@@recruitdifficulty1638 Nope, while there were older bass trombones pitched in various keys; G, F, EB etc. The modern bass trombone is pitched in Bb with either single or dual valves, most bass trombonists rather an instrument with independent dual valves with tuning of Bb/F/Gb/D, Bb being the natural fundamental of the horn, F being the thumb valve, Gb the valve operated by either 1st or 2nd finger, and D the combination of both valves. Traditionally contra-basses were pitched in Bb, but the modern F contra is greatly preferred. The Bb contra has the advantage of sharing slide positions with the tenor and modern bass trombone, but that is offset by the fact it requires more air, is heavier, and the slide offers much more resistance due to its increased weight and contact area due to the double slide.
@@recruitdifficulty1638 bass bones in Bb. Contras in Bb an octave below like tuba or F like a tuba in F. I play bass bone with an F trigger, Gb trigger n together they give ya low D.
@@johnheywoodtrombone Can you indicate me how low is the 'low D' you are talking about, but in International Scientific Pitch? The term 'low D' is ambiguous, since there is more than 1 low D. These are low Ds: D1, D2 and D3.
Мой любимый музыкальный инструмент и любимое звучание. Ох, хотел я тромбон, пока не узнал цены на них) А еще это нужно учиться играть и бережно обращаться.
Gage Peterson it’s different. It’s the same reason many tubists pick up bass bone (as I am) I was always really good at my low register but tuba parts simply never called for those pedal and fourth valve registers. Bass bone calls for it all the time I frickin love it.
The trombone is a cylindrical brass instrument and the tuba is conical. There is a pretty difference between the tone quality that they each produce. I play the trumpet so I'm pretty used to cylindrical instruments, but I still prefer the sound of conical instruments like the Euphonium or the Flugelhorn. To each their own I guess.
I do not believe it is a Thein actually. Three reasons, One: Its hard to see but his seems to have a extended spit valve when a Thein contra has a unique button mechanism near the brace. Two: the tubing of the second trigger extends way too close to the bell on this model, a Thein has it much further back. Three: Not sure if Thein makes a fixed bell horn, but it seems that most have a detachable bell.
Apologizes I was Incorrect, I was comparing it to the Universal 007 Personal model, Its a Ben Van Dijk model for sure. Here's a link if you are interested. thein-blechblasinstrumente.de/07-31-ben-va-dijk-modell.php
Gotten F0 on Tuba before (yay pedal tones), I expect I do the same or on a Contrabass Trombone (provided I use a similar sized mouthpiece, which would be appropriate for a BBb Contra in particular).
Traditionally they were, but a double slide is heavier and has more resistance due to double the contact area. The F contra also has the advantages of requiring less air and being (overally) lighter. While the slide positions are further apart on the F contra, it offers better slide action and a second valve, also the F contra is much more suited to playing above the bass clef staff.
there's no way in hell that is a BBb contrabass trombone because of the length of the slide and the fact that has 2 triggers when no BBb contrabass trombones have 2 triggers
I'm dansing around the pool, dressed Weenie The Poo-style, to this ! Wearing a polo shirt with nothing else on! giving my bozax a dose of natural Vitamin D!
I keep being amazed by the lack of the smaller trombones in trombone choires. I see no alto, no soprano, no sopranino and no piccolo. Why is it still called a choir if a complete range of instruments is missing?
Messy. Goofy piece of music. A little beyond the ability a few of the players. A good examplar of the important idea that it's harder (if not impossible) to perform a lousy piece of music well. Better to have chosen an easier piece with more interesting harmonic changes and less jumping all over the map key-wise. But plenty of talent in this ensemble obviously. Would be great to hear them work out on something else.
Conrad Nickelson you may give me an answer. Isn’t an f instrument technically bass. The original bass trombones were in the g just above that. I guess the double valve makes it contrabass. It plays the same register as a Eb or F bass tuba though.
@@Leo-vr3bgmodern bass trombones are in Bb, but are a larger bore size and have 2 valves allowing greater flexibility and more importantly, the ability to play fully chromatically in the low range. While yes, in the 1800s bass trombones were in G, F, and Eb, modern contrabass trombones are most commonly in F, but the C and Bb contras do still exist and are even less commonly called for than the already exceedingly rare F contra
Great music, but why no women? Those little girls in the audience are learning that there is no place for them playing trombone... or perhaps any other brass instruments... or perhaps any instruments at all...
There have been studies on the audition process and it is kind of biased simply because of the fact that most judges naturally think men are better at brass instruments. When autionees have to play in front of the judges, the bias is significant towards males. But when the audition is behind a screen and the judge has no idea what the auditionee looks like, it is much closer to a 50/50. So honestly, there are a lot of women trombonists who are likely better than the men who win the audition. Not like I should be complaining as a college bass trombonist who needs to start winning auditions pretty soon.
Brylan Caldwell it’s not like a tuba, the tuba is a muted instrument with trombones you can get that loud edgy sound. Also you have a slide and you can glissando to make that sound where people don’t tongue it sounds really cool and can be used at various points in music. Ps: are you high the contrabass is very well established it’s been around for around 500 years.
@@micaha.9756 Can you educate me on the history of this instrument? You said it has been around for 500 years. I would like to learn how to play this instrument someday!
The world does need more contrabass trombone videos.
Yes it does...
Ruige Verfaillie and more bari sax and cowbell
Titanicman more saxophone in general...especially the big kind
Did a freight train come through @ 0:25 ............?????
Ruige Verfaillie This world needs more contrabass trombone memes
The one instrument in a band that has a bigger ego than a trumpet...contrabass trombone.
But that ego is well deserved 😌
Bass bone players: I'm the big boi in the group
This guy: *_im about to end this man's whole career_*
Contrabass Trombone in BBb/FF: I'm about to end both of their careers
I didn't see the title and I closed my eyes and I imagined bees and bears holy crap
As someone who played trombone in high school and would like to relearn the instrument, I approve!
Sankt-Petersburg.is it level!!!
Go for it!
@@Jenjenn0710 I am going to start over the weekend. Wish me luck.
@@PagoAoE2 good luck! Start with the basics. Simple scales slurs and tuning. Play the elementary stuff it's great for jogging the memory!
@@Jenjenn0710 Thanks for the advice. Those were my thoughts exactly. Great minds think alike.
I feel like the contrabass trombone would be amazing, both in pitch and timbre in Stravinsky’s Pulcinella
Then he dropped it...
don't judge poor trent ;-;
LionHeartXD Nauts Trent Hamilton Oof
Trent Hamilton lmao
Harrison Jesus Christ back off a bit man
Instead of a 1G, the mouthpiece looks like a painted red solo cup.
Сильно , дихалка в цього соліста просто сила !!!
I like trombone ensembles!
love the solos
Contrabass Trombone is like a sin. It feels so good but...
But what
The children doesn't seem impressed idk why
TUCKERTomasz Radzikowski Tomasz Radzikowski
it is as rare as it is hard to play
I always say what not get a tube instead?
Миша просто Терминатор,что тут сказать.композитор тоже умница.это уже в штатах играют,я сегодня смотрел видео
so great!
Très très bien, superbe
That’s what she said
This has such chaotic energy
It doesn't have double slide but it's much longer than bass bone.
This Bad Boy (contrabass trombone) is pitched in F, thats why!
Mate, bass trombones are pitched in F. Contrabass trombones are pitched in Bb.
@@recruitdifficulty1638 Nope, while there were older bass trombones pitched in various keys; G, F, EB etc. The modern bass trombone is pitched in Bb with either single or dual valves, most bass trombonists rather an instrument with independent dual valves with tuning of Bb/F/Gb/D, Bb being the natural fundamental of the horn, F being the thumb valve, Gb the valve operated by either 1st or 2nd finger, and D the combination of both valves.
Traditionally contra-basses were pitched in Bb, but the modern F contra is greatly preferred. The Bb contra has the advantage of sharing slide positions with the tenor and modern bass trombone, but that is offset by the fact it requires more air, is heavier, and the slide offers much more resistance due to its increased weight and contact area due to the double slide.
@@recruitdifficulty1638 bass bones in Bb. Contras in Bb an octave below like tuba or F like a tuba in F. I play bass bone with an F trigger, Gb trigger n together they give ya low D.
@@johnheywoodtrombone Can you indicate me how low is the 'low D' you are talking about, but in International Scientific Pitch? The term 'low D' is ambiguous, since there is more than 1 low D. These are low Ds:
D1, D2 and D3.
Pretty great. However, now I’ve seen paper clips, and I can’t unsee them. Trombones look like paper clips.
In French they are even called trombones
@@jeremysolomon2686 interesting!
A difficult piece played on a very difficult instrument! Bravo!
Increíble ❤️
awesome...very nice!
Мой любимый музыкальный инструмент и любимое звучание. Ох, хотел я тромбон, пока не узнал цены на них) А еще это нужно учиться играть и бережно обращаться.
Поедставьте - пьяный тромбонист падает во время игры и ломает кулису ... было такое...😅
Is it wrong that I like the contrabass sound better than the tuba( the instrument I play) better?
Gage Peterson it’s different. It’s the same reason many tubists pick up bass bone (as I am) I was always really good at my low register but tuba parts simply never called for those pedal and fourth valve registers. Bass bone calls for it all the time I frickin love it.
@@Leo-vr3bg No, there are tuba concerto that call for a C1
The trombone is a cylindrical brass instrument and the tuba is conical. There is a pretty difference between the tone quality that they each produce. I play the trumpet so I'm pretty used to cylindrical instruments, but I still prefer the sound of conical instruments like the Euphonium or the Flugelhorn. To each their own I guess.
You could get a cimbasso, it's essentially a valved contrabass trombone
I love this
Looks so heavy
The alto bone guy looks on in envy
So good I shall have a second listen (!)
That was amazing.
When it takes an ensemble to keep up with one!
I was gonna say something but, like the soloist did at the end, I’m gonna let it slide. ;-)
It's in F. He has a long arm
Also double trigger/valve on this I think
I had a good laugh just looking how big this thing is.
That is, what she said.
1.5x speed. You'll thank me later.
jck1794 how?
Bruh? 1.25x sounds better!
.75x is better yo
2x is for the champs 💪
What's the bell size of that contrabass trombone?
That thing is massive
Oh man, His ears would hurt after that!!! XD
Keath Mueller His ears?
Not *_his_* ears, the persons in front of him.
Also, you mean chops?
I thought the contrabass trombone had a double slide. Or are there multiple variations?
there is multiple. the double slide is unnecessary nowadays due to there being triggers
This specific version is a contrabass trombone in FF (same as an FF tuba), the one you are thinking of is a BBb (same as a BBb tuba)
The low note at 0.29 was sex
does anyone know what model contrabass trombone this is?
Its pitched in f thats all im sure for
Probably a Thein
Phoenixfeater09 guess it’s a Thein universal
I do not believe it is a Thein actually. Three reasons, One: Its hard to see but his seems to have a extended spit valve when a Thein contra has a unique button mechanism near the brace. Two: the tubing of the second trigger extends way too close to the bell on this model, a Thein has it much further back. Three: Not sure if Thein makes a fixed bell horn, but it seems that most have a detachable bell.
Apologizes I was Incorrect, I was comparing it to the Universal 007 Personal model, Its a Ben Van Dijk model for sure. Here's a link if you are interested. thein-blechblasinstrumente.de/07-31-ben-va-dijk-modell.php
the lowest of the lowest instrument: Ab0 !! (not available on piano keyboard).
Gotten F0 on Tuba before (yay pedal tones), I expect I do the same or on a Contrabass Trombone (provided I use a similar sized mouthpiece, which would be appropriate for a BBb Contra in particular).
Andrea Dobetti the lowest Instrument is the organ with a 32 foot or 64 foot stop. It goes down to 16 or 8 hearts. That ist way lower than that.
Andrea Dobetti you should see a contrabass saxophone!! So low and it sounds so cool. Look it up, you'll thank me🤣👌
@@TheMiner661 there’s big Carl
@@TheMiner661 I can play down to 16 hearts and free buzz to 8
I need to figure out how to do lessons on one now. Like I have things to do. (Just have a base bone)
It’s so low that it doesn’t sound like a trombpne
4:06 ?
I have no idea
Its buzzing on a mouthpiece haha
@@montagne8820 sounds like it. i’m just so confused as to why everyone looks over like they’ve never heard it before!
Dankeschön! спасибо!
why am i watching this and why do i love...oh wait i play trombone D U H
I thought the contrabass trombone had a double slide.
Mikesb69 - most of them do
The ones in BBb do. This is an F contrabass, so it only needs a single slide and a slightly longer arm
Traditionally they were, but a double slide is heavier and has more resistance due to double the contact area. The F contra also has the advantages of requiring less air and being (overally) lighter. While the slide positions are further apart on the F contra, it offers better slide action and a second valve, also the F contra is much more suited to playing above the bass clef staff.
That is The B Flat one
Does someone know what type of bass drum type is that? is lovely thanx
That is one long boi
Is this an F contrabass or BB-flat?
B flat
Isaac Davanzo It's a BBb, and the trigger switches the key to FF.
there's no way in hell that is a BBb contrabass trombone because of the length of the slide and the fact that has 2 triggers when no BBb contrabass trombones have 2 triggers
It's definitely an F Contra, BBb's have double-slide design be necessity of the length of tubing required to move between notes on a given partial.
Did i just see a piccolo trombone in there
A boy claps funny at 5:33 (to your right)
I'm dansing around the pool, dressed Weenie The Poo-style, to this !
Wearing a polo shirt with nothing else on! giving my bozax a dose of natural Vitamin D!
Can you please explain
anthony oden i don’t want him to explain and you shouldn’t either
mr mccoy it’s been 2 years, it needs to be
anthony oden 3 years now.
i played bass trombone...but the contra bass trombone must weign as much as a BBb upright
holy. shit
Is die in F oder sogar Kontra Bb?
Does anyone know where I can purchase a contrabass trombone?
EliteSnowman on internet
Rath trombones, Thein brass, Kanstul brass, Miraphone if you want one in BBb, and wessex tubas if you want one for cheap
@@seansutherland6270 omalleymusicalinstruments.com The one in the video is in the key of F The Bb has a double slide
What's the key in this song?
Let’s all cough when they all stop playing
Happy 9th bday to this vid😊
My friend wishes for timpani
kinda messed up the first note
The dislikes the jealous bass trombonist
BlueLow 2.0 hate to break it to you but the lowest instrument in the orchestra is a woodwind
@@connorrollfing3134 oh
Herbert Man what is it?
@@connorrollfing3134 No it’s actually the tuba, There are probably bass Trombonist who can play lower than the contrabassoon
I keep being amazed by the lack of the smaller trombones in trombone choires. I see no alto, no soprano, no sopranino and no piccolo. Why is it still called a choir if a complete range of instruments is missing?
He seems to have made a mistake.
I'll let it...slide.
671st sub
make music not war...
I didn't like it. You really gotta work that stick tuba. That being said, he did a lot better than I would...
Xi Jinping’s favorite!
It's a bass trombone, just playing pedal notes.
Andrew Cai to say it’s anything but an enhanced tuba with a slide Is wrong
It's an F Contrabass trombone
The bass trombone is smaller
Rather poor. Out of tune. Has the Contra bass player ever actually played this instrument before?
Messy. Goofy piece of music. A little beyond the ability a few of the players. A good examplar of the important idea that it's harder (if not impossible) to perform a lousy piece of music well. Better to have chosen an easier piece with more interesting harmonic changes and less jumping all over the map key-wise. But plenty of talent in this ensemble obviously. Would be great to hear them work out on something else.
That is not a contrabass
Alfred Agatucci yea it is
Conrad Nickelson you may give me an answer. Isn’t an f instrument technically bass. The original bass trombones were in the g just above that. I guess the double valve makes it contrabass. It plays the same register as a Eb or F bass tuba though.
@@Leo-vr3bgmodern bass trombones are in Bb, but are a larger bore size and have 2 valves allowing greater flexibility and more importantly, the ability to play fully chromatically in the low range. While yes, in the 1800s bass trombones were in G, F, and Eb, modern contrabass trombones are most commonly in F, but the C and Bb contras do still exist and are even less commonly called for than the already exceedingly rare F contra
A waste of a good Tuba.
Or just play tuba...
Without glissandi, of course.
Different timbre.
Great music, but why no women? Those little girls in the audience are learning that there is no place for them playing trombone... or perhaps any other brass instruments... or perhaps any instruments at all...
Jan Leder not to be rude but why does there have to be women? look up pro trombone players there are some amazing female trombone players
The reason why there are no women? because during auditions all of the men were better.
There have been studies on the audition process and it is kind of biased simply because of the fact that most judges naturally think men are better at brass instruments. When autionees have to play in front of the judges, the bias is significant towards males. But when the audition is behind a screen and the judge has no idea what the auditionee looks like, it is much closer to a 50/50. So honestly, there are a lot of women trombonists who are likely better than the men who win the audition. Not like I should be complaining as a college bass trombonist who needs to start winning auditions pretty soon.
Joseph Stalibn that isn't true
For crying out loud. Get your snowflake libbo rear end outta here.
Ever heard of a tuba? It's a better instrument that is well established; the truth hurts
Brylan Caldwell it’s not like a tuba, the tuba is a muted instrument with trombones you can get that loud edgy sound. Also you have a slide and you can glissando to make that sound where people don’t tongue it sounds really cool and can be used at various points in music.
Ps: are you high the contrabass is very well established it’s been around for around 500 years.
Brylan Caldwell Someone’s angry that they can’t afford a superior instrument
@@micaha.9756 Can you educate me on the history of this instrument? You said it has been around for 500 years.
I would like to learn how to play this instrument someday!
@@diegosepulveda2222 the contra tromp mine hasn’t