If You’re An American Living Abroad, Tell Me Why You Would Never Go Back? | PART 3 - Reaction

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024


  • @ChrisC2468
    @ChrisC2468 2 роки тому +213

    "No society can legitimately call itself civilised if a sick person is denied medical aid because of lack of means.”

    • @Ozzpot
      @Ozzpot 2 роки тому +40

      I fully agree. Amongst developed nations, the US is a shocking outlier in not providing healthcare to its citizens, having incidents of violent crime off the charts, epidemic drug abuse, shocking educational standards, and perhaps the only nation where the leading cause of death in children is gunshot.
      Americans, it's not normal to have to arm yourself to feel safe. It's not normal to have to work two or three jobs to pay the bills. It's not normal to be bankrupted by an accident. It's not normal for the government to which you pay taxes to not take care of you in return.
      The US thus is perhaps uniquely positioned as a nation that can consider itself developed, but not civilised. You deserve so much better.

    • @miafranlund6982
      @miafranlund6982 2 роки тому +6

      I def concur

    • @pauletteraspberry2923
      @pauletteraspberry2923 2 роки тому +4

      YES! YES!

    • @PeterMortensen1978
      @PeterMortensen1978 2 роки тому +2


    • @sweetstuff7481
      @sweetstuff7481 2 роки тому +2

      1 million...trillion %
      We pay taxes for these things....apparently 🙄

  • @Sandro_de_Vega
    @Sandro_de_Vega 2 роки тому +82

    Do you seriously think that home schooling or a private school is the solution to the problem of school shootings?
    Who is going to teach the child at home? Babysitter? And who will pay for it? Private school? You mean free private school? Who will drive to this school? (They don't grow on every street.)
    It's a bit like saying that you are "afraid of racism in the police" and I would say "then hire security and ride a limousine".
    Nothing here is a matter of preference. Correction. It is a matter of preference. Some people prefer not to die. Or not to live in a cardboard box under a bridge. There are people who prefer their children not to be killed in an accidental shootout in the street.

  • @kevanwillis4571
    @kevanwillis4571 2 роки тому +100

    You think home schooling or private schooling is acceptable alternative to school shootings? Everywhere else people would be thinking about the people who don't have that option. Dodging an issue doesn't make it go away. The U.K. and Australia had school shootings,18 deaths in Dumblane 1996, none since. Australia 28 deaths in Port Arthur 1996. None since. All because of gun control.

    • @jessbellis9510
      @jessbellis9510 2 роки тому +1

      35 people were killed in the Port Arthur massacre.

    • @andypandy9013
      @andypandy9013 Рік тому +4

      @@annasaddiction5129 Yes. And following that they instituted some of the most stringent gun controls in the world.

  • @seanthiar
    @seanthiar Рік тому +8

    4:43 These are not benefits, these are human rights written down in an agreement called the "UN human rights declaration". Despite signing the agreement the USA has NOT ratified the declaration and many US laws and rules go against the human rights - one point affordable health care for everyone.
    Calling Human Rights benefits is wrong.

  • @anafreitas1646
    @anafreitas1646 2 роки тому +45

    My parents moved to Portugal because of the Angolan Civil War, we left in 1974 before things got really bad & we have stayed in Portugal ever since, made our life's here. Cannot recall a single school shooting in my 47 years of living in Portugal; at age 8 I was already ridding the public transportation to school alone. Honestly never realized it was a privilege (to feel so safe) until I was much older.

  • @mareeevans5746
    @mareeevans5746 2 роки тому +29

    I have visited the US and loved it but I would never give up the security and safety that is standard in Australia to live in the US. It's not perfect here by any means but I cannot fathom living somwhere that it's normal for
    1. medical care to put you in serious debt or worse still medical care be denied due to your financial means.
    2. Children to be killed at school (people being shot in general).
    They are deal breakers for me, no amount of other good things would be enough. I am very grateful I was born somewhere that I don't need to learn how to survive and accept those things.

  • @FanFictionneer
    @FanFictionneer 2 роки тому +54

    I'm Belgian. I did get a very afforable college education (a bit over 900 euros a year), but I still had to work hard for it. I'm a teacher now who's just finished her second year of teaching, and I do feel accomplished. It's not that you don't struggle financially that you just get a college degree handed to you and that you don't feel accomplished afterwards. I did have to work hard on my studies and during my internships, so it was still very rewarding to get that degree and to be able to teach and help shape the next generation.
    Struggling financially for something is not a requirement to feel accomplished or to feel satisfied in life when you do achieve something.

    • @sanSDI
      @sanSDI 2 роки тому +7

      Wanted to write something similiar. That point of them didn't make any sense to me.

    • @vamu129
      @vamu129 2 роки тому +2

      Although we are not the land of "Milk and Honey". Yes College, studies are cheaper , but its about how you perform and not about how much money your parents have (the whole ivy league bs) alto in some parts of education it still is like that. But here idd (Belgium) its more up to you as a person to Prove you are worth that piece of paper (bachelor/masters). Getting" it "might be satisfying and a dream for some abroad, but you have to do something with it. Studied for half a year in UK, even there, bachelor 1, they are already thinking about how to push this into your life after uni/college.... and i can only speak for Belgium in this case, cheap but you have to work your ass of to get something out it. Easy to get it, harder to get something decent out of it (which is idd a more healthy way to look at education)

    • @vamu129
      @vamu129 2 роки тому +2

      while in US, if you got from those "ivy league schools" effort is done, you are "in"
      (were already in),
      in UK there is a reason why they pay 10times the amount because they focus on getting a job in whatever branch of education you are in (yes even in arts.... art therapy etc...) Ive worked with actual inmates (due to my age they allowed me) at a non profit organization during my 6 months there, i got more out of that than 80% of my education

    • @vamu129
      @vamu129 2 роки тому +3

      then again i also have my bachelor @ DAE (Howest Kortrijk) and we had to get the same results in the first year as students in US and CA for their 4y bachelor program, as said, cheaper, certainly not easier

  • @sevenfifteen
    @sevenfifteen 2 роки тому +9

    A society will and should be judged by how it's treating their weakest - the sick, the poor and the kids.

  • @RustyDust101
    @RustyDust101 2 роки тому +19

    9:09 The lady with 15% of her income going to healthcare is if she is either a freelancer, or self-employed. Because in that case she'd have to be in a public healthcare insurance. As an employee you pay 7.2% of your gross income, and your employer pays another 7.8% to fill it up to 15%. But health insurance is mandatory in Germany. If you are unemployed and registered as such with the unemployment agency, then the unemployment agency covers your healthcare fees. The service doesn't change, no matter if you are unemployed or employed. As a privately insured person you might, possibly get some earlier appointments, maybe some slightly more comfy or cushy treatments, but the actual coverage of medically necessary treatments is still 100%, no matter if public or private insurance.

  • @genesis1701
    @genesis1701 2 роки тому +6

    You come from struggle and are proud of your accomplishments. Cool. My question is why are some of these struggles even a THING where they should not be???

  • @helge.
    @helge. 2 роки тому +8

    You two are wonderful people. You deserve to be treated better by your country. More respect, more care, more equality, more life.

  • @roserainbird2365
    @roserainbird2365 2 роки тому +16

    Imagine your only options to hope your children don’t get shot at SCHOOL is to never let them go to school at all, or be rich enough to send your child to a private school. That genuinely made me feel a lump in my throat and my heart sink. Never heard anything like that before.. I’m getting culture shock from a UA-cam video 😳 And the quotations marks used when you said we call benefits “rights” like dam that is actually so sad 😭 Not leaving disabled people to suffer is a BASIC human right. Hard working people can wake up blind or suffer a stroke and never be able to work again, benefits are not a luxury, they’re a very basic human right. It confuses the f*ck out of me that an English speaking country can be so surprised by the fact that we have something as normal as free hospitals ect like what the hell are the American government doing ?

  • @Tammathah
    @Tammathah 2 роки тому +48

    Its not like europe is the land of milk and honey where the roads are made of candy and the sky is cotton candy. We do have our share of poor people and people struggling in several areas. It's just that, at least in belgium, we have a social system set up where if you dont qualify for unemployment and have no income there's an agency that will give you a minimum wage to live off. It's not one thatll make you rich but itll help you put food on the table. Also those people, who are getting the social support get health insurance at a reduced price and it's already pretty cheap, electricity and water at reduced prices and they qualify for social housing, even though the waiting list is long. We have an agency that will allow you to reschool yourself, often for free, so that the places that need employees can get them like nurses, people working in day care, etc...
    The fact that we are brought up in a socialistic democracy actually instills the idea to help others whenever we can. It can go from donating clothing and food to charities etc. Also we take care of our chronically ill and elderly. For them healthcare is also most of the time reduced but the fact that none have to worry about paying their meds or surgeries allows them to have a better quality of life and less stressful one.
    Not only do we get paid days off, our vacation money is double either you get it all in may or you get a small amount and get paid when you take the days off. We also have what is called a 13th month. I work in professional cleaning, my pay is good but the collective of professional cleaners pay towards extra pension, cover 20 percent of my pay if im out for more than 2 months and that for a max of a year, if youre fired you they have to let you do x amount of time in order for you to keep your income and while looking for a job, if you quit yourself you also just can't pack up and leave. It's more than 2 weeks notice. The only time they can fire you on the spot is when you been caught stealing whether it's actual stuff or hours meaning you say you worked 4 but only worked 3 and that periodically that it eventually gets noticed and rises to an amount.
    America isnt bad. It's better than most third world countries, it's just that it could be sooo much better and this may be the socialist in me but i truly believe in my heart, that you deserve to have the same rights as me despite that there's an ocean between us and that fact that america can afford to take better care of their citizens but wont due to corporate america is heart breaking.

    • @j3mixa
      @j3mixa 2 роки тому +12

      We have a similar social system here in Finland. Some people don't understand why we should give money for example to the addicts that don't qualify for unimployment and say that we shouldn't give them anything. I think that first of all they are humans just like I am and second, what would happen if everyone weren't given a chance to have a roof over their heads and money to get food? There would be so much more crime because people would steal just to stay alive and of course we would have homeless and desperate people on the streets. This way no one is pushed to do crimes just to stay alive, some still choose to do it but a lot less. We don't have any rich areas with fences and security guards because the rich don't have to fear the desperate.

    • @augustinewestley7310
      @augustinewestley7310 2 роки тому

      America is quickly becoming a 3rd world country If you look at the average citizen living paycheck to paycheck, with compounding student loan and healthcare debt. Many are one missed day of work away from losing everything.

    • @natalieb6956
      @natalieb6956 2 роки тому +3

      @@j3mixa I love paying taxes because of this. You pay for the society you are living in I think.

  • @MrsHellesbelles
    @MrsHellesbelles 2 роки тому +29

    I just can’t believe the way you have to accept school shootings as part of your lives.

    • @TheDemouchetsREACT
      @TheDemouchetsREACT  2 роки тому +1

      We can't believe it either.

    • @pc2555
      @pc2555 2 роки тому

      It is sad and shouldn't be that way. However I think the health care industry and big Pharma corruption is the main culprit of mass shootings and it won't be addressed for that reason; public discourse is always an attack on the 2nd amendment to take away the firearms as the solution. The US prescribes by far the most antidepressants of any country and most of the worst school shooters all were taking antidepressants its over 50% of them. I myself am on an antidepressant for panic disorder and have felt some of the side effects if you don't take them regularly. Its a withdrawal side effect to experience extreme irritability and fits of rage (might have something to do with impulsive acts of violence perhaps?). You think that would be an important pattern to recognize? But its never brought up. Factors and system failures leading to severe mental illness in the USA is the problem and if it was properly addressed the shootings would dramatically decrease. If guns were banned then there would be an epidemic of mass stabbings instead in the schools and security would still be needed. The problem are the mentalliy ill people committing them. The other end of the problem is the amount of sensationalism and attention that is given by american media to these shooters. Many of them do it just for attention which they severely lack in their personal life and that would reduce the instances even more imo if they weren't so publicized and every government official gives statements about them.

    • @jupitersnoot4915
      @jupitersnoot4915 2 роки тому +7

      it doesn't have to be a part of their lives, if the american people all banded together and refused to accept it and demanded change as a united collective, there would be change.

    • @TheDemouchetsREACT
      @TheDemouchetsREACT  2 роки тому +4

      @@jupitersnoot4915 That's easier said than accomplished when we have other things we have to work on to get on one accord. One day!🙏🏾

  • @luisabreu4858
    @luisabreu4858 2 роки тому +19

    I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina, we have 70% inflation, 50% of our population is poor, our high-complexity hospitals are public and below that are also public, education is public, free of charge at all levels and several of our hospitals and universities are number one in the world, hopefully the most powerful country in the world will change to look like others, greetings

  • @jupitersnoot4915
    @jupitersnoot4915 2 роки тому +11

    I am English born and raised in England, and I have some medical stuff that means I'm going to have surgeries and life-long prescriptions in my future. If I lived in the USA, I would probably be bankrupted 10 times over, but in the Uk, it's all free in exchange for slightly higher taxes. Which do you think is better, a small amount of extra taxes every year to cover ALL medical needs, or going hundreds of thousands into debt for one medical emergency? I know which one I prefer. Any american who can afford it should travel outside of the USA and experience the rest of the world. If you still think America is the best country on earth after that, you weren't paying attention.

  • @thatsthat2612
    @thatsthat2612 2 роки тому +11

    I never understood before the Internet why US Americans seem so stressed out but now I do. I'd be fucking stressed too if I had those sort of money worries. I cant imagine facing a lifetime of debt over visiting a hospital or the absolute pitting feeling of sending my children to school with a bulletproof anything, or the worry that the police officer pulling over that black guy isn't going to get trigger happy. I honestly don't know how you guys do it.

  • @JohnHazelwood58
    @JohnHazelwood58 2 роки тому +15

    A friend of mine is a single mom living in Germany. She doesn't go to work but gets her rent, healthcare and stuff payed by the goverment. In addition to that she receives about $700 a month for living. Her kid goes to school, which is free - just as the bus rides and books are free! Hard to belive, but true! Compare that to the US ... :-/

    • @TheDemouchetsREACT
      @TheDemouchetsREACT  2 роки тому +4

      Actually, a single mom who doesn't work would have free Healthcare, help with rent, food assistance, monthly stipend, daycare assistance, etc. It is the working class who does not have these options or have limited options depending on their specific situation.

  • @p.h.5752
    @p.h.5752 2 роки тому +13

    The US is still fighting the Civil War...I've read a lot on it lately and it is very clear. The military portion ended in the 1860's, but the assault on the rest of the country, by people with the original Southern viewpoint only increased. Jim Crow laws, lynchings, KKK, slave patrols by people who became the backbone of police forces. Confederate statues were not erected immediately after the civil war, most were erected after 1900, trying to bring back the "good 'ol days". Until the majority of citizens can face the very ugly beginnings of the country, it can never move forward.
    Just the slogan "Make America Great Again"...always looking to bring back the Confererate past, never a better future for ALL americans.

    • @andypandy9013
      @andypandy9013 Рік тому

      Many in the southern states still refer to it as "The Lost Cause". 🥺

  • @kiram.3619
    @kiram.3619 2 роки тому +5

    I'd say it's not really "free"dom if the essentials aren't free/available for everyone.
    Every country struggles, it's just easier to see the faults in someone else's country. Hope you are having a great time once you travel around!

  • @grahamsmith9541
    @grahamsmith9541 2 роки тому +16

    Have I got this right from your comment about student loans? That you have to start paying them back as soon as leaving college. Because where I am in the UK no repayments are made untill earning over £1,682 ($1,996) per month. Then payments are 9% of earnings over that amount. Automatically deducted from wages like tax. Any amount not repaid after 30 years is written off. Student loans don't count towards credit score.

    • @vaudevillian7
      @vaudevillian7 2 роки тому +3

      Americans don’t have tax deducted like that either, they have to pay it at the end of the year and file taxes, it’s crazy

    • @grahamsmith9541
      @grahamsmith9541 2 роки тому

      @@vaudevillian7 Thank you. For most ordinary employees we don't have to file taxes. Unless we get earnings from outside of our regular employment. Then it is just a matter of logging into our tax account, and entering the extra earnings or things that we can claim a tax allowance for.
      We get a letter from the tax office end of each tax year detailing how much we earned and how much we paid in Tax and National insurance. With a statement of where it was spent.
      Including our tax code for the coming year. That is sent to the employer showing how much we can earn before they deduct tax. Giving us an opportunity to make sure the numbers are correct.

  • @marjorierijnbout7905
    @marjorierijnbout7905 2 роки тому +4

    Really not trying to judge but why would you settle for homeschooling instead of creating a safe schoolenvirement?

  • @stella81t
    @stella81t 2 роки тому +3

    Me being from a Europe I always dreamed about going to US, but now when I'm older, I just want to see and feel it, never live... sorry to hear that you have to go through all that thing, but I also feel like you people have the power so go French way and protest ❤️ do your 1. amendment! ❤️

  • @2minutes2midnite23
    @2minutes2midnite23 Рік тому +4

    Bullet proof back packs for school kids?? Things must be really bad. I've always wanted to visit the USA, but have to say it seems to be a risky place to visit.

  • @weirdcultist5025
    @weirdcultist5025 2 роки тому +12

    As a father I understand your point, that it's not easy to move anywhere else. Because you will affect the life of your kids with your desicion. And that can be hard, especially if you don't know how the new place will be.
    In those TikTok-Statements you'll mostly hear arguments, but no deeper explanation for those arguments. If you're interested in more context for this issues, I'll like to recommend some YT-Channels, that may be interesting for you.
    My favorite one is the channel of Hayley Alexis. She's a girl from Florida and she's living in Munich for seven to eight years now. Her observations and thoughts are very good and entertaining! And she does a lot of research for her content.
    Another on is the channel of Trey Daze. He moved with his family from Hawaii to Stuttgart, some month ago. His impressions as a father of the cultural differences are new and very interesting.
    Another channel is from a guy named GIO BOZZ. He's a young American that moved to Finland three weeks ago. His videos are worth a visit, too 😉
    All the best to you guys and your lovely kids. Greetings from Germany 😊

  • @paul1x1
    @paul1x1 2 роки тому +3

    I'm Canadian my company does a lot of business with Europe union countries they really have it so much better on average than North Americans

  • @kevingrant7098
    @kevingrant7098 2 роки тому +3

    I have never heard of a bullet proof backpack I’m from the UK

    • @TheDemouchetsREACT
      @TheDemouchetsREACT  2 роки тому

      Thank whatever spiritual source you believe in for that.

    • @kevingrant7098
      @kevingrant7098 2 роки тому +2

      @@TheDemouchetsREACT I’m a atheist we don’t really do religion too much in the Uk .I do like a spiritual sauce vodka

    • @andypandy9013
      @andypandy9013 Рік тому +1

      @@TheDemouchetsREACT You cannot even BUY a bullet proof backpack in the UK. Nor do you need one. We haven't had a school mass shooting here for 26 years.
      Not one.

  • @OldManMoko
    @OldManMoko 2 роки тому +11

    A lot of people dump on America, but it has a lot to offer, with a lot of unique things. The issue I find having been to 30+ countries (I'm not American however) is that America is crazy business orientated, and usually has little to no support (in a dignified way) for lower-income people/families or veterans... like its only worthwile if its profitable.
    Europe, Asia, and Oceania aren't perfect by any means, they face a lot of the same challenges as the US, however, they have stronger Unions, it's harder to buy politicians to lobby for you and they have more of a focus on creating a level above poverty as a standard.

    • @angelavara4097
      @angelavara4097 2 роки тому +3

      Go and live there for a couple of years then give your thoughts again. I have lived there.

    • @OldManMoko
      @OldManMoko 2 роки тому +2

      @@angelavara4097 been there, done that. My opinion stands

    • @cjhayes8652
      @cjhayes8652 2 роки тому +5

      I feel like it’s a great place to visit and go on holiday because it does have a lot to offer. I just wouldn’t choose to live there

  • @NickiSixx1
    @NickiSixx1 2 роки тому +1

    You have a new subscriber here beautiful people. You both seems to be genuine sweet people and you beautiful lady reminds me very much of my former sister in law

    • @TheDemouchetsREACT
      @TheDemouchetsREACT  2 роки тому +1

      Welcome to the family, Monique! I hope you liked your sister-in-law!😂

    • @NickiSixx1
      @NickiSixx1 2 роки тому

      @@TheDemouchetsREACT My former sister in law is a real sweetheart, she’s from Zambia. My sister in law today is also a real sweetheart and she’s from Kenya. They are different but they both have hearts of gold and are so lovely and nice and I love both of them very much 😊

    • @TheDemouchetsREACT
      @TheDemouchetsREACT  2 роки тому +1

      That's a true blessing!

  • @joeyt.
    @joeyt. 2 роки тому +1

    I am Canadian with family here and in the U.S. I can't understand why with your current health care system how you survive never mind the whole gun issue.
    I have an Autistic adult son who receives a monthly Provincial (state) pension, free dental and prescription drug services. My wife needs to take 4 different meds each day for heart and blood pressure treatment and it costs me annually capped at approx. $775 total (canadian) per year.. I recently became senior (65 yrs. old) and my annual deductible is $100 per year plus $4.95 per prescription which are 90 day refills for each. Visits to either Doctor or Hospital for the whole family are at No Charge and I can freely choose my own Doctor. I also recently had to receive regular blood and heart screening tests, including regular visits to a Cardiologist, again no charge to me.
    We love it here for sports, recreation, beaches, camping, and yes even the winter where we all ski.
    Wouldn't have it any other way and neither should you.

  • @harshithsadhana7475
    @harshithsadhana7475 2 роки тому +4

    i stayed in america for 4 years, i hated it. i thought it would be a dream place to live. but it was a hell to live.

  • @michaellust
    @michaellust 2 роки тому +2

    You are ❤️💯❤️. Good luck to you.

  • @kevingrant7098
    @kevingrant7098 2 роки тому +3

    We had our own version of Donald Trump in the UK Boris Johnson .he did not even last one term 2 1/2 years of him was a too much for us to handle he will be a bad memory and good riddance to our version of Trump

  • @TranquilMoments01
    @TranquilMoments01 2 роки тому

    Yes going on the first story that is what we call free healthcare most countries have this except for the United States, it comes out of your taxes.

  • @angelavara4097
    @angelavara4097 2 роки тому +1

    Here in UK we don't pay for college just university.

    • @TheDemouchetsREACT
      @TheDemouchetsREACT  2 роки тому

      I had to research the difference between college & university for you all. Here, they are called the same in a sense. We have grants for both.

    • @Dr_KAP
      @Dr_KAP 2 роки тому +1

      In the US, college means University

  • @andreanecchi5930
    @andreanecchi5930 2 роки тому +1

    I would like to ask you a question, if you should choose another country to live in, which one would you choose?

  • @Gert-DK
    @Gert-DK 2 роки тому

    Equal rights for everybody or equal opportunities for everybody. Guess what system we have in the Nordic countries.

  • @emiliopandini1195
    @emiliopandini1195 Рік тому

    where do i start..I live in Italy,my rent for a two bedroom house is only 260/month,i had to spend 10 days in a hospital,,therapy medication and two echos and i left paying zero,you go buy food and they smell fresh,they are not covered with pesticides,there is no msg because it is illegal there,people are friendly and i spend about 200 dollars a month in food and that's eating well too,so iwill only go back to the US for Christmas,but then ,i will go back to Italy,because the USA is not doing anything to help the citizens,they only care about making the nra happy or like marjorie green puts it"lets divide the country in red and blue states,so sorry but like they say it here:vafanculo

  • @ourfarmhouseinspain
    @ourfarmhouseinspain 2 роки тому +1

    Now that you've watched these people and listened to their experiences, I have a challenge for you. Look at your children, and tell us when you're bringing them here to join us in Europe ?

    • @TheDemouchetsREACT
      @TheDemouchetsREACT  2 роки тому +1

      As soon as we're able to visit.😊

    • @ourfarmhouseinspain
      @ourfarmhouseinspain 2 роки тому

      @@TheDemouchetsREACT Very good luck to you. As with everything, planning your visit - especially considering what might result from it - is crucial. Have you considered that including visits with subscribers could be a benefit ? Just sitting on a beach or in a street cafe, pleasant though that would be, would be wasting your opportunity. Regards.

  • @ivylasangrienta6093
    @ivylasangrienta6093 2 роки тому

    Childcare in my country cost the same per month as the average American pays in a week...

  • @pst5345
    @pst5345 2 роки тому

    So when will you both move here finally?

  • @oktopuce6760
    @oktopuce6760 2 роки тому

    very nice

  • @per-eriklofvenhamn6897
    @per-eriklofvenhamn6897 2 роки тому

    good work,i like it.....hug.say white swede

  • @marcolampie
    @marcolampie 2 роки тому

    i find it so weird, to see people scared of the police....
    here they are to help you, not to be scared off....

  • @jerrymk2694
    @jerrymk2694 2 роки тому

    Just move to Europe,its not paradise but you will live …….a beter life….😊!!!

  • @meeuwtje
    @meeuwtje 2 роки тому

    Interesting video for you might be this one: The Best Middle Class Experience ua-cam.com/video/FuZ5WO8xoks/v-deo.html
    Althought there are slight differences within the EU countries, the thought behind it counts. It learns you how things in the EU work like wages and costs of lving, social security net, labour market conditions, education and pension systems.

  • @et5895
    @et5895 2 роки тому

    She's a student. Making 11k