize that, since the pandemic and ensuing confinement, I had lost my muscle tone and strength! At 75, leg muscles are even more essentials. Mine were pretty strong (I was exercising regularly) but they significantly weakened when I stopped my group sessions. I am now exercising every day to get my strength back and keep free of pain. Thank you!
I have really been struggling with low back pain for about 10 years on a daily basis. I thought this was bad until about nine months ago I started to have pain in my right posterolateral hip. This pain is much more debilitating making it impossible to go for even short walks by myself or with one of my dogs. Sitting is about the only position that I can say that I'm pain free, but I know that the longer I sit the more I'm going to hurt when I get up. I'm 74, and my lumber MRI reflects disc space narrowing, ligaments flavum hypertrophy, facet osteophytes and spinal stenosis. This doesn't surprise me and I know a significant number of folks with these findings have no symptoms. However, I suspect that some of that problem represents nerve root irritation. I tell you this just for background. I've had physical therapy, accupuncture, hot yoga, body work and a lot of reading and youtube video watching. The hip pain videos of yours I've watched on UA-cam have really helped me focus on where the my hip pain is originating and I'm downloading your ebook today and dedicating myself to doing the stretches and exercises you recommend. Thanks for your videos. I'll let you know of my progress going forward.
I'm only 62, and I have almost the exact medical story, arthritis especially in three (!? why not the fourth, full pairs?) facet joints, but bone is beginning to grow most everywhere, even if it doesn't affect me now. I also have a vertebrate that tends to slide forward, which I don't wish for many people on Mother Earth. (That would be a short man in his 70+, in a very large country, with faiblesse for extremely long tables. Enough said.) This appears like a fantasy-fake-big lie, but I have learned how to make that vertebrate go back to where it should be, long story. But it works as long as I'm strong enough to walk, stand and sit tipping my pelvis back, well straight, but that's what I aim for, which is impossible. One slip on ice, or stumble on something, and it moves. It's an everyday thing to stretch out, relax and press it back. I can instantly feel it's in its right place, I regain feeling in my left leg, from above the bottom to my foot, and both legs move where I want them to. I can walk several kilometers, instead of coming home with tears of pain after 20 minutes (I have a dog, too). The vertebrate is getting more stable, the more strength I have built up, BUT, upon this, I have probably been too fast and impatient, I have got this hip-bum pains too. I live in Sweden, we have winter, snow and ice. That makes me walk like a giant stick insect. All tensed up, adding even more tension in the buttocks and hip flexors that didn't want to go away. Finally my thighs, particularly the fore side (is that correct? Front?🤔) and some kind of stretching had to be done. But HOW, without arching my lumbar back? This guy's suggestions on how to stretch work magic! Despite the ice and snow I'm back on track again, taking it soft and easy. For almost a month I felt hopeless. Devastated. After only A WEEK I'm almost pain free (well, everything is relatively, to something else). For now, and until this 🤬 snow melts away, I will be focusing on stretching and strengthen my body in general, my core muscles in particular. But being more gentle on myself 😅. I wish you best luck 🍀with your back, I hope you can come back to normal function again 😍 I intend to 😠💪😵💫🥵😩💪😠! (Unnecessary explanation and background: I have worked heavy jobs in all my life, ADHD, sitting on a chair was mentally impossible. So I have been lifting and carrying heavy things, working together with practically only guys. I have had that type of body that builds muscles easily, so I have had that kind of strength for the job. But obviously not my back and knees. I was always particular with lifting correctly etc, but sometimes I didn't realize how heavy it was, and I think that is what I'm paying for now. I was 168 cm ( ≈ 5'6"), weight ≈ 79 kg ( ≈ 174lb), waist ≈ 66 cm ( ≈ 26"), but I needed size 32" or 34" in my jeans, or I couldn't fit my thighs, and that wasn't fat. I'm sure that weight also helped to wear out my body, even if it wasn't fat. The fact that my bone mass is good, but I have lost 5 cm ( 2") in length hints at that. 5 cm is much at my age. Too much.🙄)
I’m a Lymphedema therapist who’s worked in phys rehab for many years, and your videos are excellent! Your plantations and demonstrations very clear, easy to understand, and the solutions are safe and easy to follow. Although I have a lot of anatomy and physiology, I very much appreciated your demonstration and explanations. Following those treatment principles is not that difficult. I just need to motivate my parents and patients to find 10-20 minutes daily to follow your video. Thank you for an excellent video.
You are most welcome Ingrid. I am happy to hear that the video has been informative and easy to follow. Please let me know how it goes with the exercises/stretches. Best wishes, Ashley.
I have the exact symptoms you described. Deep butt pain and pain behind the greater trochanter. All the docs have told me its my spine. Thankfully I found a doctor that thinks like you and prescribed mobility, stretching and strengthening. That is what I was doing before but the docs stopped me and focused on my back. I will continue my therapy and hope it helps. I have had my pain for over a year and a half. I want my life back. If there are any additional tips you can offer please do so. God Bless and awesome, very informative, and direct message; better than any I have seen in over a year and half.
@@PrecisionWellbeing Thanks for your video. It's pretty much word-for-word, what I am experiencing. I have two questions.m if I may - is there an email or phone number to contact you by? Also, why does my issues continue to originate from one particular point. The left side sitting bone area. It never seems to want to repair despite relaxation exercises. It keeps getting triggered (including shooting pain), the moment I shift from right to left, when sitting down.
Wow. I searched for a solution of my hip pain, which I have since about four months. I worried it might be the joint from running. Eventhough I do a lot of stretching and workout and wiredley the pain was at the back of the hip. I just did those two stretches you showed and they were soo relieving. It felt like the muscles were just craving for that that all along. Amasing what an easy solution for that months of pain. I didn't have the time to go to the doctor and it didn't felt significant enough. And I was right. I just didn't know the right movement I had to do.
Thank you I now know why doctors are having a hard time finding out what's wrong with me I really don't know how to explain to them where the pain is coming from this demonstration hopefully will help You're wonderful thank you
SO happy to have found you. I have had hip pain on and off for several years. I had some shots, Xray and they wanted to give me an MRI (for my spine). All this cost so much money it was very stressful for me. Even going to a therapist was very expensive. Finally I understand what is going on. Thank you for this, I am going to try the stretching first and will let you know how it goes.
Thank you so very much. I have had pain at the back of my hip on and off for months. I have been doing the exercises I watched you describe. My pain has reduced enormously. I was at about 9 on the 1 to 10 scale. I would say I am now at 2/3 👍
You're most welcome. I'm glad the video was able to shed light on your back pain cause. Have you tried any of the stretches yet? Please keep me posted on your progress. Best wishes, Ashley.
Thank you very much Mr. Precision. I have been dealing with lower back pain on and off for years and recently came to find hip stretches help it but now my left back bottom has been feeling like you described here. I will follow the steps suggested and will let you know how it feels in a few weeks. Thanks again, you are a true teacher.
Wow! I learned so much from your excellent explanation of where pain comes from. I think I have arthritis but I'm going to do the stretches anyway. I walk 30 min in the am and 30 min in the pm. Hope that is not too much.
your videos are a gem in youtube.. helped me so much to understand and also stages of improving it!! thank u soo much for explaining and giving the solutions to improve as well.
I felt a great relief after doing the first set of stretching exercises. My pain was unbearable and the injections were not helping. I thought I had hip pain, until you explained it. I will definitely be doing these stretching exercises. Thank you very much.
Hello. I'm 62 ,in the second phase. Your video popped up just when I needed it. Thank you. I feel a deep burning pain. I will get your ebook and keep you up dated, , thank you for this video...
I sound like your example...Im in the stretch phase however sleeping is not good...I'm best when I'm moving or after stretch....sitting is better but still very stiff rising...I am tight up and down my whole left side. This came on after RDL"s with too heavy of a dumbbell weight...about 6 weeks now :(( Thanks for your information....very helpful.
Thank you so much for these videos. I am in the phase of trying to understand why I have these pains in my lower back and "bum", and being very happy to find why it isn't my hip needing a replacement.... Going to start today working on it.
You're most welcome! Glad to hear the video was helpful. Do let me know how it goes with the stretches. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Best wishes, Ashley.
I'm sooooo glad l found you. I'm having pain in my lower back, buttocks going down to my knee. I'm having trouble walking far, walk a few minutes and then have to stop. Been doing exercises from a physiotherapist but still having problems walking. Any advice would be greatly appreciated 🙏
Hi, Please check out the linked videos and E-Book in the description box below the video. They should answer your questions. Do not hesitate to reach out if you have further questions. Best wishes, Ashely.
I finally feel it, thanks to you!! I exercise almost every day but the pain seems to dull sometimes while becoming worse at other times, and I felt that the stretches I do are not reaching something deep and stiff tried stretches from your other hip video, and they also didn't do much, but these are just right really, thank you for sharing this and for being very clear in your explanations and instructions
You are so welcome! Glad to hear that the video has shed some light on your hip pain. Please let me know how it goes with the exercises/stretches. Best wishes, Ashley.
God bless u I’ll try that and let u know The sharp pain has been taking joy out of my life for 9 months already Hope it works for me Very well explained Thank u 🙏
Hi Sherri, You're absolutely welcome! Glad to hear the video was informative! Please do let me know how it goes with the exercises. Wishing you a speedy recovery! Best wishes, Ashley.
Such an awesome video, very excellent. I've been suffeing lower back pain since last week and tried to research the possible causes and treatment. So i found your channel and watched many of your videos because they're all informative..i really learned a lot. Thank you so much Doc..Keep up the good work!💕
So glad to have found this. I've had a pain in the back of my right hip for years. While it disappears for periods, playing golf, yard work, playing pickleball brings it roaring back. Been to drs and while I have arthritis in hip they say warrents a replacement they say location of pain is not due to hip. Rather they say it is likely due to the arthritis in spine. I have had issues with sharp pain radianting down opposite hip but thru stretching and strengthing that has disappeared. I have tried to improve hip flexibility and strength on the side with back pain with no results. I am looking forward to trying the stretches in your video and hoping for better results. One question I have is whether or not I need to limit my activities while I still have pain. I swim a mile every other day, stretch and light exercises daily and golf periodically. Any suggestions? Thanks again.
I already was diagnosed with piriformis syndrome and have had piriformis injections, but my most recent doctor believes it's a SI joint dysfunction and his injections work much better and last 6 to 7 months. Even though I stretch, I haven't always been faithful with the strengthening (the bridge) the stretching yes, my fault , but it is a chronic situation of over 8 years for me . I'll try to stay focused, didn't know the strengthening was so important for that little bugger of a muscle. I need to on those three steps again. Thank you for sharing..
Hi Tricia, I had a similar issue with my lower back where I injured it and only rested with a bit of stretching but not strengthening it. Everntually after a few years I focused on strengthening my lower back and now my back is 99% better! I think it will always be a weak spot but compared to the pain I had before it's so much better! So I would definitely encourage you to gradually improve your strength. Please let me know how you get on. Best wishes, Ashley
Thanks for such a good video and explanation of where my hip pain is coming from. I am a week in after a fall on my right hip and elbow while playing indoor pickleball on a gym floor. Luckily no broken bones but bruising on the outside and I guess on the inside too. I have mild pain and soreness so I guess I am in the stretching phase of my injury and will try the exercises.
You're most welcome. I'm glad the video was able to shed light on your hip pain. Do try the exercises and please keep me posted on your progress. Best wishes, Ashley.
Excellent video. Any idea why I feel posterior hip pain when I sit in a cushioned chair and especially when I get out of bed in the morning or even while lying in bed? I did the stretches and exercises, and they seem to help relax the muscles in my hips.
@@haniaulain7383 I narrowed it down to a knee issue that makes me change my gait. I went for an MRI on my knee, and I have a torn meniscus, advanced arthritis, no cartilage and am facing knee replacement. I have been stretching my hips every day, and that helps. You can also use a foam roll and a tennis ball on the areas where you feel tightness and pain. Having good shoes make a big difference.
You are Wonderful. Wish you were in Jacksonville,Fl. I have been working for at least 20 years, a little at a time with regular massage and exercise. Repairing torn rt knee cartilage with laser 30 years ago left this entire right side very very tight. It is now waking up from all the trauma and I am now facing the issue of releasing all the tightness and returning these muscles to relaxation!!!! Your discussions are helping me understand where to go into my body and what to do. Giving it a big try starting tomorrow. It’s night now, I am ready for bed. Thank you so much. Continue your great work.
Hi Tom, thank you for your comment. I too wish I was in Florida! :-) If you stay consistent with your therapy and stretching you will no doubt make good progress. At some point you will also need to add in strength training to the mix too. But please do keep me updated on how you are getting on. Best wishes, Ashley
I am in the pain phase. I ve just watched the 2 videos about the hip pain. My pain is in the back. I will be doing the stretching and the strengthening. I am doing sport regularly, but when I am getting sick or something, I am stopping the exercises and when I do that my both hips are hurting very bad. I thought is the actual bone that connects the legs to the thigh. But as I have come to understand, it can be the nerve or the muscles. I can affirm that when I do exercises, the bain diminish, and when I dont, it intensify.
I have had no trauma. I have been exercising consistently since March 2022, 3-4 days a week. Recently, within about a month, I have been feeling a great achiness (not so much shooting pain) on the area of where the top on my right hip is. I don't feel anything on my left side and nowhere else in my hip area on either side. Its very centralized. I thought that from where you started discussing that you were about to reveal what I might be experiencing and then it went in a different direction and you followed it with the stretches. My mother suggested that it might be my "SI joint" and suggested that I lay on my back, tuck my legs up to my chest, have someone else push my legs together while I try to bring my legs apart. It was strange but I did it. I believe it helped temporarily but I am wondering if it is my SI joint alone? What do you think? I will continue to look for suggestions on UA-cam because all we have at our doctors offices are NP's and PA's (people don't want to be doctors anymore or legitimately qualified individuals are hard to find) nowadays and I believe they only do the minimum and also push the use of medication for pain when all that is going to do is put a band aid on the issue rather than find the root of the problem in order to deal with it.
You have even explained why physical therapy did not work for me one time: They were so aggressive about me doing strengthening when I was in the severe pain phase that it put me in almost unbareble pain instead of helping. Fortunately, I was able to change to a different PT and they worked on my pain gently and worked up to stretching.
I believe I’m the stretch faze, I’m scheduled for a hip operation in February. My pain is in the back of my hip. It’s walking or running that would hurt. Sleeping at night no problem. It’s all in the walking with a limp. I’m going to do these stretching exercising to see if this help.
Thanks SO much for posting this (And the other video concerning the front and side). So much info I read refers to all hip tendonitis as one condition and doesn't distinguish between the location, and that's infuriating. My own orthopedist had me doing side stretches that weren't addressing the problem location (rear) at all. I'll definitely give this a try, and I can at the very least tell you just from trying your suggested stretches/strength training exercises, they are at the point of inflammation, and that's a start. THANK YOU.
You're most welcome Simon! So glad to hear the video gave you a deeper understanding of your hip pain. Do let me know how you progress with the exercises. Best wishes, Ashley.
Thank you so much for your explanation. It was very helpful. I can relate some of the information to my case. I think the tightness of the muscles at the lower back of my hip was the cause of the pain in my leg. I did the exercise and the pain is gone now. I am trying to strengthen my muscles. Thank you again.
Thank you for the video. Gone over it several times to absorb everything. As I have mentioned, I stopped doing squats and deadlifts when I started having shooting pain on my left foot. It has gone better now that it is basically a dull pain at the left buttocks, although sometime it occurs on the right without the shooting pain. The video has encouraged me to start deadlift, without weights initially. Hope things improved to allow me to do squats and deadlifts with weights again. I really miss doing them.
Thanks for a great informative video, Ashley. I am experiencing sharp throbbing pain behind the sacrum & ilium and also deep inside the hip, 24/7, in any position. Could it be bursitis? Or could it be inflammation of the capsule? After seeing 2 osteopaths, in desperation with the pain, a gp has given me painkillers (naproxen), yet I can still see no improvement. Any advice, please? 🙏🙏
Hi Anna have you had any scans of your hip or lower back? Have you downloaded my pain ebook? That will explain about different phases of pain and what to do in each phase. That could be a good place to start. Best wishes, Ashley
Millions like to your well elaborated video...thank you I subscribed and will share the vidoe ...just one question..I have herinated disc L4 L5...is doing these stretching will worsen my disc???? Many many thanks for your efforts
Hello doc , how are you ? First of all thanks so much for your videos, second if i have them both , the pain on my back of my hip , and the hip joint, how do i fix them please??
I'm a 67-year-old woman with pain on both sides of the back of my hips near the buttocks. I think the pain is from years of jogging, but now it's sore on a regular basis. It's not a spasm or sharp pain. I'm wondering if lying on my back and doing buttock lifts would help.
I love this video. Do you happen to have any deep external rotation exercises for the hip to strengthen it? Also what would be the best three exercises to Bulletproof your hips?
Hi Toni, thank you so much I'm glad you liked this video. At the moment I don't have a specific in the way of strengthening the hips but it is a great idea which I have added to my list! You could watch this video ua-cam.com/video/DY4lqOkXQtY/v-deo.html as there are some good hip things in there, especially at 6:21. Let me know if that helps you. Best wishes, Ashley
Thanks for sharing. Very nice and detailed video. I find myself often hurting my posterior hips around the lower back area but that goes away quickly with some anti inflammatory drugs and regular stretching. I would be curious to know if there are any strength training I can do to strengthen my posterior hips area. I am used to doing heavy squats and deadlifts but most of the time I only hurt myself when I do a lot of repetitions.
You are such a great teacher! Thank you for this! You're the first person that explained my pain to me that made me feel like i can get better! But also, i have a question: my hipnpain happened while doing deadlifts. Now i cant do them at all. Should i still do these soft deadlifts? I was doing 55lbs sumo squats and deadlifts. I thinkbthe simo squat tore those horizontal muscles deep in the hip. Ibfeel it when ibride my bike also! Like the sciatica but more in my bum. Awe man! This helps me!
I have pain in my low back and my sacrum and around my tailbone and buttocks when I sit and I had pressure and pain even I feel imbalance of muscles, when I sit or stand up more than 1hour , also I had surgery around my sacrum because of nerves cysts compressed! The surgeon who did surgery for cysts asked for follow up and take MRI for Sacrum with and without Contrast!! But another doctor for Sports medicine ask to have MRI for Spinal lumbar!? Which MRI will help more or I need to take both of them!!?? Help me please for any advice!?
Thanks for a very informative video. My problems started with tensions in my stomach and groin and after a couple of days it moved to the back on my left hip, as you showed in the video. Naturally me and my doctor tested for all other kinds of problems, without nowing what the cause is. Can these soft tissue problems inside the hip also affect the psoas and muscles on the side of the stomach? I can also add that I have a snapping sound inside the hip on the backside, both sides. This sound acure less if I do hip flexor exercises and stretches. And my symtoms seems to move around, therefore Im hoping they are soft tissue related.
Sorry for my poor english. I have pain in the area of "Venus dimple" when I stand after 30 minutes of sit. Right after stand, my hips angle change and belly forward. It's gets normal shape after I try forcefully. Why this happen? Thank you.
Thank you so much - ive just been diagnosed with hip dysplasia (not severe), I had an accident lifting a heavy box and suitcase, so I now have chronic pain - I have pain when walking and I cant walk very far then I start limping, pain in the back of hip and sides, so not sure if I have another problem with the hip. do you have a video about hip dysplasia? Do you suggest I can do these excerises if I have hip dysplasia? Could I have maybe have bursitis or something else causing the problem in the hip? Thanks
Great information. How do the back muscles affect your walking ability.? My back pain on both sides affect my walking stability or gait. Is this common?
I get pain ok the right side only hip all over but I also have heirnated discs in both sides of the back so I know it has to be related I also had pain for down my leg when I first got injured any tips ?
I've been complaining to physicians since 1969 about a little, annoying pain in my right side in the area above the pelvis that has progressively become unbearable. They've tried x-rays, MRI's, ultrasound to find something to work on, but it's now 2023 and I'm JUST A LITTLE BIT OLDER! I found this video today and tried a couple of stretches. After only a few moments it's clear that the "professional" physicians need to go to therapist school. Interesting that after all these years a simple stretching exercise puts me in a different dimension regarding debilitating pain. Thanks for being here! I think I might be able to manage much better with the knowledge this site has brought my way.
That’s because the medical field is corrupt like everything else. You have to take care of yourself at the end of the day.
They’re all happy to take your money if don’t want it anymore.
Are you still alive?
I stumbled upon you, because all the Doctors look into my eyes and want to give me pain medication. It just doesn't work and it is addicting. I knew there had to be some underlying answer. The phases of pain and these new stretches are helping. I now even know how I got here (9 weeks of various viruses and too much sitting/resting) and how to get out of it. You are a life saver!!!
In pain stage. Encouraged by your story of a 60-year-old lady patient. I, too, am in the 60s and am having extreme hip pain 5-6 times a week when moving/flexing/standing on my hip. Even standing up straight. The stretching seems to be helping. I am high risk fall and am hoping the strengtheng will help.
I'm 74. Do a 40 hour janitor gig. I compete in the elder statesman age groups in both powerlifting and Olympic lifting. Nothing to impress, everything most athletes would call, "light". Buti still love walking onto a lifting platform. Also hate to miss opportunities.
Have had that back side hip pain.
Your advice and stretches are priceless. Thank you so much. The stretches had an immediate impact.
Light at the end of the tunnel.
This is such a good find. I am so relieved to be able to see that the pain that I have (which has come on quickly and feels very painful after essentially overdoing it with exercising) can be managed and corrected. It is so useful to have the few key exercises to focus on. Thank you.
I watched both of your hip pain videos. I used to have the pain in the front of my hip and on occasion get the pain on the side. Now recently the pain is in the back and very acute at times. It hurts even to put weight on my leg. So, I’m relieved to know it isn’t the hip joint because this pain is so severe all I can think is I need a double hip replacement, it’s on both sides. I am going to get the book and work through the steps. I’ll be back with an update. Oh, I’m 57 and my hips have been hurting me for at least 15 years. Some days are worse than others. 👍
Your videos are just brilliant. You do such a wonderful job of explaining everything. Thank you!!
Thank you and you're very welcome @Em! Glad to hear the video was helpful. Do let me know if you try any of the exercises. Best wishes, Ashley.
Thank you so much for the detailed. explanations and teaching with the spine, bones, muscles and ligaments model. thank you for teaching the stretching and strengthening exercises. You are the best.
Thank you so much! Glad you found the video helpful. Do let me know how it goes with the exercises. Best wishes, Ashley.
Thank you so much! I really appreciate your support. Best wishes, Ashley
These exercices work so well. The mix of stretching and strengthening buttock muscles has gotten rid of my pain. It also made me realize that, since the pandemic and ensuing confinement, I had lost my muscle tone and strength! At 75, leg muscles are even more essentials. Mine were pretty strong (I was exercising regularly) but they significantly weakened when I stopped my group sessions. I am now exercising every day to get my strength back and keep free of pain. Thank you!
I have really been struggling with low back pain for about 10 years on a daily basis. I thought this was bad until about nine months ago I started to have pain in my right posterolateral hip. This pain is much more debilitating making it impossible to go for even short walks by myself or with one of my dogs. Sitting is about the only position that I can say that I'm pain free, but I know that the longer I sit the more I'm going to hurt when I get up. I'm 74, and my lumber MRI reflects disc space narrowing, ligaments flavum hypertrophy, facet osteophytes and spinal stenosis. This doesn't surprise me and I know a significant number of folks with these findings have no symptoms. However, I suspect that some of that problem represents nerve root irritation. I tell you this just for background. I've had physical therapy, accupuncture, hot yoga, body work and a lot of reading and youtube video watching. The hip pain videos of yours I've watched on UA-cam have really helped me focus on where the my hip pain is originating and I'm downloading your ebook today and dedicating myself to doing the stretches and exercises you recommend. Thanks for your videos. I'll let you know of my progress going forward.
I'm only 62, and I have almost the exact medical story, arthritis especially in three (!? why not the fourth, full pairs?) facet joints, but bone is beginning to grow most everywhere, even if it doesn't affect me now.
I also have a vertebrate that tends to slide forward, which I don't wish for many people on Mother Earth. (That would be a short man in his 70+, in a very large country, with faiblesse for extremely long tables. Enough said.)
This appears like a fantasy-fake-big lie, but I have learned how to make that vertebrate go back to where it should be, long story. But it works as long as I'm strong enough to walk, stand and sit tipping my pelvis back, well straight, but that's what I aim for, which is impossible. One slip on ice, or stumble on something, and it moves. It's an everyday thing to stretch out, relax and press it back. I can instantly feel it's in its right place, I regain feeling in my left leg, from above the bottom to my foot, and both legs move where I want them to. I can walk several kilometers, instead of coming home with tears of pain after 20 minutes (I have a dog, too). The vertebrate is getting more stable, the more strength I have built up, BUT, upon this, I have probably been too fast and impatient, I have got this hip-bum pains too.
I live in Sweden, we have winter, snow and ice. That makes me walk like a giant stick insect. All tensed up, adding even more tension in the buttocks and hip flexors that didn't want to go away. Finally my thighs, particularly the fore side (is that correct? Front?🤔) and some kind of stretching had to be done. But HOW, without arching my lumbar back?
This guy's suggestions on how to stretch work magic! Despite the ice and snow I'm back on track again, taking it soft and easy.
For almost a month I felt hopeless. Devastated. After only A WEEK I'm almost pain free (well, everything is relatively, to something else). For now, and until this 🤬 snow melts away, I will be focusing on stretching and strengthen my body in general, my core muscles in particular. But being more gentle on myself 😅.
I wish you best luck 🍀with your back, I hope you can come back to normal function again 😍
I intend to 😠💪😵💫🥵😩💪😠!
(Unnecessary explanation and background:
I have worked heavy jobs in all my life, ADHD, sitting on a chair was mentally impossible. So I have been lifting and carrying heavy things, working together with practically only guys. I have had that type of body that builds muscles easily, so I have had that kind of strength for the job. But obviously not my back and knees. I was always particular with lifting correctly etc, but sometimes I didn't realize how heavy it was, and I think that is what I'm paying for now.
I was 168 cm ( ≈ 5'6"), weight ≈ 79 kg ( ≈ 174lb), waist ≈ 66 cm ( ≈ 26"), but I needed size 32" or 34" in my jeans, or I couldn't fit my thighs, and that wasn't fat.
I'm sure that weight also helped to wear out my body, even if it wasn't fat.
The fact that my bone mass is good, but I have lost 5 cm ( 2") in length hints at that. 5 cm is much at my age. Too much.🙄)
This man gives EXCELLENT ADVICE!!!!!
Thank you so much. I do hope that it has been helpful to you. Best wishes, Ashley.
100% Found this first up. Really happy. Sometimes it can take forever ... thank you!
I am so happy to come across your videos. I have hip and back pains. I am sure going to follow your programs
HI Sephlyn,
Thanks so much for watching the video. I'm happy it helped. Please let me know how it goes with the exercises. Best wishes, Ashley.
Another excellent presentation. Good illustration.
Thank you so much! Glad to hear that the video was informative. Best wishes, Ashley.
I’m a Lymphedema therapist who’s worked in phys rehab for many years, and your videos are excellent! Your plantations and demonstrations very clear, easy to understand, and the solutions are safe and easy to follow.
Although I have a lot of anatomy and physiology, I very much appreciated your demonstration and explanations.
Following those treatment principles is not that difficult. I just need to motivate my parents and patients to find 10-20 minutes daily to follow your video.
Thank you for an excellent video.
You are most welcome Ingrid. I am happy to hear that the video has been informative and easy to follow.
Please let me know how it goes with the exercises/stretches. Best wishes, Ashley.
I have the exact symptoms you described. Deep butt pain and pain behind the greater trochanter. All the docs have told me its my spine. Thankfully I found a doctor that thinks like you and prescribed mobility, stretching and strengthening. That is what I was doing before but the docs stopped me and focused on my back. I will continue my therapy and hope it helps. I have had my pain for over a year and a half. I want my life back. If there are any additional tips you can offer please do so. God Bless and awesome, very informative, and direct message; better than any I have seen in over a year and half.
This helped me immediately. Thank you
You're most welcome Felicia! Glad to hear the video was helpful! Wishing you a speedy recovery. Best wishes, Ashley.
@@PrecisionWellbeing Thanks for your video. It's pretty much word-for-word, what I am experiencing. I have two questions.m if I may - is there an email or phone number to contact you by? Also, why does my issues continue to originate from one particular point. The left side sitting bone area. It never seems to want to repair despite relaxation exercises. It keeps getting triggered (including shooting pain), the moment I shift from right to left, when sitting down.
Wow. I searched for a solution of my hip pain, which I have since about four months. I worried it might be the joint from running. Eventhough I do a lot of stretching and workout and wiredley the pain was at the back of the hip. I just did those two stretches you showed and they were soo relieving. It felt like the muscles were just craving for that that all along. Amasing what an easy solution for that months of pain. I didn't have the time to go to the doctor and it didn't felt significant enough. And I was right. I just didn't know the right movement I had to do.
Thank you I now know why doctors are having a hard time finding out what's wrong with me I really don't know how to explain to them where the pain is coming from this demonstration hopefully will help You're wonderful thank you
You are most welcome. I am happy to hear the video was helpful. Best wishes Ashely.
thank you for the explanation, now i can treat my back hip pain. God Bless u..
You're most welcome! I'm glad you found the video insightful. Best wishes, Ashley.
SO happy to have found you. I have had hip pain on and off for several years. I had some shots, Xray and they wanted to give me an MRI (for my spine). All this cost so much money it was very stressful for me. Even going to a therapist was very expensive. Finally I understand what is going on. Thank you for this, I am going to try the stretching first and will let you know how it goes.
How it go
Thank you. Very helpful. That was the best description of the hip structure. Great model.
You're absolutely welcome @lorisue2253! Glad to hear the video was informative. Let me know how it goes with the exercises. Best wishes, Ashley.
Thank you so very much. I have had pain at the back of my hip on and off for months. I have been doing the exercises I watched you describe. My pain has reduced enormously. I was at about 9 on the 1 to 10 scale. I would say I am now at 2/3 👍
Hi Jill,
That's great to hear! I hope you continue to make improvements. Let me know how you get on. Best wishes, Ashley.
Brilliant, good to know how to pin point source of pain. Appreciate insight!
You are most welcome. Happy to hear that the video has been insightful to you. Please keep me posted on your progress. Best wishes, Ashley.
Thank you! THis is the first video that I have found helpful
You're most welcome. I'm glad the video was able to shed light on your back pain cause. Have you tried any of the stretches yet? Please keep me posted on your progress. Best wishes, Ashley.
Thank you. So helpful. God bless you for sharing such valuable information.
Hi Marlene,
You're absolutely welcome! God bless you too! Best wishes, Ashley.
"at your wits end". Felt this more than my current pain level. Thanks for the great content.
Glad to hear you enjoyed it! I do hope that it has been helpful. Best wishes, Ashley.
I hurt myself squatting the other day. That pigeon stretch gave me instant relief. Thanks.
I am glad to hear that the video has been helpful and the stretches gave you some relief. Best wishes, Ashley.
excellent video! thank you so much for taking the time to post it.
You're most welcome John! I'm glad the video proved helpful. Best wishes, Ashley.
Thank you very much Mr. Precision. I have been dealing with lower back pain on and off for years and recently came to find hip stretches help it but now my left back bottom has been feeling like you described here. I will follow the steps suggested and will let you know how it feels in a few weeks. Thanks again, you are a true teacher.
Hi Joe,
You're most welcome! Happy to hear you found the video informative. Do let me know how it goes with the stretches. Best wishes, Ashley.
I love your explanation it was clear and complete, thanks!
You're most welcome! I'm glad you found the video insightful. Best wishes, Ashley.
Thank you! I was looking for the cause of my pain.
You are most welcome! Glad that the video has brought you some insight. Best wishes, Ashley.
Wow! I learned so much from your excellent explanation of where pain comes from. I think I have arthritis but I'm going to do the stretches anyway. I walk 30 min in the am and 30 min in the pm. Hope that is not too much.
Really glad to hear that the video has been helpful to you. Please keep me updated on your progress. Best wishes, Ashley.
your videos are a gem in youtube.. helped me so much to understand and also stages of improving it!! thank u soo much for explaining and giving the solutions to improve as well.
You're absolutely welcome! Happy to hear the video was helpful. Best wishes, Ashley.
This is very helpful and I can identify with stage 2 at the moment.
Hi Ann,
Great to hear the video was helpful! Have you tried any of the stretches yet? Best wishes, Ashley.
these hip videos are everything - incredibly helpful and informative. Thank you!
You're most welcome! I'm glad you found the video insightful. Best wishes, Ashley.
I felt a great relief after doing the first set of stretching exercises. My pain was unbearable and the injections were not helping. I thought I had hip pain, until you explained it. I will definitely be doing these stretching exercises. Thank you very much.
So sorry to hear about your pain. I do hope the exercises help. Please keep me posted on your progress. Best wishes, Ashley.
Hello. I'm 62 ,in the second phase. Your video popped up just when I needed it. Thank you. I feel a deep burning pain. I will get your ebook and keep you up dated, ,
thank you for this video...
I have anything feeling , too.
I think it's because of my present posture misalignment.
Hi LInda, I'm very happy this helped you. I hope you manage to improve your hip pain and I also hope that my eBook helps you. Best wishes, Ashley
I learned so much. Thank you very much.
You are most welcome! I'm glad you found the video insightful. Best wishes, Ashley.
Yes thank you so much for posting, very informative. God Bless!
You're most welcome @JLUM 1229! I hope it helps. Please do let me know. Wishing you a smooth recovery and God bless you too! Best wishes, Ashley.
@@PrecisionWellbeing indeed it helps a lot, I must push myself even it is so painful but I am very careful in doing so 🥰😘💞
Thank you for your patience and explain help me a lot. 👍🏻
You're absolutely welcome Bernadette! Glad to hear the video was insightful. Have you tried any of the exercises so far? Best wishes, Ashley.
Thank you for the content and the great insights.
You are most welcome. I hope that the video has been helpful. Best wishes, Ashley.
I sound like your example...Im in the stretch phase however sleeping is not good...I'm best when I'm moving or after stretch....sitting is better but still very stiff rising...I am tight up and down my whole left side. This came on after RDL"s with too heavy of a dumbbell weight...about 6 weeks now :(( Thanks for your information....very helpful.
Thank you so much! Glad you found the video helpful. Do let me know how it goes with the exercises. Best wishes, Ashley.
Thank you so much for these videos. I am in the phase of trying to understand why I have these pains in my lower back and "bum", and being very happy to find why it isn't my hip needing a replacement.... Going to start today working on it.
You're most welcome! Glad to hear the video was helpful. Do let me know how it goes with the stretches. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Best wishes, Ashley.
I highly appreciated and am very grateful the way you explained .i have already started to exercise slowly.
You're absolutely welcome @s vijan! Please keep me posted on how it goes with the exercises. Best wishes, Ashley,
This video very helpful thanks gurujii 👍🙏
You are most welcome! Glad to hear that the videos have been helpful. Best wishes, Ashley.
I'm sooooo glad l found you. I'm having pain in my lower back, buttocks going down to my knee. I'm having trouble walking far, walk a few minutes and then have to stop. Been doing exercises from a physiotherapist but still having problems walking. Any advice would be greatly appreciated 🙏
Hi, Please check out the linked videos and E-Book in the description box below the video. They should answer your questions. Do not hesitate to reach out if you have further questions. Best wishes, Ashely.
Thankyou very much for sharing your knowledge for helping people that suffer from this
I finally feel it, thanks to you!!
I exercise almost every day but the pain seems to dull sometimes while becoming worse at other times, and I felt that the stretches I do are not reaching something deep and stiff
tried stretches from your other hip video, and they also didn't do much, but these are just right
really, thank you for sharing this and for being very clear in your explanations and instructions
that's going to help me a lot so thank you
Thank you so much! Glad you found the video helpful. Do let me know how it goes with the exercises. Best wishes, Ashley.
Thanks Doc
Gonna try it out
Thank you for this video. I was about to see a doctor for what I can really deal with effectively.
You are so welcome! Glad to hear that the video has shed some light on your hip pain. Please let me know how it goes with the exercises/stretches. Best wishes, Ashley.
God bless u
I’ll try that and let u know
The sharp pain has been taking joy out of my life for 9 months already
Hope it works for me
Very well explained
Thank u 🙏
Hi Sherri,
You're absolutely welcome! Glad to hear the video was informative! Please do let me know how it goes with the exercises. Wishing you a speedy recovery! Best wishes, Ashley.
Such an awesome video, very excellent. I've been suffeing lower back pain since last week and tried to research the possible causes and treatment. So i found your channel and watched many of your videos because they're all informative..i really learned a lot. Thank you so much Doc..Keep up the good work!💕
Hi Jenny, you are most welcome, I am so glad that you love my content. Best wishes, Ashley.
Right on point, like always!
Thank you so much Alberto! I'm so glad you found the video informative. I hope it helps. Best wishes, Ashley.
So glad to have found this. I've had a pain in the back of my right hip for years. While it disappears for periods, playing golf, yard work, playing pickleball brings it roaring back. Been to drs and while I have arthritis in hip they say warrents a replacement they say location of pain is not due to hip. Rather they say it is likely due to the arthritis in spine. I have had issues with sharp pain radianting down opposite hip but thru stretching and strengthing that has disappeared. I have tried to improve hip flexibility and strength on the side with back pain with no results. I am looking forward to trying the stretches in your video and hoping for better results. One question I have is whether or not I need to limit my activities while I still have pain. I swim a mile every other day, stretch and light exercises daily and golf periodically. Any suggestions? Thanks again.
Really good video 👌 very informative 😀
Thank you. Glad to hear that! Best wishes, Ashley.
I already was diagnosed with piriformis syndrome and have had piriformis injections, but my most recent doctor believes it's a SI joint dysfunction and his injections work much better and last 6 to 7 months. Even though I stretch, I haven't always been faithful with the strengthening (the bridge) the stretching yes, my fault , but it is a chronic situation of over 8 years for me . I'll try to stay focused, didn't know the strengthening was so important for that little bugger of a muscle. I need to on those three steps again. Thank you for sharing..
Hi Tricia, I had a similar issue with my lower back where I injured it and only rested with a bit of stretching but not strengthening it. Everntually after a few years I focused on strengthening my lower back and now my back is 99% better! I think it will always be a weak spot but compared to the pain I had before it's so much better! So I would definitely encourage you to gradually improve your strength. Please let me know how you get on. Best wishes, Ashley
Thanks for such a good video and explanation of where my hip pain is coming from. I am a week in after a fall on my right hip and elbow while playing indoor pickleball on a gym floor. Luckily no broken bones but bruising on the outside and I guess on the inside too. I have mild pain and soreness so I guess I am in the stretching phase of my injury and will try the exercises.
You're most welcome. I'm glad the video was able to shed light on your hip pain. Do try the exercises and please keep me posted on your progress. Best wishes, Ashley.
So happy I found your channel. Your explanation of the body, causes of pain and how to address it are life savers. Thank you!
You are most welcome! Glad to hear that you found the video insightful. Best wishes, Ashley.
Excellent video. Any idea why I feel posterior hip pain when I sit in a cushioned chair and especially when I get out of bed in the morning or even while lying in bed?
I did the stretches and exercises, and they seem to help relax the muscles in my hips.
I'm suffering through same pain , so did you get diagnosed and treatment
@@haniaulain7383 I narrowed it down to a knee issue that makes me change my gait. I went for an MRI on my knee, and I have a torn meniscus, advanced arthritis, no cartilage and am facing knee replacement.
I have been stretching my hips every day, and that helps. You can also use a foam roll and a tennis ball on the areas where you feel tightness and pain. Having good shoes make a big difference.
@@slundgr thanks alot 😊, may you get healed soon .
soo good to find you❤❤
Happy to hear the video helped. Best wishes, Ashley.55
Excellent video
Thank you. I do hope that the video has been helpful. Best wishes, Ashley.
You are Wonderful. Wish you were in Jacksonville,Fl. I have been working for at least 20 years, a little at a time with regular massage and exercise. Repairing torn rt knee cartilage with laser 30 years ago left this entire right side very very tight. It is now waking up from all the trauma and I am now facing the issue of releasing all the tightness and returning these muscles to relaxation!!!! Your discussions are helping me understand where to go into my body and what to do. Giving it a big try starting tomorrow. It’s night now, I am ready for bed. Thank you so much. Continue your great work.
Hi Tom, thank you for your comment. I too wish I was in Florida! :-)
If you stay consistent with your therapy and stretching you will no doubt make good progress. At some point you will also need to add in strength training to the mix too. But please do keep me updated on how you are getting on.
Best wishes, Ashley
Thank you so much ❤
This is exactly what I needed! Thank youuuuu!!!😀👍💐💐
You’re most welcome 😊 Please keep me posted on your progress. Best wishes, Ashley.
I am in the pain phase. I ve just watched the 2 videos about the hip pain. My pain is in the back. I will be doing the stretching and the strengthening. I am doing sport regularly, but when I am getting sick or something, I am stopping the exercises and when I do that my both hips are hurting very bad. I thought is the actual bone that connects the legs to the thigh. But as I have come to understand, it can be the nerve or the muscles. I can affirm that when I do exercises, the bain diminish, and when I dont, it intensify.
I have learned a lot. Pain in the back of the hips. I am going to start. At the Acute stage right now. Thank you.
You're very welcome, Jill! Please keep me posted on your progress. Best wishes, Ashley
Thank you, yyeess this is mee when I do lunges it hurts only my right side
What about if both groin and back of the hip painful? My pain start from the groin and then went to back of the hip as well, its almost 7 month 🥺
Thanks for a great video. Can you recommend some stretch and strength exercises for the quadratus femoris muscles for my IFI?
I have had no trauma. I have been exercising consistently since March 2022, 3-4 days a week. Recently, within about a month, I have been feeling a great achiness (not so much shooting pain) on the area of where the top on my right hip is. I don't feel anything on my left side and nowhere else in my hip area on either side. Its very centralized. I thought that from where you started discussing that you were about to reveal what I might be experiencing and then it went in a different direction and you followed it with the stretches. My mother suggested that it might be my "SI joint" and suggested that I lay on my back, tuck my legs up to my chest, have someone else push my legs together while I try to bring my legs apart. It was strange but I did it. I believe it helped temporarily but I am wondering if it is my SI joint alone? What do you think? I will continue to look for suggestions on UA-cam because all we have at our doctors offices are NP's and PA's (people don't want to be doctors anymore or legitimately qualified individuals are hard to find) nowadays and I believe they only do the minimum and also push the use of medication for pain when all that is going to do is put a band aid on the issue rather than find the root of the problem in order to deal with it.
You have even explained why physical therapy did not work for me one time: They were so aggressive about me doing strengthening when I was in the severe pain phase that it put me in almost unbareble pain instead of helping. Fortunately, I was able to change to a different PT and they worked on my pain gently and worked up to stretching.
I believe I’m the stretch faze, I’m scheduled for a hip operation in February. My pain is in the back of my hip. It’s walking or running that would hurt. Sleeping at night no problem. It’s all in the walking with a limp. I’m going to do these stretching exercising to see if this help.
Love your videos. How can I get your free e book?
Hi Christina, Please the link to the E-Book below. www.injuryrecoveryebook.com/optin1611500554111
Best wishes, Ashely.
Thanks SO much for posting this (And the other video concerning the front and side). So much info I read refers to all hip tendonitis as one condition and doesn't distinguish between the location, and that's infuriating. My own orthopedist had me doing side stretches that weren't addressing the problem location (rear) at all. I'll definitely give this a try, and I can at the very least tell you just from trying your suggested stretches/strength training exercises, they are at the point of inflammation, and that's a start. THANK YOU.
You're most welcome Simon! So glad to hear the video gave you a deeper understanding of your hip pain. Do let me know how you progress with the exercises. Best wishes, Ashley.
excellent explaination !
Hi Emerald, You are welcome. I am glad the video was helpful.
Best wishes, Ashley.
Wonderful! Thank you!
You are welcome. I do hope that the video has been helpful to you. Best wishes, Ashley.
Thank you so much for your explanation. It was very helpful. I can relate some of the information to my case.
I think the tightness of the muscles at the lower back of my hip was the cause of the pain in my leg.
I did the exercise and the pain is gone now. I am trying to strengthen my muscles. Thank you again.
Thank you for the video. Gone over it several times to absorb everything. As I have mentioned, I stopped doing squats and deadlifts when I started having shooting pain on my left foot. It has gone better now that it is basically a dull pain at the left buttocks, although sometime it occurs on the right without the shooting pain. The video has encouraged me to start deadlift, without weights initially. Hope things improved to allow me to do squats and deadlifts with weights again. I really miss doing them.
Thanks for a great informative video, Ashley. I am experiencing sharp throbbing pain behind the sacrum & ilium and also deep inside the hip, 24/7, in any position. Could it be bursitis? Or could it be inflammation of the capsule? After seeing 2 osteopaths, in desperation with the pain, a gp has given me painkillers (naproxen), yet I can still see no improvement. Any advice, please? 🙏🙏
Hi Anna have you had any scans of your hip or lower back? Have you downloaded my pain ebook? That will explain about different phases of pain and what to do in each phase. That could be a good place to start. Best wishes, Ashley
Millions like to your well elaborated video...thank you
I subscribed and will share the vidoe ...just one question..I have herinated disc L4 L5...is doing these stretching will worsen my disc???? Many many thanks for your efforts
Great stuff ❤
Thank you! I hope the video was informative. Best wishes, Ashley.
Hello doc , how are you ?
First of all thanks so much for your videos, second if i have them both , the pain on my back of my hip , and the hip joint, how do i fix them please??
I'm a 67-year-old woman with pain on both sides of the back of my hips near the buttocks. I think the pain is from years of jogging, but now it's sore on a regular basis. It's not a spasm or sharp pain. I'm wondering if lying on my back and doing buttock lifts would help.
I love this video. Do you happen to have any deep external rotation exercises for the hip to strengthen it? Also what would be the best three exercises to Bulletproof your hips?
Hi Toni, thank you so much I'm glad you liked this video. At the moment I don't have a specific in the way of strengthening the hips but it is a great idea which I have added to my list! You could watch this video ua-cam.com/video/DY4lqOkXQtY/v-deo.html as there are some good hip things in there, especially at 6:21. Let me know if that helps you. Best wishes, Ashley
Great video!! Does the hip pain affect quadratus lumborum? I have pain on top of hip area.
Thanks for sharing. Very nice and detailed video. I find myself often hurting my posterior hips around the lower back area but that goes away quickly with some anti inflammatory drugs and regular stretching. I would be curious to know if there are any strength training I can do to strengthen my posterior hips area. I am used to doing heavy squats and deadlifts but most of the time I only hurt myself when I do a lot of repetitions.
You are such a great teacher! Thank you for this! You're the first person that explained my pain to me that made me feel like i can get better! But also, i have a question: my hipnpain happened while doing deadlifts. Now i cant do them at all. Should i still do these soft deadlifts? I was doing 55lbs sumo squats and deadlifts. I thinkbthe simo squat tore those horizontal muscles deep in the hip. Ibfeel it when ibride my bike also! Like the sciatica but more in my bum. Awe man! This helps me!
I have pain in my low back and my sacrum and around my tailbone and buttocks when I sit and I had pressure and pain even I feel imbalance of muscles, when I sit or stand up more than 1hour , also I had surgery around my sacrum because of nerves cysts compressed! The surgeon who did surgery for cysts asked for follow up and take MRI for Sacrum with and without Contrast!! But another doctor for Sports medicine ask to have MRI for Spinal lumbar!? Which MRI will help more or I need to take both of them!!?? Help me please for any advice!?
8:55 exercises starting
Movements begins. 13:50
Thank you!
You're very welcome. I hope the video has helped you. Best wishes, Ashley
Thank you, some good stuff, but I think I might give myself a knee injury doing the pigeon pose! Happy to give it a try though!
Thanks for a very informative video. My problems started with tensions in my stomach and groin and after a couple of days it moved to the back on my left hip, as you showed in the video. Naturally me and my doctor tested for all other kinds of problems, without nowing what the cause is. Can these soft tissue problems inside the hip also affect the psoas and muscles on the side of the stomach? I can also add that I have a snapping sound inside the hip on the backside, both sides. This sound acure less if I do hip flexor exercises and stretches. And my symtoms seems to move around, therefore Im hoping they are soft tissue related.
Sorry for my poor english.
I have pain in the area of "Venus dimple" when I stand after 30 minutes of sit. Right after stand, my hips angle change and belly forward. It's gets normal shape after I try forcefully. Why this happen? Thank you.
Thank you so much - ive just been diagnosed with hip dysplasia (not severe), I had an accident lifting a heavy box and suitcase, so I now have chronic pain - I have pain when walking and I cant walk very far then I start limping, pain in the back of hip and sides, so not sure if I have another problem with the hip. do you have a video about hip dysplasia? Do you suggest I can do these excerises if I have hip dysplasia? Could I have maybe have bursitis or something else causing the problem in the hip? Thanks
Great information. How do the back muscles affect your walking ability.? My back pain on both sides affect my walking stability or gait. Is this common?
Will the second stretch you did will it hurt my labels tear in my hip
I get pain ok the right side only hip all over but I also have heirnated discs in both sides of the back so I know it has to be related I also had pain for down my leg when I first got injured any tips ?